Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Bean Phase
Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Bean Phase
Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Bean Phase
Magnetized water is considered eco-friendly physical presowing seed germination.The aim of
this study was to evaluate the effects of magnetized watertreatments on bean (Phaseolus
vulgaris) germination under saline conditions (0, 25, 50, 75, 100 and 120 mM NaCl). This
experiment was performed as factorial in a complete randomized design (CRD) with three
replications. The results revealed that the roots and shoots length, fresh and dry weight of shoots
and roots and roots to shoots ratio, chlorophyll content index, water uptake, tissue water
contentwere significantly affected by magnetized water.Irrigation with magnetized water
Article Info significantly increased the physiologic factors such as germination percentage and index, vigor
index and salt tolerance index, compared to untreated control seeds.Mean germination time and
parameters T1, T10, T25, T50and T90 (required time for germination of one to 90 percent of seeds)
Received : 13.04.2015 were reduced significantly in all magnetized water treated plants in comparison to control.The
Accepted : 18.08.2015 results also demonstrated that magnetized water was conducive to promote the growth of bean
seedlings under saline conditions.
Keywords: Chlorophyll content index, physiological parameters, salinity, vigor index
© 2016 Federation of Eurasian Soil Science Societies. All rights reserved
Magnetic and electromagnetic treatments arebeingused in agriculture, as a noninvasive technique, to
improve the germination of seeds and increase crops and yields (Martinez et al., 2009). A safe method for
enhancing seed germination includes the reasonable use of chemical additives and substitution by
appropriate physical treatment. In recent years, there are growing concerns of eco-friendly physical
presowing seed treatments by newly developed methods such as magnetic field (MF) (Jamil et al., 2012). The
effects of different MFs varies depending on the age during exposure as well as the induction of the field
(magnetic field strength), period of exposure and environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity,
etc. (Pang and Dang, 2008).
In the beginning of 1980s, Fujio Shimazaki, a Japanese researcher, reveal that some physical andchemical
properties of water changed when it pass through MF; hecalled the passed water through MF, "magnetized
water" (MW) which lead to special functions (Cai et al., 2009); however,many researchers reported that MW
could promote germination and early growth (Qiuet al., 2011). Hilal and Hilal (2000) showed that
comparision between MF and MW in different treatment seeds. Magneticfieldtreatments had doubled
germination compared to MW ones on pepper seeds; however, tomato and cucumber seeds had responded
more to MW rather than MF. Soaking seeds is a crucial factor to enable MF effects because of the water’s role
*Corresponding author.
Tarbiat Modares University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science, Iran
Tel.: +9844580500 E-mail address:
e-ISSN: 2147-4249 DOI:
F. Aghamir et al. / Eurasian J Soil Sci 2016, 5 (1) 39 - 46
as MF mediator.Both MW and MF treatments have succeeded to given the highest germination percentage
for cucumber cousing 86% increase over control (Hilal and Hilal, 2000). Magnetization of both seeds and
water has come to be the most effective treatment in seed germination as compared with control (Selim,
2008). Function of MW depends on induction, types (dynamicorstatic), length, andconfigurations of
homogeneous and heterogeneous of MF, numbers of repetitions of the process (flow revalations), water
flowpressure, material of pipeand composition of dissolved salts (Vashisth and Nagarajan, 2010). Dynamic
and static MW treatment improved rice seed germination and significant differences compared to control
were only obtained for the dynamic method (Carbonell et al., 2000).
Extensive research has revealed that the effects of MW depend on a wide range of factors including
specialenvironmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, and salinity (Gutzeit, 2001). Despite, MW
improved crop resistance in the alkali and salt conditions (Dandan and Yan, 2013) and the mechanism of its
effects highly depending on the concentration and composition of the dissolved salts (Ibrahim Mohamed and
Mohsen Ebead, 2013), there is a relatively little scientific literature on germination mechanism of MW in
saline condition. The present study was conducted to analyze the effects of MW, with six different salt
concentrations, on bean germination and seedling growth parameters.
