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Your Local Hometown Newspaper 75¢

Tri-City Times LAPEER



Wednesday, June 5, 2019

145th Volume - Issue No. 23 www.tricitytimes-online.com

Board votes
to outsource
busing jobs
Almont teacher earns
Lansing company
radio station award,
to provide service

Photo provided
...see page 3
for Almont schools
By Tom Wearing Chris Eilersen and his son Eric at Eric’s graduation ceremony from Michigan
State University in 2013.

DNA discovery

ALMONT — Despite emotional pleas

from school bus drivers and a last-ditch
effort by AESPA representative Marty
Zmiejko to negotiate a mutually satisfactory
deal, Almont School Board members voted
4-1 on Thursday,
May 30, to enter
into a five-year
contract for
Almont man goes from only child two with the Air Force. He
was discharged in 1974.
to six siblings via 23andMe test
Fun for kids
school transpor- A year or so later, he decided
tation services to visit his grandmother—his
with Dean By Catherine Minolli Suspicions confirmed, Chris mom’s mom—to have a con-
Plenty of activities for Transportation of cminolli@pageone-inc.com let it go for the time being. versation. The issue regard-
children at Busker Fest, Lansing. He had other things to think ing his paternity eventually
...see page 13 With Board ALMONT — It was about—namely his deploy- rose to the surface.
President Paul September of 1971, and ment to what had become the “My grandmother knew,
Bowman absent, Chris Eilersen was not hav- most controversial war in and this ended up being the
in a roll call vote, ing a good day. U.S. history. key to the whole thing,”
Board members A member of the U.S. Air “It was not a great night,” Chris says. “She said she
Jennifer Mitchell, Force, Chris was getting Chris recalls. “My father wasn’t 100 percent sure, but
John Mills, Jill some things together on the wasn’t my father, and I was she thought a man named
O’Neil and John eve of being sent off to serve going to Vietnam in the William Wood was my father.
Brzozowski in the Vietnam War. He was morning. There were a lot of It was the first time I heard
voted in favor of just 19 years old. emotions going on in that that name.”
a motion to con- Chris was also having a time frame.” William Wood. It may as
tract with Dean. conversation with his Mother’s mother well have been John Smith or
Board mem- mom—a conversation that knows best Bob Jones. Chris figured his
ber Michael Karen Klos offers would both confirm his long- Chris served a year in
Sullivan cast the impassioned argu- held suspicions and ultimate- Vietnam, and then another Discovery page 6
lone vote oppos- ment on behalf of cur- ly change his life.
rent Almont bus driv- “She told me the man
Top grads
ing the motion,

Lapeer County Ed Tech’s

while board
member Dallas

Walton abstained from voting, because his

who was my father, who I
carried his name, was not my
real father,” Chris recalls.
Family members often
top students in spotlight,
...see page 7
wife is employed with the district.
Zmiejko’s proposal to the Board includ-
“She said ‘I’m not sure who
your father is.’”
While the news was a
linked through 23andMe
ed concessions that included a one-year
wage freeze for drivers; the elimination of surprise—it was not really a By Catherine Minolli
two bus routes via attrition; and removal of shock. Chris had long puz- cminolli@pageone-inc.com
an existing attendance incentive; all of zled over his lack of resem-
blance to the man who MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA — The genomics and bio-
which would translate to an immediate sav- tech company 23andMe has linked hundreds of people
ings of $109,252. helped raise him until the age
of 10, when he left his mom. with family members since its inception in 2007.
Even a Plan B offered by Zmiejko Almont resident Chris Eilersen is just one of them.
which included a wage reduction was not “The guy that I had his
name was six-four, and 240 After completing a test kit from 23andMe, Chris found
enough to convince the Board to reconsider. a link to the mystery of his biological father.
The Board had intended to vote on the pounds and had wavy brown
hair,” Chris says. “At my 23andMe’s Christine Pai says that’s not unusual.
issue on May 20, but agreed to postpone the “We receive dozens of stories a week from our cus-
vote until Thursday to give AESPA mem- heaviest I weighed 160, and
when I had hair it was tomers who have connected with biological family
bers an opportunity to negotiate further. members through 23andMe, and many of them find
Almont Schools Finance Administrator straight and blonde,” he says.
“I’m five-ten, five-eleven and their birth fathers or children,” she says. “In fact, more
Barb Potter acknowledged the efforts of the
basically there was no physi-

Cardinals rule
23andMe page 6
Outsource page 6 cal resemblance there.”

Dryden wins first district

Farmer launches YouTube channel

title since 1995,
...see page 17

TRI-CITY Imlay Twp.’s Kip Siegler shares

scenes from life on family
TIMES dairy farm founded in 1950s
ONLINE By Maria Brown how they milk and feed
mbrown@pageone-inc.com their cows to handling
tricitytimes-online.com manure and planting their
than two percent of “There’s so much hap-
Americans live on a farm pening on the farm every
FACEBOOK so agriculture is a lifestyle
and career combination
day. My goal now is to do
videos that document a
that the average citizen whole season on a dairy
facebook.com isn’t familiar with but Kip farm,” Kip said.
Siegler wants to change Kip and his brothers
Website photo

that. Mark and Greg milk 200

He figured YouTube, a cows and grow hay, wheat,
video sharing website that corn and soybeans with
attracts 7 billion users their parents, Jeff and
In one of his latest videos, Kip Siegler explains how sick cows are treat-
The Tri-City Times every day, was an ideal Maryann. The brothers’
is printed on ed on their third generation dairy farm.
platform to share scenes grandparents, John and
recycled paper from life on the farm. Jean Siegler, founded the found out it’s trickier than after chores. reached viewers in the
In mid-March, the operation, based on Brown it looks but I’m getting the “It’s all trial and error. United States, Canada,
Imlay Township dairy City Road, in the 1950s. hang of it,” Kip said of If you want to do some- Ireland, Switzerland, the
farmer launched his own He started his research using the recording equip- thing bad enough, you’ll United Kingdom and
YouTube channel, Kip in December by watching ment. figure it out.” more.
Siegler Farming, and since other farmers’ videos. He taught himself how Currently, his channel “It seems to be a mix
then has posted 21 videos “I thought ‘I can do to edit the videos too, a has attracted 440 subscrib-
that detail everything from that...I like to talk.’ I’ve task he tackles at night ers and Kip said he’s Channel page 6
Page 2-TRI-CITY TIMES-JUNE 5, 2019

Police swarm suspects sought in weapons case

Motorists stalled by large presence on M-53
By Tom Wearing and 20, were wanted for the house had been hit
twearing@pageone-inc.com shooting at a home in the by several bullets and the
4000 block of Main Street suspects had fled the
IMLAY CITY — in Brown City on Monday, scene.
Acting on a request from May 27. Deputies reported the
Sanilac County Sheriff’s According to the the home had been occu-
Dept., Imlay City police on Sanilac County Sheriff’s pied by five people at the
Thursday, May 30, stopped Dept., Sanilac Deputies time the shots were fired,
a vehicle on M-53 near the and Sandusky Police but no one was injured.
bowling alley that was responded to the Brown Authorities later
occupied by two male sus- City residence at around 4 searched the two suspects’
pects wanted in a firearms p.m. on May 27. residence in Goodland

Photo by Tom Wearing

related case in Sanilac. An initial investigation Township and discovered
The suspects, aged 19 of the scene indicated that the firearm they believe
was used in the shooting,
Bring Your Friends Out to . . .
along with hundreds of

rounds of ammunition.
Arrested and jailed Police from Imlay City and other agencies surround suspect vehicle on
www.hollymeadows.com Imlay City Police Chief M-53 near the bowling alley on Thursday, May 30.
Golf • Bowling • Sportsbar Scott Pike reported that as
Banquet & Entertainment Center a precaution, his officers “We were informed cuffed them and turned turned over to a Lapeer
4855 Capac Rd.
Capac, MI 48014 810-395-4653 had their guns drawn when
at around 1:13 p.m. on
they had been involved in
an incident involving
them over to Sanilac
County EMS 
crew for

Thursday, they pulled over weapons and they were Pike said the oldest of
S AT U R D AY, J U N E 1 5
The other two male
five individuals, including being followed by an the three males in the car suspects were arrested and
two young women and unmarked car,” said Pike. complained of chest are currently lodged in the
9t l
Sally McGeorge Memorial three men. “We stopped and hand- pains at the scene and was Lapeer County Jail.
n u a
An Scholarship Golf Tournament
3-Person Check-in 7:30 am $150 per team
Scramble Shotgun Start 8:30 am Call to Register!
Woman injured in crash in Imlay City
By Tom Wearing sustained non-life threaten- home from work when she 45-year-old man from
YOUTH Begins June 18 thru July 23
8:00 am – 10:30 am
twearing@pageone-inc.com ing injuries when she
collided with a south-
fell asleep at the wheel.
Pike said the injured
Unionville, Michigan.
The male driver was
LEAGUE Call to Register! IMLAY CITY —
Police report that a 46-
bound vehicle near the
intersection of First
woman’s 2005 Pontiac
G-6 drifted into the south-
not injured, but Pike said
the injured woman was
SEEKING LINE COOKS Apply Within year-old Clifford woman Street. bound lane and struck transported to McLaren
traveling northbound on Police Chief Scott Pike the rear of a cargo trailer Lapeer Region Hospital
FISH FRY FRIDAYS! M-53 at around 6:30 a.m. reported that the injured being pulled by a 1.5-ton with injuries that included
Book Your Fundraisers & Parties with Us Now! last Tuesday, May 28, driver was on her way pickup truck driven by a broken bones.

Memorial Day weekend a busy one for deputies

LAPEER COUNTY Sheriff’s Office had a busy Also keeping busy
— The Lapeer County Memorial Day weekend were deputies in the
on both the roads and Marine Division. They

waterways. inspected two liveries con-
According to a press taining 44 boats. Four of
release from Sheriff Scott those vessels did not pass
JEWELRY McKenna’s office, his
deputies were dispatched
inspection and were taken
out of service. Marine
REPAIR to more than 220 incidents
and made 23 arrests for a
Division members also
patrolled numerous water-
variety of offenses includ- ways in western and north-
Over 26 Years ing operating while ern portions of the county.
Experience intoxicated, assault and “Deputies conducted
battery, domestic assault, 40 safety inspections and
Gem & Diamond stolen vehicle, probation gave 15 verbal warnings to
Specialist violations, resisting/ boaters, no citations were
obstructing an officer, issued. A total of 35 depu-
Downtown Imlay City indecent exposure and ty hours were spent in
810-724-RUBY warrant arrests. keeping our citizens safe
Tues.-Fri. 10:30- 5:30 In addition, deputies on our lakes over the
Sat. 10:30 - 3:00 conducted 293 traffic stops weekend,” Undersheriff
on the county’s roadways. Jeremy Howe reported.

Tri-City Times
Yoga at the Ponds
   Published weekly by Delores Z. Heim. Office:
594 N. Almont Ave. • P.O. Box 278, Imlay City,
MI 48444. USPS No. 014440. Additional entry
application pending.
   Subscriptions: $30 per year Lapeer & St.
Clair Counties; Out of Counties $32 per year,
DRYDEN — Unwind, rejuvenate and con-
Senior Citizens $27 per year In-County. Out- nect with your body as Seven Ponds Nature
of-State mailing $40 per year. Outside USA $60
per year. Single Copies 75¢.
Center offers ‘Yoga at the Ponds’ with Peaceful
   Periodicals paid at Imlay City.
Moon Yoga on Wednesdays beginning June 19
   Postmaster please send address changes to
through July 24 from 6-7 p.m. The cost is $10/
P.O. Box 278, Imlay City, MI 48444. class or $50 for the six week series. Classes are
designed for newcomers and beginning yoga stu-
dents and/or those who wish to become reac-
quainted with the practice. Participants will expe-
Photos may be e-mailed to
THE TRI-CITY TIMES IS tct@pageone-inc.com as a
jpeg or other attachment;
rience the mind, body and spirit connection while
learning basic yoga poses. Participants should


wear comfortable clothing and bring a yoga mat
indicate ‘Father’s Day Photo or a blanket. Register online at www.sevenponds.
Contest’ in the subject line, org or call 810-796-3200 to reserve a spot or for
or mail entries to the editor more information.
at P.O. Box 278, Imlay City,
MI 48444. Photos will NOT
be returned, please do not
send originals. Photos will
be published in future is-
sues of the Tri-City Times.
Entry deadline is 4 pm on
Friday, June 7th and must in-
clude name, address, phone
number and e-mail address
(if applicable) of entrant and

‘Daddy & Me’

identification of persons in
photo (left to right). Please
indicate the best way to be
contacted as well. Winners « Annuals & Perennials «
will be notified by Friday,
June 14, 2019 « Vegetable Plants «
« Hanging Baskets «
« Porch Pots «
FIGURES! 
MAY BE dayFriday
INCLUDED Saturday & Sunday 95
IN THE PHOTOS 
A VARIETY OF PRIZES   then 
Page 3-TRI-CITY TIMES-JUNE 5, 2019

Orchard Primary teacher honored by WNIC Radio fond memories and happy
times,” she says. “I chal-
lenge them to start thinking
deeper; to make leaps in
learning and get them ready
for all the interesting read-
ing, math and writing they
will take on in second grade
and beyond.
Savage takes pride in
the job and responsibility
for instilling the love for
learning in her students.
“A good teacher’s job is
to hook the learner into an
interesting science phe-
nomenon or math concept
so the learner wants to learn
more,” she says. “They
become the driving force of
their own learning. “ I
hope this is something they
will take through their
lives—being curious about

Photo provided
the world around them and
growing up to be lifelong
Orchard Primary first-grade teacher Sarah Savage (lower left) is joined by her students while holding the Teacher of the
Week Award plaque presented her by WNIC 100.3 iHeart Radio. Top center is student teacher Erin Combs.

Sarah Savage named station’s ‘Teacher of Week’

By Tom Wearing Dunkin’ Donuts to honor Principal, Jennifer Szlachta, had read, and then present dents, staff, and families of
twearing@pageone-inc.com outstanding and dedicated who described Savage as a their solution to a panel of Orchard Primary,” Szchlata
educators throughout the teacher who goes above community members who continued. “We are blessed
ALMONT — Orchard Metro-Detroit area. and beyond on behalf of her served as judges.” to have her in our school.”
Primary first-grade teacher Those who submitted students. Szchlata added that Honors aside, Savage
Sarah Savage was honored nominations for Savage “Sarah is wonderful,” Savage also runs an after- feels equally blessed to
this week by WNIC 100.3- were required to explain she said. “She is dynamic school Lego Club for stu- have the opportunity to
FM iHeart Radio. why they believe she was and always looking for new dents and took some of teach young children.
On Thursday morning, deserving of the honor. ways to create engaging them to Detroit for the “As a first grade teach-
May 23, Savage was pre- As the week’s recipient, activities and learning World Lego Competition. er, I feel my job is to get the
sented WNIC’s the Jay Savage was gifted with a opportunities for students. “She is an amazing kids excited about learn-
Towers “Teacher of the supply of Dunkin Donuts, “She worked with staff mentor to our new teachers, ing,” says Savage.
Week Award,” having been an Amazon gift card and a to create a Maker Faire working alongside them to “Everything I do, I try to
nominated by her students commemorative plaque project for the whole school make sure they feel com- have one really fun part or Savage is all smiles
and parents. from Woods Trophies. where students researched fortable as they begin their something memorable. after collecting her
Each week, She was additionally ways to scientifically solve new career path and truly “I want first grade to be award on Thursday
WNIC  teams up with lauded by Orchard Primary a problem from a story they cares about all of the stu- the students’ best year with morning.

Spartan Book Mobile on the move again this summer

By Maria Brown nated route and make stops 5th St. (4:05-4:20 p.m.), summer break. & the Arts on Wednesday, and Borland. There will
mbrown@pageone-inc.com at eight locations around Yuriana Zepeda Daycare They include: July 24 from 5-7 p.m. at also be face-painting, self-
town on Wednesdays­–June (4:25-4:40 p.m.), •Read-a-Recipe on Weston Elementary. See ies with Sparty, and much
IMLAY CITY — 19, June 26, July 17 and Townsend Apts (4:45-5 Wednesday, July 10 from puppet shows, artwork, more.
Soon the Spartan Book July 31. p.m.), Maple Vista (5:05- 5-7 p.m. at Weston dancing, plus band and Imlay City Schools
Mobile will hit the streets Stops include Imlay 5:25 p.m.) and Maple Elementary. The night will choir performances. created the Spartan Book
to deliver good reads to City Schools Early Grove Community (5:30- center on recipe reading •Back-to-School Bash Mobile and summer read-
Imlay City residents. Learning Center (3:05- 5:50 p.m.) and recipe making. The on Wednesday, August 7 ing activities last year in an
Imlay City Schools’ 3:20 p.m.), Alvin Norlin The school district also first 50 students will from 5-7 p.m. at Weston & effort to help stem aca-
transformed school bus, Pool (3:25-3:40 p.m.), has planned special events receive a free Spartan Borland. A back-to-school demic losses commonly
stocked with reading mate- Location Pending (3:45- for students and their fami- apron. scavenger hunt will take referred to as the “summer
rial, will follow a desig- 4:00 p.m.), Belle River and lies to enjoy during the •Reading with Music families through Weston slide.”

Pie, ice cream on tap at Busker Fest Free concert at Goodland Library
Historical Museum brings back popular social June 14-15 GOODLAND TWP. — All are welcome to
attend a free concert on Sat., June 15 at 1 p.m. Gemini,
By Maria Brown Blueberry Festival–the ice cream during the Busker Street in Imlay City. In the well-known, family-oriented music group will
mbrown@pageone-inc.com Busker Fest’s precursor– Fest,” Jepsen said. addition to their special perform. Twins Lazlo and Sandor Slomovits write and
they’ll be slicing into pans Festivalgoers are also invit- hours during the Busker play acoustic music for children and families, cele-
IMLAY CITY — Pie of apple pie. ed to check out the muse- Fest, the museum wel- brating the fun, warmth and humor of family life.
and ice cream is back at the Historical society board um’s displays during the comes visitors on Saturdays Their recordings and concerts are filled with rousing
Imlay City Museum! member Carla Jepsen said two-day event. from 1-4 p.m., April sing-alongs, folk tales and music from around the
During the 2019 Michigan their hours of operation Jepsen said their fea- through December. world. There is no charge to attend, advance reserva-
Busker Fest, historical soci- during the festival will be tured display from this For more information tions required. Call the library at 810-721-2110 to
ety members will be dish- from 4-8 p.m. on Friday, spring, honoring the Imlay about the Imlay City reserve a spot. The library is located at 2370 N. Van
ing out their traditional pas- June 14 and 11 a.m. to 8 City Fire Department, is Museum, visit their Dyke, north of Imlay City.
try and ice cream combo p.m. on Saturday, June 15, still up for viewing. Facebook page.
but with a slight twist. or until they run out of pie. They’ve also updated other

It’s National Pollinator Week!

Instead of the usual blue- “Our tent will be up with a displays and vignettes.
berry pie that rightfully cool place to sit and visit “The caboose and
coincided with the and enjoy a piece of pie and memorial building will also
be open,” she added.
The museum is located
at 77 Main Street in the
historic Grand Trunk Make a choice
Railroad depot at 77 Main
thats perfect for
Cool down with a slice
of apple pie and ice
you and great for
cream at the museum
at the 2019 Busker
the environment!
American Beauty
Plants starting at
17 99
Hanging Baskets & Porch Pots
File photo


(at corner of Dryden Rd.)
Visitors are encouraged to check out the 810-798-2525
museum’s display honoring the Imlay City Fire
Department’s history. OPEN DAILY! Mon.-Sat. 8am-8pm; Sunday 9am-6pm
Page 4-TRI-CITY TIMES-JUNE 5, 2019

of optimistic


Photo by Tom Wearing

graduates Friends and classmates Aaron Bryan, Liam Palmer, Garrett Vallus, Adam Campbell, Aiden Powell
and Colton Kruse pose in anticipation of collecting their hard-earned diplomas at Almont High
School graduation.

