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Annexure-V- Cover Page for Academic Tasks

Course Code: MGN832 Course Title: Business Research Methods

Course Instructor: Amit Kumar Sharma

Academic Task No.: 2 Academic Task Title: Customer satisfaction

with reference to Big Bazaar

Date of Allotment: Date of submission: Apr 10, 2020

Student’s Roll no: Q1945B33, B30, B38, B52,B50 Student’s Reg no: 11909877, 11909503,

Evaluation Parameters: Introduction, Quality of literature review, Problem statement, Objective of
the study/Methodology
Learning Outcomes: Understanding the customer satisfaction, factors which are responsible for
customer satisfaction, different studies on customer satisfaction.

Declaration: I declare that this Assignment is my individual work. I have not copied it from any
other student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made
explicitly in the text, nor has any part been written for me by any other person.
Q1945B33 Q1945B38 Q1945B30 Q1945B52
11909674 11909877 11909503 11910103
Evaluator’s comments (For Instructor’s use only)

General Observations Suggestions for Improvement Best part of assignment

Evaluator’s Signature and Date:

Marks Obtained: Max. Marks: ………………



Customer satisfaction with reference to Big Bazar.

Brief Introduction:
Customer satisfaction is an ambiguous and abstract concept and the actual
manifestation of the state of satisfaction will vary from person to person and
product/service to product/service.

Customer satisfaction is basically is an extent to which customers are satisfied with

the product/service provided by the organization. It is very important for any business
to make their customer satisfied because if the customers are satisfied they will order
it again and explore the range of the product/service offered by that organization
which will help the business in long run.

The state of satisfaction depends on a number of both psychological and physical

variables which correlates with satisfaction behavior such as return and recommend

Customer satisfaction is a major factor for existence and in order to satisfy the
customer, identification of major factor which will influence customer attitude is

Big Bazaar was launched in September 2001. It was started by Kishore Biyani,the
Future Group CEO with the opening of its first four stores in Calcutta, Indore,
Banglore and Hyderabad in 22 days. Within a span of ten years, there are now 220
Big Bazaar stores in 80 plus cities and towns across India.

Big Bazaar is a chain of hypermark in India. It is a part of future group which also
owns the Central Hypermarket.

Earlier it was launched as a fashion format including apparel, cosmetic, accessory and
general merchandise, over the years Big Bazaar has included a wide range of products
and services offerings under their retail chain. The current format includes Big
Bazaar, Food Bazaar, Electronics Bazaar and Furniture Bazaar.



 Das, Gopal and Kumar, Rohit Vishal, Impact of Sales Promotion on Buyer
Behaviour: An Empirical Study of Indian Retail Customers (June 23, 2010).
Journal of Management, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 11-24, January-June 2009.

This study has talked about that in in today’s world consumer has become a king.He
enjoys a lot of power and freedom in his buying decision, he is now in the position to
tell the organisation which product is required and what is to be made according to his
need. A consumer is in the Position to influence the manufacturer or the marketer
regarding, size, quality, content of the product, price, post sales service, among other
As a result, the markets no longer remained the "sellers market", it obviously turned
in to "buyers market". With the Indian retail boom, many players are entering with
different retail formats. As a result, competition is becoming very tough. Keeping in
mind that the Indian consumer is price sensitive, each player is trying to attract more
customers through different sales promotional activities. But the exact picture of the
impact of sales promotion on consumer behaviour is yet unclear to the retailer. This
paper tries to find out the impact of retail sales promotions on consumers buying
behaviour and tells that sales promotion has a temporary effect on consumer buying
behavior. Also it will help support product to its current consumers and become loyal
to this brand. Consumers of competing brands may switch and purchase other branded
products during its sales promotion because of the reduction in the product price. This
will have a great impact on the behaviour of the consumer.

 Ahmed, Selim and Rahman, Md. Habibur, The Effects of Marketing Mix on
Consumer Satisfaction: A Literature Review from Islamic Perspective (February
2015). Turkish Journal of Islamic Economics, Vol. 2, No. 1, February 2015, pp.
17-30 .
This study has talked about the Customer satisfaction is one of the essential factors
for the success of a company. To achieve the high customer satisfaction, companies
must know when and how their customers are satisfied about the products and
services. Nowadays, different companies follow different types of marketing
strategies based on the target market demand. The majority of companies follow a
conventional marketing strategy, but some companies choose to follow a religious or
spiritual marketing strategy such as the Islamic marketing strategy. Conventional
marketing strategies satisfy the customers based on the current needs of the customer,
whereas, Islamic marketing strategies satisfy the customers based on the human
values, marketing cultures, and Islamic rules and regulations (shariah laws). Apart
from conventional marketing strategies, the Islamic marketing strategies more focus
on religious rules and ethics which do not exist in conventional marketing. Thus, this
study discusses how Customer satisfaction is one of the essential factors for the
success of a company. To achieve the high customer satisfaction, companies must
know when and how their customers are satisfied about the products and services.
Nowadays, different companies follow different types of marketing strategies based
on the target market demand. The majority of companies follow a conventional


