Instrumenting The World With Wireless Sensor Networks
Instrumenting The World With Wireless Sensor Networks
Instrumenting The World With Wireless Sensor Networks
Department of Computer Science Department of Elecrical Engineering
email: (destrin,girod)@cs. email: (mbs,pottie)
could accomplish this end, but excessive communications and sig- locally distributed iterative multilateration [8] whereby a node cal-
nal processing complexity would be required. Rather, for a scal- culates its position and is promoted to a beacon as soon as enough
able solution a signal processing step is required that recognizes of its 1-hop neighbors are beacons. Starting with a critical density
whether near or far objects are being tracked. A crude technique of beacons, a percolation-like phenomenon would result in grad-
is to consider the SNR variations among nodes in a cluster and to ually all the nodes discovering their position. With a sufficient
neighboring clusters. If the S N R is similar, then the signal source beacon density,a small number of successive multilateration steps
is likely to be distant. Having made this determination, clusters lead to rapid convergence of location estimates. The communi-
may decide to estimate lines of bearing or not, whether probabilis- cation overhead is much lower than in centralized approach as all
tically or according to a predetermined schedule. The information message exchange is strictly local and is easily piggybacked on
on the bearing lines is then conveyed to a central node designated routing messages.
to perform the (noncoherent) fusion. Thus, there is never a case in Another challenge in localization is estimation of distance be-
which sampled waveforms must be conveyed over a large number tween a pair of nodes. Using time-of-flight of radio signals (as in
of hops. GPS) is ruled out when the distances are too tiny and radio fre-
Achieving the required level of synchronism for coherent beam- quencies not very high. A readily available method would be to
forming is in principle relatively straightforward for systems in use the received signal strength indication (RSSI) provided be the
which every node possesses a radio. Since the propagation ve- radio. The RSSI data can be cheaply piggybacked on regular rout-
locity of seismic and acoustic signals is six orders of magnitude ing and data. The accuracy of this approach can be improved by
slower than that of radio waves, achieving data lock for RF com- using a parameterized channel, path loss model whose parameters
munications would seem to already be much better synchroniza- are also estimated together with position [8]. However, in practice,
tion than is required for beamforming. However, particular care the RSSI based approach works only in the absence of significant
must be paid to the node architecture to take advantage of this tim- multipath effects. In most environments other than open spaces
ing information. The typical interrupt cycles of general-purpose multipath is an issue. A promising alternative technology is to es-
proccssors can be tens of milliseconds, an eternity with respect to timate distance by time of flight of acoustic or ultrasound signals,
even acoustic signals. Thus, embedded real-time components are and using the much faster radio signal to establish time reference
required in the nodes to deal with time-stamping of the data. [91[101[111.
Node location is employed by routing protocols that use spatial ad- Dynamic power management techniques such as shutdown and
dresses, and by signal processing algorithms (e.g. beamforming) dynamic voltage scaling have emerged as powerful methods for
that are used for tasks such as target tracking. The underlying al- power-aware computing. Power-aware operation is even more im-
gorithm problem is that of localization whereby the nodes in the portant for wireless sensor networks, and requires distributed ver-
network discover their spatial coordinates upon network boot-up. sions of power management techniques.
When the sensor nodes are deployed in an unplanned topology, As an example, consider shutdown, which is widely used in
there is no a priori knowledge of location. The use of GPS in portable computing systems such as laptops. In sensor nets one
sensor nodes is ruled out in many scenarios because of power con- could exploit redundant nodes by turning on only a time- varying
sumption, antenna size, and overhead obstructions such as dense subset of nodes, where the subset is selected for desired sensor and
foliage. The ad hoc nature of deployment rules out infrastructure radio coverage. The remaining nodes can be shutdown, only to be
for many scenarios of localization. It is critical that sensor net- woken up to provide additional sensor readings or communication
work nodes be able to estimate their relative positions without as- routes when something interesting happens [ 121.
sistance, using means that can be built-in. A key problem in such a distributed shutdown scheme is the
The localization problem in itself is a good example of a signal- strategy to select which node to shutdown and which to turn on
processing task that the sensor network needs to solve. The ba- at any given instant. A good way to model this problem is to op-
sic approach would be for sensor nodes to gather sufficient num- timally divide the sensor nodes into several subsets such that any
ber of pair-wise distance estimates via some suitable mechanism, given subset provides a baseline level of sensing and communica-
and then use multilateration algorithms to estimate positions of the tion coverage. The different subsets can then be tumed on and off
nodes. To begin with, a few nodes might know their position via according to a duty cycle determined by a repetitive schedule. As
other means (beacon nodes), but at the end of the localization pro- nodes die by depleting their batteries, the subsets are changed.
cess every node would hopefully know its position. Unfortunately, modeling the problem in this fashion requires
A key problem however is that in conventional formulations one to gather global information to find the subsets. Since com-
of multilateration [6][7] one needs to estimate the location of an munication is expensive in energy, the cost of the power manage-
entity given estimates of its distance to 3 or more beacons with ment algorithm would swamp the savings from power manage-
known positions. In sensor networks a very high density of bea- ment! This illustrates the dilemma that so often arises in prob-
cons nodes would be needed. To keep the required beacon density lems in sensor nets: the seemingly optimal way of solving a
and energies low, a preferred method would be to jointly estimate problem often results in algorithms whose communication en-
positions of all the non-beacon nodes via a collaborative multilat- ergy costs exceed their benefits. Therefore, a better strategy is
eration formulation based on criterion such as least-square error to use algorithms that only shoot for good though sub optimal re-
minimization. Besides being computationally hard for large num- sults but require only locally distributed processing with minimal
ber of nodes, doing this would require a centralized node where all communication costs.
the distance estimates would be collected at significant comniu- This suggests that the decision regarding when to shutdown
nication and associated energy cost. A more scalable solution is and wakeup a node should be made using information in the local
neighborhood. A simple scheme is to turn the nodes on an off with 6. REFERENCES
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