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A2 Friday, March 20, 2020 www.sturgisjournal.




Grant L. Boomer Jason E. Myers

CHANGES a virtual workplace.
• St. Joseph County
Commission on Aging
From Page A1 offices are closed, includ-
Grant L. Boomer, 74, of Jason E. Myers, 45, of Constantine, ing Enrichment Centers in
Lake Templene, and for- died March 17, 2020, at Grace Agency will close to the Sturgis and Three Rivers.
merly of Flint, passed away Health Care in Three Rivers. public. Public health ser- • Thurston Woods Village
March 18, 2020, at his home.   He was born Nov. 18, 1974, in vices will be available by has requested family and
Grant was born Nov. 4, 1945, in Three Rivers, a son of Stanley and appointment only. friends not to visit the
Flint, a son of Grant and Evelyn Robin (Frain) Myers. Jason gradu- • The Christian Fellowship facility.
(Lyttle) Boomer. He gradu- ated from Constantine High School Center pantry in Sturgis is • Nearly all activities at First
ated from Flint Central High School in 1964 with the class of 1993. He was employed in the closed until April 6. Three United Methodist Church in
and went on to study business at Ferris State RV industry for several companies, including Rivers Community Kitchen Sturgis have been canceled
University and the University of Michigan. River Forest pontoon division and Georgia Boy. is closed until further notice. for the remainder of March.
On Aug. 20, 1983, he married Patricia Ogg Jason loved the outdoors, hunting, fishing and Fresh Food Initiatives at the That includes monthly
at the First Presbyterian Church of Flint. mushroom-hunting. He also enjoyed going to the Fabius Park Fire Department breakfast, choir, Bible study
Grant retired in 2014 as a quality man- casino, old cars and attending the antique auctions have been canceled until and education classes.
ager for Richfield Industries in Flint after 34 in Shipshewana. Jason struggled with health issues further notice. Worship service at 11 a.m.
years of service. He was a lifelong member of from an early-age diagnosis of diabetes, but tried • White Pigeon Township each Sunday will be broad-
Flint First Presbyterian Church. Grant also to make the best with whatever came his way. Library is closed indefi- cast on WBET-AM-1230.
was an active and member of Flint Masonic Surviving are his father and stepmother, Stanley nitely. Curbside service • Southern Michigan Bank
Lodge #23, and transferred his member- (Karen Spencer) Myers of Constantine; his mother hours: Monday 9 a.m.-noon, and Trust will close lobbies
ship to Sturgis Meridian Sun Eagle Lodge #49 and stepfather, Robin (Jeff) Makepeace of Niles; Wednesday 3-6 p.m., Friday temporarily to the general
after moving to the area five years ago. brothers Robert Myers and Benjamin Myers of 9 a.m.-noon, Saturday 9 public and branches will
Surviving Grant are his wife, Patricia Boomer, of Constantine; a sister, Nicole (Brandon) Roth of a.m.-noon. Patrons should provide drive-thru service
Lake Templene; a brother, Tom (Rita) Ogg and their South Bend, Ind.; stepbrothers Jeff (Kim) Spencer of call the library, 269-483- only. Meetings that are nec-
children, Kim (Dennis) Habecker and Matt Ogg; Centreville and Marc (Amy) Spencer of Constantine; 7409, before they visit. essary will be accepted by
brother Robert Ogg and his children, Sean Ogg, Tai grandmother Mary Myers of Constantine; and sev- • All St. Joseph County appointment only. Officials
Ogg, Hope Ogg, Hollie Myers, and Hannah Myers; eral nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles and cousins. courts are closed, except for encourage use of online,
a sister, Susannah (Bruce) Easton and their chil- He was preceded in death by his grand- emergency court matters. telephone and mobile bank-
dren, Alan (Nicole) Easton, Christopher (Brittnay) parents Donald Myers, Herman That includes 45th Circuit ing methods. ATMs allow
Easton, Timothy (Korina) Easton and Sarah (Jon) (Marsha) Frain and Hazel Frain. Court, 3B District Court and access to a live teller.
Hungerford; and a sister, Joann (Steve) Listwak and Relatives and friends will be received 11 a.m.-1 Probate/Family. • Constantine Township
their children, John (Tiffany) Howell, Mary Listwak p.m. Saturday, March 21, 2020, at Eley Funeral Home • Non-essential visits to Library is closed until
and Crystal High; caregiver Alicia Trine; and sev- in Constantine. Religious services will be held at 1 the St. Joseph County jail further notice. All checked-
eral other nieces, nephews, friends and neighbors. p.m. Saturday at the funeral home, with Brandon are disallowed until further out materials will have due
He was preceded in death by his parents; an Roth officiating. Burial will be in Peek Cemetery. notice. dates adjusted to April 20.
infant sister; and in-laws Robert and Annette Ogg. Memorial contributions may be directed to the • All city of Sturgis facili- Patrons may access all elec-
Relatives and friends will be received 4-7 p.m. family, to help with expenses. Online messages may ties, including city hall, are tronic and downloadable
Friday at Eley Funeral Home, Centreville, with be left for the family at www.eleyfuneralhomes.com. closed to the public, along materials at constantine.
a Masonic service starting at 7 p.m. A religious with Doyle Community plous.net. Updates available
service will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday at the Center and Sturges-Young on the library’s Facebook
funeral home, with Pastor David Peterson offi-
ciating. Cremation will take place afterward.