Photo by Tom Wearing

Photo by Tom Wearing
Almont High School Principal Elizabeth
Tomhave welcomes students and guests at
the Class of 2019 graduation ceremony
Almont graduates wave ‘goodbye’ to their high school and ‘hello’ to their respective futures
before Sunday’s commencement exercises.

Almont High
School gradu-
ates Max
Brombach, Ian
Bobby Parsell
(front), Lukas

Photo by Tom Wearing

Nielsen and
Chase Kunz
are ready for
Photo by Tom Wearing

‘prime time.’

Happy 2019 Almont grads include Courtney

King, Mia Berthet and Nicole Johnson.

Capac presents the well

prepared Class of 2019
Photo by Mike Mercier
Photo by Mike Mercier

Chuck Clor, niece Londyn Terns and Deanna Clor, all of Capac, check
Capac High School’s Top Ten graduates take center stage during com-
out the commencement schedule at Capac High School before the
mencement exercises on Sunday.
ceremony begins.

Paityn Clor
shows of her
diploma at
Sunday’s cer-
Photo by Mike Mercier

Photo by Mike Mercier

speaker and longtime Schools Superintendent Jeff Terpenning dis-
CHS teacher Chris cusses the ‘Best High Schools’ award Capac
Cutler addresses High School recently received from U.S. News
graduates on Sunday. & World Report during Sunday’s graduation
Photo by Mike Mercier
Photo by Mike Mercier

Capac Choir Director Caleb Sinclair leads choir in musical presentation during Sunday’s com- Capac High School grad makes a statement
mencement exercises. as she lines up for commencement exercis-
es on Sunday.
Page 5-TRI-CITY TIMES-JUNE 5, 2019

Imlay City introduces its

impressive Class of 2019

Photo by Maria Brown

Imlay City’s Peyton Galbraith, Renae Brewer, Olivia Moore,
Amber Flowers, Olivia Friedenstab, Dominique Perreault, Mary
Evard and Allie Logan pose for a photo with a signed class
Imlay City
choir mem-
bers per-
form “You
Raise Me
Up” during

Photo by Maria Brown


Photo by Maria Brown

Imlay City’s Austin Orr, Anthony Powell, Kyle Kulin, Miguel Martinez, Wesley
Hampton and Lonnie Wolford were among 167 graduates in the Class of 2019.
Photo by Maria Brown

Photo by Maria Brown

Imlay City graduate Julian Dervishi receives his

diploma from school board member Doug Van Co-salutatorian Benjamin Khouri delivers his remarks to fellow grads, family and friends
Dyk. during Sunday’s commencement ceremonies in the Imlay City High School gym.

Celebrating the outstanding

Class of 2019
in Dryden
Photo by Rod Soule Studios
Photo by Rod Soule Studios

Photo by Rod Soule Studios

Members of the Dryden

Members of the Dryden High School Class of 2019 toss caps into the air Jr. High School Band per- Valedictorian John Lynch and
to celebrate their graduation on Sunday. form during Sunday’s Salutatorian Vincent Angel celebrate
commencement exercis- their accomplishments before the cere-
es at the high school. mony begins on Sunday.
Photo by Rod Soule Studios

Photo by Rod Soule Studios

The Dryden High School Class of 2019 holds balloon launch on Friday The Dryden High School Class of 2019 shifts tassels to signify their
to mark the end of their high school career. new status as graduates on Sunday.
Page 6-TRI-CITY TIMES-JUNE 5, 2019

Facebook page, Siegler

Channel: Dairy Farm, where they
post lots of farm photos,
from page 1 including many of the
of both farmers and non- fourth generation of
farmers,” he said. Sieglers to work on the
“One viewer from farm. Earlier this spring
Miami, Florida said he they hosted Imlay City pre-
appreciated being able to school classes on a field
see where his food comes trip and the farm will spon-
from.” sor a court at a 3 on 3 bas-
His videos include a ketball tournament later
variety of footage. this month at Imlay City
Sometimes he’s walking High School where they’ll
through the barns or milk- hand out free milk.
ing parlor while explaining “Farmers get so
how things work. Other focused on their work but
times he positions his cam- we need to find the time to
era to capture scenes of market ourselves too,” Kip
him tending to cows or said, referencing the tough
prepping equipment to times America’s dairy
Website photo

farmers are facing current-

Photo provided
plant corn. Sometimes his
camera gets mounted ly that’s due, in part, to
directly on the equipment. oversupply.
“When I first started “We’ve got to get kids
The Imlay Township farmer already has more
doing these videos my drinking more milk and Vintage family photo features William Wood,
than 400 subscribers to his channel and his
brothers and dad were like eating more ice cream.” Chris Eilersen’s biological father, at the bot-
goal is to have 100,000 regular viewers.
‘what in the heck is he Ultimately, Kip’s goal tom right.
is to get 100,000 channel

Your Local Agent

doing?’ Now, they’re com-
ing around,” he said with a
“It’s a big goal but I’m Discovery:
In addition to Kip’s just getting warmed up,”
from page 1
- for - videos, the family has a he said.
chances of ever locating
Call Me For

the William Wood who
A Quote! “Farmers get so focused was his biological father

on their work but we need were slim to none. Again,
he let it go.
to find the time to market 23andMe
ourselves, too.” In November of 2018,

Chris’s life was good. He’d
--Kip Siegler, dairy farmer been retired five years
from a 12 year stint as a

Corrections Officer with William Wood, Chris
the Lapeer County Sheriff Eilersen’s biological
Outsource: Almont Schools expires
June 30, 2020.
The ramifications of
He was pursuing his
father. This is the first
photo Chris saw of his
career in music, something dad.
from page 1 the Board’s decision will
he’d been involved in since
bus drivers for doing what continue to unfold in the the ’60s when he learned stopped Chris in his tracks.
they could to save the dis- coming months. to play the guitar. “My grandfather’s
ALMONT CAPAC METAMORA trict money. On Monday, June 3, He and his wife name was William Wood,”
Zmiejko said the majority Sally—who’d served as she said.
798-3946 395-4366 678-3655 Nevertheless, it was
of current AESPA drivers Chris just about
her position that the district Lapeer County Treasurer
will save more and be bet- are weighing their future from 1995 to 2008—were dropped his iPad.
ter positioned financially options. enjoying new pursuits in “It hit me,” he says.
for the future by contract- “It looks like most of theater and elsewhere, and “Oh my God, guess what!
ing with Dean. them are looking at other their son Eric was doing I found my father!”
Potter reiterated that options before considering well, having graduated Chris messaged
current Almont bus drivers Dean as their only option,” from Michigan State Morgana back, and the
will be offered employ- said Zmiejko. “I also know University in 2013. floodgates opened. He
ment with Dean at pay of one or two that are look- Eric asked Chris if found an entire warm,
rates “equal to” or “greater ing at Dean as their first he’d be interested in taking open and loving family he
than” what they currently option. a DNA test—the genomics never knew about.
earn. “It will be interesting and biotech company “I was an only child
She added that drivers to see how it all plays out,” 23andMe was having a for 67 years and then
who choose to sign on with he continued. “I’m won- ‘two-for-one’ sale. found out I was one of
Dean will retain their dering how this is going to “He said ‘why don’t seven,” Chris says. “Two
seniority, receive paid days affect the district’s para- we get a couple of kits to have passed, and I have
off and be eligible for the pros (paraprofessionals) in see what happens,’” Chris four sisters.”
company’s 401-K plan and the future.” recalls. Chris says his siblings
a 80/20 health insurance The AESPA, which Chris and Eric com- also suspected they had
plan with Priority Health. includes the district’s para- pleted the saliva tests and another— “That’s the way
Under the terms of the professionals, approved a sent them off for analysis. Dad was,” they said.
new agreement, Dean will three-year contract with Shortly thereafter, Chris found out

Coming Soon
assume the $479,000 cost Almont Schools in August Chris found out the results, William met his mom on
of leasing 18 buses from of 2017. That contract and he wasn’t surprised. Fire Island, New York—
Holland Bus Company, expires on June 30, 2020. “I wasn’t consciously Chris was born just five
whose contract with trying to find my father. I miles away. Everything

to Imlay City!
thought whoever it is, is
likely dead and not in their They sent photos of
23andMe: 23andMe database through
the ‘DNA Relatives’ fea- database.”
Turns out, Chris was
their dad and Chris was
ture. Participating in the
from page 1 feature is completely right. William Wood was “They sent a photo of
www.jumpcityplay.com than 90% of 23andMe
optional, and customers
must actively choose to
not in the 23andMe data-
base, but his relatives
him (William Wood) when
he was 25, and I have a
customers have a 2nd participate in order to find were. photo of me at 25 and one

SEND US YOUR Family ties

cousin or closer in the and connect with genetic of my son at 25 and we
DNA Relatives tool.” relatives. Chris’s results arrived a could have been triplets,”
tool’ works like this:
Relatives are identified
by comparing participants’
few weeks later. He found
it interesting, but not sur-
Chris says. “It’s really
unusual but it feels really
Tri-City Times Customers are matched DNA with the DNA of prising. good.”
P.O. Box 278 • Imlay City, MI 48444 or
Fax to 810-724-8552 or email to tct@pageone-inc.com
with relatives who share other 23andMe members “They tell you where Though they’ve yet to
or www.tricitytimes-online.com DNA with them in the who are participating in your relatives were from,” meet in person, Chris and
the DNA Relatives fea- Chris says. “The first thing his newfound family mem-

ture. that was confirmed is that bers talk all the time.
Before opting in to I’m not an Eilersen by “It’s as if we’ve always
participate in the DNA blood. There is no Danish known each other,” he
in my background. It’s says. “Once in a while I’ll

Relatives feature, custom-
ers are provided with lan- mostly English and Irish. It get an email that says ‘love
guage letting them know was interesting, but not you, brother,’ and that’s
that they may discover earth shattering.” kinda cool.”
unexpected familial con- Chris also received a The family hopes to
list of potential third- or meet in person, likely in
nections by using the tool.
fourth-cousins based on his Iowa as the remaining sib-
23andMe also has custom-
DNA. He thought that was lings are spread across the
er care representatives United States.
who are trained to walk that.

But it wasn’t. About In the meantime, Chris
customers through poten- is working on a major,
LE) three weeks later, Chris
(S A M P tially unexpected results,
Congratu n’t and help them understand
received an email that music-related project that

You could s
would change his life. brought him to Las Vegas
the science behind relative “You have relatives on for a recording session.
have mad he
matching and what the 23andMe,” it said. A folk singer, Chris
der. T Order your graduate ad by familial relationships Chris was intrigued. laid the track for one of his
any prou urs mean. The first name he saw was original songs, which will
future is
yo 3pm, June 7th to appear Pai says once a cus-
tomer sends in their saliva
‘Morgana Sommer,’ and be featured on a compila-

o r th e t a king ... in the June 12th issue. sample in their pre-paid

the test indicated she was a tion CD made by veterans,
f package, reports will be
close relative—a cousin or for veterans.
ou, a sibling. “This has been a very
We love y Or mail to: P.O. Box 278 • Imlay City, MI 48444 ready in their secure, Chris sent Morgana a eventful year, and the
ily online account in about
your fam
message through the whole family has been
Or email to: tct@pageone-inc.com 3-5 weeks.
Those interested in
23andMe website. very supportive,” he says.
“I was curious to see “I am excited about what
finding out more about
what her story was,” he comes next.”

23andMe can do so by says. “I still wasn’t equat- Editor’s note: William

$ 00
visiting www.23andMe. ing that with my father.” Wood died in 1988 at the
Your local newspaper 23andMe test kits are
Morgana messaged
back, saying she didn’t
age of 65. That same year,
Chris’s maternal grand-

available at most major recognize Chris’s name, mother passed away, as
retailers including and had no clue about a did Chris’s stepfather Mr.
Cash, Check or Credit Card. Must be paid in advance! Amazon.com, CVS, Target possible relationship. She Eilersen. Chris’s mom
and Walgreens. did say one thing that passed away in 2006.
Page 7-TRI-CITY TIMES-JUNE 5, 2019

Kaitlyn Nathan Kaitlyn Dillan Carlos Emma Dalton Marc Daniel Benjamin
Szukala Russell Batchelor Sarka Gonzalez MacWilliams Lane Williams Fredendall Elkin

Ed Tech Center’s top students shine

Editor’s note: This is the honored distinction for and the son of Michael and Health Occupations Mechatronics Program. Fredendall and Duane
first of a two-part install- being the Top Senior in the Sheila Sarka. He has the Emma MacWilliams Marc participated in Fredendall. He has the dis-
ment featuring the top stu- Computer Aided Design distinction for being the is from Dryden High SkillsUSA representing the tinction of being the Top
dents in each of the pro- Program. Top Senior in the Diesel School and is the daughter Mechatronics and Robotics Senior in the Public Safety
grams offered at the Lapeer Nathan has plans to Technology Program. of Henry and Carmen program. He received a and Protective Services
County Ed Tech Center. A attend Eastern Michigan Dillan has maintained MacWilliams. She has the second place Silver Award Program. Daniel will be
big ‘thank you!’ to Tonya University to obtain his an A throughout his two distinction for being the at State SkillsUSA compe- attending St. Clair County
Streasick, student services degree in Simulation and years in the Diesel Top Senior in the Health tition. Marc was also active Community College to
secretary at the Lapeer Animation for a future as a Technology program with Occupations Program. in the First Robotics FRC work towards his career
County Ed Tech Center for professional 3D modeler. an excellent attendance While attending the Club of Dryden, Flock of goal as a police officer.
compiling the information Nathan has earned 1st record. He has earned his Lapeer County Ed Tech, Nerds. Daniel was involved in
and photos for this feature. place at the 2019 SKILLS ASE student certification in Emma received her CPR After graduation Marc Boy Scouts and was
ATTICA — The USA Regional competition Electrical and Electronic First Aid Certificate and will be going into the U.S awarded his Eagle Scout
Lapeer County Ed Tech in Technical Drafting, 3rd Systems, Bendix Air Brake was a HOSA member, as Navy’s Nuclear Program as well as being involved
Center has announced the place at the 2019 SKILLS certification as well as well as involved in track, for 6 to 8 years where he in the Lapeer County
top graduates in each of the USA State Competition in completed over 400 hours softball and drama at will be working in the Sheriff ’s Department
wide variety of programs Technical Drafting and a of work experience at Dryden High School. Nuclear field or something Explorer Post.
offered there as follows: 2nd place at the 2018 Milnes Chevrolet. Emma plans to return to similar. He also has plans to “I liked being in the
Agriscience SKILLS USA Regional Dillan has been accept- her home in Germany, practice continuous educa- class, it was very informa-
Horticulture Competition in Technical ed into the GM ASEP attend college and become tion to open as many job tive and fun,” Daniel says.
Kaitlyn Szukala is Drafting. Nathan is a apprenticeship program a registered nurse. and career paths as possible Recreational Vehicle
from Lapeer High School SKILLS USA Member, an and will be attending “I liked that we did a lot to use his technical train- Repair
and the daughter of Keith active member of National Macomb Community of tours for example, ing. Benjamin Elkin is
and Jennifer Szukala and Technical Honor Society as College after graduation. Suncrest Nursing Home. “Being a part of the from Imlay City High
Lisa Thueme. She has been well as the NTHS presi- “The Diesel Technology We did CPR training, skills Mechatronics and Robotics School and the son of Brent
honored with the distinc- dent. program has been very spe- for nurse aide and career Program helped me devel- and Becky Elkin. He has
tion for being the Top “Being in CAD has cial to me over the last two exploration at Lapeer op better student study hab- received the distinction for
Senior in the Agriscience/ helped me grow as both an years,” Dillan says. “The McLaren and Hurley its,” Marc says. “I learned being the Top Senior in the
Horticulture Program. individual and leader, it instructors are excellent Hospital,” Hannah says. “It about Pascal’s Law and Recreational Vehicle Repair
Kaitlyn received many made it possible for me to and ready to teach. The is a good program to get to Fluid Power Fundamentals. Program.
awards through Ed Tech learn more than I could hands on teaching style has know the medical field.” Ohm’s Law and basic Ben participated at
such as FFA Greenhand and have imagined during just taught me so much and ITnet Resistive, Capacitive and State SkillsUSA and
Chapter Degrees, State FFA two years,” Nathan says. spending time with my Dalton Lane is from Inductive Electrical Circuit received second place in
Academic Excellence, Culinary Arts friends has made it even Almont High School and Fundamentals. I know how Power Equipment. He also
National FFA Veterinary Kaitlyn Batchelor is better.” the son of Donald and to read and interpret a pneu- received his certification in
Science CDE Silver Team from Almont High School Health Science Melissa Lane. He has been matic and electrical sche- EETC Four Stroke. After
Award, State FFA and the daughter of Laurie Professions honored with the distinc- matic. I can design, build finishing high school, he
Veterinary Science CDE and Mike Batchelor. She Carlos Gonzalez is tion of being the Top Senior and properly troubleshoot plans to attend the
3rd place Individual and 1st has the distinction of being from Imlay City High in the ITnet Program. pneumatic and electrical University of Northwestern
place team, FFA Chapter the Top Senior in the School and is the son of Dalton received a 1st circuits.” Ohio for agriculture and
Proficiency in Small Culinary Arts Program. Alberto Gonzalez DelaCruz place Gold Medal at Public Safety & equipment repair.
Animals and State FFA Kaitlyn’s plans are to and Hermelinda Silva SkillsUSA State competi- Protective Services “This program made
Floriculture 2nd place attend Johnson and Wales Gonzalez. He has the dis- tion for Internetworking, Daniel Fredendall is me have a love for this field
Team. with a goal to open her own tinction for being the Top 6th place at SkillsUSA from Imlay City High of work and made me a bet-
Kaitlyn has also been bakery, make wedding Senior in the Health Science State competition for School and the son of Doris ter team worker,” Ben says.
involved in many activities cakes and be known for Professions Program. Information Technology
such as Chapter FFA crazy new dessert things. Carlos was a member Services and Platinum State
Secretary, Project Raising Kaitlyn received of the National Technical Round CyberPatriot
HOPE Mentor Pal, Project awards in SKILLS USA Honor Society, Treasurer of Competitor for Team Code
RED volunteer, FFA Grow Commercial Baking, HOSA, a member of the Red.
More Grant Volunteer- Perfect Attendance, 1st National Honor Society at After graduation,
vegetable production and place at SKILLS USA Imlay City High School Dalton will be joining the
distribution, National Regional, 1st place at and a member of Imlay Air Force for six years in
Technical Honor Society, SKILLS USA States, 2nd City HS Chemistry Club. Cyber Transport Systems Trust your car
Jim Reihl’s Friendly place at SKILLS USA local He was awarded the HAIL as well as attending college insurance with a
Chrysler Dodge Ram competition as well as Scholarship as well as the to work towards his company named
Farmer Appreciation Day Outstanding Singer for College Board Hispanic Bachelor’s in Networking
and lastly, Animal Care in Almont Varsity Singers. Recognition Award. to have a career in Network for those it serves.
Agriscience Animal Center Some activities she was Carlos plans on attend- Administration. Trust your
We’ve been carcare of
including feeding and ani- involved in at Almont High ing the University of “Being a part of this insurance with
auto owners since a
mal health. School are National Honor Michigan Ann Arbor for a program has changed my Why trust your insurance
“This program means Society, Almont Varsity bachelor’s degree in life,” Dalton says. “Before company named
with anyone else?
everything to me, it has Singers and the Almont Neurology. Afterwards, he ITnet, I had no idea what I for those it serves.
helped me develop as a per- LINKS program plans on attending medical wanted to pursue as a We’ve been taking care of
son by helping me gain “Being a part of Ed school to become a career, but this program has auto owners since 1916.
confidence and skills of Tech has showed me that I Neurologist. shown me my future and Why trust your insurance
leadership,” Kaitlyn says. can do anything, be any- “Being a part of Health the direction in which I
“Working with the animals thing and showed me my Science Professions II want my life to play out. YOUR HOMETOWN with anyone else?
has given me a better view
of what I would like to do
talents,” Kaitlyn says. “I
enjoy going to school
has really meant the
world to me,” Carlos says.
Also, I was gifted with
many new friends who
with my life.” because I get to have fun, “I was able to meet so share similar interests with CITY • 000-000-0000
Computer Aided Design
Nathan Russell is from
learn and get better every many people, do so many me and spending late nights
with them at Ed Tech doing

Lapeer High School and

Diesel Technology
things, and realize so much
about myself and what it competitions has given me Insurance
the son of Dean Russell and
Kellie Stephens. He has the
Dillan Sarka is from
Imlay City High School
was that I wanted to do in
great memories to hold
(810) 724-8600
CITY • 000-000-0000
566 S. Cedar (M-53)
Robotics & Mechatronics Imlay City
Marc Williams is from

Rotary 5K features new venue, new route

Dryden High School and
the son of Kyle Kilburn. He
has earned the distinction
By Maria Brown Blueberry Festival, and is returning to Grettenberger of being the Top Senior for
mbrown@pageone-inc.com now part of the new Field. the Robotics &
Michigan Busker Fest. This “Grettenberger Field
IMLAY CITY — Lace is our second year for the will provide plenty of close
up those walking and run- new race and we hope to parking with close walking
ning shoes and hoof it make it more exciting for distance to downtown after
around Imlay City for a each participant! Following the race,” organizers note.
good cause at the 2019 last year’s lead, participants Awards will be presented to
Michigan Busker Fest. can either use their race bib the top three male and
Once again, the Imlay City tag for a complimentary female runners overall
Rotary Club will host their beverage or as a raffle based on finish times, plus
5K run/walk during the fes- entry,” organizers state on medals will be given to the
tival on Friday, June 14. their website. three male and female run-
Walkers will set off at The 2019 race features ners in each age bracket.
6:30 p.m. and runners will a new route. Walkers and Register to compete in
sprint from the starting line runners will take 2nd Street the Imlay City Rotary 5K
at 7 p.m. at Grettenberger to Almont Ave. and then by visiting runsignup.com.
Field, next to the Imlay head north to 4th Street. Cost is $35 plus a small
City Middle School. From 4th Street, the route signup fee. Proceeds bene-
“This event was for- will then follow Handley, fit Imlay City Rotary Club
merly held during the Pine and 1st streets before projects.

