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APRIL 2019 $4.


Woods-n-Water News
Michigan’s Premier Outdoor Publication

A Turkey's
Best Defense


• Trout Opener Tricks • An 'Ideal Beagle' • 2019 'Yak Tourneys
• Whitetails and Winter • Early Development of Our State Parks
• Youth State Record Bear • Tomfoolery • DIY...Bass Poppers
www.woods-n-waternews.com • Like us on facebook Follow us on
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Field Notes...By Tom Campbell
Supplemental deer feeding
Spring Turkey Season permits issued in southern UP
If you haven’t tried spring Except within its CWD
turkey hunting in Michigan, I think surveillance areas, the
you’re missing out on a great op- MDNR has agreed to issue
portunity; it really is ‘fan’-tastic! supplemental deer feeding
Do some scouting, understand permits in the southern part
turkey habitats, learn a few calls of the Upper Peninsula.
(today’s turkey call manufacturers The action comes with
have made it easier than ever), brush average U.P. snow depths
up on your woodsmanship, and get measured across the region
outside! nearly double that of a 15-
You have plenty of hunting year average for late Febru-
methods and weapons; shotgun, bow ary and March.
or crossbow. You can set up and Feeding deer large
call, you can move and call, roost quantities of food to supplement natural winter food resources – termed
birds the night before, ambush, use “supplemental feeding” – is allowed by permit in the northern U.P. coun-
decoys, outmaneuver; just remem- ties beginning in January each year.
ber – safety first. it’s interactive and the weather can This type of feeding differs from “recreational feeding,” which is lim-
And spring turkey season offers be excellent. The DNR’s Apprentice ited daily to two gallons of feed, placed within sight of a home or camp.
plenty of hunting seasons and hunt Hunting License program is perfect Recreational feeding is allowed year-round across the U.P.
units. You can purchase a Hunt way to invite a non-hunting friend In southern U.P. counties – which typically exhibit milder winter
0234 license anytime throughout the or co-worker on a spring turkey weather conditions – free permits are issued for supplemental feeding
entire spring turkey season, through hunt. It allows a person who does dependent on weather conditions.
May 31. Hunt 0234 is a statewide li- not have a hunter safety certificate “The DNR uses total accumulated snow as an index of the severity
cense valid for all open areas except and is 10 years of age or older to of the winter,” said Terry Minzey, DNR U.P. regional wildlife supervisor.
public lands in Unit ZZ (southern purchase a base apprentice hunting “In typical winters, impacts to the deer herd in the southern part of the
Lower Peninsula), May 6-31. license. An apprentice hunter may region, based on snow accumulation measurements, can be forecasted by
Turkey hunters also have the purchase this license for two license mid-January.”
option to purchase a leftover li- years before he or she must suc- Minzey said when conditions suggest the potential exists for signifi-
cense for units where licenses are cessfully complete a hunter safety cant winter deer mortality, regulated supplemental feeding is authorized
still available. Leftover licenses go course. The base apprentice hunting by the DNR. This winter, the early part of the winter was fairly moderate,
on sale at 10 a.m. March 18. Any license is available to residents and but conditions deteriorated in February. Therefore, supplemental feed-
hunter may purchase one license nonresidents. ing permits are being issued in the southern U.P., except within chronic
until quotas are met, including hunt- There’s also the DNR’s mentor- wasting disease core and expanded surveillance zones set up last October,
ers who did not apply for a spring ing a Mentored Youth Hunting Pro- after a doe tested positive for the disease in Dickinson County’s Wauce-
turkey license. gram, which allows youth hunters dah Township.
Hunt 0301 in Unit ZZ is another nine-years-old and younger to hunt As of March 4, there have been 56 days this winter with greater than a
great option, with many leftover deer, turkey, small game, trap fur- foot of snow accumulated on the ground in the U.P.
licenses that can be purchased over- bearers and fish for all species with “We are monitoring deer in select areas,” said Chad Stewart, DNR
the-counter. The private-land-only a licensed mentor who is at least 21 deer, elk and moose management specialist. “At this time, most of the
license, Hunt 0301 (Unit ZZ), April years old and hunter-safety certi- deer across the U.P. seem to be in fair shape.”
22 – May 5 is not valid on county, fied. The mentored youth license is More snow is forecast for the region this weekend as temperatures
state, or federal lands. Hunters a “package” license that entitles the warm, with the potential for rain and snow next week. Weather forecast-
should have permission to hunt youth to hunt, trap and fish for the ers are predicting the snow pack to last on the ground into April, with
private lands before purchasing this species listed above during all open temperatures trending in long-term forecasts to remain below average.
license. seasons for the species. Additional Stewart said peak winter mortality typically happens from late March
To hunt Michigan’s spring tur- restrictions apply; complete program through early May, and the factor most often attributed to high winter
key season you must purchase your details can be found in the Michigan deer mortality is the length of the season.
base license, which are available Hunting and Trapping Digest, or “Though the intensity of a winter can play an important role in deer
now at $11, seniors $5 and juniors online at www.michigan.gov/men- survival, the length of winter before spring green-up is often the most
(10-16) $6, plus your turkey license toredhunting. critical factor,” Stewart said. “At this point, it is too soon to know whether
cost $15 or only $6 for seniors. Be sure to share your successful this winter will have a high negative impact on the deer herd.”
Spring turkey season is a great turkey hunt photos and stories with The DNR will continue to monitor the situation.
time to recruit new hunters because us...email wnw@pageone-inc.com. “Some deer have already succumbed to the winter; this is not uncom-
mon and occurs every year,” Stewart said. “The DNR has more than 250
animals collared presently in the U.P., so if a large deer mortality event
SEASONS does occur, we will have an understanding of the magnitude.”
Stewart said it is important to remember the deer herd in the U.P. can
Open All Year – Pike and walleye season on Lower Peninsula Great Lakes, Lake St.
Clair & St. Clair & Detroit Rivers
suffer losses naturally with extreme winter conditions. Difficult winters
Open All Year – Salmon and trout season on Great Lakes, St. Marys River, Lake St. have negatively impacted herd numbers previously – notably during the
Clair & St. Clair & Detroit Rivers mid-1990s – and are expected to impact herd numbers in the future.
Open All Year – Catch-and-immediate-release bass season on all Michigan waters A lack of available high-quality deer wintering habitat remains a fac-
open to fishing tor limiting the deer herd in the U.P.
Now - March 31 – Squirrel season- fox and gray (black phase included) “Extreme winter conditions can highlight just exactly how impor-
Now - March 31 – Cottontail and snowshoe hare season tant our deer wintering complexes are in aiding survival of the U.P. deer
Now - March 31 – Raccoon trapping season open statewide.
Now - March 31 – Crow hunting statewide
herd,” Minzey said. “The department has recognized the importance
Now - December 31 – 2019 Pure Michigan Hunt application period of this habitat and is working collaboratively with sportsmen’s groups,
March 18 – Over-the-Counter Leftover spring turkey licenses go on sale at 10 a.m. private landowners and others on identifying, creating and managing this
March 23-24 – Mitchell State Park - Steelhead Fishing Clinic, contact Edward Shaw habitat to help mitigate the impacts of severe winters.”
at 231-779-1321 or shawe@michigan.gov. Supplemental deer feeding permits are available by contacting DNR
March 31 – 2018 Fishing Licenses expire offices located in Baraga, Marquette, Crystal Falls, Escanaba, Newberry,
May 1 - June 1 – Michigan elk and bear application period
April 22 - May 31 – Spring turkey hunting with various hunt units and dates.
Sault Ste. Marie and Shingleton (Cusino).
*Consult the Michigan Hunting and Trapping Digests, Fishing Digest, or other spe- For more information on chronic wasting disease in Michigan, visit
cies-specific hunting digests for a more complete list of dates and regulations regard- Michigan.gov/CWD. Find out more about white-tailed deer and deer
ing each season or hunt period. hunting at Michigan.gov/Deer.
Michigan’s white bass
HUNTING Kenny Darwin page 26
Hunting small tracts Trolling Tricks for
of land for gobblers Spring Walleyes RULE ON
Darin Potter page 18 Mark Sak page 30
Elk Update: Hunting seasons DIY...Bass Poppers
and population surveys George Rowe page 34
page 24
A slingshot for hunting can be Mike Veine page 40
fun, challenging and effective
Tom Lounsbury page 36 2019 ’Yak Tournaments
Dave Mull page 50
Jerry Lambert page 37 Spring options for great fishing
John Bergsma page 52 Mark Romanack...page 28
Steelheading... Master Angler program Michigan’s early
Lessons on the South Shore has new rules for 2019 State Parks development
Calvin McShane page 72 page 51 Casey Warner MDNR
page 68
The American Woodcock:
FEATURE “The Rational and Irrational”
Michigan Meanders...
Tom Carney page 63
The Minister goes ice fishing
Tom Huggler page 22 Dear Fish Diary...
PERSPECTIVE Scenic River alcohol
ban lasts...a week?
Traditional root cellars still work
Darryl Quidort page 32 Staying dry when wading Ron St. Germain page 56
Jim Bedford page 48
Dog Training...Pointing Rep. Howell introduces
By Len Jenkins page 62 proposal to expand

Youth state record bear Which way did the rabbit go?
Jonathan Schechter page 66
pheasant hunting
page 57
Richard P. Smith...page 25
Over 200 hunting, fishing
A Michigan success story... conservation groups support
EYESIGHT Salmon in the Classroom plan to stop Asian Carp
A gobblers best defense Brandy Dixon page 70 page 57
Kenny Darwin page 44
Sporting Collectibles...
What makes an ideal beagle for It’s still out there! President request $1.3 billion
hunting cottontail and snowshoe Terry McBurney page 74 for U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Millard Holton page 60 Service in 2020
page 58
NEWS Historical log drives still
Kenny Darwin page 8 Kathleen Lavey-MDNR Bill Ziegler...page 20 TRADITIONAL BLACK
Trophy Fish Tactics MDNR COs have A common and
Mark Romanack page 12 Early winter onset can busy deer season ordinary occurrence
devastate northern deer herds Jeff Pendergraff page 64 Dennis Neely page 42
There’s more to readying your John Ozoga page 38
rig than prepping gear
Mark Martin page 14

Next Bite...
APRIL 2019

Woods-n-Water News
Michigan’s Premier Outdoor Publication

Springtime Cranking Trophy Pages. . . . . . 54 Classifieds . . . . 76-77
Gary Parsons/Keith Kavajecz
page 15 News/Op-Ed. . . . 56-58 Real Estate . . . . 77-85


A Turkey's
Best Defense
By Thomas Kirkland
Story...page 44
• Trout Opener Tricks • An 'Ideal Beagle' • 2019 'Yak Tourneys
P.O. Box 278, Imlay City, MI 48444
• Whitetails and Winter • Early Development of Our State Parks
• Youth State Record Bear • Tomfoolery • DIY...Bass Poppers
www.woods-n-waternews.com • Like us on facebook Follow us on

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By Kenny Darwin

probed the head of the
deep pool with a black
gnat pattern, searching
for the monster 8-pound
brown I scouted. On the
third sweeping cast my
line suddenly stopped and I set the
hook. A huge fish violently shook
its head in an attempt to throw the
hook, and then turned downstream
using the powerful sweep of his
broad tail in the current attempting
to snap my fluorocarbon leader.
Line ripped off the reel like
I was into a big steelhead as the
brown dove beneath a fallen cedar
tree and tangled the line on roots
hidden deep in the shadowy cavern
and snapped my line like it was a
thread. There I stood calf deep in
the cold spring water with broken
line, broken heart and adrenaline
surging through my veins after
hand-to-hand combat with a mon-
ster brown. But at least I hooked up
with him and my opening day strat-
egy brought exciting results. Truth
is, if you want great trout fishing on
opening day there are some simple
tricks you can use to guarantee suc- The author likes to reveal fishing tactics to help you experience hear t-stopping trout action.
Begin by scouting. I’m not Some trout like to move down- If possible approach likely trout soon became my most sought after
talking about setting out cameras to stream from deep holes and thick spots from downstream. Cast to species from opening until streams
record wildlife, I’m suggesting you cover and take up feeding position the lower end of the hole first and close in September.
make a trek to your favorite trout where current pushes food into if you hook a fish pull him down- One of my sneaky strategies
stream and learn the river. I mean skinny water. Other trout prefer to river and don’t allow him to swim evolved after decades of chasing
study the flow, identify log jams, move to the head of holding wa- upstream and spook other fish in the trout and discovering how they go
pools, holes, runs and ideal habitat ter and ambush food approaching hole. Don’t make the common mis- bonkers for worms and nightcrawl-
that hold trout. Use polarized sun- holes, runs and deeper water. When take of getting too close to target ers washed into streams following
glasses and a billed cap so you can you are scouting try to locate where fish that detect your movement and rain storms. Not just a quick thun-
cut the reflection of the water and trout are feeding. Now, on opening dive for safety in nearby log jams. dershower but enough rain to cause
actually see into the current. Make day stalk feeding locations, sneak Use rather long distance casts and rivers to rise, water to become
your scouting trips during mid-day silently close, don’t wade where try to make silent casts. Avoid loud slightly discolored and brute brown
when sun is high to help you see fish can see you and slip into cast- splashing from your line and lure trout will abandon watery lairs
into the water and hopefully spot ing position unnoticed. when your presentation enters the during broad daylight and gorge
trout. Rivers and streams change On many Michigan streams you water. Remember trout by nature themselves on worms. My tactic is
drastically in just one year and can expect plenty of competition are wary fish and the slightest slap simple, hit the stream while water
constant flow can wash out shallow from other anglers on opening day. from a fly, plop from split shot or is still discolored and trout are in
water and make deep trout holding One trick is to hit the water long splash from a spinner can cause a feeding frenzy. My target is big
holes, move fallen trees, logs, boul- before sunrise using a headlight then to spook. browns, monsters that hide under
ders and create new trout habitat. flashlight to navigate the bank and I learned sneaky tactics for log jams and avoid fishermen like
Most northern Michigan trout walk to secret trout spots far from catching trout from people who a coyote running from a rifle shot.
streams sweep under cedar trees lin- the road or other parked vehicles. really fish. My father, Ray Darwin, I’m talking big adult fish in excess
ing the bank which provide shade, Come daylight start working holes was a trout fishing nut that intro- of five pounds that gulp your hook,
undercut banks and ideal trout hid- and cover as much water as possible duced me as a kid to the Tobacco strip line off the reel like a runaway
ing locations. Walk upstream and before other fishermen show up. Rivers, Cedar, AuSable, Pere Mar- salmon and give you a heavyweight
stalk likely trout hideouts in an at- Sure, some holes you want to camp quette, Pine River, East Branch of tug of war better than any other
tempt to sneak up on wary fish and on because you know they produce the AuGres and more. He loved trout.
locate hiding locations. Move rather impressive catches but using a run eating trout and seldom released It goes without saying timing
quickly where there is shallow wa- ‘n’gun strategy and covering as fish and was best known for his can be key to success for fantastic
ter but when you reach deeper water much water as possible can increase endless quest of big brown trout. To Michigan trout fishing. If opener
slow your pace, pause often, hide your chances of hooking up with him browns were the king of trout, is cold you can expect fewer bites
behind trees, brush and in the shade fish that have not yet seen a hook. the best of the best, and he soon from fish seeking warming trends.
of cedars while you scrutinize the At times you need to keep mov- introduced me to their down and Forget dry flies if the weather is
watery lairs. Try to identify trout ing to stay ahead of approaching dirty bulldog fighting abilities like
holding lies and feeding lanes. anglers. no other trout. German brown trout Trout Opener page 10
Trout Opener Tricks:
from page 8
cold and water temperatures are oxygen enriched water into local
dropping. You’re better off fish- streams. Sometimes the best bite
ing nymph flies or live bait. But if occurs shortly following a down-
the day is warm, sun shining and pour, depending how quickly the
insects are hatching you can expect watershed funnels water down-
better catches. stream, increases flow and dimin-
The trick to catching big trophy ishes clarity. In most cases fishing
browns on crawlers hinges on your the day following rain is a good bet
ability to rush to rivers and streams for increased catches. Keep in mind
exactly when the bite is going big the bite will only last until trout are
guns. A lot depends on the kind fully gorged with food, which often
of rain that falls, if it is a cold rain occurs in just a few hours. My fa-
expect an average bite. Heavy rain ther always had a saying regarding
can cause water conditions to get trout, “The more water, the more
too discolored and flood. fish you catch.” Meaning good
However, if the rain increases water flow is needed for good trout
flow, gives the stream a jolt of oxy- fishing and low clear water means
genized warm water and slightly fewer fish. He was an ace at recog-
discolored water and enough rain to nizing when trout are on the bite.
wash worms into the trout stream, When trout are slamming offerings,
fishing can suddenly become unbe- chasing lures or flies and hitting One challenge of trout fishing is learning what tactics trigger
lievable. I’m talking about suddenly hard on the first cast, that’s when strikes and how to maximize your success. Author photos
hooking the biggest browns in the he would fish hard, take no breaks,
system and catching limits is no big cover a lot of water constantly cast- ing or wading too close to trout that is to single hook a large worm
shake. ing. spot you and spook. Always wear and let it drift deep into pockets,
One sure fire method of deter- There are a million trout catch- clothing that conceals your outline hideouts, trout sanctuaries and twist
mining if the bite is fantastic is to ing tricks I’d like to share but gran- and approach each fishing location and turn. The action of the moving
look down the throat of fish you diose catches often begin with your with care. Hefty catches often hinge worm drives trout bonkers and you
catch. If worms are sticking out of approach. I’m talking about respect- on your ability to sneak kissin’ can expect the telltale tap, tap of
the gullet you can bet the bite is ing fish, easing into casting position close to your target, slowly, quiet as a strike. Lively worms will catch
top notch. If you land a beer belly using caution, avoiding spooking a black bear sneaking up on a donut more fish than worms not kept in
brown and inspect stomach con- trout and using a stealthy approach. bait pile and making precise, silent proper soil or crawler bedding.
tents and find handfuls of worms Fantastic trout fishing begins with casts. If opener is highlighted by warm
the bite is peak. I’ve caught huge wearing the right clothing. Sure you Savvy trout fishermen position weather you need to keep worms
browns with so many crawlers in gotta keep a low profile along the on the upstream end of a hole, cast and crawlers in a cool container out
their mouth they are sticking out the river banks but if you are fishing from the shallow side to the deep of the sun.
gills. The trick to monster catches a traditional Michigan stream you hole and allow the offering to quar- Looking for the hottest trout
is timing your fishing trips to match gotta worry about fish seeing you. ter drift downstream and probe the bait going? Try salmon eggs in
ideal weather and water conditions. The trick to increasing your catch deepest part of the hole. The idea cluster. I like to keep king salmon
While many anglers prefer a sunny could hinge on the clothing you is to let your offering sweep below roe in the skein--roll it in 20 Mule
opener I always pray for a nice wear. I’m talking about using pat- sunken logs, under submerged tree Team Borax, Foodsaver in a plastic
warm thunderstorm to get the trout terns that match the environment, roots and sweeping fallen trees bag and freeze. The day before trout
crankin’ big time. natural greens, browns, military where trout live. If you want more opener open the bag, thaw, cut skein
Modern cell phones can help camouflage, hunting clothing and fish learn how to penetrate trout into quarter-size chunks and cover
identify weather conditions, view more. Next avoid wading when holdouts and get your bait so close with Borax hand soap. Stir the skein
exact detail about rain and deter- possible on small streams and when to hiding fish they only need to by rolling in a Ziploc bag until the
mine when storms will be dumping you are in the water avoid splash- move a few inches to snap the food. eggs are covered with Borax and
This means getting down and dirty, semi hard or cured. Fish the skein
casting into jams, sweeping under on a single hook below a bobber,
fallen trees, drifting through shaded float or bouncing bottom using
locations, around rocks, logs, brush, split shot. When salmon roe in
debris and more. Don’t overlook skein hits the water, its milk sends
any trout hiding location and expect a strong chemical message to
big fish to occupy prime locations trout waiting downstream. They
offering the most cover. If you find cannot resist the smell, swim
a good looking spot make several upriver in search of the source and
casts, spend more time waiting for smash the offering with a fierce
the take and make certain to work feeding bite. Cut spawn draws trout
diligently at getting the hook into like candy and there is simply no
the strike zone. better live bait for native brook
If water conditions are low and trout.
clear on opener plan on scaling If opening day brings cold
back on presentations. Rather than weather, sleet or snow you want to
using whole night crawlers use the fish during the warmest part of the
tail end and pinch off the head at day. If weather is ideal and wader
the sex ring. Better yet make the clad legions invade your favorite
switch to garden hackle. I’m talking trout stream you might want to hit
about earth worms, but if I had one the water super early, hike to the
favorite it would be a large leaf or middle of the section and have as
Smar t trout fishermen practice selective har vest and keep some earth worm; you know the kind much water as possible available to
fish to fry and release quality big fish to continue spawning and you find in your garden or around share only with undisturbed native
sustain the valuable resource. grandma’s chicken coop. The trick trout.n
ost trophy eye are most vulnerable to fishing
class fish are pressure.
caught by In the fall, trolling with crank-
accident. Case baits is hands down the most pro-
in point, the ductive way to cover water and also
Ohio State to target big walleye. In the years
record for walleye was caught on a when lack of ice allows anglers to
perch rig. There is little doubt that troll throughout the month of De-
particular walleye was a surprise cember, lots of double digit walleye
catch. will be caught.
Most trophy class fish are caught Many of these fish will be
by accident because it’s tough to caught in deep water and also near
predict the whereabouts or seasonal bottom. Because most crankbaits
movements of adult fish. It’s tough, will not dive deep enough to reach
but not impossible to make these these fish, a growing number of
predictions with walleye and a host trophy seekers use the two ounce
of other popular species found here size Off Shore Tackle Snap/Guppie
in the Great Lakes region. Weight to double the diving depth
of popular crankbaits including the
TROPHY WALLEYE Reef Runner 800 Series, Bandit 5/8
For the angler who is looking Ounce Walleye, Smithwick Perfect
to put a double digit sized walleye 10, Rapala Husky Jerk 14, Deep
on the wall, there are no shortage Diving Husky Jerk 12 and the Tail-
of places in the Great Lakes region dancer TDD 11.
to shoot for that goal. Hands down, The Bay of Quinte located at
Lake Erie produces the largest num- the eastern end of Lake Ontario
ber of trophy class fish in any given is another popular destination for Top: Monster walleye like the author’s Lake Erie giant are best tar-
year. March and early April before anglers seeking trophy class wall-
eye. Every year in the fall and also
geted in late fall and also in early spring before these fish become
the spawn is the absolute best time
to target these fish. It is at this time winter months when good ice forms, spawned out. Above: King salmon pushing that 30 pound threshold have
been turning up with increasing frequency in recent years. Reduced stock-
of year that trophy class females walleye that push the upper teens ing effor ts have enabled fish like this chinook to grow to larger sizes than
will be full of eggs and at their peak are taken from the Bay of Quinte. A witnessed in years past. The best time to target these huge fish is just
weights. steady diet of alewife is responsible before they spawn when salmon stage near river mouths. Plugs are hands
Jigging and also slow trolling for growing walleye to these mas- down one of the best ways to tangle with a brute like this.
crankbaits are the two presentations sive sizes.
that produce the most trophy class Many believe the lake record, this large are a completely different In the fall, catching Bay of
fish in early spring. Late fall is the a 22 pounder, will soon fall in the animal. The anglers who target these Quinte walleye is a crankbait troll-
second window when trophy wall- Bay of Quinte. Walleye that grow fish are also a different breed. ing gig. Many anglers use the largest
crankbait sizes they can lay their
hands on including saltwater grade
Once ice forms, oversized lip-
less crankbaits, glide baits and jigs
tipped with jumbo sized swim bait
bodies produce the biggest fish.
Because most anglers who
target smallmouth bass practice
catch and release, true trophy class
smallmouth bass can be found in
hundreds of different lakes, rivers
and Great Lakes basins. Catching
one of these mega giants is not so
much knowing the whereabouts, but
rather knowing when and how best
to catch these fish.
Once again the early spring
pre-spawn period is the ideal time
Outside of fly-in wilderness trips, monster nor thern pike are hard to come by. Black bottom bays that have plenty of
to target trophy bass. Modern day vegetation and the ability to warm quickly in the spring sunshine have proven to be the best places to find super tanker
catch and release seasons open the nor thern pike. Jake Romanack caught this impressive specimen swimming a dead sucker minnow on a 1/4 ounce jighead.
door for anglers to target bass when
these fish are at their maximum dropping back to the Great Lakes, prime times to target trophy brook men must embrace is the Mag Lip
size and weight. When a big fish is they are fair game as pike fishing is trout on Lake Nipigon. At this time produced by Yakima Bait. This bait
caught, make sure you have measur- open year around in the Great Lakes of year the fish will be on the shore- is like a FlatFish on steroids as it has
ing tape, digital scale and camera and Great Lakes Connecting Waters. lines as this will be the warmest that same wide action, but can toler-
close at hand. Weigh, measure and Big post-spawn pike seek out available water in the lake. Moving ate much faster trolling speeds and
photograph the fish quickly before dark bottom bays where the sun fast and pitching small spoons and river current speeds.
releasing it. This information will warms the water quickly. Two pre- in-line spinners is the best way to The most popular Mag Lip sizes
be invaluable when it’s time to visit sentations tend to produce the best cover water. for salmon include the 3.5, 4.0 and
the taxidermist and have a replica on these super tanker fish. Brook trout tend to be found in 4.5. These baits are even more pro-
mount made. Casting a jig tipped with an pods or small schools. When one ductive when slathered with natural
During the pre-spawn, small- oversized sucker minnow is lights fish is caught, it’s almost a certainty scent products such as Pro Cure
mouth generally stage near the hard out on big pike. The best approach that others are nearby. Once a school Super Gel. Some anglers go the
bottom areas where they will spawn. is a fairly small jig like a 1/4 ounce if fish has been located, it often pays extra step to wrap a strip of herring
Jerkbaits and jigs with paddle tail with an oversize hook. Saltwater to circle back on that spot later in around these plugs using stretchy
style swim baits are some of the jigs made for targeting red drum are the day and fish it more slowly and thread. Plug wrapping is a common
most productive lures. often the best jigs for this style of thoroughly using lead head jigs and tactic on the west coast, but not a lot
fishing. soft plastic grubs or a small jerk of Great Lakes anglers have learned
TROPHY PIKE The other presentation that is bait. to master this art form.
With the exception of fly-in deadly effective on post-spawn The Mag Lip features grooves
wilderness fishing destinations, pike are oversize soft plastics fished TROPHY SALMON cut into the sides of the bait that are
trophy class northern pike are one weightless. Split tail minnows, If catching a king salmon over designed to hold the thread in place
of the most difficult fishing goals to paddle tail grubs and also twister 30 pounds is a life goal, the chances so small strips of baitfish can be at-
achieve. Great Lakes waters where tails in the seven, eight and 10 inch of making that happen are better tached to the plug easily.
pike have plenty of forage and range are essential when targeting now than they have been in over 40
places to get lost to fishing pressure lethargic pike. years. Because there are fewer king SUMMING IT UP
are the best places to zero in on big These oversize plastics will sink salmon in the Great Lakes these Anglers who are motivated by
pike. slowly and can be worked enticingly days, the fish are growing larger catching trophy class fish are well
Pike are most vulnerable on last to keep the bait in close proximity to on a steady diet of alewife, gizzard aware that when targeting big fish
ice and again in the early spring the fish. Traditional baits like spoons shad and smelt. they may not catch lots of fish. Big
when they are actively spawning in and spinnerbaits are moving too The absolutely best time to tar- fish are hard to come by and catch-
shallow water marshy areas. On the fast to get much attention from pike get these fish is just before they ma- ing them requires putting in more
ice, pike stage at river mouths weeks that are beat up from the rigors of ture and move upstream to spawn. time for less reward.
before the ice melts. Minnows spawning. When king salmon stage near river For anglers who are motivated
fished on tip-ups and dead bait rigs mouths they can be caught on a host more by size than numbers,
laying on the bottom are the most BROOK TROUT of presentations, but high action becoming a trophy specialist
productive ways to catch trophy The only way to catch trophy plugs tend to be exceptionally effec- often manifests into a lifelong
class pike late in the winter. brook trout is to frequent the areas tive. goal. Many of these anglers become
Once the ice breaks up, low land where these fish are found. For my Old school plugs such as the so fixated on catching trophy class
and marshy rivers and streams that money the best brook trout desti- Luhr Jensen J-Plug or Silver Horde fish that when the moment of truth
drain directly into the Great Lakes nation in North America is Lake Ace-Hi are good choices for tar- finally arrives, they opt to release
are the best places to find these fish. Nipigon in Northwest Ontario. This geting adult salmon in August and their catch so it can fight another
Typically when these fish are body of water is so large it was September. These plugs have a very day.
actually in the rivers, they are pro- once considered to be named a sixth erratic action that seems to produce When you’re motivated by tro-
tected under closed seasons. Once Great Lake. strikes when other baits fail. phy fish, a picture really is worth a
these fish have spawned and start Late May and early June are The other plug salmon fisher- thousand words!n
There’s more to readying
your rig than prepping gear
Make sure your paperwork is part
of spring your spring planning...