Memorial contributions may be given in honor
PANTRIES set up outside to take walk-
up clients. They will ask the
number of people in the cli-
Center for the Arts. Closures
will remain in effect until
April 5.
page and website, www.
• First Presbyterian Church
of Grant to St. Joseph County Animal Control, From Page A1 ent’s family, then provide • At Sturgis Hospital, all in Sturgis is closed through
Three Rivers Hospice or Saladin Children's Trust. pre-bagged food. elective surgery has been the end of March. Plans do
Online messages can be left for the fam- There has been a spike in canceled. Although patients include livestreaming wor-
ily at www.eleyfuneralhomes.com. Army food pantry remains the number of new families, or vendors are screened ship services via Facebook.
open 10 a.m.-2 p.m. since people need food, vol- at the door, lab orders • Holy Angels fish fry, sched-
Monday, Wednesday unteer Jo Barton said. are being filled and MRI uled for Friday, has been
Ralph G. Troyer and Friday, with a car- “We’re seeing first of exams are being done. At canceled.
ryout meal available the month numbers, and the emergency room, all • LaGrange County Parks
Ralph Gaylord Troyer, age 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 25 percent of them hadn’t patients must enter at the Department has decided
91, of Burr Oak, passed away Monday-Thursday. been there in over a year or ambulance bay and are to cancel Maple Syrup
Tuesday, March 17, 2020, at Although Holy Angels were new to the Food Site,” screened before coming Days, scheduled for March
The Birches in Leonidas. Helping Hands Food Barton said. into the building, she said. 21-22. Organizers expressed
He was born June 19, 1928, Pantry’s next distribution is The Christian Fellowship Anyone showing cold or flu disappointment, but said it
in Lagrange, Ind., a son of the scheduled for 11 a.m.-noon Center pantry in Sturgis is symptoms are given a mask is the best decision based
late Jerry and Orpha (Miller) March 24, its committee is closed until April 6. Three and put into isolation. The on information currently
Troyer. He grew up in Lagrange County, discussing what will happen Rivers Community Kitchen hospital is closed to all visi- available. Organizers plan
Ind., and attended Shipshewana School. on that date. is closed until further notice. tors except for one adult to to discuss the option of
He also attended Fairview Bible School. “We are still weighing the Fresh Food Initiatives at the accompany a minor patient, rescheduling the event.
On Oct. 30, 1948, Ralph married Esther Carpenter risks and our options and Fabius Park Fire Department a translator or limited visi- • Animal Rescue Fund is
at Locust Grove Mennonite Church near Findley. trying to make the best deci- have been canceled until tors to a critical patient. postponing the following
He and Esther spent 13 years in the Upper Peninsula sion for everyone involved,” further notice. • Glen Oaks has closed its activities: Bingo (March 28
of Michigan, working in a church planting/mis- said LaTasha Watson, Several fresh food initia- Shimmel Road campus until at Constantine American
sion program. Ralph grew up on a family farm near pantry coordinator. tives are still scheduled, as of further notice. Classes are Legion) and the dinner-
Emma, Ind., and spent most of his adult life farming St. Joseph County Thursday: conducted online. auction (April 18 at St.
near Engadine, then at the current family farm in Commission on Aging will • March 24, St. Joseph’s • Bronson city hall is closed Joseph Catholic Church in
Nottawa Township near Nottawa, where he devel- continue “Meals on Wheels” Catholic Church, 4-6 p.m. to the public. Residents may White Pigeon). No tickets
oped one of the top dairy herds in St Joseph County. delivery once per week, but Drive-through service conduct regular business have been sold for the
He spent several years running a sawmill busi- with a seven-day supply of only. Additional guidelines over the phone, e-mail, dinner-auction; tickets
ness near Rexton in the early 1950s and had a one- food. about how this is being U.S. Mail, or the 24/7 drop purchased for bingo will
year stint working at Fan Coach (a travel trailer “We want to continue to organized due to COVID- box. The city’s department be accepted at a future
manufacturer located in Lagrange, Ind.) in 1964- serve our seniors who are 19 are listed on the White of public works will limit date. If you wish for a
65. After his retirement in 1996, he set up a wood most in need of food, but Pigeon Community Schools personal contact, on a case refund instead, contact
shop on the Nottawa Township farm, where he we also are trying to keep Facebook page. by-case basis. The depart- the person who sold you
built and refinished furniture for many friends and them safe by minimiz- •March 26, Doyle ment will continue to be the ticket.
family members. He and Esther continued living ing the amount of contact Community Center, 4 p.m. available for any emer- • Colon Caring Kitchen will
on the farm until moving to The Birches in 2018. between our drivers and This will be drive-through gencies. Bronson Police be closed until April 16.
