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A New Hybrid Cryptography Technique in Wireless Sensor Network

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Chapter 2 Literature survey

 Introduction
 What is a wireless sensor network
 Wireless sensor network architecture
 Application layer
 Transport layer
 Network layer
 Data link layer
 Physical layer
 Security goals of wireless sensor networks
 Network layer attacks in wireless sensor networks
 Sybil attack
 Warm hole attack
 Sink hole attack
 Selective forwarding (gray hole attack)
 Hello flood attack
 Black hole attack
 Objective of this hybrid approach
 Simulation software
 NS-2
 Rest of this project report
 Literature survey
 Design and analysis
 Implementation and structure
 Chapter 5
 Conclusion

Currently, WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) is the most standard
services employed in commercial and industrial applications,
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Chapter 2 Literature survey

because of its technical development in a processor, communication, and low-power usage of

embedded computing devices. The WSN is built with nodes that are used to observe the
surroundings like temperature, humidity, pressure, position, vibration, sound etc. These nodes
can be used in various real-time applications to perform various tasks like smart detecting,
a discovery of neighbor node, data processing and storage, data collection, target tracking,
monitor and controlling, synchronization, node localization, and effective routing between the
base station and nodes.

Presently, WSNs are beginning to be organized in an enhanced step. It is not awkward to

expect that in 10 to 15 years that the world will be protected with WSNs with entree to them via
the Internet. This can be measured as the Internet becoming a physical network. This
technology is thrilling with infinite potential for many application areas like medical,
environmental, transportation, military, entertainment, homeland defense, crisis management
and also smart spaces.


A Wireless Sensor Network is one kind of wireless network includes a large number of

circulating, self-directed, minute, low powered devices named sensor nodes called motes.
These networks certainly cover a huge number of spatially distributed, little, battery-operated,
embedded devices that are networked to caringly collect, process, and transfer data to the
operators, and it has controlled
the capabilities of computing &
processing. Nodes are the tiny
computers, which work jointly to
form the networks.
The sensor node is a multi-
functional, energy efficient
wireless device. The applications
of motes in industrial are
widespread. A collection of sensor
nodes collects the data from the
surroundings to achieve specific
application objectives. The
communication between motes can be done with each other using transceivers. In a wireless

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Chapter 2 Literature survey

sensor network, the number of motes can be in the order of hundreds/ even thousands. In
contrast with sensor networks, Ad Hoc networks will have fewer nodes without any structure.


The most common WSN architecture follows the OSI architecture Model. The architecture of the
WSN includes five layers and three cross layers. Mostly in sensor n/w we require five layers,
namely application, transport, n/w, data link & physical layer. The three cross planes are namely
power management, mobility management, and task management. These layers of the WSN
are used to accomplish the n/w and make the sensors work together in order to raise the
complete efficiency of the network.

The application layer is liable for traffic management and offers software for numerous
applications that convert the data in a clear form to find positive information. Sensor networks
arranged in numerous applications in different fields such as agricultural, military, environment,
medical, etc.


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Chapter 2 Literature survey

The function of the transport layer is to deliver congestion avoidance and reliability where a lot
of protocols intended to offer this function are either practical on the upstream. These protocols
use dissimilar mechanisms for loss recognition and loss recovery. The transport layer is exactly
needed when a system is planned to contact other networks.
Providing a reliable loss recovery is more energy efficient and that is one of the main reasons
why TCP is not fit for WSN. In general, Transport layers can be separated into Packet driven,
Event driven. There are some popular protocols in the transport layer namely STCP (Sensor
Transmission Control Protocol), PORT (Price-Oriented Reliable Transport Protocol and PSFQ
(pump slow fetch quick).

