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Pple Philosophy

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Teaching Philosophy
An essential component of creating a positive classroom environment starts with the

classroom set up. Physically, the organisation of the chairs, tables, the presence of student

work displayed proudly on the walls as well as the presence of colour and character create

an atmosphere that draws students in and facilitates a sense of belonging and engagement.

In order to create a positive classroom atmosphere I will give students activities to make

posters and models and then hang them around the room to give it character, ownership

and pride. Behaviourally, a clear and consistent routine of classroom entry and settling

down procedures where students wait at the door until let in and then sit at their desks

will facilitate positive behaviours amongst students. Creating a consistent routine that all

students know and can follow will reduce challenging behaviour as they know expectations

and can adhere to them readily.

Effective and positive communication is a two way process where both parties contribute to

learning. As such, its important to allow students to contribute in the dialogue if it is to be

effective providing them with the space to take ownership and leadership of their


In order to create a positive classroom environment that facilitates communication, I will be

cognisant of the mechanisms through which I communicate. As communication is both

verbal and non-verbal, I will work to ensure that the non-verbal cues I send such as

proximity, hand gestures and facial expressions match the verbal cues. Likewise, that my

non-verbal cues do not display negativity (such as anger or frustration) towards the


students. My ability to relate to students will greatly impact my ability to teach them, so I

need to ensure that I develop my communication skills in order to better relate. Likewise,

being culturally aware of the social ecology of communication amongst different cultures is

essential if I am to work in schools, as schools have diverse students and the meaning

derived from non-verbal cues is interpreted based on interferences from personal factors.

As such, I need know my students and recognise my communication techniques.

I will also endeavour to promote social and emotional learning (SEL) of my students. Some

students may not be able to engage in learning because they do not have the SEL skill set

required to do so. When reviewing theories such as cognitive behavioural theory, the

teacher should focus on promoting the positive behaviours they want to see rather than

stamping out negative behaviours they dont want to see. As such, I will seek to facilitate

the development of the skills required to engage in the identified positive behaviours.

SEL skills are not generally taught explicitly at school but they are some of the most

important skills required to be successful within school. As such, if students are engaging in

challenging behaviour I will look to whether it is a lagging skill development or what a

potential antecedent may have been. Then I (and through a collaborative whole school

approach) will focus embedding skill development in my pedagogy. In doing this, I hope to

create a classroom where my students are given the opportunity to engage with the content

as they have the capability to do so. Examples of this could be through engaging students in

conversations about respectful communication when working collaboratively.


When focusing on behaviours within the class, it is part of my philosophy to remain

cognisant of and reinforce positive behaviours when I see them. This can be hard to do, with

a tendency to focus on negative behaviours. As such, when dealing with challenging

students I must actively remember to positively reinforce students when they do the right

thing. This is essential if they are students who receive consistent negative feedback.

This requires self-reflexivity, and embedded within my philosophy is a practice of reflection

and reflexion based on action research. Engaging in reflection is a difficult task that requires

commitment. Engaging in a cycle of plan-implement-review will mean that I am consistently

cognitive of my behaviours and the implications of those behaviours. Being a reflexive and

self-aware teacher will create a safer environment for my students. I am aware of how

difficult this can be in the face of all the work required of a teacher. This means that despite

the multitude of stressors, I must remember the importance of engaging in reflexion if I am

to successfully improve my professional capabilities.

Likewise, my philosophy includes the concept of active listening, which is important to

meaningful communication but often. I believe that in order to facilitate positive

relationships and therefore positive classroom atmospheres/behaviours, I need to actively

listen to my students and engage in open questioning with them. Acknowledging the

feelings of my students makes them feel valued and therefore safe and comfortable within

my classroom and is something I want to foster.


As such, my philosophy is built around the concept of reciprocal and warm relationships,

consistent and clear routines and a focus on explicitly teaching and developing the skills

required to engage in identified positive behaviours.


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