You can make a April3-28,
1-26, 2019
June 2019 $ 99
Upgrade to
difference. Triple Pane for
per window
lapeercountycf.org (Double hung, sliders & casements only)

Small gifts.
Give today.
Big impact. Impact tomorrow.
Page 8-TRI-CITY TIMES-JUNE 5, 2019

Ed Tech Center hosts National Signing Day

By Maria Brown Signing Day. directly to a job. SkillsUSA.
mbrown@pageone-inc.com In the same fashion that Instructors Gary Smith The Ed Tech Center was
celebrated athletes usually and Joe Strachota believe one of 300 schools across
ATTICA TWP. — So announce their post-gradua- the Signing Day event had a the country to participate in
what will you do after grad- tion plans, 12 students in the positive effect on both the this first ever event.
uation? Every high school school’s Construction seniors and their classmates SkillsUSA, a nonprofit
senior has heard that ques- Trades and Residential who witnessed the event. that works with industry
tion more times than they Electric, Plumbing and Robert O’Dell, the cen- and schools to build career-
can count. HVAC sat down at a table in ter’s coordinator for transi- oriented programs and job
A dozen Lapeer County front of an audience and tion and career services, pipelines, teamed up with
Ed Tech students had the signed letters of intention said they hope to expand Klein Tools, an Illinois-
chance to make their plans for the future whether that Signing Day into an annual based toolmaker, to create a
publicly known during a be entering trade school, event for all 13 Ed Tech “National Signing Day” for
recent SkillsUSA National joining the military or going programs that participate in those students.

Photo provided
Performers wanted for Future Busker contest
Cash prizes awarded top 3 winners in talent competition on June 15th Birthday besties!
By Tom Wearing entertainers who wish to Doug Halabicky State Farm $25 will be awarded to the Shirley Themm, long time Almont resident,
twearing@pageone-inc.com participate in this year’s Insurance, amateur per- top three winners in each of celebrated her 90th birthday with Morgan
2nd annual “Future formers are invited to com- the four categories. Vassel of Sterling Heights, Michigan, who
IMLAY CITY — Do Buskers” contest on pete in four age-specific Performers must pre- celebrated her first birthday. Morgan shares
you have talent and are Saturday, June 15. categories. register at www.michigan- her birthdate with her great-grandmother.
willing to perform in front The competition will Categories include ages buskerfest.com. Shirley and her family sincerely thank every-
of an audience for a chance take place from 10 a.m.-1 9-12; 13-15; 16-18; and 19 Returning as contest one who sent birthday cards, letters and
at winning cash money? p.m. at the corner of Third and over. judges are Megan Cottone, phone calls. They were all greatly appreci-
2019 Busker Fest orga- and Bancroft streets. Halabicky said cash Tom Schutz and Tom ated! Shirley is currently living in Tequesta,
nizers are seeking budding Sponsored again by prizes of $100, $75, and Wearing. Florida.

Lapeer Awning
& Window
Sunrise Vinyl Windows
Saturday, June 8 • 10 am til 6 pm
Daniel Arseneault
Owner at the
1919 N. Lapeer Rd.
Lapeer, MI 48446
810-664-6806 Karmanos Cancer Institute
McLaren Lapeer
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12:00 pm
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at McLaren Lapeer
12:30 pm
Auction Begins
1295 Barry Drive • Lapeer, MI 48446 All Day
Put out Luminaria Bags Member FDIC
weather permitting
Stay up to date with our event at 2:30 pm
Visit us online at
Frozen T-Shirt Contest www.tri-countybank.com
RelayForLife.org/LapeerCoMi 3:00 pm
Mr. Relay   
Auction Closes
  
@RelayForLifeLapeerCounty 4:30 pm   
Luminaria Ceremony   
5:00 pm
FOR QUESTIONS Best Campsite Award Kingston989-683-2024 
6:00 pm
Call Mary Woody 810-338-1018 Closing Ceremony
Fronney's Family FoodsCapac810-395-8113
Tri-City Times is a Proud Sponsor of the Relay for Life of Lapeer County 
Page 9-TRI-CITY TIMES-JUNE 5, 2019

Something’s ‘SUP’ at Seven Ponds

Stand Up Paddle classes offered Sat., June 8 at the center.
The class is led by
By Catherine Minolli A SUP Education Naturalist Carrie Spencer instructor Mary Radtke,
cminolli@pageone-inc.com class will be held this says the class is packed a four-time Midwest
Sat., June 8 at the with information for Stand Up Paddle champi-
DRYDEN — Stand nature center on beginners through on. She has been teaching
Up Paddleboarding Crawford Road. advanced paddlers. SUP for more than nine
(SUP) has become a Participants ages 13 and “Our class will years.
popular sport and fitness up can sign up for a ses- begin on land learning To reserve a spot or
activity during the sion from 9-11 a.m., 12-2 the proper stroke before for more information call
summer months in the p.m. or 3-5 p.m. we even get on the the nature center at 810-
Great Lakes State. The cost is $38 per board,” she says in a press 796-3200. Visit seven-
If you’re interested person—$35 for Seven release. “We will also ponds.org for a complete

Photo provided
in trying it out, or Ponds members, and cover all equipment and schedule of programs and
improving your SUP includes all equipment safety.” events.
skills, you’ll have a necessary. Once students have Seven Ponds Nature
chance to do just that at Seven Ponds Director the basics under their Center is located at 3854 Participants hit the water at Seven Ponds
Seven Ponds Nature of Environmental belts, they’ll hit the Crawford Road, Nature Center during last year’s Stand Up
Center. Education and Chief water to explore the lakes Dryden. Paddleboarding class.

Saturday, June 8 • 10 am til 6 pm

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Page 10-TRI-CITY TIMES-JUNE 5, 2019

Letters from our readers...

Robotics Club also gardens Letters, opinions welcome
On Thursday, May 23, together. Oh! There was Along with Mr. Heeke We’re always pleased when readers take the time to share their opinions with
The Imlay City ‘Spartronics’ laughter, and joking and the Spartronics team, I us. We’re bolstered by the diversity of opinions that make our editorial pages con-
Robotics Club donated around! I have to admit, at would like to thank Dr. Jim sistently judged winners by the Michigan Press Association each year. We welcome
their time at the Imlay City first I thought, we were not Sillers for all his hard work feedback, letters, guest columns, complaints, praise, opinions—the whole gamut.
Butterfly Garden. going to get a thing done the last few years on the However, we’re unable to share some of the input we receive because it is sent
Teacher and club leader with these young kids, but I garden. Each year he anonymously and therefore we can’t confirm the source. As always, names will be
Don Heeke and the team was wrong. These students donates the plants and withheld upon request, but all letters, guest columns, opinions, etc. for the editorial
volunteered in planting dug right in! I was even mulch. He is always the pages must include a name and contact information for verification purposes. If
annuals and laying mulch. amused by all their laugh- first one out to the garden there are any questions or the material is deemed inappropriate, the writer will be
The students did a wonder- ing and joking around. I in the spring, getting the notified or the letter will simply not be published. But if you have an opinion that’s
ful job! This group of stu- must say, I had a great time beds ready! strong enough to write about, please provide the contact information so others can
dents worked so well with these teenagers! Sincerely, consider it, too. We want to hear from you. Write to the editor at P.O. Box 278,
—Kelly Villanueva Imlay City, MI 48444 or send an email to tct@pageone-inc.com.
Imlay City

Our Opinion
Coming events at IC Farmers Market
Entering the month of 10 a.m. through 4 p.m. gifts! in supporting local farmers,
June, the Imlay City every Thursday, with some- Kids’ Day is making a businesses, and community
Farmers Market will con- thing new occurring each return to the Imlay City members. While helping
tinue operation on the cor- week. Farmers Market as well. everyone else, you’re also
ner of Third and Main The first market of the Thursday, June 20, vendors helping yourself with week-
Streets in Downtown Imlay month, Thursday, June 6, and activities geared ly access to healthy, fresh
City. The market runs from offers its usual goods— towards children will be foods for you and your
Penzien’s flowers, Diane’s mixed in with our weekly loved ones, as well as fun

antiques, Meg’s Cakes, and vendors. The market will activities to get out and
so much more—as well as have an ice cone truck and a enjoy this summer!
the second appearance of clown, as well as attendance Imlay City Farmers

extends Lapeer
food truck by our very own Ruth
Hughes Memorial Library
Market accepts EBT and
Debit cards, and partici-
Safety first in lakes, gratitude
A newsletter will be
provided to attendees about
gals. Kids’ Day will happen
the third Thursday of June,
pates in the Double Up
Food Bucks program, dou-

pools this summer

exciting Farmers Market July, and August. bling up to $20 with your
news, as well as informa- Our last Thursday of EBT transaction.
The American Legion tion for upcoming commu- the month, June 27, will be We are continuously

Auxiliary Post 135 of nity events that you’ll want graced with another live looking to grow this
s the weather heats up, families and Imlay City would like to
friends from around the area head off to to know about. musical performance by Farmers Market. If you
extend a big ‘Thank You’ Beginning this month, Robyn Marriott, as well as would like to sell at any of
the many lakes and backyard pools to to the community and sur-
cool off and have fun. the second Thursday of another return by YaEatYet? the weekly markets, contact
rounding towns for their each month will be desig- food truck. As always, the me at the Imlay City
Swimming and boating are very popular generous donations to our
activities in the Great Lakes State, so it’s impor- nated as Crafters & Artisans usual vendors will stock the Municipal Office at 810-
‘Poppy Days.’ week, encouraging unique market with fresh produce 724-2135, or email ddapro-
tant to keep water safety at the top of the list We’d like to thank
when heading out for recreation this summer. sellers to populate the mar- and flowers, honey and motions@imlaycity.org for
Kroger and TSC stores for ket with repurposed home syrup, baked goods, crafts, more information.
In 2017, there were 116 drownings in helping the Auxiliary be
Michigan, and the Michigan Department of décor, handmade clothing, and more. See you there!
visible in the community to and homemade gifts. The best way to —Katrina Morrow
Health and Human Services (MDHHS) urges res- give back to the veterans.
idents to take the proper precautions to decrease Thursday, June 13 will be strengthen your community Market Manager
One-hundred-percent the first Crafters & Artisans is to shop and eat locally! Imlay City
the number of water-related injuries and deaths of donations goes back to
as the summer months unfold. week of the season—just in Visit the Imlay City Farmers Farmers Market
the veterans. How do we time for your Father’s Day Market and be a key player Imlay City
Drowning is the fifth leading cause of death do that, you may ask? The
for all ages in the United States and the second Auxiliary purchases
leading cause of death for children ages 1-14,
Safe stage fighting program
numerous items to take to
according to the Centers for Disease Control and the VA homes. We furnish
Prevention. Of the 116 drownings in the state last toiletries for the men and
year, 109 were non-boating related. women, clothing, hand- Lapeer County 4-H Fridays and Saturdays space is limited!
Here are some tips to help ensure the safety made throws that are sewn, SPIN Clubs is introducing through June 15 at For more information
of individuals participating in water-related activ- knitted or crocheted, and a ‘Theatrical Stage Combat’ Cramton Park in Lapeer. or application please con-
ities: knitted or crocheted hats. program teaching youth Please wear comfortable tact me at the Michigan
•Do not mix alcohol with swimming, diving We provide socks by the how to perform a fight shoes. State University Extension
or boating. hundreds through our year- scene safely. There is a participation Office, 810-667-0343.
•Stay within designated swimming areas. ly ‘Sock-O-Rama’ project. Learn the safety of fee of $20 per youth or $60 —Brandon Kreiner
•Never swim alone, always swim with a We stuff purses for the proper stage fighting, how per family with 3 or more 4-H SPIN Club
buddy. women veterans to be to move and swing a sword children and $5 for youth Coordinator
•Enter the water feet first. Serious injuries given around Mother’s like a true stage performer. interested in keeping their MSUE Lapeer County
can occur from diving headfirst into and hitting Day, and provide items for The SPIN Club runs sword. Register quickly as Lapeer
the bottom. the annual baby showers.
•Heed warning flags at public beaches. Where there is a need, we

K-2 kids will get free books

•Use a U.S. Coast Guard approved personal try to fill it.
flotation device when boating. We also would like to
•Do not leave a child unattended near a pool. extend a ‘Thank You’ to
•Enclose pools with self-locking/self-closing Tiana’s Dollars-N-Deals The United Way of of the Community North Branch with 10 free
fences. Store and to Doug Lapeer County is excited to Foundation for Southeast high interest books of their
•Keep lifesaving equipment (pole, rope, flota- Halibicky State Farm agent bring the Books4Kids: Michigan, the United Way choosing at bi-monthly
tion devices) near the pool. in Imlay City for their gen- Building Home Libraries of Lapeer County has part- book fairs.
Michigan offers so much when it comes to erosity. program to Weston nered with Literacy and Approximately 950
summertime fun and recreation. Be smart and With great gratitude, Elementary in Imlay City Beyond of Port Huron, to children will receive a total
cautious when engaging in water-related activi- —American Legion during the 2019-2020 provide every K-2 student of 9,500 books with this
ties to ensure that you and your loved ones are Auxiliary school year. at Weston Elementary in program.
around to enjoy many more summers to come. Post 135 Funded by a grant from Imlay City and North —The United Way of
Imlay City the Stebbins Family Fund Branch Elementary in Lapeer County

Time together—the most precious gift Guest Columnist

Have a differing opinion about a hot topic? Want to further
explain your side of the story? You can share your thoughts by

being a guest columnist. Anyone may submit a guest column, but
’m sitting in my favorite of them, but soon enough he’s eaten yet today. but the storm, and the we ask that the information be accurate. The columns can be a
booth at Whitey’s, being they elicit “Sometimes I ask ya emotional storm within, maximum of three typed, double-spaced pages. Send them to:
Tri-City Times, P.O. Box 278, Imlay City, MI, 48444 or run the
attended to by Chelsea, a such and you’ll say ‘hmmmm, prompt me to order anoth- idea by the editor by calling 810-724-2615 or email them to: tct@
friendly, courteous and emotion well, I had a cookie,’” Dad er one, too. pageone-inc.com. The newspaper reserves the right to edit or
reject any column considered inappropriate for publication.
professional server. As it is in me that chuckles. “You know you As rain pours down the
something of a routine for I have to have to remember to eat so windows and tears flow
me to drive out to Davison
at least once a month,
Chelsea has gotten to
my glass-
es and
you stay healthy,” he says.
The son laughs and
says he eats plenty well
from my eyes, I drink a
toast to the gentleman and
his son, and to my father
Zoe Graham awarded
know me and my rather
simple tastes.
A glass of water. A
dab my
Observations in ink... eyes with
enough, tells his dad not to
and his father, whom I
never met. And to my Chamber scholarship
glass of chardonnay. The Catherine Minolli one of the
Their easy conversa-
tion about this and that—
mother, and her mother—
the strongest women I 2019 Almont graduate aspires
salad bar—a dinner plate, paper things going on at the have ever known.
please. napkins Chelsea always house, the son’s job at a What I wouldn’t give to pursue a career in business
I don’t even have to provides. machine shop, plans for to be sitting at a booth in a
utter the words. Chelsea They are father and the afternoon and the friendly restaurant shoot- By Tom Wearing T h e
simply asks me if I’m son. The father speaks in weather—is bittersweet to ing the breeze and tipping twearing@pageone-inc.com daughter of
going to have ‘the usual,’ the loud, somewhat gravel- my ears. a beer with all of them. Randy and
ALMONT — The P a t t y
and I always say “yes.” ly voice that some people This simplicity, the I want to get up and Almont Area Chamber of
I’m about half-way who are hard of hearing every-day-ness of it makes join the pair. To let them Graham,
Commerce has announced Z o e
through the huge mountain sometimes use. He’s tell- me weep. I, too, once had know how lovely their the recipient of this year’s
of lettuce, carrots, onions, ing his son about his own such easy-going conversa- conversation is and how achieved
Chamber Business an overall
mushrooms, chickpeas, father, who he says com- tions. they should cherish each Scholarship.
beets, hot peppers and sun- plained about nothing. The sky darkens and moment they have together 3.88 GPA Zoe
On May 15, Almont as a student
flower seeds that make up He’s thanking his son thunder rumbles through for—as my husband often High School senior Zoe Graham
the dinner-sized salad I for picking him up and the building. The father reminded me when I was at Almont
Graham was presented the High School.
created when two men taking him out, telling him and son joke about it, won- down and choosing to stay 2019 scholarship award by
walk by and sit down in that every time a white dering if it’s yet another there. “We don’t have for- Ligon said it was about
Chamber Vice President a year ago that Zoe dis-
the booth behind me. vehicle went by his house train (the tracks are right ever together, you know,” Andy Roosa and Chamber
Chelsea takes their he got up, put his jacket on smack next to the restau- he’d say. cussed her future career
Treasurer Jim Ligon during plans with a woman at her
drink order—and the din- and eagerly walked toward rant) or a storm rolling by. Yes, now I do know. the high school’s annual
ner order of the older gen- the door. They determine it’s the lat- Every single minute is a church.
Awards Ceremony. It was based on that
tleman. The younger one, “I finally saw a Saturn ter, and that’s reason gift. A most precious one, Ligon said the award is
who appears to be in his and then knew it was you,” enough to order a beer. at that. discussion, said Ligon, that
presented annually to an she decided to major in
50s or so, needs a bit more the old man laughs. “I’m Each of them do. Email Catherine at Almont student whose goal
time to decide. glad you come to visit.” I’m done with my cminolli@pageone-inc. Actuarial Mathematics at
is to pursue a career in
I cannot see either one The dad asks the son if salad, and with my wine, com. business or a related field. Awarded page 11
Page 11-TRI-CITY TIMES-JUNE 5, 2019

