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Rational Rose Software Guide: Greg Krilov, Julia Vasserman, Daniel Hodgin

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Rational Rose
Software Guide

Rational Rose Software

Table of Contents
CH1. User Interface...................................................................................................................... 1
Contents.......................................................................................................................... 1
Getting Started.............................................................................................................. 2
The Rational Rose Application Window.............................................................2
The toolbar..................................................................................................................... 4
Browser........................................................................................................................... 7
Diagram window......................................................................................................... 7
Specification Window................................................................................................ 7
Customizing the toolbar........................................................................................... 8
CH2. Business Requirements Analysis using OO.............................................................9
Contents.......................................................................................................................... 9
Use-Case Diagram..................................................................................................... 10
Use Cases...................................................................................................................... 11
Actors............................................................................................................................. 12
Association.................................................................................................................. 14
Packages....................................................................................................................... 14
Stakeholder diagrams............................................................................................. 15
Linking documents to a model............................................................................16
Chapter 3....................................................................................................................................... 18
Contents........................................................................................................................ 18
Domain Class Diagram............................................................................................ 19
Generalizations (Inheritance).............................................................................. 20
System sequence diagram..................................................................................... 21
Importing/Exporting petal files..........................................................................24
Configuring Rose....................................................................................................... 26
Chapter 4 - Step by step installation guide......................................................................30
Glossary.......................................................................................................................................... 38
Index................................................................................................................................................ 40

What is Rational Rose?

Before you begin reading the guide, it is necessary to have a simple

understanding of what exactly this software is about. Rational rose is an object-
oriented UML software design tool that is a part of a comprehensive set of tools
that deal with best software practices. The software helps improve
communication in teams while at the same time reducing development time and
greatly increasing software quality.


This guide is designed primarily for students in courses which deal with
Rational Rose. The guide can also be used by teachers to coordinate classes.

Hands on

At the end of each section (excluding section one), there is a hands-on section
that guides you step by step on the creation and usage of the object discussed.

CH1. User Interface


1. Getting Started – Page 1

2. The Rational Rose Application Window – Page 1

3. The title bar – Page 3

4. The toolbar – Page 4

5. The toolbox – Page 5

6. Browser - - Page 6

7. Diagram window – Page 7

8. Specification Window – Page 7

9. Customizing the toolbar – Page 8

Getting Started

When you first open up Rational Rose, a “create new model” window pops up, from this model
you can load up a model with predefined elements. Press the cancel button as we will not be using any of
these templates.

Let us begin by explaining the toolbar and its different button functionality

The Rational Rose Application Window

The application window consists of the title bar, menu, toolbar, browser, documentation,
specification, and the diagram window.




Toolbox Diagram Window Specification

The title bar

The title bar displays the current open models name, a minimize button, a maximize button and a close
Rational Rose button.

Right clicking on the title bar brings up a Control-Menu box.

Restore – restores the window to its original size

Move – Highlights the border of the window and allows you to move the window by clicking and
dragging the title bar
Size – Allows for resizing of the window
Minimize – Minimizes the window to the taskbar
Maximize – Puts the window into full screen
Close – Closes the window

The toolbar

The toolbar is displayed under the menu bar and is used to perform basic tasks in Rational Rose.

Standard Toolbar

New Model
Click on the icon to start a new model or file to work with.

Open Model
Clicking the icon would create a new window which allows you to browse for an already created
model. Once you select the right model press open and a prompt will pop up asking if you want to
save the current model. By selecting “no” the software displays the selected model from the browse
window and exits the model that was open previously. By pressing yes the model is saved and
discarded and a new selected model is displayed.

Save Model
Selecting the save model icon would display a new dialog box with prompt for file name and the type
of file. To view the model they should be saved under .mdl, once you enter a file name press save or
cancel. If the model already contains a name pressing the icon would save the made changes.

Using the cut icon will remove selected elements of your model.

Clicking the icon will copy selected items which later can be pasted into the model. This icon is used
in order to copy elements in the current model or a model in a different location.

Pressing on the paste icon will paste elements that were previously copied or cut. Using paste allows
users to place already created elements into a different location.

Print Diagrams
Selecting this item would display a dialog box for printer properties once you set the settings to your
preference press ok. This will print the diagrams to the selected printer.

