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Enhancing Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks by Babagana Sadiq Et Al

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Covenant Journal of Informatics & Communication Technology. Vol. 11, No. 2, Dec.

, 2023
ISSN: print 2354 – 3566 electronics 2354 – 3507 DOI:

An Open Access Journal Available Online

Enhancing Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks:

A Review

Babagana Sadiq1, Daniel Isuwa2, Umar Ali Beniheikh3

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Federal Polytechnic Monguno, Monguno, Nigeria.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Federal Polytechnic Monguno, Monguno, Nigeria.
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria.
babaganasadiq@gmail.com, 2mr.danisuwa@yahoo.co.uk, 3umarbenisheikh2@gmail.com

Received: 08.08.2023, Accepted:11.11.2023,Publication:December2023

Abstract—Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) is a

network of wireless sensors made up of tiny sensor nodes that a r e
capable of sensing, processin g, and transmitting information and
feedback. These sensor nodes are distributed at random in a sensing
environment or sensor field to sense real- world phenomena like heat,
moisture, humidity, sound, vibration, etc., and then aggregate and send to
the base station (BS). The significance of energy energy-effective routing
algorithm has risen, since the energy constrain is the major factor affecting
sensor nodes. To control and manage the energy consumption of sensor
nodes, a si gnificant number of techniques have been proposed by
various scholars. This review paper presents published works that have
been proposed for increasing the lifespan of wireless networks at the very
beginning of this paper, a brief overview of Wireless networks, its
architecture working and the problems associated with it are discussed.
After the detailed overview of the approaches that have been presented
for overcoming various limitations of current wireless systems. Lastly, in
the conclusion of this paper the reviewed results were compared with
earlier techniques, the results thus far show a notable improvement in the
node mortality rate and network lifetime.
Keywords/Index Terms— Base Station, Cluster-head, Sensor Node WSNs,
LEACH. Wireless sensor network, Network Lifespan
Babagana Sadiq, et al CJICT (2023) 11(2) 1-

1. Introduction communicates, and 15 performs self-

organization on the given instructions. The
The WSN is a collection of sensor nodes computation unit is made up of a
that are linked to each other wirelessly; microprocessor chip, memory for the saving
these interlinked nodes gather of the program codes, an embedded timer,
information or data about the field and active temporary memory for saving
surrounded by wireless communication. the sensed information.
Each sensor nodes have low residual
energy and are split in an ad-hoc 1.3 Transmission unit: - This unit is
decentralized manner. As the wireless assigned for the rest of the duties like
sensor network is an infrastructure-less sending and reception of data within sensor
connection and this connection is also nodes, and to the base station; these
expanded in many wireless sensor functions are performed by the
networks in ad-hoc method, this structure transmitter/receiver circuitry.
of the wireless sensor network is used to The wireless sensor network uses the base
sense the real-world conditions of the station as a midway interface between the
intelligent interconnection systems (El network and the operator. The operator can
Houssaini et al, 2014). For sensing the get the needed feedback from the network,
network, the wireless sensor networks the user needs to fire a demand on the
are capable of both environmental system and gather the outcomes that were
conditions and physical quantity, the found by the base station. Essentially, the
wireless sensor network possesses the WSN is made up of a collection of more
capability to process the data locally, than hundreds of sensor nodes (Maraiya et
work supportively, and communicate al, 2011). By the use of wireless signals, the
intelligently. To appreciate the working sensor nodes communicate between
principle of the WSN, see Figure 1. WSN themselves. There are four basic
has three main elements, sensing unit, mechanisms used by wireless sensor
computation unit, and transmission unit. networks, these are: - energy, sensing and
The workings of these three units are as processing devices, and transmitter/receiver.
follows: The wireless sensor networks nodes which
are self-inherit the limitations of the
1.1 Sensing unit: - In the sensing unit an resources. The limitations of the sensor
analog signal is produced by sensing the nodes are: - processing speed, memory
physical phenomena like heat, storage capacity, communication frequency
temperature, and humidity to the ADC to band, or bandwidth. The wireless sensor
convert the analog into digital data, and network is liable for a suitable self-ordered
then transferred to the computation unit infrastructure having inter-communication
for further processing. bandwidth (Matin & Islam, 2012).
1.2 Computation unit: - The
computational unit's task is to calculate
and make decisions of the data from the
sensing unit, it manages the data,