arly spring’s one of the particular type of means of transpor-
few times of year there tation and its accessories. The same
can be a lull in lake fish- should hold true to your fishing ves-
ing. The gap starts when sel and equipment, as well.
ice is no longer safe My fishing boat and equipment
to walk upon, are tools of my fishing trade
which can last a few weeks that are not always under-
until the boat launches are stood and covered properly
free of shelf ice and vessels by insurance companies
can be safely launched. that don’t have marine
Although it’s frustrating specialty agents, such as
not to be able to wet a line, Worldwide. It’s not that any
this quiet period’s a needed of my past insurers were
reprieve from being on the trying to pull a fast one

By Mark Martin
ice with my ice- over on me, it’s just
fishing schools so I the basic cover-
can prepare for the age they are able
upcoming open-water season. And to offer was not enough to cover all
you can bet I’ll go through every damages in case of a loss.
square inch of my boat, making sure Let’s say I was pulling my
everything’s rigged and ready to boat from my home to Matteson
go. But it won’t be just equipment Marine, in Gun Lake, (matteson-
I’m working on. I’ll also make sure marine.com) to have my Mercury
all the insurance paperwork’s done outboards tuned up for spring, and
prior to hooking the trailer to my I was in an accident. More than
hitch. likely, there would be damage to
my boat, motors and trailer. What’s
Before The Voyage not understood by most anglers in
There’s no doubting the year’s a situation like this is if they were
maiden voyage—more a shakedown underinsured, the damage would be
mission to make sure I have every- more costly than ever expected until
thing in its place so future tourna- it was too late.
ment trips to flow flawlessly—is And then there could be damage
greatly anticipated. But as an angler to all my boat, motors, and trailer’s
I have a responsibility to make sure accessories, which are the most
I have the proper coverage well overlooked in policies and will cost
before that first trip. the underinsured more than they can
And having the appropriate wa- afford to replace. Sometimes the The open water season is about to commence; is your rig covered
tercraft insurance goes well beyond out-of-pocket costs are so great that in case of catastrophe?
just covering the boat, motor and it’s impossible to reinstate it all, and
trailer. It needs to envelop all my a replacement boat is no longer an any more personal expense than my
Breathe Deep
fishing gear, electronics and trailer’s option. For the average angler, this The purpose of this article is not
accessories, as well. The company could mean fishing from shore from And then there’s the obvious to stress you out about the “what
I insure with is Worldwide Marine here on out. It might even mean the equipment, such as my Lowrance ifs” in case of a loss or damage to
Underwriters Inc. (worldwidemari- end of a fishing career for a profes- electronics with Navionics chips in your boat, motor, trailer and equip-
neins.com), which specializes in in- sional angler. them, Fenwick rods, ABU Garcia ment, but to make sure you realize
suring watercraft, even more so the My boat’s accessorized with reels, Flambeau tackle totes packed the insurance coverage you have on
unique vessels and gear of anglers. specialized tools specifically made with Rapalas, Northland spinners it all may not be what you think it is.
Why the fuss to use an insurance for the boats of avid anglers. For and jigs, Daiichi and Tru-Turn Check into it, contact an insur-
company such as Worldwide Ma- example, my Cisco Fishing Systems hooks, as well Berkley terminal ance company that specializes in
rine? Because most anglers, whether rod holders (ciscofishingsystemsltd. tackle and tools. The list is longer marine coverage and make sure your
professionals or weekend warriors, com)—machined to tough standards yet, and the cost of replacing it all is rig’s properly covered. Once you do,
are grossly underinsured and don’t to withstand a lifetime of abuse— staggering. like me, you’ll take a deep breath
even realize it. and my Smooth Moves Seat Mounts Not so sure about all this? Just of relief and enjoy your days on the
If you were to purchase a classic (smoothmoveseats.com)—which add up what it would cost you to water even more.
car or motorcycle, for example, I’m protect my back from injuries when replace the lures in just one tray of Mark Martin (markmartins.net)
sure you would seek out the best in- rough seas suddenly build—are just your tackle box and it won’t take but is a touring walleye tournament pro
surance for the unique vehicle, and, a few of the components that may a few minutes to realize you could and an instructor with the Fishing
more than likely from a company need to be replaced with the exact not afford to re-purchase them all at Vacation/Schools (fishingvacation-
that focuses their policies on that brands and models, and without one time. school.com).n
Next Bite…Springtime Cranking
By Gary Parsons and Keith Kavajecz
produce more fish.

pring means warming
waters and shallow If you get up even shallower,
baitfish. The north this is where the new Berkley
shorelines, larger Shallow Flicker Shad shines. The
flats, shallow rocks, five-cm and seven-cm sizes dive to
and longer bays warm about three and five feet respective-
faster than the main lake. Somehow, ly. Using a standard Flicker Shad in
shad, shiners, small bluegills, and this situation would dig bottom. The
other bait know exactly how to find larger seven Shallow Flicker Shad
comfortable water. Well, the wall- has a proven action very similar to
eyes follow. the “standard” seven Flicker Shad.
Post-spawn fish are spread out The five Shallow Flicker Shad has a
so moving fast is key and crankbaits subtle action and is great for wall-
facilitate speed. Jigs are often just eyes in a finicky mood.
too slow covering water. Cast- In all cases, align the retrieve
ing cranks is a fun way to work a speed with the water temperature.
shallow water area. For equipment, If the water is still chilly, crank a
look at a seven-foot medium light bit slower. As the water warms,
Cabela’s Prodigy Walleye Spin- move faster and crank faster. Use a
ning rod because the extra length steady retrieve unless the no-stretch
helps with casting distance and the Fireline indicates that a fish swiped When star ting out buy a selection of sizes to cover the depths you
slightly softer tip gives some initial at the bait (feels like the bait vibra- will be fishing – be sure to get both five-cm and seven-cm sizes so
shock absorption before the hook. tion pauses). In that case, pause and you have different actions to handle the different moods of the fish.
These fish are not leader shy so tie twitch a few times to get them to
a Number-one Berkley Cross-Lok come back and strike again. First, when up this shallow, con- Bass Pro Shops a bit intimidating.
snap directly to 10-pound Berkley For larger flats and long tapering sider trolling with your electric troll- When starting out buy a selection of
Fireline Ultra 8-Carrier braided shorelines, walleyes can chase bait ing motor. Our quiet Motorguide sizes to cover the depths you will be
line. This line allows you to feel the all the way up into a few feet of wa- Xi5 is great for this because we can fishing – be sure to get both five-cm
lure vibrating as well as when the ter, but also could be hanging in six use the Heading Lock to point the and seven-cm sizes so you have dif-
crankbait ticks bottom. This new or 12-foot depths. In these large ar- engine the direction we want to troll ferent actions to handle the different
Ultra 8 is also smooth and thin to eas trolling becomes the best option. and the motor will automatically moods of the fish. For colors, start
help lengthen each cast and allow Line counters spooled up with 10 keep us on course. Second, you with lures that have contrast - colors
the lure to dive a bit deeper. pound Fireline is our first choice for will want to spread the lures like Chartreuse Pearl, Uncle Rico,
Shorelines are never consistent trolling, but even spinning rods (the away from the boat either with and Fire Tiger. But never leave the
when it comes to depth and steep- same rods I cast with) with Fireline a long rod or preferably with store without some “Mouse” colored
ness, so having different crankbaits can be cast out quickly and adjusted planer boards. lures (Pearl White). Once you start
that dive to different depths gives an so the lure stays in the strike zone. We use the Off Shore Tackle to have success, pick similar pat-
angler the tools to effectively keep a At the deeper end of the spectrum, OR12 Side Planer Boards for terns of baits but with different
bait in the strike zone. The standard you might even consider a lead core walleye because they track through colors to really fine tune your lure
Flicker Shad in the seven-cm size setup (18 pound Bass Pro Magibraid waves and handle all of the standard collection.
is a workhorse. It dives quickly and with a 15 foot leader of 10 pound crankbaits with ease. These boards By the way, standard springtime
can be worked on a cast up to seven Fireline) to get shallow running are easy to see and the tattle flag trolling speeds are as low as 1.2
to eight feet deep. The smaller five- baits down close to the bottom. system indicates if a lure has picked mph - go faster as the water warms
cm size is a little less aggressive Especially during the shad up debris or a smaller fish. Running – up into the 1.8 mph range. Ac-
and will hit about six feet on a long spawn or on windy days, walleyes a lure 10 feet behind a planer board tive spring walleyes do not need a
cast. Most people do not realize that will move into less than four feet of is a common presentation and the slow jig to bite. A crankbait moving
the six-cm size dives similar to a water. Trolling a seven-cm flicker shallow fish never notice the boat. through their space is often more
number-seven, but it is weighted to shad would only be 10 feet behind Each lure in the Berkley Flicker effective at triggering a strike. Go
suspend and in colder water, if you the boat! Here are a couple of op- family comes in over 20 colors shallow, cast or troll cranks and get
pause the retrieve, that feature can tions for a better presentation. making the aisle of crankbaits at The Next Bite.n


DISEASE Pressure pads, shown here,
are a symptom of oak wilt.

n state forests and on

urban streets, the oak is By Kathleen Lavey - MDNR wound paint or latex-based paint.
Treating tree wounds with paint is
a mighty tree. Towering get a lot of oak wilt calls.” or the forest – are encouraged to not usually recommended; doing so
nearly 100 feet tall, it can Wieferich said there’s good check the DNR’s interactive oak to combat oak wilt is the exception.
live up to 150 years and news and bad news about oak wilt. wilt map at Michigan.gov/Fores- Infected trees will usually begin
offers plenty of shade The bad news: you cannot save tHealth to report it. to display symptoms beginning in
under its heavily-leafed, spreading a red oak that is already showing So, what is this infection that June through September. The symp-
branches. But oaks – especially trees symptoms. can take down a towering oak? toms include the leaves showing
in the red oak family – face a threat The good news: simple actions, Oak wilt is caused by the fungus two colors during these months and
from a disease known as oak wilt, such as refraining from pruning Bretziella fagacearum. It spreads rapid leaf drop from the tree’s upper
caused by a fungus with micro- oak trees between April 15 and July from tree to tree by underground crown.
scopic spores that can infect and kill 15 and covering accidental bark root contact, through tiny, sap-feed- Those trees are usually easy to
a red oak within weeks. wounds with paint, can help keep ing beetles that carry spores from spot in a backyard. DNR staffers
“The leaves begin to turn brown, healthy trees from being infected. fungal pads on infected trees into also are keeping an eye out for oak
with parts of them still green,” said On city streets, those steps help wounds on healthy oaks. wilt in state forests and taking mea-
James Wieferich, a forest health keep tree loss to a minimum. In state Spores also can be found on sures to stop its spread.
specialist with the Michigan Depart- forests, plows and selective cutting recently cut firewood from trees “We prioritize our treatment
ment of Natural Resources. “When help keep the disease at bay. that died of oak wilt. This is one of efforts in new areas where there
the leaves start dropping in the People who spot a tree with the reasons why the DNR and other is not a lot of oak wilt,” said Scott
middle of summer, that’s when we symptoms of oak wilt – in the city agencies advise against moving Lint, a forest health specialist with
firewood. the DNR.
Oaks in the red oak family, Those areas include Otsego and
including black oak, northern red Cheboygan counties in northern
oak and northern pin oak, are most Michigan. In the Upper Penin-
susceptible to the disease, which sula, control efforts are focused on
kills trees by interrupting the flow Menominee, Iron and Dickinson
of sap. counties.
Trees in the white oak group are Other priority spots include state
less susceptible because they have a campgrounds and trail access sites
different internal cell structure that where people come to enjoy the
prevents rapid spread of the infec- woods.
tion through the tree. Trees in the “For the rest of the state forest,
white oak group have rounded leaf we prioritize by the quality of the
edges and include white oak and oak,” Lint said. “We tend to priori-
swamp white oak. tize high-quality northern red oak
The highest risk of infection rather than pin oak.”
occurs from April 15 through July Once an infection is spotted in a
15, but it is prudent to avoid pruning priority area, DNR staffers bring in
or injuring oak trees until they have a piece of heavy equipment known
lost leaves for the winter. as a vibratory plow. It creates a deep
An aerial photo shows If pruning or removing oaks can- trench to separate the roots of the
oak trees infected with not be avoided during the high-risk infected tree from trees outside the
oak wilt disease in Benzie period, or a tree gets damaged, im- perimeter.
County. MDNR photos mediately cover wounds with tree- “All of the trees within that circle
Michigan Depar t-
ment of Natural
Resources forest
health special-
ist Scott Lint
runs a vibratory
plow treatment
around an oak
wilt-infected tree
have the potential to become in- in the Manistee
fected and die,” Lint said. National Forest
Other oak trees within the circle near Wellston.
are cut down. Sometimes they are MDNR photo
salvaged for timber; other times they
are left in place.
Within a treated area, new
trees that sprout from stumps are
likely to die from oak wilt because
they are connected to the infected
underground root system, where the
disease can linger for a few years.
The roots of new oaks that generate
from seeds aren’t deep enough to
become infected.
“Once we do the plowing, we
have removed the risk of oak wilt
spreading,” Lint said. “New seed-
lings that originate from seed will
grow in that same area uninfected.”
Tips to avoid oak wilt:
• Don’t prune oaks from mid-
April through the summer.
• If oak trees must be pruned or
removed during the risk period, or
a tree gets damaged, immediately
cover wounds with tree-wound paint
or latex-based paint.
• Don’t move firewood, especial-
ly if it comes from oak wilt-killed
trees, as it can harbor the fungus.
• If firewood is suspected of
being tainted by oak wilt, cover it
with a plastic tarp all the way to the

Find your escape.

ground, leaving no openings. This
keeps beetles away so they can’t
move spores onto healthy trees.
Leave wood covered until the fall of
the year following tree death to keep
the disease from spreading.
If the presence of oak wilt is No matter where your passion for the outdoors takes you,
suspected: GreenStone can help you get there. We’re experts in
• Learn more from the U.S. For- financing homes off the beaten path and properties
est Service site or Michigan State
University Cooperative Extension of any size.
Service. Contact your local branch office to learn more,
• Report infections at Michigan.
or visit us online to apply today.
gov/ForestHealth using an interac-
tive map.
• Contact a local DNR forest 800-444-3276
health specialist for more informa-
tion at DNR-FRD-Forest-Health@
Michigan.gov or 517-284-5895.
• Michigan State University’s
Diagnostic Clinic can verify infec-
tion. Find instructions at PestID.
msu.edu or call 517-355-4536.
• Get help from an oak-wilt
qualified specialist. Visit Michi-
ganOakWilt.org for a listing and
more information.
Whether in the forest or in urban
areas, land managers and prop- www.greenstonefcs.com
erty owners taking a few relatively
simple steps can prevent oak wilt
infection and keep oaks towering
over our backyards, city streets and
forests for decades into the future.n
Hunting small
tracts of land
for gobblers
n Mecosta County neighbor’s corn field. This required
where my family owns a more aggressive tactic. I refer to
approximately eighty these types of turkeys as transient
acres, decent numbers turkeys. Not only does this occur on
of turkeys can be found this piece of property, but in other
throughout the surround- areas I’ve had permission to hunt
ing area. However, even though we turkeys on in the past. This can also
have several small clover include large tracts of pub-
plots, numerous water lic land that occasionally
sources and an abundance limit you to hunt turkeys in
of turkey habitat it can be small areas due to hunting
tough holding them on pressure from other turkey
our property. Oftentimes hunters along with other
turkeys will roost on neigh- outdoor enthusiasts.
boring properties and spend As for private property
a very brief period of their throughout the state, land is
day feeding, strutting, and continuing to become more
traveling through the
area. By Darin Potter fragmented and
sold off as smaller
I can recall two parcels. Just look
different longbeards that I intercept- at some of the counties’ plat books
ed while they were traveling across and you will quickly see what I’m
our property from the roost to a talking about. This trend will in- On small hunting lands effective calling techniques are essential in
order to pull birds into shooting range. Author photos
crease your chances of knocking on tracks, dusting locations, droppings,
a landowner’s door who owns one and feathers.
of these small pieces of property. If you find large quantities of the
You can either pass up the chance to latter two then chances are you’ve
hunt on one of these small parcels or just found a roost, which is the
seize the opportunity and make the jackpot for setting up prior to open-
most of it. ing day. Placing a trail camera(s) in
With that being said here are areas where you’ve spotted turkey
some tips that will help you fill your activity in the past will also give you
spring turkey tag when hunting an idea of where they’re spending
small tracts of land for gobblers. time. Driving on the roads around
the area and glassing adjacent prop-
Scout and Setup erties from afar is also a great way
When hunting small tracts of to determine their travel patterns
land it is especially important that and areas where gobblers like to
you be aware of the surrounding strut. This will avoid putting extra
natural features that could pres- hunting pressure on the birds. While
ent turkeys with an obstacle when driving around you may find out
responding to your calls. These that the turkeys aren’t roosting on
could include barbwire fences, your property at all, but have chosen
creeks, thick brush, and fallen trees. to roost on the property next door.
Scouting the area ahead of time for Gathering this information will help
potential locations to setup will help you determine where you will setup
alleviate this problem. Not only on your property and the direction
will it help you avoid these types you should face.
of obstacles, but it will allow you Tent blinds are an excellent way
to find areas where turkeys have to remain concealed in open areas
been roosting and feeding. Pin- such as fields and meadows where
pointing these locations is essential longbeards frequently spend their
when trying to put a gobbler on the time strutting and feeding. A tent
ground. Put in some leg work well blind is just the ticket when hunting
The author’s nephew, Brock, with his first longbeard he shot on a in advance of the season search- in smaller areas due to the fact that
ten acre chunk of private proper ty last spring. ing the area for turkey sign such as you won’t be cutting and running
near as often. On one piece of prop- on larger tracts of land where they the turkey woods have all contrib-
erty near my home that consists of have more room to roam and go uted to my success and wouldn’t be
sixty acres where I have permission about their daily turkey business. possible without them. Stay positive
to hunt I typically will place two If anything, it has caused me to be- when hunting these areas because
tent blinds in areas where turkeys come a better turkey hunter paying sooner or later a longbeard will pass
are the most active. This helps in- attention to detail on my approach, by offering you a shot. After all,
crease my chance of filling my tag. setup, calling, and knowing when gobblers travel several miles a day
Other options besides tent blinds to stay put versus cutting and run- so your chances are good of hearing
are half blinds. These types of blinds ning. or seeing one on the property you’re
are excellent when a gobbler is Absorbing information from all hunting. Don’t think for a second
fast approaching and you are in the experiences from past turkey sea- that the “grass is greener on the
open and don’t have time to lean up sons, books, videos, seminars, and other side,” but instead be confident
against a tree or find other available talking to other experienced hunters in your setup and your turkey hunt-
cover. However, oftentimes I will who have spent countless hours in ing skills.n
sit at the base of a tree when I’m

31s� An�u � Sp�i�g APRIL 19-20

cutting and running and hear a gob-
bler nearby.

If you discover that turkeys are
roosting off of the tract of land you
are hunting then it is best to call fac-
ing the opposite direction if you are
Fishing & Boat
Hours: Friday 9-8, Saturday 9-5

hunting alone. However, if you have

a hunting buddy that will be call-
ing for you then position yourself
between them and the roost. This
will give the longbeard the impres- FREE ADMISSION
sion that the hen is moving in the Thousands of items on sale! Kevin VanDam Mark Zona Jonathon VanDam Seth Feider
opposite direction, therefore draw- OUR LARGEST SALE OF THE YEAR!
ing him in close for a shot. You can Meet Factory Reps From:
also create this scenario by cutting Daiwa Fenwick Garmin MotorGuide
and yelping loud at first and then Quantum Shakespeare Strike King Abu Garcia
Shimano Berkley 13 Fishing Storm
gradually becoming softer once the G.Loomis Stren Terminator Jackall
gobbler has committed to you. This Minn Kota Okuma Vicious P-Line
tactic works best when you are call- Humminbird Rapala Lucky Craft Dave Mercer Chris Noffsinger David Fritts
ing alone.
Oftentimes, many turkey hunters
think that they need to be constantly
calling to the birds when afield in
order to bring them in close to their
setup, however too much calling
can have the opposite effect. This
can cause the gobbler to feel that

31s� An�u � Sp�i�g APRIL 19-20

the hen, which is you calling, isn’t
going anywhere anytime soon so

Fishing & Boat

they’re thinking, what’s the hurry.
By resisting the temptation to call
too much you can also cause gob-

blers to think that the hen is heading
out of the area. Hours: Friday 9-8, Saturday 9-5
Used correctly and at the right
time, turkey calls are one of the
tools that you have to lure a gobbler
from adjacent properties towards FREE PARKING
your setup. With a limited area to
hunt you need to make wise deci-
sions in making your setup appeal- Thousands of items on sale! Kevin VanDam Mark Zona Jonathon VanDam Seth Feider
ing to turkeys. Be patient and give
birds enough time to react to your
Meet Factory Reps From:
calls. This will help to avoid pres- Daiwa Fenwick Garmin MotorGuide
suring the turkeys. Quantum Shakespeare Strike King Abu Garcia
Shimano Berkley 13 Fishing Storm
Stay Positive G.Loomis
Minn Kota
Like many of you other turkey Humminbird Rapala Lucky Craft Dave Mercer Chris Noffsinger David Fritts
hunters out there in Michigan I’ve
always been limited to turkey hunt-
ing on smaller properties whether
it’s been on my family’s property or
on the property of those who have
generously given me permission to
hunt. However, I don’t feel that this
has negatively affected my success.
It just makes the window of oppor-
tunity a little smaller than hunting
Historical log driving activities still affect trout
habitat on northern Michigan trout streams

