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Final Project




Question One;

The UCI engages the entire campus to become a great partner in supporting college and

community partnerships that aligns with all resources and expertise with the knowledge and

skills of local communities. This research is currently designed to distribute questionnaires

targeting a sample of undergraduate students in Fall. The survey asks for information regarding

the educational programs at the University of California, Irvine. The information collected is

expected to reveal student experiences in the University as well as having solutions to problems

they may encounter. This information is expected to help various people either historically,

economically, and psychologically after an analysis of the information provided (Sloan, L.


If students are not asked these questions, then the results would be non-sociological. These non-

sociological explanations become too familiar in society today. They have a defining feature that

has a singular focus on the individual with structural dimensions of issues. The non-sociological

reasons often blame individuals for their actions instead of pointing out to other more substantial

external factors. Some questions to be imposed include:

Does the way people describe success in education affects students' perception of their


The notion of personal best ability drives most students in training despite the knowledge that

they may never have. They seek personal improvement hence competing with one another. In

education, success is termed to be the comparison of experience among students. The view of

success is counterproductive, and it becomes better as lecturers should benefit from the paradigm

shift. It describes what best should be done by collaborating with students in promoting success

as low performing students are seen to be humiliated (Du, Lai, Li, & Hung, 2019)

How do socio-economic and cultural differences among social groups affect education?

Some students tend to gravitate in occupational areas that the entire community is involved in.

They relate to the course they undertake with an impact of how life will be after school. The

students living condition affects sociologically as students can assess different ways of living for

individuals. Researches have been done showing how lecturers acting differently due to the

difference in a tribe. Questions should be posed to students whether there exists any

representativeness of their culture in school curriculum activities. This helps to assess whether

cultural differences affect their experience in education.

What is the opinion of new challenges in education?

This determines future critical points in education. The respondent is expected to give definite

opinions of new challenges that co-exist between an individual and the entire education. The

respondent is expected to state the problem itself and how it affects education in his/her own

opinion. The study aims at explaining how meeting the challenges required in the form of

lecturers, as they take over facilitative roles, and learners focus much on setting goals. Questions

may involve much on any greater participation in peer assessment, self-assessment, any

improvement activities as well as evaluation performance in practice (Du, etal., 2019).

Any explanations regarding community student dropouts when expectations don't match

their experience?

The Cognitive Dissonance Theory explains the students' expectations of what they encounter in

the University, whether academically or socially, and not being what they experience in life. The

research questions help sociologists to determine the dropout rate. This also allows economists in

determining whether the economic resources in place can benefit students in school. It assesses

whether the existing resources generally affects the academic achievement of individual students.

It also shows how student preparedness and differing perception of secondary school teachers

and university lecturers. This applies mainly for freshmen to be interviewed.

Are there any non-performativity of equality and diversity policies in the University?

Questions should be designed in a way respondents will give feedback on any performance of

inequality within the institution or rather how various policies contribute to social inequality. It is

essential to look at any physiological aspect of students whether a specific gender is

discriminated against or has unequal opportunity with the opposite gender (Du, etal., 2019). The

commitment of the university leaders is well measurable as it shows an impact on the reform

strategies that are within the University. Equality based diversity in school is essential for any

balanced development, eclectic ideas, as well as creativity and innovations.

Any opinion regarding the future of e-learning?

New technological reforms in education have led to a digitalized way of learning, that is, e-

learning programs. Many students, if asked, would prefer the traditional model of education if

they worry less about cost transportation and living expenses. Face-to-face education is the best

in several ways. Online training and the advanced educational technology is ceasing down the

traditional way of learning. Less costs are incurred by students learning online, and it saves time

for other individual activities. Questions to be posed to respondents should require them to

suggest whether it's favorable for them in the involvement of more e-learning programs.

