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ANTON CH Off Orn 3

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QUESTION BANK (For Promotion Candidates for Chief Officer rank)

15. what is the information available in chapter 18 of tBC code. ?

Ans: r
Lis'r c\ P'o<\*clr \o l'r\,icV' tL*- CrJ"e c{oecir'! apd5
CJr4p\ar \4.
It h-?"o.\*trs Vil\ic\' !'c'rr- t'''" Yevirw"-4 \-' W*r- 9^\tvr q'"\
"U^,"'f rwr \r, p"'zsr'1 \"-'"-t\ s h S*t!
a'"{ {'\'"'"ri'oJ
h-,J. ' r A P ?\ t^h a o o\ tvr' L'" {o- i '

6.vr cv.t as \u \^r c':rrc'n

e- rt\
c\-ra' {.''c' i-. il-
I[r-t- pr.{ycy nam-,e- ^,w.'A Pot\r^lr" Cqw'l'\
S-* 4 k^t*\rrr Lo\,nt',''

16. Does the Vapor recovery have a independent alarm system. What is the setting for same.

!e 4
\csg*\ re {.tr"A wiU }tuo i.', \t ptr.)c.,\ \ crf o *-r \&',.rn \i'r-
Slgtzro t€ grc ri,l.r.\ tn C.o (.
YRu t &VRu2, h*- ct\a'-'o
AOY C\ il- (\o.o.,.,n\ 4c\,.0'.hn
HitV, ?rcss\,.\. ct\o-'t' \s Sct V
9ett,v1 * Qt.-e...-u va\"u- ' (o oz*rr).
\0" qr...*-c 3r\Ho1
L\r,Al. i.,-xh.\ tu"d*tt. t\EPn
oo.r i.,.--r-A G.d.\.on C- s t-p".)
Yr 1s S. tN.,1 !*iAr,.',t* rS (\'rcn \o (-\wn,,,c,.\ ta,,"n[.r rnln',ro\ Gt t' :, s
17. What setting will you keep on the SAAB.if the vapor return line is connected?


I""r"d b.Aiv,o,":
No\ nno". \h0.. c+ \* oo"v*..\
q c Y
}IiXVi ?r.ss*Y.- 3<tii.'1 )

acknrr\or, St\\ir'5 o\ QY{ s''v'-r( \a\"t-

lot Qr" '-s "'.. l< tlro'1 N.f \es.r il<n \ot,rn^vuCl ov (o'lq\.\PE\)

l(o'-,, inc"r.r.4 to.c\i\^..,

th1l, ft""s"*. sth)\t '' lJr\ w\ov. \!a-, u101. O$ ho non,,r,1\ attr"qht rr
Sz\\-inr, c\ ?r.ssr..:r. va\,.-

to* ?r. gg.,^^'t 6.\\rr1 : $.-fot \.s. ho- \r".ry yocc-r,-

Page 7 of 16
BANK (F didates for Chief

18. What is the extinguishing med ium in case of a fire on board due to ca rgo loaded ?

37 \r" [o* €-KPc\v14ion m (slnthetrc bas.)

At coho \ ptoo! /pg* Co"ton $^**^tu- li1'*i'l' p'r'oJ \r"

19. Describe the spill containment procedure for cargo Phenol .

Emphasize on PPE, Designation of duties, spill containment drums. Consider also the Empty
tanks if required

ffi,, ?.'rs,nn.\ e'.1c'1<A rn fl..g ( \2...,'nc1 OPtro\oo (n \'1st \i(c'\ PPg S

.'" pi q uo.)h L. tt1'r Si"'r\\,
L\ A\\o^e\ s\t, s '1 [c\'1<t\$0,.' t1r5^i [pL,r:',..
c) 6;,t\ n',.^ h t-' (e 'ds'qq\,'\1
.\j Alt h.,si\\. 9*''q { i1"''\'u,- 1. L- e\t-'.,^\.'\
f:l'*t AIC Orr Yt [.t<Lh\ah o" rr ''o'\n
O a,t ^, co..,oc{a\.', v<'\\(' h h<

hq\r gi'\\ Fo n S-)"A

ftno\ C\tt^.''',", "! 11. (pr\\e,,. \r.r,rst U, Co\\\
LX trl"t\^".r.ic^\ tlt^to'.t,
;;- ;;:';;". .,.,A Glr^ttr.r\ ; a. <tav\ G.\^i',"-4r al.d rnr,'(!
t. ""i,a*.,"t ng vla9}c a'-d rLt:p<".1 crSl,''.u'-.<

