Lesson Plan: Sub-Competencies
Lesson Plan: Sub-Competencies
Lesson Plan: Sub-Competencies
Subject: English
Form: the VIIIth
Date: The 19 th of December
Teacher: Daniliuc Elvira
School: Theoretical Lyceum “Dante Alighieri”
Topic: Friends
Type of lesson: mixed (fixation knowledge)
Specific Competences:
Communicative and Pragmatic Competences (Production of oral messages and interaction and written messages)
Sub-competencies: 1.Identifying some everyday verbal norms in familiar situations referred to life.
2.Participating in simple oral communication on familiar topics.
3.1Selecting from the text the information necessary to solve the tasks.
4.1 Writing short logically structured dialogues using logical conectors and linking words.
Operational Objectives:
to practice speaking about friends
to imput, consolidate and practice in speech active vocabulary on „Friends”
to practice reading for general and specific information
to practice asking/answering questions
to practice making up sentences using Conversational Formulas
Resources (materials used):
Textbooks, copybooks, pictures, computer, TV, ball, cube, worksheets with different activities.
1. Methods:
Communicative, Competency-based, Grammar, Translation.
2. Techniques:
Brainstorming, power point film, crossword, interview, games, exercises.
3. Forms of activities:
Group work, individual work, whole class work .
Time of lesson: 45 minutes
ACTIO Materials Methods, techniques,
N forms of activities
EVOCATION T enters the classroom, greets Ss greet the T with a. T – Ss -speaking -to create a Whole class 1
Warm up the Ss, and asks them how -listening relaxed work min
they are, if there are any Ss Ss - T atmosphere for
missing. the lesson
Checking the T remembers the homework Some Ss read their T – Ss -speaking Textbooks, -to check the Whole class 2
Homework and checks it. homework. -reading Copybooks. homework work min
Ss - T -to correct the
Motivation for T asks Ss to watch a film and They guess the topic T – Ss -speaking Power point To predict the Communicative 2
the new lesson to predict the topic of the for the lesson -writing film topic Method min
lesson. Ss – T Whole class
Activity 1 work
Practice T. writes the tittle of the lesson They complete the T – Ss -writing Worksheet -to find the Group work 1
on the board .To have a good chart: definition of the min
Activity 2 friend you must be a good Ss - T word .
1.T. asks them to write the
ways good friends treat each
other .
F- F-Fight for you
R- R-Respect you
I- I-Include you
E- E-Encourage you
N-Need you
D-Deserve you
T. reads some ideas about this S-Stand by you
T. asks them to make a similar They describe their T – Ss -reading Worksheets - to fix their Individual work 3min
Activity 7 description of a good friend. friends. -writing knowledge
Activity 8 T. asks them to work in pairs They work in pairs and S-Ss speaking Cards to practice writing Pair work 3
and to make a poem. make a ”Cinquain”. min
Activity 9 T. asks them to read a text They read the text. T-Ss Speaking Hats To practice 6 thinking hats 5
about faithful friend. Than After reading they play speaking min
EXTENSION every group should play their their role.
1.White hat-A person
Feed-Back roles according to the hat they
with white hat should
have. make a summary to the
2.Blue hat-(It controls
everything)-Why did
Tanea leave the dog?
3. Green hat-
(creativity) Imagine
that you are Tanea, tell
to the class how do you
feel after leaving the
4.Yellow hat-(positive)
Imagine that you are
Tanea, What will you
do, when you return to
the village.
5. Black hat-(hat of
judjement) Did she do
the right thing when
she left her friend?
6.Red hat-(hat of
feelings, emotions)-
What feelings do you
have for a dog?
Activity 10 The T. asks them to write They write the story Story pyramid
story Pyramid.
Activity 10 T. gives them some mottoes They take and read the T-Ss speaking worksheets To practice Individual work 3min
about friends, friendship. mottoes. S-Ss speaking
Evaluation T evaluates the Ss , gives Ss listen to the teacher. T - Ss Register, -to evaluate the 1
marks & comments them. Record students min
To every activity the T. gives books
them a present. At the end she
counts how many they have.
Assigning T gives the Ss the homework: Ss note the homework. T - Ss -writing Record -to write down the 1
Homework -study the new words; books homework min
Ex.1 pages 34, 36