SturgisJournal 20200320 A02 PDF
SturgisJournal 20200320 A02 PDF
SturgisJournal 20200320 A02 PDF
On this date in 1970, the Sturgis High School junior class Corn Soybeans
C O R R E C T I O N S & C L A R I F I C AT I O N S play, “Up the Down Staircase,” is presented, with shows March...........................$3.45 March...........................$8.45
on consecutive nights at Sturges-Young Civic Auditorium. April .............................$3.45 April .............................$8.45
The Sturgis Journal strives for accuracy and fairness in The cast of 30 features Barb Laws, Mark Kanouse, Mike May ..............................$3.45 May ..............................$8.45
the information we publish in the newspaper and online. Thomasama, Steve Sanxter, Chester Scott, Kip Walworth,
If you spot an error, please let us know by calling 651- George Denison, Dave Martin, John Burke, Tom Wittenberg, Prices provided by The Andersons in White Pigeon.
5407, or by email at Steve Stilson, Earl Brenneman and Allan Crian.
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