The Architecture and Characteristics of Wireless Sensor Network
The Architecture and Characteristics of Wireless Sensor Network
The Architecture and Characteristics of Wireless Sensor Network
1. College of Computer and Information Engineering 2.* School of Information Science and Engineering
Central South University of Forestry and Technology Central South University
ChangSha 410004, China ChangSha 410075, China
Abstract—As a novel information acquiring and processing include in aircraft sow, rocket ejection and manual
technology, WSN (wireless sensor network) is made by the embedded, the common WSN system architecture is shown
convergence of sensor, micro-electro-mechanism system and in figure 1.
networks technologies. WSN consist of small nodes with
sensing, computation and wireless communication capabilities.
Various architectures have been developed for WSN,
depending upon the requirement of application. WSN are used
in different applications e.g. environmental monitoring, habitat
monitoring, home automation, military application etc. In this
paper we present the architecture and characteristics of WSN.
As viewed from the existing work, the hot spots recent
representative routing protocols are analyzed, and their
characteristics and application areas are compared. Finally,
the future research issues in this area are pointed out.
Figure 1. The architecture of Wireless sensor network.
Keywords- architecture; wireless sensor network; routing
technology; characteristics Architecture may include the topology, organization of
sink node, other nodes, and a global view of the whole
I. INTRODUCTION network [3]. The important things that have to be considered
are the autonomy and adaptability. Autonomy specifies that
Wireless sensor networks are composed of a large
sensors can be deployed in an unattended area or physically
number of sensor nodes; communicate with each other
unreachable area and hence they are required to operate with
through wireless transmission. Many feasible applications
the minimum efforts from the base stations or human
are proposed such as industrial sensor networks [1], volcano
administrators. Sensor networks should support adaptability
monitoring networks, habitat monitoring [2], health
in the way to operate through adapting to the environmental
monitoring, and home automation etc. The organization of
changes that sensors monitor, e.g. sensors may decrease their
internal software and hardware should be in a manner that
duty cycles in order to reduce the power consumption in the
will allow them to work properly and be able to adapt
sensors when there is no significant change in sensor
dynamically to new environments, requirements and
readings [4]. Some applications of sensor networks involve
applications. Similarly, it makes sure to be general enough to
mobility. Communication in sensor networks is totally
be suited for as many applications as possible.
depending upon the application and the way of collecting
A sensor node typically consists in five components:
data, mainly it consist of the tasks of data sent to nodes and
sensing, memory, processor, transceiver (transmitter and
the data recorded by nodes about the environment [5].
receiver) and battery. Nowadays, nodes are intended to be
Also, Node deployment is the basic problem in wireless
small and cheap. Consequently, their resources are limited
sensor network. According to the applications, the node
(typically, limited battery, reduced memory and processing
deployment strategy is decided. Most of these work [6], [7],
capabilities). Because of the restrained transmission power,
[8] assume that the environment is sufficiently known and
wireless sensor nodes can only communicate locally, with a
under control. However, when the environment is unknown
certain number of local neighbors. So, nodes have to
or hostile such as remote harsh fields, disaster are as and
collaborate in order to accomplish their tasks: sensing, signal
toxic urban regions, sensor deployment can’t be performed
processing, computing, routing, localization, security, etc. So,
manually. To scatter sensors by aircraft is one possible
WSN are, by its nature, collaborative networks [3].
solution. However, using this technique, the actual landing
Generally, only a small number of sink node take charge
position cannot be controlled due to the existence of wind
of sending instructions, collecting data and communicating
and obstacles such as trees and buildings. Consequently, the
with Internet. The typical WSN deployment approaches
coverage may be inferior to the application requirements no
wireless communication mechanism: the modulation type, information of sensing area is not known in advance or is
the transmission and receiving techniques, etc. The data link varied with time, that is the position for sensor deployment
layer is concerned with the Media Access Control (MAC) cannot be determined [9, 12].