Ralph was a member of Calvary Chapel. the seniors, so we are having service only, with boxed Department issued a limited • YFC/Campus Life has
He is survived by three sons, Leon (Rebecca) them deliver a week’s worth items available for the first contact statement on March canceled the Florida
Troyer of Three Rivers, Lennis (Nancy) Troyer of of food every Friday,” said 100 people. 15. Updates and informa- spring-break trip.
Burr Oak and Brian (Teresa) Troyer of Coldwater; Ruth Mancina, COA mar- • April 13, Burr Oak tion will be published on the • Glen Oaks has resched-
a daughter, Valerie (Lavon) Yoder of Mendon; keting and life enrichment Community Schools, 3:30- city’s Facebook page and uled the “Visiting Artist”
five grandchildren, Karen (Iman) Serna, Keith manager. 5:30 p.m. on the city’s website, www. public lecture and work-
(Resa) Troyer, Gayle (Mark) Forrester, Nicholas Three Rivers food site • April 14, Centreville bronson-mi.com. shop featuring Don Marek.
(Kathryn) Troyer and Courtney Troyer; 12 great- will continue operating 9 SDA Church, 4-6 p.m., • GT Independence has The college hopes to
grandchildren; a sister, Mary Louise Neff of a.m.-noon Tuesday and while supplies last. closed its facilities to the reschedule those events.
Shipshewana, Ind.; and many nieces and nephews. Thursday, for Three Rivers • April 16,Colon High public and moved all of its
Ralph was preceded in death by his wife, residents. Volunteers are School, 4:30-6:30 p.m. Sturgis-based employees to From staff reports
Esther; his parents; two brothers, Wilbur and
Clarence Troyer; and a sister, Shirley Neff.
Due to current meeting and travel con-
cerns, a private/family visitation and commit-
tal service will take place. A memorial service
INDIANA had given schools a 20-day
waiver from the state's
requirement that schools
DEATHS Gretchen Whitmer’s
order to limit crowds at
popular gathering spots.
will be held at Calvary Chapel in the future. From Page A1 meet for 180 instructional From Page A1 Those with 50 employees
Memorial contributions may be made days in a school year. or fewer could qualify for
to Calvary Chapel Kids Club. Officials said that number grants of up to $10,000.
Online condolences maybe left for the Department of Education, could change. an 81-year-old man. “The catastrophic
family at schipperfuneralhome.com. but has not received it yet. Superintendent of Oakland County has at disaster both for the
Holcomb did not go so Public Instruction Jennifer least 105 cases, including employees and the area
far as to cancel school for McCormick said the Indiana five people who are in criti- in Traverse City is palpa-
Andrew J. Rasler the rest of the year. Kansas Department of Education cal condition, said county ble,” said Cindy Warner,
became the first state to would work with schools to Executive David Coulter. a northern Michigan tech
Andrew James Rasler, 53, of LaGrange, take that step on Tuesday. ensure high school seniors For most people, the executive and member
Ind., died March 15, 2020, at his home. All of the state's public graduate on time. virus causes mild or mod- of the Michigan Strategic
A Celebration of Life Service for Andrew will schools are now closed. Many seniors already erate symptoms, such as Fund board.
be held at a later date, to be announced. Frurip- Many districts have have earned the credits fever and cough. For some, “Ten thousand dollars
May Funeral Home is in care of arrangements. turned to online instruc- they need, she said, but especially older adults in a downtown district
tion to keep students on the department would and people with existing where rents are $25 to $35
track but some have not work with schools in the health problems, it can a square foot will last them
Melvin L. Steed — either due to connectiv- coming days on guidance cause more severe illness, about three weeks. If this
ity issues or lack of access to help ensure seniors that including pneumonia. lasts a long period of time,
Melvin L. Steed, 88, passed away March 14, 2020, to digital devices in some haven't met all graduation About 117,000 busi- this will do nothing,” said
at Parkview Regional Hospital in Fort Wayne, Ind. households. requirements yet have the nesses have been directly Warner, who said she was
Private burial will be held in Woodland Cemetery, Previously, Holcomb opportunity to do so. impacted by Gov. still appreciative.
Wolcottville. A celebration of Melvin’s life will
be held in the summer. Arrangements have been
entrusted to Frurip-May Funeral Home, LaGrange. LO CA L H I STO RY GRAIN MARKETS

On this date in 1970, the Sturgis High School junior class Corn Soybeans
C O R R E C T I O N S & C L A R I F I C AT I O N S play, “Up the Down Staircase,” is presented, with shows March...........................$3.45 March...........................$8.45
on consecutive nights at Sturges-Young Civic Auditorium. April .............................$3.45 April .............................$8.45
The Sturgis Journal strives for accuracy and fairness in The cast of 30 features Barb Laws, Mark Kanouse, Mike May ..............................$3.45 May ..............................$8.45
the information we publish in the newspaper and online. Thomasama, Steve Sanxter, Chester Scott, Kip Walworth,
If you spot an error, please let us know by calling 651- George Denison, Dave Martin, John Burke, Tom Wittenberg, Prices provided by The Andersons in White Pigeon.
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