Study of Wireless Sensor Network For IoT Application
Study of Wireless Sensor Network For IoT Application
Study of Wireless Sensor Network For IoT Application
Snehal R. Thakur, Nidhi Solanki, Dr. P. H. Zope
PG Students,Assistant Professor
Dept. of E&TC, SSBTs College of Engineering and Technology, Jalgaon, MS, India ,
The function of this layer is to provide reliability and Co- channel interference at the MAC layer and this
congestion avoidance where a lot of protocols designed to problem is solved by MAC protocols.
provide this function are either applied on the upstream
(user to sink, ex: ESRT, STCP and DSTN), or downstream Multipath fading and shadowing at the physical layer and
(sink to user, ex: PSFQ and GARUDA). These protocols this problem is solved by forward error correction (FEC)
use different mechanisms for loss detection ((ACK, NACK, and automatic repeat request (ARQ).
and Sequence number)) and loss recovery ((End to End or
1) ARQ: It is not popular in WSN because of additional re-
Hop by Hop)). This layer is specifically needed when a
transmission cost and overhead. ARQ is not efficient to
system is organised to access other networks. Providing a
frame error detection so all the frame has to retransmit if
reliable hop by hop is more energy efficient than end to end
there is a single bit error.
and that is one of the reason why TCP is not suitable for
WSN. Usually the link from sink to node is considered as 2) FEC: It decreases the number of retransmission by
downstream link for multicast transmission and UDP traffic adding redundant data on each message so the receiver can
because of the limited memory and overhead avoiding. On detect and correct errors. By that we can avoid re-
the other hand from User to sink is considered as upstream transmission and wait for ACK.
link for mono-cast transmission and TCP or UDP traffic. In
general, Transport protocols can be divided into: D. Physical Layer:
1) Packet driven: all packets sent by source must reach It can provide an interface to transmit a stream of bits over
destination. physical medium. Responsible for frequency selection,
carrier frequency generation, signal detection, Modulation
2) Event driven: the event must be detected, but it is and data encryption. IEEE 802.15.4: proposed as standard
enough that one notification message reaches the sink. for low rate personal area and WSN with low: cost,
complexity, power consumption, range of communication randomization. Although, gossiping can solve the
to maximize battery life. Use CSMA/CA, support star and implosion problem, it cannot avoid the overlapping
peer to peer topology. problem. On the other hand; gossiping distribute
information slowly, this means it consumes energy at a
E. Application layer: slow rate, but the cost is long-time propagation is needed to
send messages to all sensor nodes.
Responsible for traffic management and provide software
for different applications that translate the data in an C. Spin:
understandable form or send queries to obtain certain
information. Sensor networks deployed in various SPIN (Sensor Protocols for Information via Negotiation)
applications in different fields, for example; military, isa family ofadaptiveprotocolsforWSNs. Theirdesigngoal is
medical, environment, agriculture fields. to avoid the drawbacks of ooding protocols mentioned
above by utilizing data negotiation and resource-adaptive
III. Routing Protocols for WSNs algorithms. SPINisdesigned based on two basic ideas; to
operate eciently and to conserve energy by sending
In this context, we introduce the most well-known routing
metadata (i.e., sending data about sensor data instead of
protocols for wireless sensor networks.
sending the whole data that sensor nodes already have or
A. Flooding: need to obtain), and nodesinanetworkmustbewareofchanges
in their own energy resources and adapt to these changes to
Flooding is an old routing mechanism that may also be extend the operating lifetime of the system. SPIN has three
used in sensor networks. In ooding, a node sends out the types of messages, namely, ADV, REQ, and DATA
received data or the management packets to its neighbours respectively:
by broadcasting, unless a maximum number of hops for
that packet are reached or the destination of the packets is 1) ADV: when a node has data to send, it advertises via
arrived. However; there are some deciencies for this broadcasting this message containing meta-data (i.e.,
routing technique: descriptor) to all nodes in the network.
1) Implosion: is the case where a duplicated data or 2) REQ: an interested node sends this message when it
packets are sent to the same node. Flooding is a function of wishes to receive some data.
the network topology.
3) DATA: Data message contains the actual sensor data
2) Overlap: if two sensor nodes cover an overlapping along with meta-data header. SPIN is based on data-centric
measuring region, both of them will sense/detect the same routingwherethe ADV messageviabroadcasting for the data
data. As a result, their neighbour nodes will receive they have and wait for REQ messages from interested sinks
duplicated data or messages. Overlapping is a function of or nodes.
both the network topology and the mapping of sensed data
to sensor nodes.
Local compression to reduce global communication. Fig 5: Applications of WSNs for IoT
In LEACH, the operation is separated in to xed-length Sensor networks are applied in a wide range of areas, such
rounds, where each round starts with a setup phase as military applications, public safety, medical,
followed by a steady-state phase. The duration of a round is surveillances, environmental monitoring, commercial
determined by priority: applications, habitat and tracking. In general, sensor
networks will be ubiquitous in the near future, since they
1. Advertisement phase
support new opportunities for the interaction between
2. Cluster set-up phase humans and their physical world. In addition, sensor
networks are expected to contribute signicantly to
3. Schedule Creation phase pervasive computing and space exploration in the next
decade. Deploying sensor nodes in an unattended
4. Data Transmission phase. environment will give much more possibilities for the
exploration of new applications in the real world as shown
Although, LEACH has shown good features to sensor
in fig.5:
networks, it suers from the following drawbacks:
V. Conclusion
It cannot be applied to time-constrained application as it
results in a long latency. Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has very specific
characteristics and requirement that are unique. A system
The nodes on the route a hot spot to the sink could drain
for aiding in the development of sensing agents is often
their power fast. This problem known as hotspot
required. The systems are characterized by their power
consumption, memory consumption, bandwidth
The number of clusters may not be xed every round. consumption, fault tolerance, adaptability, and scalability.
Furthermore, most of the existing systems incorporate
It cannot be applied to large sensor networks. management functions within application protocols. The
development of general purpose network management
layer protocols is a challenging problem and remains a
largely unexplored area for WSNs. Another significant
open problem is the development of management policies
and expressive languages or metadata for representing
management policies and for representing the information
exchanged between sensor nodes(SNs), managers, and end
users. This dissertation considers the above challenges and
suggests the following solutions.
IV. Applications of WSNs for IoT In this paper, various applications of WSN along with the
knowledge of security issues & attacks of WSN are
discussed. This paper can be helpful for research scholars
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