ASTM D323 - 15a TVR
ASTM D323 - 15a TVR
ASTM D323 - 15a TVR
1. Scope* 1.8 This standard does not purport to address all of the
1.1 This test method covers procedures for the determina- safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
tion of vapor pressure (see Note 1) of gasoline, volatile crude responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
oil, and other volatile petroleum products. priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. Specific warning
1.2 Procedure A is applicable to gasoline and other petro- statements are given in Sections 7 and 18, and 12.5.3, 15.5,
leum products with a vapor pressure of less than 180 kPa 21.2, A1.1.2, A1.1.6, and A2.3.
(26 psi).
1.3 Procedure B may also be applicable to these other 2. Referenced Documents
materials, but only gasoline was included in the interlaboratory 2.1 ASTM Standards:2
test program to determine the precision of this test method. D1267 Test Method for Gage Vapor Pressure of Liquefied
1.4 Procedure C is for materials with a vapor pressure of Petroleum (LP) Gases (LP-Gas Method)
greater than 180 kPa (26 psi). D4057 Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and
Petroleum Products
1.5 Procedure D for aviation gasoline with a vapor pressure D4175 Terminology Relating to Petroleum, Petroleum
of approximately 50 kPa (7 psi). Products, and Lubricants
NOTE 1—Because the external atmospheric pressure is counteracted by
D4953 Test Method for Vapor Pressure of Gasoline and
the atmospheric pressure initially present in the vapor chamber, the Reid
vapor pressure is an absolute pressure at 37.8 °C (100 °F) in kilopascals Gasoline-Oxygenate Blends (Dry Method)
(pounds-force per square inch). The Reid vapor pressure differs from the D6377 Test Method for Determination of Vapor Pressure of
true vapor pressure of the sample due to some small sample vaporization Crude Oil: VPCRx (Expansion Method)
and the presence of water vapor and air in the confined space. D6897 Test Method for Vapor Pressure of Liquefied Petro-
1.6 This test method is not applicable to liquefied petroleum leum Gases (LPG) (Expansion Method)
gases or fuels containing oxygenated compounds other than E1 Specification for ASTM Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers
methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE). For determination of the vapor E2251 Specification for Liquid-in-Glass ASTM Thermom-
pressure of liquefied petroleum gases, refer to Test Method eters with Low-Hazard Precision Liquids
D1267 or Test Method D6897. For determination of the vapor 2.2 Energy Institute Standards:
pressure of gasoline-oxygenate blends, refer to Test Method IP 481 Test Method for Determination of the Air Saturated
D4953. The precision for crude oil has not been determined Vapour Pressure (ASVP) of Crude Oil3
since the early 1950s (see Note 3). Test Method D6377 has
been approved as a method for determination of vapor pressure 3. Terminology
of crude oil. IP 481 is a test method for determination of the
3.1 Definitions:
air-saturated vapor pressure of crude oil.
3.1.1 Bourdon spring gauge, n—pressure measuring device
1.7 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the that employs a Bourdon tube connected to an indicator.
standard. The values given in parentheses are for information 3.1.2 Bourdon tube, n—flattened metal tube bent to a curve
only. that straightens under internal pressure.
1 2
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Subcommittee D02.08 on Volatility. Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Current edition approved June 1, 2015. Published June 2015. Originally the ASTM website.
approved in 1930. Last previous edition approved in 2015 as D323 – 15. DOI: Available from Energy Institute, 61 New Cavendish St., London, WIG 7AR,
10.1520/D0323-15A. U.K.,
(1 in.) above the top of the vapor chamber. Observe the 12.5.2 If the purging of the vapor chamber is done in a bath,
apparatus for leaks throughout the test and discard the test at be sure to avoid small films of floating sample by keeping the
anytime a leak is detected. bottom and top openings of the chamber closed as they pass
through the water surface.