20. What is the pressure monitoring system available for cargo tank on board to prevent the Over
pressu rizat io n/U nde r pressurization of the cargo. What are the setting used ?


f'r"lhsga6i,..o Co Lt\ 31<1"*

T1" Sel\inXs c\yr-

Hit\^ Pr.ss*t. A.\^**. 15 o \cp'

Page 8 of 16
L0,., prosel',"o 6\\a"rvrn'- -1-o kPa
P"" \\iXu Prt 6(rnre . r2L A

Io,u Prt Esur''.. o.\a"rrl = - 3'q

21. What is Primary & Secondary venting ?

Ans: , V^,Lu!rn
Dr,*^",-^ \t^t'nqt l6 tktc*1L '\ APpYcv€ Ptt 'g*tn- &'nAU{&-
ittn\ t" \,*i\ tlo p''e<t*r' c Y
, .,
(a\u" $it te c\ N <'c ^.C[,, \ *^r. h
qlxi\ t, ^3cmi<
d;::"-" .;"'* \a'nu w'tv' A'r^ \e\oc'h! t

Se c""nAarq !aT Hvrq I ptossn" f,our4oi $ttt d tv\ .eaLL't tc\qr:

tr.,rtt a. Mon*ovr nq Sdar'u* ir1 (-c'.rqc ( cntrc\ vocrvr c\"'J bric\cJt \!t
crn alnrm [:'.,f,t.\ WI.'iU rq i.ct,vat..l bq det.ctt.", 0f ovtv f* s:"tr' ot ut''At' Bliiii'
22. You observe the secondary alarm system has activated on your cargo monitoring system.
Please advise the sequence of action.

Crnr". G'xo 0 flt ra hcvr

tr (^e" ..l disc,hurXinl Cat3", Lt^"*. ovrr h ot1'ot Crn"3o

L.*" i$ h ssibL.
in Cas. o| I o^di^.' it \.r','tr [q.. r"1in^\ bu hqr(td Mrrw.6
iI possibra C \,^-fi*,\u otlov Co"1" L.",1 t" \on'\'*1 '

2J. What ire the hazalds of Nitrdgen ?

Ans: Ch4[,[.Y 1 C ll n<o4ers llnrl-lurrq / trurerrnlq At'il (r's Fq,earllr,l)

Brcot!,ir,3 pn". nil'oXL : 6he d..p brnr.t\'' c! p,^r" nikol"n Ca"
b" [ot^[. Ni\.01". l'.rit\ c\isp\oce Coa c"'d o'2 Complt]e\'1 a-d in
th- abg,e,.,- oP to2 3i3''r.\ tc [xain, h.- gtim^\,as \o b'eath n:
n.1.t LXiSt s a..r- p"t.o.t i *"l'J ' "tt\1 (\op \:'ezr i1^in1 '
Aspilv,(ir.tio"', i"re'rtes orx'1tu' cdr\ic''e-c.'1

Page 9 of 16
UESTION BAN ndidates for r rank

24. What the usual procedure to be followed on board with regard to designation of persons
while Hose connection/Disconnection, Cargo Sampling.
Who is supposed to monitors this operation ?

