Seminar Friction Vs Frictionless Mechanics
Seminar Friction Vs Frictionless Mechanics
Seminar Friction Vs Frictionless Mechanics
Presented by:
Post-graduate Student
Department of Orthodontics
• Friction Mechanics
Concept of friction
• Frictionless
• Mechanics
T- loop
• References
Space closure is one of the most important steps in treatment after extraction.
The strategy of space closure should be based on a careful diagnosis and
treatment plan made according to the specific needs of the individual.
Methods of Space Closure
When two objects in contact are forced to move on each other, the resistant
force that occurs at the contact surface opposite the direction of movement is
friction. (Nanda)
The frictional force is proportional to force with which the contacting surfaces
are pressed together and is affected by the nature of the surface at the interface
(rough or smooth, chemically reactive or passive, modified by lubricants, etc.)
When two solid surfaces are pressed together or one slides over the other, real
contact occurs only at a limited number of small spots, called asperities. They
carry all the load between two surface.
Friction that exists before one of the objects starts to move is called static
frictional force.
Kinetic friction (or dynamic friction) is the friction that exists during the
movement of the object. It is the amount of force that the object must overcome
to continue moving.
orthodontic tooth movement is a slow process, wire and bracket relationship can
exhibit both static and kinetic forms of sliding friction.
When teeth slide along an arch wire, force is needed for two purposes
lf two materials of different hardness slide past each other (eg : a metal wire in a
ceramic bracket)
When a soft material slides past a harder one (eg: a metal wire in a ceramic
small fragments of the soft material adhere to the hard one leading to "plowing"
of asperities.
Friction, or binding, which prevents the wire from sliding through the bracket
slots, can delay and even halt tooth movement.
• Bracket
• Arch wire
• Ligature
• Force
Point of application
• Angulation
• Biological factor
• At best, surface properties of these bracket are like those of titanium wire
and polishing of the inner surface of bracket is difficult enough that these
critical areas may be rougher than the wire.
• Advantage-
• Disadvantage-
Difficult fabrication
1.(b) Bracket manufacturing technique
Friction from milled brackets higher than that from cast and sintered brackets.
Milled brackets have sharp burs on edges of their slots that may affect
frictional resistance. Edges of cast bracket slots are rougher than those of
sintered ones.
Key moment
Is needed those of archwire
Two circumstances
Mesiodistal Across the bracket
movement in
closing Bracket width
extraction determines the length
sites of moment arm
• The wider the bracket, all other things being equal, the easier it is to
generate the moment needed to bring root together at the extraction site.
• Wider bracket reduce force needed to generate the moment and the
contact angle and thus advantageous for space closure by sliding.
Wider the smaller inter- springiness and
bracket bracket span range of action
of archwire.
gold archwire,
Torquing movement on the other hand, were important, and a major goal of
appliance deign was efficient torque.
• The original 022 slot bracket therefore would have some advantage
during space closure but would be a definite disadvantage when torque is
• If only steel wire were to be used, the 18 mil slot system has considerable
advantage over the larger bracket bracket size.
• While rectangular NiTi and Beta Ti wire offer advantage over steel
for finishing phase of treatment and torque control.
2. (a)Wire material
The most commonly used wires, listed from lowest to highest in terms of their
surface roughness
When NiTi wire were first introduced, they were marketed as inherently slick
surface compared with steel , so that all other factors being equal, there would
be less interlocking of asperities and thereby less frictional resistance to sliding.
This is erroneous-the surface of NiTi is rougher (because of surface defect and
not the quality of polishing) than that of Beta Ti, which in turn is rougher than
steel. More importantly, however, there is little or no correlation between
Coefficient of friction and surface roughness.(interlocking and ploughing are
not significant component of friction)
Although NiTi has greater surface roughness, the beta Ti has greater frictional
This is due to the increased titanium content which increases surface reactivity,
which Is a major influence. (cold weld itself to steel bracket which make sliding
all but impossible)
In clinical orthodontic, however, Implanted NiTi and Beta NiTi have failed to
hoe Improved performance in initial alignment .
NiTi wire, despite its high surface roughness, can "creep" through the bracket
slots and tubes, causing soft tissue irritation.
This is probably because of its high flexibility and the fact that it moves easily
from the effects of chewing cycles and brushing.
For same bracket and wire material, frictional forces increases as wire size
These values are higher for rectangular NiTi and beta-titanium wires, which
have rougher surfaces than SS and chrome-cobalt wires.