The main function of the network layer is routing, it has a lot of tasks based on the application,
but actually, the main tasks are in the power conserving, partial memory, buffers, and sensor
don’t have a universal ID and have to be self-organized.
The simple idea of the routing protocol is to explain a reliable lane and redundant lanes,
according to a convinced scale called metric, which varies from protocol to protocol. There are a
lot of existing protocols for this network layer, they can be separate into; flat routing and
hierarchal routing or can be separated into time driven, query-driven & event driven.


The data link layer is liable for multiplexing data frame detection, data streams, MAC, & error
control, confirm the reliability of point–point (or) point– multipoint.

The physical layer provides an edge for transferring a stream of bits above physical medium.
This layer is responsible for the selection of frequency, generation of a carrier frequency, signal
detection, Modulation & data encryption. IEEE 802.15.4 is suggested as typical for low rate
particular areas & wireless sensor network with low cost, power consumption, density, the range
of communication to improve the battery life. CSMA/CA is used to support star & peer to peer
topology. There are several versions of IEEE 802.15.4.V.


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Chapter 2 Literature survey

There are several security goals for protecting wireless transmissions against attacks. The
major security goals for Wireless Sensor Networks are explored as follows,

 Confidentiality of data
 Integrity of data
 Availability
 Non-Repudiation




Sybil attacks are considered as one of the most

harmful types of attacks in Wireless Sensor
Networks. A Sybil attack occurs when a node
takes multiple identities by creating new identities
that may not necessarily be lawful. If such node
gain access to the network, it can be characterized
as a Sybil attack. It assumes the identity of
another node, causing redundancies in the routing
protocol. This makes the routing protocol
vulnerable to Sybil attacks.


In warm hole attacks two or more compromised
nodes which are far away from each other form a
low latency link by acting themselves as
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Chapter 2 Literature survey

neighboring nodes. The adversary tunnels the packet through the channel between two distant
locations by considering it as a shortest path. The adversary can manipulate and collect network
traffic as the worm hole can attract large amount of network traffic. Thus, adversary can derive
these advantages to launch a wide range of attacks such as dropping or deploying relayed
packets. The adversary doesn't possess any valid network identity and can forward the
communication stream along the warm holes without directly looking into the packets content.
Using such warm hole links, adversary can launch protocol reveres engineering, cipher
breaking, man-in-middle attacks, etc. This attack can be launched even when the cryptographic
keys are absent. Thus, warm hole attacks can pose serious threat to sensor to sensor network.
Sink hole attack is the variation of the black hole
attack. IN this, the compromised node is made
attractive with respect to the routing algorithms
by advertising its fake routing updates. As it is
difficult to verify the routing information of the
node, sink holes are difficult to detect and
counter. It aims at preventing the Base Station
from receiving a complete sensing data from
sensor nodes. The malicious node sends fake
information to neighbor nodes about its link
quality which used in routing to choose the best route during data transmission. Then all the
packets from its neighbor node passes through the malicious node before reach to the Base
Station. Sink hole attack prevents the Base Station from receiving accurate data from the
sensed nodes.


It is a network layer attack that can maliciously drops the
subset of
packets to
minimize the
performance of

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Chapter 2 Literature survey

network. Here the malicious node behaves like normal node and selectively drop packets. It
also has significantly negative impacts to data integrity. It poses a great challenge to distinguish
the malicious drop and normal packet loss. Since WSNs are generally deployed in open or
remote areas the unstable wireless channel and medium access collision can cause remarkable
normal packet losses. The most effective selective forwarding attack is when the adversary
node is explicitly included in the data transmission path.


In Wireless Sensor Networks, many protocols require

to send HELLO packets to each node in the network
before sending actual packet to know if they are in the
radio range or not. Hello flood attacks make use of
such type of packets to perform malicious activities. In
this form of attack, an adversary node keeps sending
HELLO request to the legitimate node to make the
innocent assumption that, receiving such a packet
means the sender is within the normal radio range and
is therefore a neighbor. Since these adversary nodes
have high transmission power, they have capacity to transmit HELLO request to most nodes in
network. When the sensor node wants to send any sensed information to the Base Station then
they forward it towards the attacker node. Because they think that the attacker node is in their
neighbor. So, any information forwarded towards the Base Station can be easily accessible by
the attacker. After sending the HELLO request if the
received node doesn't reply in certain time it is
detected as malicious node.