However, this depends on the performance of specific online programs that have already


Question Two;

Racial segregation is generally a systematic separation of individuals into ethnic or racial

groups. The growing economic inequality, as well as the racial, discrimination have an impact on

the available opportunities and education available to children. Beyond income and wealth,

inequality has affected many aspects of life, for example, transportation, health care services,

education, which has negatively affected the quality of life among individuals. While income and

employment rates go higher than those of others, it is easier to recognize that economic

inequality profoundly affects racial and ethnic groups in a country. This study tries to explore

ways in which race is implicated in widening gaps in opportunities as well as wealth and how

inequalities affect the educational outcome of students (Sloan, L. 2018).

From recent research, a certain percentage of children from low-income families rose to 22%.

Nowadays, one out of three students in public schools come from low-income families. The low-

income students are generally less prepared by their families, communities as well as schools to

develop their talents to become sustain themselves and the entire family. They tend to learn these

talents and abilities as they mingle in schools, moving them from the poverty level. There is a

widening gap in wealth and opportunity, which has a profound impact on educational

achievement. However, some policies have been put in place to lower the racial disparities in

educational progress. Though the strategies focus much on filling the racial gaps, not much has

been done in closing the opportunity gaps in place in the educational policy agenda.

Disparities in educational performance are hyper-segregated that they live in urban areas in the

society. Schools that are placed in these communities perform poorly and are underfunded by the

Government. Segregation by race prevails in cities that experience dramatic shifts in

demographics as the number of middle-class income earners increases due to gentrification.

These countries are likely to be concentrated in rural areas since the economic status of

individuals and school performances serve them an equal grim. While the inequalities between

high and low-income children have increased, the educational disparities between black and

white students have become relatively large. White and black students are segregated between

schools, where white people are exposed to a few poor classmates than the black. Substantively,

black people are considered to be weak hence discriminated and put up in schools worth low


The Equality of Educational Opportunity Report investigated the social, economic status of

student families as a predictor of the children achieve in school. Income has a direct effect on

providing enough resources invested in children. The basic needs of the child well-being such as

clothes, food, health as well as shelter for security. Income also provides investments in the

child's enrichment in education, such as books and educational resources, advanced technology,

and extracurricular activities. Family income has an indirect effect on children, which operates

through the family processes (Hanselman, & Fiel, 2017).

Higher-income reduces parental stress hence resulting in better health care. It also improves

better parenting practices as well as being the face of the future of their children. This is a

psychological aspect. The family expenditure also affects the children's outcome. Children that

live in disadvantaged neighborhoods are likely to have a negative test score. Neighbors affect the

child's educational achievement through links in their local schools. From the analysis described,

high-income children may outdo low-income children in terms of educational achievements

since their families can provide adequately for them.

Income between families create inequalities in social resources and economic resources linked

to the student achievement in school. In areas with highly income-earners, it is more likely to

have high-income children accessing more resources than low-income children. High-income

generated schools tend to have property wealth and adequate resources hence higher local

revenue. These high-income schools receive more funds than low-income schools due to

revenues from sales and income taxes. Income from individual affects the concentration of

students. It may arise due to the cost of providing school physical conditions, costs of providing

safe environments as well as qualified teachers and lecturers. Recent studies show that per-pupil

spending increase student's attention and concentration. College students to undergo through this

situations where the financial stability affects the concentration in lectures affecting the entire

performance in school (Hanselman, & Fiel, 2017)..

Income difference creates an inequality in the social resources available in high and low-

income students. Schools become homogeneously low since the entire region is low. The child's

achievement grows larger in higher-income areas than those in lower-income areas.

Segregation creates a concentrated affluence regarding to the racial or ethnic group. Black

families are less likely to live in affluence locations than whites. Black individuals live in lower-

income neighborhoods than whites, even though they have similar incomes. White middle-

income earners are expected to live higher standards than black middle-income earners.

Educational achievements lead to greater inequality in income, neighbor residence, criminality,

and employment. In a nutshell, the explanations clearly explained above shows how racial

segregation and economic benefits primarily affect the educational conditions and outcomes of

students in pursuing their careers.

Question Three;

The growth of the immigration field across disciplines and areas presents an opportunity and

reflects the role of sociology in the study of immigrants and immigration. It also determines the

contributions of how immigration research makes in the field of sociology. This essay focuses

on various disciplines that deal with the sociological study of immigration. The massive

immigration population is interdisciplinary by nature. The approach to these disciplines is

informed by the central research of immigrant communities to the foundation of sociology.


