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Design and Construction of High Voltage Diode 100 KV

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Design and Construction of High Voltage Diode 100 kV

Supawud Nedphograw, Thong Lantharthong, Aroon Charlangsud,

Pana Dusitakron and Thanarat Tanmaneeprasert
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon (RMUTP)
1381 Piboonsongkrum.RD Bangsei North Bangkok 10800 .Thailand.
E-mail: supawudn_p_g@hotmail.com

Diode high voltage the equipment assembles. That have necessity and
important for a room practices for test experiment, research, and for the instruction. But
diode high voltage to bring an element in a room practices something still must buy from the
foreign countries and expensive. This problem corrects by designing and establish by oneself.
This project has designed and build to diode high voltage for a laboratory by diode high
voltage 100 kV. That can bring assemble all circuit get the circuit voltage multiplier etc.
Building from the inventory at can seek can buy in house diode high voltage. That design and
build that is the series diode on print circuit and electric oil insulator. Base principle of diode
data technical of the components for applies in designing. The way builds to diode high
voltage diagnose of designing builds consider the test diode high voltage the office designs.
Which test has followed the objective is pass the power frequency withstand voltage test 120
kV, 22 mA

Key words: diode, high voltage, circuit, insulator

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1. Introduction
High voltage diode is the point of diode VDQ and electricity that
device which is very needed and Q-point of diode IDQ as showing on
important for the lab for teaching. But Figure 2. while direct bias is as
now a day, there are still not produce resistance, see Figure 3. Current will
high voltage diode as an industrial flow through diode when there are
product in Thailand. It is needed to pressures across on diode more or
buy high voltage diode from oversea equal to 0.7 V. On the other hand bias
which is very high cost that is the will like diode open circuit as the
reason to design and create high figure 4 which will not have current
voltage diode for own using. It is to pass through diode.
improvement technology and brings to
use in the lab. To create high voltage
diode for lab in this project, there will
use divided diode to connect with
sequence for being high voltage diode
that return 300 kV consist in the plastic
pipe. Induce is gasoline so that it Figure 2. DC load line circuit.
could bring to support in the teaching
as well.

2. Diode Structure
2.1 High Voltage Diode
To connect sequence diode is to Figure 3. Direct Circuit while Bias
increase electricity voltage rate straight
pressure, it would make voltage
pressure ratio of diode has total
amount of each diode. High voltage
diode would use Semiconductor diodes
Silocon to connect the sequence as on Figure 4. Direct Circuit while Bias
Figure 1. Diode Silicon will have high reverses
power capacity which would good
result in extend voltage when bring 3. To design and create high voltage
many diodes to sequence connected. diode
3.1 To design high voltage diode
To design high voltage diode
side 100 kV which would diode have
durable the pressure = 2 Vpeak =
2*100* 2 = 283 kVpeak. For safety, it
Figure 1. High Voltage Diode and line should have 5% safety. So that to be
character durable 283 + (283*5) /100 ≈ 300 kV by
using diode number GD 1200 1.2kV
2.2 Analyses the Load Line 500 mA. The amount equal to 300
Load line is the line that helps us kV/1.2 kV = 250 pieces as Figure 5.
know the working point of diode
which is appropriate with Load in
circuit. Q-point of diode, it could find
from cutting point of kerve
characteristic. It’s help us to know the
electric voltage pressure that is the Q- Figure 5. Diode Number GD 1200

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insulator character 60 kV/2.5mm. In

3.2 To design tube for contain high each layer could endurable for 8.4 kV
voltage diode. so that the length of layer is equal to
To design a clear acrylic 80/36 = 2.22 cm that has transformer
insulator tube, it should concern about insulation oil. So that there are identify
the period of endurable of insulator the length 2 cm as Figure 7. For
toward electric pressure and electric connecting acrylic tube with corner of
filed stress on the insulator tube skin. high voltage diode tube as Figure 8. It
For the direct electric pressure the would design silicone being a
length should not more than 3.9 kV/cm connector to corner.
in the air or 2.7-2.9 m/MV [1]. It is
necessary to identify the height of high
voltage diode. To find the height of a
clear acrylic insulator tube is
3.9*(100kV/1MV) = 0.39 m.