protocol that manages communication over the noisy shared Potential field based approach for node deployment is
channel. The network layer manages routing the data deeply discussed in [11], in which nodes are treated as
between the nodes, while the transport layer helps to virtual particles, subject to virtual forces. These forces repel
maintain the data flow. Finally, the application layer contains the nodes from each other and from obstacles, and ensure
(very often) only one single user application. that an initial, compact configuration of nodes will quickly
In addition to the five network layers, the three spread out to maximize the coverage area of the network. In
management planes have the following functionality: the addition to these repulsive forces, nodes are also subject to a
power management plane coordinates the energy viscous friction force. This force is used to ensure that the
consumption inside the sensor node. The architecture based network will eventually reach the state of static equilibrium,
on the five OSI layers together with three management i.e. all nodes will ultimately come to a complete stop. The
planes that go through out the communication protocols viscous force does not, however, prevent the network from
model of Wireless sensor networks [11] (see Figure 3). reacting to changes in the environment; if something is
moved, the network will automatically reconfigure itself for
the modified environment before return once again to a static
equilibrium. Thus, nodes move only when it is necessary to
do so, saving a great deal of energy.
A hybrid approach based on clustering in [13] is used for
load balancing, where the 2D mesh is partitioned into 1D
arrays by row and by column. Two scans are used in
sequence: one for all rows, followed by the other for all
columns. Within each row and columns, the scan operation is
used to calculate the average load and then to determine the
amount of overload and under load in clusters. Load is
shifted from overloaded clusters to under load clusters in an
optimal way to achieve a balanced state. Each cluster covers
a small square area and is controlled by cluster head, knows
the information about cluster’s position in the 2D mesh and
the number of sensors in the cluster.
Figure 3. The communication protols model of WSN.
Limited motilities based approach is discussed in [14],
where sensor can flip (or hop) only once to a new location
In [6], the network space is divided into rectangular equal and the flip distance is bounded. In this framework, the
sized regions (RRs), where the size of the region is set based problem is to determine the optimal way for based sensors to
on the radio range and how many hops the region has to maximize the coverage in the network. After detecting the
cover. Each region (e.g., RRj) is responsible for a set of coverage holes, the sensors move to new position to prevent
resources. The resource key space is divided among these coverage hole. Such movement can be realized in practice by
regions, such that each resource key (Ki) is mapped to a propellers that are powered by fuel, coiled springs that
region. The key way is set to RR mapping (KSeti↔RRj) is unwinds for flipping. In this model, sensors can flip only
known by all nodes. once to a new location.
In fact, the Rendezvous Regions scheme can be built on Sensor node deployment method based on a centralized
top of any routing protocol that can route packets toward virtual force [15], which combines the idea of potential field
geographic regions. The only requirement of the routing and disk packing .In this a powerful cluster head, which
protocol is to maintain approximate geographic information, communicate with all the other sensors, collect sensor
such that given an insertion or lookup to a certain region; it position information, calculate forces and desired position
should be able to obtain enough information to route the for each sensor. The distance between two adjacent nodes
packet toward that region. Given that the packet is able to when all nodes are evenly distributed is defined as a
reach the region, there are several design options inside the threshold to distinguish attractive or repulsive force between
region itself. These design options affect the operation of two nodes. The force between two nodes is zero if their
insertions, lookups, server election, and replication inside the distance is equal to the threshold, attractive if less than and
regions. They also affect the consistency operations for repulsive if greater than. The total force on a node is the sum
mobility and failures. of all the forces given by other sensors together with
obstacles and preferential coverage in the area.
IV. SENSOR NODE DEPLOYMENT STRATEGIES In [16], three protocols are evaluated for sensor network
For static environment, deterministic deployment is used to maximize the sensor coverage with less time, movement
since the location of each sensor can be predetermined distance and message complexity. These protocols first
properly. The stochastic deployment is used when the discover the existence of coverage holes in the target area
based on the sensing service required by the application.
After discovering a coverage hole, the protocols calculate the because this design concept has many advantages: reducing
target positions of these sensors, where they should move. the complexity of the core network, facilitate the upgrading
These three protocols are VEC (VECTOR-based), VOR of the network, increasing the versatility and flexibility of
(VORONOI-based) and Mini-max based on the principle of network. So, if it is reasonable choice to use end-to-end
moving sensors from densely deployed are as to sparsely argument in WSN. It has not answer up to now.
deployed areas.