Material and Methods
The magnetized water was produced byan electromagnetic field generator (Water Clear Environment
Technologies Company-SB 150) with signal cable is changed any where from 2000 to 24000 times a second
produces an oscillating and complex modulating frequency wave from the produces an inaudible sonic
impluse magnetic field strength (0.05-0.5mT).
Seed germination tests were conducted as a factorial experiment arranged in a complete randomized design
(CRD) with three replications. Seeds were sterilized by sodium hypochlorite and distilled water, placed in
petri dishes on a wet filter paper. Each treatment category (100 seeds) was irrigated with 20 ml of MW and
non MW (0, 25, 50, 75, 100 and 120mM NaCl). Seeds germinated in an incubator at 25°C and a relative
humidity of 50% (ISTA, 2004). Water uptake percentage (WUP) was recorded for 15 hours calculated by the
formula 1 according to Mujeeb-ur-Rahman et al. (2008).
W 2 W 1 [1]
WUP 100
Where W1= initial weight of seed, and W2= weight of seed after absorbing water in a particular time. The pot
experiment was conducted with the aforementioned treatments "MW and non MWin a cultivated media box
filled with peatmoss and perlite (1:1). For each treatment category, 100 seeds was sown at the depth of 2cm
with three replications. The boxes were placed in green house at 25°C. After 2 weeks, plants harvested and
then the growth paramerets, including the roots and shoots length (RL and SL), fresh and dry weight of
shoots and roots (FWR, DWR, FWS and DWS) and roots to shoots ratio (R/S) were measured with scale
0.001 g.
Dry weights were determined after samples were oven-dried at 70°C for 48 h. Chlorophyll content index
(CCI) of fresh seedling leaves was determined using a portable chlorophyll content meter (CCM-200, OPTI-
SCIENCES, Tyngsboro, MA,USA) based on absorbance measurements at 660 and 940 nm (Markwell et al.,
The tissue water content (TWC) was calculated based on equation 2 (Black and Pritchard, 2002).
Freshweight Dry weight [2]
TWC 100
The physiological factors consisted of germination percentage (GP), germination index (GI), vigor index (VI),
salt tolerance index (STI), required time for germination of one to 90 percent of seeds (parameters T 1, T10,
T25, T50, and T90) and mean germination time (MGT) were calculated based on equations 3 and 4.
n [3]
GP 100
ni T i [4]
F. Aghamir et al. / Eurasian J Soil Sci 2016, 5 (1) 39 - 46
Where n represents the number of newly germinating seeds, and N total number of seeds; n iis number of
seeds germinated at day Ti and Ti is number of days after starting the test (Panwar and Bhardwaj, 2005).
Seedling vigor index was calculated based on Abdul-Baki and Anderson (1973).
VI I GP % Seedling Lenght Root Shoot [5]
VI II GP % Seedling Dry Weight Root Shoot [6]
Seedling Dry Weight Root Shoot atS x [7]
Seedling Dry Weight Root Shoot atS 0
Where, Sorepresents control and Sx a given salt concentration.The rate of germination was assessed by
determining the required time for germination of 1, 10, 25, 50, 75 and 90% of seeds (T 1, T10 ,T25 ,T50, T90)
(Carbonell et al., 2008) and the mean time germinating (MTG) calculated according to the equation 8
(Panwar and Bhardwaj, 2005).
n [8]
MTG ( i 100)
Where, Ti is the number of days after starting the experiment and ni represent the total number of
germinated seeds on the ith day.
Statistical Analysis
ANOVA test was used for analyzing the data by using Minitab software at 5% probality level.
Results and Discussion
Analysis of variance of bean seed germination parameters are presented in Tables 1 and 2, and Figures 1 and
Table 1. Analysis of variance for growth and developmental parameters of corn under different salinity levels and
magnetized water regimes; RL and SL (roots and shoots length, FWR, DWR, FWS, DWS (fresh and dry weight of shoots
and roots), R/S (roots to shoots ratio), TWC (tissue water content), WUP (water uptake percentage, WT (water
treatment: magnetized and non-magnetized) and EC (electrical conductivity).