ont' [,j..r,,,.!r.l o!\'u., \ L".* rrr'lgl bl- c)'zrr',1"4te4 \it hot" [o'Terism
iln-.*iii;Iili t. ?\ar^"6\.tr lr rr'r"*{''td Pf,', {!r"'} b'
t'.|t'\^;f ir
r,rn" v,-thntil I
C[ttl oh't"', b.- dcc"'"*-*l..4 d.' ?t+hl \ o?g'J

ft n\*\.lra r,!'tvrs\ t' pr]p'r"'\ in Atcc'Aanc' l,.]ilt' CTtvt Ll"g 3'2'9'

' C-hP 6 1 C.'.qt (umq\r.r
" A )agpns, bL ii\r,t I'"tn rQ \'t\9 Av-c'rr o\ \- sr^k\ \t,.ud*oro.dh^g
(Grcj1 carnpb' 6!,c*id ac rc"9n''1 \h,-
\zqqnihoo ol \t* ("q*o,ciA\ gif i&(o'"\' c\
Jr,rxiz 1c rI YL r 9..r..91'(13
25. What all aspects are taken into consideration if the simultaneous operation(Cargo, tank
cleaning,stores) has to be carried out on board the vessel ?

Ans: o' r -
fi,lt \"c',,'n1 hc\ h. G.d*cr.d Lonc'^r r<n$'1 v 'tn tfi-\" , 0p 'a\ aYrejs
cr.-'-''it A ir"t
l$ Ci'rt n*qrnn'c., \<r,'v'x<, S''c!' oF?".rhor\ ^'^'Y",-.,\ t'
P'-g.' Rrr \ q:tttu o.PPwYl! . *
irr PY' Ca'Y1<. r<rr*ti nA
D t-si..rc.r- o t(,tot
-'Lo-^". / C-c"u |r,- &tch uPzY'^hot
.;; *.); rmanifuld o' o\ o- $^11^"^1 B L\nc'\Yt"o\'{
Mcr '.. '1qa Slu "rd t r (.\\{'w\t" '\ \eat"t\n'19 .
al* "*\fr^tii si"H. c,.- 1,. 're-.\ 'h. Vr:."d\,'r <h".
5*-.,-., k-...;,-,.-" \t,'l\ \,'"n'',.,u\I CnKru (^.1..,*. ,.",.u* x^. ..^^hnn <u*fA V, CL.'l.. XtSS.r,t
26. ltow will you di$harge the cargo if the ca'rgo pump is inope6tive. Plbase advise the sequential'
proced ures ?
( Also - What will you do in this case if the Cargo is Highly Toxic)
P.'\^b\r- {-o.m" fr"mg tc clie c['c^n. Vt^. C*t"
a.ns: rr) ltr(
b) G^^"cr h$nc,*\it o.*'. \i*- Lg 1"*p h '.r"s\ h1Ar.^.\it t.w.-. \;*,' \.+lt
Q h.,n.rt L3dr"u\ic mMn ti.itt)\,r' to \''iAr""J,t mo'iqc?3.''Yr'\
<l tw i"*i
A) O" Q..sc*,12-,i- \.,- \0..'1t ta\t*. ''F*',,-X ^\
q) 6....,.cr {;ctuuvl* t\ h* p'*p t \^ fi,,':,u,, pt'.,4,."\ ru' r \* $mf!n
9i [rr.;"1V*-4"* hrnc!' /sro.-A o$ !'*". tw+t br' rrrtA '

$ di*c\""1- ! e\o*: ^rato

\.) i. ct.s" { hrit
G'1. Q?e lu"\ 3 !c Yrc.a t) a\ !^vr...'"\
i.., oA
"\u \^\ Lt,
i) Nnt A-' g,V*..,)4 Y,u \t.Yt S \Nrt(
J)- P.*.. '"*\ \Dr\rrc
^! ypE
i o.r r-..\-d ts' \r^. C- Ft Y^!i) n 3 t^"".\a\ L*
C,Lqr <

L R ff\",c,ts \o,2, a!,

Page 10 of 16
QUESTION BANK (For Promotion Candidates for Chief Officer rank)
27. How do you ascertain whether the cargo/tank cleaning hoses are suitable for use. What are
the scope of checks. ?