Rocky road to self-discovery

I want to get high. So
high. High as a kite.
I want to get f’d up.
tell me
perhaps as high as 91%.
Akin to many other chron-
ic diseases—like obesity,
vention will require the
individual to address the
structural changes that
I want to use heroin. Or much diabetes, and hyperten- have taken place in their
fentanyl. Crack sounds better it sion— addiction treatment own brain.
good. A valium sounds feels to demands vigilance from Repairing the brain is

Facebook photo
even better. I want to use donate to its victims. Addicts can hard work, but it’s possi-
something or someone,
because right now I do not
than it The Idiopathic Truth... and will fail to follow
through on the lifestyle
ble. Never mind the name
of this column; I have no
like the way I feel. Golly,
an Oberon sounds fantas-
does to
steal Tim Galbraith and behavioral changes
that are necessary to pre-
intention to ever allow my
body to be flooded with
Members of the Seven Ponds Astronomy Club
and visitors take part in ‘Celestial Skies’ at the
tic. I want to sit under a money vent relapse from taking drugs or alcohol again. I nature center.
tree and drink an ice cold out of my elderly grand- place. have dedicated myself to

‘Celestial Skies’
Oberon. mother’s purse?! I had In a piece for the lifestyle and behavior-
I want to do the afore- also lost track of how Psychology Today, Dr. al changes that are neces-
mentioned because I’m an wonderfully liberating it David Sack compares the sary for me to fix what I
addict; a recovering one, feels to tell the truth, and addict’s brain to a flooded have broken—both inside
but still an addict. Craving
the relief of a mind-alter-
ing chemical substance is
normal for me. Sobriety is
in retrospect, am some-
what amazed by the spiri-
tual toll taken by a single
lie. Growth is wonderful,
house. In his analogy, he
describes an overflowing
bathtub that badly damag-
es the structure. Turning
of my own skull, and out.
The fact is, I’ve
relapsed many, many
times, and done more than
at Seven Ponds
not. I’m used to avoiding but rarely spotted in a lin- the faucet off in this sce- my share to contribute to Families invited to take part in
my problems, masking ear, upward trajectory. nario is equivalent to the daunting statistics that
them. Working to fix them Many say that relapse detoxing an individual are being bandied about in astronomy club event June 8
is brand new territory for is part of recovery. Studies from whatever drugs they the ongoing coverage of By Maria Brown See the sun, moon, planets,
me. It’s an exhausting and statistics vary, but it’s have become dependent our country’s epidemic. mbrown@pageone-inc.com star clusters, and double
climb up rocky terrain. It’s a widely accepted belief on, but that act alone does Now, it’s my turn to be a stars through telescopes
also worth every painful that at least half of us who not repair the molding part of the much smaller, DRYDEN TWP. — and binoculars provided by
step taken. manage to attain sobriety walls and warped wooden but growing number of The amateur astronomers astronomy club members,
Self-discovery can be will eventually return to floor left behind by the recovering addicts who are of the Seven Ponds weather permitting.
stressful, but it’s also heavy use. The rate of deluge. Likewise, one defying the odds and stay- Astronomy Club invite the Classroom Presentations:
invigorating. Giving relapse for recovering opi- needs to know that absti- ing clean. public to their Celestial •7:30 p.m. - “50 years
instead of taking?! Holy oid addicts like myself is nence does not equal Email Tim at Skies event this Saturday, of Discovery” - Longway
smokes! Why didn’t particularly staggering, recovery, and relapse pre- tct@pageone-inc.com. June 8, starting at 7 p.m. Planetarium manager
Club members will guide Buddy Stark will discuss

Some more ‘food for thought’ guests through an exciting how the world of astrono-
evening of celestial fun my has changed since man
and enjoyment under the first set foot on the moon.
skies at Seven Ponds He’ll compare the world of
I n last week’s edition of
the Tri-City Times Imlay
City attorney John L.
Next he says that
“abortion rules should be
John also states, cor-
rectly, (you can Google it)
that since Roe v. Wade in
And build schools and
other infrastructure to
accommodate them? In
Nature Center.
Activities will include
telescope observing of the
1969 with the world of
today and look at the peo-
ple, the mindsets, and the
Lengemann, in his guest determined by state legisla- 1973 more than 60 million 2016 there were more than sun and night sky (weather technology that have led to
column, offered us some tures on a state-by-state legal abortions have been 650,000 kids in foster care permitting), hands-on modern civilization.
“food for thought” on the basis.” For the life of me I performed in the United and only 57,000 were crafts for children, dis- •8:30 p.m. -
subject of abortion. Fair can't understand why States. The Census Bureau adopted. plays, meteorites and “Messengers from Outer
enough. So let me share women in Maryland or reports that there are more God didn’t create those astronomy presentations. Space” - Mark Jeffery will
some of my thoughts on Mississippi or Michigan than 325 million people in pregnancies, people did. Several organizations discuss meteorites – where
his com- should be treated different- the United States now. And it will be up to people are partnering with the they come from and what
ments. ly on matters affecting That means, then, had to take care of them. club for Celestial Skies they teach us. Choice spec-
First, them and their bodies. those pregnancies been car- Religion aside, are those Over Seven Ponds includ- imens will be available for
John berates I’d also note that many of ried to term that there people who so fervently ing the Ruth Hughes up-close inspection.
the Supreme the bills these legislatures would be more than 60 want to end abortion pre- Memorial District Library, •9:30 p.m. - Additional
Court of the consider are introduced by million more people in the pared to take in and raise Lapeer District Library, St. presentations in the event
United men. One of my male U.S. now pushing the pop- an unwanted child with all Clair County Library of bad weather.
States for All the Liblong day... friends said, “Most men ulation toward 400 million. of the assorted costs and System, Flint Longway All activities will take
“legislating can't even buy their own Importantly, most of those challenges? Especially a Planetarium and Mark place at Seven Ponds
from the Rick Liblong underwear or socks. They legal (and therefore safer) child of a different race or Jeffery, a meteorite collec- Nature Center, 3854
bench.” As have to have a woman do it abortions were performed with special needs? Or do tor. Crawford Rd, Dryden.
an attorney, for them. And they’re sup- because the mother did not they just say “Good luck, The schedule of activi- For more information
he knows full well that posed to make laws that want a child or was unpre- kid. You’re on your own?” ties is as follows: on this and future Seven
that’s what courts do. affect women in the most pared or unable to take Shouldn’t we put as much •7-10 p.m. - Library Ponds Astronomy Club
They adjudicate disputes personal way? Please.” I care of a child. Should thought about what hap- displays, crafts, and the events, visit their web page
over law. If one agrees didn’t argue. mothers be forced to bear pens to people after they meteorite collection. spncastronomy.wixsite.
with the decision handed John puts forth his and raise the children are born as before? •7 p.m. - midnight - com/7-ponds-astro-club.
down by the court one views on when a fetus regardless of their ability to I wish there was never
thinks that the court has becomes a human life but do so? a case that abortion would
done what the Constitution allows that “people of What would we do with even be considered. I hate
says it should do and acted
properly. However, if one
goodwill can have widely
divergent views.” Agreed.
those 60 million mostly
unwanted additional citi-
even the thought of it. But
that is wishful thinking.
Awarded: sponsored the student
scholarship for many years
from page 10 with the assistance of the
disagrees with the ruling My own view is that it is zens? If the birth mother And since it is we need Four County Community
one says the court is “legis- not a human life until it couldn't take care of the consider all of the conse- the University of Michigan- Foundation and Almont
lating from the bench” and can survive outside of the children, who should? Are quences of the abortion Flint. High School,” said Ligon.
overstepping its bounds, or womb. Until then it only there enough Christian or debate. In addition to being an For further information
in his words, “jams a poli- has the potential to be a other charities to raise As John said, “Food for outstanding student, Zoe about the Almont Area
cy down the throats of citi- viable life, the same as the them? Should taxpayers be thought.” enjoys reading, painting Chamber of Commerce
zens...” sperm and egg it came responsible to pay for Email Rick at with water colors and play- Scholarship program, call
Sorry, can't have it both from. orphanages to house them? rick.liblong@cox.net. ing the piano. 586-372-6466 or contact
After offering kudos to any Chamber Board mem-

Students prep for kindness event

Zoe and her family, Ligon ber.
acknowledged the generos- Current Almont Area
ity and support of the Four Chamber of Commerce
County Community Board members include
Christy Yarbrough, presi-
Borland to host ‘Animal Kindness Assembly’ June 10 message. Foundation, and Almont
Sellards is a regular High School staff members dent; Andy Roosa, vice
By Maria Brown Sellards said that the of animals, plus supplies participant in Borland’s Kelly Eble, Joyce Burkland president; Michelle
bags will also include “I am for the workers too, like Watch D.O.G.S. program and Sue Frederiksen; Belesky, secretary; Jim
mbrown@pageone-inc.com that has students interacting
kind to animals” stickers hand sanitizer and cleaning whose efforts were Ligon, treasurer; along with
with male mentors during integral to the scholarship Board Directors, Lisa
IMLAY CITY — A and bookmarks too. supplies,” said Rylee the school day. Additionally,
brand new event is coming A collection station Tyack. process. Kniesteadt, Wayne
he visits the school with “The Chamber has Sutherby and Wes Wagester.
to Borland Elementary near the school’s front door Student Council mem- Rein on Fridays where she
School on Monday, June 10 is filling up with dog and bers have been creating and serves as Borland’s Animal
and organizers hope the cat food plus other sup- hanging posters throughout Kindness Ambassador.
community can help them plies. All of it will be given Borland in an effort to
Academic All-Star
For more information,
make it a great success. to Lapeer County’s Paradise remind their fellow stu- contact Borland Elementary
The school’s fifth grade Animal Rescue. dents about the assembly, at 810-724-9813 or visit
Student Council and volun- “We’re accepting food, the need for donations and ‘Rein Sellards’ Facebook
teer Jason Sellards are treats and toys for all kinds their “be kind to animals” page.
making plans for an Animal Nicholas Hayes
Kindness Assembly that Senior ~ Imlay City High School
day. Sellards, a Watch
D.O.G.S. volunteer and
owner of therapy dog Rein, • Nicholas is the son of Heather
has recruited more than a and James Hayes.
dozen fellow therapy dog • He has a 3.97GPA.
teams to visit the school • Nicholas participates in
and help share the impor- marching band, jazz band,
tance of treating both church choir and community
humans and animals with choir.
kindness. • His best memory from high
To put that message school will be playing tennis with friends after
into action, Student Council school.
members are currently • Nicholas envisions a successful life for him to
accepting donations of include “keeping in touch with family and friends
candy and pet food and while doing what I love.”
supplies. • One thing on his “bucket list” is to visit Europe and
“We’ll use the candy all 50 states.
Photo by Maria Brown

donations to make goody • Nicholas’s best day ever would be spent with
bags for the day of the friends, hanging out and “doing whatever we want.”
assembly,” said student • If he had $1,000 to give to any cause, Nicholas
Kaylyn Isaacson. would give it to the Environmental Defense Action
“Every student will get Fund because “environmental rights and concerns are
a bag of treats to take home Borland Student Council members (front, l-r) Morgan Robertson, Lillian the key to a sustainable future.”
with them, “ added Austin Jones, Madison Myers, Claire Kinzer, (back) Austin Kapron, Kaylyn • His plans for the future include attending Western
Thrasher, noting that small, Isaacson, Kayleigh Patrick, Michaela Wolford, Montanna Eads, Austin Michigan University where he’ll study chemical
peanut-free types are pre- Thrasher and Rylee Tyack show off some of the donations already engineering with dual minors in sustainability scienc-
ferred. received for an Animal Kindness Assembly. es and music.
Page 12-TRI-CITY TIMES-JUNE 5, 2019

Town Talk
Editor’s note: Due to space call 810-984-5061. need are offered at the North Memorial Library in Service (UHS) bereavement your insurance, or to sched-
constraints announcements Branch Senior Center on Richmond at 6:30 pm on volunteer. Marlette ule an appointment please
will be posted one week in Monday and Thursday eve- July 9, 2019. Everyone is Regional Hospital, 2770 call 810-667-0448.
advance of the event. Notices
must be received in writing
Free Meals, Food nings from 5:30-7 p.m. Call
810-441-0322 for more info.
welcome to attend. Main Street in Marlette,
hosts this support group the Free hearing and vision
by noon Monday prior to the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) 1st Tuesday of each month screens for children of pre-
First Congregational Orchards’ Cupboard Food meetings are held every school age are available at
publication date. Church, United Church of in the Administration
Pantry is open the 3rd Saturday at 10 a.m. at West Conference Room. For the Lapeer County Health
Christ, of Imlay City oper- Saturday of every month 9 Berlin United Methodist Department. To schedule an
For Senior Citizens ates a Food Pantry every
Thursday from 2 p.m. to 4
a.m.-noon. Food distributed
at 74903 McKay Rd., Bruce
Church, Allenton.
time and more info, call
800-635-7490 or visit www. appointment please call
810-667-0448 or 810-245-
p.m. The pantry is open to Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) marletteregionalhospital.
Gentle Yoga Tuesdays from Twp., 586-336-4673. www. org. 5549.
people needing food assis- orchardsonline.org. meetings are held every
9-10 a.m. at First tance who live in the Imlay Monday night at 8 p.m. at Capac Pharmacy is team-
Congregational Church in TOPS 620 Lapeer weight-
City School District. Located St. Paul’s Lutheran Church ing with Support Million
Almont. Practice led by
Dina Miramonti, RYT.
at 275 Bancroft in Imlay
City. For more information,
Museums in Imlay City.
loss group meets Tuesday
nights at the Hunter’s Creek Hearts by offering in-phar-
macy blood pressure
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Mobile Home Park Club
Imlay City Senior Center including how to donate The Almont Community House, 725 DeMille Rd. in screenings, 136 North Main
food or money to support and Al-Anon meetings are St. in Capac, Tuesdays, 9
“Texas Hold ‘Em” 12:30 Historical Society Museum held every Wednesday night Lapeer. Weigh-in from
p.m. For info 810-724-6030. the food pantry, please call is open Saturdays from 1-4 6-6:30 p.m., meeting from a.m.-6 p.m. Everyone is
the church at (810) 724-6207 at 8 p.m. at the Capac invited to come and have
p.m. Please stop by and United Methodist Church, 6:30-7:30 p.m. For more
Council on Aging or visit www.fccuccimlay. learn about your communi- info call 810-667-0999. their blood pressure read
Membership is open to indi- org. Capac, MI. for free.
ty. Society meetings are held
viduals 18 and older. The at the museum on the sec- Grief share. Tuesdays at 1
Capac Senior Center is St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
ond Monday of the month at p.m., Imlay City Sr. Center, Fundraisers
open 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
weekdays. We offer a vari-
‘Food for Families’ kitchen
is open to the public for free, 7 p.m. For more info call Lamb Steele building on Events
hot meals every Monday 810-796-3355. Third St. New series starts Woman’s Life Chapter
ety of activities such as fit- Aug. 6. For info or to regis- 855’s Bottle & Can Drive Come join Families Against
ness and craft classes, a and Wednesday from 4-5:30 The Capac Historical
p.m. ter call Tracy at 810-724- continues all year round. Narcotics for their FAN-
book review group, cards Society is open to visitors 6030 or Ginger at 810-724- Funds support those in need tastic Summer Event on
and bus trips. For info, call This Heart Loves Food daily from 1-3 p.m. and 1-4 5772. as we continue to fight hun- Thurs., June 13 at 7 p.m. in
Lori at 395-7889. Pantry is open the 1st p.m. on Sundays. Call 810- ger and homelessness in our front of the Lapeer Historic
Saturday of each month 395-2859 for more info. Lapeer Area Citizens community. Call 810-392- Courthouse. Free hot dogs,
Almont and Dryden area Against Domestic Assault
senior citizens meet the 2nd from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at The Dryden Historical 5136 for a drop off point, or chips, water and music.
Gateway Assembly Church, meets 1-3 p.m. every pick up service for a large
Tuesday of the month at 12 Society’s depot museum will Wednesday in the Lapeer Zumba Gold. Combines
p.m. at the Almont Lions 2796 S. Van Dyke Rd., Imlay be temporarily closed due to donation. Make a difference
City. Court House for personal today by donating! dance steps with a low
Hall, 222 Water St., for a road and sidewalk construc- protection order clinic. For impact routine. Bring water
potluck and program. Call The Attica United Methodist tion. Watch for info regard- info 810-246-0632. The Imlay City Christian and a face towel. Every
798-8210 for more info. Church will be holding a ing the reopening of the School has discount cards Monday and Wednesday
free community meal on the museum. 10A Friday AFG Family available for sale. Proceeds 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Adults 55 and over are invit- Groups meeting. Imlay City
ed to Berlin Twp. Senior 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each The Imlay City Historical benefit the school’s athletic, Washington Parks and Rec
month from 4:00-6:00 p.m. FOC Lutheran Church, music and PE programs. Center, 57880 Van Dyke,
Center to play cards from Museum is open Saturdays 7191 Imlay City Rd, Imlay
noon-3 p.m. every other For more info please call from 1-4 p.m. for the 2019 For more information call Washington Twp. Fee
810-724-0690 or visit www. City. Contact Ginger Miller Imlay City Christian charged. Call 586-752-6543
Thursday. Bring a sack season. at 810-724-5772 for more
lunch, beverages provided. atticaumc.org. School, Mon.-Fri. 8-4, 810- for info.
Senior chair exercise on
Tuesdays 10-11 a.m. Potluck
The Attica Food Bank at
the Attica United Methodist
Youth Events Romeo Washington Parks
Sculpt, Flex and Stretch.
Beneficial weight training.
luncheons will be served the
4th Tuesday of every month
Church, 27 Elk Lake Rd., is Ready, Set, Go! Workshop. and Rec. One on one grief
counseling provided at both
Craft Shows/Bazaars Every Monday, Wednesday
open from 2-4 p.m. the sec- This is a FREE workshop and Friday. Washington
at noon. For info, call 810- ond and fourth Monday of for 3-5 year olds & parents/ Romeo and Washington Rummage Sales Parks and Rec Center ,
395-4518. the month. Proof of resi- caregivers! Enjoy fun proj- Centers. By appointment 57880 Van Dyke,
only, please call to set up Vendors are being sought
Dinner and card playing, dency and need required. ects that will develop your for the Sacred Heart Washington Twp. Call 586-
child’s skills and prepare your appointment today 752-6543 for times and
50/50 raffle and prizes of The Capac Community 586-752-6543. Free of Columbus Day Craft
high and low for each table them for school! Children Bazaar. Sat., Oct. 12, 9 a.m. prices.
Food Pantry, 112 S. Main charge.
every 3rd Monday at the also enjoy a snack, story - 5 p.m., 700 Maple Vista,
Street, is open each
time, and a free book! Call
Washington Senior Center,
57880 Van Dyke, Washington
Wednesday from 1-3 p.m.
Please call LOVE, INC. at the Family Literacy Center
WOMEN: Lunch-Cards-
Imlay City. For an applica-
tion email jacquemking@ Other
Twp., MI 48094, from 4-8 810-245-2414 in advance to today to reserve your seat at Friendship. Join us every gmail.com.
p.m. For info, call 586-752- 810-664-2737 and for more Free tutor training for peo-
ensure your food voucher 3rd Tuesday of each month Crafters/Vendors Wanted! ple who would like to help
6543. will be received before you info on dates and times. from 11:45 a.m.-4 p.m. at 2019 Fall Craft Show at St. others in our community
Swing Dance Lessons at the stop in to shop. Any ques- Play groups available. Free Cavis Pioneer Restaurant, Nicholas Catholic Church improve English skills.
Port Huron Senior Center, tions, please call Joyce 6 week sessions. At these 5600 Lapeer Rd. in Kimball on Sat., Nov. 16 from 9 a.m. Volunteer basis. Please call
600 Grand Avenue, Port Kaufman at 810-395-7532. FREE 90-minute play- Twp. 48074. No RSVP nec- - 3 p.m. 4331 Capac Rd., for orientation before train-
Huron, every Tues. from groups, children will partici- essary. For more info call Capac Eight foot table at ing at 810-664-2737.
The Capac Kitchen serves Joanne K. at 810-324-2304.
7:30-9 p.m. and the 1st and free meals every Tuesday pate in storytime, develop- $25 each. Call 810-395-7532
3rd Thurs. of the month mentally appropriate games This activity is sponsored by or 810-310-0187 to register. Volunteer for the Habitat
from 4:30-6 p.m. at Zion Widowed Friends, a peer for Humanity of Lapeer
from 7:30-9 p.m. with United Methodist Church. and crafts, learn new skills,
instructors Lyle Malaski & and enjoy a snack and social support group www.wid- County at the office.
Kristina Morton. For info, Free meals for people in time with other children.
Parents will have the chance
Medical Care Interested parties can call
810-664-7111 and speak to
Widowed Friends invites all Carolyn, Cheryl or Pete at
to talk to other adults with widowed to join us for Lapeer County Health 810-660-7823.
same-age children. Register breakfast and friendship in Department, 1800 Imlay
now for the next session! a safe setting every 2nd and City Rd., Lapeer - Regular
Numerous locations and
dates available. For more
4th Monday of the month at
9 a.m. at Sero’s, 925 Gratiot
Immunization Clinic
Hours: (held in 2nd floor
Club News
info and to sign up call the in Marysville. For more clinic area) Walk-In, Veterans of Foreign Wars
Family Literacy Center at info, call Julie at 810-388- Mondays 1-3 p.m.; By (VFW) of Imlay City, Post
810-664-2737. 0868. Appointment Only, 2492, 598 N. Almont Ave.
Wednesdays 8:30 a.m.- (Fairgrounds Rd.) Overseas
Support Groups For those that have experi-
enced the death of a loved
11:30 a.m. and 4-6 p.m.,
Thursdays 1-3:45 p.m.
Veterans Meetings 2nd
Thursday, every other
one, a support group is Hepatitis vaccine is now month, 7 p.m.; Post
Woman’s life Chapter 855 available facilitated by a available. For additional Meetings 1st Thursday
will meet at the Lois Wagner trained United Hospice info, to check if we accept every month, 7 p.m.;
Auxiliary Meetings 1st

c 
Saturday of every month,
10 a.m.
Almont/Dryden Masons
meets 7 p.m. every 2nd
Thursday of the month at
Masonic Center in Almont.