Context Sensitive Help
This icon provides the user with online information about an icon. Once pressed, a question mark will
be placed at the cursor, allowing the user to select an item which they need further description and
online help with. Unfortunately this option is not available to students using Rational Rose
downloaded from school due to lack of a help file.

View Documentation
This icon displays the documentation window which allows users to enter text and notes about the

Browse Class Diagram

Clicking on the icon will display a dialog box for selecting a class diagram from the Use Case or
Logical Views.

Browse Interaction Diagram

Clicking on the icon will display a dialog box for selecting a sequence diagram / interaction diagram.

Browse Component Diagram

Clicking on the icon will display a dialog box for selecting a component.

Browse State Machine

Clicking on the icon allows users to search inside the Select Statechart Diagram or Activity Diagram
dialog box.

Browse Deployment Diagram

Clicking the icon displays a Deployment Diagram dialog box where user can search for diagrams.

Browse Parent
Clicking the icon will display the parent model for the selected element. If an element is created in
another model it will display that model.

Browse Previous Diagram

Selecting the item will display a previously viewed model.

Zoom In
Pressing the icon will magnify the model for better viewing an area of the diagram.

Zoom out
Pressing the icon will decrease the size of the model for better viewing of the full diagram.

Fit in Window
Clicking the item displays the model in dimensions that fit into the window. This changes the zoom
settings that you may have adjusted previously.

Undo Fit in Window

Clicking the icon undoes any changes created by the Fit in Window icon.


The toolbox is made up of tools that are appropriate for the current diagram in the diagram window.
Depending on what type of diagram is open, the toolbox will be populated with the proper tools. Along
with the diagram specific tools, there are three tools which are the same for everything: the selector, the
separator, and the lock icon.

In order to customize the toolbox (add more tools) what you have to do is click anywhere inside the toolbox
that is not an icon and select the Customize option.

Once this is clicked on the Customize Toolbar will come up

To add items to the toolbox simply click on an item on the left and press add.


The browser window works much like a tree view browser in windows explorer. The browser allows
you to
Create new folders (packages), actors, use cases, classes, files, URL’s, and diagrams in a hierarchical
structure. Each object is represented by a unique icon to show the type of each object.

Diagram window

The diagram windows are the main form of interaction a user will deal with. Diagram windows are
used to visually represent objects and elements of the model. Diagram windows give the user full
control over the design, layout, properties, etc of model objects and how those objects interact with
each other. Multiple objects can appear on one diagram window and all objects can each appear on
multiple diagram windows.

Specification Window

The specification window allows you to change options dealing with a particular object such as an
actor, a relationship, a use case and etc in the diagram window.

To open the specification window right click the object and press open specification.


Customizing the toolbar

By right clicking on the toolbar the user can choose to add or remove
additional buttons from the panel.

From there you can select toolbar buttons either from the right side or the left side and respectively add or
remove them to the toolbar

CH2. Business Requirements Analysis using OO


1. Use-Case Diagram – Page 10

2. Use-Case – Page 11

3. Actors – Page 12

4. Packages – Page 14

5. Stakeholder diagrams – Page 15

6. Linking a document to a model – Page 16

Use-Case Diagram

A Use Case diagram shows an elevated view of how a specific part of a system or a system as a whole
functions and/or is used. Use Case diagrams describe system behavior which is more simply known as use

A Use Case diagram can contain the following:

 Actors – System Users

Use Cases – System Behavior / Interaction between an actor and the system

Interactions between Actors and Use-cases including associations, dependencies, and
generalizations(Refer to chapter 3)

Use-cases diagrams are used to show system requirements and to help understand how a system
should work.

To create a new use case diagram do the following:

Right click on Use Case view -> New -> Use Case Diagram

Use Cases

A use case is a specific way the system interacts with an actor. A single use case is a set of events
that can take place between an actor and the system. A use case is initiated by a trigger that is
activated by an actor. For example if an actor clicks an update button that would be a condition to
activate a use case.

Use cases also show: Patterns of behavior of the system, a list of transactions that occur for a given
scenario of the use case. Use cases provide a way to gather system requirements, communicate with
end users, and test the system.

