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Study Notes On CAR-145

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28th Feb 2008

 In order to harmonise Indian requirements for approval of maintenance organisations with
international requirements CAR 145 Rev.0 was introduced on 26th January 2005 which was
primarily based on JAR 145 regulation. Since the initial issue of CAR 145, EASA(European
Aviation Safety Agency) has released Part 145 which supersedes JAR 145,to conform largely to
the standards of EASA Part 145.
 Rule 133B of the Aircraft Rules 1937 requires that organizations engaged in the maintenance of
aircraft and aircraft components be approved.
 The current requirements for the approval of organizations including maintenance organizations
are stipulated in Civil Aviation Requirements (CAR) Section 2, Series E.
 This CAR is issued under the provision of Aircraft Rule 133A.
 This Revision establishes the requirements to be met by an organization to qualify for the issue
or continuation of an approval for the maintenance of aircraft and components.
 This CAR is effective forthwith.
 The existing AMOs must comply with the revised provisions with effect from 01.07.2008.

1. This revision is applicable to organizations involved in the maintenance of Large Aircraft .
2. Maintenance of aircraft used for commercial air transport, and
3. Components intended for fitment thereto.

 Large aircraft means:

 Aero Plane with a maximum take-off mass of more than 5700 kg, or
 Multi Engined Helicopter.

 An application for the issue or variation of an approval shall be made to DGCA in a form and
manner established by DGCA and prescribed in CA Form 2.
 The approval is obtained on CA Form 3.
 The grant of approval is indicated by the issue of an Approval Certificate(CA Form 3) to the
organization by the DGCA. The approval certificate will specify the extent of approval.
 The CAR-145 approved maintenance organization exposition(MOE) must specify the scope of
work deemed to constitute the approval.

(a) Facilities are provided appropriate for all planned work, to ensure that environmental and work area
contamination is unlikely to occur.
 For base maintenance of aircraft, aircraft hangars are both available and large enough to
accommodate aircraft on planned base maintenance;
 For component maintenance, component workshops are large enough to accommodate the
components on planned maintenance.

(b) Office accommodation is provided for both the management of the planned work and certifying staff

c) Proper store facilities(bonded and quarantine) should be established.

d) The working environment including aircraft hangars, component workshops and office
accommodation is appropriate for the task carried out and that the effectiveness of personnel is not

 Temperatures must be maintained such that personnel can carry out required tasks without
undue discomfort.
 Dust and any other airborne contamination are kept to a minimum, where should be no visible
aircraft/component surface contamination is evident.
 Lighting is such as to ensure each inspection and maintenance task can be carried out in an
effective manner.
 Noise shall not distract personnel from carrying out inspection work and the personnel should
be provided with the necessary equipment to stop excessive noise causing distraction.


1) The organisation shall appoint an Accountable Manager who has corporate authority for ensuring
that all maintenance required by the customer can be financed and carried out to the standard required
by this CAR. The accountable manager shall:

 Ensure that all necessary resources are available to accomplish maintenance to support the
organization approval.
 Establish and promote the safety and quality policy.
 Demonstrate a basic understanding of this CAR.

2) The organisation shall nominate a person or group of persons, whose responsibilities include ensuring
that the organisation complies with this CAR. Such person(s) shall ultimately be responsible to the
accountable manager.

 The person or persons nominated shall be identified and their credentials submitted in
CA Form 4 and forwarded to DGCA under confidential cover.

3) Certifying and support staff:-

 The organisation shall ensure that certifying staff and support staff have an adequate
understanding of the relevant aircraft and/or components to be maintained together with the
associated organisation procedures.

 They should also be involved in atleast 6 months of actual relevant a/c or component
maintenance experience in atleast 02 yrs period.

 ‘Certification authorisation’ means the authorization issued to certifying staff by the

organisation and which specifies the fact that they may sign certificates of release to service
within the limitations stated in such authorisation.

 ‘Support staff ’ means those DGCA licenced engineers/approval holders issued in accordance
with Rule 61 in the base maintenance environment who do not hold necessarily certification
privileges & not entitled to issue CRS.

