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org © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 2 February 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882

A Study On Impact Of Peer Pressure On The

Academic Achievement Of High School Students.
Anil Kumar Yadav,2Dr. Rambha Kumari
Assistant professor, Department of Education Karim City College Jamshedpur, Jharkhand
,India, 2Assistant professor, Department of Education Karim City College Jamshedpur,
Jharkhand ,India.

Graduating high school students have encountered different factors in relation to students peer pressure in school and its
association in their studies in terms of social belongingness, curiosity, cultural-parenting orientation of parents and education. The
results declared that there are several factors that could affect students’ academic performance in school regarding to peer
pressure. This suggests that peer pressure does not give negative impact directly to student toward their peers. Generally, students
peer pressure in school affects the academic performance among students in term of various content.

Keywords: Academic achievement, curiosity, peer pressure ,mental education, social belongings.

Education is that enlightened aspect of life which helps in all-round development of personality of a person. As a lotus
blooms with sunrise and wrinkles away with sunset, similarly a person gets enlighten by the light of education and in its absence
becomes poor, grieve and miserable. Thus, by education a child’s all the inner qualities and power like physical, mental, social
and aesthetic developed. Thus the child become a responsible factor for up liftment of his society and a strong character cit izen of
the nation and help in its all-round development with his full will power and sincerity. S/he also gets encouraged for conserving
and implying of his eradicating culture and heritage.

Education is a lifelong process. A child is totally helpless at the times of his birth. He depends fully on others for
fulfillment of his needs & requirement by himself, thus he goes on to becoming accustomed or adapted to his surrounding or
environment. Thus education not only helps a person to adjust with his environment but also helps him in his behavioural
changes by which a person uplifts himself as well as the society in which he lives.

Education is as old as mankind as is the concern of all living beings. In every society, ancient or modern, simple or
complex, primitive or advanced, one finds provisions for education. No society has ever existed without some method of
providing for its basis needs. These needs include production of food, shelter and other economic needs, laws, social, customs,
religious beliefs and methods of economic production the last function is the educational one & the other functions could be
continued without some means for teaching them. Without education no society could last more that the generation. Leaders of
human thought have extolled in memorable words. Aristotle said that –

“ Educated men as such are superior to uneducated as the living to the dead.”

Education is closely related to society and culture, as men is a social animal, hence society is a group of people, whose
members have a common goal or aim and who are bounded with the threads of education, co-operation & responsibility towards
each-others. Here culture means those behavioural values, which are passed from generation to generation i.e. by our education is
to preserve the culture and heritage, pass it onto the next generation with introduction of new and good values in it. By education
only a person gets educated, it help him to develop new ideas and implement them for the progress of the society. Hence by
education only, scientific, social, cultural and aesthetic up liftments of the society are possible.