To determine what will make a good use case the designer should consider the actors needs and what
the actor will do with the system in order to ensure the system will end up being what the user

You can create a new use case in two different ways:

Right click use case view -> new -> use case

Click on the “oval” shaped toolbox item and click in the diagram

Manage Supplies is the use case and Manager is the actor in this figure


In Rational Rose the actors in the models symbolize system users. Knowing which actors will be
interacting with the software is essential in order to create associations. Moreover, the actors provide
the beginning building blocks for the system; how it should be organized and developed. All models
in this chapter start with an actor and connect to a use case. It is important to note that an actor cannot
change what the use case does, but rather it acts together with the use case to perform the needed
tasks. An actor can use the system through input such as for updating or creating new records, or an
actor can receive data from the system for example when viewing system’s records.
How to determine your actors?

Before working on the system as a developer you must brainstorm and decide on who will be the
users of your system. Users can be employees, staff, and people that will perform tasks such as insert
data or get output from system. Other users can be those who are responsible for maintaining the
system and making sure the system works as it should. Anything else that interacts with the system
can be represented by an actor such as a database or another system.

You can create an Actor in two different ways:

Right click Use Case View -> New -> Actor

Left Click on the “stick figure” in the toolbox and click anywhere inside the diagram window

An association is used to signify a connection between use cases and actors. Associations are simply a line
in a use case diagram that connects actors to use cases. The line represents a relationship between these
two objects. There are two types of associations: unidirectional and bi-directional. In Seneca courses you
will deal almost exclusively with unidirectional associations.

To create an association line, click on the icon in the toolbox and then click on an actor and drag the
line to a use case.

Creating an association.

A package is a folder like object that can contain other objects in it. Packages allow a hierarchical structure
to be created in the model.

To create packages do the following:

Right click on use case view -> New -> package

Stakeholder diagrams

A stakeholder is anyone who is affected by the system. There are five categories of stakeholders:
users, sponsors, developers, authorities, and customers.

 Standard Users
Individuals who use the system on a day-to-day basis
Those who write queries to retrieve information.
Management that uses the system for collecting reports and statistics
 Non-Human Users
Devices that the system interacts with
Other systems

 Individuals who do not interact with the system directly. Example: Business
 Those who take part in supporting the system financially. Example: Investors
 -Individuals who are affected by the business outcomes resulting from the system.

 Stakeholders who participate in the maintenance and the creation of the system.

 The experts on a certain problem.
 The persons involved doing business with the company.

How to determine your stakeholders?

The questions you might want to ask yourself when modeling the stakeholders are who are the users
of the system? Who sponsors the system? Are there standards organizations the system must follow?
Who will maintain the system?

To create a stakeholder diagram first create a Use Case Diagram by selecting Use Case View, New,
and Use Case Diagram. Then, create a use case by clicking Use Case View, New, and selecting Use
Case. Name the use case “System” to represent the new system you will be developing. From the
browser window, drag and drop all the stakeholder actors and associate them with the system using
the association tool from the toolbox. The association should be made by starting with the actor and
dragging the mouse to the system, resulting in a line which connects the two objects.

This is a stakeholder diagram showing a system and all the actors associated with it

Linking documents to a model

At some point in time, you may wish to link an object to an external documentation source such as project
plans or a requirements document. Rose provides the option of linking a file or an external website page to

an object in your model. In order to create a link to a file or an external website page right click on the
object, click on new and then either file or URL.

If you select file, rose will allow you to browse your local directories and select a file

If you select URL, you will be required to enter the URL to the external website page directly below the


Chapter 3


1. Domain Class Diagram – Page 19

2. Generalization (Inheritance) – Page 20

3. Sequence Diagram – Page – Page 21

4. Importing and Exporting - Page 24

5. Configuring Rose – Page 26

Domain Class Diagram

Domain Class diagrams capture the logical architecture of the system. The logical architecture of the
system describes the relationships between classes which in turn represent key abstractions. A class
diagram is essentially a picture which describes a part of a system, it includes associations and attributes. It
is made up of icons representing classes, actors, the relationships between them, and may include any of the
following: classes, interfaces, associations/relationship, inheritance, aggregation, and composition.

Types of classes:

Conceptual Classes: A real world concept or thing such as a student or the student’s student

Software Classes: Things having to do with software such as a function, a screen showing a
list, or a database.

Associations are relationships between classes which indicate a connection between the two; for example, a
veterinarian who can have appointments.

Example of a partial domain class diagram

Classes are made up of attributes which are data values which make up the class.

