Cpar1-Financialaccountingandreporting: Multiple Choice Questions
Cpar1-Financialaccountingandreporting: Multiple Choice Questions
Cpar1-Financialaccountingandreporting: Multiple Choice Questions
1. An entity that presents its first PFRS financial statements is referred to under PFRS 1 as a
a. first-timer. b. first-time adopter. c. PFRS novice. d. first-time PFRSer.
2. PFRS 1 requires an entity to prepare and present an
a. opening PFRS financial statements.
b. opening PFRS statement of financial position.
c. opening PFRS statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income.
d. opening notes to the financial statements.
3. The date to transition to PFRSs is
a. the beginning of the earliest period for which an entity presents full comparative information under PFRSs in its
first PFRS financial statements.
b. the end of the earliest period for which an entity presents full comparative information under PFRSs in its first
PFRS financial statements.
c. the beginning of the first PFRS reporting period.
d. the end of the first PFRS reporting period.
4. The statement of financial position of ABC Co. as of January 1, 20x4 included an allowance for bad debts computed
using the “aging of accounts receivable” method. The “over 120 days” category in the aging schedule included a
₱200,000 receivable which was actually written off on January 5, 20x4 (the 20x3 financial statements were authorized
for issue on March 1, 20x4). ABC Co. could not have foreseen this event on December 31, 20x3. Does ABC Co. need to
revise its previous estimate of bad debts as of January 1, 20x4 (date of transition) on December 31, 20x5 (end of first
PFRS reporting period)?
a. No. The receipt of the information on January 5, 20x4 is accounted for prospectively as a non-adjusting event
after the reporting period.
b. Yes. The receipt of the information on January 5, 20x4 is accounted for retrospectively as an adjusting event after
the reporting period.
CPAR1- Financial Accounting and Reporting Review Notes #1
c. No. The event should be ignored because it is within the scope of the previous GAAP and not the PFRSs.
d. Yes. Although, PFRS 1 does not require the adjustment, other PFRSs do.
5. Under PFRS 1, the early application of PFRSs that have not yet become effective as of the current reporting period
a. is required. c. is required, but not permitted.
b. is permitted, but not required. d. is prohibited.
6. PFRS 1 requires a first time adopter to do which of the following in the opening PFRS statement of financial position?
a. Recognize all assets and liabilities whose recognition is required by PFRSs.
b. Not recognize items as assets or liabilities if PFRSs do not permit such recognition.
c. Reclassify items that it recognized in accordance with previous GAAP as one type of asset, liability or component
of equity, but are a different type of asset, liability or component of equity in accordance with PFRSs.
d. Apply PFRSs in measuring all recognized assets and liabilities.
e. All of these
7. Retrospective application of accounting policies means
a. as if PFRSs have been used all along. c. as if PFRSs are used only in the current period.
b. as if PFRSs are used only in prior periods. d. restating the financial statements in order to correct all errors.
8. A soundly developed conceptual framework of concepts and objectives should
a. increase financial statement users' understanding of and confidence in financial reporting.
b. enhance comparability among companies' financial statements.
c. allow new and emerging practical problems to be more quickly soluble.
d. all of these.
9. A Standard sometimes contains requirements that depart from the Conceptual Framework. In such cases,
a. the requirements of the Conceptual Framework will prevail over those of the Standard.
b. the departure is explained in the ‘Basis for Conclusions’ on that Standard.
c. the entity’s management shall formulate its own accounting policy and disregards both the requirements of the Conceptual
Framework and the Standard.
d. A Standard should never depart from the Conceptual Framework.
10. The overall objective of financial reporting is to provide information
a. about an entity's assets, liabilities, and equity.
b. about an entity's financial performance during a period.
c. that is useful to primary users in making economic decisions about providing resources to the entity.
d. that allows owners to assess management's performance.