Immigrant families show variations in composition and forms. Examining the family

formations in immigrants often sharpens the absence, presence, and interactions among variables

that provides a fruitful ground to refine perspectives as well as general concepts. Families are

rapidly changing in multiple ways, with the foreign-born comprising 40 percent of the

population. However, contributions from immigration cannot be reduced to a variety alone.

Sociologists who study migration suggests that it would be simple to assume new family patterns

as well as differences between immigrants and native families (Williams, 2019).

This difference can be attributed solely to immigrants' different cultural activities. There is a

significant contribution perspective on immigrant families. The move away, depending on

familyism or cultural orientation, relates to the various behaviors and possible outcomes of

different families. The shift perceptively highlights patterns of inequality and stratification

centrally to a psychological lens. Sociologists focus more on immigrant families note the effects

of structural constraints, for example, level of individual income.


New forms of congregating have invigorated the study of religion, which has expanded in

different directions to capture analytically and theoretically the diversity of religious beliefs and

practices we see among immigrants today. The current study of religion has resurfaced the study

of immigration. Questions that emerge in the intersection and immigration raise new issues that

are core to the sociological nature of religion. Whereas there is continuity in addressing

persisting questions related to assimilation and religion, contemporary scholarship has shed light

on new issues as well. Thus, there is attention to the norms of different religious traditions, the

availability of religious centers, and the extent to which immigrants tie to their ethnic


As religion came to be accepted as an essential mediator between immigrants and society,

sociologists began once more to incorporate it into their thinking and models. Most of the other

independent variables are correlated with the propensity to move as well as the tendency to

participate religiously, ideally they should be controlled statistically in multivariate models to

isolate the independent effect of immigration (Demleitner, 2018).

Ethnic relations.

Another line of research that links immigration is ethnic relations focuses on the consequences

that immigration has had for patterns intergroup relationships. Relations between ethnic groups

affect immigration activities between countries adversely. Communities might be based on rival

events, which leads to external attacks to hostile neighbors. This has led to many communities

fleeing away for security reasons.

The inter-relationship between groups has led to either building a cohesion or disparities. Ethnic

relation has accumulated and led to many immigrants moving to other countries for refuge.


Race is based on the color skin which individual has. Sometimes people migrate to other

countries due to their color nature. Discriminations based on color can be a result of disparities.

This should be highly condemned as individuals did not choose to have dark or white skins.

Beyond income and wealth, inequality has affected many aspects of life, for example,

transportation, health care services, education, which has negatively affected the quality of life

among individuals. However, some policies have been put in place to lower the racial gaps in

educational achievements. Though the strategies focus much on filling the racial disparities, not

much has been done in closing the opportunity gaps in place in the educational policy agenda

(Demleitner, 2018).

There are wide differences within nationality groups of the population, which have led to the

immigration of individuals from one place to another. Government entities should scrap off

racism and accept individuals to continue with their.



Demleitner, N. V. (2018). Immigration and Terrorism, in Routledge Handbook on Immigration

and Crime (Holly Ventura Miller & Anthony Peguero eds.).

Du, X., Lai, S., Li, H., & Hung, J. L. (2019, December). Student Performance Evaluation Based

on Online Discussion. In International Conference on Innovative Technologies and

Learning (pp. 367-375). Springer, Cham.

Freire, P. (2018). Race and Immigration. Teaching While White: Addressing the Intersections of

Race and Immigration in the Classroom, 25.

Hanselman, P., & Fiel, J. E. (2017). School opportunity hoarding? Racial segregation and access

to high growth schools. Social Forces, 95(3), 1077-1104.

Reardon, S. F. (2016). School segregation and racial academic achievement gaps. RSF: The

Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, 2(5), 34-57.


Williams, A. (2019). The Forgotten Relatives in the Fight against Family Separation: A

Constitutional Analysis of the Statutory Definition of Unaccompanied Minors in

Immigration Detention. Wm. & Mary J. Race Gender & Soc. Just., 26, 191.

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