marketing strategy, but some companies choose to follow a religious or spiritual

marketing strategy such as the Islamic marketing strategy. Conventional marketing
strategies satisfy the customers based on the current needs of the customer, whereas,
Islamic marketing strategies satisfy the customers based on the human values,
marketing cultures, and Islamic rules and regulations (shariah laws). Apart from
conventional marketing strategies, the Islamic marketing strategies more focus on
religious rules and ethics which do not exist in conventional marketing. Thus, this
study discusses how marketing mix (product, price, place and promotion) influences
customer satisfaction from Islamic perspectives and why it is necessary for the

 Rathod, Chirag B; Bhatt, Nishithkumar H.IUP Journal of Brand Management;

Hyderabad Vol. 11, Issue: 1,  (Mar 2014):
With more and more stores selling similar products, consumers expect fulfillment
through a unique shopping experience and a different product from each store. If a
consumer wants to purchase any apparel product, he has lots of options to purchase it
from stores like Westside, Brand Factory, Big Bazaar, Star India Bazaar, Reliance
Mart, Lifestyle Stores, Reliance Trends, etc. When it comes to shopping apparel
products, each of the above retailers has something unique to offer. To communicate
the distinctiveness and speciality of their offering to the consumers, the stores have
exclusive branding strategies, called private label, which recommend the store to
consumers at the time of purchase. In order to compete with national brands, retailers
have developed their own private brands (Kumar et al., 2007).
Private brands were introduced in order to provide value to customers and provide
benefits to retailers with the additional tool of bargaining with national brand
manufacturers. Private brands offer competitive advantage to the stores in terms of
differentiation, supply chain management, cost management, and brand loyalty (Bruer
et al., 2005). A few organized retailers have established the brand image of their retail
establishment in such a way that the store is implied as a brand .

 Amit Saraswat, Toby Mammen , Jayesh P. Aagja , Ruchi Tewari , (2010)

"Building store brands using store image differentiation",  Journal of Indian
Business Research, Vol. 2 Issue: 3, pp.166-180
The opening up of the Indian retail sector has seen a proliferation of the corporate
players through different retail formats and stores – the majority being in the food
and groceries. This necessitates creating, building, and managing differentiated
retail store brands, and image differentiation, to attract and retain shoppers. This
research paper attempts to understand whether the Indian consumers differentiate
the various store brands and images based on their experiences.
The study was conducted in two stages – list of parameters of evaluation of retail
store image (developed from the literature), discussed with middle ‐level managers
from the retail sector to finalize parameters relevant for store image measurement
in the Indian context and a questionnaire evolved for primary data collection,
administered to 326 SEC A and B respondents (shoppers of food and grocery
from modern retail stores). To assess the store image dimensions perceived by
these shoppers, factor analysis was employed and for understanding various store
image attributes used for differentiation of store brands one ‐way analysis of
variance was employed.


 HaemoonOh, International Journal of Hospitality Management Volume 18,

Issue 1, March 1999, Pages 67-82
The author proposes and tests an integrative model of service quality, customer value,
and customer satisfaction. Using a sample from the luxury segment of the hotel
industry, this study provides preliminary results supporting a holistic approach to
hospitality customers’ post purchase decision-making process. The model appears to
possess practical validity as well as explanatory ability. Implications are discussed
and suggestions are developed for both marketers and researchers.

 Ballantine, P. (2005), "Effects of interactivity and product information on

consumer satisfaction in an online retail setting", International Journal of Retail
& Distribution Management, Vol. 33 No. 6, pp. 461-471.
This study has talked about how two aspects of online shopping environment can
influence consumer satisfaction. Two variable examined in this study i.e. level of
interactivity and the amount of information provided by an online shopping
environment. For that a web experiment was conducted in which respondent were
exposed to stimulate online retail store. Here, Results suggest that the level of
interactivity and the amount of information provided by the web site had a significant
effect on consumer satisfaction. The importance of consumer satisfaction in bricks‐
and‐mortar retail stores has long been emphasised in the literature. This study
provides guidance as to the role of two web‐specific variables on consumers’
assessments of satisfaction with the interface provided by an online retail store.