In [18], a centralized deterministic sensor deployment Low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) is a
method, DT-score is the basis. Given a fixed number of cluster-based protocol that minimizes energy dissipation in
deployable sensors, DT-score aims to maximize the area sensor networks by randomly selecting sensor nodes as
coverage of sensing area with obstacles. In the first phase of cluster heads. Power Efficient Gathering in Sensor
DT-score, a contour based deployment is used to eliminate Information System (PEGASIS) is a near optimal chain
the coverage holes near the boundary of sensing area and based protocol. The basic idea of the protocol is to extend
obstacles. In the second phase, a deployment method based network lifetime by permitting nodes to communicate
on the Delaunay Triangulation is applied for uncovered exclusively with their closest neighbors, employing a turn
regions. Before deploying a sensor, each candidate position taking strategy to communicate with the Base Station (BS).
generated from the current sensor configuration is scored by
Minimum Energy Communication Network (MECN)
a probabilistic sensor detection model.
establishes and maintains a minimum energy network for
V. ROUTING PROTOCOLS wireless networks by utilizing low power geographic
WSN is oriented to such business as events monitoring positioning system (GPS). The main idea of MECN is to
and characteristic measuring, mostly data flow is not end-to- find the sub-network with the smallest number of nodes that
end, and multimedia flow is less. In the early time, the study requires the least transmission power between any two
of WSN was once considered that mature Internet particular nodes [18]. Some other representative flat-based
technology combined with Ad-hoc routing protocols and protocol, which are flat sleep scheduling algorithm such as
algorithms are full enough to design the sensor network, but CCP[15]、SPAN[16] and grade sleep scheduling algorithm
the in-depth study shows that: there exists significant such as HEED[17].
differences between wireless sensor networks and traditional
network [8]. We use mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) as Hsiao and others [18] have constructed the balancing tree
an example, which is most similar to WSN to compare. for the wireless network which can achieve the load
1. WSN and MANET most similar performance balancing at the highest level among the wireless nodes, but
characteristics: both are wireless, self-organization, and the flow characteristics of WSN and the kinds of wireless
multi-hop network. networks is different. Dai and others [18] have set
2. WSN nodes is immovable or basically stationary, the centralized algorithm. It looks the grid structure of central-
number of WSN nodes reaches up to 1,000; while the node WSN as a static load-balancing tree, but in reality this
mobility of MANET nodes is minutely, the number of type of network structure are rare.
MANET nodes generally is only a few dozen. In order to solve the dynamic character of the sensor
3. WSN is a data-centric network, whose each node
network tree structure in the reference [12, 13] the
achieves the monitoring through a collaborative approach;
MANET is a network for the purpose of data transmission, researchers have presented dynamic query-tree energy
primarily provides network interconnecting and computing balancing (DQEB) series of protocol to adjust the tree's
power for distributed application. structure and balance the network's energy consumption.
4. WSN’s data packets are smaller than the MANET However, it is at the huge power consumption cost to
network’s, while the relativity of WSN’s data is larger, so its change the structure of tree. In order to eliminate the
data transmission will cost more energy. At the same time, question of data access in WSN, which is caused by the
the data flow direction of WSN has the characteristics: traditional method of data storage.
many-to-one and one-to-many. The load-balancing network (LBN), which is proposed in
5. WSN nodes consume more energy in communication literature, [13] belongs to distribution algorithm. LBN’s
process than in the calculation process. This consumption
difference has certain significance for WSN. However, this basic idea is: WSN is a “supply and demand” data network,
consumption difference is unimportant for MANT. In base station is the only ultimate data demander, and the
addition, WSN node resources (including storage, computing sensor node is the data producer and transporter, data
capacity, communications bandwidth and distance, etc.) are demander “buy” the data from the data producer.
extremely limited. So the WSN node is vulnerable to energy SPEED [7] is stateless non-deterministic geographic
depletion and failure. forwarding protocol (SNGF), which belongs to distribution
6. “End-to-End argument” emphasized that it was put all routing strategy, with the provision of soft real-time end-to-
the dealing process to the end of network. The intermediate end routing capabilities. SPEED has cyclical trigger and
nodes are only responsible for sending data Packet. threshold trigger two kinds of work mode, which can access
Therefore, so it brings huge success of the Internet today, geographic information and load conditions through
exchange information between neighbor node, and prefer REFERENCES
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