11. The two primary qualities that make accounting information useful for decision making are
a. comparability and consistency. c. relevance and reliability.
b. materiality and timeliness. d. faithful representation and relevance.
a. I and III b. I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII c. I, II, III, IV, V, VI d. all of these
55. The Conceptual Framework broadly classifies the qualitative characteristics into
a. primary and secondary qualitative characteristics. c. fundamental and enhancing qualitative characteristics.
b. major and minor qualitative characteristics. d. cold and hot qualitative characteristics.
56. Which of the following are considered aspects of the qualitative characteristic of relevance under the Conceptual
I. Predictive value
II. Confirmatory value
III. Timeliness
IV. Materiality
a. I and II b. I, II and III c. I, II and IV d. I, II, III and IV
57. The elements of faithful representation do not include
a. comparability. b. neutrality. c. completeness. d. free from error.
58. The ability through consensus among measurers to ensure that information represents what it purports to represent
is an example of the concept of
a. relevance. b. comparability. c. verifiability. d. feedback value.
59. According to the Conceptual Framework, the pervasive constraint on the information that can be provided by financial
reporting is
a. materiality. b. historical. c. cost-benefit. d. going concern.
60. According to the revised Conceptual Framework, an item is recognized if
a. it meets the definition of an asset, liability, equity, income or expense.
b. recognizing it would provide useful information.
c. it is probable that the item will result to an inflow or outflow of economic benefits and its cost can be measured reliably.
d. a and b
61. Which of the following may result to an expense?
a. Increase in asset c. Increase in liability
b. Decrease in liability d. Distribution to holders of equity claims
62. Which of the following is incorrect regarding the use of the term ‘reporting entity’ under the Conceptual Framework?
a. A reporting entity one that is required, or chooses, to prepare financial statements.
CPAR1- Financial Accounting and Reporting Review Notes #1
b. A reporting entity must be a legal entity.
c. A reporting entity can be a parent and its subsidiaries viewed as a single entity.
d. All of these are correct.
63. The cost of inventory is recognized as expense
a. immediately. c. by systematic allocation.
b. using the matching concept. d. any of these as a matter of accounting policy choice
64. “I say red; you say green.” The information lacks which of the following qualitative characteristics?
a. Relevance b. Verifiability c. Timeliness d. Colorfulness
65. Which of the following is not one of the decisions that primary users make?
a. deciding on how to run the day-to-day operations of the entity
b. deciding on whether to hold or sell investment in stocks
c. deciding on whether to buy investment in stocks
d. deciding on whether to extend loan to the reporting entity
66. Entity A is making a materiality judgment. Entity A considers an item to be material, and therefore included in the
financial statements, if it pertains to a related party transaction. What type of materiality assessment is Entity A using?
a. Quantitative b. Qualitative c. Faithful representation d. Relevance
67. According to the Conceptual Framework, the needs of the primary users that are met by financial statements are
a. all of their needs. c. majority of their common needs only.
b. all of their common needs only. d. substantially a majority of their common and specific needs only.
68. The measurement bases described under the Conceptual Framework are least applicable to the measurement of
a. assets. b. liabilities. c. equity. d. income.
69. Information on the utilization of economic resources is most useful when assessing an entity’s
a. management stewardship. c. financial position and financial performance.
b. liquidity and solvency. d. financial strengths and weaknesses, including the entity’s needs for additional financing.
70. This refers to the comparability of financial statements of the same entity but in different periods.
a. Inter-comparability b. Extra-comparability c. Intra-comparability d. Intro-comparability
71. Which of the following financial statements would not be dated as covering a certain reporting period?
a. Statement of financial position c. Statement of cash flows
b. Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income d. Statement of changes in equity
72. Comprehensive income (or total comprehensive income) includes
a. Profit or loss d. a and b
b. Other comprehensive income e. All of these
c. Transactions with owners
73. What is the purpose of reporting comprehensive income?
a. To report changes in equity due to transactions with owners.
b. To report a measure of the overall financial performance of an entity.
c. To replace profit with a better measure.
d. To combine income from continuing operations with income from discontinued operations and extraordinary items.