Babagana Sadiq, et al CJICT (2023) 11(2) 1-

Figure 1: General structure of WSN

The sensor nodes that exist on they start limited to military applications, medical,
sensing the data available. The requests community safety, observation,
that are directed from the base station to environmental checks, and commercial
the wireless networks are answered by applications. All these sectors surround
WSN to outperform the detecting and track the advancement of
samples or any precise instruction. The microcontroller technology, wireless
WSN is a combination or collection of communication, and the improvement of
separate sensor nodes within the network, computers. As the request of the WSN
For any small sensor set-up the concept increased data traffic increased numerous
of single-hop communication works as complications in the WSNs. The main
the sensor nodes are located near the sink aim of the problem was the node-by-
and do not have any requirements to node transmission by the base station to
connect indirectly with each other, the sensor nodes and the limited
however on the other hand in many of remaining power for the cluster head. As
the WSN applications where the a consequence of this challenge, the
coverage area of large and the sensor network is affected by the energy
nodes are located distant away from each limitations and hot spots which thus
other and sink. There is a need for multi- resulted in the jamming and network
hop communication for information allocations.
sharing and communication (Maraiya et
As the sensor nodes are battery power-
al, 2011). The transmission methods are
driven, it comes to be the main challenge
known by many names: single-hop
for the working period due to its limited
transmission as direct transmission and
lifespan. Two issues that become a
multi-hop as indirect transmission
challenge are the difficulty is battery
respectively. At very recognized and
replacement and recharging (Felicia et al,
widespread selection zones, the
2018). The first reason was the price,
applications of the sensor networks are
which is increasing for the upkeep of the
applicable. These areas include but are
Babagana Sadiq, et al CJICT (2023) 11(2) 1-
nodes for a huge quantity which is communications. The 15 capability of the
usually deployed over a large area. nodes can be stabilized with the
Another reason was that the unreachable assistance of clustering by lessening the
node which is deployed in areas like whole consumption of the power; the
volcanoes, and polluted areas, is main motive of the workload was the
embedded in construction materials and larger gap between the sensor nodes and
deployed in unfriendly for the army cluster heads. Hence, clustering is an
applications. The coverage and the energy-efficient answer for increasing
interconnectivity problem increase by network durability and improving energy
certain nodes are weakening, leading to technique efficiency. Furthermore, the
separating from the network or leaving a number of messages that are requested
part of the sensor field. To overcome for transmission to the base station
these challenges many algorithms were decreases. Several old-style cluster head
presented. The presented protocols assist selection methods use the structures that
in increasing the lifespan of a sensor comprise the energy balancing and
node. Among many of the developed network lifespan, these old-style methods
algorithms, one is routing protocol which used the idea of Power Efficient
assists in increasing the lifespan of the Gathering in Sensor Information Systems
wireless network. To accomplish the (PEGASIS), Hybrid Energy efficient
ultimate power efficiency and increase Distributed Clustering (HEED),
the overall network lifespan the routing Distributed energy-efficient clustering
protocols were demonstrated to be much (DEEC) protocol, Low Energy Adaptive
extra effective and efficient. The core Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH),
target of scholars is designing such a Threshold sensitive energy efficient
power-effective routing algorithm in sensor network (TEEN) PROTOCOL,
WSNs, through which the lifespan of which gathers the information from its
WSNs would increase. Various types of member variant, and then it combined
procedures like flat, location-based the information and then transfer to the
clustering, and hierarchical routing-based information collection hub or the base
protocols were presented for the WSN, station.
Of all the presented WSN algorithms, the
Essentially, LEACH can be well-defined
clustering-based algorithm outperformed
as the typical illustrations of hierarchical
in many cases.
protocols. The energy is reduced
In clustering-based algorithms, the
considerably with the aid of the LEACH
cluster head is responsible for the
protocol to stabilize the limitations of
rejection of information or data and also
power consumption. Apart from that,
can reduce the final information or data
nodes with high residual energy become
volume (Muhammad et al, 2021). Then
