Umair Assignment
Umair Assignment
Umair Assignment
For nominal GDP:
NGDP= -496267.5+252.5763year+µ
For real GDP:
RGDP= -351334.7+180.2631year+µ
Interpretation of the regression results:
The estimate value of the intercept is 0.2033. This value implies that when labor force participation
rate of women in 1968 is zero, labor force participation rate of women in 1972 is 0.2033. This does
not make any logical sense as labor force participation rate of women in 1972 is 0.2033, while the
labor force participation rate of women in 1968 is zero.
The estimate value of the slope coefficient is 0.6560. This value implies that when labor force
participation rate of women in 1968 is increased by 1%, Labor force participation of women in 1972
would increase by 0.6560%. This makes logical sense that if you increase the labor force
participation of women previously (i.e. in 1968), so it automatically has an effect in the increase of
future labor force participation of women (i.e. in 1972).
α = 0.05
df = 17
Rejection Rejection
-2.11 +2.11
As the t-stat is 3.345 so we would reject the null hypothesis at 5% level of significance.
Interpretation of R-squared.
The estimated value of R-squared is 0.397. This value indicates that 39.70% variation in labor force
participation rate of women in 1972 is being explained by the model. This value is low and not close
to 1, it indicates that the model has not a good fit.
Ho: B2 = 1
H1: B2 ≠ 1
T-Statistic = 3.345
α = 0.01
-2.898 +2.89
As the value of t-stat is 3.345 so we would reject the null hypothesis at 1% level of significance.
SALARY 1.0000
Y = β1 + β2X + µ
The estimate value of the intercept is 12129.37. This value implies that when Spending is zero,
Salary is 12129.37. This does not make any logical sense as pupil spending cannot be zero.
Interpretation of the Slope coefficient
The estimate value of the slope coefficient is 0.2106616. This value implies that when the salary
is increase by $1, the spending would increase by $0.2106616. This makes logical sense as the
spending of a person is depended on the salary that he/she is getting.
Source | SS DF. MS Number of obs. = 51
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a statistical technique that is used to check if the means of two
or more groups are significantly different from each other. ANOVA checks the impact of one or
more factors by comparing the means of different samples.
We can use ANOVA to prove/disprove if all the medication treatments were equally effective or
Ho: B1 = 0
H1: B1 ≠ 0
The P-value of the slope coefficient is 0.000, therefore the slope coefficient is significant at 5%
level of significance.
Ho: B1 = 1
H1: B1 ≠ 1
We conclude that P-value is less than 0.01 so we reject the null hypothesis at 1% level of
Y = β1 + β2X + µ
The estimate value of the intercept is 45.71298. This value implies that when CPI is zero, PPI is
45.71298. This does not make any logical sense because CPI cannot be zero.
The estimate value of the slope coefficient is 0.5421618. This value implies that when the CPI is
increase by $1, the PPI would increase by $0.5421618. This makes logical sense as the PPI is
depended on CPI.
Ho: B1 = 0
H1: B1 ≠ 0
T-Statistic = 23.69
α = 0.01
-2.787 +2.787
Ho: B1 = 0
40.3349 51.0906
So we reject the null hypothesis using confidence interval by 1% level of significance.
| Y X2 X3 X4 X5
Y | 1.0000
X2 | 0.1352 1.0000
X3 | -0.4266 -0.3054 1.0000
X4 | -0.5574 0.1820 0.8271 1.0000
X5 | -0.5299 0.1609 0.8481 0.9906 1.0000
The estimate value of the intercept is -9.854596. This value implies that when price of the
wellhead in the previous period, domestic output, GNP in dollars, trend variable are equal to
zero, then the no. of oil wells drilled becomes negative. This does not make any logical sense
because the no. of oil wells drilled cannot be negative and the wellhead in the previous period,
domestic output, GNP in dollars, trend variable cannot be equal to zero.
The estimate value of the coefficient of the X2 is 2.701012. This value implies that when the
price of the well head in the previous period is increased by $1, then the no. of oil wells drilled
would increase by 2.701012. This makes logical sense as the increase in the price of well head in
the previous year suggest to drill the oil well, because wellhead provide pressure seals for the
casing string from the bottom to control the pressure equipment.
The estimate value of the coefficient of the X3 is 3.059605. This value implies that when the
domestic output is increased by 1 unit, then the no. of oil wells drilled would increase by
3.059605. This makes logical sense as the increase in the units of domestic output (i.e. barrels
per day) is possible due to increase in the oil well drilled.
The estimate value of the coefficient of the X4 is -0.0160601. This value implies that when the
gross national product increased by $1, then the no. of oil wells drilled would decreased by
0.0160601. This makes logical sense because there is oil crises in 1973 and due to this GNP
decreases the no. of oil wells drilled.