Historical photo of newly constructed log driving dam on the

Brule River. Harbour House Museum of Crystal Falls photo
f you spend some time ca- survey. Captain Cram described and rock dam berms along with often they were constructed at the
noeing/kayaking or explor- the Brule as having dense growths noticeable nearby burrow pits. In a outlets of some lakes to provide
ing, and know how to iden- of cedar along the river, making few rare cases workers conducting additional water to flush into the
tify log driving remnants, navigation difficult. Cedar is still regular maintenance on the dams system in a coordinated effort to
you can observe consider- common on the river banks. The carved or stamped their initials or keep log drives going. Log driving
able stream features that Brule means burnt, a French word names and dates in rocks near the dams were often constructed above
were constructed to transport pine for a large fire that charred the dam sites. extremely shallow stream stretches
logs that are still present along many woods near the confluence with the The Menominee River Wa- or rapids that would cause large log
rivers in Northern Michi- Brule and Michigamme tershed was a major log transport jams. Log driving dams had sluice-
gan. Log drivers’ activities River forming the Menomi- system of pine logs in the late ways where logs could be driven
of more than a century ago, nee. When Captain Cram 1800s into the very early 1900s. though them on a large head of
impacted the trout stream first surveyed the Brule, he 10,608,229,506 board feet of lumber water released abruptly in the spring
habitat both fish and anglers noted considerable evidence were driven down the Menominee flushing the logs downstream.
use today. An angler ex- of the Indians use of this Watershed between 1868 to 1917. Paddling the Brule River is
perience will be enhanced river as a trade route. Reportedly, the watershed drives the most practical and enjoyable
by knowing the historical Pine log drives down supported over 30 saw mills near way to view many of the remote
significance of prominent the Brule River were pre- the mouth of the Menominee River. log drive remnants. During the
fish habitat features you ceded by the considerable This volume could be supported late 1800s, crews employed by the
encounter on your
favorite trout stream. By Bill Ziegler construction of log-
ging dams. By using
since the Menominee is the fourth
largest watershed in the State of
log driving outfits cleared a path
through some major obstruction
This can be the case the county plat book, Michigan. like boulder “fields” and natural log
on any river in Northern Michigan State of Michigan DNR county As railroads were built in the jams on many rivers that still aid
where pine logging occurred (ap- maps, US Forest Service maps, and area, lumber companies calculated a paddlers today. Most of the Brule
proximately 1870s to early 1900s). US Geological Survey Quad Maps comparison of the costs of log trans- River is adequate for navigation
As a prime example, this article you can find some of the historical portation to Menominee. Initially, and is about 40 miles from Brule
will focus on the Brule River in the dam sites marked to aid your explo- river log drives were the only way Lake down to the Brule Island/Paint
Menominee River Watershed (Iron rations. Significant remnants of fea- to move logs to the mills. Eventu- Pond Impoundment. If you are not
County). tures like logging dams, and drive ally, railroads and supply roads were pressed for time you could also
The Brule River was established logs can still be observed today constructed although river transport trout fish on the upper Brule River
by the US Congress as a border since some of them involved major of pine logs was still the most eco- or fish for smallmouth, muskie and
between Michigan and the Wiscon- alterations that remain durable on nomical method to move large num- walleye on the lower Brule River.
sin Territory in 1840. The river was the rivers or landscape. Typical log bers of logs down to the mills. The There is a number of good access
used by Captain Thomas Cram of dam remnants are large timbers, log drives on the tributaries of the points mentioned in this article (or
the US Army Topographical Ser- large steel spikes, rock cribs, angled Menominee, like the Brule River, the maps listed above) if you only
vice to lay out an interstate border wood piling, scour pools, earth were timed to catch the spring run- want to take a day trip. If extensive
off high water period. The harvested exploring the historical remnants or
pine logs were decked along the considerable time allotted to angling
streams during the winter so they is your goal, you should not try to
could be rolled in to start the log paddle too far in a day, my rule of
drive at spring breakup. thumb is no more than about ten
The Menominee River log drive river miles a day.
was operated by a cooperative com- Above this most navigable
pany called the Menominee River stretch, Pendelton Creek (MI) and
Boom Company. The Brule was Elvoy Creeks could be floated at
a major river for log drives from higher water. Both streams are good
the upper western portion of the trout streams, especially Elvoy
Menominee Watershed. The Brule Creek. Elvoy supports both brook
River received logs from smaller and brown trout fishery. Pendelton
drives on the tributaries – Pendel- Creek is a brook trout stream. Log-
ton Creek, Brule and Elvoy Creeks ging dam remnants can be found on
(WI), Iron River, and Armstrong all these tributaries.
Creek. Logging dams were con- The upper most logging dam
structed on the tributaries and main- site on the Brule River is the Brule
stream of the Brule River. Two types Lake Outlet Dam. This dam site can
Brule Dam wood framework and scour pool (trout hole) just downstream. of dams were used by log drivers. be reached by paddling downstream
This is a good example of significant log driving dam remnant on the Up- Reservoir dams were sometimes from Brule Lake which is at the
per Brule River. constructed on tributaries although headwaters of the Brule River. This
particular dam is also easily reached the Michigan side. The Scott Lake
by driving west from Nelma, Wis- access is just below the Iron River
consin on County Road A, 1.5 miles confluence, about 7.1 miles down-
to a dirt access road running north to stream of Highway M-189.
a public access site at the old dam. The Iron River is a high-quality
If you launch at that access site, brook trout stream with a watershed
Elvoy Creek enters the Brule River completely in Michigan. The Iron
just over a half-mile downstream River had at least four historical log-
from the old dam. However, most ging dams. The uppermost sites are
paddlers start their Brule River trips a reservoir dam at the Ottawa Lake
at the road crossing of M-73 about outlet and a driving dam at Hazel on
3.9 miles downstream from the old the North Branch of the Iron River.
Brule Lake Outlet Dam site. As you go downstream, driving
Paddling downstream from the dams at the Wild River Road and
put in at Michigan Highway 73 at Iron River Township Hall both have
about 6.8 miles you first encounter popular trout fishing holes below
Wheeler Dam. This historical log- them that were dam plunge pools.
ging dam is mostly gone although a It is only 0.9 miles down to the
large former plunge pool can still be Saunders Log Driving Dam site
from the Scott Lake Access Site Historical photo of log drivers working with peaveys below a nor thern
found along with a few timbers and Michigan log driving dam. The peavey and pike pole were the primary tool
large steel spikes. This section from on the Brule mainstream. Saunders to move the logs along used by log drivers who often rode the logs with
M-73 has poor road access, although Dam still has considerable old tim- calked boots. Marcia Bernhardt - Iron County Historical Museum photo
is one of the better sections to trout bers, spikes and other remnants of
fish year around on the Brule River. the old dam structure. The Wiscon- encampment used for construction as an experienced paddler can take
The Upper Brule is one of the few sin side of the dam is tied into a tall of the Chicago Northwestern Rail a recreational (non-whitewater)
trout rivers in the U.P. that supports rock outcrop. Below Saunders dam Road workers as the railroads first kayak through. A WE Energies
a self-sustaining brown trout fishery. the river runs along an old railroad were constructed following mine Public Access Site is located about
Brown trout are not as abundant grade on the Michigan bank. There development in the late 1800s. The 3.7 miles downstream from US 2 on
as brook trout although some nice is a series of riffles and class one former railroad grade runs close to the Wisconsin bank just before the
browns can be caught. rapids first being Fisherman’s Eddy the Brule River at this point and is confluence with the Paint River in
From Wheeler Dam it is a Rapids, Twin Rapids and Railroad now a state recreation trail. the upper portion of the Brule Island
6.9-mile paddle down to Michigan Rapids which are all readily canoe- Downstream, 5.5 miles from the Impoundment.
Highway 189. There is a small park- able by paddlers with basic skills. tiny village of Pentoga, the Arm- The log drives were major river
ing area and landing on the Wiscon- The Pentoga Log Driving Dam strong Creek enters the Brule River. operations. A historical example
sin side of the river at the bridge. is about 4.7 miles downstream Logs were run down the Armstrong from Menominee Boom Company
The Brule River would have to be from the Scott Lake access site. from Dam Lake on the West Branch records for 1896 showed that the
floated in a couple of overnights or The Pentoga dam still has a readily of the Armstrong. The West Branch Kirby Carpenter Logging Company
as day trips. If you launch at M-189, identifiable earthen dam berm and a is much colder than the East branch conducted the log drives on the
the next easy take out is the Scott large (plunge) pool. A small amount of the Armstrong that flows out of North, South, and main Paint Riv-
Lake Road coming to an old for- of timbers can be found. This is a Armstrong Lake. There is consider- ers. Eventually, the logs were driven
mer bridge site and access site on popular fishing hole although trout able groundwater (spring) input into down to the mainstream, in this case
fishing is only productive in the ear- the West Branch and that acts as a Brule Falls (inundated by Brule
ly season. Below Pentoga the Brule critical cold water refuge for Brule Island Dam). Reportedly, the tribu-
has converted over the years to more River brook trout in the warm water tary drives were to have the logs
of a warm water stream. Our DNR summer period as well as spawning to the main drive by May 1 for the
long term recording thermometers in the fall. Menominee River Boom Company
confirm that water temperatures rise Downstream, 7.4 miles from drive. This combination of logs in
above levels trout can tolerate on Pentoga, is Carney Dam. Carney the river is why the logs had to be
most summers below the Scott Lake Dam was a log driving dam and the marked with symbols represent-
river access site. Just below the most downstream logging dam on ing the various logging companies.
Pentoga dam the Pentoga Trail Road the Brule River. Much of the dam They were to be sorted out by the
crosses the Brule River and there was obliterated when the site was owners at the mill. The log drives
is a small site a couple of vehicles excavated for a Michigan State Ca- were extremely hard work and very
can park and access the river. The noe Access Site. A large pool is still dangerous. A number of men were
tiny village of Pentoga was named there that is a very popular fishing killed or drowned on the log drives
for the wife of the Ojibwa Chief hole for walleye and smallmouth and reportedly some were buried in
Edwards from the nearby Chicagon bass. There is a quite a bit of the old unmarked graves at some of the log-
Lake Indian Village. dam timber cribbing on the Wiscon- ging dam sites.
Two miles downstream of sin bank and a large burrow pit on Log drives were conducted on
Pentoga is Two Foot Falls which is the Michigan bank. most Northern Michigan rivers
rated as a class two rapids. Calling If you wanted to paddle further during the major white and red pine
it a rapids overstates this rock shelf you could paddle down to the Brule logging period in the late 1800s.
A pine drive log found on the Pine drop falls, which if taken at normal Island Impoundment. Highway US On your next trip canoeing
River by the Pine, Popple and Pike water conditions properly can be ran 2 is 6.8 miles downstream from the down Northern Michigan rivers,
Wild Rivers Group. This number 8 by canoeists with basic river run- Carney Dam Access site. There is keep on the lookout for remnants of
surrounded by a diamond repre- ning skills. 4.6 miles downstream a small parking spot and access to the logging days. If you look on the
sented a logging company owner- of Pentoga there is a large clearing the river on the Michigan bank of bottom of some of our area rivers
ship so the log could be sor ted on the Michigan bank that has often the Brule at the road crossing. La you will see deadhead (sunken logs
out and directed to the proper saw been mistaken for an old logging Chapelle Rapids is located about from about 12 to 16 feet in length)
mill as it eventually reached the camp. Foundation and other past 1.7 miles downstream from the US logs that became waterlogged, sank,
Menominee saw mills located down development marks make it clear it 2 Access Site. La Chapelle is rated and were left behind. Some Michi-
at the mouth of the river and the was a large developed area histori- a Class 1 to 2 rapids and at normal gan streams have a number of these
Bay of Green Bay. cally. This was the site of a large water conditions is about as much sunken drive logs.n
The Minister goes ice fishing
took my friend, who hap- en holes drilled and ready for bait.
pens to be a Protestant A promising sign were two keeper
minister, ice fishing the bluegills flopping next to one of the
other day. In his fifties, Pat holes. Darrius handed Pat a pole and
had never drilled a hard- reel with 4-pound test and told him
water hole although he to have some fun.
used to own an auger and plenty of First, though, I showed our
ice-fishing gear. “Picked up every- friend how to thread a waxworm
thing I would need at a rummage on the tiny teardrop lure and then
sale,” he admitted, “but all that stuff squeeze the bait to milk it. Darrius
is gone now. I never got around to dropped a sonar probe into the hole
using any of it.” before Pat while he got comfortable
That needed to change. I had on his bucket seat.
been catching bluegills on area “Watch the screen on the Vexi-
lakes with another friend, and we lar,” Darrius advised, “and you’ll
decided to invite Pat the next time see your bait going down. Stop it
we ventured out. It was already just above those red flashes. Those
early March, but the ice was still are fish.”
solid with a crust of snow atop, In less time than I can write this
which precluded the need sentence, Pat iced his first
for ice creepers. I loaned bluegill, a “whopping”
Pat a pair of insulated boots 5-incher. Noticing the boy-
and brought along an extra like grin spreading across
5-gallon pail; Darrius, my Pat’s face, I said something
other pal, had rigged a rod about never throwing back Pastor Pat and the author’s friend Darrius bagging their day’s catch.
for him. a kid’s first fish, but Pat
When Pat and I arrived decided it was too small said, “I want a bigger one.” Meanwhile, Darrius and I were skit-
at the 40-acre lake, Dar- to clean. Guiding the ’gill I had the feeling this newest tering our share of bluegills across
rius was back into convert to the joys of ice fishing the ice, too.
already MICHIGAN MEANDERS the hole was going to make up for years of The fish were not huge—the big-
there with with his deprivation. The evidence increased gest was maybe 7 inches—but they
a half-doz- By Tom Huggler boot, Pat as the pile of fish at Pat’s feet grew. were plentiful. While Pat stayed

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glued to his honey hole, Darrius and So many days on the ice. So
I moved often and tried to locate many others, like Darrius—and
fish that kept moving off whenever now—Pat.
the sun broke through cloud cover. Ice-fishing tackle and gear have
The Vexilar was a big aid; by simply greatly changed over those years.
dropping the probe into any one of We have evolved from heavy mono-
a dozen pre-drilled holes, we knew filament to wispy line so thin it’s
immediately if fish were present. hard to see, from clumsy plastic and
Most of the time they showed up on foam bobbers to sensitive, hair-trig-
the screen as red stabs suspended at ger strike indicators, from noisy ice
6 to 8 feet over the 12- to 15-foot spuds and motorized augers to quiet
depth. razor-like drills that go through ice
Modern electronics have certain- like knives through butter.
ly taken the mystery out of ice fish- What hasn’t changed are the
ing. I thought back over the years rewards from spending a few hours
to the many times I returned home lost in thought while hunched over
with few fish or no fish because a six-inch hole waiting for a nibble.
finding them proved so elusive. Ice fishing affords as much solitude
When we speak of ice fishing, we as you want. If too much competi-
really mean hunting. tion shows up, simply move off to a
Between nibbles I also thought more secluded spot. When the chat-
about the many good friends, most ter in your spearing shanty grows
of whom are now gone, that took me annoyingly political, take a walk
ice fishing. There was Ice Flow Joe, and replace the hot air with fresh air.
who worked third shift in the auto Like deer hunting from a blind,
factory so he could ice fish Lake ice fishing is a solitary, sedentary
St. Clair nearly every winter morn- sport with plenty of time to think, to
ing. There was Fay, whose Thermos plan, to organize or reorganize a life
coffee was so hot I fancied it could without the prospect of interruption.
melt Saginaw Bay if spilled. There It helps, though, to leave the cell-
was Dave and his brother George phone in the car as Pat found out.
who shared pike-fishing secrets Without warning, he suddenly The author, Tom Huggler spending a morning on the ice.
on Manistee Lake, and Kevin who stood up and grew animated while
taught me how to catch ciscoes on talking to someone on his phone. news: The fish quit biting and we hours of effort. I know because Dar-
Crystal Lake near Beulah. And then “Oh no!” I heard him say. “An- decided to pack up and go. rius counted while cleaning the fish
there was Dar, who introduced my other funeral? So soon?” The good news is that we had that night. Come to think of it, that
grandson from Florida to the sport. That sad news brought bad caught 42 bluegills for only two was good news, too.n

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Hunting season and
population survey results

he 2018 elk hunting northern tip of the state are open to
season stats are in, hunting for this later hunt.
and the 2019 win- In order for regulated hunting to
ter elk survey just assist in managing elk, Michigan’s
wrapped up, provid- elk population first must be evalu-
ing a clear picture of ated.
where Michigan’s elk population “Our population goal for elk is
currently stands. between 500 and 900 animals. This
Hunt period 1, which targets elk has been determined as the best bal-
outside of their traditional range, ance for the forests, area agriculture
was 12 days long. From Aug. 28-31, and residents,” Michigan Depart-
Sept. 14-17 and Sept. 28 - Oct. 1, 99 ment of Natural Resources elk spe- The DNR estimates Michigan’s population of elk and where they are
state hunters harvested 68 elk (28 cialist Chad Stewart said. “Besides found in the nor thern Lower Peninsula through an aerial sur vey.
bulls and 40 antlerless elk.) In addi- having an estimated population, how many are present and determine ed elk population of approximately
tion, all three Pure Michigan Hunt knowing where they are located is the number of males and females in 1,196 elk, with a confidence interval
winners were successful during the also very important.” the group. Most of the elk popula- of plus or minus 266.
first hunt period. An aerial survey occurs in Janu- tion can be found within or adjacent “The survey tells us there
During hunt period 2, Dec. ary, with a DNR airplane flying pre- to the elk range in the northeast are between 930 and 1,462 elk in
15-23, another 100 state hunters determined routes, or transects, to Lower Peninsula. The Pigeon River Michigan,” DNR Wildlife Field
harvested 78 elk (30 bulls and 48 locate elk. Once elk are found, the Country State Forest makes up a Operations Manager Brian Masten-
antlerless elk). All locations in the plane circles, and observers count large area of the elk range, and brook said. “Based on this survey,
fields are planted and mowed to past surveys, damage concerns and

attract elk from the surrounding disease issues, we will continue to
private land. reduce the elk population slowly

Friends of NRA
“We try to lure elk away over the coming years with our
from agriculture using different regulated hunting seasons.”

Dinner Banquet
techniques to modify the forest,” The Natural Resources Com-
Stewart said. “We try to encourage mission has exclusive authority to
elk to hang out in those modified regulate the taking of game.

April 16th • 5:00PM

locations.” The aerial elk survey takes place
More than 8,700 miles of in January, when there is snow on
transects were flown in nine days the ground and leaves are off the
Palazzo Grande during the 2019 survey, with 834
elk sighted. No wildlife survey can
trees, both conditions that allow
the best view of elk from above. It
54660 Van Dyke • Shelby Twp. count 100 percent of the animals be- is also after the elk hunting season
cause they move and are often under is complete and before young elk
Join our efforts to support cover like trees, so a formula is used are born, therefore the lowest point

the shooting sports:

to establish a population estimate. in the population during the year.
Other states use similar formulas Additional information about elk
during wildlife surveys. The 2019 and elk hunting in Michigan can be
Women on Target, High School aerial survey determined an estimat- found at Michigan.gov/Elk.n

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Youth bags monster bear

ourteen-year-old Brady Wicks said. “There was a good
Firman from Hillman wind the night before opening day
bagged a state record that knocked a lot of acorns down.
black bear in the youth I thought the bears were going to
category, according to go to the acorns, and I’m sure that’s
state big game record what they did. I talked to a lot of
keeper Commemorative Bucks of people in the area who were baiting
Michigan (CBM), while hunting bears and they all said their baits
over bait with grandfather Steve went cold on opening day.”
Wicks, also of Hillman, last Septem- On the second day of the season,
ber in Montmorency County. the pair was only in the ground
Brady’s grandmother, Ethyl blind for 15 minutes when a small
Wicks, made it possible for Brady to bear they estimated would weigh be-
go on his first bear hunt last fall by tween 100 and 125 pounds appeared
transferring her success in the draw- at the bait. They both agreed it was Brady Firman (r t), 14, of Hillman bagged a state record black bear
ing for licenses in the Red Oak bear too small to shoot, so they watched that weighed 520 pounds hunting with his grandfather Steve Wicks.
management unit to her grandson. it for 10 minutes before it left. Even though Steve didn’t have his first deer, a doe, when he was 8,
And Brady borrowed the scoped It was the third day of the season any photos of the state record bear and he’s shot at least one deer
Savage .270 caliber rifle he shot the when the monster bear made an ap- on camera at the bait Brady hunted every year since then. During
bear with from father Rick Fir- pearance late in the day. during 2018, Wicks said a buddy of the 2018 firearms season, Brady
man, so the exceptionally “He came where I his hunted the same bait site during shot a big 9-pointer that was the
successful hunt was truly a wasn’t expecting to see 2017 and he got photos of the bruin biggest buck in the youth category
family affair. anything,” Steve said. “He at the bait four or five times. on the Hillman Buck Pole, win-
The bear Brady bagged walked right by the corner Although last fall was Brady’s ning him a rifle. Steve took honors
had a skull that officially of the blind. I saw the bear first time bear hunting, he’s an for big bucks among adults with a
scored 22 3/16 after being coming in. Brady hadn’t experienced deer hunter. He shot 10-pointer.n
panel measured by CBM, seen it yet. The bear walked
tying it for third place out in front of the blind and
among all bears entered in stopped broadside at 10 Fishing... Hunting... Or Just Simply
By Richard P. Smith A Getaway Cabin To Enjoy Nature!!
state records. yards. I knew it
Jim Henney was a big bear,
shot a bruin but I didn’t
in Menominee County during 2000 know it was as big as it turned out Solid Logs with Perma Chink between
that scored the same. The current
all-time state record bear, which
to be.
“I had shooting sticks posi-
tioned in the front of the blind,
Cedar or Pine
• Fully Insulated
had a skull scoring 23, also came
from Montmorency County. Sharon ready for Brady to use. He did a • Front Porch or Side Porch Styles Available
• Custom Built to Your Ideas!
Agren tagged that bruin in 1997 good job shooting that bear. There • Stained & Preserved
while hunting with hounds. was a massive blood trail. The bear • Delivered to Surrounding States
The former state record for black only ran 31 paces after Brady shot • Sizes from 8’ to 36’ Long!!
bears in the youth category was also it.” • Single and 2 Story Styles
set in 1997 when 17-year-old Jackie They were in for a surprise when • Delivered & Priced Fully Assembled
Piatt from Powers collected a big they reached the dead bear because
bear in Menominee County that had it was much bigger than either of
a dressed weight of 470 pounds and them thought.
a skull measuring 21 7/16. Brady’s “Brady, that’s the biggest bear
bear had a dressed weight of 520 I’ve ever seen in my life,” Steve told
pounds. his grandson.
Wicks maintained the bait that Besides being big, the bear has a
Brady hunted over and he had a distinctive large white patch on his
game camera on the bait to monitor chest. Its ears, nose and face were
bear activity there. tattered and scarred from previous
“I had a nice bear on the bait battles with other males. They tried
that we were hoping to get that was to weigh the bruin on a scale in
a good 300-pound plus animal,” Steve’s garage that night that went
Steve said. “He was on the bait up to 440 pounds.
every day during daylight hours. He “The scale pegged out when
came in as early as 7:00 p.m.” half of the bear was still on the
Relax In Style!
On opening day of bear season, garage floor,” Steve said. “I tried to
Brady and his grandfather were in winch the bear a little higher and the 1205 N. SR 5
a pop up blind about 40 yards from scale blew apart.”
the bait, anxiously awaiting the ar- Until then, everyone had been Shipshewana
rival of the bruin they were expect- underestimating the bear’s weight. 260-768-7511
ing to get, but they didn’t see any They brought the bear to the DNR Open:
bears. office in Atlanta the following day Monday-Friday • 8-5
“Last year was the first year in where it tipped the scales at 520 Saturday • 8-3:30
four years we had an acorn crop,” pounds.
WHITE BASS By Kenny Darwin