12.5.3 Preparation of Gauge—Disconnect the gauge from
its manifold connection with the pressure measuring device
and remove trapped liquid in the Bourdon tube of the gauge by
repeated centrifugal thrusts. This is accomplished in the
following manner: hold the gauge between the palms of the
hands with the right palm on the face of the gauge and the
threaded connection of the gauge forward. Extend the arms
forward and upward at an angle of 45°. Swing the arms rapidly
downward through an arc of about 135° so that centrifugal
force aids gravity in removing trapped liquid. Repeat this
operation at least three times or until all liquid has been
expelled from the gauge. Connect the gauge to the vapor
chamber with the liquid connection closed and place in the
FIG. 1 Simplified Sketches Outlining Method Transferring 37.8 °C (100 °F) bath to condition for the next test.
Sample to Liquid Chamber from Open-Type Containers (Warning—Do not leave the vapor chamber with the gauge
15.1 Sample Transfer— Remove the sample from the cool- 15.5.1 Thoroughly purge the vapor chamber of residual
ing bath, uncap, and insert the chilled transfer tube (see Fig. 1). sample by filling it with warm water above 32 °C (90 °F) and
Remove the liquid chamber from the cooling bath, and place allowing it to drain. Repeat this purging at least five times.
the chamber in an inverted position over the top of the transfer Purge the liquid chamber in the same manner. Rinse both
tube. Invert the entire system rapidly so that the liquid chamber chambers and the transfer tube several times with petroleum
is upright with the end of the transfer tube approximately 6 mm naphtha, then several times with acetone, then blow dry using
(0.25 in.) from the bottom of the liquid chamber. Fill the dried air. Place the liquid chamber in the cooling bath or
chamber to overflowing (in addition to other precautions, make refrigerator in preparation for the next test. (Warning—Do not
provision for suitable containment and disposal of the over- leave the vapor chamber with the gauge attached in the water
flowing sample to avoid fire hazard). Withdraw the transfer bath for a longer period of time than necessary to condition for
tube from the liquid chamber while allowing the sample to the next test. Water vapor can condense in the Bourdon tube
continue flowing up to complete withdrawal. and lead to erroneous results.)
15.5.2 If the purging of the vapor chamber is done in a bath,
15.2 Assembly of Apparatus—Immediately remove the va- be sure to avoid small films of floating sample by keeping the
por chamber from the water bath. Disconnect the spiral tubing bottom and top openings of the chamber closed as they pass
at the quick action disconnect. Couple the filled liquid chamber through the water surface.
to the vapor chamber as quickly as possible without spillage or
15.5.3 Preparation of Gauge or Transducer—In the correct
movement that could promote exchange of room temperature
operation of this procedure, liquid should not reach the gauge
air with the 37.8 °C (100 °F) air in the vapor chamber. Not
or transducer. If it is observed or suspected that liquid has
more than 10 s shall elapse between removing the vapor
reached the gauge, purge the gauge as described in 12.5.3. The
chamber from the water bath and completion of the coupling of
transducer has no cavity to trap liquid. Ensure that no liquid is
the two chambers.
present in the T handle fitting or spiral tubing by forcing a
15.3 Introduction of the Apparatus into the Bath—While stream of dry air through the tubing. Connect the gauge or
holding the apparatus vertically, immediately reconnect the transducer to the vapor chamber with the liquid connection
spiral tubing at the quick action disconnect. Tilt the apparatus closed and place in the 37.8 °C (100 °F) bath to condition for
between 20° and 30° downward for 4 s or 5 s to allow the the next test.
sample to flow into the vapor chamber without getting into the
tube extending into the vapor chamber from the gauge, or PROCEDURE C
pressure transducer. Place the assembled apparatus into the
water bath maintained at 37.8 °C 6 0.1 °C (100 °F 6 0.2 °F)
in such a way that the bottom of the liquid chamber engages the
drive coupling and the other end of the apparatus rests on the
support bearing. Turn on the switch to begin the rotation of the 16. Introduction
assembled liquid-vapor chambers. Observe the apparatus for 16.1 With products having vapor pressure over 180 kPa
leakage throughout the test (see Note 5). Discard the test at (26 psi) (see Note 7), the procedure described in Sections 8 –
anytime a leak is detected. 12 is hazardous and inaccurate. Consequently, the following
15.4 Measurement of Vapor Pressure—After the assembled sections define changes in apparatus and procedure for the
apparatus has been in the bath for at least 5 min, tap the determinations of vapor pressures above 180 kPa. Except as
pressure gauge lightly and observe the reading. Repeat the specifically stated, all the requirements of Sections 1 – 12 shall
tapping and reading at intervals of not less than 2 min, until apply.
two consecutive readings are the same. (Tapping is not NOTE 7—If necessary, either Procedure A or B can be used to determine
necessary with the transducer model but the reading intervals if the vapor pressure of a product is above 180 kPa.