cluster heads once or more than once in
BS acquires the data that is sent by the
some situations, as they have fairness
cluster head. The network is shared into
constraints on power usage. The method
numerous clusters, in a cluster-based
of the TEEN procedure is put on when
routing algorithm, and every individual
each cluster changes its period during the
cluster reduces the energy intake which
task. The LEACH subjects for the
was used for extended-distance
Babagana Sadiq, et al CJICT (2023) 11(2) 1-
PEGASIS. The PEGASIS is mostly built on the artificial
15 bee colony
fixated on increasing a series of chains algorithm namely (PBC-CP) proficient
among all the sensor nodes. This method bee colony-clustering algorithm. In their
comes into action due to the aim of paper, the selection of cluster heads the
energy nodes; via this, the energy nodes paper used many factors such as; nodes
can gather a form and transmit it to the residual energy, length from base station
nearby node. The mixture of the nodes to sensor nodes, and degree of nodes. To
gets combined by moving from one send the information from the CH to BH,
sensor node to another, as the creation of the power-effective route was selected
the mixture is finished the cluster head which aids in reducing the consumption
transfers it to the sink. For all the of power in a sensor network. The
wireless sensor networks in terms of findings showcased the efficiency and
power, the cluster-based algorithm can effectiveness of the presented method
increase the efficiency. The additional over existing methods concerning
expense is necessary by the clusters for network lifetime.
the choice of cluster head and
William (2022) indicated that a wireless
construction of clusters. To increase the
sensor network is used in observing the
lifespan of the wireless network, the
variations in the dynamic surroundings
closeness of the sensor nodes and the
that happen over time intervals. The
Power is essential. The following
wireless sensor networks use the means
contributions have been made:
powerfully, for allowing the numerous
The following contributions were applications and energy-efficient
reached in this survey: information broadcast was desirable. The
1. Improve information transmitting paper that was proposed in this research
capacity packet losses due to is named Strong Clustering Algorithm
network traffic. and Data Aggregation (SCADA). To
2. Limiting monitoring area and achieve scalability with nominal cost in
transmitting distance by clustering. SCADA-ML and Quality of service
3. Stabilises energy running down in (QoS) optimization the research
the cluster head selection process. presented a novel routing protocol using
4. Decrease energy usage in machine learning. While putting the
transmitting data to long distances. method of machine learning to dissimilar
5. Prolonging WSNs Lifespan. sizes of WSNs, the two key factors
focused on data aggregation and cluster
2. Literature Review head selection. The artificial neural
Previously, enormous amounts of network (ANN) is another term for
methods have been presented by many neural network machine learning method
researchers for improving the life which aids in maximizing the entire
duration of wireless sensor networks; cluster-head yield and cluster creation.
many proposed types of research are Here are some features for the sensor
deliberated and reviewed in this segment nodes such as the length from the base
of the paper. station, remaining energy, and assigned
Pathak (2020), presented work methods bandwidth. All these features are used to
Babagana Sadiq, et al CJICT (2023) 11(2) 1-
provide commands to the ANN is the formation of clusters,
15 and then the
architecture for selecting which CH is cluster head is nominated using the fuzzy
best. In the following phase, the other method centered on inputs that permit
given term explained the use of machine over the system and then select cluster
learning for minimizing the usage of head. Lastly, the offered routing protocol
cluster power for every cluster by putting chooses the utmost suitable routing route
on the effective data collection on the based on the cluster head's immediate
CH nodes. This was The purpose of neighbors then also the endpoint's
machine learning to identify how to position. The outcomes show an
minimize the cluster power by the effective selection technique of cluster
effective data collection for every cluster head using the fuzzy system which
on CH nodes and the grouping of data results in a 10% improvement in the
aggregation in controlled testing; the network lifespan. Madye & Salah (2023)
machine-learning-based results were suggested a protocol in which frequently
outperformed by the SCADA-ML observe the communication network, it is
technique. expected that some amount of sensor
nodes will be randomly distributed
Chun & Liping (2023) implemented a
throughout the sensor field, and the
method that permits sensor nodes and
algorithm is a clustering based on