St. Paul’s Holy Redeemer Light of Christ The Imlay City American
Legion Post 135 meets the
Lutheran Church Lutheran Church Community 2nd and last Wednesdays of
4538 Dryden Rd. • Dryden, MI

the month at 7:00 p.m. The
200 North Cedar (M-53) 4411 Newark Road
810-796-3951 post is located at 212 E.
Imlay City, MI Attica, MI 48412 www.lutheransonline.com/holyred 2720 Winslow Road Third Street. Contact them
8:00 am - BIBLE CLASS
810-724-1200 810-724-2702 9:30 am - WORSHIP Imlay City, MI 48444 at 810-724-1450 or ameri-

Worship 8:30 & 11:00 a.m.
email: nlcc@newlifechristian.net 11:00 am - SUNDAY SCHOOL & 1 Mile South of I-69 Overpass canlegionpost135@frontier.
Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
ALL WELCOME!!! Sunday Worship 10:30 am
Pastor Tim Martin Pastor Steven Helms
Pastor Alan Casillas Sunday 10 a.m. Service 19 Christian Preschool Available Phone: 810-724-6999 The Evening Star Quilt
19 19 19
Guild meets the last
Attica U.M.C. Capac Imlay City Almont BLESSED HOPE
Wednesday of each month
27 Elk Lake Road, Attica, MI U.M.C. C.R.C. First Baptist Church BAPTIST CHURCH at the Davison Senior
Center, 10135 Lapeer Rd.
(810) 724-0690 14952 Imlay City Rd., Capac 395 N. Cedar (M-53)
Sunday Worship: 10 a.m Church 810-395-2112 www.imlaycitycrc.org Wayne Boyd, Pastor 1635 Berville Road, Allenton, MI
Phone: (586) 784-5854
in Davison. Meetings start
at 6:30 p.m. and doors open
Attica Food Bank: Sunday School - 9:15 am - All Ages Worship 10:00 a.m. 881 Van Dyke - 810-798-8888 Sunday School - 10:00 am
Serving those in 48412, Sunday Service: 10:30 am Sunday School 11:15 a.m. Sunday Bible Classes: 9:45 am Sunday Worship - 11:00 am at 6 p.m. For more info call
2-4 pm, 2nd & 4th Monday Junior Church and Nursery Available Youth Ministry Worship Services Eve. Service - 6:30 pm Lisa, 810-358-7294.
of the month. Bible Studies Every MOPS Program 10:30 am & 6:00 pm
Bible Study Wednesday 7:00 pm Wed. Service - 6:30 pm
Community Dinner: Monday and Tuesday Evenings Community Men’s & Women’s
Christian School K-12
2nd & 4th Tuesday, 4-6 pm Bible Studies fbc@airadvantage.net
Tuesday Morning Live Webcasting Sunday all worship services A Warm Welcome Awaits You!
Pastor Ron Rouse 9:30 am 11:00 am 810-724-4315 over Sermonaudio.com/fbcalmont
www.atticaumc.org Come as you are - everyone is welcome! Gayle P. Hortop, Pastor
19 19 19
Come Grow With Us! 19 Proclaiming the Sovereign Grace of God 19
Every Sunday The Lapeer
Dryden Imlay City Sacred Heart - Imlay City
St. Nicholas - Capac Goodland GATEWAY ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Center’s Flea Market is
(ELCA) 109 E. Kempf Court • Capac, MI open 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. with up
Pastor: Rev. Noel Cornelio
Saturday Mass (810) 395-7557 to 75 booths inside and out-
Corner of 4th St. & Almont Ave. 4:00 pm - St. Nicholas • 6:00 pm - Sacred Heart
5394 Main Street - Dryden
Church 2796 S. Van Dyke Road - Imlay City  side selling a huge variety of
(Across from the Library) Sunday Masses
9:00 am - Sacred Heart • 11:00 am - St. Nicholas
6:00 pm (Spanish) - Scared Heart Morning Worship - 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday items to the public. The
Like Us On 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
10:30 a.m. Worship
2008 N. Van Dyke Evening Service - 5:00 p.m. Lapeer Center Building is
Pastor Patricia Hoppenworth Tuesday at St. Nicholas at 8:30 am
Wednesday at Sacred Heart at 10 am  at 425 County Center
Nursery Available
First Thursdays at St. Nicholas at 7 pm Imlay City, MI 48444 Wednesday Family Night - 6:30 p.m.
Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Jr. Church for K-5th grade Sunday 10:00 a.m. Street. This long-running
Youth Group 6th-12th grade
First Fridays at Sacred Heart at 7 pm Supervised child care during all services
Worship Service - 11:00 a.m. 5pm-6:30pm Sundays
First Saturdays at Sacred Heart at 8 am
Confessions 810.724.1747 Sunday School community event is spon-
Phone: 810-724-8110 9:00 a.m. September thru May sored by The Lapeer Center,
Worship Service: 10:00 am19
Saturdays 3 pm St. Nicholas • 5:30 pm Sacred Heart
EVERYONE WELCOME! Rev. Dr. Marcel Allen Lamb
First Saturdays at 7:30 am at Sacred Heart Pastor Jeffrey S. Krist Staffed Nursery During Worship
19 810-724-0687 19 Sundays at 5:30 pm before the Spanish Mass 19 19 19 a 501(c)3 non-profit organi-
zation for over 60 years.
West Berlin Imlay City Family of First Congregational Church For information on space
Church of Christ Christ United Church of Christ
U.M.C. 670 N. Van Dyke
Lutheran Church - 201 E. St. Clair, Almont, MI
rentals, call 810-347-7915.
Low rental prices on inside
Imlay City, MI 48444 275 Bancroft - Imlay City
905 Holmes Rd. - Allenton, MI Sunday Service Missouri Synod 810-798-8855 and outside space. There is
Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service no admission charge. For
Corner of Almont Road Bible Study (all ages) 10:00am 7191 Imlay City Road, Imlay City
at 10:15 a.m. general information on the
Morning Worship 11:00am Bible Study - 9:00 am 810-724-6207
810-395-2409 1st Sunday of the
Month Evening Service 2:30pm
Worship Time - 10:30 am fccic@5thandbancroft.com Nursery available and Jr. Church
for ages 3 thru 5th grade
Flea Market, Lapeer Center
Children’s Church - 10:30 am Facebook: @FirstCongregationalUCC.ImlayCity room rentals and catering,
Worship Service - 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Classes (all ages) 7:00pm Contemporary Service - Wednesdays 7:00 pm www.fccuccimlay.org Jr./Sr. High Youth Group ~ Sunday’s 6-8pm
810-724-3306 SALT Program ~ Tues. & Thurs. 4-5:30pm call 810-664-2109, email
Rev. Curtis Clarke COME WORSHIP WITH US!
Phone 810-724-2620 “No matter who you are or where you are Pre-School - 5th grade lapeercenter@gmail.com or
lutheranfamilyofchrist.org on life’s journey, you are welcome here!” Pastor William King
19 John Barker, Minister 19 19 19 19 see www.LapeerCenter.org.
Page 13-TRI-CITY TIMES-JUNE 5, 2019

Lots for kids to do at Busker Fest

Reptile Zoo, inflatables, ‘Color Box,’ chalk drawing, Legos & more
By Maria Brown All ages will settle in for
mbrown@pageone-inc.com the Busker Fest Parade at 5
p.m. and families can plan
IMLAY CITY — to stick around for more
Organizers have devoted a fun.
large portion of the 2019 Join staff from the Ruth
Michigan Busker Fest Hughes Memorial District
schedule to kid-centric Library at the Farmers
activities. Over the two-day Market area starting at 6:30

File photo
event, youngsters and their p.m. on Saturday for fun
families will find a variety games and much more.
of things to see, explore Ruth Hughes Director Borland Principal Megan Cottone prepares to
and create. Tracy Aldrich said they’ll be “pied” during the 2017 Blueberry Festival
The fun kicks off at 4 offer a variety of carnival- when the Celebrity Pie in the Face event
p.m. on Friday, June 14, type contests and youth ser- debuted.

Website photo
when Muxlow Exotics vices coordinator Miss
opens their Mobile Reptile Mandy will be there to games would be a fun thing of Studio M Salon and Spa.
Zoo to the public in the greet her many fans. to do,” Aldrich said. At 7:45 p.m. it’s time to
Lamb Steele Park. Take a unicorn ride on Saturday when “We are happy to sup- At 7 p.m. teens are pucker up for the Vlasic
“Our Mobile Reptile Chamberlin Ponies brings their magical ani- port the Busker Fest and we invited to learn some fun Pickle Eating Contest at the
Zoo contains twenty-six mal to the Busker Fest. thought having carnival hair art projects, courtesy Farmers Market area.
exhibits that house a wide
variety of reptile and animal companion and take Imlay City Police Chief
amphibian species. As you part in the Pet Parade. Scott Pike, County
walk through, you’ll be Registration begins at 5:45 Commissioner Ian Kempf
inches away from alliga- p.m. in front of city hall and and local business owners
tors, pythons and tortoises the parade begins at 6:30 Rob Mette and Doug
- more than you’ll see in a p.m. Halabicky.
typical zoo! Each exhibit Later that night, speedy Work up an appetite
features an educational fact eaters will go head-to-head and arrive hungry for the
card for the animal it hous- at the Little Caesar’s Pizza Eating Contest at 2
es, and Muxlow Exotics Breadstick Eating Contest p.m. in the Farmers Market
staff will always be on hand at 7:30 p.m., following by area, made possible by Big
to answer any question that the Vlasic Pickle Eating Joe’s.
comes up,” owner Tim Contest at 7:45 p.m. “Our Lego Contest is
Muxlow states on his web- Saturday’s lineup returning this year. It will
site. includes even more activi- take place at 2:30 p.m. on
“The twenty foot-long ties and contests. Saturday. Kids are asked to
walkway is filled with Things kick off at 10 bring their own Legos, but
locked and lighted enclo- a.m. with a talent show, no kits are allowed,” Hill
sures to ensure the safety of Tomorrow’s Busker. Kids said.
both animals and people.” as young as nine-years-old Get some great tips
Organizer Jen Hill said are invited to participate. from members of the Imlay
admission to the mobile The Color Box reopens City High School Dance
zoo is $1 per person. on Saturday at 10 a.m. and Team at a Hula Hoop
“Tim will also have a visitors will have until 9 Workshop at 2:45 p.m. that
spot for his tortoises and p.m. that night to do some afternoon and then put
he’ll offer photos with them coloring. Get more bounc- those new found skills to
for a fee,” she added. ing in at the inflatables on the test at a Hula Hoop
Bounce the day away Saturday, also from 10 a.m. Contest at 3 p.m.
on inflatables in the Water to 9 p.m. The Craft Workshop
Tower Area on Friday from Muxlow Exotics’ dis- also returns on Saturday at
4-9 p.m. plays will be open Saturday 3:30 p.m.

Photos by Tom Wearing

And they’re off!

Participants in Saturday’s (June 1) 2019 ‘Polly Ann Trail Run/Walk’
kick off from the starting point at Imlay City High School, heading
west toward the finish line at Dryden Park. Money raised from the
event goes toward continued maintenance and improvements along
the trail. Pictured above are participants Jenny Gierman (Dryden),
Donna Mrozek (Sandusky) and Sarah Mickowski (New Baltimore). At
right, Friends of the Polly Ann Chairman David Howell explains the
Website photo

rules and conditions of the 6.2-mile section of the trail to the 50-plus
participants in the 13th annual Polly Ann Trail fundraiser. This year’s
male winner was Brandon Pries, 19, of Lapeer with a time of 45:33. He
A Mobile Reptile Zoo, provided by Muxlow Exotics, can be toured for a has now won the past three events. The female winner was Jennifer
small fee on both Friday and Saturday. Schoenherr, 46, of Imlay City, whose time was 54:53.

Also opening at 4 p.m. from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. and

on Friday is the Color Box. they’ll be joined by more
Your Hometown
Step inside this specially- four-legged creatures when
crafted box lined with fun Chamberlin Ponies and
designs, just like a giant Mobile Petting Zoo arrives
coloring book. This new, at 11 a.m.
free event is made possible “Kids can ride a pony, a
by Imlay City Florist. Clydesdale horse or a pony
The crowd favorite that’s been magically trans-
Chalk Drawing contest is formed into a unicorn,” Hill
slated for 5 p.m. near city said.
hall on Main Street.
Also at 5 p.m. on
Rides are $5 each. For a
fee, kids can purchase a Life • Home • Car • Business
Friday, find Oopsy Daisy cone to feed animals in the
the clown making balloon petting zoo too.
animals at the Lamb Steele First introduced at the
Park gazebo. She’ll be there 2017 Blueberry Festival, Churchill Insurance Agency
until 7 p.m. and then return Celebrity Pie in the Face
on Saturday for more bal- will make its Busker Fest
loon magic from 2-5 p.m. debut on Saturday at 1:30
Head to the Farmers
Market area at 5:30 p.m.
p.m. Crowds will assemble
near the Info Booth on Bus: 810-724-6218 Fax: 810-724-3418
that night for a Craft Third Street to watch as 243 East Third Street • Imlay City, Michigan 48444
Workshop event. local dignitaries get a pie in
“Kids will have the the face from paying par-

opportunity to create some- ticipants. Those dignitaries
thing fun and unique for a slated to participate include

Father’s Day gift,” Hill Weston Elementary
said. Principal Devon Caudill, Golf & RV Resort
Youngsters are encour- Borland Elementary
aged to grab their favorite Principal Megan Cottone, NOW OPEN BAR & GRILL ~ NEW MENU ITEMS

Spring Rates 3461 Burnside Rd.

Pool hosts swim races North Branch,MI
Leagues Now 810-688-3235
IMLAY CITY — Once again, the Alvin Norlin
Pool will host swim races during the Michigan Busker Forming www.washakiegolfrv.com
The contests start Saturday morning, June 15, at
10 a.m. • LUNCH •
Races are categorized by age, starting with 13-14
year-olds. A new contest follows each half hour after • DINNER •
that—10:30 a.m. for 11-12 year-olds, 11 a.m. for 9 • GROCERY•
and 10-year-olds, 11:30 for 7 and 8-year-olds and
noon for 5-6 year-olds. Prizes and ribbons will be
handed out to contestants, said pool director Jeannette
Farley. Open: Tues-Thurs 10am-7pm
Swimmers are asked to register for the races that Fri & Sat 10am-8pm
morning. For more information, contact the pool at Sun 9am-3pm
810-724-7665. (Order 15 minutes prior to close for Take-Out)
Page 14-TRI-CITY TIMES-JUNE 5, 2019

Brown City Days Festival is this weekend Talk to us!

TRI-CITY AREA — Thursday. Tri-County Burnout,” organizer Jamie Later that night, fire- Annual Wings Over the — Have a story idea,
Four days of early summer Bank serves a free lunch Bird said. works will up the sky. Park event featuring news tip or opinion?
fun can be found at the on Friday and the Rotary Saturday’s Grand Tickets are on sale now remote control planes, Our readers are the
Brown City Days Festival, Club’s Chicken Dinner is Parade travels through for Sunday’s (June 9) helicopters, drones and fuel that keeps us going
starting tomorrow, June 6 slated for that evening downtown starting at 1 Battle of the Bulls Rodeo boats. from week to week.
through Sunday, June 9. from 4-7 p.m. p.m. at the Brown City Guests can test their Share your thoughts
The schedule includes See the Burnout “At 2 p.m., we’ll have Community Park. The fun skills or just watch the and concerns by writing
live entertainment, good Contest on Friday at 6 p.m. a Cornhole Tournament on starts at 3 p.m., rain or activity up in the sky. to the editor, P.O. Box
food, kids events and much on Corn Street. Main Street and we’re still shine. For more information, 278, Imlay City, MI
more. “We always have a lot looking for teams,” Bird Also happening at the find ‘Brown City Days 48444, or email to tct@
The carnival opens on of people turn out for our said. park on Sunday is the 4th Festival’ on Facebook. pageone-inc.com.