3. Ligature
Wire ligatures cause less friction than elastic ligatures. Ligature is tight enough
to control tooth movement yet loose enough to allow sliding
4. Force
If line of action of force does not pass through the center of resistance, tooth
tips distally and causes friction between bracket and wire.
5. Wire-bracket angle
A flexible
higher the
wire engaged
angle, the High friction
in excessively high moments
greater the or binding.
This happens after a very small movement of tooth and a moment is generated
that opposes tipping.
The greater the angle, the greater the force between the wire and bracket-there is
a greater resistance to sliding with narrow bracket.
• When a notch encounters the edge of bracket, tooth movement stops until
displacement of the tooth during function release the notch (by
masticatory function).
Lubrication by saliva
Kusy et al tested the use of human saliva in their experiments on frictional They
reported that saliva only decreased friction with (beta-titanium and nickel-
titanium (NiTi) archwires.
The levels registered for SS and chrome-cobalt wires were higher than those
obtained in dry state.
Force Delivery
Elastomeric Stainless steel Niti closed
modules with
Chain coil spring coil spring
Optimal force for space closure is 150 gm when using nickel titanium coil
Nickel titanium springs produce more consistent space closure than
elastomeric modules
Springs should not be expanded beyond the manufacturers
recommendations (22 mm for the 9 mm springs, and 36 mm for the 12
mm springs).
If spaces are closed too rapidly, incisor torque can be lost, and requires
several months to regain at the end of space closure.
Elastic chain
• small screwdriver be used twice per week to turn the screw one full turn
(1/8 mm) in a clockwise direction. Thus, approximately 1 mm of space
closure is accomplished per month .
• This device provides a very short-acting but strong force that essentially
overcomes any frictional concerns.
• small screwdriver be used twice per week to turn the screw one full turn
(1/8 mm) in a clockwise direction. Thus, approximately 1 mm of space
closure is accomplished per month .
• This device provides a very short-acting but strong force that essentially
overcomes any frictional concerns.
When Too
these heavy
rapid forces
incisor were
& molar used for
retraction canspace
leave closure, there
incisors with was therefore
inadequate torque a
need for extra tip, rotation control, and torque control.
This additional control could be achieved by designing extra tip, rotation, and
torque into the brackets...
Type I-Distal
Tie Back
Type II-Mesial
Passive Tie-Backs
• At the time of placement of rectangular.019x.025 steel wires for at least 1
month to allow torque changes to occur on individual teeth.
Before placing the type I active tie-back, .019x.025 rectangular steel archwire is
placed with elastomeric modules or ligatures on all brackets.
Completed Type I active tie-back. Module is stretched to twice its original size.
It stabilizes the tieback wire & helps to direct it away from the soft tissue.
Active tie-back using NiTi coil spring-
• Canine Retraction
Elastomeric chain
• Straight wires are easy to apply, thus requiring less chair time.
• The whole dental arch can be controlled with only one archwire.
As the tooth moves, the applied force decreases (elastomerics are further subject
to force decay with time). The applied moment can increase or decrease,
dependent on the arch wire configuration.
Therefore, the M/F changes as the tooth moves, and the tooth responds,
typically progressing from controlled tipping (center of rotation at the root
apex) to translation to root movement.
Such progression may not produce the most efficient or the least traumatic tooth
Wire-bracket friction is a variable factor as the moving teeth displace along the
arch wire with this approach, making it difficult to accurately predict M/F.
• Continuous arch: non broken archwire formed around the dental arch,
connects one bracket or tube with the bracket on an adjacent tooth.
• Easy to fabricate
wire material
Low load/deflection
archwire cross-section
Moment-to-force ratio
Two equal and opposite forces of 485 Gm. are required to activate the standard
vertical loop up to the point of yield; in other words, this spring could
potentially deliver 485 Gm. of force.
If only forces were applied to the loop, the horizontal arms would rotate and not
be parallel to the bracket.
This is significantly less than the moment generated at the critical section at the
apex of the loop, which is 1,860 gm-mm. The deflection at yield is 1.4 mm.
The equivalent force system at the bracket is 200 Gm. and 2,000 Gm.-mm. The
moment-to-force ratio at the bracket is, therefore, 10 to 1.
Moment- to-force ratios for translation are variable, depending upon root length
and bracket placement, but usually must be greater than 8 for an incisor or
canine to translate.
the moment-to-force ratio being constant throughout the range of activation of
any given retraction spring is most useful, even though slight variation will
occur with some springs that have large activations.
The derived M/Fs vary from 7.1 to 10.2 mm for individual teeth.