ired of boring fishing spring day into the hottest fishing of
trips that produce the year? Give Detroit’s white bass
poor catches? Look- a whirl.
ing for a spectacular It was a cold April morning as
fishery that guaran- I bounced bottom for walleyes on
tees limit catches for the Detroit near Wyandotte. I was
family and friends? Then my recom- chilled and the bite slow when I
mendation is to sample the world called my son Zach and he quickly
class white bass fishery available on jumped aboard my boat for a white
the Detroit River each spring. More bass outing. We motored to my fa-
importantly, the ideal conditions on vorite hot spot where a warm water
Lake Erie are causing populations discharge swirled with the Detroit
to boom and the white bass run is River current and we tossed out
the best today in the history of the the anchor and began fan casting ½
fishery and appears to be getting oz. jigs tipped with white Twister
even larger. Tails. POW! I was into a big bass
Today the sport fishing is simply the first cast just as Zach hooked up.
insane; fun filled and provides Imagine that. We both hooked up on
Michigan anglers with colossal the first cast but the action got even
catches like no other fishery. hotter.
Don’t get me wrong I love Soon in the swirling current
catching those Mo Town walleyes we could see hundreds of minnows
in April and early May but the last dashing randomly as wolf packs of
couple years I’ve had a tough time white bass smashed into them. We
hooking into those huge 10-pound- watched as the feeding frenzy took
plus hawg walleyes and a day catch- place an arm length away as thou-
ing eater size ’eyes can be rather sands of emerald shiners used my Don’t overlook the fast paced fishing excitement offered by Detroit’s
boring. That’s when I head to warm boat shadow as a refuge from the booming white bass populations. The Detroit River offers never ending
water discharges, rocky shorelines, slashing teeth of zillions of hungry fishing oppor tunities for those who ply the depths and cast into the swirl-
river outlets and areas attracting white bass. At one point Zach was ing current. Look for top notch white bass action to peak in late April and
massive schools of great white simply stripping four feet of line off early May. Shore bound anglers line up along the piers, walkways and city
bass fresh from Lake Erie ready to his reel and dropping the Twister parks providing unlimited access.
spawn. into the massive fish frenzy and
Truth is during the spawn the wham he was hooking fish. We got ing you straight talk when it comes the fishing gets red hot as April tran-
runs are massive as unbelievable busy putting fish in the livewell as to the phenomenal fishing action sitions into May. When May flowers
numbers of fish cram into limited they flew in the boat at lightning the Detroit River offers Michigan are blooming and you are getting the
space and they are so thick you can speed. fishermen. mower out from storage, spring rain
hook them on every cast and catch We counted out loud to keep More importantly this splendid causes white bass to become active.
them on almost anything. I’m talk- track of the number we landed. sport fishery lasts for several weeks I must admit whites are the ideal
ing about a feeding frenzy like seen Fish were being hooked, lifted into as massive numbers of beautiful sport species for fishermen who
on National Geographic with mas- the boat, unhooked, tossed in the big fat whites are available to those take a more leisurely approach to
sive swarms of silvery beauties with livewell and immediately another fishing from shore, along park fishing and prefer mid-day outings.
needle sharp, gnashing teeth beating was flying over the transom. In walkways, next to picnic gazebos, These critters are snapping 24/7 and
the water to frothy foam. I’ve seen a matter of minutes the boat was along piers and jetties, off docks you can fill your boat at lightning
schools so thick they smash your covered with scales, blood, fish all along the river for miles. Boat speed from sun up until sun down.
plastics to bits, eat the feathers off slime and minnows coughed up by fishermen can find top notch action You better be prepared to deal with
spinner presentations and whack the the stuffed white bass pulled aboard. from the mouth of Trenton Chan- a live well choked full of silvery
heck out of lures until nothing but There was no time to sip hot coffee, nel to Ecorse, past Wyandotte, all prizes. Bring lots of ice to keep fish
a bare hook remains and they still no time to snack, no time to visit as along River Rouge, upstream under cool and fresh. I bring my largest
strike that. fish pounded presentations. Soon the Ambassador Bridge, past the salmon coolers and fill ’em to the
Get a presentation in front of my Twister Tail was devoured, gone, Ren Cen to the mouth of the Detroit top with fresh white bass and ice.
these aggressive fish and you will and I scrambled to grab a backup River upstream from Belle Isle. Keep in mind the Michigan limit is
discover a special brand of fish- rod rigged with a pearl jig and white Don’t think the hot fishing is 25 white bass daily. However, if you
ing excitement rivaling all others. Twister Tail but it got gobbled up a flash in the pan and you gotta be have a Canadian fishing license and
White bass attack like Great White at lightning speed too and only the there for peak run that only lasts a you work the Canadian shore of the
sharks and the adrenaline rush you body stub remained on the hook. I few days. White bass enter the river Detroit check their regulations prior
get when fishing makes you want to lost count of the total catch when system beginning in early April soon to filling your live well to the top.
come back for more. I’m tellin’ ya Zach suddenly announced “we were as the ice floes break up and num- Mature white bass have atti-
there isn’t nothin’ like this fishing done, that’s it, we have our limit” bers explode as stream temperatures tude. They smash lures with reck-
excitement in all North America. It’s and he looked at me with wide open warm to the 50 degree mark. Just less abandonment and the strike is
a fishing mecca on a grandiose scale mouth and staring eyes like he had as spawning walleyes finish chores easy to detect. Miss ’em on the first
every Michigan fisherman needs just been through a barroom brawl the main body of Michigan’s largest strike and if you keep the offering
to sample. Want to change a cold with a zillion biting fish. I’m giv- sport fishing run hits the river and in the zone another fish or the same
fish will return and pound the hook tic for deep fish is to drop your jig to
again. Whites are silvery prizes bottom and simply raise and lower
from the depths of Lake Erie with the rod tip which makes the offering
pure silver sides and a maw like an dance near bottom and attracts sav-
ancient crappie gone cannibalistic age strikes from territorial whites.
with rows of gnashing sharp teeth. I don’t mess with a net while
When hooked they turn sideways landing whites and prefer to just flip
and use the Detroit’s current to try them in the boat. Landing them can
and pull the hook. They fight like be exciting and a 16-inch trophy
gangbusters and are guaranteed to white will make your favorite rod
put a smile on your face especially bend double, no problem. One slick
when you hook up with a huge pre- trick is to have a second rod fully
spawn adult pushing the scales to rigged with jig and plastic and when
two-pounds or more. the original offering is destroyed by
Do ya eat ’em? You bet. After gnashing white bass sharp teeth you
I fillet and trim off lateral line dark simply go to the second rod. This
flesh, soak in icy water overnight saves time tying on new jigs and
and fry. I guarantee a mess of white rigging with plastics.
bass is a fresh fish taste treat that When massive schools of white
will bring you back for more. More bass cram into the Detroit system
importantly you will invite all your and the news hits the streets, thou-
fishing buddies, huntin ’pals, family, sands of anglers flock to the shore
neighbors and girlfriends, anybody in search of limit catches. Some
so you can fish extra rods and catch parks are full and parking can be a
even more fish. problem as anglers carry pails full
I first hit on white bass using of flopping fish back to vehicles.
jigs baited with minnows decades Elbow to elbow crowded condi-
ago when drifting for spring wall- tions exist along prime locations
eyes on the mighty Detroit. But and sometimes you have to wait for
today I prefer to not waste money fishermen to catch their limit, fill
on live bait when white bass will their pails and leave before you can
literally grab anything that moves. wiggle into a shore fishing loca-
My recommendation is to use spin- tion. The Detroit white bass spring
ner rigs like the Blakemore Road run provides unbelievable numbers
Runner or Mepp’s spinner. Worden’s of fresh fish to thousands of eager
Rooster Tail spinner called Bleeding Michigan fishermen.
Shad and Chrome Whitetail in 1/2 The locations of warm water dis-
oz. weight is ideal for this special charge sites are highly regarded as
fishery. phenomenal sport fishing locations
Although the last few years I’ve by those in search of great whites.
simply used lead head jigs in ¼ - ½ Here white bass are thick as sardines
oz. weight tipped with plastics. Any packed in a can as fish cram into the
minnow imitation plastic or turbo prime spawning current in 3-30 feet
type tail will guarantee strikes but I of water. Find a discharge, anchor
prefer a simple white or chartreuse near the flow and work plastics
Twister Tail found in any sporting in the current and you will find
goods store. Make certain to bring monumental fish striking action un-
plenty of plastics because the sharp matched by any other sport species.
teeth of adult white bass tear your I’ve spent a life time chasing
tackle and plastics get ripped to bits. fishing opportunities in Michigan
Some walleye fishermen simply from one end of the state to another.
stick with the same plastics used for When the Coho salmon choked
walleyes and productive plastics in- Platte Bay I was there, when the
clude the Wyandotte Worm in white, Saginaw River went bonkers with
black or brown, Lunker City Shaker 10-pound walleyes I reported to
Minnow with paddle tail or Fin-S readers and I’ve been fortunate to
Minnow colored sky blue, salt & chase every sport species Michigan
pepper, alewife, anchovy or blue ice, has to offer, but I’ve never seen such
Jackall Clone Fry, Strike King Blade a feeding frenzy like white bass in
Minnow, Berkley Flex Rib Shad, the Detroit. Oh sure, I caught Master
Z-Man Jerk Shad minnows and any Angler whites from the Tittabawas-
plastic that has a wiggly tail which see one after another but there is not
vibrates in the current. a sport fishery in Michigan offering
In most cases you want to an- up sheer numbers of fish like the
chor near shore and fan cast quarter- Mo Town white bass frenzy. It is
ing downstream and slowly retrieve my opinion whites offer an overlook
the wiggling tail into the current. sport fishing mecca destined to grow
The idea is to get the plastic shim- in leaps and bounds as populations
mering, shaking, twisting in the continue to boom.
current and attract aggressive white What about you, are you ready
bass. If fish are suspended near the to sample some sport fishing excite-
surface a fast retrieve keeps the lure ment where the fish are plentiful and
in the strike zone. But the Detroit biting 24/7? If you think catching
is a large river with a deep rushing white bass isn’t a riot you are miss-
current and sometimes schools of ing out on what fishing is really all
whites tend to hug bottom. One tac- about…FUN!n
Plastics Rule on Michigan Rivers
ome March, April
and May a significant
number of Michigan
anglers spend most
of their time targeting
walleye on flowing
water. The jig bite on the Detroit, St.
Clair and Saginaw Rivers has been
so exceptional in recent years, many
anglers have completely abandoned
“old school” live bait jigging tactics.
These days the guys who are catch-
ing the most fish are the ones who
have learned the best styles, sizes
and colors of soft plastic baits.
The classic “jig and minnow”
bite may not be dead, but now that
anglers realize they can catch just as
many fish using plastics, the rules of
the game have changed.
Understanding Soft Plastics
The soft plastic baits anglers are
using these days are a far cry from
the “twister tails” of yesteryear.
Modern plastic baits have more
lifelike shapes, actions, sizes and
colors. In addition, these baits are
much softer which not only adds
action, but softer baits feel more like
natural food to walleye. The end
result is that walleye are fooled by As soft plastic baits have evolved over the years, a few styles have evolved as the most popular among
soft plastics readily and they also walleye jiggers. Those styles include split tail minnows, paddle tail grubs and finesse worms.
hang onto these baits longer.
The styles of plastic baits most through literally packages of the The Berkley Gulp Alive and sizes and for Michigan rivers the 3/8
popular with river walleye jiggers other stuff. Gulp Minnow is also a popular soft and 5/8 ounce versions are the most
include finesse worms, paddle tail The Scented PaddleZ is also plastic and the three inch and four useful.
grubs and split tail minnows. factory scent impregnated with Pro inch models find the most use with I like the Odd’Ball jig a lot, but
Finesse Worms Cure Super Gel. Super Gel is made walleye anglers. I find that the Gulp the hook is a little smaller than I
Finesse worms are typically four by grinding up natural forage spe- Minnow that comes packaged in a would like to see when fishing some
inches in length and the most popu- cies and mixing with a gel based resealable plastic bag is the easiest styles of soft plastics. A somewhat
lar colors include natural brown and emulsion that creates a long last- way to keep these baits on a fishing larger 3/0 or 4/0 hook works bet-
black. Known and marketed locally ing and natural scent stream in the boat. ter when fishing with the new and
as the “Wyandotte Worm” a host of water. Another outstanding split tail bulky styles of soft plastic baits.
finesse style worms work The PaddleZ baits also minnow is produced by Z-Man In addition to having a larger
well when jigging for wall- feature an articulated body and is known as the Scented Jerk hook, the best river jigs have a
eye on Michigan rivers. that allows the paddle to ShadZ. The five inch model is the barbed collar or other device that
Paddle Tail Grubs have more action at slower most popular size. Like the Scented securely holds plastic baits in
Paddle tail grubs are presentations than other PaddleZ, the Scented Jerk ShadZ position on the hook shank. If the
a much wider category paddle tail grubs. The soft is factory slathered with Pro Cure collar is too large, the soft plastic
as these grubs come in texture, durability, ar- Super Gel that puts a natural scent baits can be damaged and become
a wide variety of sizes, ticulated body and natural stream in the water for about 30 useless.
paddle shapes and colors. scent stream provided by minutes. After 30 minutes anglers Stinger Hooks
For years the the PaddleZ can recharge these baits by adding Stinger hooks used to be primar-
Berkley three-
inch Power Bait
By Mark Romanack makes these
soft plastics
more Pro Cure.
River Jigs
ily used by anglers who fish min-
nows, but these days stinger hooks
Ripple Shad was overwhelming the second to none. The best jig styles for vertical are routinely employed when fishing
most popular paddle tail on the mar- Even better, these baits are avail- jigging with plastics are those that soft plastic baits. Most stinger hooks
ket. Berkley now offers these soft able in both four-inch and five-inch hang horizontal in the water and on the market are made from overly
plastics in a three and a half inch sizes and in dozens of popular color feature a long shank wire hook. stiff monofilament and even wire
and also four inch version. options. Ordinary ball jigs work well, but a that makes them next to useless for
A new comer to the walleye Split Tail Minnows growing number of anglers are seek- walleye jigging. A couple exceptions
jigging market, the Z-Man Scented The third important category of ing out “premium jigs” that feature to the rule are made right here in
PaddleZ is making a big splash soft plastic for river jigging include unique head shapes, better hooks Michigan including the Quick Slip
among river jiggers. The PaddleZ the split tail minnows. Some of the and also larger hooks. Stinger made by Ready 2 Tackle
uses a special stretchy plastic known most popular split tails include those For decades I’ve used the and also the EZ Cinch Stinger
as ElaZtech that is very soft, but produced by Lunker City known as Odd’Ball Jig by Bait Rigs Tackle for produced by Golden Gator
way more durable than other plastic the Fin-S Fish. The size three-and- river jigging. This stand-up style jig Tackle.
baits. As a result a fisherman can a-half inch, four inch and five inch features a premium hook and readily Both of these stinger hook
fish literally all day with the same models are the most popular with accepts all styles of soft plastics. designs work well with all sorts of
plastic bait compared to going river jiggers. The Odd’Ball only comes in limited walleye jigs and soft plastics.
Lines for Vertical Jigging this problem, many anglers load half of super lines makes them the ideal own “jig sticks” by cutting a few
The majority of anglers who of their reel with monofilament line choice for river jigging regardless of inches off the tip of a medium action
jig fish in rivers have abandoned to act as a backing line and top dress the price. rod and putting a new tip top on the
monofilament and fluorocarbon the reel with 50 to 75 yards of four Stiff Rods rod. The ideal vertical jigging rod
lines in favor of low stretch and carrier braid or fused line. One of the final pieces of the features a medium/heavy action and
super thin fused and braided lines. This process of using a back- river jigging puzzle is the need for is about six feet in length.
The low stretch characteristics of ing line eliminates the bunching using stiffer than normal rod ac- Wrapping It Up
these ‘super lines’ makes them the problem and cuts down on the cost tions. Because river jigging is a Thanks to soft plastic baits that
ideal choice for river jigging. Super of loading reels with expensive low contact sport, a somewhat stiffer look, move and smell more natu-
lines are very sensitive but there is a stretch lines. rod does a better job of telegraphing ral than ever, jig fishing with live
down side to using these low stretch While super braids and fused light strikes. The problem manifests minnows is becoming a thing of the
lines. Tying the jig directly to the lines are much more expensive than even more when anglers start using past. Equipped with the right gear,
super line creates problems. Because monofilament line, they last longer larger 3/4 and 1 ounce jigs. river walleye anglers are not handi-
super lines are super tough, it can and can be used for two or three Because it is tough to find fac- capped when they fish soft plastics.
be very hard to break off a jig that seasons without having to replace tory rods that feature actions stiff In fact, these anglers are on the cut-
becomes snagged on the bottom. them. In the end, the low stretch enough for vertical jigging, a grow- ting edge of modern walleye jigging
The solution to this problem and super sensitive characteristics ing number of anglers create their strategies.n
is to add a 24 inch leader of 10-12
pound test fluorocarbon line as a
shock leader. A double uni knot is
the best knot to connect super braid
to fluorocarbon line. The final step
is to tie the jig onto the fluorocarbon
using an ordinary clinch knot. If the
jig becomes snagged on bottom,

Rob Jones is a master jig fisherman

who has been using soft plastics to
target walleye on the Detroit and
Saginaw River for many years.
the clinch knot will fail before the
double uni knot, allowing the angler
to break off the jig and not lose his
leader in the process.
Most anglers who have bought
into using super lines for river jig-
ging are also using high visibility
super lines. The advantage of high-
vis lines becomes quickly apparent

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when vertical jigging. In order to
position the boat directly over top
of the jig using the electric motor,
the angler must be able to easily see Our number-one selling boat year after year, the Sportsman continues to be the
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Braided lines come in two class-
es including four carrier and eight fisherman begin their journey. With power options up to 150HP, unlock the wide
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are more abrasion resistant, have a
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Four carrier braids and also
fused lines like FireLine tend to be
flat in shape and they can bunch up
on a reel spool. To help eliminate
Trolling Tricks

Spring Walleye
By Mark Sak

recently had someone consistently put more fish in the box
tell me they didn’t like to every trip.
troll and that they would We all know walleyes can be
rather have a rod in their picky on some days. Rather it be a
hand when fishing. I took bad barometer, muddy water, or a
that remark as trolling full moon that allowed fish to feed
was a bit boring for this angler. all night, some days we need to
Trolling, if done correctly, is any- pull out some tricks to trigger a bite
thing but boring. It can be the most when fish are in a negative mood.
active way to fish as anglers must No question trolling can be boring
control and present multiple baits to if anglers are just along for the ride
fish instead of just one. Trolling can trolling in a straight line and not
be highly complex. I fished against working hard to fine tune the bite.
the top trollers in the country on the Being an “active troller” means
national walleye trail and learned constantly implementing changes
a lot from them, and most of those in order to figure out a consistent
tools remain in my toolbox to this bite. Once the fish are found the real
day. Being an active troller will work begins. Here are a few tricks

Captain Mike Veine focuses on Saginaw Bay, which
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charters for the perfect mix.
Early Spring yields larger
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to try this spring. quarter-mile as there may be a small
If the sonar is showing good active pod of fish where the last one
hooks and confidence is high they bit.
are walleyes, the next thing to Marking the bite immediately
determine is are these fish catch- after hooking up on the GPS will
able. Don’t waste a lot of time in allow running back to that spot.
super muddy water even if you are We’ve all heard it time and time
marking the biggest walleyes ever again how someone has just picked
to show up on the sonar. These fish up a fish and they are spinning
are not there to feed. They are there around to run back through the
because the water is warmer. Find waypoint again. It is often very
the stained water closest to this productive.
school of fish and set up. Make sure Speed is also a very important
the boat doesn’t venture into the factor in early spring. Utilizing ‘S-
gin-clear water as most times in the curves’ while trolling will greatly
spring this water will be a couple help identify the speed the fish
degrees colder and will be void of prefer. When turning and an outside
fish. Walleyes love to feed in stained planer board fades back with a fish
water. on, it indicates that fish preferred a
The next thing is finding the right faster speed. An inside board hook-
depth and speed in which to run ing up means that fish preferred
the baits. In colder water the troll- that bait a lot slower or even almost
ing speed is usually always slower. stalled. It is important to note what
Make sure the boat can achieve slow they want as it relates to not only
speeds anywhere from 1 to 1.4 mph. speed but the wobble of the crank-
Some anglers utilize the bow mount bait and depth in the water column.
electric while many may be troll- We all know current can also
ing with an inboard outboard motor dictate some feeding behavior in
and the motor won’t troll down that fish and most bodies of water have
slow, so these anglers utilize drift current, especially the Great Lakes.
socks or even five-gallon buckets It is often important to try to troll
to slow the boat down. Make sure uphill. Trolling uphill means trolling
the drift sock or bucket can not get into the waves if it is safe. It often
tangled in the prop. gives the presentation a completely
Now that the right water has different look as the baits will have
been identified and the speed is a much tighter wobble and action
close to where it should be, baits from the waves. Sometimes trolling
can be set in that order. Never set uphill can be much more productive
baits first then adjust speed unless than trolling with the wind.
of course you are speeding up to Finally, scent can be a very im-
determine if the fish want the bait portant player in early season suc-
presented faster. More on that in a cess. At very slow trolling speeds
minute. walleyes will often bite the lure and
Determine the target depth. This immediately let go as the hard plas-
may sound crazy but sometimes tic and treble hooks may not feel
walleyes don’t want the bait directly right. Adding scent may cause the
on their nose. Sometimes they may fish to hang on for just a bit longer
want it two to four feet above them. and allow one of those trebles to
Let’s say the sonar is indicating fish dig in. Take a dozen crawlers out
consistently hanging around 16 feet in the spring and don’t hesitate to
in 30 feet of water, concentrate on put a half inch piece of crawler on
targeting several different depths the front forward facing hook of the
around 16 foot. Run baits at ten, treble. Make sure it is placed on the
twelve, fourteen and sixteen foot. hook directly through the end of
Obviously state fishing regulations the crawler and test the bait on the
will determine how many baits side of the boat to ensure the crank
anglers can run so getting as many bait is running correctly. This will
legal baits in front of fish is impor- increase the number of walleyes in
tant in helping unlock their secret. the live well.
There is nothing worse than return- Great walleye fishing has been
ing to the launch only to find most an emphasis throughout Michigan
fish were coming a couple of feet and many other states in the Great
shallower than where you fished all Lakes region and it continues to
day. improve and be one of the main spe-
Once a fish is landed it is impor- cies targeted by anglers. Right now,
tant that speed, depth, lure color is all forecasts indicate 2019 is going
all noted as well as location. Then to be an incredible year for walleye
other rods can be adjusted to run in anglers in Michigan. Have a safe
that same pattern to determine if the spring and try to involve others in
bite will continue. Always mark that our sport. I’ll see you on the
catch even if the school runs for a water.n
Traditional root cellars still work
n the past most people months is a cool, dark, well venti- will suffice. Shelves and bins can be around will provide the cool tem-
didn’t have the luxury of lated space. Most modern basements added as needed. In some cases the perature as well as the ventilation
shipments of fresh fruits are too warm to act as a root cellar, enclosure may need to be insulated which is important for food storage.
and vegetables arriving but you can create the conditions to stay cool enough. The amount of The window can be closed off, or
in the local grocery stores needed by enclosing an area in the insulation needed will depend on replaced, with an insulated panel,
every day. Preservation basement against an outside wall. the individual situation considering which shuts out light, and can be
of garden produce at home was a A north wall is best because the outside and inside temperatures. vented enough to maintain the inside
necessity. Most home food storage outside wall will be cooler. Rigid insulation will work temperature between 33 degrees and
systems included a root cellar that A corner is even better be- better than fiberglass matts. 40 degrees.
took advantage of the moist, cool cause it will have two out- Styrofoam tolerates mois- A PVC vent can be placed in the
atmosphere a few feet underground. side walls. You will need ture better than fiberglass covered window and piped down to
Traditional root cellars still work to choose an area with an and is non-irritating as well. near the floor. Cold air will naturally
great but most homes today don’t existing basement window. If excess dampness flow down the pipe and then rise
have an underground root cellar as The existing window will is present on the floor to vent out the gap at the top of the
in days gone by. be used for access to cold, consider using a compos- wall as it warms. If necessary, cover
Here in Michigan, a more mod- fresh, outside air to adjust ite deck material for the the outside of the vent with screen

By Darryl Quidort
ern option is to build a root cellar the temperature in bottom plate to to keep insects out. The insulated
in your basement. A basement root the enclosure. The avoid rotting or window panel can also be louvered
cellar is simple, convenient, uses no basement floor, molding. When open if needed to adjust the tem-
energy, and takes very little main- whether concrete building the en- perature. Enough cold, outside air
tenance. Our family raises a garden or dirt, will provide moisture as well closure leave a ¼ inch space at the needs to be available to keep the
in summer and our basement root as coolness. top of the wall and a ¼ inch open- temperature just above freezing,
cellar allows us to enjoy our own ing under the door for air flow. The where most vegetables will store
potatoes, onions, beets, and carrots Construction structure will also be easier to set up best.
all winter long. A basement root There are four things to consider if it is built less than ceiling height.
cellar is a great way to extend the when building your new basement Size of the root cellar can vary from
storage life of your garden produce. root cellar: temperature, humidity, cupboard size to walk-in room size, Considerations
ventilation, and darkness. depending on the individual situa- The perfect root cellar for
Location There is no need for fancy or tion. storing vegetables would stay at a
All you really need to store expensive construction. A simple, The existing basement win- constant, cool temperature with high
most garden vegetables for several wooden frame with a plywood door dow that you build your root cellar humidity all winter. You will need to

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experiment with the vents to regu- as much as possible. A loose cover-
late the temperature for the produce ing of burlap will allow ventilation
you are storing in your basement to occur while also blocking light
root cellar. A thermometer is almost from the produce. The burlap can be
a necessity. moistened if additional humidity is
Most fruits and vegetables store needed.
best with fairly high humidity. Natu- We have been very pleased with
ral floor and exterior block walls our basement root cellar. It takes up
will help with humidity but you may very little space in the storage room
need to wet the floor or mist a little and preserves our garden vegetables
water on things once in a while if throughout the winter. Our home
you notice your produce is begin- garden produce fits easily into an
ning to shrivel up. A hygrometer, enclosure that is three-feet wide, 16
which measures humidity, is useful. inches deep, and seven-feet tall. It is
Some types of produce shouldn’t located against the outside wall in a
be stored together because of the storage room of the basement. Dur-
release of a harmless amount of a ing winter, our plywood enclosure
gas called ethylene. Ethylene gas runs between 36 and 40 degrees
causes ripening in vegetables and even without insulation.n
will cause early sprouting or rotting
of vegetables like potatoes and car- The author’s basement root
rots. Citrus fruits and tomatoes are cellar is a simple, uninsulated
ethylene producers and should be plywood enclosure built against
stored on higher shelves than other an exterior wall. The basement
produce and near vents if possible. window is covered with two-
Storing them separately may be inch thick foam insulation which
even better because of the ethylene can be louvered open to allow
gas they produce during storage. more cold air to enter. The PVC
Exposure to light also causes vent pipe allows a natural flow
early sprouting of potatoes and of cold, outside air from the
early rotting of other fruits and window to the bottom of the
vegetables. Keep the door closed enclosure.

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great indoor activity that will • Special “hump-shanked” popper hooks. • Rubber hackle.
pay off when the weather The hump makes for a solid lure, when it is The best source I have found for materi-
finally warms is tying your glued into the cork body. als is the Hook and Hackle company at 7
own bass poppers. • Cork popper bodies. You can buy them Kaycee Loop Road, Plattsburgh, NY 12901
Catching bass on just shaped or shaped, slotted and or on the web at www.mailordercentral.
surface lures is great dished, ready to glue. com/hookhack.
fun – and catching them on a light • A good two-part epoxy with While you won’t need all the fancy tools
fly rod is even more fun – about as more than a fifteen-minute working required for tying good trout flies, you do
much fun as you can have, on the life. That quick-setting stuff doesn’t need a few essentials:
water. Even that level of enjoyment give you enough time to glue up a • A fly-tying vise. You could get by with
can be enhanced if you are fishing number of poppers. a bench vise to hold a pair of vise-grip pli-
with lures of your own manufacture. • A variety of feathers and hair. ers, which, in turn, will hold the hook.
As trout anglers know all too well, You can use deer hair but dyed calf • Hackle pliers.
the art of fooling fish is most tail is finer and easier to • A small pair of sharp scissors, like
enjoyable when fishing with
lures of your own creation.
By George Rowe use. You can buy second-
rate and large hackle
those used for fly-tying or manicuring.
• A couple of straight pins or hat pins.
Even if you have never tied flies, you can feathers in packets that will serve well. You • A drying rack of some sort – you can
easily begin tying your own bass poppers. don’t need to spend big bucks for fine hackle fashion one out of a wire coat hanger.
While this is a similar enterprise, it requires necks. • A drill motor and a very small drill.
much less skill and much simpler materi- • Stout fly-tying thread. • A large needle from a sewing kit.
als and tools. The product will probably be • Head cement. The actual manufacture consists of
better than the store-bought variety and they • Vinyl, enamel or lacquer for finishing several simple steps. Before you start or
are sure to be more attractive to you, if not the bodies. You can use fingernail polish and buy any materials, you need to think about
to the fish. it is available in about any color. what size poppers you want to use. If you
The list of materials is fairly short; you • Waterproof marking pens in black and/ go big, you can fish for the largest bass in
or red for finishing touches. the lake but you may not catch any blue-

Detroit River Walleye

will need:
3/19/6 - MI

Detroit River
River Walleye
3/19/6 - MI

3/19/6 - MI


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A finished popper rests in the vise with others on the drying rack in the background. Author photo
gills. Bluegills, especially in the spring, are body. Hair is more durable but feathers pro-
great fun and they bend a light fly rod like vide more action and flutter on the water. A
crazy. If you tie your poppers on number six combination is great, using tufts of hair tied
hooks and popper bodies, you can dress the on the hook and projecting back and adding
hook big, to appeal to about any bass and a wound-around hackle feather. The hackle
dress some smaller, for the largest bluegills feather is the feature that determines the ap-
in the lake. For summer bass fishing and to parent size of the finished popper. If you use Cajun Orange
appeal to the largest bass, you might want a feather with long projections, it becomes CJOR
to tie some poppers on number four hooks. quite an apparent mouthful but it really
You can handle the size six poppers easily doesn’t add much to the real size or even the Genuine silver
on a light-to-medium fly rod – a five or six wind-resistance of the finished popper. & 24k gold.
weight – but you will need a heavier rod to Put a few drops of head cement on
handle anything much larger. The lighter rod the thread windings to secure the hair and
and thus the smaller popper is usually pre- feather dressing. Nothing matches
ferred because you can fish with it for hours, Using a tiny drill, make a hole in the the visibility.
while the heavier rod will wear you out from popper body about half way back and above
constant casting. the line of the hook shank and, using a stout
The first step is to glue the hooks into the needle, pass a double strand of rubber hackle
popper bodies, using the two-part epoxy. Be through the popper body until it projects
sure the eye of the hook is centered nicely about an inch and a quarter through. Cut
and just protruding from the cork. Also, the hackle and secure with a drop of head MATCH THE BAITFISH
avoid sinking the shaft of the hook too far
into the cork – you need to have some good
cement at the holes. The rubber hackle is
an important element of the popper, giving
hook clearance if you want to hook most of some wiggle and life to the lure even as it Night Vision Blue Zone Black Hole
the fish that strike. The glue should fill in rests on the water. NGVS BLZN BKHL
the slot made for attaching the hook, As you use the poppers, you will find
making for a smooth surface underneath that they will deteriorate with all that biting
the lure. that they experience. Generally, the most
Painting is next. At one time, I thought fragile parts are the rubber hackle and the
that all poppers had to be yellow and black, feathers. Just put them aside or store them
like a bumblebee. Now, I paint most of them in a special partition or box in your tackle,
pearl white with a few yellow ones as well, planning to restore them next winter. The
really relying on the hair and feathers to give used poppers can generally be restored to
the popper some lively color. I use two coats new condition in a few minutes and be ready
of white vinyl paint with a finish coat of for another season of fun fishing.
pearl white fingernail polish. You can produce nicely-finished poppers
Add a few streaks and dots of color to for about a fifth of the cost in tackle stores
the painted popper body with waterproof and you will take more pleasure in using
marking pens, in red and black. These marks lures of your own design and manufacture.
are to suggest fish features like eyes and This is also a wonderful way to fill those /williamslures
gills. long winter evenings that are a burden at this
Tie on feathers and hair for color and time of the year.n www.williams.ca
A slingshot for hunting can be fun,
challenging and very effective
hen Charles I’ll always remember walking
Goodyear pat- out to our barn with a visiting city
ented vulcanized cousin and I spotted a pigeon look-
natural rubber out resting on top of the silo and
in 1844 it would I readied my slingshot just as the
pave the way for a whole line of entire flock exploded out and flew
products. Of course some inventive directly overhead. I had tried on nu-
souls would come up with a great merous occasions before to shoot a
idea for using strips cut from scrap flying pigeon out of the air with my
rubber sources, and the slingshot slingshot, and although I had come
was born and by 1860 it was becom- real close to doing it, I had yet to do
ing quite a popular item in America, so successfully. I instinctively fo-
with kids especially. However, cused on the lead bird and released
adults enjoyed it too and the sling- a pebble, and much to our surprise,
shot was readily known to be very a headshot pigeon came twirling
capable of killing small down from the center of the
game such as rabbits and fast flying flock.
squirrels. My amazed cousin gave
The early slingshots me all sorts of praise for
were typically constructed my skill with a slingshot,
using a “Y” cut from a tree and needless to say folks, I
branch and the two rubber never told him the unlucky The Pocket Hammer with a longer pouch fitted with a Whisker Bis-
strips with a leather pouch bird I had “beaned” with a cuit and a string release loop for firing arrows.
for holding stones in the lucky shot wasn’t the bird
center, would I was aiming of the off-hand. The Pocket Hammer Pocket Shot and Pocket Hammer is
be attached
to the Y-tips. By Tom Lounsbury at. My cousin
then got right
features a handgrip and a collapsible
arm brace. As their name implies,
the screw-on lid which covers the
mouth, and the pouch can be used
Power depend- into trying to hit both models can be readily carried to carry all the ammo in the field
ed upon the strength of the rubber matters with my slingshot. He also in a pocket. I was quite enthralled until it is needed. The pouch can
strips and some avid slingshot hunt- enjoyed eating pigeon as a side dish with this new concept and just also be used with multiple small
ers could accurately cast projectiles at suppertime. recently obtained both models for pellets such as steel BB’s for firing
as large and heavy as lead musket Up until the 20th century, sling- field testing. a shotgun effect, and I tried this and
balls, and to great effect. shots were always of the homemade I also double-checked the it sure does work, but I’ll stick to
I have a very long association persuasion. The first attempt for a MDNR rules governing slingshots individual projectiles for small game
to slingshots, with my first being commercial version was the cast for hunting (which are true hunting hunting. I’ve found the Pocket Shot
made for me by my father using iron “Zip-Zip” which came out in tools) in Michigan and slingshots or Pocket Hammer to be the perfect
a “Y” from an apple tree branch 1918. It wasn’t until post World fall under the same rules as archery companion to my bow for small
and rubber from a tire inner tube . War II that commercially made equipment and must be encased or game encounters of interest when
That slingshot became my constant slingshots were being produced locked in a trunk when transported I’m hunting deer. I’m also looking
companion on our farm and when on a larger scale and became quite in a motor vehicle. Since my Jeep forward using the Pocket Hammer
not in use, it was riding in a hip- popular with kids and adults alike. lacks a trunk, I carry my slingshots as my key hunting arm when rabbit
pocket and some select pebbles were Wham-O brought out its ash wood in sealed Ziploc plastic bags, which hunting this winter.
stashed in a front pocket for ready constructed slingshot with some certainly qualify, as well as allow- The Pocket Hammer can also
use, and I got pretty accurate with it powerful models which feature a ing anyone to visibly see what the have a larger and stronger pouch de-
too. Barn pigeons and starlings were 45 pound draw weight. The Wrist- contents are. signed for shooting arrows, thanks
my favorite targets and my mother Rocket (now called Trumark) came The Pocket Shot and the Pocket to the threaded mouth which allows
always cooked up the pigeons which out in the mid-1950s and uses Hammer are identically constructed a Whisker-Biscuit to be screwed on.
fell dead, thanks to my trusty sling- surgical rubber tubing attached to an with the only exception being the The back end of the rubber pouch
shot (and yes folks, pigeons are very aluminum alloy “Y”, and features a handgrip and collapsible arm brace has a loop attachment which allows
tender and tasty). handy arm brace for more stabilized on the “Hammer.” Both use the a typical bowstring release to be
and thus accurate shooting. I pur- same rubber pouches which come in used for more effectiveness. I’ve
chased one of these during the early a variety of power levels. I’m pres- read it can cast a normal-sized arrow
1960s by saving my allowance, and ently using the black pouches which at 175 fps which is actually quite
when using steel balls, it proved to feature a 24 pound draw weight and impressive in this instance. What
be quite deadly on squirrels. Daisy cast 5/16 steel balls at an amazing really interests me is that a fishing
also offers a similar version and velocity, and will certainly settle all reel is also available which attaches
Licensed Shooting steel ball slingshot ammo of varying accounts with a squirrel or rabbit. to the bottom of the handgrip, and
Preserve sizes is readily available today (as I also tried .440 lead round balls, it looks like a real handy system
Mayville, MI well as glass, rubber and even paint which although noticeably slower, for what is usually termed as being
(989) 843-6576 balls). Pebbles of course still work still hit with authority. There is no bowfishing (I just found out about
fine, but I’ve had my most consis- question in my mind that a single the fishing aspect and I’m presently
• Dogs with Guides Available • Clubhouse tent accuracy with steel balls. lead (.33 caliber) double-aught checking to see if this is legal in
• Open 7 Days A Week • Bird Cleaning A new and definitely modern buckshot pellet might do quite well Michigan, as I’ve seen nothing in
• Fields With Excellent Cover & • Morning And Afternoon slingshot is the Pocket Shot and its in this environment, and I plan on print – and it pays to never make
Safety Fields In Between Hunts counterpart, the Pocket Hammer, checking it out. I haven’t tried the assumptions).
• Birds Released After You Arrive • Extra Birds Shot are Free which features a very unique con- blue pouches I also have on hand as To obtain more information
• No Gun Or Membership Fees • Gift Certificates Available struction involving a rubber pouch yet, which feature a 28 pound draw about this very unique slingshot,
Located 17 Miles North of Lapeer attached to a large plastic ring. The weight and will no doubt further go to thepocketshot.com and it is
Pocket Shot is fired by gripping the impress me. available (along with ammo for it)
www.jankspheasantfarm.com ring with the forefinger and thumb A very unique feature to the on Amazon.n
Turkeys don’t follow the playbook...By Jerry Lambert