(Mandatory Information)
A1.1 Reid Vapor Pressure Apparatus, consisting of two for coupling with the liquid chamber. Care shall be taken that
chambers, a vapor chamber (upper section) and a liquid the connections to the openings do not prevent the chamber
chamber (lower section), shall conform to the following from draining completely.
requirements: A1.1.2 Liquid Chamber—One Opening—The lower section
A1.1.1 Vapor Chamber— The upper section or chamber, as or liquid chamber, as shown in Fig. A1.1, shall be a cylindrical
shown in Fig. A1.1, shall be a cylindrical vessel having the vessel of the same inside diameter as the vapor chamber and of
inside dimensions of 51 mm 6 3 mm (2 in. 6 1⁄8 in.) in such a volume that the ratio of the volume of the vapor
diameter and 254 mm 6 3 mm (10 in.6 1⁄8 in.) in length, with chamber to the volume of the liquid chamber shall be between
the inner surfaces of the ends slightly sloped to provide 3.8 and 4.2. (see A1.1.3). In one end of the liquid chamber an
complete drainage from either end when held in a vertical opening of approximately 12.7 mm (1⁄2 in.) in diameter shall be
position. On one end of the vapor chamber, a suitable gauge provided for coupling with the vapor chamber. The inner
coupling with an internal diameter of not less than 4.7 mm surface of the coupling end shall be sloped to provide complete
(3⁄16 in.) shall be provided to receive the 6.35 mm (1⁄4 in.) gauge drainage when inverted. The other end of the chamber shall be
connection. In the other end of the vapor chamber, an opening completely closed. (Warning—To maintain the correct vol-
approximately 12.7 mm (1⁄2 in.) in diameter shall be provided ume ratio between the vapor chamber and the liquid chamber,
J Valve 6.35 1 ⁄4
A2.1 Vapor Pressure Apparatus—Refer to A1.1.1 through the bath at a constant temperature of 37.8 °C 6 0.1 °C (100 °F
A1.1.7. 6 0.2 °F) shall be provided. In order to check this temperature,
the bath thermometer shall be immersed to the 37 °C (98 °F)
A2.2 Pressure Gauge—The pressure measuring system mark throughout the vapor pressure determination. A suitable
shall be a Bourdon type spring gauge, as described in A1.2 or
bath is shown in Fig. A2.1 and is available commercially.
a suitable pressure transducer and digital readout. The pressure
measuring system shall be remotely mounted from the vapor A2.5 Thermometers—Refer to A1.5.
pressure apparatus and terminations provided for use of a quick
connection type fitting. A2.6 Pressure Measuring Device—Refer to A1.6.
A2.3 Cooling Bath—(Warning—To maintain the correct A2.7 Flexible Coupler—A suitable flexible coupling shall
volume ratio between the vapor chamber and the liquid be provided for connection of the rotating vapor pressure
chamber, paired chambers shall not be interchanged without apparatus to the pressure measuring device.
recalibration to ascertain that the volume ratio is within the
required limits.) A2.8 Vapor Chamber Tube—The vapor chamber tube of
inner diameter 3 mm (1⁄8 in.) and length of 114 mm (4.5 in.)
A2.4 Water Bath—The water bath shall be of such dimen- shall be inserted into the pressure measuring end of the vapor
sions that the vapor pressure apparatus can be immersed in a chamber to prevent liquid from entering the vapor pressure
horizontal position. Provision shall be made to rotate the measuring connections (see Fig. A2.2).
apparatus on its axis 350° in one direction and then 350° in the
opposite direction in repetitive fashion. Means for maintaining A2.9 Sample Transfer Connection—Refer to A1.8.
FIG. A2.2 Vapor Chamber Tube Inserted in Vapor Chamber
Subcommittee D02.08 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D323 – 15) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved June 1, 2015.)
Subcommittee D02.08 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D323 – 08 (2014)) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved April 1, 2015.)
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
( Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
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