As seen in the example, a veterinarian is associated with an appointment. The numbers 1 and 0..* and 1
represent multiplicity. Multiplicity indicates how many instances of a class can be are associated with
which means 0 or more, 1..*, or n which means anything. In this example we have 0..* appointments for 1
veterinarian meaning that a veterinarian can have anywhere from 0 to many appointments.

The appointment class in the example is also connected to a time slot class which is in turn connected
to a veterinary schedule. It can be seen that there are one or more timeslots, and the timeslots can have
zero or more appointments taking place. Furthermore, a veterinary schedule can have zero or more
timeslots meaning that a veterinarian does not necessarily have appointments on every day.

Notice the line connecting appointment to timeslot, the end pointing at the timeslot has a black
diamond. This means that this is a composition relationship which is a special type of an aggregation
relationship. Before composition can be explained, you need to understand what an aggregation
relationship is.

An aggregation relationship is a particular type of an association; it indicates a whole/part relationship

meaning that one class is made up of another. Keeping this in mind a composition relationship is one
where if the “whole” class is deleted, all its “parts” get deleted too because they are dependent on its
existence. In the above example a timeslot is made up of appointments, meaning that if a timeslot
disappears then all appointments attached to it disappear too.

How to know if something in a class or an attribute?

If the material in question cannot be represented as a number or text, then it is a class, not an
Generalizations (Inheritance)

There will be a point in time when you will have a number of classes and realize that they have all a few
common attributes. It is inefficient to have repeating attributes and consequently something must be done to
remove these redundancies. For this purpose we can implement inheritance in our class diagram by creating
a parent class and associating it with its children using a generalization relationship.

A generalization relationship is a relationship used to show inheritance between a general type class such as
“student” and a more specific class such as “BTS430 Student”. The general class would consist of
repeating attributes such as name, student id, GPA, while the specific class would contain attributes which
are class specific and apply to only it. There are also many cases where several specific classes are empty
with no attributes and are attached to a general class which contains the data. Such a relationship could be
between a general “User” class which could have such attributes as name and permissions and the many
users of a system which could be “Member”, “Guest”, “Administrator”, etc.

A generalization relationship is represented by a solid line going from the specific class to the general class
and has an empty triangle at the tip pointing towards the general class. To create a generalization
relationship click on its icon in the toolbox, click on the specific class, and drag it towards the general
parent class.

System sequence diagram

The system sequence diagram displays the events that occur when an actor interacts with the
system. SSDs are based on use case specifications. Every separate use case scenario should contain a
system sequence diagram that displays the input and output procedures. Scenarios include step by step
procedures by which SSDs follow.

How to begin a System Sequence Diagram:

1. Right click on the package you are working with and select New and then Sequence Diagram.
2. Drag in an actor from the browser window and the system class. The actor should be the
specific user that interacts with the system at current scenario, refer to figure 4-1 for an
example. System is a class which you need to create to show the message between the actor
and the system.

Figure 4-1
In this example the Vets interact with the system.

3. Looks at the scenario and the initial state the system is in. If the actor is first to interact with
the system, select the object message from the toolbox. Drag the object message from the
actor to the system. Right click on the line created and select object specifications or double
click on the line. A dialog window should pop up; refer to Figure 4-2. Enter a name for a
method the system will be using. Note: if input goes into the system the methods should start
with an action verb. Inside you can enter parameters for what is being passed to the system.
For example enterCustomer(name).

Figure 4-1 Right click to select Open Specification.

4. To display system output select message object from the toolbox and drag the mouse from the
System class to the actor. Double click on the line and enter what will be retrieved from the
system. Note: do not use action verbs when sending back data but simply enter the output.
Example: the system can return a name.

5. You can right click on the output message object and select Format then Line Color. A dialog
box should appear containing shades of colors, select a shade of blue or a color different from
the input message in order to improve viewing and understating of the diagram.

6. When a certain task is being done more than once, for example if you’re entering several items
into the system you might want to create a loop. To do this, select the Note icon from the
toolbox then select the Anchor Note to Item icon and drag a line from the beginning of the
task to the note and another line from the end of the task to the note. When finished enter an
appropriate name for the loop.

Importing/Exporting petal files

Importing and exporting files:

When working as a team you will need to combine work together and organize group member’s
models into packages. Since each team member will be giving a business area to focus on, each
individual will have to export their business area package to a Petal file and then import the Petal file
into the group model.