WT 1 273.903** 110.600** 8.107** 0.088** 6.003** 0.046**
EC 5 102.170** 42.357** 0.831** 0.008** 2.276** 0.015**
WT*EC 5 3.294 ** 6.736 ** 0.259** 0.003** 0.374** 0.002**
Source df FWP DWP Rf/Sf Rd/Sd TWC WUP
WT 1 28.062** 0.260** 0.968** 0.773** 1189.53** 785.401**
EC 5 5.850** 0.045** 0.006* 0.012* 431.22** 252.516**
WT*EC 5 1.029 ** 0.008 ** 0.173** 0.038** 12.12** 10.528**
** and *: significant at P=0.01, and P=0.05, respectively; df: degree of freedom.
Table 2. Analysis of variance for corn physiological parameters as effected by magnetized water regimes and salinity;
CCI (chlorophyll content index), GP (germination percentage), GI (germination index), VI (vigor index), STI (salt
tolerance index), MTG (mean time generation), T1,T10,T25,T50, T75,T90 (required time for germination of seeds from one
to 90%), WT (water treatment: magnetized and non-magnetized) and EC (electrical conductivity).
Source df CCI GP GI VI(I) VI(II) STI
WT 1 312.111** 1133.44** 6.996** 4489172** 1470.340** 1.046**
EC 5 97.019** 1178.24** 8.004** 2010007** 416.450** 0.332**
WT*EC 5 4.208 ** 27.78** 0.402 ** 144379 ** 57.490** 0.056**
Source df MTG T1 T10 T25 T50 T90-T10
WT 1 18.431** 20.026** 6.003** 20.25** 8.028** 4.694**
EC 5 1.454** 1.447** 2.306** 2.583** 0.628ns 10.094**
WT*EC 5 0.347 ** 0.187** 0.415 * 1.117 ** 0.494ns 0.228ns
**, * and, ns: significant at P=0.01, P=0.05 and no significant, respectively; df: degree of freedom.
F. Aghamir et al. / Eurasian J Soil Sci 2016, 5 (1) 39 - 46
Growth parameters
Analysis of variance of the growth parameters including roots and shoots lenght, fresh and dry weight of
roots and shoots, roots to shoots ratio, tissue water content and water uptake percentage exposed to
magnetized water are shown in Table 1 and Figure 1.
F. Aghamir et al. / Eurasian J Soil Sci 2016, 5 (1) 39 - 46
F. Aghamir et al. / Eurasian J Soil Sci 2016, 5 (1) 39 - 46
Figure 2. The bean physiological parameters as affected by magnetized water and salinity
(M: Magnetized and N : Non magnetized water, S: Salinity)
Germination Percentage(GP)
The analysis of variance showed magnetized saline water had significant effect on GP compared with non
magnetized saline water (Table 2). Previous studies have shown that static and dynamic MW improved GP of
rice seeds (Carbonell et al., 2000); moreover, it increased GP of pepper 35.8% over control (Ahamed et al.,
2013). Increasing the salinity level increases the time required for germination. Some studies have reported
that increasing the salt concentration delays the tomato seeds germination (Mohamed and Ebead, 2013).
Germination Index (GI)
Germination test showed magnetized saline water had a significant effect on GI in comparison to control
seeds (Table 2). The result confirmed the study of Mahmood and Usman (2014), who indicated
improvement of GI from 10.20 to 11.85 in seedlings treated with saline magnetized water in comparison
with the control. The enhanced speed of seedgermination does suggest that magnetized water hasacquired
some structural changes; perhaps promotingwater flow and bioactive molecules availability.
F. Aghamir et al. / Eurasian J Soil Sci 2016, 5 (1) 39 - 46
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