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Psychological Self-Help Bibliography

by Clay Tucker-Ladd

Since the writing of this book has continued from the mid-sixties to
now (2005), the references span 50 years or so. In fact, the heyday of self-
help in the 1970s followed and was partly inspired by the revolutionary

Therefore, don’t discount some of the older references cited here. The
early self-help publications are the proud parents of our somewhat better
science-based self-control techniques being developed today.

Look up each reference by author:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I-J | K | L | M | N-O | P | Q-R | S

| T | U-V | W | Y-Z

Abbey, A. (1982). Sex differences in attributions for friendly behavior: Do males
misperceive female's friendliness? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 42, 830-

Abner, A. & Villarosa, L. (1996). Finding our way: The teen girl's survival guide. New York:

Abrams, R. (1990). Will it hurt the baby? Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

Abranson, E. (1993). Emotional eating: A practical guide to taking control. New York: Free

Abramson, L. Y., Seligman, M. E. P., & Teasdale, J. (1978). Learned helplessness in

humans: Critique and reformulation. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 87, 49-74.

Abramson, L. Y., Metalsky, G. I., & Alloy, L. B. (1989). Hopelessness depression: a theory-
based subtype of depression. Psychological Review, 96, 358-372.

Acierno, R. E., Hersen, M. & Van Hasselt, V. B. (1993). Interventions for panic disorder: A
critical review of the literature. Clinical Psychology Review, 13, 561-578.

Ackerman, R. J. (1989). Perfect daughters. Health Communications, Inc.

Ackerman, R. J. (1994). Silent sons: A book for and about men. New York: Simon &

Ackerman, R. J. (1995). Before it's too late. Deerfield, FL: Health Communications.

Adamec, C. A. & Esther, G. (2000). Moms with ADD: A self-help manual. New York:

Adams, C. & Fay, J. (1981). No more secrets: Protecting your child from sexual assault. San
Luis Obispo, CA: Impact Publications.

Adams, C., Fay, J. & Loreen-Martin, J. (1984). No is not enough: Helping teenagers avoid
sexual assault. San Luis Obispo, CA: Impact Publishers.

Adams, J. L. (1974). Conceptual blockbusting: A guide to better ideas. New York: W. W.

Norton & Co.

Adams, J. L. (1986). The care and feeding of ideas: A guide to encouraging creativity.
Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.

Adams, K. (1990). Journal to the self. New York: Warner Books.


Adams, M. J. (1986). Odyssey: A curriculum for thinking. Waterhouse, MA: Mastery

Education Corp.

Adderholdt-Elliott, M. (1987). Perfectionism . Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit.

Adler, A. (1931). What life should mean to you. New York: Grosset and Dunlap.

Adler, A. (1951). The practice and theory of individual psychology . Translated by P. Radin.
New York: Humanities Press.

Adler, J. (April 15, 1985). Getting high on 'Ecstasy'. Newsweek , cv, 14, 96.

Adler, N. E., David, H. P., Major, B. N., Roth, S. H., Russo, N. F., & Wyatt, G. E. (1990).
Psychological responses after abortion. Science , 248 , 41-44.

Adler, T. (Oct., 1989). Victims of stress suffer from intrusive thoughts. APA Monitor , 15-16.

Adler, T. (July, 1993). Gender and stress. APA Monitor , 8-11.

Adorno, T. W., Frenkel-Brunswick, E., Levinson, D. J. & Sanford, R. N. (1950). The

authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.

Aero, R. & Weiner, E. (1981). The mind test . New York: William Morrow.

Affleck, G., Zautra, A., Tennen, H., & Armeli, S. (1999). Multilevel daily process designs for
consulting and clinical psychology: A preface for the perplexed. Journal of Consulting and
Clinical Psychology, 67, 746-754.

Aggrey, J. (1959). The parable of the eagle. In Rutherford, P. (Ed.), African Voices , New
York: Vanguard Press, pgs. 165-166.

Albee, G. (Nov., 1996). Revolutions and counterrevolutions in prevention. American

Psychologist, 51, 1130-1133.

Albee, G. & Gullotta, T. (1997). Primary prevention works. Sage Publications.

Alberti, R. E. & Emmons, M. L. (1978, 1986). Your perfect right: A guide to assertive
behavior (3rd ed.). San Luis Obispo, CA: Impact Publishers.

Albrecht, S. L. (1979). Correlates of marital happiness among the remarried. Journal of

Marriage and the Family , 41 , 857-867.

Alderman, T. (1999). Scarred soul: Understanding and ending self-inflicted violence.

Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Alderman, T. & Marshal, K. (1998). Amongst ourselves: A self-help guide to living with
dissociative identity disorder. New Harbinger Publications.

Al-Kubaisy, T., Marks, I. M., Logsdail, S., Marks, M. P. (1992). Role of exposure homework
in phobia reduction: A controlled study. Behavior Therapy, 23, 599-621.