Pr4ssv!:-- t-<,qt &r. O."A Y^\ic\,\
t\AA\tP $t \u, \'o<.'
cr'p q . * [i.*,[ti.'^Yi.no]ilnlt,
Clu-c., [o t- cr.t-"i.cl 0v.] or\ Pr" ' innt 1 \'ii\'
q" a-{9
\isy.d e lAMlnr'hly\ : Crr\t'r vlir e , V'o<' 5"di , ho<' '"'A< '
C r,.f g { }eovs cl Cr,',\ev tl"', la.*pt ...""'1 CGnla\tc',.,
€ l.tt,r,v'\ G,.trn*)v g\.r^\d t. Clqcic..{ L.h". krorl 0ptrc<\c11
\o.,, h,;,-.- \,r,;r th,'., 5u'r'r*r & 1 o o\ofrY.
28. What are the hazards being identified with regard to the exposure of this following
Acrylonitrile, TDl, PHENOL, Sulphuric acid ?
Ans: A c,)1,c,.,\"if
: B li^w.d \' i's ion, l?edm s:, I2^.i^ - D;t i r1, 4 r- U#d.
NAvrE.a, Vomilin3, Vt a'r'\coe <s, Tvatl, sv cr''..,d \An c"""''ll''at e{ 612ut*';
Ablomi"t^l pa'i'', 3hovtne-s s o\ \2"^\!"
T.DI : Rc-slr\oYDY"{ i"rv\qhon (\ne ttrn6'"r1 bvt'v n*r1
ginca\ttn d \'* noe' \

t^=;'. C-c..{.,.g ftor A*tr,'cil\bver.rh'..1, Rzaci':ar'r^-', eu1sottn €r'1re \ivtne\\'rw

Cnc < 2 r v',q V.h-(z\r.l Cr\\6'?s. c|rrnr fD ina\.' \'\"'l h t-r {vt1q,
d*i^.""t't.*,. 1il.*"r-('G*A- no*u.q 4.rs*-lL{''t h tail'r',("lbpki-n"'l
St\fhunt Nrid: [1t\t,1.., y,,r,.1h'.., ({'rvo.;u, Sr.,o.rr ir.i ).n\r'.. - \.r. r^(,(c iu*,^u- 1,.*^ H*\ $q' \.o s{
29. What are the''Firit Aid Meadure for the Jtiove listed cargo toioea in casiit tGl6tto$,-i[---
a. Inhalation of cargo vapors
b. Skin contact
c. Eye Contact
d. lngestion of cargo
ans, ,.
a' R.*ou. \i(-iim tc Rest. rI bteathinc, hc,< srcpn"tl
Q"rn <h a.i'r.
Oy W{.\[ c,- i g ixre Xurlr.r Q iv" \rcvr\V' \o {hov\th o"' Y\ c\ lV' \c
(Io s <. Y€- gv.s L i \ e.tlo -
iF \tlago,,.rs h^u" t".u, inh^\eA, Breau cv" A.,1\ nif",t- ftnr\-
\'rr a C. lofh an.{ l"ot4 i! LilU\\1 undrv rfi,. no.. ol th"vlci'o
fBn, ^*ny f-o*, 1!o Q""sr'., qi{inl fitcf r.ld)f,.. rbrnt \5st.
Rcpear 5 ri*n <, ah fibont \5 sec iolexva\s Qel lnnnf !-
{\.d'c,..l Athe hcn.

Page 11 of 16
q{ rlo 9-q

' p\ooA {i\'v'- n\\eutec\ \trt\ P\t^t1 o! \tlaw''h'-*

[ xnse aXain i\ e-^P'4'"'v'-
Ktmovr- Conta*'n'rr"'\ L\ot\in3 &
\"'X' o\ h-- bd: V'as b"o'' G'Iomi*^td
\ras b"'^ \tq';'
" "
Szz-V rrrsA\L^\ ^'\';q- i**"Aio*\)

6- Qtns. \,.rr\r., ?\""r1 o\ \.crtry t"r So'.,n-ol Min*rs

f**r"" Gntar-t \sn'-es it tl's'\1 P63s'bu) . (..11i.,u.,. \.lr,El'.\
J"r a\\easr 20 co,..u'\'es. il*n \0,L. \q a o\oct"'v. Dc

L^u. Qnttrvrt a\o."