base stations (BS) to travel concurrently,
multipath routing that targets to stabilize
then splits the sensing field into virtual
cluster power consumption by making
grids, and then arranges a movable base
clusters with the appropriate size and
station in every grid cell. The BS picks
with enough residual energy, furthermore
the suitable following hop for every
prolonging the lifetime of the network,
cluster head in the field to construct the
which sections the network into many
best routing forest and then gathers
layers of groups or clusters, The
information from all root nodes of every
suggested protocol reduces power
routing tree at an undeviating speed
dissipation and increases network
along the pathway with full coverage.
lifespan, and network stability when
The results compared with the latest
compared with SEP-E, SEPFL, and SEP
cutting-edge routing algorithms, the
presented protocol solves better in terms
of network delay then improves Shahriar & Kiaksar (2022) proposed a
information throughput whereas new threshold-centered categorize
maximizing the network lifespan makes procedure appropriate to compact and
it more appropriate for applications in ultra-compact networks were offered. As
time-sensitive situations. an alternative to categorizing entire
information in the bulk dataset and then
Afia et al (2023) developed a new
choosing a selected amount of them, the
solution to enhance cluster‐based
suggested procedure sorts a precise
Lifespan and increase routing constancy
amount of features which greater or
in a bidirectional method then increase
slighter than the given threshold point or
the average network throughput. The
else situated among double threshold
first stage is to fragment the network and
quantities. The initial is based on the
divide it into clusters. The second stage
Babagana Sadiq, et al CJICT (2023) 11(2) 1-
expectation and the variance of the network centered on15the maximum radio
information, then the hypothetical study range.
to discover precise and imprecise Zahoor et al (2023) suggested research
threshold values in turn for well-known with known datasets is centered on
like negative exponential, Gaussian, and wireless sensor networks and then
Rayleigh, and unidentified possibility gathered employing the LEACH protocol.
distribution was offered. At that moment, Furthermore, equally LEACH and
the procedure to categorize a previously HMGEAR are both carefully utilized as
defined amount of information is standard procedures that are used to
gathered. Lastly, the efficiency of the perform wireless sensor network routing
suggested procedure was presented in a and are not costly computationally. Thus,
time or period of complexity manner, the recommended ideal precisely
then also running time. To do this, they categorizes every node that portrays the
used hypothetical and arithmetical same performance. The routing is
studies to display the supremacy of executed equally before and after
suggested procedures in recognized and malicious nodes are detected using
unrecognized allocations using widely LEACH. When a malicious sensor node
recognized universal and gradual is discovered and detached, routing is
universal forms like K‐S mean, Merge, concluded for both the HMGEAR and
and Quick-based sorting procedures. LEACH algorithms. Additionally, the
Bila et al (2023) Proposed a new processing overhead of this method is
structure of WSN routing to make sure minimized with the help of Proof-of-
information communication among authority (PoA) agreement tools.
nodes centered on power cautioning, the Rehab (2020) proposed a Study and
technique used to discover the top choice Assessment on Algorithmic Purposes of
in making cluster heads by taking note of Leach Protocol in WSNs. The research
the power level of all sensor nodes been works with the study and assessment of
offered using Firefly Algorithm. This the two different types of LEACH
method ensures information protocol and then makes some
communication among the sensor nodes comparisons based on their usage,
in the network and minimizes power function, network lifespan, application,
consumption. It does the grouping of the and network performance. The suggested
sensor nodes to the network clusters and study has deployed LEACH with a
then every cluster allocates some role to hierarchical clustering protocol, the
a sensor node. This role turns a sensor multi-hop LEACH, which uses big areas
node into a cluster head. Cluster heads and is reinforced by using this algorithm
have to collect information from nodes in military applications.
inside the cluster, and then transmit the
information from cluster head to sink. Shuyu & Chengdu (2018) presented a
Furthermore, the communication lines of paper because of the restricted power of
all sensor nodes in wireless sensor wireless sensor networks and the huge
networks depend on even sharing, where number of information transmissions; it
data is equally distributed throughout the is significant to improve LEACH