he following tale is He must have been quite the stud and once again they headed off with
not a work of fiction because the hens dutifully followed a thieving hen. As they walked off
or tomfoolery (see his command and slowly turned and a chorus of gobbles erupted behind
what I did there?) I followed their strutting suitor. The me. I instantly thought, “The jakes
have not ever heard lone jake actually left the flock and are back” and this time I was going
of this happening to walked to within five yards of me, to shoot one. I would call and the
anyone else but it in fact happened but by this time I had no interest in boys choir would dutifully hol-
to me. What I am about to convey shooting the junior bird. I wanted ler back. They were in thick cover
to you happened on a spring turkey the crafty tom, now my nemesis. but kept getting closer. Eventually,
hunt in southern Michigan. Undaunted, I decided to return I could see parts of them a mere
I was set up; meaning hidden to the same area and arrive even ten yards behind me but due to the
in cover with a jake and hen decoy earlier in the dark and set myself on thickness of the vegetation I had no
placed ten yards in front of me, sit- the opposite tree-line anticipating a shot. I needed them to come into the hundred yards in the distance. They
ting on the south edge of a cut corn shot once the old bird landed in the clover field. no longer had any interest in me or
field that had a thick swamp border- field. A couple mornings later, I fol- They kept answering my calls but my decoys.
ing the northern edge of said field. lowed my plan and found Mr. Tom would not come into the clearing. It is my opinion; that if you
As planned, roosted turkeys flew all alone on the roost. Perfect, he no Several times, they would retreat query Google for a definition of tur-
down from trees lining the swamp longer has his harem and would be back into the swamp and then come key hunting it will respond with the
and set their cumbersome wings in interested in my decoys and calls. roaring back. They would get so word ‘frustration.’ These crazy pre-
the field in front of me. Once they Instead of pitching down into close but never offer a good ethical historic looking creatures seem to
were on the ground, I saw that there my decoys, the wise one flew into shot. I would literally see just pieces have minds of their own, and more
were four hens accompanied by a slight depression in the field and of the birds. After about a half hour than often fail to follow the turkey
a strutting tom and a subordinate was out of my sight. I called to him of this cat and mouse game, they hunter’s playbook. Just when you
juvenile jake. and he once again did something retreated back into the swamp and think you have them all figured out
I lightly called using a slate that I had never seen before. He went quiet. I figured they were long they use their inherent tomfoolery to
striker call. The hens responded literally flew straight up into the air gone but about ten minutes later I survive another day… and that my
as I hoped they would and started like a hovering helicopter and visu- saw all seven of them as they quietly friend is why it is called hunting and
feeding towards me. The four lady ally surveyed my set-up and would crossed the clover fields over one not shooting.n
birds advanced in a straight line four then return safely to the ground. He
abreast with the jake flanking their did this three times before walk-
left maintaining the same alignment.
The wise old tom kept ten to fifteen
yards behind, strutting his awesome-
ness back and forth as if pushing
ing away in the opposite direction,
all the while taunting me with his
raucous gobbling which I’m sure
translated into a full out turkey belly
Randy’s Hunting Center
them towards me.
When the line of hens and the
single jake got fifty yards away my
That hunt occurred several years
ago and I never did kill that wise
trigger finger got itchy and I was old bird. In more recent times, I
eagerly anticipating a shot at the big returned to the same property and 77 Hawkeye 450 Bushmaster
ol’ tom. Unfortunately for me, he found a freshly planted clover field
didn’t have any intention of dying
that day and started walking in the
that I just knew would attract the at-
tention of hungry spring birds. I was
opposite direction and gobbling his smack dab in the middle of roosting
fool head off. My trophy tom turkey turkeys and heard loud gobbling
turned into a literal pied piper. It from more than one direction. Short-
was as if he sensed an ambush and ly after the birds hit the ground, I
decided to retreat but wanted his heard and then saw two huge toms
harem to do the same. walking the edge of a neighboring
field coming in my direction. They Three position safety, controlled round feed,
were very eager and would answer full length extractor, what an elegant rifle!
SPORTSMAN'S AUCTION my every call.
In the meantime, seven jakes
beat them to my setup. The two big-
gest jakes were in the clear within
shooting range. They were big birds
for jakes but the two toms were two
Over 190 different exclusive
of the biggest bodied turkeys that I
had ever laid eyes on so once again I Ruger models in 450 Bushmaster
April 11th passed on the younger birds.

Coldwater, MICHIGAN
As fate would have it, having the
big toms respond to my calls wasn’t
3,000 ON HAND
Selling hundreds of firearms from modern to antique a good thing. A live hen intercepted
and will include military and foreign weaponry. them and led them the opposite way. Randy’s Hunting Center
Also selling hunting related items to include
ammunition, knives, scopes, parts, accessories Once again, I was duped by birds 721 E. Huron Ave.
and collectables. For more information, go to that I am told have a brain the size Bad Axe, MI 48413
www.belcherauction.com. Internet bidding is of a green pea.
available thru Proxibid on all firearms. (989) 269-GUNS (4867)
For more information go to
On my last hunt of the year, I
www.BelcherAuction.com once again saw the two big toms www.randyhuntingcenter.com
Internet bidding is available thru Proxibid on all firearms.


Early winter onset can
devastate northern deer herds
ike it or not, winter
weather severity and
quality of deer winter-
ing habitat still dictate
deer population trends in
the Upper Great Lakes
region and in the Northeast. Harsh,
prolonged winters, and resultant
malnutrition, inevitably contribute
to heavy winter-kill and excessive
newborn fawn mortality. On the
other hand, a series of mild winters
leads to good overwinter survival,
high herd productivity and deer
population growth.
Northern whitetails are well
adapted to survive tough mid-winter
conditions. It’s the winter that starts
too early – sometimes in early No-
vember – and ends too late that can
produce devastating consequences. The young, old and unborn suffer the most during prolonged winters, and it’s not unusual to lose 30
I’ve seen too many tough win- percent or more of the wintering deer herd.
ters in Michigan’s Upper Penin-
sula to be able to rank them, from considered severe – most of them the time, the U.S. Weather Bureau poses, the rut was over by the end of
memory, relative to their absolute started especially early. Whitetail described it as the “severest winter November.
severity or resultant consequences. populations throughout the Upper on record east of the Rockies.” Likely due to the fact that many
Off hand, however, I do remem- Great Lakes region plummeted to Starved fawns began to appear does did not breed during the 1991
ber a few special ones that started a disturbing low by 1972, and they during January in Northern Lower rut, in addition to subsequent high
especially early. did not recover much until the early Michigan’s famed “Club Country,” newborn fawn mortality, in 1992,
1980s. a hint of more to come. Spring biologists recorded the lowest fawn
The Bitter Cold of 1959 surveys revealed a loss of more than
In 1959, rifle deer season started Son John’s First Hunt index on record for Northern Wis-
In 1977, a nasty blizzard in early 53,000 deer in this northern region consin.
on November 15, as it normally
November triggered deer migration alone, and poor fawn survival was Although the Wisconsin DNR
does here in Michigan. Dad and I
spent the night before in a 10 foot to winter cover prior to the Novem- predicted to impact the 1978 and predicted a 1992 rifle season kill of
ber 15th rifle season opener. That 1979 deer harvests. between 330,000 deer and 370,000
by 12 foot tar paper covered shack
was the year my oldest son As it turned out, U.P. buck deer, the actual kill dropped to
in southern Iron County,
John III hunted deer for harvests remained relatively stable, 288,906 deer – still respectable, but
just north and east of the
the first time with my wife but low, for the next few years. 12 percent to 21 percent lower than
Horserace Rapids on the
Janice and I near the Petrel However, the 1979 Northern Lower expected. Low fawn recruitment in
Paint River.
Grade deeryard, located in Michigan buck harvest dropped 1992 impacted the 1993 deer kill
Man it was cold. Only 4
Upper Michigan’s Alger about 30 percent below 1977 levels, even more so, when hunters took
or 5 inches of snow cover,
County. due largely to high newborn fawn only 217,584 deer.
but about 20 below zero
As in 1959, the opener mortality in 1978. Clearly, Wisconsin biologists
as the sun rose on opening
day. That morning, I saw was fiercely cold. In ad- The Halloween Storm of 1991 grossly underestimated the effects
20 deer, Dad saw dition, nearly two The famous Halloween snow- of the 1991-92 winter on their deer
24. All were does
and fawns coming
By John Ozoga feet of snow cover
made it tough going
storm swept across Northern Wis-
consin in 1991, blanketing the re-
Different Scenarios
off the jackpine plains and headed for deer and hunters gion with nearly 30 inches of snow The above mentioned winters
into wintering cover. A long winter alike. about 3 weeks before the state’s were especially hard on \whitetails
followed, and many of them failed As I recall, we didn’t see any traditional rifle deer season opened. because they started early and ended
to survive. deer that morning. However, John To make matters worse, another 18 late, confining deer to browsed-
Deer hunting season weather claimed he heard two bucks fighting inches of snow fell during the first out winter habitat for 5 months or
was so cold in 1959 that Michigan in heavy cover close by. weekend of the season. more. There have been many such
DNR biologists complained that When we gathered for lunch, As a result, deer entered tradi- prolonged winters in the Upper
many frozen deer jaws could not be John commented on all the shooting tional winter yarding areas much Great Lakes region during the past 5
pried opened for aging purposes. he had heard just north of us, along earlier than normal – and they decades.
The winter of 1959-60 was a some hardwood ridges not far from stayed there until spring breakup. The young, old and unborn
prolonged and brutal one for North- where I took a stand. It was another one of those pro- suffer the most during prolonged
ern Michigan whitetails, resulting “John, that wasn’t shooting,” I longed winters resulting in heavy winters, and it’s not unusual to lose
in heavy winter deer-kill and low explained, “it was the sugar maples winter-kill and poor newborn fawn 30 percent or more of the wintering
newborn fawn survival in 1960. snapping and cracking, as they froze survival. deer herd. In fact, studies conducted
As a result, the buck harvest in the in the cold, crisp morning air.” According to Wisconsin DNR in Canada revealed that between
Upper Peninsula (U.P.) of Michigan According to the Michigan Wildlife Biologist Keith McKaf- 17 percent and 47 percent of the
dropped 36 percent in 1960. DNR preliminary 1978 deer harvest fery, many bucks were in such poor deer died annually in some Quebec
Equally tough winters in the report, the winter of 1977-78 was physical condition they cast their deer wintering areas during the late
late 1960s and early 1970s set the “extremely harsh with prolonged antlers by the end of November. The 1970s.
stage for low deer populations in sub-zero temperatures and early- antlers of some reportedly came off Heavy winter-kill coupled with
the North Country. In fact, 5 out of arriving and late leaving snows” while bucks were being dragged out high newborn mortality rates literal-
8 winters during that period were – the classic prolonged winter. At of the woods. For all practical pur- ly decimates two age classes of deer,
thereby reducing hunter success for to consuming woody browse. This hormones. pertaining to the adverse effects
at least two consecutive seasons. forces deer onto a negative energy Since they normally don’t of severe late autumn/early win-
Although each severe winter balance, meaning that more calories breed until December or January, ter weather are scant, Verme and
starts early, not all early starting are burned for basic body needs than early winter onset can practically Doepker found one report from Sas-
winters may have the same devastat- are consumed in the food they eat. eliminate the chances of doe fawn katchewan, Canada that described a
ing effects on the deer population. Given an adequate diet, North- breeding, even in the upper Midwest similar situation wherein early onset
For example, a winter that starts ern fawns generally complete their where highest fawn pregnancy rates of winter weather disrupted the
early, and ends early may kill many skeletal growth by mid-November. generally occur. whitetail rut.
fawns, but probably won’t result in However, they do not achieve their Even under optimal nutrition, Autumn weather in Saskatch-
excessive newborn fawn mortality. maximum fatness until mid-Decem- between five-percent and 10 percent ewan in 1984 was abnormally cold,
Keep in mind, however, every ber. Therefore, in the absence of of the adult does (1.5 years and with heavy snowfall. Some areas
early starting winter will produce nutritious food, such as oak mast or older) normally do not breed until had received more than 30 inches
certain consequences for whitetails, agricultural crops, even scant snow December in the Upper Great Lakes of snow by the end of November.
even if the winter is not prolonged cover can curtail fawn growth and region. While yearling does (1.5 Thick, crusted snow cover prevented
into spring. Invariably, whitetails contribute to lean, stunted fawns years old) typically breed about a deer from feeding on waste grain.
will demonstrate certain behavioral, that are less likely to survive the week later than older does, they may And despite a supplemental feeding
physical, and reproductive responses winter season. breed as much as two or three weeks program, considerable winter-kill
to early winter onset, and some Prospects for survival are es- later in areas of high deer density. occurred during the 1984-85
winter-kill can be expected. pecially precarious for fawns that Therefore, yearlings does are winter.
are nutritionally stressed during the particularly sensitive to nutritional Ordinarily, most whitetails in
The Behavioral Shift autumn/early winter period, due to shortage and may not conceive if that province breed and are ex-
In the Upper Great Lakes region, their small stature and limited fat subjected to harsh late autumn/early tremely productive, averaging more
many deer travel long distances reserves. According to noted deer winter weather – but so are some than two fetuses per doe. However,
between summer and winter range. researcher, Aaron Moen, the critical adults, as was documented in 1985. necropsy of adult does in spring
Although they normally migrate to body weight for Northern fawns is 1985 revealed only an average of
winter range during the post-rut, between 77 and 88 pounds. Animals The Blizzard of 1985 1.42 fetuses per doe, because over
harsh weather can trigger migration weighing less than this lose much On December 1st, 1985, another 16 percent of them were not preg-
in November – during the peak of more body heat from cold exposure early blizzard raged across Upper nant – a cause-and-effect relation-
the rut and time of maximum deer and are more likely to die from Michigan. This two-day storm, ac- ship similar to that observed in
harvest. This means some areas malnutrition. companied by sub-zero temperatures Michigan.
(wintering range) may have unusu- Also, male fawns likely suffer and high winds, dumped more than One can only guess that North-
ally high deer densities during the more so from nutritional shortage 20 inches of snow on the region. (I ern Wisconsin’s Halloween storm
hunting season, whereas other areas during this period than do females, drove the 60 miles from Escanaba to had even greater impact on the 1991
(summer range) will have fewer because young males have higher Munising in that storm, so I remem- rut, and may have prevented 20 per-
deer than expected. nutritional requirements for growth. ber it well.) cent or more of the adult does from
Cold temperatures and increas- While most winter-kill occurs According to Michigan biolo- breeding – a situation that could
ing snow depth are considered the during March and April, early win- gists, Lou Verme and Robert Doep- have been documented had biolo-
primary stimuli prompting deer to ter onset can lead to fawn starva- ker, “Acute physiological stress gists necropsied deer during spring
migrate and seek protective cover. tion in January or February, as was following this storm apparently 1992.
In Northern Minnesota, researchers reported from certain areas in Upper inhibited estrus among some adult This reproductive response to
found that migration usually started Michigan and Northern Wisconsin white-tailed deer in Upper Michigan early winter onset probably occurs
when temperatures remained below during 2009. during the 1985 rut” – hence elimi- more frequently than suspected on
19 degrees for five days or more. Early snow cover can also lead nating most late breeding. the whitetail’s Northern range, since
But in New Brunswick, deer migra- to other more subtle effects. For From 1950 until the late 1980s, biologists now rarely necropsy deer
tion seems to be driven primarily by example, nutritional stress during Upper Michigan biologists routinely to make these determinations.
snow depth. autumn can impair pedicle develop- necropsied as many road-killed does
As was the case during the 1991 as possible during spring to assess Conclusions
ment among buck fawns. If they sur- I’ve referenced only a few
Halloween storm, early winter onset vive winter, stunted buck fawns are their physical condition, inutero
in the Upper Great Lakes region productivity, and fetus growth sta- years when early winter weather
more likely to become small-bodied adversely impacted white-tailed
generally involves extreme cold as yearlings with small spike-antlers tus. More than 3000 adult does were
well as heavy snowfall – blizzard examined from 1950 to 1981. Over- deer behavior, health, reproductive
possibly less than three inches long. success and ultimately survival.
conditions. In some cases, stunted yearlings all, 95 percent were pregnant, and
When that is the case, deer are carried an average of 1.65 fetuses It was possible to document such
may not make up body growth in things back then, because biologists
driven into traditional wintering later years, and are destined to be per doe.
cover where food sources are lim- Based upon the examination routinely examined every dead deer
undersized at maturity, apt to suf- they could get their hands on during
ited and/or of poor quality -- hence fer greater than normal rut-related of 63 adult road-killed does in
deer burn fat and lose weight. spring 1986, Verme and Doepker spring break-up. Biologists don’t do
stress, and more are likely to die such things today; apparently the
If weather conditions should from natural causes during post-rut. determined that nearly 18 percent
moderate, and snow depths de- of them were not pregnant – about computer tells them all they need to
crease, deer that travel relatively Reproductive Effects four-times greater than normal. know.
short distances from summer to Early winter onset can also dis- Very few conceived in December. Early onset of winter weather
winter range (conditional migrators) rupt the breeding schedule of does, Nearly equal numbers of yearlings can lead to catastrophic winter deer
may return to their summer range. especially young does breeding for and older does were non-pregnant. mortality and subsequent high new-
However, those traveling long dis- the first time. Average productivity dropped to an born fawn mortality rates, if spring
tances (obligate migrators) are more To achieve puberty and breed all-time low of only 1.44 fetuses per break-up is delayed. However, if the
likely to stay on winter range. at six to eight months of age, doe doe. winter breaks early heavy deer loses
So even if weather conditions fawns must reach a certain criti- Although the 1985-86 winter may be averted.
should moderate during mid-winter, cal body size and level of fatness. broke in late March, averting a Nonetheless, if you hunt north-
early migration can still stress deer In the North, that size is about 80 catastrophic die-off of dear, surveys ern whitetails, be alert to the early
and impact their well-being. to 90 pounds. That doesn’t mean revealed a loss of 77,000 deer – 82 starting winter – the one that starts
all animals reaching or exceeding percent of them being fawns – in in October or November. It’s bound
The Nutritional Shift these weights breed and reproduce. Upper Michigan alone. to change your fair weather hunting
Even a few inches of snow cover Protein is required for body growth, strategies and likely impact your
can cause deer to switch from eating and energy-rich foods appear espe- A Canadian Experience current as well as future deer hunt-
highly nutritious herbaceous plants cially important in producing female While published literature ing prospects.n
~Lake Erie
~Saginaw Bay well at times too. My favorites are
Deep Husky Jerks and Rattling
~Detroit River Rouges in both natural and flashy
colors depending on the mood of the
Another hot bite for bigger
walleyes on the bay is during early
May. It seems like the first males to
leave the rivers are the bigger, older
ones. For many years in a row I
have exploited a red-hot bite during
the first week of May where I focus
on shallow gravel areas on the bay.
The fish we catch are all milting


males with few, if any small fish in
the mix. Those fish are relating to
bottom, so we troll bottom bouncers
and crawler harnesses and as long as
there is a decent chop on the water,
it’s game on. If it’s calm or rough

though, then forget it.

ichigan is blessed a refreeze of parts of Saginaw Bay as varied as the anglers with purples
Lake Erie
Lake Erie can potentially serve
with some phe- that delayed my charter season start and pinks probably leading the up the best trophy walleye fisheries
nomenal spring until the third week of April. The charge. in the state during the early spring.
walleye fish- year before though and I was troll- Walleyes mostly spawn in the There are more lunker walleyes
ing for trophy ing and catching lunkers on the bay tributaries of the Bay with just about swimming in Erie that likely any-
class walleyes. during March. It certainly does vary all the rivers there getting a good where else in the world. I ran char-
Without question, three of the best from year to year. The south end of run of walleyes these days. The ters there during the early spring
options for that fish of a lifetime the bay typically gets going earlier. bay has had incredible, consistent, for decades. In recent years though,
are Saginaw Bay, Lake Erie and the During years of early to normal natural reproduction for 16 years so things have gotten a lot tougher
Detroit River, all of which are open springs, anglers can often get their there are tons of fish in about every there. Experts say modern farming
for fishing year round. Those waters boats on the water there during age class including older specimens practices have changed the lake big
actually produce hundreds, if not late March when pre-spawn female too. After the larger females spawn, time. These days most farmers till in
thousands of trophy class walleyes walleyes are still staging in the which occurs mostly during the first the fall leaving bare dirt all winter
every year and 2019 will bay, mostly near the river two weeks of April, most of them and spring. This results in silt laden
be no exception. The spring mouths. The waters near migrate north. Radio telemetry runoff after even just moderate rains
fishing period produces the mouth of the Saginaw studies have proven that most of and when it rains hard, the tributar-
the lion’s share of trophy River provide a consistent them head up the west side of the ies of Lake Erie are load up with
walleyes compared to the bite then. Slow trolling bay stopping to feed along the way. so much silt that it muddies up the
rest of the year and early tactics are most productive One of the biggest pit stops is near entire Western Basin sometimes for
spring certainly outshines with trolling speeds near Au Gres, which is where smelt runs several weeks at a time. It’s worst
late spring too. Anglers 1.0 mile per hour needed occur and also where rocky areas in the spring because it rains a lot
that seek trophy class fish to entice those lethargic host huge populations of gobies, during that period and the frigid
should focus on fish into biting.
By Michael Veine
both of which are favorite walleye water is denser then too, suspending
the time frame of They simply chow. During the last two weeks the silt longer than normal. Often
ice-out until early won’t chase a fast of April last year we caught trophy windy, spring conditions also stir
May. Early spring is when the water moving presentation at that time of class walleyes on just about every up the increased bottom silt load
is frigid and conditions are often the year, so going slow is essential. April charter I ran there. Au Gres more too, exacerbating the problem.
challenging to say the least, but the
Deep Husky Jerk Baits are the most Bay and the shoreline areas to the The fish are still there and in recent
rewards are often worth the sacri-
popular lures on the bay during north up to Alabaster are areas to years natural reproduction has been
the early spring, with other similar check out then. Slow trolling tactics good, if not great, but getting them
Saginaw Bay baits also producing well too. Deep prevail there too with both deep div- to bite in extremely muddy water
Last year we experienced a very diving baits with a slow, side to side ing body baits and weighted short is not easy. Jigging on the reefs is
cold April complete with snow and wobble action are best. Patterns are lipped, shallow divers performing often a better option, but the fish

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Service After 10 Miles East of Bay City on M-25 in Quanicassee
the Sale 989-893-9931 • www.lindyssales.com
Early spring fishing conditions are often tough,
but the rewards are often worth the sacrifice...
caught there are almost all small also when the river really loads up fishing there at times. The water with some outstanding spring, tro-
males. If conditions are decent on with fishermen too, but at least then clarity is the key to success on the phy walleye fisheries. If you want to
the lake though, then the fishing the good fishing spreads out more Big-D during the spring. If it’s get a jump on the traditional walleye
can be off-the-chart good. In recent over the rest of the river making windy on Lake St. Clair and the opener, which is on the last Saturday
springs though there have only been the crowding more tolerable. The water turns muddy there then the in April in the Lower Peninsula and
a handful of days each year where internet is a great thing, but it also Detroit River water muddies up as May 15 in the U.P., then opportuni-
that good trolling bite developed, so spreads the word about good fishing a result. It really pays to look at the ties still abound. Hopefully we’ll
when it’s right, you need to be there conditions like wildfire. If condi- Coastwatch-MODIS internet site, have good fishing conditions this
then. Waiting until it’s convenient to tions are good then, plan on getting which shows daily satellite photos spring for all locations. See you on
go is typically not an option. to the launch at O-Dark-30 or pos- of the Great Lakes. After a clear day, the water.
The best locations to fish right sibly face a long wait in line at the those images are invaluable in deter- The author offers fishing charters
after ice out are the Michigan waters ramps (for hours). mining if fishing will be productive specializing in Saginaw Bay walleyes.
from Stony Point (Brest Bay) south I used to guide on the Detroit and also where it may be best. Contact Mike Veine at www.trophy-
to the Wood Tic Peninsula and the River and enjoyed some amazing Michigan is certainly blessed specialists.com or 734-475-9146.n
Ohio waters from Little Cedar Point