The derived M/Fs vary from 8.0 to 9.1 mm for groups of teeth
M:F ratio
of Loop
Loop Horizontal
Diameter Length
Vertical Height
– the higher the loop, the greater the moment-to-force ratio and the
better control the orthodontist would have over the root apex in
preventing it from displacement forward during retraction.
Values of force and moments in situations where the vertical height is altered and other
Horizontal Length
– determined by the interbracket distance and, hence, the position of
the teeth.
Loop Thickness
– As the diameter (D) of the vertical loop increases, there will also be
an increase in the moment-to-force ratio
• The critical nature of the horizontal length of the loop has inherent
disadvantages in applying angulation to a vertical loop
By trial and error, the clinician has learned that the placement of a gable bend in
the horizontal legs of a vertical loop could increase the M:F ratio.
A large enough increase theoretically could translate a canine distally. There are
some inherent problems in using angulation for controlling canine or anterior
The correct
moments are
difficult to The teeth must cycle
achieve through controlled tipping
precisely in to translation to root
linear materials movement to achieve net
translation (lower Young's
Modulus materials go
through fewer of these
cycles for a given distance
of space closure).
the scratch marks (A2, P2) on the horizontal legs of the loop will now be a total
of 2.0 mm short of the brackets.
If the loop is tied in so that the scratch marks line up with the brackets, 2.0 mm.
of activation would exist.
Since a neutral activation with a 40° angulation produces 1,860 in the
spring, it is not possible to have any significant horizontal activation before
permanent deformation would occur.
• Keeping the angulation constant, the clinician could vary the horizontal
length of the loop (L1) to produce the desired M:F ratio.
• If F/D is large, stress levels traumatic to the PDL, alveolar bone, and
roots can be delivered at very small loop activations that are difficult to
deliver precisely.
• Also, large F/D, requiring small activations, deactivate after small tooth
movements; if the M/F is not constant, the PDL stress distributions
change rapidly as the tooth cycles from con- trolled tipping to translation
to root movement.
• Most closing loop designs offered to date optimize for low F/D at the
expense of M/F.
• M:F and load-deflection rate are plotted for a series of 8 mm tall T loops.
High loop with any number of turns at the top, and formula for calculating its
Greater the number of turns, lesser will be the stiffness of the loop and lighter
forces are delivered
Furthermore, with greater eccentricity at one of the brackets. a larger M:F ratio
could be produced than would occur in a symmetrically placed loop.
significant extrusive or intrusive force can be produced at either end of a
vertical loop if it is placed off center. As the loop approaches the canine,
vertical eruptive forces increase.
• primarily influences the load-deflection rate and not the M:F ratio.
A standard vertical loop gives greater control over displacing an apex of the
canine mesially than a single force applied to a canine by a wire or an elastic.
Limitation of
standard vertical
The load-
Very little M:F
deflection rates
ratio (2.2)
are very high
not capable of producing translation or even Difficult to use optimal force magnitudes
controlled tipping with the centre of rotation since calibration is difficult and the decay
at the apex of forces is high.
• Data on the vertical loop retraction spring suggest that additional wire
placed apically at the loop would have the effect of raising the M:F ratio
while simultaneously reducing the load-deflection rate.
• With this in mind, an experiment was carried out in which added wire
was placed gingivally, forming a T loop.
– the M:F ratio can never be higher than the vertical length of the
loop that is used. Thus, if a higher M:F ratio is required, it is
necessary to use a greater vertical height.
• Loops can be uncomfortable for the patient and may cause hygiene
Anchorage Classification
with Group A arches-Minor Cuspid retraction is indicated since the distal force
has to be kept comparatively low, below 250 gm.
Research has shown that about 300 gm appear to be about a threshold value
over which buccal segment slippage readily occur.
All effort are made to keep the distal force 300 gm or below in group A
anchorage. In group C anchorage distal force of up to 500 gm is not uncommon.
• Major Cuspid Retraction
Desired Criteria-
T-Loop recommended
• Easily fabricated
• Resistant to deformation
Position of loop
• The exact location of the titanium T-loop retraction spring (TTLRS)
varies according to the anchorage classification.
Group A- loop closer to canine. Gable bend added nearer the molar,
larger 40° β moment, increases posterior anchorage
• For this mu position, the length of the alpha leg [Lα] can be calculated by
the formula:
• Lα = (IBD–A)/2,
• where
• 0.017 in. ×0.025 in. TMA wire is used to fabricate the titanium T - loop
retraction spring (TTLRS)
• The beta leg is slid into the molar auxiliary tube and the alpha leg is bent
90° to fit into the crimped criss-cross tube on the anterior segment of
• The trial activation mimics the actual use of the spring, and one can
see the activation remaining after the trial activation, for this is what
is actually present to move the teeth.