 The organisation shall maintain a record of all certifying staff and support staff and that shall be
retained for 2 yrs, will contain:-
1. Details of any aircraft maintenance licence held under DGCA licencing requirements.
2. All relevant training completed.
3. The scope of the certification authorisations issued, where relevant, and
4. Particulars of staff with limited or one-off certification authorisations.

 The organisation should have, dependent upon the extent of approval,

1. a base maintenance manager,

2. a line maintenance manager,
3. a workshop manager and
4. a quality manager,
 All of whom should report to the accountable manager.

 All CAR 145 organisation should have adequate manpower in each maintenance section like
major / line maintenance, individual maintenance and hanger.

 For this purpose of adequate manpower for individual job, Maintenance Man-hour Plan should
be taken into account based upon manufacturer guideline and past experience of organisation.

 Quality Manager is responsible for framing of man hours for each inspection schedule.
 Maintenance Manager shall be responsible to control man hours plans.

 The Man-hour Planning should be reviewed at atleast every 03 months and updated.

 Any significant deviation i.e. 25% shortfall in available man hours during a calendar month
should be reported by in charge section to Quality Manager and Accountable Manager.
Continuation Training:-
 In respect to the understanding of the application of human factors and human performance
issues, maintenance, management, and quality audit personnel should be assessed for the need
to receive initial human factors training.
 but in any case all maintenance, management, and quality audit personnel should receive
continuation training on:-
 Human Factors; and
 Relevant Technology and Procedure in each 2 yrs period.

Equipments, Tools & Materials:-

 The organisation shall ensure that all tools, equipment and particularly test equipment, as
appropriate, are controlled and calibrated according to an officially recognised standard at a
frequency to ensure serviceability and accuracy. Records of such calibrations and traceability to
the standard used shall be kept by the organisation.

 Acceptance of components :-

1) Components which are in a satisfactory condition, released on a CA Form 1 or equivalent .

2) Unserviceable components that should be maintained.
3) Unsalvageable components.
4) Standard parts.
5) Material both raw and consumable
 NOTE: Components which have reached their certified life limit or contain a non-repairable
defect shall be classified as unsalvageable and shall not be permitted to re-enter the
component supply system unless certified life limits have been extended or a repair solution has
been approved according to CAR 21.


 A certificate of release to service(CRS) shall be issued by appropriately authorised certifying
staff on behalf of the organisation when it has been verified that all maintenance ordered has
been properly carried out by the organisation and that there are no non-compliances which are
known that hazard seriously the flight safety.

 A certificate of release to service shall be issued at the completion of any maintenance on a

component whilst off the aircraft. The authorised release certificate or airworthiness approval
tag identfied as CA Form 1, constitutes the component CRS.

 When an organisation maintains a component for its own use, CA Form 1 may not be necessary
depending upon the organisation's internal release procedures defined in the exposition.

 The organisation shall retain a copy of all detailed maintenance records and any associated
maintenance data for two(02) years from the date the aircraft or component to which the work
relates was released from the organisation.

 The organisation shall report to DGCA, the state of registry and the organisation responsible for
the design of the aircraft or component any condition of the aircraft or component identified
by the organisation that has resulted or may result in an unsafe condition that hazards seriously
the flight safety.

 This procedure shall identify adverse trends, corrective actions taken or to be taken by the
organisation to address deficiencies and include evaluation of all known relevant information
relating to such occurrences and a method to circulate the information as necessary.

 The organisation shall make such reports in a form and manners established by DGCA ensuring
that they contain all pertinent information about the condition and evaluation results known to
the organisation.

 Where the organisation is contracted by a commercial operator to carry out maintenance, the
organisation shall also report to the operator any such condition affecting the operator's aircraft
or component.