(Maumee River Mouth) east to the
Camp Perry firing range. After the
spawn those same areas can also
be good, but a lot of big walleyes
migrate east as April drags on and Models available
for any size home or
the areas north and east of the Camp
Perry Range all the way to the is-
More comfort for your entire home
lands load up with jumbos then.
Like on Saginaw Bay, slow troll-
ing tactics with subtle action body
baits rule on Erie too. My favor-
ites are Shallow Thundersticks in
March, then Rouges, Reef Runners,
Husky Jerks and Shad Raps as the
spring wears on. Keep the fire and mess outside - EPA-Certified
The current conditions on Lake long burn times (24 hours or more)
Classic Edge™
Erie have forced me to abandon of- Titanium HD Series
fering charters there for the foresee- Outdoor Wood Furnaces
able future. In recent years I had Features a Titanium-Enhanced
to cancel the vast majority of my Stainless Steel Firebox

scheduled trips there forcing that

unpleasant business decision. It has
gotten so bad that Ohio just passed a More convenience,
law to grant Lake Erie special legal
rights allowing for lawsuits to go safety and savings than
after polluters in an attempt to stop any other method of
the damage to the Lake. Toledo has Burn less wood than an indoor stove,
deliver more heat
wood heat.
had to turn off their water supply
on multiple occasions due to toxic
water on Erie, so this is an issue Call a Central Boiler dealer near you today!
that goes well beyond just fisheries.
Farming interests though have al- Valentine Enterprise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bannister, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 989-862-5972
Beaverton Outdoor Wood Furnace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beaverton, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 989-435-9240
ready sued to overturn the new law
Gauthier Heating & Cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Black River, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 989-471-2478
in Federal court, so it’s not looking
SOS Property Maintenance LLP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caledonia, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616-554-8669
good for any improvement in the
Snowbelt Stoves LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chatham, MI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 906-439-5161
near future. Nature Trail Enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fremont, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231-924-7946
Detroit River Hettinger’s Backyard & Power Store . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Galesburg, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269-484-9273
The Detroit River gets a mas- Harbor Hardwoods Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harbor Springs, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231-526-8405
sive run of walleyes from Lake Erie Able Heating & Cooling Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Homer, MI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517-568-5522
during the spring and if anglers time Greenstone Renewable Energy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lake Linden, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 906-296-0417
it right, it can be a prime opportu- B&S Wood Boilers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lapeer, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 810-664-5060
nity to catch trophy walleyes. It’s a White Pine Outdoor Boilers Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marion, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231-282-3194
small-boat fishery that begins typi- Midwest Outdoor Furnaces LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Newport, MI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 734-755-2005
cally during late March. The number P & J Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sagola, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 906-396-7136
K & A Boilers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sault Sainte Marie, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 906-635-9571
of walleyes caught in March is not
Alternative Outdoor Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Clair, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586-709-7165
great compared to the peak time
Twin Ponds Alternative Heat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stanton, MI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 989-831-4890
in mid-to-late-April, but it’s prime
Double L Tack Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tower, MI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 989-733-7651
time then to catch a Master Angler Northwoods Outdoor Stoves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Traverse City, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231-676-0659
Qualifier. Jigging is the ticket then C.H.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ubly, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 989-658-4328
with the lower river from Elizabeth Matt Simerson Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vassar, MI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 989-233-1420
Park downstream probably being D-2 Outdoor Wood Boilers LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wayland, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616-877-4081
best. Most experts use a heavy jig in Westmoreland Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Webberville, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517-468-3685
the 1/2 to 5/8 oz. range tipped with Timberland Outdoor Boilers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wellston, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231-862-3134
a minnow.
The first two weeks of April still
serve up some big walleyes, but VIDEO: How It Works
as the month wears on the average CentralBoiler.com >
It’s important that your outdoor furnace and system be properly
size of the fish diminishes, however Explore > How it Works sized and installed. See your local dealer for more information.
the catch rate increases. This is ©2019 Central Boiler • ad7529 CentralBoiler.com
Traditional Black Powder Hunting
A common and ordinary occurrence...

wo steps…a pause, silence.
two steps…a pause… The cautious sojourn passed
Buffalo-hide moc- near a large red cedar tree that grew
casins whispered over partway up a knob. Years before,
the ridge crest. Tree- tomahawk whacks cleaved the
to-tree the afternoon dead, lower branches from the tree’s
still-hunt progressed down the trunk, hollowing out a man-size
eastern slope, across the thin strip of lair. Subsequent growth swallowed
land that separated the nasty thick- most of the scars. A second thought
et’s two lobes, then up the rise to the turned the woodsman about; that
twin oaks. fortification had not been used since
Sunlight warmed the hardwoods. the pruning.
Forty paces to the south, two fox The left moccasin brushed back
squirrels chased about, then spiraled layered oak leaves and cedar duff.
up a monarch red oak at the thick- The aroma of disturbed earth filled
et’s cut bank. The air smelled cool the air. A wool trade blanket, rolled,
but spring-like with a hint of rotting then bound with a leather carry-
leaves. Calm marked that Novem- ing strap, eased into the forest nest.
ber day, in the Year of our The hunter tutored by his
Lord, 1796. adoptive Ojibwe parents sat
Two footfalls…a pause, cross-legged on the bedroll.
two footfalls…a pause… The Northwest trade
The returned captive’s moc- gun rested on blue wool
casins meandered down the leggins, adorned with
rise, around the mysterious trail-worn silk ribbons. Without conscious thought, the carrying strap and rolled blanket melt into
sink hole, then over the Only eyes moved. A dainty the overall impression of a time-traveling excursion to 1796.
fallen hulk of a modest oak. breath from the southwest
Blue jays flitted about, as seemed to stop at the tree’s passing on. That tree’s location was within the overall historical impres-
did a lone crimson
cardinal—all in By Dennis Neely trunk, then rose
straight up, not
scent neutral.
The fox squirrels returned to the
sion and passes unnoticed.
Most traditional black powder
ground. Distinctive hoof-falls mixed hunters strive to maintain a high lev-
with rustling leaves. Two summer el of authenticity in their portrayals.
fawns plodded over the knob, then An astute re-enactor once noted that
walked down to the sink hole. They the true test of any living historian’s
tested the air, but did not scent dan- clothing, accoutrements and skills
ger. In time, an older doe followed would be to travel back to a cho-
the same path. She sniffed, too. A sen year and geographical location
gray squirrel descended a young and arrive unnoticed among one’s
oak, ten paces distant. peers. Thus all aspects of the living
Three more antlerless deer historian’s being must fit together in
approached from the west, having a manner that deems that individual
crossed the narrow strip between common and ordinary with respect
the thickets. They walked single to time, place and social standing.
file, keeping to the earthen path. My first 1790-era persona was
The newcomers stopped ten paces that of a French voyageur, retired
from the first three deer. Shiny from the fur trade, surviving in
black noses bobbed up-and-down, backcountry solitude, hunting for
then side-to-side. Ears twitched and daily subsistence near the headwa-
flexed. As if orchestrated, all six ters of the River Raisin in the Old
spread out and pawed for acorns or Northwest Territory. Forty years
nibbled on scrub-oak buds. ago, first-hand historical accounts
The browsing continued be- of these hired canoe men of the
yond sunset. Two more deer, one a Great Lakes were limited. However,
fair-sized button buck, wandered in. several sources noted that voyageurs
With ten minutes of daylight left, received a new wool trade blanket
the eight trickled off to the north- upon engagement. They also told
east, skirting the nasty thicket. A of wearing “capotes,” calf-length,
fine, antlered buck never ventured hooded blanket coats.
by. A penetrating chill accompa- I invested in a Whitney point
nied darkness. Yet, despite the cold, blanket, but lacked the courage to
despite the frustration, a pleasant hack it apart. Wilderness classroom
warmth surrounded the hike back to sessions during Michigan’s harsh-
the returned captive’s wigwam... est weather provided trial and error
Mention of the leather carrying experience. But on warmer days,
strap that bound the bedroll never lugging a folded or rolled wool
found its way into the journal entry blanket through fen and forest
for that 18th-century adventure. In proved unworkable.
retelling the tale, the leather strap’s The early writings of Mark
existence is assumed by common Baker in Muzzleloader Magazine
practice and confirmed by faint rec- introduced many living historians to
ollection. The carrying strap blends the “tumpline,” a three-foot leather
strap with a section of hemp rope
attached at one end. To create a
bedroll, Baker demonstrated roll-
ing the blanket with the rope in the
center, tying the rolled blanket with
three leather strips and then attach-
ing the rope to the other end of the
leather tumpline, creating a sling to
carry the blanket through the woods.
I used a tumpline for two hunting
Matching historical research to
a character’s specific station in life
was a recurring theme in Baker’s
articles. Following his advice, I
concentrated my research on 18th-
century sources describing the voya- A hired hunter for a backcountry trading post uses his leather por tage collar to drag a fine buck back
geurs and their meager possessions. to camp. Journal entries of long-dead hunter heroes often outline valuable lesson plans for the wilder-
All accounts speak of the ness classroom. Wild River tree photos
voyageurs packing the trade goods
around dangerous rapids or obstruc- uses a leather “carrying strap,” blanket bound with a carrying strap. ing exploit is as it should be. The
tions in the rivers that formed their because that is how John Tanner, My daughter is sensitive to cold, “arrive unnoticed” principle defines
highways to the backcountry trading upon whom the character is based, and includes a bedroll for most cool- such a happening as a success, a
posts. The bales and crates, called described his burden strap. Both are weather hunts. She laughs when she common and ordinary occurrence.
“pieces,” all weighed 90 pounds. leather and feature a two-foot brow tells about a guide making fun of Give traditional black powder
Various observers detailed the por- band and about eight-foot tails. her “blankie.” She told him to “sit hunting a try, be safe and may God
tage operation in their own words. The most recent character, Mi-ki- on it and try it.” He did, and was bless you.
Voyageurs attached “carrying naak, from 1763, will use a yet-to- amazed how comfortable it was and Dennis Neely maintains a web
belts,” “carrying straps,” “portage be-made woven-hemp “carrying how his own body heat returned to site devoted to traditional hunting at
straps,” or “portage collars” to string,” as described in the journal his hips after only a few minutes— www.traditionalblackpowderhunt-
a piece, hefted the cumbersome of James Smith. 21st century meets 18th century! ing.com. The “How to” category
freight on their back and placed the Burden straps appear in histori- For a traditional black powder includes instructions for making a
wide “brow band” over their fore- cal accounts up through the end of hunter, a carrying strap disappearing leather carrying strap and binding a
head. A second piece was added to World War I. The primary use was within the context of a time travel- blanket roll.n
the load and rested against the back to move heavy items, from fur
of the voyageur’s head, steadied trade pieces to wigwam covers to
ammunition crates. But as with all Open Mon thru Fri
by one hand. With this burden, the 9am-7pm • Sat 9am-6pm
voyageur loped around the rapids on living history accoutrements, each
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an earthen trail, stamped out by his item serves multiple purposes, some
predecessors. unique due to specific circumstance. 1380 N. Cedar
Different regions and peoples James Smith tells of Native (517) 699-0597
used varying names for the carry- hunters using their carrying strings (½ Mile South of Holt, 127 to
ing strap: “hoppis,” “hoppus strap,” to drag deer over the snow. He Cedar St. exit, North 2 Miles)
“hoppis string,” “collar” and “tump” describes how the string was tied Over 2,000 Guns in Stock
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My 1790-era trading post hunter for awkward turning when a critter
approaches from behind.
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persona uses a “portage collar” or
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also set in the same time period, same benefits by carrying a wool Apr. 5-6-7 . . . . . . . . 440 Tables . . . . . . Lansing/Mason May 25-26 . . . . . . . 275 Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . Harrison
Apr. 13-14 . . . . . . . 350 Tables . . . Detroit/Brownstown Jun. 1-2 . . . . . . . . . 900 Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Novi
Muzzle Loading State Events Apr. 19-20 . . . . . . . 900 Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Novi Jun. 22-23 . . . . . . . 450 Tables . . . . . . . Grand Rapids
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Congress: 586-292-6821 www.migunshows.com • sportshows@gmail.com
April 14 - April Fun Shoot: Bridgeport: 989-746-0723 P.O. Box 404 • Mason, MI 48854
Ph: (517) 676-4160 • Fax: (517) 676-6824
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Credit Union Manistee Little River Casino Port Huron Lansing/Mason Ingham Detroit/Brownstown
County Fairgrounds Brownstown Sport Center
616-307-7728 or 616-836-5760 Event Center
I-75 @ Exit 136
US.31 & M-22
500 Thomas Edison Pkwy
Blue Water Convention Center 700 E. Ash 21902 Telegraph Rd.
Brownstown Charter Twp, MI 48183
April 27 - Woodswalk & BP Cartridge Trap: Chief Okemos Sportsman Club Cheboygan Ice Arena Dort Federal Event Cntr.
3501 Lapeer Rd. Suburban Collection Showplace Cadillac: Wexford Arena
480 Cleveland
Dimondale: 517-927-7264 Flint, MI 48503 46100 Grand River 131 & 13th St.
Monroe County Alpena (New Location) Kalamazoo County Grand Rapids Harrison
April 9 to Aug 31 - Summer Aggregate: Benzie Sportsman Club: 231-378-2145 Fairgrounds
MBT Expo Center
751 Woodward Ave.
Alpena, MI 49207
Expo Center
2900 Lake St.
4 Mile Rd Showplace
1025 Four Mile Rd. N.W. Grand Rapids
Clare County Fairgrounds
418 Fairlane


COVER STORY: The ultimate rush of hunting wild turkeys has nothing to do with the kill but every-
thing to do with getting kissin’ close, feeling the power of this elusive bird, hearing him drum and
spit and witnessing a kaleidoscope of impressive feather colors up close....By Kenny Darwin

hile boots? Often boots are dark black He was doing a courtship dance in trate on staying behind cover. This turkey not only has keen eyesight
savvy and your feet stand out like a black the open field far from any cover and holds true in the majority of hunting but their ability to detect movement
hunters stop sign. You got it, mine are spray each time he would turn his back and situations: those in blinds need to is legendary. All too often incoming
under- painted. Further my 500 mm tele- go into full fan I would move quickly. wear a face mask and hide behind cur- birds are spooked when they see a
stand the photo lens is fully camo painted too! But the little hen peeked around tains and ground hunters are wise to hunter move his weapon into shoot-
impor- I know you think I’m nuts but in order his huge fanned tail feathers, caught use terrain, trees, and brush, anything ing position, spot the movement of a
tance of to get quality pictures I’m often stalk- my motion and gave a soft alarm putt. to hide their human outline. hand sweeping across a slate call or
hunting ing wary adult gobblers and I need The big gobbler responded immedi- However don’t make the mistake box call. Keep this in mind the next
with full fan gobbler decoys and the to be completely camouflaged head ately and lowered his fan, stood tip of setting up in thick cover where you time you drop the call and reach for
need to use calls to entice gobblers to toe, including expensive camera toed, extended his long neck and all cannot get a clear shot through the your weapon. Any quick movement,
into shotgun or archery range, many gear. When it comes to shotguns and of a sudden I was staring into the eyes brush. Some hunters set up behind whether camouflaged or not, quickly
overlook the most important element archery gear mine are fully spray of an alert wild gobbler less than 20 large trees and use the trunk to con- gets the attention of wise gobblers.
in successful turkey hunting, which painted. Gotta admit it kind of broke yards away. I slowly lowered my pro- ceal their movement and outline. Savvy hunters have learned to move
is fooling a turkey’s eyesight. If you my heart to spray paint my new file, laid flat on the ground, rested my Wild turkeys have super instincts slowly as molasses in winter when
want to increase your odds for a big $2,500 Ravin crossbow but when I chin in the dirt, closed my eyes and and they have excellent hearing and setting down calls, shouldering a
tom this spring listen up, I’ve got was finished the result was an easy tried to relax and forget I was at point off the hook crazy sharp vision. They weapon and taking the safety off. One
some hot tactics that work. shot kissin’ close to a trophy gobbler. blank range with an alert trophy gob- can spot movement ten times better trick is to watch the target bird and
First and foremost, it goes without The following anecdote best describes bler eyeballing me. I’ve been in this than the biggest buck in Michigan. when he is distracted, blocked by a
saying you need to be fully camou- my point. same position many times with cam- Sometimes you simply can’t fool tree or not looking at you, make your
flaged before you hit the woods this It was a beautiful spring day with era gear and often the standoff ends their eyesight and your hunt is blown move. Hopefully the gobbler does not
spring. Keep in mind wild turkeys geese honking and robins singing as with an alarm putt, turkeys quickly before you begin. Wild birds found detect you and the shooting is simple.
have super keen eyesight and if you I made my way along the open field. turning away and soon they are sprint- in areas with a high coyote popula- However, some birds simply spot
want to score you have to pay atten- I spotted a monster gobbler from the ing like crazed roadrunners for cover. tion, which is fast becoming most you hiding, covered head to toe with When a wild turkey sees a
tion to every detail. One trick is to paved road, ditched my van, grabbed Minutes slowly passed, I moved noth- of Michigan, are difficult to scout camouflage and they still pick you up
get fully dressed long before season my Ravin, hunkered down and began ing and soon the hen wiggled her tail and vanish from sight at the slightest and run for safety. hunter he keeps his head
and look at your reflection in a full a long stalk. I was crawling along a feathers in front of the old gob and he glimpse of a human, automobile or While many hunters prefer camo
length mirror. The idea is to look for railroad track rather than setting up went bonkers and responded by going off-road machine. face paint I like my custom made ¾ extended while he turns
the details that could give up your decoys and calling. My goal was to full fan. I learned decades ago that it is style face mask complete with Velcro
position. Are your hands covered? use the bank bordering the tracks to When his huge fan blocked his difficult to blindside a wild gobbler straps in back for easy on/off use. on the afterburners and
Do you need a camo belt rather than conceal my approach. Last thing I view I slid the Ravin off my back and because their eye placement is located My model only has eye holes and my
the black one around your waist? Are wanted was a sore butt sitting over de- got into a prone shooting position. high on their narrow skull. I believe complete head is covered. Don’t make quickly runs out of shooting
your boots fully camouflaged? Many
hunters make the mistake of wearing
coys making turkey sounds. I wanted
to stalk my prey; use aggressive hunt-
After a couple minutes I yelled at the
mating pair and the big tom dropped
they can see 320 degrees which makes
them a challenge to approach. When
the common mistake of using a mask
that doesn’t cover your neck and back range. This defensive
the same dark brown bottomland cam-
ouflage in spring when the environ-
ing skills and advanced hunting tac-
tics to slip into easy crossbow range.
his tail feathers, stood alert with head
high as I centered the crosshair on his
on stand it is a good idea to raise your
weapon when the bird’s vision is
of your head. I use a Russian military
sniper balaclava and North Mountain maneuver is highlighted
The first hundred yards was a cake
ment is greenish. Sure you can get
away with poor camouflage if you are walk because I was hidden by the
upper neck and touched the trigger.
Twack! He hit the dirt like a ton of
blocked by trees, brush, decoy, tail fan
or other object. Keep in mind when
has a 3D leafy ghillie head net that is
tops. In a pinch I use the H.S Special- by an ear piercing high
hiding in a ground blind but if you
are like me, sitting out in the open,
bank but when I got 70 yards from
the gobbler the terrain became flat
bricks and the 11-inch trophy beard
and 26 pound gobbler was mine.
wild birds slip kissin’ close inside 15
yards they are less likely to spot you
ties camo leafy face mask. The trick is
to cover your entire face when chas-
pitched alarm putt every
you need to refine your camouflage to
match the environment where you are
with less brush to cover my approach.
Soon I was belly crawling through
Sure I used advanced stalking
skills to get kissin’ close to the trophy
because you are inside their comfort
zone. Also, if a big gob finally sees
ing turkeys.
A strong wind moving branches,
hunter hates to hear.
I’m a camouflage junkie and go
the bright green grass with crossbow
strapped to my back and green face
bird but my biggest advantage was
wearing the proper camouflage from
you he is not likely to flush and fly
like a rooster pheasant. Instead he will
grasses and leaves can be a big ad-
vantage concealing hunters from the
Thomas Kirkland photo
hog wild to make my hunting gear mask concealing my entire face. I head to toe. But keep in mind most of sound an alarm putt, turn his back to sharp eyesight of wild turkeys. While
look like the spring terrain. Sure I could feel my pulse quicken as I this stalk was easy because I was hid- you immediately, hold his head high the wind can make calling a challenge
use plenty of green spray paint on slithered into range like a fox stalk- ing behind the track bank. If you want and look to sprint in the opposite it serves to distract birds coming into
clothing, hat, crossbow and all my ing a mouse. I moved directly at the to increase your odds at harvesting direction which offers you a shot.
gear. Ever look at the bottom of your big bird preoccupied with a little hen. adult gobblers you need to concen- Wise hunters have learned a wild Gobbler’s eyesight page 46
COVER STORY: The ultimate rush of hunting wild turkeys has nothing to do with the kill but every-
thing to do with getting kissin’ close, feeling the power of this elusive bird, hearing him drum and
spit and witnessing a kaleidoscope of impressive feather colors up close....By Kenny Darwin

hile boots? Often boots are dark black He was doing a courtship dance in trate on staying behind cover. This turkey not only has keen eyesight
savvy and your feet stand out like a black the open field far from any cover and holds true in the majority of hunting but their ability to detect movement
hunters stop sign. You got it, mine are spray each time he would turn his back and situations: those in blinds need to is legendary. All too often incoming
under- painted. Further my 500 mm tele- go into full fan I would move quickly. wear a face mask and hide behind cur- birds are spooked when they see a
stand the photo lens is fully camo painted too! But the little hen peeked around tains and ground hunters are wise to hunter move his weapon into shoot-
impor- I know you think I’m nuts but in order his huge fanned tail feathers, caught use terrain, trees, and brush, anything ing position, spot the movement of a
tance of to get quality pictures I’m often stalk- my motion and gave a soft alarm putt. to hide their human outline. hand sweeping across a slate call or
hunting ing wary adult gobblers and I need The big gobbler responded immedi- However don’t make the mistake box call. Keep this in mind the next
with full fan gobbler decoys and the to be completely camouflaged head ately and lowered his fan, stood tip of setting up in thick cover where you time you drop the call and reach for
need to use calls to entice gobblers to toe, including expensive camera toed, extended his long neck and all cannot get a clear shot through the your weapon. Any quick movement,
into shotgun or archery range, many gear. When it comes to shotguns and of a sudden I was staring into the eyes brush. Some hunters set up behind whether camouflaged or not, quickly
overlook the most important element archery gear mine are fully spray of an alert wild gobbler less than 20 large trees and use the trunk to con- gets the attention of wise gobblers.
in successful turkey hunting, which painted. Gotta admit it kind of broke yards away. I slowly lowered my pro- ceal their movement and outline. Savvy hunters have learned to move
is fooling a turkey’s eyesight. If you my heart to spray paint my new file, laid flat on the ground, rested my Wild turkeys have super instincts slowly as molasses in winter when
want to increase your odds for a big $2,500 Ravin crossbow but when I chin in the dirt, closed my eyes and and they have excellent hearing and setting down calls, shouldering a
tom this spring listen up, I’ve got was finished the result was an easy tried to relax and forget I was at point off the hook crazy sharp vision. They weapon and taking the safety off. One
some hot tactics that work. shot kissin’ close to a trophy gobbler. blank range with an alert trophy gob- can spot movement ten times better trick is to watch the target bird and
First and foremost, it goes without The following anecdote best describes bler eyeballing me. I’ve been in this than the biggest buck in Michigan. when he is distracted, blocked by a
saying you need to be fully camou- my point. same position many times with cam- Sometimes you simply can’t fool tree or not looking at you, make your
flaged before you hit the woods this It was a beautiful spring day with era gear and often the standoff ends their eyesight and your hunt is blown move. Hopefully the gobbler does not
spring. Keep in mind wild turkeys geese honking and robins singing as with an alarm putt, turkeys quickly before you begin. Wild birds found detect you and the shooting is simple.
have super keen eyesight and if you I made my way along the open field. turning away and soon they are sprint- in areas with a high coyote popula- However, some birds simply spot
want to score you have to pay atten- I spotted a monster gobbler from the ing like crazed roadrunners for cover. tion, which is fast becoming most you hiding, covered head to toe with When a wild turkey sees a
tion to every detail. One trick is to paved road, ditched my van, grabbed Minutes slowly passed, I moved noth- of Michigan, are difficult to scout camouflage and they still pick you up
get fully dressed long before season my Ravin, hunkered down and began ing and soon the hen wiggled her tail and vanish from sight at the slightest and run for safety. hunter he keeps his head
and look at your reflection in a full a long stalk. I was crawling along a feathers in front of the old gob and he glimpse of a human, automobile or While many hunters prefer camo
length mirror. The idea is to look for railroad track rather than setting up went bonkers and responded by going off-road machine. face paint I like my custom made ¾ extended while he turns
the details that could give up your decoys and calling. My goal was to full fan. I learned decades ago that it is style face mask complete with Velcro
position. Are your hands covered? use the bank bordering the tracks to When his huge fan blocked his difficult to blindside a wild gobbler straps in back for easy on/off use. on the afterburners and
Do you need a camo belt rather than conceal my approach. Last thing I view I slid the Ravin off my back and because their eye placement is located My model only has eye holes and my
the black one around your waist? Are wanted was a sore butt sitting over de- got into a prone shooting position. high on their narrow skull. I believe complete head is covered. Don’t make quickly runs out of shooting
your boots fully camouflaged? Many
hunters make the mistake of wearing
coys making turkey sounds. I wanted
to stalk my prey; use aggressive hunt-
After a couple minutes I yelled at the
mating pair and the big tom dropped
they can see 320 degrees which makes
them a challenge to approach. When
the common mistake of using a mask
that doesn’t cover your neck and back range. This defensive
the same dark brown bottomland cam-
ouflage in spring when the environ-
ing skills and advanced hunting tac-
tics to slip into easy crossbow range.
his tail feathers, stood alert with head
high as I centered the crosshair on his
on stand it is a good idea to raise your
weapon when the bird’s vision is
of your head. I use a Russian military
sniper balaclava and North Mountain maneuver is highlighted
The first hundred yards was a cake
ment is greenish. Sure you can get
away with poor camouflage if you are walk because I was hidden by the
upper neck and touched the trigger.
Twack! He hit the dirt like a ton of
blocked by trees, brush, decoy, tail fan
or other object. Keep in mind when
has a 3D leafy ghillie head net that is
tops. In a pinch I use the H.S Special- by an ear piercing high
hiding in a ground blind but if you
are like me, sitting out in the open,
bank but when I got 70 yards from
the gobbler the terrain became flat
bricks and the 11-inch trophy beard
and 26 pound gobbler was mine.
wild birds slip kissin’ close inside 15
yards they are less likely to spot you
ties camo leafy face mask. The trick is
to cover your entire face when chas-
pitched alarm putt every
you need to refine your camouflage to
match the environment where you are
with less brush to cover my approach.
Soon I was belly crawling through
Sure I used advanced stalking
skills to get kissin’ close to the trophy
because you are inside their comfort
zone. Also, if a big gob finally sees
ing turkeys.
A strong wind moving branches,
hunter hates to hear.
I’m a camouflage junkie and go
the bright green grass with crossbow
strapped to my back and green face
bird but my biggest advantage was
wearing the proper camouflage from
you he is not likely to flush and fly
like a rooster pheasant. Instead he will
grasses and leaves can be a big ad-
vantage concealing hunters from the
Thomas Kirkland photo
hog wild to make my hunting gear mask concealing my entire face. I head to toe. But keep in mind most of sound an alarm putt, turn his back to sharp eyesight of wild turkeys. While
look like the spring terrain. Sure I could feel my pulse quicken as I this stalk was easy because I was hid- you immediately, hold his head high the wind can make calling a challenge
use plenty of green spray paint on slithered into range like a fox stalk- ing behind the track bank. If you want and look to sprint in the opposite it serves to distract birds coming into
clothing, hat, crossbow and all my ing a mouse. I moved directly at the to increase your odds at harvesting direction which offers you a shot.
gear. Ever look at the bottom of your big bird preoccupied with a little hen. adult gobblers you need to concen- Wise hunters have learned a wild Gobbler’s eyesight page 46
Gobbler’s eyesight:
from page 45
your set up. Breezy weather requires let go of the beast, raised my 12
aggressive calling that can bring ga. shotgun to my shoulder and
birds running but some hunt-smart when the cow cleared I dumped the
gobblers will hang up slightly out of biggest tom. His beard was almost
shotgun range, eyeball your set up 12-inches long and he had no idea a
and scan the area for movement or human with a gun was coming kis-
anything resembling hunters. If they sin ’close by hiding behind a cow.
see anything abnormal they simply There’s more than one way to fool
turn tail and melt into the forest. a wild turkey’s eyesight and appar-
I’ll never forget the trophy long ently wild gobblers have no fear of
beard I harvested on Doonsbury six-legged cows.
property near Beal City on a wind- My point is turkeys can be tough
swept cow pasture. A morning sit critters to fool because their eyesight
brought no birds because the wind is super sharp. Most are constantly
was blowing 40 mph and they could standing upright looking for danger.
not hear my calls. On the way back Many have been harassed by coyote
to the farm house I noticed two gob- and they know the way to avoid
blers in a cow pasture. I hunkered attacks is to spot brown preda-
behind a hill and watched how live tors slipping through the grass and
cattle walked around the wild birds underbrush. Adult gobblers have
and they didn’t pay any attention. encounters with hunters and some
That’s when I got the bright idea to become so paranoid they refuse to
use a cow to block my approach. approach calls until they thoroughly
I slipped next to an old milk cow, scrutinize the area in search of hunt-
followed her mane toward the wild ers hiding in the shadows. Some
turkeys. When I got close I could old toms are simply un-callable
see the thick massive beard of one because they have been shot at
bird dragging on the ground. I was and avoid lifeless decoys and men
laughing inside as the cow mean- wearing camouflage sitting against
dered past the wild turkeys and I trees. Some savvy hunters report The author is pleased with his 26 pound gobbler with an 11-inch
beard taken with crossbow using stalking strategies. Note his
custom spray painted clothing and he uses a custom face mask to
cover his entire face, cheeks, upper chest and back of neck.

the biggest gobblers they harvest
come in silent. These wary birds are
ever vigilant and in order to score
you must wear fancy camouflage

(Built with) Aluminum I-Beams and use advanced hunting skills. Oh

sure, some birds simply come in on
a string and you gotta loudly yelp
15-FT TO 50-FT to get them heads up for the shot.
However, many more peek through
ALL TYPES AND SIZES the timber or over hilltops unnoticed
and they catch hunter outlines or
movement and they slink away go-
Single Axle, ing in the opposite direction.
Tandem Axle, Tri-Axle, While a whitetail deer’s best
Bass Boat and others defense is his sense of smell, a wild
turkey depends on keen eyesight. It
is your challenge to master the skills
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encounter is fulfilling because you
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32575 S. River Road • Harrison Township, MI 48045
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Call (586) 726-5848 Fax (586) 477-1155 SHIPPING WORLDWIDE tors, danger and hunters
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Mailing Address: 38400 Elmite Street • Harrison Township, MI 48045 turkey stands erect, tip toed,
Sales@zinnermarine.com • ZinnerMarine.com head held high it is difficult to
avoid detection by his super-
Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. keen eyesight. Author photos
Staying dry
when wading
he stream tries to make mind that your center of gravity is
wading difficult by hid- between your waist and hips. Take
ing obstacles like sub- care that the current does not cause
merged logs, boulders, you to lose your balance and tip you
clay and rock ledges, over when wading in deeper wa-
and an uneven or slippery ter. When crossing a swift
substrate. Deep water and stream try to pick a path
fast current can also keep that allows you to go both
you from getting to where across and down so you
you want to be or cause you don’t have to fight the cur-
to get wet trying. Paying rent as much as you wade
attention to what is ahead to the other side.
and always making sure In addition to helping
you have one foot planted you read water and find fish
securely before holding cover, your
you move the other
will keep you dry
By Jim Bedford polarized sunglasses
will help you spot
and safely moving underwater wad-
upstream. ing obstacles. Also pay attention
When wading in strong current to breaks in the surface current.
try to keep sideways to the flow to They will often indicate big rocks
minimize water resistance. Move or submerged logs. When the water
with shuffle steps so that your legs is off color it is important to slow
never become crossed. Keep in down and wade more deliberately.