The estimate value of the coefficient of the X5 is -0.0227015. This value implies that when the
trend variable is increasing year to year, then the no. of oil wells drilled would decreased by
0.0227015. This makes logical sense because there is oil crises in 1973 and due to this no. of oil
wells drilled would decreased.
df = 26
The value of the Adjusted R-squared is 0.5158. This value shows the 51.58% variation in no. oil
well drilled is being explained by the model. This value is neither too high nor low, so the fitness
of the model is average fit.
(b) Variable| Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
(c) Y | 20 83.86 28.97771 49.6 162.1
(d) X2 | 20 1358.1 723.3162 560.3 2937.7
(e) X3 | 20 6.2875 6.284021 .6 18
(f) X4 | 20 29.145 13.99994 16 68.9
(g) X5 | 20 .4 .5026247 0 1
Interpretation of the intercept
The estimate value of the intercept is 19.44345. This value implies that GNP for year t, in
billions, US military sales /assistance in year t, in billions, aerospace industry sales in billions
,military conflicts involving more than 100,000 troops are equal to zero, then defense budget-
outlays for Year T, in billions is 19.44345. This does not make logical sense because GNP for year t, in
billions, US military sales /assistance in year t, in billions, aerospace industry sales in billions,
military conflicts involving more than 100,000 troops cannot be equal to zero.
The estimate value of the coefficient of X2 is 0.0180564. This value implies that GNP for Year T, in
billions is increased by $1, then the Defense Budget-Outlays for Year T, $/Billions would increase by
0.0180564. This makes logical sense as the gross national product of the country is increasing than the
govt. also increase the budget of Defense.
H0:B2 = 1
H1: B2 ≠ 1
T-Statistic = -153.17
α = 0.05
df = 15
Rejection Rejection
-1.753 +1.753
H0:B3 = 1
H1: B3 ≠ 1
T-Statistic = -2.81
α = 0.05
df = 15
T-Stat = -2.81
Rejection Rejection
-1.753 +1.753
RR Acceptance RR
Ho: B2 = 1
.0043922 .0043922
RR Acceptance RR
Ho: B3 = 1
-1.25889 .6904507
Ho: B1 = B2 = B3 = B4 = B5 = 0
F-Statistics = 163.72
α = 0.05
df = 15
F- Stat = 163.72
So, we reject the null hypothesis at the 5% level of significance.
Shapiro-Wilk W test for normal data
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
X2GNP | 1.0000
Interpretation of the intercept
The estimate value of the intercept is 5962.656. This value implies that GNP in billions, Housing starts,
Unemployment rate, and Prime rate lagged 6 months and Customer line gains are equal to zero, then
the Annual sales in MPF, million paired feet is 5962.656. This does not make logical sense that the GNP
in billions, Housing starts, Unemployment rate, Prime rate lagged 6 months and Customer line gains
cannot be zero.
The estimate value of the slope coefficient of X2 is 4.883663. This value implies that the GNP in billion is
increased by $1, then the Annual sales in MPF would be increased by 4.883663. This makes logical sense
as the govt. national product is increasing then it directly affect the annual sales in MPF.
The estimate value of the coefficient of X3 is 2.363956. This value implies that Housing starts is increase
by $1, then the Annual salary (MPF0 would be increase by 2.363956. This makes logical sense as housing
starts is increases then automatically annual sales in MPF sill increase.
The estimate value of the coefficient is -819.1287. This value implies that the Unemployment rate is
increase by $1 then annual sales in MPF would decrease by -819.1287. This makes logical sense as the
annual sales would decrease if the unemployment rate increases.
The estimate value of the coefficient is 12.01048. This value implies that the prime rate lagged 6 months
is increase by 1 then the annual sales in MPF would increase by 12.01048. This makes logical sense as
the prime rate lagged 6 months increases then it affects the annual sales in MPF.
The estimate value of the coefficient is -851.3927. This value implies that the customer line gains
increase by $1 then annual sales in MPF would decrease by -851.3927. This makes logical sense as
customer line gains increasing then the annuals sales in MPF would be affected.
H0:B2 = 1
H1: B2 ≠ 1
T-Statistic = 1.55
α = 0.05
df = 10
T-statistics = 1.55
Rejection Rejection
-2.228 +2.228
H0:B3 = 1
H1: B3 ≠ 1
T-Statistic = 1.62
α = 0.05
df = 10
T-statistics = 1.62
Rejection Rejection
-2.228 +2.228
RR Acceptance RR
Ho: B2 = 1
-.7146299 10.48196
RR Acceptance RR
Ho: B3 = 1
0.4843904 4.243522
Ho: B1 = B2 = B3 = B4 = B5 = 0
F-Statistics = 9.28
α = 0.05
df numerator = 5
df denominator = 10