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Peer Pressure
Korir, K. D. (2014) It is hoped that the findings of this study will be useful to the teacher principals and parents to gain
more insight into psychological factors that affects students’ academic performance and therefore improve their academic
performance. Sheratta, T., Brittni, B.B., & Jonesc, D (2015) [2,9].Study revealed that little scholarships explore how adolescents
belief about school and peer influence the academic outcome of African American boys and girls. Olalekan (2016) The findings
of the study reveal that the peer groups influence learning and certain factor like the social-economics status, and parental factor
as they determines the membership in most group. Deepika and Prerna (2017) [8]The result revealed that there is no significant
difference between male and female with respect to peer pressure and academic achievement. Moldes and Biton (2019)
[7]conclude that adolescent have higher tendency to experience peer pressure in school. Peer pressure is clustered in four
categories such as social belongingness, curiosity, cultural parenting orientation of parents and education, this research design
used is descriptive correlation. Generally, students are expected to face the effects of peer pressure optimistically to cope up the
negative impact of peer pressure in their studies. Students may use positive or negative approach towards peer pressure. Teacher
may guide and help them in facing the problems.
Academic Achievement
Shah, Dr. Beena (1984), finds that the environment of home impact on values and bring changes in achievement.
Chand, S.K. (1992) [2,4], finds that the correction was positive but low for social and aesthetic values and the private students
scored significantly higher in health and religious values than the government students. Haseen, Taj (1999) finds that effective
parent-child interaction and goal directed dependency behavior by parent home, and teachers in school functions as catalytic
agents in enriching the academic life and upgrading the academic achievement of the school. Anuradha, K. and Bharti, V.V.
(2000), They finds that parental disciplinary practices significantly affected children’s academic achievements. It can be noted
that in order to improve children’s academic-achievement consistent type of discipline was good rather than extremities. Gakhar,
Megha (2006) she finds that the academic achievement of student did not differ significantly due to their preference of tearning
styles, thinking styles and study skills. Shrivastava and Singh (2006) is found that there exists a significant difference between
Academic Achievement of closed and open, patterned and open, controlled and Autonomous closed and Autonomous, and
familiar types of school climates. The study indicates that the school organization climate leaves an impact in the academic
achievement of the pupils. Chaudhary (2007) she found that the level of aspiration is not significant correlate of academic
achievement. But it is desirable that students fixed up high goals commensurate with their ability and tried to achieve it low goal
setting was in no way desirable characteristic for better achievement. Shelly & Connor (1988) finds that the relationship between
parent social economic status and educational level and occupational and educational achievement of children with learning
disabilities. Hanson and Ginsbey (1989) result indicated that values had both direct effect on school out comes but indirect
effect on school behaviour. Mural, Saville Jroike (1991) he finds the teaching the testing academic achievement played on
important role of languages development. Julie, A Miles (2003) finds that the volunteering at the school was the only individual
parents involvement activity had a significant direct effect on a Childs grades across subject for all ethnic groups students.
To studies the above discussion we find that there is a lot of studies on Peer Pressure and Academic Achievement of
students but there is no studies on Bhilai High School Students. Therefore researcher choose the topic “To study the Impact of
the Peer Pressure on the Academic Achievement of High School Students.” This study helpful for teachers, students, Peers
and Administrator.
The objective of the study can be more explicitly presented as
 To study the difference between academic achievements of high and low peer pressure of high school students.
 To study the difference between peer pressure of male and female high school students.
Hypothesis are not ends in themselves, rather they are the means by which the investigator can understand his problem
with greater clarity and ramifications, as wells as the data which bear on it. It acts as a frame-work for the conclusion and permits
the collection of relevant data and that makes possible the interpretation of these data in the light of the potential solution. With a
view to investigate the study scientifically, the following hypothesis were formulated for investigation –
H1 There exist no significant difference between academic achievements of high and low peer pressure of high school students.
H2 There exist no significant difference between peer pressure of male and female high school students.
Like all other research, this study has been carried out under strict limitations imposed by time and resources. The
following are the limitation of the investigators
(1) It is primarily comparative study.
(2) The study limited to the High schools located in Bhilai city.
(3) The study was conducted randomly selected on urban and rural school of Bhilai area only.
(4) The present study was conducted on ninth standard school students.
(5) In the present study achievement of the subject was taken in term of achievement level from previous examination of the
(6) The sample size of the study is 160 high school students.

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Peer Pressure: Peer pressure is akin to the idea of conformity. It occurs when an individual feels as though they need to do the
same things as people their own age or in their social group to be liked or accepted.To gain that affinity and respect, some
individuals will do things they don't feel they should or things that they might not feel ready for, in order to fit in and be like those
around them. This plays out in a variety of situations, from bullying on the school playground to drinking too much in college.
The negative peer pressures can make a person feel bad about the things they are doing, even as they continue doing them as a
way to feel connected to their peers.
In this study peer pressure is the obtain score of self-made questioner of Peer Pressure on high school students.

Academic Achievement: Achievement is often defined in relation to the concept of aptitude by a simple contrast measuring the
learning that takes place during a definable course of instruction in achievement testing. But other outer factors in a students’
day-to-day life also affect his achievement. Achievement testing, as defined refers to the assessment of outcomes of formal
instructions in cognitive domain with ‘instruction’ defined as subject matter that is explicitly it will produce observable changes
in the behaviour of those who are being instructed.

In this study Academic achievement of high school students is the percentage of previous year annual examination.

9th Grade : A child after completing his Middle education step into the high education and the 1st step to high education in class

[V] Research Elaborations

This contains the researcher design, research environment, respondents, instruments and data collection

Research Design

Research design is a mapping strategy which is based on sampling technique. It is plan that specifies the sources and types of
information relevant of the methods to be adopted for collecting the relevant data and the technique to be used in their analysis.
An efficient and appropriate design must be prepared to organize his ideas in a form whereby it will be possible for a research to
look for inadequacies.

Research Design

Independent Dependent
Variable Variable

Peer Academic
Gender Locale Achievement

High Low Male Female Urban Rural

Research Environment

The term population refer to the total items about which information is desired. The items or elements comprising a
population may be individual, families, employees, schools, students, companies and so forth. In present study the students of
higher secondary schools has chosen as population.

The population may be finite of infinite. An infinite population means that the number of items are infinite i.e. we can’t
have an idea of the total number of items. Thus an infinite population is that one is which it is theoretically impossible to observe
all the elements.

The particulars of the high school in Bhilai city are exhibited in the tabular form which shows the total students of Durg
Block (Bhilai City) urban and rural high schools and the school taken for population.