The black hole attack is one of the hazardous

security attacks in WSNs. Here the Black hole
attacker claims itself to be the destination node or it
acts as a nearest path to the destination node in
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Chapter 2 Literature survey

order to attract traffic flow. The attacker absorbs all the data packets from the other nodes and it
will discard all the packets without forward the packets to correct destination. When a node
wants to send data packet to other nodes in the network, initially its multicast the Route Request
(RREQ) packet. When the neighbor node receives RREQ packet, it will first find out whether
itself is the target node or not. If itself is the target node it sends a Routing Response (RREP)
packet to the source node. If not, it continues forwarding the RREQ packet to find out the
targeted node. Once the source node receives the RREP packets, it will immediately send the
data packet. Black hole attack can be achieved by using a single Black hole attack or by
Collaborative Black hole attack. In single black hole attack the malicious node replies the RREQ
packet sent from source node and makes a false assumption that it has the quickest route to the
destination. Where as in collaborate black hole attack malicious nodes collaborate together in
order to attract the normal into their fabricated routing information.


Symmetric key algorithm has a disadvantage of key distribution and asymmetric algorithm need
much computation so the power of the sensor is wasted in it and it is not feasible to use as
power is wasted then sensor will be of no use Thus the algorithm which combines both the
algorithm i.e. asymmetric and symmetric so the advantages of both the algorithm can be utilized
in it. A hybrid cryptosystem is a protocol using multiple ciphers of different types together, each
to its best advantage. One common approach is to generate a random secret key for a
symmetric cipher, and then encrypt this key via an asymmetric cipher using the recipient's public
key. The message itself is then encrypted using the symmetric cipher and the secret key. Both
the encrypted secret key and the encrypted message are then sent to the recipient. The
recipient decrypts the secret key first, using his/her own private key, and then uses that key to
decrypt the message. To achieve security in wireless sensor network, it is important
to encrypt message and send among sensor nodes with power reduction in constraint. The
main objective of the proposed work is to maximize key lifetime, reduce power level and
improve security.



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Chapter 2 Literature survey

Discrete event simulator developed in C++. NS-2 is one of the most popular non-specific
network simulators, and supports a wide range of protocols in all layers. It uses OTcl as
configuration and script interface. NS-2 is the paradigm of reusability. It provides the most
complete support of communication protocol models, among non-commercial packages.
Modular discrete event simulator implemented in C++. Getting started with it is quite simple, due
to its clean design. OMNET++ also provides a powerful GUI library for animation and tracing
and debugging support. Its major drawback is the lack of available protocols in its library,
compared to other simulators.
A component-based simulation environment developed entirely in Java. It provides real-time
process-based simulation. The main benefit of J-sim is its considerable list of supported
protocols, including a WSN simulation framework with a very detailed model of WSNs, and a
implementation of localization, routing and data diffusion WSN algorithms.
Simulation environment for wireless networks built with Parsec. Parsec is a simulation language
derived from C, that adds semantics for creating simulation entities and message
communication on a variety of parallel architectures.

Bit-level discrete event simulator and emulator of TinyOS, i.e. for each transmitted or received
bit an event is generated instead of one per packet. This is possible because of the reduced
data rate (around 40 kbps) of the wireless interface.




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Chapter 2 Literature survey

A literature review surveys books, scholarly articles, and any other sources relevant to a
particular issue, area of research, or theory, and by so doing, provides a description, summary,
and critical evaluation of these works in relation to the research problem being investigated.



The project design includes everything from who is responsible for completing the project to a

description of the project, its goals, outcomes and objectives. It describes when these goals,
outcomes and objectives will be reached, and the major deliverables, products or features that
will be completed.