Allen, J. G. (1995). Coping with trauma: A guide to self-understanding . Washington, DC:

American Psychiatric Press.

Allen, M. (1993). In the company of men. New York: Random House.

Allgeier, E. R. & Wiederman, M. W. (1991). Love and mate selection in the 1990's. Free
Inquiry, 11, 25-27.

Allport, G. W. (1954). The nature of prejudice . New York: Doubleday.

Alman, B. M. & Lambrou, P. T. (1991). Self-hypnosis: The complete manual for health and
self-change . New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Alschuler, A. (1973). Developing achievement motivation in adolescents: Education for

human growth . Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications.

Amato, P. R. & Keith, B. (1991). Parental divorce and the well-being of children: A meta-
analysis. Psychological Bulletin , 110 , 26-46.

American Guidance. (1977) . The bookfinder. Circle Pines, Minn.

American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental

disorders/DSM-IV . Washington, DC.

Ames, L. B. (1982). He hit me first . New York: Dembner Books.

Amos, W. & Amos, G. (1988). The power in you . New York: Donald E. Fine.

Anciano, D. (1987). Coping with headaches. Edinburgh: Chambers.

Andre, R. (1990). Positive solitude. New York: Harper.

Anderson, B. L. (2002). Biobehavioral outcomes following psychological interventions for

cancer patients. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 70, 3, 590-610.

Anderson, J. (Dec., 1999). Journal of the American College of Nutrition.

Anderson, P. B. & Stuckman-Johnson, C. (Eds.), (1998). Sexually aggressive women:

Current perspectives and controversies. Guilford Press.

Andrews, B. (1995). Bodily shame as a mediator between abusive experiences and

depression. Journal of Abnormal Psychology , 104 , 277-285.

Ansley, L. and McCleary, K. (August 21-23, 1992). Do the right thing. USA Weekend , 4-7.

Antonuccio, D., Danton, W. G. & DeNelsky, G. Y. (1994). Psychotherapy for depression: No

stronger medicine. The Scientist Practitioner, 4, 2, 16-18.

Apter, T. (1990). Altered loves: Mothers and daughters during adolescence. New York: St.

Arbuthnott, K. & Arbuthnott, D. (1999). The best intentions: Prospective remembering in

psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, 36, 247-256.

Archer, G. (1989). Big kids: A parents' guide to weight control for children. Oakland, CA:
New Harbinger Press.

Arenson, G. (1991). Born to spend: How to overcome compulsive spending. Human

Services Institute.

Armor, D. J., Polich, J. M., & Stambul, H. B. (1978). Alcoholism and treatment. New York:

Aron, E. (1996). The highly sensitive person: How to thrive when the world overwhelms
you. New York: Birch Lane Publisher.

Aron, E. (2000). The highly sensitive person's workbook. New York: Broadway Books.

Arond, M. & Pauker, S. (1987). The first year of marriage. New York: Warner Books.

Aronson, E. (1984). The social animal. New York: W. H. Freeman & Co.

Arterburn, S. & Stoop, D. (1988). When someone you love is someone you hate. Dallas:

Arterburn, S. (1993). Hand-me-down genes and second-hand emotions. Nashville, TN:


Asch, S. E. (1958). Effects of group pressure upon modification and distortion of judgments.
In E. E. Maccoby, T. M. Newcomb, & E. L. Hartley (Eds.), Readings in social psychology (3rd
ed.). New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

Asarnow, J. R., Jaycox, L. H., & Tompson, M. C. (2001). Depression in youth: Psychological
interventions. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 30, 33-47.

Ascher, L. M., Bowers, M. R. & Schotte, D. E. (1985). A review of data from controlled case
studies and experiments evaluating the clinical efficacy of paradoxical intention. In Weeks,
G. R. (Ed.), Promoting change through paradoxical therapy . Homewood, IL: Dow Jones-

Aseltine, R. & DeMartino, R. (March, 2004). High school suicide prevention program reduces
suicide attempts by forty percent. American Journal of Public Health. Article in
HealthNewsDigest.com (March 8, 2004).

Ashner, L. & Meyerson, M. (1990). When parents love too much . New York: Morrow.

Athanasiou, R. & Sarkin, R. (1974). Premarital sexual behavior and postmarital adjustment.
Archives of Sexual Behavior, 3, 207-225.

Atkin, E. & Rubin, E. (1976). Part-time father: A guide for the divorced father. New York:
Vanguard Press.

Atkins, D. (2004). I’m OK, you’re my parents: How to overcome guilt, let go of anger, and
create a relationship the works. Henry Holt & Co. Young adults and middle-aged adults still
have a lot of problems with their parents. This book focuses on reducing various tensions and
irritations between adult children and parents.

Atkinson, J. W. (1957). Motivational determinants of risk-taking behavior. Psychological

Review, 64, 359-372.