A Qi.rr n (\*'..-1
(,ns. $6119, (ai,,e \lrlrrl o.{
o, 0tliva\<-d Chavtoal in hla\tx

h Ar,nv-: r rtc\r,rt-r Vonr,\rn1 (a^ta i" (sn iciong Ptrso",s)

a) i q \n\a\.A, \emo','c \' ckt'* h f
t'za\hr"o1 s\oPE
\"cch ot" , i
bg hro"i*'\ ptxronrc\
APPI1 61'rh{r'tra\ \es?\Y^\iot1 ' oXilcn adtunist'e'\
is oQt.., h,!tp\u'r Qet rlrc",rpt f(oilu^\
i4 !'te'' inf'^\tA *ld Pe's"r) ig [tLtt'sc-'oY14 t''''''{
vnpo^"g Vrt't
Aoclot' B<acnr- Am1\ oit"rtt Puax\
&\\s*,r'.1 {u r'dv,.t" o? '^ ^^1
nosa- o\ h^,. r'''tt'*[e't
in a Cbv a"-d \r^\A \^1Ut\'1 \1nJex t'*
q!$^\ [".* h* pcrSoo gtui'.r, hrsr o"lA) 6- Atn'^t \5gncs, R.g'r"t
5 hrnzs nt ftbav^t \592c in}ev''o''\

t) i"nnt rl,",ar.l1 $\*q[ ftt'{ec\ar\ Ar(^< (c,,*15 V'rt\h hcr\sl lrtt\*[ vwu"n
(onhnoimted C\oW'*g, Gnttnr"re \D {i*sU B" \-9 Yvliniir;re, C6 yt*6vu'ltc"t
4\\ rv'\ o<r

c) irnnr."Jrr,tt\1 {t*r. Xo,!\ t^ir\\,. Cm\i.,w h \*el &' te nriovr\rs

!.t Pn*p\ iltxirt"\ ftttan\ion,

fg *.::
a (,rrl. , (,*t n S\"t"1 o T nchrattd C t"^ton\ 1i^

tD Ao'.\r, Qt.r Nrvow ir''c\'\tc \owr'itr1

o'r {ilc- AnX\"in1 t5rl\onrr
Tf tV,- \iCt\.n is \NnLc-* !Q-.r'o^6 , immJ,att Wf.d"ic-n\ dt\rr",h\n tqvtr\

A) R.*ou, tu fr. r[ aiv . )o nc r A\ \ ernpr \t \r-.; Cvra ttru V ic\iwr urnle.rs
prog"-. Y{, <?i'r^hr-yy P'yot4ctron i s v'rc.n . i t \!s ViL}im \"^q l;If lo',t1
b."..,t1^,",1 ov [i3hrno<s of $* C\,.,-.sr, i s c{;zz.J , Voerrrhnl
o: \AnresFne.t-
$iv. tuc'/. 0 rr-r1t n \N\'\\\ -6e 3c \rYe''rh'n1 o* Ccl* 'o - pu'\*' c'-1 )csi'\sri lt\hro
"'' '-''