Project implementation consists of carrying out the activities with the aim of delivering the
outputs and monitoring progress compared to the work plan. Monitoring can be defined as
control of the project implementation in order to keep the project on track and achieve the end
results of the project.

A conclusion summarizes the report as a whole, drawing inferences from the entire process
about what has been found, or decided, and the impact of those findings or decisions. IN other
words, the conclusion should confirm for the reader that the report's purpose has been

10 | P a g e A New Hybrid CRYPTOGRAPHY TECHNIQUE in Wireless Sensor Network

Chapter 2 Literature survey


Literature survey
S.no Author name Title Year Concept
 Calculations show that
RSA is not well suited for
 Comparing ECC-160 and
RSA-1024 indicates that
the effort needed for RSA
cryptography is rather
too much.
 While the application of
the even stronger ECC-
ANALYSIS OF PUBLIC 224 still seems to be
KEY CRYPTOGRAPHY feasible, the time and
Amin, f., jahangir, a.
1 FOR WIRELESS 2008 power consumption for
H., & rasifard, h
SENSOR NETWORKS the equivalent RSA-2048
SECURITY is far beyond the
acceptable level.
 Public-key cryptography
can be the enabling
technology for numerous
other WSN applications,
including securely
connecting pervasive
devices to the Internet
and distributing signed
software patches.
 Each algorithm has its
own benefits according to
different parameters.
 The strength of each
A REVIEW AND encryption algorithm
COMPARATIVE depends upon the key
Bhanot, R., & Hans, ANALYSIS OF management, type of
2 2015
R. VARIOUS cryptography, number of
ENCRYPTION keys, number of bits used
ALGORITHMS in a key.
 ECC is having some
attacks on it but on
Blowfish, no attack is
successful yet.
3 Buch, D., & Jinwala, DENIAL OF SERVICE 2010  A Wireless Sensor
11 | P a g e A New Hybrid CRYPTOGRAPHY TECHNIQUE in Wireless Sensor Network
Chapter 2 Literature survey

Network is vulnerable to
dos attack.
 Defense against the
various types of Dos and
D. C. WIRELESS SENSOR ddos attacks is mandatory.
Majority of the types of
threats can be overcome
by authentication and anti-
replay mechanisms.
 Efficient bootstrapping of
secure keys is of critical
importance for secure
sensor network
 Local processing of sensor
data requires secure node
to node communication
RANDOM KEY  Three efficient random
Chan, H., Perrig, A., PREDISTRIBUTION key pre-distribution
4 2003
& Song, D. SCHEMES FOR schemes for solving the
SENSOR NETWORKS security bootstrapping
problem in resource-
constrained sensor
 Each of these three
schemes represents a
different tradeoff in the
design space of random
key protocols.

8 Dawahdeh, z. E., A NEW 2016  Its strengthened security

yaakob, s. N., & MODIFICATION FOR comes from the small key
othman, r. R. B. MENEZES-VANSTONE size that is used in it with
ELLIPTIC CURVE the same security level
CRYPTOSYSTEM compared to the other
cryptosystems like RSA
 ECC is one of the most
effective techniques that is
useful to be used in
portable devices, chip
cards, smart cards, and
mobile devices
 Fast computations and
works on small memory

12 | P a g e A New Hybrid CRYPTOGRAPHY TECHNIQUE in Wireless Sensor Network

Chapter 2 Literature survey

and low power

 No inverse or
multiplication operations
are used because it
consumed time in
calculation, only addition
and subtraction
operations are used
. Sharma, S., Bansal,  On one side it demands
R. K., & Bansal, S scalable architecture from
the hardware engineers to
ensure good Quality of
 On the other end, it
ISSUES AND demands energy efficient
CHALLENGES IN algorithms and protocols
9 2013
WIRELESS SENSOR from software engineers
NETWORKS to make them practical
and feasible
 Overall, a holistic
approach and coordinated
effort is desired from the
research fraternity to
make wsns a reality
 The speed of encryption
or decryption time is
directly related to the
encryption key length and
to the data file size if the
data is large enough.
 Data type is also
important since image
data reqires larger time to
Mousa, A., & Hamad, be processed than text or
A. sound data mainly due to
the larger file size
 This relationship had
been 56 converted into
equations to model these
relationships and so may
be used to predict the
performance of the RC4
under different