~ Michelle Bruce, 65 ~ ~ Evelyn Czuchra, 89 ~
Michelle Bruce, age by her mother, Mary her sister-in-law, Donna Evelyn Czuchra, age
65, of Attica, MI died Bruce; one sister, Jan Bruce. 89, recently of Romeo,
Wednesday, May 29, 2019 (Doug) Thompson of The funeral was held and formerly of Imlay
at home. Michelle Imlay City, MI; four Saturday, June 1, 2019 at City, MI died Friday, May
Elizabeth Bruce was born brothers, Roger Bruce of Faith Christian Family 31, 2019 at Wellbridge of
December 9, 1953 in Gaylord, MI, James Bruce Church, 3440 Davison Romeo. Evelyn Grace
Pontiac, MI. She was the of Imlay City, MI, Road, Lapeer, MI. Pastor Blue was born June 11,
daughter of Mary William Bruce of Grand Jeff Wells officiated. 1929 in Detroit, MI. She
(Dumont) Bruce the late Blanc, MI and John Funeral arrangements was the daughter of the
Roger Bruce. Michelle (Gayle) Bruce of Keaau, were made by Muir late Elmer and the late
grew up in Imlay City, Hawaii; her sister-in-law, Brothers Funeral Home, Verna (Kaszcienski) Blue.
MI. She attended Lapeer Mindy Bruce of Imlay 225 N. Main Street, Imlay She grew up in Detroit
Community Schools. City, MI; and several niec- City, MI. and was a graduate of
Michelle worked as a gen- es and nephews. Please be sure to sign South Eastern High
eral laborer for Lapeer Michelle loved to sing, She was preceded in our online register at School in Detroit, MI. Imlay City, MI; and a for-
Growth and Opportunity. especially Christmas death by her father, Roger muirbrothersfh.com to Evelyn was a secre- mer daughter-in-law,
She attended Sacred songs! Bruce; brother, share condolences and tary at an insurance com- Teresa (Frank) Wood of
Heart Catholic Church. Michelle is survived Christopher Bruce; and memories. pany for several years; Imlay City, MI. Also sur-
was a para-pro in the viving are four grandchil-
English Department at dren, Chris (Kristen)

Legal Announcements
Flat Rock High School Czuchra, Nikki DeMeyers,
for 10 years. She married Maureen Hallead, Erica
Tadeusz “Ted” Czuchra Britt; and two great-
on January 27, 1951 in grandchildren, Adeline
Detroit, MI. She was pre- and Annalise. Evelyn was
ceded in death by her hus- preceded in death by her
band, Tadeusz “Ted” husband, Ted; and by her
The Last Will and Testament of
confirmation of the special assess-
ment roll, if the special assessment
Commission will hold a public hear-
ing on Wednesday, June 26, 2019, Czuchra on April 23, son, Michael.
COMMUNITY Wilbur Drinkhorn has been admitted was protested at this hearing held for 7:00 p.m. at the American Legion, 115 2004. Evelyn and Ted The funeral services
SCHOOLS to probate and the decedent was the
father of a child whose name may be
the purpose of confirming the roll.
This notice is posted in compli-
North Main Street, Capac, MI, 48014,
for the purposes of hearing comments
lived in the Detroit and were held on Monday,
NOTICE OF PUBLIC Flat Rock areas for 22 June 3, 2019 at Muir
Kathy Drinkhorn or Kathy Gabriel ance with PA 267 of 1976 as amended regarding a proposed amendment to
HEARING whose address is unknown. Notice is (Open Meetings Act), MCL 41.72 (2) the Village’s zoning map. Homeland years before moving to Brothers Funeral Home
given that she may be entitled to some (3) and the Americans with Disabilities Development, LLC has requested that Imlay City where they Of Imlay City, 225 N.
portion of the estate and that she must Act (ADA). parcel 74-40-945-0001-000 be
file an appearance with the Probate The Almont Township Board rezoned from Industrial to
lived for more than 35 Main Street, Imlay City,
Court for the County of Lapeer or take will provide necessary reasonable Commercial. This parcel is located on years. She was a past MI. Burial followed in
2019-2020 TO ALL
such other action as may be permitted auxiliary aids and services, such as a the west side of South Main between member of Sacred Heart Mt. Calvary Catholic
by law on or before July 1, 2019. signer for the hearing impaired and Railroad and Orchard Streets. Catholic Church in Imlay Cemetery, Imlay City.
Failure to so do will result in her audio tapes of printed materials being At this time, all interested parties
being barred from any distribution considered at the meeting to individu- will be heard on the adoption of the City and Gateway Please be sure to sign
from said estate. als with disabilities upon 5 working proposed rezoning. A copy of the Assembly of God in our online register book at
the Board of Education of the Almont
John Lengemann days notice to the Township Board by proposed rezoning and zoning map is Imlay City. muirbrothers.com to share
P16553 writing or calling; Carol Hoffner, available at the Village office, 131 She is survived by one your memories and con-
Community School District, counties
202 E. 3rd Street Almont Township Clerk, 819 N. Main North Main Street, Capac, MI, 48014.
of Lapeer, Macomb, Oakland and St.
Imlay City, Michigan 48444 St., Almont, Michigan, 48003, Written comments on the son, Robert Czuchra of dolences.
Clair, Michigan, will hold a public
810-724-2565 (810)798-8521. amendment will be received at the
hearing on Monday, the twenty-fourth
~ Martha Reed, 75 ~
Angela R. Delor Carol Hoffner Village office at the above address up
(24th) day of June, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.,
3709 Main Drive Almont Township Clerk to and including the day of the public
in the Media Center of Almont High
Dryden, MI 48428 23-1 hearing. Individuals with disabilities
School, Almont, MI to consider the
approval and adoption of the operat-
21-4 requiring auxiliary aids or services Martha Reed, age 75, daughters, Peggy (Joe)
ing budget of the Almont Community TOWNSHIP who are planning to attend the public
hearing should notify the Village at
of Lapeer, MI died Ward of Imlay City, MI
School District for the fiscal year
TOWNSHIP OF MUSSEY (810) 395-4355 at least two days in Thursday, May 23, 2019 at and Patty (Greg) Walz of
The Board may not adopt its OF ALMONT NOTICE OF PUBLIC advance of the public hearing. McLaren Lapeer Region Jacksonville, FL; three
proposed 2019/2020 budget until after NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Sandra Cox Hospital. Martha Jo Hall sons, Rock Kuhn of Imlay
a public hearing. Copies of the pro- HEARING FOR THE PROPOSED SPECIAL Chair
was born September 25, City, MI, Russell
LAND USE Village of Capac Planning
posed budget, including the proposed BUDGET Commission 1943 in Guthrie, OK. She (Bridgette) Kuhn of
Please take notice that the
property tax millage rate, will be on AND SPECIAL 23-1 grew up and graduated Waterford, MI and Robert
file at the Superintendent's office, Mussey Township Planning
ASSESSMENT Commission will hold a public hear- school in Oklahoma. Griffin of Detroit, MI; and
4701 Howland Rd., for inspection on
June 21st, 2019 during regular busi-
The Almont Township Board
will hold a public hearing on the pro-
ing Tuesday, June 25, 2019 at 7:00 at VILLAGE OF Martha was the daughter one brother, Jim Hall.
ness hours. At the public hearing all
citizens, taxpayers, and property own-
posed Township budget for the fiscal
the Mussey Township Hall located at
135 N. Main Street Capac, MI 48014. CAPAC of the late Carl and the late Martha was preceded
ers of the Almont Community School
year 2019-2020 at the Almont The purpose of the hearing is to PUBLIC NOTICE - Margaret Hall. She mar- in death by her son,
District, shall be afforded an opportu-
Municipal Building, 819 N. Main St., receive comment from residents, ZONING BOARD OF ried Norman Leroy Kuhn. Richard Kuhn.
Almont, MI. on June 10, 2019 at 7:00 APPEALS
property owners, and the general pub-
nity to be heard in regard to the p.m. or as soon as thereafter it may be lic regarding approval of a special REQUEST FOR Martha was preceded in Cremation has taken
approval of the plan amendments.
The property tax millage rate pro-
heard. land use permit for Outdoor Storage at VARIANCE death by her husband place. A memorial has not
posed to be levied to support the *The property tax millage the following address: Notice is hereby given that the in1968. been planned at this time.
proposed budget will be a subject of rate proposed to be levied Applicant: Miller Broach Zoning Board of Appeals for the She was mostly a Arrangements were
this hearing. to support the proposed Location: 14510 Bryce Road, Village of Capac will hold a public
homemaker. Martha had made by Muir Brothers
Capac, MI 48014
This notice is given by order of budget will be a subject of Legal Description: BEG S 89D
hearing on Wednesday, June 26, 2019,
worked as a grocery store Funeral Home, 225 N.
the Board of Education of the Almont at 6:30 p.m., at the American Legion,
community School District, Counties
this hearing. 36M 6S E 12’ & N 1169.84’, FROM 115 North Main Street, Capac, MI, clerk for a period of time. Main Street, Imlay City,
A copy of the budget is available SW SEC COR, TH N 698.5’, TH S
of Lapeer, Macomb, Oakland, and St.
for public inspection at the Township 89D 21M 17S E 459’, TH S 698.5’,
48014, Martha enjoyed quilt- MI. Please be sure to sign
Clair, Michigan. The purpose of the public hear-
John Miles, Secretary
Offices. TH N 89D 21M 17S W 459’ TO BEG ing will be to consider the application ing, sewing and crochet- our online register at muir-
Almont Board of Education
The Almont Township Board SECTION 23 T7N R13E 7.36 A by Homeland Development, LLC ing. brothersfh.com to share
shall, at the same time and place, hold
a hearing on the estimated costs and
Complete information concern- (Dollar General) for the following She is survived by two condolences.
ing this case may be examined or variance request for a parcel of prop-
expenses of police protection and on obtained at the Mussey Township erty on the west side of S. Main
STATE OF the distribution of the levy for the
~ William “Willie”
Office at 135 N. Main Street during between Railroad and Orchard Streets
MICHIGAN 2019-2020 fiscal year.
Appearance and protest at the
regularly posted office hours. (parcel 74-40-945-0001-000). The
PROBATE COURT Comments regarding the proposed applicant is requesting a reduction in
hearing is required in order to appeal
the amount of the special assessment
special land use will be received at the
Public Hearing and may also be made
the required number of parking spac-
es, which is variance from Section
Spencer, 78 ~
LAPEER to the Michigan Tax Tribunal.
Appearance and protest may be made
in writing to the Mussey Township 30-497, Table of Parking
William “Willie” Richard Spencer of
PUBLICATION OF NOTICE Planning Commission at P.O. Box Requirements.
File No.: 19-039321 DE
by an owner or party in interest, or his 118, Capac, MI 48014. Written com- Comments may be submitted in Spencer, age 78, of Imlay Arizona; two nephews,
or her agent, by appearing in person at
In the matter of Wilbur
the hearing to protest the special
ments will be received until the close writing or in person to the Village City, MI died Saturday, Ken Walker and Bernard
Drinkhorn of business June 24, 2019. Clerk at 131 North Main Street, May 25, 2019 at his home. Spencer, Jr.; five nieces,
assessment or by filing his or her pro- Debra L. Hlubic
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Capac, MI, 48014. Individuals with
Kathy Drinkhorn a/k/a Kathy
test by letter in which case personal Township Bldg. & Zoning Adm. disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or William Francis Spencer Marie Riley, Lori Walker,
Gabriel whose address(es) are
appearance shall not be required. 23-1 services should contact the Village was born February 6, 1941 Jill Stroman, Terri Spencer
You may file a written appeal of the
unknown and whose interest in the
special assessment with the State Tax
Clerk in writing to Village Clerk, 131 in Goodland Twp., MI. He and Barbara Spencer; and
matter may be barred or affected by
Tribunal within thirty (30) days after VILLAGE OF North Main Street, Capac, MI, 48014,
or by calling (810) 395-4355. This
was the son of the late several great-nieces and
the following:
CAPAC meeting is open to all members of the William Sr. and the late great-nephews.
NOTICE OF Mary (Hamlin) Spencer. Willie was preceded in
public under Michigan’s Open
PUBLIC HEARING Meetings Act. Willie lived his entire life death by his parents,

The Village of Capac Planning in Imlay City. He was a William and Mary
graduate of Imlay City Spencer.
DUMPSTER DAY CITY OF High School, Class of
The family is not plan-
ning a funeral at this time.
11100 DUNNIGAN RD. (M-21) IMLAY CITY He was a self-
employed dairy and cattle
Arrangements were
made by Muir Brothers
EMMETT, MI. PUBLIC NOTICE farmer. Funeral Home, 225 N.
SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 2019 Willie was a member Main Street, Imlay City,
REZONING REQUEST of the Imlay City Eagles. MI.
7:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.
Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission will hold a pub- He is survived by his Please be sure to sign
LARGE ITEMS YOU NEED TO UNLOAD YOURSELF lic hearing on the 25th day of June 2019 at 7:00 p.m., at City Hall, located sister, Yvonne Walker of our online register at muir-
at 150 N. Main Street, Imlay City, MI. Imlay City, MI; two broth- brothersfh.com to share
WILL ACCEPT TIRES: $3.00 FOR CAR or LIGHT TRUCK The purpose of the public hearing will be to consider a rezoning re-
$7.00 SEMI-TRUCK TIRES - $1.25 PER INCH for TRACTOR TIRES quest application by Indigo Lavender Farms to rezone property at 613 N.
ers, Bernard Spencer of condolences and memo-
TWO (2) CAR OR SMALL TRUCK TIRES FROM EACH Cedar Street otherwise known as Parcel I20-27-609-040-00 from RM-1 Brown City, MI and ries.
EMMETT TOWNSHIP HOUSEHOLD WITH ID WILL BE FREE (Multiple Family Residential to B-3 (General Business).

To share one of these obituaries with a friend

Comments may be submitted in writing or in person. Persons with
$15.00 charge for Non-tagged Freon Items disabilities needing accommodations for effective participation should
TOXIC SUBSTANCES NOT ACCEPTED contact the City Clerk a week in advance of the meeting to request mobil-

or a loved one VISIT US ONLINE AT:

PLEASE SEPARATE METAL ity, visual, hearing or other assistance.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL: 810-384-8070 Ext# 21 22-2

CALL 810-724-2615 to publish your legal

announcement or email: tct@pageone-inc.com www.tricitytimes-online.com
Page 15-TRI-CITY TIMES-JUNE 5, 2019

Veterans health care changes are coming

Free meeting on ‘Mission Act’ is June 10 at noon if they lived 40 miles away
from the closest VA medi-
“Veterans and their fami-
lies, and I have questions
By Tom Wearing downtown Lapeer because Ronders said the meeting is cal facility or had been on how the Mission act will Mitchell’s office are also
twearing@pageone-inc.com of the infiltration of gaso- open to veterans and their waiting for 30 days or lon- work. expected to attend.
line into the sewer system. families and caregivers and ger for VA care. “It’s critical that our Ronders said registra-
LAPEER COUNTY The Maintaining community health care pro- Under the new pro- veterans and community tion is a must for the June
— The Lunch and Learn Internal Systems and viders. gram, wait-times are health care providers get 10 session.
Workshop featuring a pre- Strengthening Integrated “The Mission Act reduced to 20 days for pri- accurate information.” There is no charge for
sentation about the VA’s Outside Networks (Mission replaces the VA Choice Act mary, mental health and Michelle Sorie, Chief the Lunch and Learn work-
“Mission Act” has been Act) will streamline veter- of 2014,” said Ronders. non-institutional care or if of Community Care Service shop, but registration is
rescheduled to Monday, ans’ access to non-VA com- “That program was the veteran faces a 30-min- from the Saginaw VAMC mandatory as lunch will be
June 10 from noon - 2 p.m. munity care when clinically launched in 2014 in ute drive to a VA facility. will be present to to explain provided. To reserve a spot
at the Lapeer County appropriate, create a VA response to 40 veterans For specialty care, those the new program in detail. send an email to veteransaf-
Courthouse, 235 W. benefit of commercial who died waiting for care standards are 28 days Representatives from fairs@lapeercounty.org or
Nepessing St. urgent care clinics and at the Phoenix VA Medical waiting or 60 minute drive U.S. Senator Debbie call 810-667-0256.
The workshop had to expand eligibility for veter- Center.” time.
be postponed Wednesday, ans’ family caregivers. The former “Choice “These are sweeping
May 29, when authorities
ordered an evacuation of
Lapeer County VA
Director Edward L.
Act” allowed veterans to
visit a community provider
changes for veterans’ health
care,” Ronders said.
Dryden businesses
host ‘Visit the Village’
Call for actors for ‘Chillers’ musical DRYDEN — Local businesses will host a special
‘Visit the Village’ event on Friday June 7 from 4-6
LAPEER — Calling Theatre’s (LCT) first pro- The children’s parts are directed by Sally W. Residents and shoppers who head downtown that
all actors! Auditions will be duction of the 2019-20 sea- large and both sing solos. Eilersen. LCT also wel-
held for ‘Michigan Chillers, son. Adults may audition for comes volunteers who want day can discover special discounts, refreshments and
the Musical!’ at the PIX ‘Michigan Chillers, the solo or chorus parts. to be involved offstage. raffles. Local businesses have been affected by an
Theater from 2-5 p.m. on Musical!’ is an original Auditioners should be pre- A copy of the script ongoing infrastructure project in the village.
Sunday, June 9 and from musical written by Sally pared to sing a song that will be available to read at Visit the Village is sponsored by the Dryden Bar,
6-9 p.m. on Monday, June and Chris Eilersen, based shows vocal range and abil- the Marguerite de Angeli Crafty Vine, Dryden Library, Veda’s Uniques, Dryden
10. on the books by Johnathan ity. All auditioners will be branch of the Lapeer Public Coney, Oxford Bank and Masters Automotive.
The PIX is located at Rand. It was first performed taught a simple dance and Library.
172 W. Nepessing in down- six years ago by LCT. will read scenes from the Lapeer Community
town Lapeer. Roles are available for musical. All characters sing Theatre is a non profit,
The original family
musical will be performed
in September at the PIX as
men and women, age teen
to adult. There are two roles
for children—a boy, age
and some dance. The num-
ber of chorus members will
be determined by audi-
501(c)3 organization. For
more information, visit
Lapeer Community Theatre
Rural Lifestyles
Lapeer Community 10-12 and a girl, age 12-14. tions. The show will be on Facebook.

Dispatch log...
Editor’s note: The fol- block Weston St.) •Multiple traffic stops •family trouble in the
lowing is a compilation of •16:08 Private Property were made throughout the 7000 block of Bohms Rd. in
activity and reports from Damage Accident (1700 day. Goodland Twp.
area police departments: block S. Cedar St.) •911 hang up call in the
•18:01 Family Dispute In Lapeer County: 2000 block of Coachwood
In Imlay City (200 block E. Third St.) Complaints handled by Dr. in Arcadia Twp.
May 24 •19:38 Medical Assist the Lapeer County Sheriff’s •road hazard in the 5000
•09:33 Malicious (600 block Maple Vista St.) Department, in addition to block of Lum Rd. in Arcadia
Destruction of Property •Multiple Traffic Stops traffic stops: Twp.
(1800 block S. Cedar St.) throughout the day May 28 •welfare check in the
•17:13 Welfare Check May 29 •suspicious circum- 4000 block of Sutton Rd. in
(1800 block S. Cedar St.) •13:59 Suspicious stances at the Attica Attica Twp.
•20:03 Juvenile Persons (E. Imlay City Rd./ Cemetery in Attica Twp. June 1
Complaint (2000 block S. Bancroft St.) •property damage traf- •welfare check at Attica
Almont Ave.) •14:13-14:42 Monitor fic crash at Imlay City and Rd and Curella Dr. in Attica
•Multiple traffic stops Traffic (High School) Elk Lake roads in Attica Twp.