Babagana Sadiq, et al CJICT (2023) 11(2) 1-
protocol for effective network identities, by assigning
15 a distinctive
information transmission in wireless identity to sensor nodes inside the cluster
sensor networks. This research usages an and assigning the same identity to sensor
ant colony and particle swarm algorithm nodes in different clusters. The algorithm
to improve the LEACH protocol which is also assigns identities and time slots
most usually used in wireless sensor when needed to increase network
networks, to decrease the power resources. Furthermore, to improve the
consumption in WSN information protocol, they present the LLL-EACH-
transmission and improve the Version 2 (LLL-EACH-V2) protocol that
information transmission routing. Hence, modulates the preamble bits to insert into
particle swamp optimization is used to the identities in the overhead rather than
improve the LEACH protocol to get the imputing additional bits. They also offer
utmost global optima, the information the processing complexity of the LLL-
broadcast phase of LEACH, a single-hop EACH-V2 protocol. The comparison was
route easily causes a CH to drain the made with the DIVE protocol; the LLL-
power in the early stages of the network, EACH protocol decreases the length of
and therefore the network life span is identities and mean power per packet by
reduced. To solve this challenge, the 50% and 13%, in turn. Additionally, the
inter-cluster transmission route is LLL-EACH-V2 protocol decreases the
presented with the aid of the ant colony, mean power per packet by 27% and
transforming the single-hop to a multi- improves the network output by 16%
hop route. Bearing in mind that the ant concerning the LLL-EACH protocol,
colony algorithm is likely to plunge into making it an effective and scalable
a local optimal solution, the particle answer.
swarm algorithm is used to restrict with Haibo et al (2019) presented a paper to
the efficient pheromone used to free the put advancing methods to enhance the
local optimal solution therefore fast- routing protocol. Initially, the optimum
tracking its attainment of the global total number of cluster heads is
optimal transmission route under the discovered according to the total power
LEACH algorithm. The simulation intake for every round to decrease the
outcomes display that the efficiency of possibility of unnecessary CH
artificial intelligence of LEACH protocol dissemination. At that point, the CH is
routing is improved and its disparity used as a base to build the Voronoi
between information broadcast and Diagram and then the sensor nodes
network power consumption is solved. inside the Voronoi diagram turn into the
Abdallah & Geoges (2023) proposed the cluster, and then the power dissipation in
LLL-EACH protocol which is an all- transmission in the intra-cluster would
inclusive framework that incorporates become less. Lastly, to enhance the
identity assignment, self-network multi-hop routing algorithm, a new
organization, packet routing, and time algorithm is added called an ant colony
slot reservation. Therefore an algorithm with a cluster head close to the base
overhead is short because of assigning station to collect data and send it to and
local identity instead of wide-scale from a distant cluster head.
Babagana Sadiq, et al CJICT (2023) 11(2) 1-
Mishra & Shashi, (2020) in their solar energy ingathering.
15 The reason for
approach to sustain the network lifespan, this proposed paper is to work on
load balance and maintenance are increasing the WSN network's lifespan
regularly essential. In certain features by using the method of solar harvesting.
like chemical process control and tragedy After the result was simulated by the
avoidance, it is challenging and researchers they found out that the
expensive to change and recharge the lifespan of the sensor network is
battery of sensor nodes. This arising improved from 5.75 days to 115.75 at
challenge becomes necessary to develop 23% duty cycles, up to the limitless
an alternative energy-efficient result for network lifetime. Alongside this
the power of nodes and throughout the development, the network throughputs
system performance to minimize the from 100 kbs to 160 kbs increase in
residual power consumption. Alongside SEH-WSNs.
the cost saving and residual energy
Orumwense & Khaled (2022) proposed a
consumption, the network's steadiness
procedure that offers significance to the
and performance remained vital to
sensor nodes for charging and similarly
maintain by the energy-conscious
aids in the enhancement of the accessible
methods. The power loss source was
charging structure; overall this complete
studied for the discovery of new results
situation helps to maximize the lifetime
to save the power usage in the network,
of the WSN. Firstly, to check the sensor
in this approach. Alongside elaborated
nodes in the network and likewise to visit
optimization and preservation methods
the sensor node in the network, and
for available power of WSN are offered.
monitoring algorithm was presented
Sharma et al (2019) presented techniques
through the recharging the sensor nodes
used in various sectors like smart
can be achieved. Afterward, to find the
farming, smart cities, smart houses, and
easiest travel distance used by the WCV
online industrial surveillance
a greedy charge algorithm was adopted
applications that are used for the
and at the ending point, the energy of the
application of the real-life Internet of
sensor nodes algorithm wassuggested
Things. Typically, there is inadequate
when the base station return the WCV is
