1. The time-series model Xt = Tt× St × Ct × It is used for forecasting, where Tt, St, Ct,
and It are respectively the trend, seasonal, cyclical, and irregular components of the time
series, and Xt is the value of the time series at time t. The following estimates are
obtained: T∧t = 125, S∧t = 0.92, C^t = 1.04, and I ∧t = 0.90. The model will produce a
forecast of:
A. 102.99
B. 127.86
C. 107.64
D. 122.14
3. The regession sum of squares (SSR) is 83.6. Which of the following must be true?
B. The slope of the regression line is positive ( cnay là b1 cùng dấu với Coefficient of
correlation R bên trên )
4. What is the correct ranking of data from weakest or lowest type to strongest or highest
Slide chapter 1 p9
A. increase by 1 pound
B. decrease by 1 pound
C. decrease by 24 pounds
D. increase by 5 pounds
x is increased by 1 inch 5x is increased by 5 inch y is increased by 5 pounds
6. The time series that reflects the irregular changes in a time series that are not caused
by any other component, and lends to hide the existence of the other more predictable
components, is called:
A. Trend component
B. Cyclical component
C. Seasonal component
D. Irregular componet
What percentage of the respondents were married people from the south
A. 11.4
B. 16.9
C. 35.2
D. 7.80
t= 2.787
11. Given the least squares regression line y^= -2.88 +1.77x and a coefficient of
determination of 0.81, the coefficient of correlation is
A. -0.88
B. 0.88
C. 0.90
D. -0.90
Coefficient of determination : R- squre = R^2 = 0.81
Coefficient of correlation: R= 0.9 vì R cùng dấu với b1= 1.77
12. In the linear trend equation, Yt^= b0 + b1t , b0 represents the:
A. trend value in period t
B. intercept of the trend line
C. Slope of the trend line (b0)
D. point in time
t = b1 / Seb1
Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) .616 .092 6.723 .000
Case Sequence (t) .043 .006 .833 A B
b1 Seb1
1. Write the linear equation showing the trend of this data
Trend linear equation: y^ = 0.616 + 0.043t
2. Forecast the volume of rice export in 2022 by using the trend line
2022 t = 2022 – 1995 + 1 = 28
Forecast the volume of rice export in 2022: y^ = 0.616 + 0.043 x 28 = 1.82
3. At the 5% level of significance, show that the volume of rice export does indeed change
over time as a linear function
H0 : B 1 = 0
H1 : B 1 # 0
The level of significance: a= 0.05
The test statistic : t = b1/ Sb1 = 0.043/ 0.006 = 7.17
Reject H0 if p-value <= 0.05 or /t/ >= t a/2 ^(n-2) = t0.025 26 = 2.056
Reject H0 B1 # 0 the volume of rice export indeed change over time as a linear
4. Construct a 95% confidence interval estimate of the slope of linear trend.
Confidence interval for B1 is : b1 + - t a/2 (n-2) x Sb1
b1 = 0.043
ta/2 is the t value providing an area of a/2 in the upper tail of a t distribution with n- 2
degrees of freedom = 2.056
Sb1 = 0.006
Confidence interval : b1 + - 0.012336
5. Using the smoothing coefficient of a= 0.5, forecast the volume of rice export in July
Month Volume of rice Month Volume of rice
export (ml.tons) export (ml.tons)
January 1.47 April 1.57
February 1.42 May 1.53
March 1.49 June 1.41
Time Yt St (a=0.5)
1 1.47 S1= Y1
2 1.42 S2= a x Y1 + (1-a) x S1= 1.47
3 1.49 S3= a x Y2 + (1-a) x S2= 1.445
4 1.57 S4= a x Y3 + (1-a) x S3 = 1.4675
5 1.53 S5= a x Y4 + (1-a) x S4= 1.51875
6 1.41 S6= a x Y5 + (1-a) x S5= 1.524375
7 S7= a x Y6 + (1-a) x S6= 1.4671875