Atkinson, J. W. (1981). Thematic apperceptive measurement of motivation in 1950 and

1980. In G. d'Ydewalle & W. Lens (Eds.), Cognition in human motivation and learning
(pp.159-198). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Aumiller, G. (1995). Keeping it simple. Probity Press.

Aurthur, J. (2002). The angel and the dragon: A father’s search for answers to his son’s
suicide. Deerfield Beach, FL: Health Communications.

Austin, R. B. (1976). How to make it with another person. New York: MacMillan Co.

Averill, J. (1983). Anger and aggression. New York: Spring-Verlag.

Averill, J. & Nunley, E. (1993). Voyages of the heart: Living an emotionally creative life.
New York: Free Press.

Azar, B. (Sept., 1995). Nursing marriage from sickness to health. Washington, DC: APA

Azrin, N. H. & Besalel, V. B. (1979). A parent's guide to bed wetting control. New York:
Pocket Books.

Azrin, N. H. & Foxx, R. M. (1976, 1989). Toilet training in less than a day. New York: Pocket

Azrin, N. H., Naster, B. & Jones, R. (1973). Reciprocity counseling, Behavior Research and
Therapy, 11, 365-382.

Azrin, N. H. & Nunn, R. G. (1977). Habit control in a day (stuttering, nail biting, and other
nervous habits) New York: Pocket Books.

Babior, S. & Goldman, C. (1990). Overcoming panic attacks: Strategies to free yourself
from the anxiety trap. Minneapolis: CompCare Publishers.

Babior, S. & Goldman, C. (1996). Overcoming panic, anxiety & phobias: New strategies to
free yourself from worry and fear. Whole Person Associates.

Babyak, M., Blumenthal, J. A., Herman, S., Khatri, P., Doraiswamy, M., Moore, K.,
Craighead, E., Baldewicz, T. T. & Krishnan, K. R. (2000). Exercise treatment for major
depression: Maintenance of therapeutic benefit at 10 months. Psychosomatic Medicine, 62,

Bach, G. & Deutsch, R. M. (1970). Pairing: How to achieve genuine intimacy . New York:
Avon Books.

Bach, G. & Deutsch, R. M. (1979). Stop! You're driving me crazy . New York: Berkley Books.

Bach, G. & Wyden, P. (1968, 1976). The intimate enemy . New York: William Morrow and

Bacon, N. M. K., et al. (1994). Somatization symptoms in chronic low back pain patients.
Psychosomatic Medicine , 56 , 118-127.

Baer, A. (1998). Quit smoking for good. Crossing Press.

Baer, L. (1991). Getting control: Overcoming your obsessions and compulsions . New York:
Little, Brown & Co.

Baer. L. (2001). The imp of the mind: Exploring the silent epidemic of obsessive bad
thoughts. Dutton/Plume.

Bailey, A. A. & Hurd, P. L. (2004). Finger length ratio (2D:4D) correlates with physical
aggression in men but not women. Biological Psychology.

Bailey, C. (1991). The new fit or fat. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Bailey, C. (1999). The ultimate fit or fat. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Balay, J. and Shevrin, H. (March, 1988). The subliminal psychodynamic activation method:
A critical review. American Psychologist , 43 , 161-174.

Ball, N. & Hough, N. (1998). The sleep solution: A 21-night program to better sleep. Ulysses

Ball- Rokeach, S., Rokeach, M., & Grube, J. W. (1984). The great American values test:
Influencing behavior and belief through television . New York: The Free Press.

Bancroft, L. (2003). Why does he do that? Inside the minds of angry and controlling men.
Berkley Trade.

Bandler, R. and Grinder, J. (1982). Reframing: Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the

transformation of meaning . Moab, Utah: Real People Press.

Bandura, A. (1965). Influence of a model's reinforcement contingencies on the acquisition of

imitative responses. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 11 , 589-595.

Bandura, A. (1973). Aggression. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.


Bandura, A. (1977a). Social learning theory . Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Bandura, A. (1977b). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change.

Psychological Review , 84 , 191-215.

Bandura, A. (1980a). Self-referent thought: The development of self-efficacy. In J. Flavell &

L. D. Ross (Eds.), Cognitive social development: Frontiers and possible futures . New York:
Cambridge University Press.

Bandura, A. (1980b). The self and mechanisms of agency. In J. Suls (Ed.), Social
psychological perspectives on the self . Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social-cognitive theory .

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Bandura, A., Blanchard, E. B., & Ritter, B. J. (1969). Relative efficacy of modeling
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Personality and Social Psychology , 13 , 173-199.

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arousal level. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 3 , 54-62.

Bank, S. & Kahn, M. (1982). The sibling bond . New York: Basic Books.

Banks, A. (1990a). Me and my step-family: A kid's journal . New York: Puffins Books.

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