Exporting package to a petal file:

The first thing you would want to do is create a backup file to your Rational Rose model. In
case any problems during the exporting process should occur, you will still have a backup file
to work with.
If you haven’t already done so you should create a package and title it the same as your
business area. Inside the package you should place all your models and actors.
There are two ways of exporting through the Use Case View or the Logical View diagram.
To Export Using Use Case View:
Before you start make sure you are not using the Main use case diagram in the Use Case
Use Case view contains a main, therefore, if you’ve create a model using the main diagram
simply create a new use case diagram and place your model there. Your Main use case
diagram should be empty in order to complete the instructions.

 Open the Main use case diagram places in Use Case View by double clicking on it.
 -Drag your created package entitled the same as your business area into the open main
diagram window on the right. You can drag it by selecting the package and moving the
cursor to the open window.
 -Select the package displayed in the main diagram. If you don’t select it you will not
be able to perform the export successfully. View Figure
 -From the Rational Rose bar select File, a dropdown menu should appear. If you’ve
followed the instructions correctly you should see Export and then the name of your
package or business area, click on the option. For example, if your package name is
MaintainaRecord you should see Export MaintainaRecord. A window will pop up
asking to name your Petal file. For better organization and clarity name the Petal file
the same as your business area.
 Your file should have a .ptl extension, e.g. MaintainaRecord.ptl. When you’re done
naming the file press save.
 -Exit the model. Do not save the model. If there were any changes that you had to save
remember that they were saved when you created the backup Rational Rose file.
 To Export Using Logical View:
 -Follow the exact same instruction as for Use Case diagram but instead of a use case
diagram place it in a Class diagram. Note that the Main is a Main class diagram.


Selecting the package in the main use case diagram will allow you to export Petal files.
Importing the Petal Files:
Since you will be working with the team model make sure you create a backup before
importing any files. You wouldn’t want your team members’ hard work to be changed or
Open the team model.
Follow the steps for every petal file you want to import:
 Click on the Use Case View in the browser window
 From the top Rational Rose bar select File and from the dropdown menu select import.
 A window will pop up that will allow you to browse for the file you want to import.
Select the .ptl file you are looking for.
 Once Rational Rose imports the file check for the location of where it is placed.
Sometimes it imports the file into Logical View. Expand the package and if you find it
there, you can simply move it by dragging the imported file to the desired location.
The package might also be found in the Logical View Main class diagram, you can
select the package and delete it from the window since you won’t be using it there.
 The last step is to save the model with the imported petals in your team model.

Configuring Rose
Configuring the Rose software
Knowing how to configure Rose properly is something every student will need to be able to do. This
section will show you how to navigate through the myriad of options and will explain the ones that
are of importance to you.
From the menu choose tools and then options

The options window contains options that are grouped into tabs and boxes. The General tab contains
options related to saving, default fonts and colors, layout options, as well as a few misc options. The
Diagram tab contains options for compartments, display, message signatures, the grid, and misc. The
Browser tab holds options for stereotype names and docking. The Notation tab has notation display,
default language and a few misc options. The Toolbars tab has options for the standard toolbar,
diagram toolbar, and customized toolbars. The remaining tabs are beyond the scope of this user guide
and are not applicable to students at this time.
The following is a listing of options that apply to students and descriptions on their purpose within

 Create backup file – Creates a backup file rose is in use with the extension ~mdl in case of a
crash or accidental deletion.
 Auto save every – This allows you to automatically save the model by the number of minutes

Default Font/Color
 These options simply allow you to set a default font, font size, and color for the software.

Layout options
 Spacing between shapes – this just controls the spacing that is applied when shapes are placed
near each other.

 Sequence numbering – for system sequence diagrams and sequence diagrams you will want
this option turned off to avoid numbering each process.
 Focus of control – for system sequence diagrams and sequence diagrams you will want this
turned off as well. This option adds a rectangular box to each point on the diagram where
object messages and return messages connect to classes.

Standard toolbar
 Show standard toolbar – displays the standard toolbar along the top of the screen just under the
 Use large buttons – this option will increase the size of the toolbar buttons.

Diagram toolbar
 Show diagram toolbar – this option controls if the toolbox is displayed.
 Use large buttons – increases the size of the icons displayed on the toolbox.