74. Which of the following statements is correct when an entity departs from a provision of a PFRS?
a. The entity’s financial statements would be grossly incorrect; therefore, PAS 1 does not allow such a departure.
b. PAS 1 permits such a departure if the relevant regulatory framework requires, or otherwise does not prohibit, such a departure.
c. PAS 1 requires certain disclosures when an entity departs from a provision of a PFRS.
d. b and c
75. Which of the following statements is correct regarding the classification of financial liabilities as current or
noncurrent in accordance with PAS 1?
a. Currently maturing obligations are presented as current liabilities even if their original term is longer than one
year and even if a refinancing agreement is completed after the end of the reporting period but before the
financial statements are authorized for issue.
b. Currently maturing obligations are presented as noncurrent liabilities only if their original term is longer than one year.
c. Currently maturing obligations are presented as noncurrent liabilities only if a refinancing agreement is
completed after the end of the reporting period but before the financial statements are authorized for issue.
d. Currently maturing obligations are presented as noncurrent liabilities if a refinancing agreement is completed
after the financial statements are authorized for issue.
76. According to PAS 1, the judgments and estimates embodied in the financial statements, for example, materiality
judgments, assessments of uncertainty and risk, and the like, are the responsibility of the entity’s
a. management. b. accountant. c. auditor. d. janitor.
77. Which of the following is not a disclosure requirement of PAS 1?
a. The financial effect of a departure when an entity departs from a PFRS requirement.
b. Any material uncertainties on the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern.
c. The recognition, measurement and disclosure of specific transactions and other events.
d. The reason for using a longer or shorter period when an entity changes the frequency of its reporting.
78. Comprehensive income excludes which of the following
CPAR1- Financial Accounting and Reporting Review Notes #1
a. Revaluation surplus
b. Gains and losses from investments measured at fair value through profit or loss
c. Income tax expense
d. Distributions to owners
79. Entity A needs guidance in accounting for its inventories. Entity A should refer to which of the following?
a. PAS 1 b. PAS 2 c. PAS 7 d. PAS 8
80. Entity A needs guidance in preparing its statement of changes in equity. Entity A should refer to which of the following?
a. PAS 1 b. PAS 2 c. PAS 7 d. PAS 8
81. Entity A buys and sells artifacts. Each artifact is unique and not ordinarily interchangeable. According to PAS 2, the
cost formula that Entity A should use is
a. Specific identification. b. Weighted Average. c. FIFO. d. Any of these.
82. An entity makes a change in accounting estimate. How does the entity recognize the effects of the change in profit or loss?
a. Prospectively in the current period c. Retrospectively starting from the earliest period presented
b. Prospectively in the current and future periods d. a or b
83. Materiality does not make any difference with regard to
a. the separate presentation of items in the financial statements.
b. the disclosure of additional information in the notes.
c. intentional errors.
d. the level of rounding-off of amounts in the financial statements.
84. According to PAS 10, dividends declared after the reporting period, but before the financial statements are
authorized for issue, are
a. recognized as liability at the end of reporting period. c. disclosed only as an adjusting event.
b. not recognized as liability at the end of reporting period. d. any of these.
85. You are a business manager. During the period, you have authorized the acquisition of a machine that will be used in
your company’s manufacturing activities in the next 5 years. In your selection of an appropriate accounting policy for
the recognition and measurement of the machine, which of the following reporting standards is most relevant?
a. PAS 1 b. PAS 2 c. PAS 16 d. PAS 32
86. Entity A receives land from the government conditioned that the land will only be used in Entity A’s primary
business activities and should never be sold. If in case, Entity A decides not to use the land in its primary business
activities, it shall return the land to the government. Which of the following standards is least likely to be relevant in
accounting for the land?
a. PAS 2 b. PAS 16 c. PAS 20 d. All of these are relevant
87. The issuance of financial reporting standards in the Philippines is the responsibility of the
a. PICPA. b. FRSC. c. AASC. d. CPE Council.