Joe Burcar with bright steelhead with wading staff and Aquaseal on
a crotch seam leak.
When you find a big rock with one searching tool. Having your staff
foot and then the other boot finds about as long as your waders are
the other side of the rock when you tall will let a wet hand indicate that
try to catch your balance it is time you are getting close to using up all
to get out the placards to score your of your freeboard. Using a wading
dive. staff in advance of your movement
Except for very small creeks, a through turbid or unfamiliar water is
wading staff is an essential piece of especially important when moving
equipment for the wading angler. It downstream. If you step into deep
acts as both the third leg of a tripod water you won’t be able to save
for stability and as a probe to find yourself because the current will be
out what is ahead. It can also let against you.
your arm do some of the work when Attach a cord to the very end of
wading through relatively shallow, your wading staff so that it can float
non productive water—sort of like behind you when not in use. Avoid
ski poles for the cross country skier making the attachment a hand grips
except you are just using one arm to distance away from the end. Do-
give your body a little boost against ing this creates a “notch” or catch
the current. point for vines and brush to catch
When you wade with a staff on the tether when you are on the
you will always have two points of bank walking to the next run. You
contact with the stream bottom. You can purchase a wading staff or make
anchor the staff when you move a one from a sturdy broom handle or
foot and make sure your feet are hardwood sapling. Ski poles without
set when you move the staff. When the “skirt” and hockey stick handles
crossing an area with swift current without the blade also work well.
keep the staff on your upstream side Hockey sticks are my favorite and
and lean into it. If the staff is below they are free, just visit your local
you, the current can easily lift it up rink to retrieve broken ones before
off the bottom and cause you to lose they go to the landfill. If you find
your balance. For turbid or deep another angler fishing your favor-
water the staff can also serve as a ite spot you can take your hockey
stick and cross check them out of reason why I keep several pairs of repair adhesive. reverse a vacuum cleaner to blow
the way. As long as you don’t draw waders going all the time. If the If you are getting damp and warm air into the boot.
blood you only have to wait two damaged area is quite large, a six clammy because your waders are A real important fact to remem-
minutes in the penalty box before inch tear for example, you may want seeping, usually in seams in neo- ber is that water vapor is lighter
casting. Okay, just kidding about the to reinforce the patch by applying prene waders and seams and pin than air. If you hang boots upside
cross check, but the hockey stick the urethane to the other side after holes in breathable models, the best down that are wet, they will stay wet
is very sturdy and won’t wobble in removing the tape. way to find the spots is with water. and likely turn a pretty green with
strong current when you need it the An accelerator called Cotol can A trouble light lowered into breath- mildew inside. For some reason,
most. And, in addition to facilitating be combined with the Aquaseal and able waders in a darkened room may most modern boot dryers are set up
your wading, the staff can also help used if a quicker cure is needed. show pinholes but the sure way is to for you to set your boots on them
you get in and out of the river when This combination still takes about fill the waders one leg a time with upside down. These dryers just
the bank is steep or slippery. two hours so on stream repair is water and mark the wet spots that warm the boots with no fan for air
Wader Repair and Care: better left to the ultra violet light ray form. If you have boot foot wad- movement so you can see they are
If you are or become an active activated products. These products ers where the boots are hard to dry very inefficient and depend on dif-
wader like myself, you will soon be harden in minutes when exposed to because the insulation is not closed fusion of the water vapor molecules.
in the hole or leak repair business. daylight. They are especially quick cell then you will want to perform There are some boot dryers where
This could be the result of a bad en- when the sun is shining but they this operation with the boots inside the warming device is lowered into
counter with barbed wire, multiflora still set up in short order when it out. A thin layer of Aquaseal over the upright boot and that makes a
rose thorns, or a beaver sharpened is cloudy. The UV activated adhe- the small leak spots will keep you lot more sense. From the late
sapling stub. If you have dodged sives will adhere to wet waders, but dry on your next outing. Spread spring to early fall I let Mother
all of these enemies of your waders it is still best to get the area to be the sealant well out from the hole Nature dry my boot foot breathable
you will still be fixing a wear spot patched as dry as possible before or seam leak on neoprene waders waders. I hang them upright in the
in the crotch or inseam areas of your applying the material. The UV because sometimes water will creep late day sun with the boots just
waders. adhesives work best on neoprene between the nylon and the neoprene. resting on the ground. The sun
For a long time now a urethane and fabric. They don’t adhere well You can also use Aquaseal proac- warms up the boots and the water
based product called Aquaseal has to rubber boots. Even on fabric the tively by coating wear spots before vents out the top.
been my permanent solution to any makers of the Aquaseal UV product, they become leaks. So, never hang your waders up-
kind of wader damage including which hardens very quickly, recom- After a fishing outing it is very side down unless they are complete-
major tears. This material is a very mend letting the adhesive soak in important to thoroughly dry your ly dry. It is best to store boot foot
tough and flexible compound. Its for a minute in a dark (as you can waders. This is especially important neoprene waders upright, anyway,
special feature is that it also has get it) environment before exposing for the inside of boot foot models. with the boots resting on the ground.
excellent adhesive qualities. to the sun for better adhesion. Prior If you don’t, the fabric may start Obviously your never want to store
No patch is needed for tears and to the relatively recent availability to rot and weaken the boot not to waders with tight creases, especially
holes in your waders. Simply back of the UV activated adhesives I mention how bad the mildew will neoprene and those with rubber
the damaged area with a removable used hot melt patch for a temporary smell. For us old-timers a key piece boots. You also want to keep your
tape such as masking tape. Take on stream repair. With any of these of equipment for drying boot foot boots out of the sun and away from
special care to tape the back of the quick fixes it is a good idea to make waders is the archaic bonnet type ozone generating electric motors
damaged area so that the wader a permanent repair with Aquaseal hair dryer. The bonnet is discarded when not in use. Waders are a really
material is in its original position when you get home. You may have and the hose is inserted into the boot important part of a stream anglers
with no puckers. Make sure the to peel some of the temporary repair for a quick drying. If you don’t have tackle and you want to keep them
area is clean and dry and laying on material off for best result but this is one I bet a relative does, stuck away in good shape. You also want your
a flat surface. Liberally apply some not necessary with the Aquaseal UV back in the closet. You can also waders to last.n
Aquaseal to the damaged area and
spread it with a flat stick. (Note:
Ice cream bar sticks are perfect
for this so wash and save some for
future use.)
This urethane compound will
level itself and spread or run a bit so
it is important to keep the repaired
area flat during the curing process.
The repair will be cured enough for
use in eight to twelve hours but I
like to give the repair 24 hours for
a complete cure. This is part of the

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2019 ’YAK
f you’re into kayak bass event for Angler of the Year and
fishing and want to see King of Fish. The new format is
how well you measure to try and spread things out. We’re
up to other enthusiasts, hoping to increase the attendance at
you can fish a tournament the last event with the new format.”
somewhere in Michigan
nearly every weekend starting later KFGL
in April. Chris LeMessurier started the
Michigan is blessed with at least Kayak Fish the Great Lakes Region
more than a decade ago, All kayak bass tournaments covered in this story follow a “catch-photo-
six state-wide kayak release” format. The angler takes a mobile phone picture of his fish on
groups, and four of them and 2019 will see the
KFGL’s 10th No-Mo an approved measuring device. An identifier unique to that tournament
have tournament circuits. must also be in the frame. The angler uploads the photo to a tournament
Plus, the state’s grand- Charity Kayak Fishing
Festival. This has been website that keeps track of each contestant’s total catch in real time.
daddy kayak organiza-
tion has a popular kayak based at Kent Lake but name implies, tournaments are of the group’s Facebook page nomi-
contest that has raised allows anglers to fish scheduled for waters in Michigan as nate and vote on many of the waters
thousands of dollars for any water in Michigan. well as in Ohio. the group fishes.
Michigan’s Make-A- Successful anglers catch The tournaments are 100 percent The MI-OH contests also feature
Wish Foundation. bass, panfish and pike, payback, and one unique feature is lots of door prizes at the awards cer-
By Dave Mull
What the circuits knowing they will a lower entry fee for young anglers. emonies. For more info, check out
all have in common win no money back. Instead of the $50 fee (plus optional the group’s Facebook page.
is a standard catch- They fish for prizes, $5 for big bass) anglers 17 and
photo-release format. Anglers catch ranging from new kayaks to gift younger pay just $35. MKT
a fish, take its picture with a cell cards. All entry fees and proceeds “We’re trying to get young folks Starting as tournaments for
phone and then submit the photo from a raffle go to Make-A-Wish for into the sport,” Patrick says. Central Michigan Kayak Fishing
to a tournament website that keeps granting wishes to kids with poten- Patrick prides the organization and evolving two years ago into the
track of competitors’ total inches. tially terminal diseases. Last year’s for being more of a club. Members Michigan Kayak Trail, this series
The fish is quickly released. event hosted 123 anglers who paid
$75 apiece and, with raffles, raised

Michigan Kayak Tournaments 2019

Let’s take a look at these organi-
zations alphabetically and see what $10,016.
they have in store for 2019. While electric motors have
recently become popular on some
KATS tournament circuits (both the MKT
The Kayak Anglers Tournament and MI-OH allow them), the No-Mo
Series is going into its fourth year. has steadfastly remained “No Mo- April 20 - MI-OH Kiser Lake, St. Paris, OH
Richard Ofner, himself a competi- tors.” April 27 - MKT, Gull Lake, Richland, MI
tive angler who has fished the Hobie This year, Wilderness Systems May 4 - NMKT, Lake St. Helen, St. Helen, MI
Worlds in Australia, runs the show has again donated a kayak as part of
for kayak retailer Summit Sports, the first-place prize. Other sponsors May 4 - KATS, Ford & Belleville Lakes, Ypsilanti, MI
which is the chief sponsor. As tour- donating prizes have included Sum- May 11 - MKT, White Lake, Whitehall, MI
nament director, he doesn’t fish the mit Sports, Jackson Kayak, local May 25 - MI-OH/KBF, Lake St. Clair
KATS contests. business The Bait Shop, Bass Pro June 1 - KATS, Lake St. Clair
KATS offers two divisions. The Shops, Cabela’s, RAM Mounts and June 2 - KFGL, No-Mo Charity Fishing Festival,
Competitive Division has a $75 many others. Kensington Metropark, MI
entry fee and pays all of the money This year’s contest is June 2. For
back to the most successful anglers. more information, check out kayak- June 8 - NMKT Duck & Green Lakes, Interlochen, MI
The Recreation Division costs $50 fishthegreatlakes.com or the group’s June 15 - MI-OH-Mogodore Reservoir, Mogodore, OH
to enter and anglers compete for gift Facebook page. June 15 - MKT-Grand River, Coopersville, MI
cards. Its tournaments take place June 29-30 - HBOS, Lake St. Clair
primarily in the southeast portion of MI-OH July 6 - MI-OH, Fletcher Pond, Hillman, MI
the state. Many call this the “My-Oh.”
The circuit features three regular After competing in their first tour- July 14-15 - NMKT, Saginaw Bay, Bay Port, MI
season events, with an end-of- nament with new kayaks in 2017, July 27 - MKT, Muskegon Lake, Muskegon, MI
season Blind Lake Fish Off. This Todd Patrick and Rich Peterson both July 27 - MI-OH/KBF, East-West Harbor, Catawba Island, OH
will be a competition among the top were taken immediately with kayak August 17 - NMKT, Elk & Skegmog Lakes, Whitewater, MI
three finishers from each of the first competition and decided to start the
three tournaments. The Blind Lake MI-OH Kayak Anglers as a club August 17 - MKT Championship (lake TBA)
Fish Off has no entry fees for the with tournaments in 2018. They ran August 24 - MI-OH Ford & Belleville Lakes, Ypsilanti, MI
participants and the prize is yet to be five successful events, averaging 50 September 7 - KATS Heron, Wildwood, and Valley lakes, Holly, MI
determined. anglers each. September 21 - NMTS Burt and Mullet Lakes, Indian River, MI
“It will be at a location where This year they have four inde- September 28 - KATS Blind Fish-off (lake TBA)
nine anglers show up on Friday pendent MI-OH events with $50
night and are told which lake they entry fees, along with two tourna- Key: MI-OH Michigan-Ohio Kayak Anglers, MKT-Michigan Kay-
will fish on Saturday morning,” ments affiliated with the national ak Trail, KATS-Kayak Angler Tournament Series, KFGL-Kayak Fish
Ofner said. “It was always the same Kayak Bass Fishing organization the Great Lakes Region, NMKT-Northern Michigan Kayak Trail
few anglers competing in the last that feature $75 entry fees. As their KBF-Kayak Bass Fishing, HBOS-Hobie Bass Open Series
has become known for paying back Master Angler program has
some new rules for 2019
100 percent of entry fees—and
giving a new kayak to each tourna-
ment’s winner.
Tom Mullins gets the credit Anyone hoping to submit a catch to the
for lining up the great prizes, with DNR’s Master Angler program – which
kayak retailers such as Gull Lake each year recognizes the largest fish of
Marine, Waterdog Outfitters, Main- several dozen species – will want to pay
stream Tackle & Outdoors and D&R close attention to the 2019 application.
Sports Center donating kayaks. Last A few new rules have been added to the
year, tournament attendance was as program for 2019, including:
high as 126 anglers and averaged 89 • No more than one entry for fish of the
for the four regular season events. exact same size will be accepted for each
The MKT season culminates with species. (For example, if you catch two
its MKT Championship, open to 10-inch bluegills, submit just one.)
anglers who fished regular season • Each entry must include at least one
events. photo showing the fish being measured.
Most of the MKT’s tournaments Color photos of the entire fish are required,
are in the southwest portion of the too; entries received without color photos
state. This year, the MKT plans to will not be accepted.
charge $75 entry fees and cap the Most kayak tournaments in Michi-
gan offer a plethora of door prizes “The DNR’s Master Angler program
number of contestants at 100.
donated by sponsors. Here, Dustin has more than tripled in popularity in the Brandonn Kramer of
For more information, check out last five years,” said Lynne Thoma, the Muskegon with new state
Murguia of Chicago poses with dog record black buffalo.
the Michigan Kayak Trail Facebook Louis and the Vibe Stand-Up Pad- program’s administrator. “We want to
page. dleboard he won after the Michigan recognize as many anglers as possible for
NMKT Kayak Trail’s Championship at lakes
Cadillac and Mitchell. Mainstream
their fishing accomplishments, while retaining the integrity of this pro-
gram. We feel these new rules will help us do that.”
The newcomer Northern Michi-
gan Kayak Trail started by Tyler Tackle & Outdoors of Galesburg The Master Angler program runs on the calendar year (Jan. 1 through
Kreiner as a Facebook group is donated the SUP. Dec. 31), rather than the fishing license year (April 1 through March 31).
taking anglers to perhaps the most has been set at $65, plus $5 to cover The program includes more than 50 species of fish in both catch-and-keep
exotic lakes that are largely unpres- insurance. The number of anglers and catch-and-release categories. All fish entered must be taken by legal
sured by bass boat tournaments. will vary by venue, according to Michigan sportfishing methods, during the open season, and in Michigan
Lake venues include Skegmog, Kreiner, but the least number will waters open to the public.
Burt, Saginaw Bay, St. Helen and be 50. Download the 2019 Master Angler application at Michigan.gov/Mas-
Duck and Green lakes near Interlo- For more information, check out terAngler. People are encouraged to review the application every year for
chen. the Northern Michigan Kayak Trail program changes. Applications can be submitted via mail or email; the
Entry fee for the tournaments Facebook page.n current year’s form is due Jan. 10, 2020.

Tom Carney
Among the Aspens
Award-winning nature and outdoor
writer Thomas Carney returns to
form in his latest collection of
essays, Among the Aspens: Stolen
Moments in Secret Coverts.
As with his previous collections,
Sun-Drenched Days, Two-Blanket
Nights; and Bird Dogs and Betty
Cakes, Tom employs a variety of
perspectives and presentations
as his writing glides effortlessly
across the lines that delineate
serious writing, humor, nostalgia,
analysis, description and storytelling.
Different this time around: Instead
of moving from activity to activity
with the progressing seasons as he
did in his first two books of essays,
in Among the Aspens Tom delivers
the goods through a single form
of outdoor recreation: upland bird
To purchase: $34.95 (Michigan residents, please add $2.10 sales tax) plus
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Saginaw Bay as the water temperatures get into
the 40s and 50s the larger fish in
With warmer weather around the the bay start to make their way to
corner the ice on Saginaw Bay will deeper water of Saginaw Bay. At the
be on its way out. Saginaw Bay in same time the huge population of
the spring is a great fishery start- smaller males that were up the tribu-
ing at ice out. By the first of April taries start to dump out of the Sagi-
we will be fishing the inner bay naw River and into the inner bay.
in depths of six to 30 feet. Com- These fish are hungry and are very
mon baits are larger crankbaits like willing to eat. Limit catches of these
Rapala’s deep diving husky Jerks, 13 to 20 inch walleye are very com-
deep diving Bandits and Smithwick mon. We target these fish
P-10s and 20s. With the using Rapala Husky Jerks,
water temperatures in the Berkeley Flicker Shads and
30s, these baits work best at Reef Runners. With the
slow speeds of 1.0-1.5 mph. warmer water temperatures,
This time of year, limit we run at higher speeds like
catches are common, with a 1.5-2.5 mph.
mix of both pre- and post- In short, take advan-
spawn walleye as large as tage of this great fishery the
10 pounds. Saginaw Bay has to offer.
By late
April early May, By John Bergsma Dress warm and
get rid of the Take advantage of the great fishery the Saginaw Bay has to offer.

with your host

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cabin fever! If you’re looking for the temperatures getting into the
a great charter experience, get in comfortable range, it is time to get
contact with Captain Jay @The Fish out on the water. I like to consider
Fly Charters (810)-280-9655. this as the starting point of my fish-
Manistee River
ing season, the wonderful spring
steelhead run. After winter releases
Spring is around the corner her hold on Northern Michigan,
and I’m thinking steelhead! With and the river lets loose, in migrates

Chef Grant’s Country Smokehouse “Recipe of the Month”

2 Pounds Country Smoke House venison dogs or venison kielbasa
sliced or cubed
1 large sweet onion-medium dice
1 green bell pepper-medium dice
1 red bell pepper-medium dice
1 yellow bell pepper-medium dice
1 T. Minced garlic
1 T. Salt
1 tsp. Pepper
2 tsp. Oregano
2 tsp. Basil Great days of steelhead fishing are found throughout the spring.
1 tsp. Rosemary
4 T. Butter or coconut oil a major run of rainbow trout from will bottom bouncing gravel with
48 oz. diced tomatoes Lake Michigan. spawn. Both water levels have the
Melt butter / oil in a large skillet or wok on high then add garlic and Never knowing what weather pros and cons, weather temps, traffic
spices immediately followed by “sliced venison” and “large chopped” March will hold, high water or win- on the river, dirty water. No matter
veggies. Sauté on high for 10 minutes, tossing or stirring often, remem- ter water can be present. Most years, what the date is, great days of fish-
ber that color adds flavor. Then add tomatoes, reduce heat to simmer. winter water (before the spring ing are found throughout the spring.
Cover and simmer for 10 minutes. This is a hearty dish and works well flood) find steelhead in the slower As a school teacher, Michael
over rice or penne pasta. Serves 4-6. pools and ready to feast as they de- guides the weekends during this
velop their eggs. We will either run time as well as spring break (last
This recipe was provided by Chef Grant Bergsma at Fisherman’s Digest TV. spawn or beads under floats or pull week in March), Capt. Michael D.
For more recipes and excellent video fishing reports check out plugs. Once the spring flood comes, Tilmann II. Tilmann Outfitters &
www.fishermansdigest.com or on Facebook@Great Lakes Fishermans Digest. the water warms up, and the spring Charter Service LLC, 231-510-
spawn will start. At this time, we 9345, mtilmann2@gmail.comn


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Joe Fraley caught this 38 inch muskie on 6 lb.

test while fishing for perch. It took about an hour Terry Jones, a first time
Rob Brodock caught this monster pike to land and they had to drill a second hole to get ever ice angler, shows
that measured 44.25 inches in length and the fish through. Joe and his father were fishing what can come about at
weighed 25.5 pounds. on Lake St. Clair near Anchor Bay. an ice fishing school.

Above, Left-Right:
Walleye anglers
Michael Nye, Andy
Vichunas, Joe Vic-
hunas, Scott Ditch, Henry, 8, from Washington Twp. fishing with
Tyler Manneback, his dad Todd, reeled in this 13.4 lb. steelhead Brace Castonia, Connor, 6, with a
James Cox, caught on a chilly February morning while fishing St. 3, holds his first 11.5 inch perch
these Saginaw Bay Joseph River with Sea Hawk charters. Henry’s pike caught on caught ice fishing
walleyes in mid-Feb- first (of many) steelhead trips! a tip up. in Wayne Co.
ruary. Right, Left-Right: Chad Simmons, Peyton
Simmons, Joe Vichunas, Andy Vichunas, jig
fishing Saginaw Bay. Joe caught an 8 pounder
and Andy a 6 pounder.

Ice fishing on
Houghton Lake
with his papa,
Riley Roberts, Brooke Janisch, 8, took
11, caught this her first deer hunting
38 inches, 13 lb. This nice 9-pt. was taken with her dad, Don, in
pike and a 25 by Jeff Saums of St. Clair Sanilac Co. during the
inch, 4 lb. walleye in early March. Co. on Oct. 5th. youth hunt.

In Memory of Tim Coughlin of Shepherd, his family’s successful deer hunts: Top Lt to Rt; Wife Jean with a dandy 12-pt. taken
Nov. 11 with her compound and Nov. 15 a dandy 9-pt. Bottom Lt to Rt; Daughter Trixie Onstott 6-pt. Oct. 31, crossbow and
7-pt. Nov. 15; Son-in-law Steve Onstott a unique 12-pt. on Oct. 2, crossbow; nephew Cody Pifer 9-pt. Nov. 3 compound and an
8-pt. Dec. 20 muzzleloader; Niece Katelyn Pifer a doe taken during the youth hunt; and Dick Onstott a 5-pt. taken Nov. 16.
Be sure to listen to Mike
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Woods-N-Water News
Michigan’s Premier Outdoor Publication
Hot Topic In The Outdoors...

Scenic River alcohol ban lasts… a week?