Photo provided
were made throughout the •21:24 Suspicious Twp. •peace officer duties in
day. Circumstance (400 block S. •animal complaint in the 7000 block of Bohms
May 25 Blacks Corners Rd.) the 3000 block of N. Van Rd. in Goodland Twp.
•03:00 Alarm (600 •Multiple Traffic Stops Dyke Rd. in Goodland Twp. •animal complaint at Fishing is free the weekend of June 8-9, as
block N. Cedar St.) throughout the day •animal complaint in Dryden and Hosner roads in Michigan celebrates the summer Free Fishing
•11:18 Personal Injury May 30 the 3000 block of Thornville Dryden Twp. Weekend with no fishing license required.
Accident (N. Cedar St./E. •13:30 Citizen Assist Rd. in Dryden Twp. •vehicle off the road-
Capac Rd.)
•16:33 Welfare Check
(E. Capac Rd./Bancroft St.)
(300 block E. Third St.)
•13:51 Assist Sanilac
County Sheriff’s Office
•peace officer duties in way in the 6000 block of
the 6000 block of Bowers Armstrong Rd. in Goodland
Rd. in Goodland Twp. Twp.
Head outdoors for
•19:29 Assist Almont
PD (N. Fairgrounds Rd./
Weyer Rd.)
with Traffic Stop (S. Cedar
St./E. Second St.)
•15:23 Citizen Assist
May 30 •assist other
•animal complaint in enforcement at westbound
the 4000 block of Lakeview I-69 and Graham Rd. in
Three Free weekend
•21:36 Suspicious (300 block E. Third St.) Dr. in Attica Twp. Imlay Twp. TRI-CITY AREA — enjoy Free Fishing
Person (600 block •22:23 Suspicious •property damage traf- •alarms in the 1000 Looking for a great reason Weekends and fish without
Cambridge Ln.) Vehicle (1000 block Norlin fic crash at eastbound I-69 block of N. Van Dyke Rd. to get outdoors? How about a license, though all other
•22:26 Suspicious Dr.) and S. Van Dyke Rd. in in Goodland Twp. three. The Michigan fishing regulations do
Person (600 block •Multiple Traffic Stops Imlay Twp. •alarms in the 4000 Department of Natural apply. To get more details
Cambridge Ln.) throughout the day •assist other law block of Peppermill Rd. in Resources has brought or find a local event, visit
•Multiple traffic stops May 31 enforcement at N. Van Dyke Attica Twp. back the popular “Three Michigan.gov/FreeFishing.
were made throughout the •05:17 Citizen Assist and Shaw roads in Goodland •property damage traf- Free” weekend - this year •Free state park entry.
day. (300 block E. Third St.) Twp. fic crash in the 2000 block it’s Saturday and Sunday, To encourage people to
May 26 •16:29 Abandoned Auto •road hazard at Imlay of Lake Pleasant Rd. in June 8 and 9 - two full days pursue free fishing and
•01:26 Suspicious (200 block S. Cedar St.) City and Blacks Corners Attica Twp. when residents and out-of- other outdoor fun within
Vehicle (500 block N. Cedar •19:37 Private Property roads in Imlay Twp. •road hazard at Havens state visitors can grab a state parks, the DNR
St.) Damage Accident (S. •animal complaint in and Dryden roads in Dryden fishing pole, ride the off- waives the regular
•01:46 Domestic Blacks Corner Rd./Norlin the 200 block of Engle St. Twp. road trails and visit state Recreation Passport entry
Violence (400 block Main Dr.) in Imlay City •road hazard at N. Main parks, all free of charge. fee that grants vehicle
St.) •Multiple traffic stops •property damage traf- and Sullivan streets in “Michigan is home to access to Michigan’s 103
•07:55 Road Hazard (E. were made throughout the fic crash in the 1000 block Almont some of the best outdoor state parks. Add state park
Sixth St./N. Almont Ave.) day. of Lake Pleasant Rd. in •hit and run citation at recreation opportunities stops to your itinerary and
•12:53 Animal Problem June 1 Attica Twp. Bowers and N. Van Dyke and most beautiful natural enjoy special programming
(S. Cedar St./Engle St.) •19:03 Suspicious •peace officer duties in roads in Imlay Twp. spaces you’ll find any- and events during this state
•18:46 Citizen Assist Person (Blacks Corners the 6000 block of Reside •civil matter in the 7000 where,” said DNR Director parks centennial year.
(600 block Maple Vista St.) Rd./Attica Rd.) Rd. in Goodland Twp. block of Bohms Rd. in Dan Eichinger. Learn more about the pass-
•Multiple traffic stops •19:11 Animal Problem •animal complaint at Goodland Twp. “Whether you’re port at Michigan.gov/
were made throughout the (300 block W. Second St.) Imlay City and Five Lakes •alarms in the 300 block already an avid outdoors- RecreationPassport.
day. •21:16 Malicious roads in Attica Twp. of Graham Rd. in Imlay person or someone just •Riding ORV trails for
May 27 Destruction of Property •assist motorist in the Twp. beginning to explore the free. During two Free ORV
•13:37 Threats (400 (1000 block Norlin Dr.) 2000 block of N. Van Dyke June 2 outdoors, our ‘Three Free’ Weekends each year (the
block Bancroft St.) •Multiple traffic stops Rd. in Goodland Twp. •welfare check at weekend makes it easy to second one this year is set
•Multiple traffic stops were made throughout the May 31 Bowers and Lake Pleasant explore a new hobby, visit for Aug. 17-18), Michigan
were made throughout the day. •property damage traf- roads in Attica Twp. a new park or introduce residents and nonresidents
day. June 2 fic crash at Attica Rd. and •animal complaint in friends to an outdoor expe- legally can ride DNR-
May 28 •17:18 Citizen Assist Rowley Dr. in Attica Twp. the 4000 block of Lum Rd. rience you love.” designated routes and trails
•06:36 Personal Injury (1900 block S. Cedar St.) •misdemeanor arrest in Arcadia Twp. These two days include: without purchasing an ORV
Accident (S. Cedar St./E. •19:09 Domestic Matter warrant in the 100 block of •ORV complaints at •Free fishing. Twice a license or trail permit. Visit
First St.) (200 block E. Fifth St.) Lake Pleasant Rd. in Attica Imlay City and Youngs year (once in the summer, Michigan.gov/ORVinfo for
•07:23-08:03 Monitor •20:09 Suspicious Twp. roads in Attica Twp. once in the winter), resi- the latest ORV trail, safety
Traffic (Middle School) Person (6800 block Newark •neighborhood trouble •misdemeanor arrest dents and nonresidents can and closure information.
•08:26-08:50 Monitor Rd.) in the 900 block of Martin warrant in the 5000 block
Traffic (Weston Elementary) •21:20 Welfare Check Rd. in Attica Twp. of Newark Rd. in Attica
•13:27 Citizen Assist (600 block N. Van Dyke •miscellaneous ORV Twp. Marlette Livestock Auction
(500 block N. Cedar St.) Rd.) complaints in the 4000 •suspicious circum-
•15:26 Juvenile •21:46 Domestic Matter block of Williams St. in stances at Imlay City and Hay and Straw Auction
Complaint - UTL (200 (1800 block S. Cedar St.) Attica Twp. Dorrow roads in Imlay Twp.
Every Monday @ Noon

Visit www.tricitytimes-online.com for all your local news!

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Tri-City Times Online Loader available on Monday Starting at 7AM
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Classif ieds
Tri-City Times Classifieds also Online!
Buy, Sell or Trade at

Marlette Livestock
Farm Equipment Garage Sale Apartment For Rent Commercial For Rent
CALL: 724-2615
M A C H I N E RY AND Hand/power tools, collect- includes water, sewer, trash AVAILABLE in Lapeer. Start
EQUIPMENT REPAIR. Call ables, antiques, furniture, with fridge and stove all for your business today! 810-798-
FEEDER CATTLE SALE 810-417-1829. Please leave DVD’s, yard tools, assorted only $550 plus electric & elec- 8091. CR-20-4
Sat., June 15 @ 12:00 PM message. FE-22-5
wooden boxes,
Halloween costumes, lots
adult tric heat. Almont 810-798-
8091. FR-20-4
Expecting more. June 6-8, 9-5 p.m.; ................................................
Want to Lease
- (15+) Bred Brood Cows – Some
Bred to A Good Charolais Bull
15655 Tubspring, Allenton.
APARTMENT with fridge, and Published in
print and online!
- (15+) Cow/Calf Pairs ................................................ stove includes gas, electric, LOOKING FOR FARM LAND
- 3 Year Old Black Breeder Bull Ari’s Delivery Service ESTATE SALE: June 6th – water sewer and trash for only TO LEASE, 10 to 30 acres.
& Others Grocery/Restaurant/ 8th; 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.; $650/month Davison 810-798- Hayable. Call 810-417-1829.

- Holstein & Colored Feeder Steers Transportation 810-683-4125 5604 Genesee Rd. Lapeer. 8091. FR-20-4 WL-22-8
& Heifers of Various Sizes $20 Flat. S-23-1 Pole barn full of equipment, ................................................ ................................................
- Fresh Dairy Cows parts and tools. GS-22-2 CAPAC VILLAGE: 2 bedroom
 & Heifers ................................................

- Bred Dairy Heifers ................................................ upstairs apt. for 1 or 2 adults,
*Cattle Are Vaccinated & Preg Checked* 50+, spacious, lots of storage, Real Estate
Garage Sale appliances and all utilities,
For Rent except AC included, carport,
no pets, security deposit
required; call 810-395-2226 25 ACRES. On paved road. One Week -
BERLIN TOWNSHIP CAPAC LIONS CLUB and leave message. APR-17- Priced to sell, financing avail-
able. Call Genevive Carissimi, 20 words -
................................................ Century 21 Market-Tech 586-
June 6, 7 & 8 CALL MARY RILLEY 615-1794. RE-6-4
810-650-9744 Two Weeks -

Pick up maps at Red Barn COME HOME TO

HORSE & HORSE TACK Party Store in Allenton Help Wanted 20 words -
Fri., June 21 @ 5:30 PM Market in Berville. Apartment For Rent
Consignments Welcome! 810.395.4518 GS-23-1 TIME Merchandiser to install Three Weeks -
1, 2 & 3 BEDROOMS!
▪ New & Used Tack APARTMENTS with on site
management, on site laundry,
and maintain our Smart Source
Coupon Machines and other 20 words -
GARAGE SALE: Fri. & Sat.,
▪ Hay & Straw (To Sell @ 5:30)
▪ Horses (To Sell @ 8:00) June 7 & 8; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. elevator includes appliances, 1 Bedroom ......Starting at...$600 advertisements
grocery and drug stores.
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Page 17-TRI-CITY TIMES-JUNE 5, 2019

Sports www.tricitytimes-online.com

LeFevere medals Dryden wins

first district
three times at title since ’95
Div. 2 state meet Cards knock-off tourney
hosts, 8-4, move on to
state softball regionals
Winget, Hubbard, Denver also place for Imlay By Kevin Kissane
Tri-City Times Sports Editor
By Kevin Kissane Robin LeFevere, 400-meter dash, a
Tri-City Times Sports Editor school record-setting time of 59.03 sec-
onds; led Imlay City with a fourth. Her DRYDEN — The Dryden softball
IMLAY CITY — The Imlay City time lowered the previous standard of team saw to it that the distinction of
girls’ track team registered three place- 59.9 seconds set by Ashley Jager in 2004. district champions would belong to

Photo proviided
winning performances en route to a two- LeFevere, long jump, 17 feet 2 1/2 them when the final scores were tal-
way tie with Parma Western for 21st last inches; gave Imlay City an individual lied, registering an 8-4 triumph
Saturday at the Division 2 state finals in event sixth. against host Rochester Hills Lutheran
Zeeland. The Imlay City 1600 relay of Northwest in the Division 4 title
McKinzie Winget, Sarah Hubbard, Imlay City’s Robin LeFevere was a game Monday.
Corunna’s 54-point total paced the
Jessica Denver and LeFevere placed sixth three-time placewinner at the Div. 2 It marked the first district top fin-
field assembled. Holland Christian (49
as well. They registered a school record- state meet in Zeeland. ish for Dryden since the 1995 cam-
points), Zeeland East (37), East Grand
Rapids (33), Bridgeport (31), Allendale setting clocking of 4:06.9 en route. The For their performances, LeFevere paign.
(28), Frankenmuth (25), Ada Forest Hills previous mark was 4:07.93 established by along with Imlay City’s 1600-meter relay With the decision, Dryden contin-
Eastern and Grand Rapids Catholic Ashley Jager, Amy Schmitz, Carissa earned All-State accolades (reserved for ues their postseason path this
Central (23 each) along with Williamston Pilarski and Rachel Verbeke during the Saturday at a regional hosted by
(22) also obtained top-10 showings. 2002 campaign. LeFevere page 20 Dryden page 20

Battani takes ninth

at Div. 3 track finals
By Kevin Kissane Sanford Meridian and Berrien
Tri-City Times Sports Editor Springs (17 apiece) nabbed top-
ten spots as well.
TRI-CITY AREA — The Robbie Battani led Almont
Almont and Capac boys’ track that day. He supplied a pole
teams ended their 2019 campaign vault clearance of 13 feet 3 inch-
at the Division 3 state finals last es en route to a ninth, just one
Saturday. place away from earning All-
Jenison High School is where State accolades (reserved for the

Photo by Kevin Kissane

the action unfolded. top-eight finishers in each event).
Ithaca (45 points) edged out Colby Schapman also com-
Saugatuck and Pewamo- peted for Almont, posting a high
Westphalia (44 each) for team jump clearance of 5 feet 9 inches
Photo by Kevin Kissane

honors. Harbor Springs (43 on the way to a two-way tie for

points), New Lothrop and Kent 21st.
City (33 each), Monroe St. Mary The 800 relay of Daniel Dryden outfielder Becca Weiss
Catholic Central (30), Griffith, Ben Laskowski, Ethan scoops up the ball in Monday’s
Roscommon (20), Warren game.
Dryden’s Jodie Adams competes in the 300 Michigan Collegiate (19) plus Battani page 20
hurdles Saturday at the Div. 4 state finals.

Adams runs to
12th at states
By Kevin Kissane dles, 51.16 seconds; paced
Photo provided

Tri-City Times Sports Editor Dryden with a 12th.

Natalie Poirier, long
DRYDEN — The jump, 14 feet 9 inches; sup-
Dryden girls’ track team plied Dryden with a 13th.
finished up their season last The 800-meter relay of Almont’s Maria Bussone returns
a shot at the Div. 3 state finals.
Photo by Kevin Kissane

Saturday at the Division 4 Erin Boettcher, Erin Paton,

state finals.
Hudsonville is where
the meet unfolded.
Caitlyn Hill and Poirier
wound up 14th with a
clocking of 1:54.3. Bussone is 1-1
at state finals
Fowler (71 points) Poirier generated the
earned the distinction of next best Dryden showing. Almont’s Griffin DePauw dives back to first base on a pickoff
champion at day’s end. Her high jump clearance of attempt in Monday’s district title game.
Pittsford (63 points), 4 feet 7 inches paid off

Almont second in districts

Mount Pleasant Sacred with a seven-way tie for By Kevin Kissane
Heart (56), Royal Oak 15th. Tri-City Times Sports Editor
Shrine (45), Bridgman Ella Kage, 1600 run,
(42), Hillsdale Academy 6:11.48; gave Dryden a By Kevin Kissane Northwest in a Division 3 district ALMONT — The Almont girls’
(32), Addison and 19th. Tri-City Times Sports Editor championship game Monday. tennis team generated one point en
Breckenridge (27 each), Kage also registered a In the title clash, Rochester route to a two-way tie for 18th at the
Fulton (20) and East Jordan 20th in the 3200-meter run, ALMONT — The Almont Hills Lutheran Northwest used a Division 3 state finals.
(17) provided top-ten team stopping the watch at baseball team wrapped up their 3-0 fifth inning advantage and a Play was contested last Friday and
showings as well. 2019 campaign with a 5-0 setback Saturday in Novi.
Jodie Adams, 300 hur- Adams page 20 to host Rochester Hills Lutheran Raiders page 20 Detroit Country Day (33 points)
paced the field assembled. They were

Almont edges Capac in title clash

followed by Bloomfield Hills
Cranbrook Kingswood (26 points),
Grand Rapids Christian (22), Allegan
(21), Holland Christian (20), Ada
By Kevin Kissane Forest Hills Eastern (15), Grand
Tri-City Times Sports Editor Rapids Catholic Central (13), Cadillac
and Chelsea (11 each), Fruitport (nine),
TRI-CITY AREA — Parma Western (eight), Edwardsburg
Almont slipped past Capac, and St. Clair (seven apiece),
5-4, in a Division 3 district Stevensville Lakeshore and
softball championship game Williamston (four each), Marysville
last Friday at Oakland and Yale (three apiece), Almont and
Christian High School. Carlton Airport (two each) plus
With the result, Almont Coopersville, Dearborn Divine Child,
(8-18-1) moves on to this Eaton Rapids and Riverview (zero
Saturday’s regional semifinal apiece).
clash at Brown City where it Maria Bussone, Almont’s lone rep-
will face Marine City. That resentative, went 1-1 for the tourna-
matchup lists a 10 a.m. start- ment.
Photo provided

ing time. She began her stint at states with a

In Friday’s championship 6-2, 6-4 win against Eaton Rapids foe
game, Almont used a one-run Mackenzie Wyman.
first inning, a one-run third The Almont softball team poses for a photo after claiming a Division 3 district title That was followed by a 4-6, 2-6
and a three-run fifth to emerge last week. setback to Bloomfield Hills Cranbrook
victorious. Kingswood’s Nina Govila, the second
Capac countered with a a double) plus Grace Johnson Schapman (a three-run homer) mances. seed, in a round of 16 clash. Govila
three-run third inning and a and Makayla Gammon (two along with Olivia Malcolm Malcolm was the winning would go on from there to reach the
one-run sixth. singles each) led Almont’s and Sarah Hall (a single title match where she wound up sec-
Hannah Feys (a single and offensive attack. Rachael apiece) supported their perfor- Title page 20 ond.
Page 18-TRI-CITY TIMES-JUNE 5, 2019

Softball Golf

Dryden walks off with 8-7 win

Ally By Kevin Kissane inning eight) and
Sobek, of Tri-City Times Sports Editor Courtney Heike (three for
Dryden, four, with a double, and
scoops DRYDEN — Dryden two RBI) put up Dryden’s
up a outscored Parkway best offensive numbers.
grounder Christian 2-1 during the They were given assis-
in district eighth inning, good for tance in the hitting depart-
action an 8-7 triumph in a ment by Laura Ellis (two
this past Division 4 district softball for three) and Riley Knox
week. semifinal clash last (two for five).

Photo by Kevin Kissane

Saturday. Becca Weiss was the
Miya Wolff (four for winning Dryden pitcher,
five with two RBI, includ- taking over in the sixth
ing the game-winning inning and going the rest
walkoff double during of the way.

Imlay City gets sweep over Clio

By Kevin Kissane Imlay City pitcher. She Abigail
Tri-City Times Sports Editor allowed two hits, struck out Thibodeau
three and walked none. lays down

Photo by Kevin Kissane

IMLAY CITY — In the nightcap, Imlay a bunt
Imlay City bested visiting City pulled out a 10-8 vic- during a
Clio two times in a non- tory over Clio. game this
league varsity softball dou- Whitsett (three singles), past week.
bleheader last Wednesday. Stone (a single and a dou-
In the opener, Imlay ble) and Jaya Forti (two Jack Jellison, of Almont, splits the fairway
City earned a 4-1 win singles) paced Imlay City’s with his tee shot during a match this season.
against Clio. offensive attack with multi-

Almont places
Emily Orlowski and ple-hit performances.
Kayla Rossen led Imlay Abigail Thibodeau (a tri-
City with a single and a ple), Emma Sellers and
double each. They were Orlowski (a double each)

seventh in region
backed by Kendall Whitsett plus Rossen (a single) also
(a double) plus Isabella reached the hitting column. Photo by Rod Soule

Barker, Leah Dawson and Forti was Imlay City’s

Skylar Stone (a single pitcher of record. She gave
apiece). up nine hits and registered By Kevin Kissane Arbor Greenhills (364),
Barker was the winning three strikeouts en route. Marine City (365), Ida
Tri-City Times Sports Editor
(366), Almont (375),

Imlay City softball finishes at 17-17 TRI-CITY AREA —

The Almont and Capac
boys’ golf teams took sev-
Lutheran North (393),
Richmond (405), Adrian
Madison (407), Riverview
IMLAY CITY — The 2 district semifinal Imlay City sees a 17-17 pair of singles each. Emily enth and 15th, respectively, Gabriel Richard (416),
Imlay City softball team meeting it hosted last campaign draw to a close. Orlowski and Isabella last Wednesday at a Dundee (419), Flat Rock
dropped a 5-1 verdict to Saturday. Jaya Forti and Skylar Barker added a single Division 3 regional. (421) Blissfield (448),
North Branch in a Division With the decision, Stone led Imlay City with a apiece for the Spartans. Washtenaw Golf Club, Capac (501) and Clawson
in Ypsilanti, is where the (542)

Capac drops a pair to BWAC squad action unfolded.