88. According to the Conceptual Framework, the correct classifications of Relevance and Reliability, respectively, are
a. Fundamental, Enhancing c. Enhancing, Fundamental
b. Fundamental, Fundamental d. Fundamental, None
89. Which of the following transactions or other events results to the recognition of an asset?
a. An entity forecasts a purchase of inventory in the coming month. The purchase is highly probable.
b. An entity enters into firm commitment to purchase inventory in the coming month. The entity cannot cancel the
commitment without paying a penalty. The contract is not onerous
c. During the period, one of the buildings of an entity was destroyed by a calamity.
d. An entity receives a non-monetary grant from the government.
90. Information about an entity’s financial position and changes in financial position is referred to under the Conceptual Framework
as the
a. economic phenomena. c. phantom of the opera.
b. foundation of the Conceptual Framework. d. economic sabotage.
91. According to the Conceptual Framework, contributions from, and distributions to, holders of equity claims (i.e., the entity’s
owners) are
a. income and expenses, respectively.
b. income and expenses, respectively, that are recognized in other comprehensive income.
c. not income and expenses, but rather direct adjustments to equity.
d. not recognized in the financial statements.
92. Which of the following could result to the recognition of income?
a. increase in liability c. decrease in asset
b. decrease in equity d. decrease in liability
93. According to the Conceptual Framework, it is the right or the group of rights, the obligation or the group of obligations, or the
group of rights and obligations, to which recognition criteria and measurement concepts are applied.
a. Unit of account b. Aggregation c. Classifying d. Executory contract
94. Entity A combines similar items and separates dissimilar items when presenting information. Entity A is applying which of the
following presentation and disclosure principles?
a. Use of entity-specific information, rather than ‘boiler-plate’ descriptions
b. Classifying
c. Aggregates
CPAR1- Financial Accounting and Reporting Review Notes #1
d. Offsetting
95. According to the Conceptual Framework, this principle refers to presenting information in a concise manner by summarizing
voluminous data, but not too concise that important detail is either omitted or obscured.
a. Use of entity-specific information, rather than ‘boiler-plate’ descriptions
b. Classifying
c. Aggregation
d. Offsetting
96. Which of the following is considered a primary user of general purpose financial reports under the Conceptual Framework?
a. government regulatory body c. potential investor
b. the entity’s management d. all of these are primary users
97. Which of the following is not one of the aspects in the revised definition of a liability?
a. Probable outflows of economic benefits and reliable measurement of those outflows
b. Obligation
c. Transfer of an economic resource
d. Present obligation as a result of past events
98. According to the Conceptual Framework, the historical cost of an asset or a liability is updated for all of the following (if
applicable), except
a. impairment of an asset.
b. accrual of interest, when the time value of money is considered.
c. changes in value as at the measurement date.
d. increase in an obligation relating to a contract becoming onerous.
99. The revised Conceptual Framework defines a liability as
a. a present obligation of the entity arising from past events, the settlement of which is expected to result in an
outflow from the entity of resources embodying economic benefits.
b. a present obligation of the entity to transfer an economic resource as a result of past events.
c. a present economic resource controlled by the entity as a result of past events. An economic resource is a right
that has the potential to produce economic benefits.
d. All of these.
100.A company is issuing its comparative financial statements for the years 20x2 and 20x3. If the company is required to issue an
additional statement of financial position, such statement should be dated
a. as of Jan. 1, 20x1. c. as of Dec. 31, 20x2.
b. as of Jan. 1, 20x2. d. as of Dec. 31, 20x1.
“Go ahead and be lazy; sleep on, but you will go hungry.” (Proverbs 19:15)
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