6s Yer1,rrv" d
b) Rn scr,".. ehrv,\A h"q' protccnva C\oli'i
^1 anA {\ovzs
\"na}rnX patr t"h
rs Crrncn\
\^V,os, (h., is (o'\crn,,,nttd V'r\' V\.-t\ tLot'A SL'n "\amtn^\io'|)
\rtl1 ar".' '- \"='
;";,-":' ?t.'''i (; ^'s*t c'\\ec\'d hA1 0",' (tor
o' ^'*)'""**. [o*\on','''n\"d ttw"'l
^c,i a.A 3u*b \\'-
et c.. \\nter,\,o,.{ :',
x'P'oti\1 \'lr\^ corro.' C""'[''i io gr;G 3ro c'v0ec'\oo
tJ,ta ,rnA
l?o\urw',.\",,-'"uGlrtt 3e" "''.1.,O ii QossruU \*'*"s' \\"- G.\^*.'*\nA ''t"'"'
A.::t\; * ?ri Bot'(\oa,\! ^ \o'1* todl crven \ras btcn Gn\:ovri"\n'1 \i'ntr" a
irrn*,AinwL \.*ruo r"\\ f[,-^'\ G'\"t'm'.''\o] Cbu*'.1 r"d .Sk.s
du:"i-;'\\.":"^* 3*,*a'ti"*'.1 \^rN \!atrr ' A\to., i^"a\ I\t''r'n'^Iet
\c'\t' \ryot'A q"'["i*i !gro11nq i':rTir
citcc.L.,.,n!. \. "\1."i oonnl ,c(
Pc(i \oc r'''?''['"o
co lul-qto it 't'\ c'u"\o(L ''\o '.'1t\'dtL'
n"'\ f\"'s\*3
0to\c\'\^1 to''\c^.^i''c.tn{'lil\
Tonr.or,rnq \\rr'l\\r.rrrrwr'--! '-r,rti.,-
Dt n.-\
"'-"" l:'h\"ti"'
rnt.r'^fl, 4\^sL'1
hl f,q

t*[,]t;"*:,11.' *i,,i l""t'', D"^\r- \"'t L'il"m'nnt'd'Lttr""1& P^'r*\

b.kir, t' A''P'*\

C 'anr^,,|,t"v\.n !\.rt^ ( i\a ! \'r\u L''1n nr'r,r,r"ds o! \'"n[" '[v ^\["s\
3 minr,\sr 't^i,.t, h'\d'^1 c1-\iAs op'.' - 1x'^5Po''\ Yo 6s:-r"'rts\ tl*/'r''l
{^..\.\ [', odA'Mn^\ \.'un\m''r\'
)r,, $o fLarrtes\ rwjlc""\ \^t{L5
.{ .' Do no\ inr\wcr Vo'vrihnl r tvn'sPort
&.. nWri""J \...,.\*"+ it \cmi\n1 oLC'w.E 9.@ry".'1,
h"^A b..\or,r \.,,,qt fo fvo'u't"F A9(iY"ha'r '
t A c'rl
bra-1,.t\in1 $*o- o'^ttl\itta\ Xesgix"$ion'
n) &-*n*o \t !oo"!'' "1" ' i t "c\
is $v,z- OrX{en. Ce\
T\ L'a'c'tl'in1 '{;[['l"tv ^\\c"rtiour
\e'\t..rAi^ro\1 .

b) imrn-J,tntu\1 !\,,..*h eY-rn \tr\\" p\n',lt.-5 of N^p" k. a\\'"ct

aoc\ Glrcc< ' Vol'!l'
\5 minr.,.\oc \N\rtL Yrmovinl Con!"m'na\cti C\"rr-,'us
C\rlX,^.1 tu[',. \o""1V\1 C\o"'" 4!'ce e
\ni'tse ' be{crq xz r\<"'-

Gn, *..\' a^\ A\\'zo \ron immrc\rala\''1

C) i tnmo.\t.^v"\j !\^*t,, 2t5ee Nit\'' p\o.,.r1 o! \Nc\tQv ?" otL'st

tS min,1\e 9' Qet rnadita\ N\ttr\r\n imt""\nttJ'J

d) 3" no\ \ndv'Lc- Vomilinl U''\e<< d, .z t t".\ h do \

0"'rso.,,..\ . Ntrtr $ive- an3 thinl q mc\\\h h

Ans,s UnCon! ci 9 o rr

(\attxi o.\s ,\Yz- 5"r^\1*"*-,{, Cv.\t

PsYso.,' i$ \n*X" \nan\i\,t-< '!
a Pf,lSiLian ir.nm"r{ial"\1 "

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