power capability is obtainable in the old-
needed. To find the performance of the
style WSNs; furthermore, the batteries
researcher’s scheme, the simulated tests
are non-rechargeable. On many features,
were similarly conducted. The simulated
the lifespan of the WSN was built on the
tests demonstrate that the presented work
duty cycle, battery charge level, and
made effective enhancements as related
application type. The proposed research
to the other literature reviewed using
for the WSN sensor nodes battery
numerous matrices.
charging using solar energy harvesting
Bangotra & Kumar (2022) suggested an
method, by applying this method, the
effective routing protocol where they
limited energy solar design solution was
related two opportunistic routing
presented. Likewise, various difficulties
protocols with two NIO algorithms. The
like interruption of power; solar energy
two opportunistic algorithms were an
forecast, thermal matters, and additional
intelligent opportunistic routing protocol
solar ecological issues were raised in the
Babagana Sadiq, et al CJICT (2023) 11(2) 1-
(IOP) then a trust-based secure process, the cluster heads
15 were chosen by
intelligent opportunistic routing protocol the firm descriptors randomly like
(TBSIOP) that were related to NIO remaining energy then a maintained
algorithms for enhancing the power distance from BH. This approach,
efficiency and extending network suggests that the cluster head predicts the
lifetime. The performance is evaluated target destination and selectively
using a MATLAB simulator and the activates the continuous track of the next
findings were related in terms of power round sensor node by using the practice
efficiency, point-to-point latency, filter algorithm. This whole activation
average hazard level, and packet delivery approach makes a route from clusters to
ratio from the present PSO and ACO- BH by taking the CH as their backbone.
based routing protocols. All the opinions To access the energy of the clustering
under consideration were documented in algorithm efficiently the Gini index
the maximum 50% malicious sensor approach was used. Respectively, this
nodes for the test case of 25, 50, and 100 whole experiment stated an efficient
respectively. The TBSIOP performances work performance on the concepts of
were affected considerably by system lifetime energy consumption, and
maximizing the size of the network, as a residua power. The Gini index for
100% packet transferred ratio was there. remaining power attains a meaningful
As the results show the TBSIOP, lower Gini index of 78.38%, 86.11%,
throughout the routing process, can and 85.92% as related to K-means
evade the malicious sensor nodes. As clustering, HEED clustering, and
related to another algorithm, the lifespan LEACH clustering algorithm
of the TBSIOP protocol was enhanced respectively. Apart from that the network
through this procedure. As the lifespan and power dissipation were
application task is involved, this is directly comparable to time accuracy.
demonstrated to be useful for smart Wang (2018) reviewed the HEED
healthcare delivery. By giving energy- algorithms implementation for a
efficient services, the transmission heterogeneous network. The
during the data allocation can also be heterogeneity of the different levels was
enhanced; this can benefit in keeping capable of being well-defined by the type
nodes alive in the network for an of nodes level-1, level-2, and level-3
extended period by giving energy- based on the HEED implementation
efficient services. denoted by levels hetHEED-1,
hetHEED-2, and hetHEED-3
Babu & Vasim (2022) proposed the
respectively. In this method, the research
concept of the LEACH algorithm. The
stated that the hetHEED level aids in
enhanced (LEACH) low-energy adaptive
enhancing the network ten times the
clustering hierarchy algorithm achieved
lifespan of nodes was also improved
the clustering approach and formed the
significantly and the rate of power
Advanced Efficient Low-Energy
consumption wasdecreased. Using the
Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (AE-
heterogeneity level for nodes the lifespan
LEACH) algorithm. In this paper, the
was increased and also this aids in
authors displayed that in the clustering
sending more packets to the sink. The
Babagana Sadiq, et al CJICT (2023) 11(2) 1-
manifold network lifespan was lifespan of sensor nodes.
maximized as the network power El-Sayed & Zainab (2021) reviewed
increased. However, it is realized as a different protocols and attempted to find
benefit that the Fuzzy logic aided in the the superlative parameter of the network.
increase of the network lifespan with At the initial stage, numerous methods
114.85% of original HEED with no like the Developed DEEC (DDEEC), the
significant network power increase. Distributed Energy Efficient Clustering
Therefore, in the last stage of the (DEEC), Improved DEEC Protocol
heterogeneous network, the hetHEED-3 (IDEEC), Enhanced DEEC (EDEEC),
aids in attaining the extended time of the and Threshold DEEC (TDEEC) were
network with 387.94% as the network verified under dissimilar situations. At
lifespan was maximized, and a 19% that juncture based on this assessment, it
increase in network power, the packet is considered that the efficiency centered
sent to the sink was also increased with on stability duration of network lifespan
having the slight rate of energy loses. and throughput. TDEEC and EDEEC
Sharma et al. (2015) presented an achieve better in all situations in terms of