11 C K Marigowda and SECURITY 2013  Optimal resource

manjunathshingadi, VULNERABILITY utilization is main
13 | P a g e A New Hybrid CRYPTOGRAPHY TECHNIQUE in Wireless Sensor Network
Chapter 2 Literature survey

objective of WSN. But

Wireless Sensor Networks
are equally vulnerable to
security attacks.
 Ensuring security in a
hostile operational
environment of WSN is a
hurricane task.
 Idea of this paper is to
provide comprehensive
information on types of
attacks WSN is exposed to
and possible methods of
countering such attacks

 Secure routing is
acceptance and use of
sensor networks for
many applications. Base
station is analyzed as a
strategy to provide
individual base station
attacks or sensor node
compromises problem to
12 2003 design a sensor network
routing protocol
 The possible presence of
laptop-class adversaries
and insiders and the
limited applicability of
end-to-end security
mechanisms careful
protocol design as well

13 Chen, X., Makki, K., SENSOR NETWORK 2009  Security is very
Yen, K., & Pissinou, SECURITY important for many
N. sensor network
applications, such as
military target tracking
and security monitoring
  Sensor networks hold the
promise of facilitating
large-scale and real-time
data processing in
complex environments
  Providing security to

14 | P a g e A New Hybrid CRYPTOGRAPHY TECHNIQUE in Wireless Sensor Network

Chapter 2 Literature survey

small sensor nodes is

challenging, due to the
limited capabilities of
sensor nodes in terms of
communication, and
 Security issues in sensor
networks: typical attacks,
security objectives, key
management, and secure
14 . Du, W., Deng, J., A PAIRWISE KEY 2005  Many key agreement
Han, Y. S., Varshney, PREDISTRIBUTION schemes used in general
P. K., Katz, J., & SCHEME FOR networks, such as Diffie-
Khalili, A WIRELESS SENSOR Hellman and other
NETWORKS public-key based schemes,
are not suitable for
wireless sensor networks
due to the limited
computational abilities of
the sensor nodes
 Many key agreement
schemes used in general
networks, such as Diffie-
Hellman and other
public-key based schemes,
are not suitable for
wireless sensor networks
due to the limited
computational abilities of
the sensor nodes
 Many key agreement
schemes used in general
networks, such as Diffie-
Hellman and other
public-key based schemes,
are not suitable for
wireless sensor networks
due to the limited
computational abilities of
the sensor nodes
 When the number of
compromised nodes is less
than the threshold, the
probability that
communications between
any additional nodes are
15 | P a g e A New Hybrid CRYPTOGRAPHY TECHNIQUE in Wireless Sensor Network
Chapter 2 Literature survey

compromised is close to
 When the number of
compromised nodes is less
than the threshold, the
probability that
communications between
any additional nodes are
compromised is close to
 Eschenauer, L., & Gligor,
V. D. (2002, November). A
keymanagement scheme
for distributed sensor
 Dsns may be deployed in
hostile areas where
communication is
monitored and nodes are
subject to capture and
surreptitious use by an
adversary. Hence dsns
require cryptographic
protection of
communications, sensor-
capture detection, key
revocation and sensor
. Eschenauer, L., & SCHEME FOR
15 2002 disabling
 Selective distribution and
revocation of keys to
sensor nodes as well as
node re-keying without
substantial computation
and communication
 Probabilistic key sharing
among the nodes of a
random graph and uses
simple protocols for
shared-key discovery and
path-key establishment,
and for key revocation,
re-keying, and
incremental addition of
16 Koblitz, N., Menezes, THE STATE OF 2000  Diffie and Hellman was
A., & Vanstone, S. ELLIPTIC CURVE defined explicitly as the
CRYPTOGRAPHY problem of finding
16 | P a g e A New Hybrid CRYPTOGRAPHY TECHNIQUE in Wireless Sensor Network
Chapter 2 Literature survey