Customize toolbars
 This block of options allows you to control what icons each toolbox panel displays for each
type of diagram available.


Chapter 4 - Step by step installation guide

For students who wish to install Rational rose on their own Pc’s or laptop’s we are providing this step
by step instruction guide
Step 1: Insert the CD and the install will begin automatically. The following screen will appear

Step 2: Select “Install IBM Rational Rose Enterprise Edition”.

Step 3: Choose Next and then pick “Desktop installation from CD image”.

Step 4: Choose Next to begin installation.

Step 5: Choose Next after reading the warnings.

Step 6: Choose Accept after reading the Software License Agreement.

Step 7: Select a location to install the software to or use the default location provided.

Step 8: Select which features to install. For our purposes leave everything selected and press Next.

Step 9: Choose Install to begin installation.

Step 10: Wait for the installation to complete.

Step 11: Select “Point to a Rational License Server to get my licenses” and click Next.

Step 12: Enter “acstechsy.senecac.on.ca” for the Server Name and click Show Licenses.

Step 13: The Seneca ACS License server will show up. Press the close button to continue

Step 14: Choose Finish to complete the installation.

Addition information: If you encounter the following dialog it is usually due to Rational Rose not
being able to connect to the ACS license server. You will get a 3-5 day grace period to use Rational
Rose and then the software will no longer work. At the time of this writing you must be connected to
the college network to access the license server. Simply opening the software while connected to the
college network will refresh the license and allow you to continue using the software.


Actor- an actor is someone that interacts with the system. Actors cannot change what the use
case does but rather act together with system to perform the needed tasks.

Application window – The main Rational Rose window which is the default upon opening up the software.
The application window consists of the title bar, menu, toolbar, browser, documentation, specification, and
the diagram window.

Browser – The browser is a window on the top left area of the user interface which represents
the folder hierarchy of the model. It shows a tree view display of packages, actors, use case
sequence diagrams, domain class diagrams, classes, class diagrams, files, and URL’s.

Diagram window – The diagram window is the area on the right of the screen which shows
graphical representations of objects in the model. The diagram windows are used to display
diagrams such as use case, stakeholder, sequence, and domain class diagrams. The diagram window
allows interaction and configuration of almost any type of object in a model.
Domain class diagram – A diagram which captures the logical architecture of the system which in
turn describes the relationships between classes which represent key abstractions. Could be thought
of as a picture that describes a part of a system.

Generalization relationship – A relationship used to show inheritance between a general type class
such as “student” and a more specific class such as “BTS430 Student”.

Menu – An application window control which contains and provides a user with a list of options having to
do with every aspect of Rational Rose.

Package- wraps together models and objects in a file for organizational use.

PTL file – Rose model file type. (A rose has petals)

System Sequence Diagram – A diagram which displays the events that occur when an actor
interacts with the system.

Specification – The specification window is available by right clicking on an object and selecting the
specification option. The specification window allows various options for an object to be

Stakeholder Diagram- is an individual who is affected by the system. Types of stakeholders

are users, sponsors, developers, authorities, and customers.

Title bar – The part of the application window which displays the current files name and extension, the title
bar can also be used to minimize, maximize, and close Rational Rose.

Toolbar – An application window control which contains shortcuts to many of the Rational Rose action and
objects. The toolbar can be customized to satisfy a user’s needs.

Toolbox – The toolbox is the area between the browser window and the diagram window which
holds buttons to manipulate the objects in the active diagram window. The toolbox icons
dynamically update depending on which diagram window type is active.

Use Case - is an object that is initiated by the actor. Use cases provide a way to gather system
requirements, communicate with end users, and test the system.

Use case diagram- The use case diagram displays how the system functions or used by the actor. A
use case diagram is made up of an actor, use cases and associations.

Application Window – Page 1
Actor - 12
Browser - 6
Customizing the toolbar – 8
Diagram window – 7
Domain Class Diagram – 19
Generalization (Inheritance) – 20
Importing and Exporting - 22

Linking a document to a model – 16
Packages – 14
Sequence Diagram – 21
Specification Window – 7
Stakeholder diagrams – Page 15
The title bar – 3
The toolbar – 4
The toolbox – 5
Use-Case – 11
Use-Case Diagram – 10


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