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Population Table

Name of Block Rural Urban Total

Durg 33 42 75

Dhamda 26 08 34

Patan 36 16 52

Total 95 66 161


For every kind of research work some kinds of instrument selected to collect the data and these instrument are called as
“Tools”. For the successful research work selection of perfect and accurate tool is very essential. The word “Tool” is very
important in the modern life of human being. So with the cause, this is the only medium by which helps, the man achieves all his
goals of his life easily, so as tools have their own importance in research. The tools is an instruments by, which the researcher
receives the most difficult data in his exercising research work.

For the various kinds of problem, a number of tools are there to collect the data and it is upon the investigator to select a
suitable instrument to collect the data’s for the successful research work. It should be able to fulfill the fallowing important

 It should be able to provide a definite answer to the problem.

 The result obtained by using should be reliable.
 The result obtained by using it should also be valid.
 It should be economical as well as less time consumedly.
The researcher has selected the ‘measurement of Peer Pressure developed by Under the guidance of Guide Self for
data collection to main research work successfully.


Analysis of data is nothing but a study to tabulated material in order to determine inherent facts or meaning. It involves
breaking down existing complex factors into simple parts and putting the parts together into simple new arrangements for purpose
of interpretation.

After the data are collected the research turns his interpretation. Analysis of data involves a number of closely related
operations that are performed with the purpose of summarizing the collected data and organization there in such a manner that
they will yield answer to the research questions. Analysis requires an alert flexible and open mind. It is worth to prepare a plan
analysis before the actual collection of data. In words of JOHN GALTIN “ Analysis of data refers to seeing the data in the light
of hypothesis or research questions and the prevailing theories and drawing conclusion that are as amendable to theory format ion
as possible.”

The logical way to begin any research investigation is to start with hypothesis, to obtain an appropriate sample of data in
order to test the implication of the hypothesis and then to find out the influence. The part of the paper deals with the result, their
interpretation and discussion of Peer Pressure on the Academic Achievement of the IX grade students. This is essential for
scientific study and for ensuring that we have all relevant data for making contemplated comparison and analysis.

H1 There exist no significant difference between academic achievements of high and low peer pressure of high school
To divide subjects according to their Peer Pressure (High and Low) two groups. After classifying subjects t - test was
used to calculate the difference of academic achievement of high and low peer pressure of high school students. The results are
depicted in table no. 2.
Table No. 2

Statistical differential showing academic achievement of high and low peer pressure high school students

Group N Mean SD t-Value

High Peer Pressure 95 104.75 6.62 7.72
Low Peer Pressure 65 97 5.62
df = 158, P<0.01, Significant difference

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The above mention table reflected that the mean of academic achievement of high peer pressure students is 104.75 and
the mean of low peer pressure students is 97. There SD is respectively 6.62 and 5.62 to calculate the difference between two
group the observe t value is 7.72 which is significant at df = 158, P< 0.01 level of significance because the observed t – value is
higher than the table value (0.01 = 2.63).

Thus, our proposed hypothesis “There exist no significant difference between academic achievements of high and
low peer pressure of high school students..” is rejected.

H2 There exist no significant difference between peer pressure of male and female high school students.
To analyzed this hypothesis peer pressure of male and female of high schools we divide data on the basis of two category
male and female. After classifying subject’s t - test was used to calculate the difference of peer pressure of male and female
students. The results are depicted in table no. 3.

Table No. 3

Statistical differential showing peer pressure of male and female students of high schools

Gender N Mean SD t-Value

Male 100 45.1 11.51 0.960
Female 60 43.26 12.10
df = 158, P>0.05, No Significant difference
The above mention table reflected that the mean of peer pressure of male students is 45.1 and the mean of peer pressure
of female students is 43.26. There SD is respectively 11.51 and 12.10 to calculate the difference between two group the observe t
value is 0.96 which is not significant at df = 158, P> 0.05 level of significance because the observed t – value is smaller than the
table value (0.05 = 1.98).

Thus, our proposed hypothesis “There exist no significant difference between peer pressure of male and female high
school students.” is accepted.


For the above discussion we find that our hypotheses H1, is rejected. In hypothesis H1 shows high peer pressure students’
have great academic achievement because when students’ take pressure in positive way and H2 is accepted because the male and
female have no difference of peer pressure for the both the peer pressure play same role. Furthermore, cultural parenting among
parents and social belongingness can affect student academic performance in school based on the result of the computation of t-
test. It had been manifested that curiosity and students level of education does not affect student academic performance. Hence,
whatever the effects of student peer pressure are based their approach towards their peers and its varies likewise locality .

We thank all who in one way or another contributed in the completion of this research Paper. First , we give thanks to our
God for protection and ability to do work. Specially and heartily thank to our former teacher, Dr. Padma Agarwal who
encouraged and directed us. His challenges brought this work to a completion. It is with her supervision that this work came into
existence. For any faults we take full responsibility.

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