• With the 0.017 in. ×0.025 in. TTLRS, 180° of moment pre-activation
will produce about a 4000gm-mm moment, and 7mm of distal
activation will produce about a 350gm distal force.
Activation of Loop
• The beta leg is pulled out of the molar auxiliary tube with a pair of
straight Howe pliers until 5mm is seen between the short vertical legs of
the TTLRS.
• The beta leg is then “cinched,” i.e. bent gingivally and cut with the distal
end cutter.
after 2–3mm of space closure has occurred, the TTLRS can be reactivated until
there is again 5mm between its short vertical legs.
• During the entire space closing procedure, a mirror handle can be used to
monitor the translation.
Summary of translation
2 scenarios
anchorage will be
maintained by - distal i) controlled tipping of the ii)root retraction of these
headgear pull, through the anterior teeth, same teeth
CRes of the upper jaw
“Where is this CRes?”
• With the teeth aligned in the pre-retraction stage and a continuous arch
wire cinched from the second molar to the second molar, a combination
headgear can be placed with the distal pull being about 5 mm superior
to the roots of the upper molar teeth.
• At the next appointment, assuming that the patient has been cooperative
in his or her headgear use-
orthodontist can
again examine the
the pull is at the the pull is below the distal pull of the
CRes of the maxilla CRes of the maxilla headgear is superior
to the CRes of the
Patients Who Will Not Provide Good Headgear Cooperation
• The lingual arch does not influence the AP anchorage, only the
rotational integrity of the buccal teeth.
• The short alpha leg is bent right under the anterior corner of the TTLRS.
• The spring will be used passively, and the activation moment that
develops as the spring is activated provides a M/F ratio of about 8/1
• The 45° beta bend provides a M/F ratio of about 11/1 posteriorly.
• Since the load–deflection rate of the TTLRS is about 50g/mm, 5mm of
distal activation will provide a distal force of about 250g.
• With the CRot being at the incisor apices, the canines are seen to lift up off
the monitoring mirror handle while the incisal edges stay in contact with
the mirror handle.
• The extraction site should not be completely closed. Rather, about 0.5–
1.0mm is left so that the canines can be brought down during the stage of
root retraction.
If canine has been retracted via translation, its axial inclination should be good.
This can be confirmed clinically or by taking right and left 45° oblique
headfilms (panelipse radiograph).
• The cuspid root spring can be made from stainless steel wire, usually
0.018x 0.025 inch.
• This wire requires helices in both alpha and beta positions in order for it
to receive sufficient moment pre-activation bends without permanently
After the α leg has been tied to the canine bracket with regular ligature
wire, the excess ligature wire can be passed through the alpha helix and
tied. This will preclude any displacement of root spring.
The activation of 45° is sufficient to retract the canine root (3000 g-mm).
• Double strand (0.009 inch) ligature wire. Depending on the magnitude of
the applied moment (2000 to 5500 g-mm), the tie back , if not rigid, will
allow space to open up distal to canine. This can be avoided by tightening
the ligature as much as possible.
• If rotation is to occur the bracket must rotate within the tie-back. As the
ligature is wrapped around the canine bracket rotation of bracket within
the rigid tie back is unlikely.
• Bonding a rounded button to crown on canine.
• The heavy ligature tie should be tight enough so that space doesn’t open
up. This rigid tie acts as if it were a distal force preventing the mesial
displacement of the crown.
produces a moment tending to rotate the canine distal in, mesial out.
• The newer alloys like TMA don’t require the use of helices, the bends can
be made directly into the wire, but the welded stop must be used to secure
the root spring in place.
• The objective is, then, to protract the buccal segment of teeth more than
half the extraction site while maintaining the position of the anterior
segment of teeth.
• The necessary M/F ratio delivered to the anterior teeth is 11/1 (for
translation), while, on the posterior teeth, it is 8/1 (for controlled tipping).
• Because the alpha moment is greater than the beta moment, vertical
forces exist for equilibrium.
• The eruptive force on the anterior segment is spread out over eight teeth
while the intrusive force on the buccal segment places the center of
rotation at the apices of the first and second molars.
• The appliance of choice is the 0.017 in. ×0.025 in. tTTLRS, which will be
placed in the beta position (5mm anterior to the molar auxiliary tube).
• The TTLRS will first be made to fit passively in the molar auxiliary tube
and the crisscross tube crimped onto the anterior segment of wire.
• When activated, the passive TTLRS to the molar segment will deliver a
force system with a M/F ratio of 8/1(controlled tipping).