3.3 To design the layer of diode

High voltage diode, it should Figure 7. Component of high voltage
use 250 diodes, number GD 1200. diode
Acrylic tube has a diameter 10 cm.
Cutting print sheet diameter for 8 cm
and put 7 diodes in each layer. Each
layer could endurable 8.4kV. So that
all layer is 300 kV/8.4 kV = 36 layers
as figure 6.

Figure 8. Connector of high voltage

diode tube

4. Testing Result
4.1 Testing the inside resistance.
Figure 6. Diode Circuit in each layer To test resistance of diode that
it can be endurable for pressure. It has
For diode would be able to expand the to use Mega ohmmeter pressure size
pressure constancy during bias reverse. 2.5 kV DC for testing. The result is by
It has to connect resistance across using test during direct bias has inside
every diode. Diode has pressure bias resist equal to 0M Ω and Bias reverse
reverse 283 kVpeak . A pressure across has inside resist equal to 175M Ω
diode it would worthy equal to 4.2 Power Frequency Withstand
283/250 = 1.1 kVpeak by select resist Voltage Test
1 W which would get resist per diode High voltage has design for
cross equal to size 100 kV so that during using time,
( )
R =V 2
P = 1.1kV / 2 / 1 = 6.05 k Ω it would endurable the pressure more
So using diode 6 kΩ 1 W than 100 kV. That’s why it should
3.4 Insulator technique have Power Frequency Withstand
Inside Insulator would use print Voltage Test as Figure 9. The testing
sheet and put insulator oil [3] that has

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result is according to Table 1.As 50 44.910

following: 60 53.358
70 62.597
80 71.234
90 81.257
100 89.494

Figure 9. Power Frequency Withstand

Voltage Circuit Testing

Table 1. Testing high voltage diode by

using Power Frequency Withstand
Voltage Test
No / Supp Current Durat Remar
App ly (mA) ion k Figure 11. Graph between inside
. (kV) (Sec) voltage and voltage measured
1/P 120 22 300 withsta
os. nd Table 3. Testing current Rectifier
1/N 120 22 300 withsta circuit of anode Half wave
eg. nd Input Voltage Output Current
2/P 120 22 300 withsta (kV) (mA)
os. nd 10 2.28
2/N 120 22 300 withsta 20 4.65
eg. nd 30 6.98
40 9.26
4.3 Testing voltage Rectifier Circuit
50 11.56
of anode Half wave.
60 14.02
70 16.26
80 19.85
90 21.35
100 23.30

Table 4. Comparing between voltage

measured and calculation from the
Figure 10. Circuit Testing voltage
testing Rectifier Circuit of anode Half
Rectifier Circuit of anode Half wave.
Table 2. Testing voltage Rectifier
Input Measurem Calculati %
Circuit of anode Half wave.
Volta ent on Erro
Input Voltage Output Voltage
ge Output Output r
(kV) (kV)
(kV) Voltage Voltage
10 8.603 (kV) (kV)
20 17.978 10 8.603 8.86 2.90
Input Voltage Output Voltage
20 17.978 17.67 1.69
(kV) (kV)
30 26.974 26.51 1.64
30 26.974
40 36.076 35.37 1.99
40 36.076
50 44.910 44.22 1.56

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60 53.358 52.99 0.69

70 62.597 61.87 1.17
80 71.234 70.07 1.65
90 81.257 79.32 2.43
100 89.494 88.35 1.29