Grosse Ile (331), Ann
Arbor Gabriel Richard
Erie Mason and St.
Clair Shores South Lake
also participated but did
By Kevin Kissane and Izabelle Amador (two (334) and Monroe St. Mary not field complete teams.
Tri-City Times Sports Editor doubles and four RBI) led Catholic Central (364) held Jacob Rayl led Almont
Capac with multiple-hit down the top-three spots at with an 89 over 18 holes.
CAPAC— Capac’s efforts. McKenna Hopkins, day’s end. The Raiders also counted
varsity softball team Haleigh Hansen, Ally They advance to the Jack Jellison’s 94, Joe
dropped a pair of verdicts Dean, Natalie Maday, Division 3 state finals set Berger’s 95 Thomas
to visiting non-league Skylar Schocke and for this Friday and Saturday Manko’s 97.
counterpart Yale on Samantha Hull (a single at Ferris State University’s For Capac, Kayden
Tuesday, May 28. each) plus Terese Bussone Katke Golf Course. Braun’s 95 output proved
In the opener, Yale reg- (a run) supported their per- Twelve other full best. He was backed by
istered an 11-7 triumph formances. squads vied for regional Josh Crane and Cody
against Capac. In the second game, honors that day. Their Bobcean (134 each) along
Aubree Smith (four sin- Yale handed Capac a 6-2 ranks consisted of Ann with Tony Uribe (138).
gles and three runs), Shelby setback.

Imlay City places

Husovsky (a single, a tri- Capac was held
ple, two RBI and one run) hitless.

Athlete of the Week 13th in golf region

By Kevin Kissane
Tri-City Times Sports Editor
West Golf Course.
Farmington (331),
Detroit Country Day (342),
IMLAY CITY — The Yale (351), Marysville
Imlay City boys’ golf team (374), North Branch (377),
registered a 13th-place fin- St. Clair (386), Auburn
ish last Thursday at a Hills Avondale (390),
Division 2 regional. Armada (401), Brandon
Photo by Kevin Kissane

Fieldstone Golf Course, (407), Imlay City (431) and

in Auburn Hills, is where Madison Heights Lamphere
the tournament was con- (443) held down spots four
tested. through 14.
Notre Dame Prep Cros-Lex and
(312), Bloomfield Hills Farmington Hills Harrison
Almont senior track Dryden senior track Capac second baseman Therese Bussone Cranbrook Kingswood also participated but did
standout Robbie Battani standout Brenden throws out a runner at first against Yale. (327) and Orchard Lake St. not field complete teams
took ninth in the pole Knuth placed 11th in Mary’s (328) occupied the For Imlay City, Garrett

Dryden moves on
vault at the Div. 3 state the 3200 run at the Div. top-three spots at day’s Roberts led the way with a
meet last Saturday. 4 state meet last end. 95 over 18 holes. The
For his effort, Battani Saturday.
shares our Boys’ Athlete For his effort, They advance to the Spartans also counted

in district play
of the Week honor. Poirier shares our Boys’ Division 2 state finals set Quintin Zinger’s 110 as
Athlete of the Week for this Friday and Saturday well as 113s from Connor
honor. at Michigan State Kovacik and Mitchell
University’s Forest Akers Allen.
Be sure to pick up your t-shirt at the Tri-City Times office. By Kevin Kissane runs scored) and Hannah

Dryden golf ends

Tri-City Times Sports Editor Peyerk (two for four and
CITIZENS one run scored) put up
PIONEER • CINCINNATI DRYDEN — The Dryden’s best offensive

year at regionals
TRAVELERS Dryden varsity softball numbers. They were
SELECTIVE team rolled to a convincing backed by Ally Sobek (one
11-2 victory over host for one, one RBI and one
Writing For Many Major Waterford Our Lady of the run scored) along with
Insurance Companies
Lakes in a Division 4 pre- By Kevin Kissane State University in
Riley Knox, Miya Wolff,
district softball meeting on Tri-City Times Sports Editor Allendale.
• Life Insurance • Automobile • Homeowners • Builder’s Risk • Workers’ Comp Maria Ryan and Laura Ellis
• Farm Owners • Motorcycles • Mobile Homes • Fleet Auto • Bonds & RV Tuesday, May 28. Eight other full squads
(one RBI each). DRYDEN — The
& Boat • Commercial • Travel Trailers • Special Events
Paige Abromaitis (three teed it up at regionals.
Riley Knox was the Dryden boys’ golf team
Life is an Adventure. Protect it. for four, two RBI and two Their ranks consisted of
winning Dryden pitcher. completed their season at a Elkton-Pigeon BayPort
649 N. Van Dyke 810-724-0199 • Text 810-395-5748 Division 4 regional last (372), St. Charles (383),
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Almont softball Friday.
 Verona Hills Golf
Ubly (409), Owen-Gage
(412), Merrill (426), North

Page One Printing

Course, in Bad Axe, is Huron (453), Marlette


falls to Marysville where the action unfolded.
Bad Axe (353), New
Lothrop (361) and Saginaw
(456) and Brown City
Dryden, Cass City
ALMONT — Almont Hannah Feys led Nouvel (366) held down Harbor Beach and Mayville
dropped an 11-0 verdict to Almont with a pair of sin- the top-three spots at day’s also participated but did
594 N. Almont Ave. • Imlay City, Michigan 48444 Marysville in a non-league gles. The Raiders also end. not field complete teams.

(810) 724-0254
varsity softball matchup it received a single each cour- They advance to the Jack Kaplan led Dryden
hosted last Wednesday. tesy of Laken Campbell, Division 4 state finals this that day. He shot a 98.
With the outcome, Rachael Schapman, Friday and Saturday at The Brendan Montague (121)
“Quality Commercial Printing at the Best Price in Town!” Almont slips to 6-18-1 this Samantha Dyer and Sarah Meadows Golf Course on also represented the
season. Hall. the campus of Grand Valley Cardinals.
Page 19-TRI-CITY TIMES-JUNE 5, 2019

Boys’ Track Girls’ Track

Santo competes
at the Div. 3 finals
By Kevin Kissane Kent City (28), Jackson
Tri-City Times Sports Editor Lumen Christi (27), Hart
and Kingsley (26 each)
ALMONT — The plus Byron and Perry (23
Almont girls’ track team apiece) garnered top-10
completed the 2019 cam- team placings as well.
paign last Saturday at the Ashley Santo led
Division 3 state finals. Almont that day. Santo
Jenison High School is managed a discus toss of
where the meet was con- 95 feet 8 inches, good for
tested. 24th.
Pewamo-Westphalia Claire Taylor also rep-
(45 points) won the team resented Almont at the
title that day. St. Charles Division 3 state finals.
(37.5 points), Shepherd Taylor participated in the
Photo by Kevin Kissane

Photo by Kevin Kissane

(35), Mason County high jump, but did not clear
Central (31), Quincy (30), opening height.

Dryden’s Brenden Knuth picks up the pace in Drydens’s Ethan Rozanski (L) took 11th in the
the 3200 relay at the Div. 4 state meet. 3200 run at the Div. 4 state meet.

Rozanski, Knuth are 11th at states

By Kevin Kissane
Tri-City Times Sports Editor

DRYDEN — The Dryden

boys’ track team wrapped up
their 2019 campaign last
Saturday at the Division 4 state
Hudsonville is where the
meet was contested.
Kalamazoo Hackett (64
points) earned team honors at
meet’s end. Southfield
Christian (46 points),

Photo by Kevin Kissane­

Breckenridge (43), Concord
(41), Hillsdale Academy (35),
Flint Beecher (30.25), Addison
(29), Fulton and Sand Creek
(24 apiece) along with Carson
City-Crystal (23) notched top-
ten showings as well. Imlay City’s Jillian LeFevere (R) was a part of a
Ethan Rozanski, 1600 run, placewinning 800 relay at the Meet of Champs.

Spartans fare well at

4:47.49; and Brenden Knuth,
3200-meter run, 10:24.36; led
Dryden with 11ths.
Ronny Hudson, 800,

Meet of Champions
Photo by Kevin Kissane

2:05.58; provided Dryden with

a 13th.
A 3200-meter relay of Reed
Hall, Hudson, Knuth and By Kevin Kissane Imlay City fourth.
Rozanski added a 19th to Tri-City Times Sports Editor Winget, 400 dash,
Dryden’s cause. They stopped Dryden’s Ronny Hudson competes in the 3200 relay at the Div. 4 state 1:02.69; and Denver, 1600-
the watch at 8:55.52. finals. IMLAY CITY — The meter run, 5:37.45; gave
Imlay City girls’ track Imlay City individual event

Imlay City boys end year at finals

squad notched 11 place- fifths.
winning efforts Tuesday, The 800 relay of Jillian
May 28 at the Thumb Meet LeFevere, Carlee Forsyth,
of Champions in Caro. Aubrie Behrick and Winget
By Kevin Kissane Zeeland West (53 Wayland Union (20), Parma put, 47 feet 2 1/2 inches; No team scores were contributed a fifth as well
Tri-City Times Sports Editor points) topped the stand- Western (19.5) plus Ada led Imlay City with a 13th. kept at the meet. for Imlay City. They
IMLAY CITY — The ings at meet’s end. Yale Forest Hills Eastern and Ryan Johnson also rep- The 1600 (McKinzie stopped the watch at
Imlay City boys’ track team (37 points) Fruitport (33), Tecumseh (19 each) round- resented Imlay City that Winget, Sarah Hubbard, 1:55.51.
concluded their season last Dearborn Divine Child ed out the top-10 schools day. Johnson supplied a Jessica Denver and Robin Sophia Rosillo, shot
Saturday at the Division 2 (27), Corunna (26), Zeeland on hand. discus toss of 131 feet 3 LeFevere) and 3200 (Ana put, 32 feet 10 1/4 inches;
state finals in Zeeland. East (23), Coldwater (22), Austin DeRocher, shot inches, good for 18th. Lengemann, Mary Hubbard, 400-meter dash,
Lengemann, Winget and 1:03.63; and Mary
Hubbard) relays led Lengemann, 1600 run,

Imlay City places three times in Caro Imlay City with seconds.
They were timed in
4:17.03 and 10:14.2,
5:48.67; gave Imlay City
individual event sixths.
Imlay City also
By Kevin Kissane performances Tuesday, put, 47 feet 1 inch; led Raymond Liu, Breydon respectively, received a sixth from their
Tri-City Times Sports Editor May 28 at the Thumb Meet Imlay City with a second. Andrez, Lonnie Wolford Mary Lengemann, high 400-meter relay of Jillian
of Champions in Caro. Ryan Johnson, discus, and Riley Bertram added jump, 5 feet; provided LeFevere, Layla Delecke,
IMLAY CITY — The No team scores were 139 feet 5 inches; gave a fifth to Imlay City’s Imlay City with a third. Forsyth and Behrick. They
Imlay City boys’ track team kept at the meet. Imlay City a second. cause. They were timed in Denver, 800-meter run, were timed in 55.42 sec-
earned three placewinning Austin DeRocher, shot An 800 relay of 1:40.71. 2:32.73; supplied the lone onds.

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Page 20-TRI-CITY TIMES-JUNE 5, 2019


Almont gives Marine City 3-0 defeat

By Kevin Kissane Division 3 girls’ district Hannah Revoldt (assisted and Aliyah Cremeans
Tri-City Times Sports Editor soccer semifinal round by Caroline Tormala) and shared the goalkeeping
battle on Tuesday, Erica Bailey (set up by responsibilities for
ALMONT — Almont May 28. Hannah Schuchard) sup- Almont. They managed
handed Marine City a Alayna Panduren (set plied Almont’s goals. 10 and nine saves, respec-
3-0 setback in a up by Caroline Tormala), Savannah Tormala tively.

Almont falls 6-0

in district finals
By Kevin Kissane
Tri-City Times Sports Editor

ALMONT — The Almont girls’

Photo provided
soccer team ran into a tough assign-
ment, dropping a 6-0 verdict to
Lutheran North in a Division 3 dis-
trict championship matchup last Imlay City’s Robin LeFevere, Jessica Denver,
Friday. Sarah Hubbard and McKinzie Winget pose with
Imlay City High School is where their 1600 relay medals at states.
the action unfolded
With the outcome, Almont watch-
es a 10-8-3 campaign reach an end- LeFevere: Imlay City showing. They
managed a 9:59.57 clock-
point. ing, good for 16th.
from page 17
In Friday’s matchup, Almont spot- Winget, 400-meter
ted Lutheran North a 4-0 halftime the top-eight finishers in dash, 1:02.1; gave Imlay
advantage. each event). City a 17th.
Photo by KevinKissane

Lutheran North then outscored A 3200 relay of Sarah Imlay City also
Almont 2-0 from that point on, clos- Hubbard, Ana Lengemann, received a 25th from Mary
ing out a 6-0 win. Mary Lengemann and Lengemann, 1600 run,
Aliyah Cremeans and Savannah Denver had the next best 5:29.99.
Tormala shared the goalkeeping
Almont’s Caroline Tormala looks to set up a teammate in a match chores for Almont. They wound up
this season. with six and five saves, respectively.

Adams: meter relay of Paige

Abromaitis, Kylie
from page 17 DeVlaminck, Norman and
Kage ranked 21st as well.
13:23.6. They were timed in
Teagan Norman, 3200 11:51.67.
run, 13:39.23; provided Kelli Schenkel, high
Dryden with an individual jump, 4 feet 7 inches;
event 21st. added a three-way tie for
The Dryden 3200- 22nd to Dryden’s cause.

Photo by Kevin Kissane

Almont’s Robbie Battani clears the pole vault

bar during a meet this season.
Photo by Kevin Kissane

Photo by Kevin Kissane

Battani: checking in at 16.31 sec-

from page 17 Charlie Aldrich, 800
run, 2:06.01; provided
Dryden’s Natalie Poirier takes off in the long Dryden’s Erin Paton passes the baton to 800 Bastian and Tyler Ellis Capac with a 19th.
jump at the Div. 4 state finals last Saturday. relay teammate Erin Boettcher at states. headlined for Capac. They Barker, pole vault, 11
registered a 1:33.6 clock- feet 3 inches; added a 26th
ing en route to 12th. to Capac’s cause.
Hank Barker tested his Capac’s 400 relay of
skills in the 110-meter hur- Joe Peters, Bastian,
dles for Capac. It was Laskowski and Griffith
there he registered the 12th also participated but was
swiftest preliminary time, disqualified in their race.

Capac first
Ally Dean
for a throw
in a game
this past
Photo by Kevin Kissane

Photo by Kevin Kissane

Title: The Raiders also had Feys

(a double) along with
Schapman and Hall (a sin-
from page 17
The Dryden softball team poses for a photo after winning a Div. 4 district Monday. gle each) reach the hitting
Almont pitcher. She column.
Dryden: contest is slated to get
underway at noon.
Sobek (two singles
apiece), plus Riley Knox
responsibilities for Dryden
that day. The former gave
allowed seven hits over
seven innings, struck out
Malcolm was Almont’s
pitcher of record. She gave
Courtney Heike led and Natalie Embree (a sin- up seven hits over six five and walked one en up seven hits over seven
from page 17
Dryden with two singles gle each) gave them assis- innings and struck out six, route innings and struck out six.
Rochester Hills Lutheran and a double. Hannah tance in the hitting depart- while the latter allowed Raquel Raska (two sin- Capac earned their spot
Northwest. There they Peyerk and Miya Wolff (a ment. two hits during her one- gles), Samantha Hull (a in the district title tilt with
will square off versus single and a double each), Knox and Becca Weiss inning stint and retired home run), Shelby an 18-5 rout of Oakland
Plymouth Christian. That Paige Abromaitis and Ally shared the pitching two via the strikeout route. Husovsky (a triple), Ally Christian.
Dean (a double) plus Haleigh Hanson (two
Aubree Smith and Meriah singles and a double),
Raiders: championship confronta-
tion with a 15-4 win
Mason (a single each) gen-
erated Capac’s hits.
Skylar Schocke, Husovsky
and Dean (a single and a
from page 17 against Memphis. Almont reached the double each) along with
Jace Rinke led Almont title game with a 16-2 Madison Wheeler and Hull
2-0 seventh inning edge to with a double. Reis Stine, semifinal victory over (a pair of singles apiece)
emerge victorious. Nick Wilson, Parker Zisler Memphis. paced Capac with multiple-
Colton Kruse (a dou- and Paupert added a single Malcolm (three singles hit efforts. Izabelle
Photo by Kevin Kissane

ble) plus Adam Campbell, apiece for the Raiders. and a double), Hannah Amador and Smith (a sin-
Jack Paupert and Griffin Cameron Asaro was Landerschier (three singles) gle each) supported their
DePauw (a single each) Almont’s pitcher of record. plus Samantha Dyer, performances.
were the Almont players Asaro entered the game in Johnson, Campbell and Alyssa Orlando was the
who reached the hitting the third inning and retired Gammon (two singles winning Capac pitcher.
column. eight of the 10 batters he Almont’s Adam Campbell looks to throw out an apiece) led Almont with She allowed six hits and
Almont reached the faced. opposing baserunner in Monday’s game. multiple-hit performances. retired three on strikes.
Page 21-TRI-CITY TIMES-JUNE 5, 2019


Imlay City drops

Dryden’s Brady
Czape takes a cut
at a pitch during a
game earlier this
game to Cros-Lex
By Kevin Kissane encounter it hosted Monday.
Tri-City Times Sports Editor With the decision, Imlay
City wraps up an 8-24 cam-
IMLAY CITY — Imlay paign.
City wound up on the losing Logan Wilson provided
side of a 10-0 outcome to the lone base hit, contribut-
Cros-Lex in a Division 2 ing a single to Imlay City’s

Photo by Kevin Kissane

baseball district semifinal

Dryden watches a 17-7 season end Division 4 district semifi- campaign reach an end- lone run during the sixth
By Kevin Kissane
Tri-City Times Sports Editor nal confrontation last point. inning.
Friday. Cardinal Mooney used Brady Czape led
DRYDEN — The New Haven’s Merritt a one-run second inning, a Dryden’s offensive attack
Dryden baseball team Academy is where the one-run third, a three-run with a pair of singles.
closed out their 2019 cam- action unfolded. fifth and a three-run sixth Corey Heike and Vince
paign with an 8-1 setback With the outcome, to prevail. Angel added a single apiece
to Cardinal Mooney in a Dryden watches a 17-7 Dryden scored their to the Cardinals’ cause.

Photo by StudioE Photography

Capac baseball wraps up its season
By Kevin Kissane postseason path halted, semifinal meeting last with a single apiece.
Tri-City Times Sports Editor falling to host Saturday. Brad Schaefer added
Rochester Hills Lutheran Brendan Falco and an RBI to Capac’s cause.
CAPAC — The Capac Northwest in a Jakob Sawyers led Capac also received a Imlay City’s Ross Edson slides in to second
baseball team saw their Division 3 district Capac’s offensive attack run from Falco. base in Monday’s district encounter.

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Page 22-TRI-CITY TIMES-JUNE 5, 2019

See pets on parade at 2019 Busker Fest

IMLAY CITY — Grab kid to participate either. We Again, like the variety of head west to Bancroft St. At
your pet and get creative for have a lot of adults that come pets welcome, so too are the the stage there, the judges’
the annual Michigan Busker and dress up with their pets. variety and kinds of cos- choices will be announced
Fest Pet Parade on Friday, Yockey also stressed tume, she said. and trophies handed out.
June 14, at 6:30 p.m. that all pets are welcome, “A lot of kids work hard Entries will be judged in
Sponsored by Barbara L. from the smallest hermit on those costumes and it’s nine categories—Best
Yockey Law Office, partici- crab to the mightiest thor- often a head to toe creation. Busker Canine Act, Best
pants will be in the running oughbred. It’s incredible fun to see,” Busker Pet Costume, Best
for trophies and barking or Costumes and other Yockey said. Look Alike, Most Patriotic,
bragging rights. attire is often sports themed, Registration begins at Most Team Spirit, Too Darn

File photo
“We hope a lot of people both collegiate and profes- 5:45 p.m. in front of city hall Cute, Best Superhero,
come out for this year’s sional, and Yockey said her on Main Street. Starting at Fastest Tail Wag and Judges
event and have fun with it,” personal favorite are those 6:30 p.m., participants will Choice—and in two differ- The parade starts at city hall and participants
Barb Yockey said. in the Michigan State parade south on Main Street ent age groups for each: 0-8 will march to the stage at Bancroft and Third
“You don’t have to be a Spartan green and white. to Third Street and then years and 9 years and up. streets for the awards ceremony.

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