• When activated, the pre-activated alpha leg of the TTLRS will deliver a
force system with a M/F ratio of 11/1 (for translation) to the anterior
• 0.019 in. ×0.025 in. stainless-steel wire segments are placed posteriorly
between the first and second molars and anteriorly from the first premolar
around to the other first premolar.
• 0.018×0.025 in. tubes are crimped onto the anterior segment of wire
between the canine and lateral incisor brackets.
• The alpha leg of the TTLRS is held over the vertical tube until the
T-loop is 5mm anterior to the molar auxiliary tube.
• The position of the vertical tube is marked on the alpha leg, and the
vertical leg is bent at this position.
• TTLRS is inserted into the molar auxiliary tube and the alpha leg is
inserted into the vertical tube and cinched
• The TTLRS is activated by cinching the spring distally out of the molar
auxiliary tube until 4–5mm exists between the vertical legs of the TTLRS
• Once the extraction site has closed 2–3 mm, the TTLRS can be
reactivated either distally out of the molar auxiliary tube or anteriorly in
the alpha position.
• If the TTLRS is reactivated in the alpha position, the alpha leg must be
un-crimped and removed from the vertical tube.
• It is then straightened, and a mark is made 4mm distal from the vertical
tube. The new alpha leg can be formed at this mark.
• One will see that the mesiobuccal cusp of the permanent first molar will
start to lift up off the plane of occlusion (mirror handle).
• 1–2mm of the extraction site will be closed, and one will notice further
elevation of the mesiobuccal cusp of the permanent first molar as the
extraction site closes.
• The distal cusp of the second molar should remain on the plane of
occlusion (mirror handle) during this retraction.
• When the distance between the vertical legs of the TTLRS has decreased
2–3mm, reactivation is necessary.
• This can be done by using a band pusher to push the alpha leg down in
the vertical tube until the free end is sticking out about a millimeter.
• Using flat-beaked pliers, like the Howe pliers, the bent end is straightened
• Then the 90° bend for the alpha leg is “unbent” in the same manner
• A mark is placed 4mm distal to the vertical tube, and a 90° bend can be
made at that mark using a small, round beak of the loop-forming plier
• Again using the opposing turret of the loop-forming plier (for a large-
diameter bend), the alpha leg can be pre-activated approximately 45°
• The TTLRS is re-activated when placing the alpha leg back into the
crimpable vertical tube and cinched
Class III elastics can be used on the buccal segments in the upper jaw (Class III
elastics if in the lower jaw) to increase the mesial force for buccal protraction.
Sometimes, the distobuccal cusp tip of the upper second molar falls below the
plane of occlusion and a prematurity develops with subsequent potential TMJ
pain and dysfunction.
In this case, the alpha leg must be removed, and the alpha moment pre-
activation bend must be increased to increase the intrusive force to the posterior
While the buccal teeth are tipping about their apices, the extraction site should
not be closed completely. About 0.5mm of the extraction site should left open,
which will allow the mesial aspect of the first molar to descend during the stage
of root uprighting.
• With a heavy ligature tie (0.012in.) providing the necessary mesial force
The double helix spring fits into the molar auxiliary tube and the crisscross
vertical tube crimped onto the 0.018 in. ×0.025 in. steel anterior segment.
The double helix spring receives an asymmetric pre activation: a high beta–low
alpha or about a 45° beta pre-activation and a 15° alpha pre-activation.
Anti-curvature bends are also placed in the straight wire portion between the
helices to negate the curvature of the wire due to the activation of the helices.
More curvature is placed in the beta section than in the alpha section.
Typically, when beta is greater than alpha or when alpha is greater than beta,
45° and 15° are used. So, here, β=45° and α=15°.
When sufficient anti-curvature bends are placed, the wire section between the
helices is seen to be straight during activation of the helices.
One can now have confidence that, indeed, 45° of beta activation and 15° of
alpha activation are being delivered. The activation force system will produce
an eruptive tendency in the alpha position and an intrusive tendency in the beta
In the deactivation force system, just the reverse is seen: the alpha position
tends to intrude while the beta position tends to extrude.
A continuous wire can be placed from second molar to second molar and
finishing procedures can be initiated.
Equivalent force systems, comprised of forces and moments, are instead applied
to brackets bonded to the tooth's crown to achieve translatory movement.
The first approach involves supplying the appropriate moments to the teeth via
a continuous arch wire that passes through orthodontic brackets (delivering the
moments via couples, equal and opposite non-collinear vertical forces, at the
mesial and distal bracket extremities); the appropriate force is applied via
elastomeric modules or coil springs.