adaptive duty cycle and encoding method network lifespan. At that point, it was
to reduce consumption energy in the decided that TDEEC was the greatest
sensor field. Together the adaptive method for the stability of the network.
combination of duty cycle and encoding Though, in terms of overhead the IDEEC
techniques aided in the implementation was bringing into being better than the
of the effective communication method. DDEEC, but TDEEC was greatest
In the sensor field, the energy efficiency among all. Alongside the varying
would grow as more amounts of heterogeneity characteristics of the
information were transmitted to BS, network, DEEC and DDEEC were
having an equal amount of data for extremely affected.
transmissions. Hereafter, this caused a Wang (2018) presented the Enhanced
rise in the WSN's lifespan. The offered Power-Efficient Gathering in Sensor
paper archives the energy efficiency Information Systems (EPEGASIS) to
improvement in the sensor field, which minimize the four main challenges from
results in the overall enhancement of the four different aspects. The first aspect,
network lifespan by bearing in mind the during data transmission the use of
coded adaptive duty cycle WSN. This power was at a high rate, so the best
paper concludes that the linear network transmission coverage was determined to
does not depend on the data which was reduce it. The second aspect, the use of
presented by the packets, the sensor threshold value was proposed for the
nodes take several packets and merge defense of the nearly dying nodes and to
them for communication and this stabilize the energy consumption
communication applies to the sensor amongst the sensor nodes, the mobile
field. The above method benefits in the base station technology was adopted.
enhancement of the general increase The third aspect, EPEGASIS protocol
network lifespan of the nodes. The entire aids in modifying the distance to base
proposed idea investigated the approx. station nodes based on the transmission
methods of the enhancement of the range. The fourth aspect, a huge
Babagana Sadiq, et al CJICT (2023) 11(2) 1-
investigation was carried out to showcase clustering protocol,15 and data fusion
the efficiency of the EPEGASIS in terms scheme. This is proven in studies by
of lifespan, power consumption, and many experiments, that the proposed
network propagation delay. technique attains flexibility by 78%
Anastasi & Giuseppe (2009) suggested improves power consumption, and
an analysis of the power consumption for achieved well in every aspect as
the section of the basic sensor nodes and compared to preceding research.
deliberated the significant routes for
Firdaus & Hasan (2016) indicated the
conserving energy in WSNs. Then, the
efficiency of the WSNs in computing
research offered a structured and global
environments in critical ways for many
taxonomy of the power conservation
applications. The inadequate energy is
structure which was deliberated in depth
reflected as the restricted energy in the
later. Attention was focused on the
WSNs. taking the characteristics of
favorable result for energy-efficient
energy-saving quality, the WSN plays a
information gaining, which had not
vigorous role in computing environment,
gained wide consideration in the rewired
in such computing environment the pool
literature. Lastly, an intuition on the
of sensor nodes is required in other to be
research gives an insight path about
able to work self-sufficiently and
power conservation in wireless sensor
unattended. In other to use the nodes
efficiently, the method of clustering
Zhang & Cai (2022) recommended some
algorithms is used. The clustering
vital features for the WSNs in the
method similarly aids in getting the
Internet of Things (IoT) were vital
better spreading of loads in the network.
techniques, for some particular
The paper also takes a survey and
applications. Then, the paper suggested
deliberated numerous dimensions and
analyzing research on cell membrane
ideas for clustering. Moreover, the paper
algorithms and their features, also the
also offers a comparative review of many
paper offered a power equilibrium
clustering algorithms and debates about
clustering algorithm to solve challenges
the possible research areas and problems
of energy limitation in WSN; the result
of clustering in WSNs.
was centered on the cell membrane
optimization algorithm to achieve the Reddy (2017) in his study is built on the
energy stability of nodes and enhancement of the wireless sensor
dissemination network cluster head. By networks and presents energy depletion
conserving the energy factors, this methods to solve the challenges. The
algorithm splits the sensor nodes, and information was convoked by each
then by joining the distance factors, the sensor and then was transmitted across
proposed result divides the nodes the system to process the centermost
globally, this division factor was able to feature which all the communicated data
resolve the challenges of irregular sent to the individual nodes. Then cut
sharing of CH and unstable global down the constrained power ability, the
energy utilization in sensor nodes. Thus signal travelling technique would be pre-
the paper also presents the QoS ideal, calculated. All cluster heads were
which is centered on routing protocol, gathered to be in touch with the data
Babagana Sadiq, et al CJICT (2023) 11(2) 1-
cluster head so that the CHs could research was the15 conjoint cluster
interchange the shared data at a time and characteristics and clustering algorithms.
preserve energy. The area of focus in this