 The organisation shall produce and submit such reports as soon as practicable but in any case
within 72 hours of the organisation identifying the condition to which the report relates


 ‘Maintenance organisation exposition’ means the document or documents that contain the
material specifying the scope of work deemed to constitute approval and showing how the
organisation intends to comply with this CAR. 
 The exposition and any subsequent amendment shall be approved by DGCA. 
 The organisation shall provide DGCA with a maintenance organisation exposition ,containing the
following information:-
 A statement signed by the accountable manager confirming that the maintenance organisation
exposition define the organisation's compliance with this CAR;
 The organisation's safety and quality policy;
 The title(s), name(s) and the responsibilities of the persons identified under CA Form 4;
 An organisation chart ;
 a list of certifying staff and support staff;
 A general description of manpower resources;
 a general description of the facilities located at each address specified in the organisation's
approval certificate;
 A specification of the organisation's scope of work relevant to the extent of approval;
 Procedure for organisation changes;
 the maintenance organisation exposition amendment procedure;
 a list of commercial operators, where applicable, to which the organisation provides an
aircraft maintenance service;
 a list of subcontracted organisations,
 a list of line stations

The organisation shall notify DGCA of any proposal to carry out any of the following changes before
such changes take place to enable DGCA to determine continued compliance with this CAR and to
amend, if necessary, the approval certificate. These are:-

1) the name of the organisation;

2) the main location of the organisation;
3) additional locations of the organisation;
4) the accountable manager;
5) any of the persons nominated;
6) the facilities, equipment, tools, material, procedures, work scope or certifying staff that could
affect the approval.
Continued validity
(a) An approval shall be issued and renewed for a maximum period of one year. It shall remain valid
subject to:
1) the organisation remaining in compliance with this CAR;
2) ensuring appropriate action on the findings relating to non compliance with this CAR 145; and
3) the DGCA being granted access to the organisation to determine continued compliance with this CAR;
4) the certificate not being surrendered or revoked.
 Upon surrender or revocation, the approval shall be returned to DGCA.

a) A level 1 finding is any significant non-compliance with CAR -145 requirements which lowers the
safety standard and hazards seriously the flight safety.
b) A level 2 finding is any non-compliance with the CAR-145 requirements which could lower the
safety standard and possibly hazard the flight safety.

 Organizations approval class and rating system

1) A category A class rating means that the CAR-145 approved maintenance organization may carry
out maintenance on the aircraft and any component (including engines/APUs) only whilst such
component are fitted to the a/c.

2) A category B class rating means that the CAR-145 approved maintenance organization may carry
out maintenance on the uninstalled engine/APU (‘Auxiliary Power Unit’) and engine/APU
components only whilst such components are fitted to the engine/APU .

3) A category C class rating means that the CAR-145 approved maintenance organization may
carry out maintenance on uninstalled components (excluding engines and APUs) intended for
fitment to the aircraft or engine/APU.

4) 4) A category D class rating is a self contained class rating not necessarily related to a specific
aircraft, engine or other component. The D1 — Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) rating is only
necessary for a CAR-145 approved maintenance organisation that carries out NDT as a particular
task for another organisation. A CAR-145 approved maintenance organisation with a class rating
in A or B or C category may carry out NDT on products it is maintaining subject to the
maintenance organisation exposition containing NDT procedures without the need for D1 class


A1 Aero planes above 5 700 kg

A2 Aero planes Piston engined line & base 5 700

kg and below

AIRCRAFT A2 Aero planes Turbine engined line 5 700 kg

And below

A3 Helicopters Single engined line & base

Less than 3 175 kg

A4 Aircraft other No limitation

Than A1, A2 and A3

B1 Turbine

ENGINES B2 Piston Less than 450 hp


Components Rating other than C1 Air Condition & Press

Complete engines or APU’s C2 Auto Flight
C3 Communication and Nav.
C4 Doors — Hatches
C5 Electrical Power
C6 Equipment
C7 Engine — APU
C8 Flight Controls
C9 Fuel — Airframe
C10 Helicopter — Rotors As per capability list
C11 Helicopter — Trans (for C1 to C20)
C12 Hydraulic
C13 Instruments
C14 Landing Gear
C15 Oxygen
C16 Propellers
C17 Pneumatic
C18 Protection ice/ rain/
C19 Windows
C20 Structural
SPECIALISED D1 Non-Destructive

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