Research gap:

Taking the condition into consideration the survey, which includes sample size of 50
respondents, will be respective one. There are many factors which affects the
customer satisfaction. In the literature review many researcher have talked about
promotional strategies, marketing strategies, brand image, quality of products and
services but there few more thing that are also responsible for satisfaction of customer
for example Time, Ambience, Variety of product, Availability, location, Exchange
facilities etc. which no one has talked about because of that the research gap has taken


3. Problem Statement:

 Customer satisfaction is one of the most important issues concerning business

organization of all types, which is justified by the customer orientation Philosophy and
the main principles of continuous improvement of modern enterprises. Customer is an
individual or business that purchases the goods or services produced by a business. The
client is the end goal of businesses, since it is the customer who pays for supply and
creates demand. Businesses often follow the adage that “the customer is always right”
because happy customers will continue to buy goods and services. In today’s
competitive business environment, customer satisfaction is an increasingly important
component of an effective organization. Customer satisfaction is a key component of a
successful and prosperous organization. It has been linked to higher profit margins and
greater employee satisfaction, customer loyalty, customer retention, and repeat
purchases. When measured in financial terms, it is easy to see why customer
satisfaction should become the foundation to all other measures of business

 Satisfied customers will return to buy more, recommend you to others, cost less to sell
to, and cost less to service. In short, organizations that actively manage customer
satisfaction are actively managing their on going profitability. Customer satisfaction is
important because it provides marketers and business owners with a metric that they
can use to manage and improve their business. Building customer relationships is one of
the customer retention strategies used to improve customer service and reduce customer
 The problem is that customer satisfaction is seldom expressed in financial terms. Many
organizations simply categorize customer satisfaction measurement as a form of
“marketing intelligence” instead of using it as a management tool to build the customer
into their quality improvement processes and increase profit. As a result, companies
often know the cost of providing good service but they rarely know the cost of
providing good service but they rarely know the cost of providing bad service. Many
market research companies agree that even “satisfied customers” will defect.
 Therefore, this study concerns on customer satisfaction to meet customer needs in order
to make customers loyal and retain them for better profit in today’s modern market and
also declares whether the customers are satisfied with the product and services provided
by Big Bazaar with the techniques they are using in order to satisfy their customer.

4. Objective of the Study:

 To know the level of satisfaction obtained by the customers with respect to

the Big Bazaar.

 To understand the factors influencing the customer to select a product.


 To analyze in the expectation of the customers perceptions towards the

verity of services

 Analyzing customer’s requirements and providing products best suited to

their needs.

 Suggests providing quality materials and services at the most competitive

and self pursuing rate.

Research Model:

Research Hypotheses:

H0: i) More customers are attracted to promotional offers and prices are induced to make
ii) More customers are find prices better than other retail stores.
H1: i) More customers are not attracted to promotional offers and prices are not induced to
make purchase.
ii) More customers do not find price better than other retail stores.


Research methodology:

 Research Methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may

be understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. In it we
study the various steps that are generally adopted by a researcher in studying his
research problem along with the logic behind them. It is necessary for the researcher
to know not only the research methods/techniques but also the methodology.
 The research starts with an extensive review of literature. On the basis of the
knowledge acquired, it sets hypotheses about the constructs and relationships under
examination. Finally, through fieldwork, it seeks an evidence to confirm or disconfirm
the hypotheses, chapters with conclusion. This data collected for research are Primary
sources of data from Questionnaire.


Research design is an arrangement of condition for collection and analysis of data in

a manner that aims to combine relevance to research purpose with an economy in
procedure. For this project work I have used Exploratory research design.


The primary data are those which are collected afresh and for the first time, and thus
happen to be original in character. We collect primary data during the course of doing
experiments in an experimental research but in case we do research of the descriptive
type and performs surveys. Here the Primary data will be collected by means of
preparing a questionnaire and getting it is filled by a large sample space. These
questionnaires will help in drawing conclusions about the case.
Secondary data means data that are already available i.e. they refer to the data which
have already been collected and analyzed by someone else. When the researcher
utilizes secondary data then he has to look into various sources from where he can
obtain them. I took secondary data from books, journals and Newspapers.
All items in any field of enquiry constitute a ‘Universe’ or ‘Population’. A complete
enumeration of all items in the population is known as a census enquiry.
The universe selected for study was customers availing different products of Big
Bazaar in Delhi region.
The number of items selected from the universe to represent the universe is called size
of the sample. It was not feasible to cover all the customers of Big Bazar. So for the


purpose of this study, a sample of 50 was taken. The sampling technique used for the
study is convenience sampling.


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