Table 1: Summarized literature review, Method used, contributions, and Research

Reference Method used Contribution (s) Research
Chun & Liping MMSCM with Improve data This algorithm
(2023) multiple sinks throughput and solve unable to resolve
delays in the network bigger sensor
thousands of
WSN sensors
Pathak (2020) Bee colony Performance Signal findings
method for improved
William (2022) SCADA approach Throughput and CH High residual
for LEACH selection were energy
improved. consumption

Afia et al (2023) VANET fuzzy Extended the Time

system based and network life cycle synchronization
10% increase was not

Madye & Salah EEMCL using Improves energy Cluster head

(2023) multi-hop sensing dissipation selection needs to
Improves network be improved.
stability Enhanced
network lifetimes
Shahriar & Threshold-based Improves faster Some sensors are
Kiaksar (2022 sorting algorithm cluster head selection far from the
process sensor field is not
Bila et al (2023) LEACH based on Better performance Poor performance
Firefly Algorithm and improve the al the initial stage
network lifetime of the network
Zahoor et al HMGEAR-based The network is Nodes
(2023) using 4 deep robust against organization in
learning vulnerabilities big datasets

Babagana Sadiq, et al CJICT (2023) 11(2) 1-
techniques 15
Rehab (2020) LEACH & multi- Larger area coverage The larger area
hop LEACH especially in security was never
based applications specified
Shuyu & Using ant colony performance Local optima
Chengdu (2018) & particle swarm improved artificial occurred in some
algorithm to using AI imbalance of the round
enhance the concerning data
LEACH sending/receiving
and network power
wastage is resolved
Abdallah & LLL-LEACH Improves:  Propagation
Geoges (2023) based algorithm  Identity length delays.
50% improved,  Effective
 The average energy exclusively for
per packet is 13%, cluster-based
 Network lifetime network or
16% improved. topologies
Haibo et al (2019) LEACH using the Considerably A slight
Voronoi Diagram prolonged the propagation delay
approach. lifetime was observed in
the network
Mishra & Shashi Multipath Improvement in: Network duration
approach to  Number of is required to be
LEACH protocol. broadcasted longer.
 Longevity of the
network lifetime.

Sharma et al Based on: Achieves well better Battery Energy

(2019)  Network coding than other LEACH intake is
 Adaptive duty protocols that were moderately high
cycle compared

Orumwense & Monitoring  Improves energy Battery power

Khaled (2022 algorithm through dissipation. intake is still high
the recharging of  Improves network in the middle of
the sensor nodes stability. the lifetime.
 Enhanced network
Bangotra &  Intelligent The TBSIOP Rapid reduction
Kumar (2022 opportunistic performances of residual
routing protocol considerably energy at the
Babagana Sadiq, et al CJICT (2023) 11(2) 1-
(IOP) maximize the initial
15 stage of the
 The trust-based network size network
routing protocol
Babu & Vasim hetHEED-III  Extended network The base station
(2022) protocol time by 387.94%. location was
 Network lifespan never discussed
by 19%. or specified.
 Increase in
network power &
packet sent to the
Wang (2018) EPEGASIS Improves network Uneven
lifespan, power distribution of
consumption, and CH
network propagation
El-Sayed & TDEEC Load distribution and
CH formation
Zainab (2021) energy utilization needs to improve
were improved. and redundant
data to be
Zhang & Cai Cell membrane The technique attains Transmission
(2022) algorithms the flexibility by losses/fading
78% and improves observed
the power
Firdaus & Hasan Hybrid -LEACH Extended network Experience early
(2016) lifespan and reduced death of sensor
transmission delay. nodes.
Reddy (2017) Energy depletion Extended the Rapid running
methods residual energy of down residual
the network. energy at the end
of the network.

Babagana Sadiq, et al CJICT (2023) 11(2) 1-
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