logarithms with respect to

a generator in the
multiplicative group of
the integers modulo a
 This idea can be extended
to arbitrary groups and,
in particular, to elliptic
curve groups
 The resulting public-key
systems provide relatively
small block size, high
speed, and high security
 Public-key cryptography
by Diffie and Hellman in
1976, the potential for the
use of the discrete
logarithm problem in
public-key cryptosystems
has been recognized

 Two key predistribution

schemes (kpss) for dsns,
ID-based one-way
function scheme (IOS)
and deterministic
multiple space Blom’s
. Lee, J., & Stinson, D.
17 SCHEMES FOR 2004 deterministic, while most
DISTRIBUTED existing schemes are
SENSOR NETWORKS based on randomized
 Perfectly resilient kpss
such that the maximum
supportable network size
is larger than random
pairwise keys schemes
18 Pathan, A. S. K., Lee, SECURITY IN 2006  Most of the attacks
H. W., & Hong, C. S. WIRELESS SENSOR against security in
NETWORKS: ISSUES wireless sensor networks
AND CHALLENGES are caused by the
insertion of false
information by the
compromised nodes
within the network
 For defending the
inclusion of false reports
17 | P a g e A New Hybrid CRYPTOGRAPHY TECHNIQUE in Wireless Sensor Network
Chapter 2 Literature survey

by compromised nodes, a
means is required for
detecting false reports
 Many of today’s proposed
security schemes are
based on specific network
models. As there is a lack
of combined effort to take
a common model to
ensure security for each
layer, in future though the
security mechanisms
become well-established
for each individual layer,
combining all the
mechanisms together for
making them work in
collaboration with each
other will incur a hard
research challenge
 A method for
implementing a public-
key cryptosystem whose
security rests in part on
the difficulty of factoring
large numbers
 If the security of our
Hankerson, D., & ELLIPTIC CURVE
19 2011 method proves to be
adequate, it permits
secure communications to
be established without the
use of couriers to carry
keys, and it also permits
one to “sign” digitized
20 Singhal, N., & Raina, COMPARATIVE 2011  “Comparative Analysis of
J. P. S. ANALYSIS OF AES AES and RC4 Algorithms
AND RC4 for Better Utilization”
ALGORITHMS FOR presents a performance
BETTER evaluation of RC4 and
 The performance metrics
were throughput, CPU
process time, memory
utilization, encryption
and decryption time and
key size variation.
 The RC4 is fast and
18 | P a g e A New Hybrid CRYPTOGRAPHY TECHNIQUE in Wireless Sensor Network
Chapter 2 Literature survey

energy efficient for

encryption and
decryption. Based on the
analysis done as part of
this research, RC4 is
better than AES.
 An overview of the broad
research issues and
challenges involved in the
design of wsns are
 Energy conservation
emerges as one the most
critical aspect in
ISSUES AND hardware and software
CHALLENGES IN related design issues, and
WIRELESS SENSOR puts a question mark on
NETWORKS the overall practicability
of wsns.
 Besides, other related
Sharma, S., Bansal, R.
21 2013 main issues include
K., & Bansal, S.
specialized hardware,
software and operating
system, synchronization,
qos, security, architecture
and data collection
related aspects with
minimum communication
and computation costs.
 Various such design issues
for the better
understanding of this field
for the overall benefit of
the research community
working in this area.

19 | P a g e A New Hybrid CRYPTOGRAPHY TECHNIQUE in Wireless Sensor Network

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