Figure14. Graph between inside

Voltage and voltage
Table 6. Testing current Rectifier
Circuit of cathode Half wave
Figure 12. Graph percentage of error in Input Voltage Output Current
Rectifier Circuit of anode Half wave (kV) (mA)
10 -2.35
4.4 Testing voltage Rectifier Circuit 20 -4.71
of cathode Half wave 30 -7.07
40 -9.42
50 -11.78
60 -14.14
70 -16.49
Figure13. Circuit testing voltage 80 -18.85
Rectifier Circuit of cathode Half wave 90 -21.21
100 -23.92
Table 5. Testing voltage measured
Rectifier Circuit of cathode Half wave Table 7. Comparing between voltage
Input Voltage Output Voltage measured and calculation from testing
(kV) (kV) Rectifier Circuit of cathode Half wave
10 -8.932 Input Measurem Calculati %
20 -17.455 Volta ent on Erro
30 -26.042 ge Output Output r
40 -35.943 (kV) Voltage Voltage
50 -44.878 (kV) (kV)
60 -52.722 10 -8.93 -8.82 1.21
70 -60.886 20 -17.45 -17.64 1.07
80 -71.933 30 -26.04 -26.46 1.59
90 -80.131 40 -35.94 -35.29 1.85
100 -89.532 50 -44.87 -44.11 1.74
60 -52.72 -52.93 1.49
70 -60.88 -61.57 1.40
80 -71.93 -70.57 1.92
90 -80.13 -79.39 0.92
100 -89.53 -88.21 1.49

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Figure 17. Direct Current of high

Figure 15. Graph percentage of error in voltage which is built up
Rectifier Circuit of cathode Half wave
Table 9. Direct Current Output of
Voltage measured in length of Gap: 0.5
No. AC Input DC %
(kV) Output Error
1 29.3 29 1.02
2 28.5 28.8 1.05
3 29.8 29.2 2.01

Figure 16. Graph percentage of error in Table 10. Direct Current Output of
Rectifier Circuit of Half wave between voltage measured in length of Gap: 1.0
anode and cathode cm
No. AC Input DC %
Table 8. Comparing percentage of (kV) Output Error
error in Rectifier Circuit of Half wave (kV)
Testing % Error 1 54.3 53.8 0.92
voltage 2 55.8 54.8 1.79
measured Standard 3 57.1 58.3 2.10
of Rectifier IEC 60-2
Circuit of (1994) Table 11. Direct Current Output of
Half wave voltage measured in length of Gap: 1.5
Anode ±3% 1.76 cm
Cathode ±3% 1.37 No. AC Input DC %
Testing (kV) Output Error
durability (kV)
against PASS 1 74.3 75.1 1.07
electric 2 81.1 82.3 1.47
voltage 3 76.1 77.5 1.83
4.5 Testing Direct Current of high
voltage which is built up

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Table 12. Direct Current Output of

Voltage measured in length 6. References
of Gap: 2.0 cm.
No. AC Input DC % [1]Somruay Sangsa-ard, HighVoltage
(kV) Output Error Engineering.Edition2
(kV) Chulalongkorn University, 2528
1 100.6 102.5 1.88 [2] IEC Publication No.60-2 “High
Voltage test techniqued Part 2:
2 105.1 107.5 2.28
Measuring Systems.”,1994
3 98.5 106.4 2.74
[3] IEC Publication No.156 “Method
for the determination of the
Table 13. Direct Current Output of
electric strength of insulating
Voltage testing
Oil.”., 1994
Testing Direct % Error
[4] Supawud Nedphograw,
Current high Standard High Voltage
voltage IEC 60- Engineering. Edition1-2
measured 2 (1994) Rajamangala University of
ระยะ Gap: 0.5 ±3% Technology Phra Nakhon
1.66 (RMUTP.),2550-2551
ระยะ Gap: 1.0 ±3%
ระยะ Gap: 1.5 ±3%
ระยะ Gap: 2.0 ±3%

Testing Direct
Current voltage

5. Testing Result
To create high voltage diode size
100 kV by using transformer oil to be
insulator for endurable the voltage
according to the size. There is the
result as following. Testing the inside
resistance found out that while Bias
straight do not have inside resistance.
And Bias Reverse have inside
resistance equal to 175M Ω . That is on
the IEC [2] standard. For Power
Frequency Withstand Voltage Test size
120 kV current 22 mA. There are
found out that high voltage diode can
endurable for pressure testing without
damage. For testing of direct current
high voltage, there are some error in
the IEC 60-2 (1994) standard, specify
is not more than ±3%

Green Technology and Productivity

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