Dear Fish Diary:

ections of the AuS-
able, Manistee and Pine
rivers can end their
suffering from alcohol
withdrawal. The Federal
government voted to put
an alcohol ban on certain stretches
of designated Wild and Scenic River
sections but it didn’t last long. Soon,
the public launched a paddling of
that decision and started an online
petition. Within a week the alcohol
ban was off the board, under wa-
ter and hopelessly floating down
I understand why the forest
service felt the need to create the
ban, but please, just be honest. The
Feds want to paint this as some
huge safety issue that needs to be
addressed and controlled. They
continue to say they want to “re- This ban is simply a conflict and probably exactly why the Funny fish stories wanted:
store” public safety to the rivers. between river party cruisers and Feds backed off the alcohol ban so Strangest thing
“Restore?” When did three of our those who expect to go on a scenic quickly. you’ve ever caught...
laziest, slow moving rivers suddenly river and experience it as quiet and I’m glad the Forest service and Send a short description of your
become dangerous? The real danger remote. I can attest first hand that it local merchants are going to try and “best or worst” fishing day, or worst
is the fact that paddle sports are the can be a bit frustrating coming upon work together to possibly solve the fishing-related adventure, or strang-
fastest rising outdoor activity in our a large flotilla of floating intoxicated Scenic River issue. However, it’s est thing you’ve caught to me. You
state, and like many other testosterone and just want- going to have to be done through the don’t have to write the entire story,
activities, there are those ing to get past it without ones using the river and mainly that just a brief outline of what hap-
who shouldn’t be anywhere incident. Sometimes that’s is done through the ones supplying pened. If it has some humor to it
near a kayak, canoe, raft or just not possible. I can the floating devices and the trans- I’ll be getting in touch with you and
river for that matter. admit that I’ve been on both portation. Perhaps quiet times can we’ll work on the completed story
Most stretches of these sides of this controversy. be established. The river can have a together.
rivers move so slow you’d I’ve been on the party side quiet time between sunrise and 11 Contact - Woods-N-Water News
think you were going back- where I’ve linked up with a.m. – and again between 7 p.m. and columnist Ron St. Germain by
wards, which is why they 20 or more friends and dusk. That gives the party flotillas calling (517) 626-2814, emailing
are so popular for drinkers. spent a day floating the a good 8-hours to go get it out of DaPhotoDude@aol.com. Visit the
Any water can be danger- river and drinking. I’ve also their system while giving the nature author’s Facebook page www.Face-

Ron St. Germain

ous but let’s just been on the natu- lovers the morning and evening book.com/BearwaveBooksn
keep it in perspec- ralist’s side where without disturbance. The businesses
still have the extra traffic and the
My Thoughts,
tive. If you’re go- I just wanted a
ing to go out sober to grab a suntan quiet, uninterrupted day of fishing naturalists quiet seekers a bit less
and watch wildlife on one of these and not have it spoiled by loud and conflict. The forests service should

My Views, My Opinions
remote rivers for the afternoon, your obnoxious drunks. I just wanted to really crack down on the trash issues
danger factor is going to be pretty possibly see an eagle, watch deer as well as up the fines for reckless
low. However, if you’re going to and experience other pieces of behavior on the rivers. Try this for a
go out and get slobbery drunk, that nature only to have it ruined. Over year or so and see if it doesn’t some-
danger factor increases…a lot. time I’ve learned I like the quiet na- how work itself out. Share your thoughts, views, opinions or short
Let’s also get some insight on the
average canoe/kayak tandem. You
ture side much better. Call it aging,
but I guess I just like my quiet.
The main thing here we should
be concerned with is the fact that the stories with Woods-N-Water News readers by
know, the left doesn’t know what
the right is doing or the back doesn’t
Another thing the party flotil-
las bring is trash and litter to mix
increasing amount of paddle enthu-
siasts is getting more people outside
emailing: wnw@pageone-inc.com or mail to:
communicate with the front until it’s among the chaos. Noise, trash, litter, to experience the great Michigan Woods-N-Water News,
too late. You’ve seen them spinning broken bottles and chaos does not outdoors. That is a win for all of us
downstream like a helicopter blade, mix well with naturalists just look- moving forward. But if we can’t find PO Box 278, Imlay City, MI 48444
screaming at each other, running
into things, like trees, bug infested
ing for peace, quiet and nature. On
the other hand, it doesn’t sound like
a way to respect the wild rivers, our
wild lands, and each other, then we Questions regarding Woods-N-Water News sub-
shorelines or just eventually roll-
ing over and dumping everything
the quiet naturalists are bringing in
the revenue to help the areas eco-
face the wrath of losing the piece
of serenity we’re all trying to save.
scriptions, newsstand sales, Outdoor Weekend,
on board in the river. Food, clothes, nomically. Have fun, be smart, be respect- stories, trophy page, contact our office
cameras, phones all floating to a wet The petition quickly gained over
demise, and that’s all before 10 a.m. 15,000 signatures and the support
ful, and clean up after yourself and
maybe we can keep the law off the Mon.-Fri. 9 am-5 pm 810-724-0254
Then the really stupid stuff starts to
of local businesses. Those aren’t
numbers that can be taken lightly,
rivers and stop more rules from be-
ing implemented.
Hot Topic In The Outdoors...

Rep. Howell introduces proposal to

expand pheasant hunting in Michigan

tate Rep. Gary Howell overall protection of Michigan’s
has introduced legisla- natural resources. Last year, hunt-
tion that would boost ing and fishing license sales paid
conservation efforts to for $83.5 million of game and fish
help restore Michigan’s protection activity carried out by the
pheasant population. Michigan Department of Natural
“Programs like this one will Resources (DNR).
facilitate the revitalization of Michi- “Pheasant hunting is an excel-
gan wildlife. This initiative has the lent entry-level opportunity for
potential to improve small game young people just getting into
hunting opportunities, increase hunting,” Howell said. “Sharing this
wildlife populations, encourage hunting heritage with the next gen-
youth hunting and help Michi- eration plays an important role in
gan’s economy,” Howell, of North future conservation and helps pass
Branch, said. on a love of the outdoors.”
House Bill 4313 would create a In proposing HB 4313, Howell
stamp for bird hunter’s licenses spe- has been working with the vol-
cifically for pheasant hunting. Fees unteers of the Michigan Pheasant
collected from stamp sales would go Hunting Initiative and the members
into a fund dedicated to enhancing of the Michigan United Conserva-
pheasant hunting opportunities and tion Clubs. Ken Dalton of Lapeer
improving pheasant habitat. County has been leading the ef-
Howell noted that hunting and fort for expanded pheasant hunting Representative Howell introducing House Bill 4313 with the President of
fishing play an important role in the opportunities.n the Michigan Pheasant Hunting Initiative, Ken Dalton of Arcadia Township.

Over 200 hunting, fishing, conservation

groups support plan to stop Asian Carp

ver 200 hunting, schedule without any delay by Con-
angling, conservation gress in approving and funding the
and outdoor industry project:
organizations submit- “We encourage you to consider
ted public comments our comments and move as fast and
in mid-February in efficiently as possible to finalize
support of the U.S. Army Corps of this plan and submit to Congress on
Engineers’ (Corps) final plan to im- schedule,” the groups write. “We
prove defenses at the Brandon Road need stronger controls in place now
Lock and Dam to keep Asian carp in order to prevent Asian carp and
out of the Great Lakes. The Brandon other invasive species from continu-
Road Lock and Dam, near Joliet, IL, ing to swim closer to - and eventually
and below the Chicago Area Water- into - the Great Lakes. Without firm
way System, is a chokepoint in the and swift action to stop the further
waterway system; the construction of movement of Asian carp and other
new technology at the dam can help invasive species, the future of hunt-
stop the advance of invasive Asian ‘Without firm and swift action to stop the further ing, fishing and our outdoor heritage
carp and reduce the risk of the fish movement of Asian carp and other invasive species, the in the Great Lakes and Mississippi
entering Lake Michigan. The plan future of hunting, fishing and our outdoor heritage in the River region is at risk.”
proposes a gauntlet of technologies Early in February, a coalition of
including an electric barrier, a bubble Great Lakes and Mississippi River region is at risk...’ hunting, fishing, and conservation or-
barrier, acoustic deterrent, and a for the National Wildlife Federation. fishery; a $16 billion tourism indus- ganizations in the Great Lakes region
flushing lock to reduce the risk that “This plan is the best opportunity try; waterfowl production areas that announced a united effort to support
Asian carp get through while still we’ll have to keep them out of the support a hunting economy of $2.6 the plan to keep Asian carp out of the
allowing navigation through the lock. Great Lakes and their connected billion per year; and hunting, fishing, Great Lakes. Ducks Unlimited, the
The comment period closes today. inland waters. This is a significant and wildlife observation that gener- Indiana Wildlife Federation, the Izaak
“Hundreds of groups represent- part of the national response needed ates approximately $18 billion per Watlton League of America, Michi-
ing millions of hunters and anglers to prevent Asian carp from invading year. They also emphasize that the gan United Conservation Clubs, the
in the Great Lakes region and across new waters, while working to eradi- cost estimate of $778 million to bol- Minnesota Conservation Federation,
the country recognize that invasive cate and suppress populations of the ster defenses at Brandon Road Lock the National Wildlife Federation,
species like Asian carp represent a invasive fish from waters in which and Dam is an investment worth Ohio Conservation Federation, Trout
clear and present danger to our na- they currently reside.” making to protect the multi-billion- Unlimited and the Wisconsin Wildlife
tion’s fish, wildlife, water, economy, The organizations warn that Asian dollar outdoor recreation industry. Federation formed the Great Lakes
and way of life,” said Marc Smith, carp jeopardize the region’s outdoor And given the estimated time for Conservation Coalition to unite sup-
director of conservation partnerships recreation economy: a $7 billion construction, they urge an expedited port for efforts to stop Asian carp.n
Hot Topic In The Outdoors...

President requests $1.3 billion for

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 2020

resident Donald Trump lion for aquatic habitat and species management to support population poaching and other illegal activities
has proposed a bud- conservation, including $16.1 mil- monitoring, cooperation with states that may harm wildlife and their
get of $1.3 billion in lion to block, control and eradicate on migratory bird management, and habitats, and assists U.S. Customs
Fiscal Year 2020 to aquatic invasive species such as environmental reviews required and Border Protection officers in
fund the U.S. Fish Asian carp and non-native mussels, for development projects. The their critically important efforts to
and Wildlife Service’s and $14 million for fish passage budget also includes $13.1 million secure our borders.
principal resource management and improvements that enable fish to for the North American Waterfowl Wildlife crime is a multi-billion-
conservation programs. The budget access additional habitat, which also Management Plan to support joint dollar global business that fuels
includes an additional $1.5 billion bolsters fishing opportunities for the ventures, multifaceted regional international instability and has been
in permanent funding that is admin- American public. partnerships that conserve habitat linked to other illicit activities such
istered to states through grants that To further habitat conservation for migratory birds across North as human, arms and drug traffick-
support state wildlife and sport fish priorities, the President requests America. ing. The President’s budget asks for
conservation, recreational boating $54.4 million to support volun- The budget request for Fish and $77.2 million for law enforcement
and other related programs. The Ser- tary conservation on private lands Aquatic Conservation is $155.6 activities investigating wildlife
vice’s Budget in Brief is available through the Partners for Fish and million, which will support access crimes and enforcing wildlife laws.
online at https://www.doi.gov/cj . Wildlife Program, and $13.4 million to recreational fishing and fisheries The budget supports continuing
The President’s Budget prioritiz- to promote coastal habitat conserva- conservation. cooperation with other nations to
es investments to increase access to tion on public and private lands. Modernizing our protect elephants, rhinos, pangolins
outdoor recreational opportunities,
improve permitting processes, mod-
The budget also requests $16.6
million for technical and financial Organization and and other species by stopping illicit
trade, ensuring sustainable legal
ernize infrastructure and recover assistance to international partners Infrastructure trade, reducing demand for illegal
species listed under the Endangered for innovative projects that address Funding for the NWRS includes products, and providing technical
Species Act. wildlife poaching and trafficking $146 million for refuge facility and assistance and grants to other na-
“Serving the American people is and support international conserva- equipment maintenance. Addressing tions to develop local enforcement
our highest priority and this budget tion efforts. health and human safety deficiencies capabilities.
will help us strengthen our commit- Encapsulated in the Service’s at existing facilities is the highest
priority for maintenance funding.
Generating Revenue and
ment to them,” said the Service’s mission is the mandate to work with
Funding for Fish and Aquatic Con- and Utilizing our Resources
Principal Deputy Director Margaret others to achieve shared wildlife The President’s FY 2020 budget
Everson. “From improving the expe- conservation goals. To that end, the servation includes $82.2 million for
the operation and maintenance of proposal supports his commitment
rience for our refuge visitors to re- Service promotes collaborative con- to create jobs, provide outdoor rec-
the National Fish Hatchery System.
covering the nation’s most imperiled servation through a range of fund-
These resources will help modernize reation through hunting and fishing,
species to making our regulations as ing sources for diverse state, tribal, facilitate energy development, and
transparent and streamlined as pos- nongovernmental organization and hatchery infrastructure and facilities
to reduce operating costs and im- support law enforcement needs.
sible, we are focused on building the private partners. This year, the Presi- The Department of the Interior
prove research and fish production
modern, public focused organization dent is requesting $6 million for the
capabilities. oversees one-fifth of the nation’s
that America expects and deserves.” Multinational Species Conserva- land and the entire Outer-Continen-
The FY 2020 budget includes tion Fund to leverage support from The 2020 budget proposes $9.9
million for Service land acquisition. tal Shelf. The Department is charged
the President’s continued focus on partners to protect elephants, rhinos, with overseeing energy development
the following priorities: tigers, great apes and marine turtles; The budget reflects the Administra-
tion’s priority to support manage- on federal lands and waters, grazing
Conserving our $40 million for the North American
ment of existing lands and resources allotments and timber sales, water
Lands and Waters Wetlands Conservation Fund that
supports cost-shared partnership over acquisition of new federal conservation and delivery, uphold-
Operation and maintenance of lands. ing tribal trust responsibilities, con-
projects for wetlands and waterfowl servation of wildlife and habitat, and
the National Wildlife Refuge Sys- conservation; $3.9 million for the In addition to funding available
tem (NWRS), the world’s premier through the Public Lands Infrastruc- maintaining access for recreation
Neotropical Migratory Bird Con- throughout public lands, among
network of lands managed explicitly servation Fund to provide matching ture Fund, the FY 2020 budget for
for wildlife conservation, is support- construction is $15.7 million, of other priorities. With this budget, the
ed at $509.5 million. Of this, $239.4
grants for neotropical migratory bird
which $9.1 million is for line-item Service is able to effectively fulfill
conservation projects throughout its mission and address conservation
million is for wildlife and habitat construction projects.
the Western Hemisphere; and $31.3 priorities.
management through activities such As part of the Department’s reor-
million for State and Tribal Wildlife Authored by The USFW. The
as forestry and combating invasive ganization effort, the Service’s bud-
Grants for conservation of non- mission of the U.S. Fish and Wild-
species. get includes $5.7 million to support
game species. life Service is working with others
The President requests $240 unified regions, relocate resources
million to conserve, protect and Expanding Outdoor closer to customers, and implement to conserve, protect, and enhance
enhance endangered, threatened Recreation and Access shared service solutions to better fish, wildlife, plants, and their
and at-risk wildlife and their habi- The President is requesting deliver operational services across habitats for the continuing benefit of
tats. The budget prioritizes $107.5 $80.9 million for NWRS visitor the Department. the American people. We are both a
leader and trusted partner in fish and
million in funding for planning
and consultation and $95 million
services and $43.2 million for visi-
tor safety to ensure safe, easy and Protecting our wildlife conservation, known for
for species recovery activities. The diverse access to public lands for People and the Border our scientific excellence, steward-
request also includes $26.4 million wildlife-dependent recreation. Included in the budget request ship of lands and natural resources,
for conservation and restoration Migratory bird hunters generate for the NWRS is $43.2 million for dedicated professionals, and com-
activities that can help keep at-risk $2.3 billion in economic activity refuge law enforcement efforts. This mitment to public service. For more
species off the threatened and en- each year, much of it in rural Amer- money ensures the safety of the information on our work and the
dangered species lists. ica. The FY 2020 budget includes more than 55 million annual visitors people who make it happen, visit
The budget proposes $73.4 mil- $49.5 million for migratory bird across the refuge system, prevents www.fws.gov.n


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What makes an ideal beagle for
hunting cottontail and snowshoe hare?
By Millard H. Holton
The author has raised, hunted and field trialed hunting
beagles for over 60 years. He has judged field trials in many
states, and Canada. He has bred, handled and finished

many field champions in the gun dog formats.
s a young man right out never barked without a rabbit track
of high school, I had a between his legs. He learned to air
steady job at General scent out in front of him and didn’t
Motors in Flint, but raise his head to claim the line. Now
still had time to help Skippy had a head down, very loud
on the farm near Elsie, squall that could be recognized at
where I had always lived. My older long distances.
brothers and I always found time to We enjoyed the beagle music so
hunt the many pheasants, cottontail, much we both added more hounds
grouse and quail that graced not only to the chase. When friends joined in
our farm, but most of our neighbor’s our weekend, winter hunts they often
surrounding land as well. Deer were brought some of their own hounds.
scarce and we had to journey north I usually left Bozo at home as I
to hunt them. I grew up with small, didn’t want him to deal with shotgun
mixed breed dogs that loved to hunt blasts. Then one sunny, 35 degree A 1962 cottontail hunt with the author, Jack Coleman, Skippy and two pups.
as much as I did. My love for dogs day a friend from GM, Bill Harwood,
and hunting evolved from the many stopped by to hunt with us on our day were on it were of no asset in circling gundog on either cottontail or snow-
hours I spent following my older off. Bill had been a long time rabbit the rabbit to the gun. A dog needed shoe hare!
brothers through the fields and brush. and hare hunter, also participating in gears to adjust to changing scent con- Here’s what the American Kennel
My brother, who lived nearby, gundog, beagle field trials for several ditions. A hound can’t run at the same Club Rule Book says how a beagle
bought two female beagles from years. He wanted to see our hounds speed at all times, but rather must should operate. Procedure 5-B Defi-
a hunter at General Motors and a run as he had heard so much about pursue its quarry as fast as conditions nitions-Desirable Qualities, describes
family friend gave me an older, male them. permit or as slowly as conditions de- 12 traits that if possessed by a beagle
beagle he claimed was gun shy. We Now Bill and I followed the pack mand. It was easy to see where short would define it as an Ideal Beagle.
renamed him Bozo. The females closely as we watched the pack come bursts of uncontrolled speed, coupled The original framers or the AKC
were great pheasant dogs but they by us. Even I noticed there were with a fight to run the front of the Rules must have been avid hunters as
didn’t have the patience to stay with more breakdowns than when I just pack led to overruns at the turns, they were very knowledgeable as to
a cottontail and would soon give up ran Bozo and Skippy together. Fur- as well as hooking and swinging in how a great hound needed to perform
and go look for another one. Well, in ther, adding more hounds to the chase order to relocate the trail. in both the field and at a trial. They
a short time one of the two littermate seemed to slow the progress down, I don’t recall where the above, must have owned some hounds like
females provided us with a litter of rather than speed things up. faulty hounds ended up, but I do Bozo and Skippy to write about.
five puppies; three females and two After a few cottontails were remember the several great hunting The 12 desirable qualities are as
males. shot, Bill asked me to follow a chase hounds that were produced by this follows: Searching ability, pursuing
It was soon determined that this with him as he wanted to point out above cross! My family and I had the ability, accuracy in trailing, proper
little female selected me, making the some things. Bill began to show me privilege of hunting with these packs use of voice, endurance, adaptability,
decision easy. I named her Skippy what was happening among the six that consisted of Bozo and his off- patience, determination, indepen-
and she became a house dog and hounds. He quickly proved to me spring both on cottontail in Southern dence, cooperation, competitive spirit
followed me most everywhere I went that the hounds that fascinated me by Michigan, as well as snowshoe hare and intelligence!
around the farm. She started early running much of the front were actu- in Northern Michigan and the U.P. The framers of the rule book sum-
by herself and we all loved to hunt ally causing all of the breakdowns. We chased snowshoe hare on snow, marized these 12 desirable qualities
pheasants with her. He pointed out to me that Skippy and nearly every weekend for several into the following statement, “The
As Skippy matured in size, it one other young beagle were continu- years. hound that displays the aforemen-
was apparent that she would never ally solving all of the breakdowns by The speed that I had once adored tioned qualities would be considered
exceed 13 inches as her littermates locating the trail close to where the could now be exercised on hare that the Ideal Beagle for all purposes
had done. Now the older male, Bozo, loss occurred. ran in a straight line and left few afield, capable of serving as a field
would never run anything but rabbits One by one we picked up the problems to be solved other than trial hound, a gun dog or a member of
and he seemed to run them for hours problem causing hounds and each the longer distance between tracks. a pack, on either rabbit or snowshoe
without losing the trail. I used my .22 time the chase speeded up. At the end Skippy and Bozo where the main hare.”
caliber rifle while hunting with Bozo of this chase, Skippy and the above anchor hounds during every chase. These above 12 desirable quali-
and this hound soon learned that the mentioned young hound were the These dogs and related hounds set ties were what Skippy possessed in
report from my gun didn’t harm him only dogs left and they progressed a bench mark that I have demanded order to drive a rough pack of hounds
and there would soon be a dead rabbit the trail without a breakdown for the in beagles that I have owned for the from the inside displaying her intel-
laying on the trail several yards ahead rest of that chase and those runs that past 60 years. I required this type of ligence, as well as continued inde-
of him. followed. excellence in the field trial entries pendence. I feel foolish that it took a
As months went by, Skippy This was a great learning expe- that I judged over the Eastern United seasoned beagler to point this out to
started jumping rabbits around the rience for me as Bill showed me, States as well as in Canada. We also me!
buildings, however they would disap- among my own hounds, what quali- finished many field champions from I since have been blessed with
pear into holes or other places of ties in a good beagle would lead to our own breedings that could win a kennel full of great beagles with
refuge nearby. Soon Skippy became accomplishment. It became appar- field trials one weekend and pursue International Field Champions,
proficient in pursuing cottontail, ent that fast hounds that overrun the snowshoe hare the next. Every beagle Holton’s Lulu and Coverline Lady
much like her father. Now Bozo had turns, charged to the front at all costs should have the conformation and performing as two of my favorites
a low, bawl mouth, used right and and were off the line more than they intelligence to perform as a hunting that seemed to be carbon copies
of Bozo and Skippy. Fortunately account for every rabbit or hare they a black blanketed
these two great hounds, when bred pursue, driving it to the gun. hound like Skippy,
to selected, field champion, gun- 9) Beagles should have the intel- however this bias
dog males, were able to instill their ligence to determine the direction of almost caused me
offspring with qualities that prevailed travel of the rabbit trail and to un- to overlook Lulu
for several generations! ravel any tricks the quarry may play as a pup because
Over my many years of follow- on its pursuer. of her wide, white
ing great hounds they taught me as to 10) A good hound should have belt, filled with
what makes a great rabbit hound: the endurance to compete day after blue ticks!
1) They should be useful for both day and never quit a rabbit chase. 17) Do male
hunting and field trial purposes. This means the beagle should be in beagles outperform In 1998 the author’s beagles won 14 license trials and a
2) They should be able to circle top condition and fed an appropriate, females? This is a total of 49 places in both the U.S. and Canada.
a cottontail or snowshoe hare in an high performance dog food. personal choice.
efficient manor by themselves (solo), 11) A beagle should vocalize on There are advantag- turns and show a lack of indepen-
or serve as a member of a brace or all forward progress on the line and es to both. I have seen great perform- dence and intelligence!
small pack (4 to 6 hounds) on either be silent when off the line. Some ers in either sex at field trials as well As a hunter I had faults too, the
cottontail or hare and contribute to beagles possess a bawl mouth and as in the field. I have owned a lot of biggest fault was building a bond be-
the progress of the chase. some have a head-down chop mouth. each sex. tween my hounds and myself, espe-
3) A beagle should have an in- Both have their advantages. I prefer 18) And the most important qual- cially the puppies, by bringing them
tense enthusiasm for hunting, i.e., it the head down chop. ity in a great rabbit hound is their into the house and continually play-
should recognize good rabbit habitat 12) Beagles, when losing the ability to reproduce offspring that ing with them. God blessed us with
and be willing and eager to explore it rabbit trail should first look close will equal or exceed the desirable numerous gundogs, field champions
in order to jump a cottontail with- to where the loss occurred and then qualities they, themselves, possesses. that could win at the trials, as well as,
out regard for its own comfort. The gradually and thoroughly extend their Unfortunately Skippy’s mother was trail a cottontail or pound a snowshoe
beagle’s purpose is to find game and search to reclaim the line. A “check not a solid hound, therefore she never hare all day long; day after day.
pursue it in a decisive manner. area” is the area where a loss oc- produced any puppies that were wor- Several of the best spent much
4) They should possess a big curred. At a check a hound should thy of keeping in my kennel. of their lives in the house, sharing a
nose that will allow them to run on never immediately race off guessing In addition to the desirable quali- couch with us! Tears flowed heavily
all kinds of conditions such as snow, and gambling as to where it may re- ties, the AKC Rule Book also lists a each time I made that final trip to the
frozen or bare ground, and in either claim the trail. Neither should checks number of faults that can occur in a veterinarian, however the memories
cold or hot weather. be caused by the faulty action of the beagle, with quitting, backtracking of the times these little hounds spent
5) The hound should have gears, dog. and ghost trailing being the worst! with me in the fields is precious and
which means it should be able to 13) After a hound has harked in to Personally I find it hard to deal with will always remain with me. I hope
pursue a rabbit as fast as scenting its brace or pack mates, it should run hounds that leave checks, bark when you too, can find an “Ideal Beagle!”
conditions permit, or as slow as these the trail independently, regardless of not on a trail, swing and skirt the The rewards are unspeakable!n
conditions demand. its position in the chase, rather than
6) An “Ideal Beagle” will run just chasing after the hounds ahead
the entire rabbit trail all of the time
with continuous progress and no
breakdowns. Of course all beagles
of it. Anytime a beagle does not have
a trail between its legs, it is wasted
Superior Game Ranch
make mistakes, therefore losses and 14) The hound shall not be shy Route 3 Box 163 • Cornell, MI 49818
breakdowns will occur. We should of gunfire. This problem is seldom
strive to breed and own hounds that caused by heredity but is often Incredible U.P. of Michigan
come close to this standard. caused by careless training. Most gun
7) A beagle should pursue a rabbit shyness is hunter induced, rather than
Hunting Opportunities
at a pace that will display a desire to a genetic trait. Bozo never produced Private farmland in south Marquette
catch it. No dog can be too fast pro- even one gun shy pup.
vided the trail is clearly and accurate- 15) A hound that commits an
County Michigan, fully guided
ly followed. The speed of the hound occasional, mistake but succeeds in bow and firearm hunts in
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Dog Training...By Len Jenkins

f you’ve proceeded systemati- place about five of them in front of
cally in your training, your your dog in five separate locations.
dog has already had some You’ll be able to tell where they are
experience pointing (provided because the blaze orange strings
he is a pointing dog). Now it’s time of the bird restraint harness will be
to fine-tune the point. visible to you, but not to the dog
Whenever you work on point- since he is color blind. When you
ing, use the words bird and whoa notice the dog getting birdy as he your dog by moving the bird, sus- your whistle blast, and
frequently. The dog should know approaches the first of your birds, pending it by the string. When you • Go back out to find more birds
that the word bird or a combination command him to “whoa,” applying have done this long enough, snap when given the two blast signal.
of words using bird means that birds a little pressure on the spiked force the release harness, releasing the Do you see how all the pieces
are close. collar by pulling on the check­cord. bird to fly away. If the bird’s been are starting to fit? It’s all part of the
Through repetitive work, your Style up the dog. Improve his stance trained to return to your pigeon overall picture and you’ll be amazed
dog will learn to expect birds if you by making sure he’s not leaning too loft, he’ll be yours to use again. at the dog’s ability to assimilate
say something like “Find the birds!” far forward. Make sure his head and As the bird flies away, clap your each step and master the ever-in-
In the process of training, the dog tail are up nice and high. Praise and hands, make a lot of noise, or fire a creasing complexity of the complete
will begin to trust you because there soothe him so he knows that this blank gun, in order to get your pup process. Remember to make the dog
are indeed birds present when you is what you want. If his tail needs accustomed to noise. Now it’s on do every little step exactly right.
say “Bird.” Besides that, he’ll enjoy greater elevation, tap it lightly with to the next bird. Repeat the process Be alert and vigilant so you don’t
the experience of bird contact so the edge of your fingernail. If that until you have used up all five of inadvertently leave out vital signals
much that he will want to stay near doesn’t work, use a short saw blade, your birds. You will notice that your or cues.
you because he’s associating your tapping the underside of the tail with pup’s intensity and animation will In case you’re still not satisfied
presence with birds. This in turn will the serrated edge. You can then keep improve. You’ll also notice an im- with your dog’s style, there are a
help you develop a close-working your dog on point by walking in provement in his style on point since couple of things you can do. If you
dog. Now you will need to make front of him and extending the flat this is the object of your concern. As have a training table, walk the dog
sure birds are present. of your hand, once again command- you work your dog in this manner, up the ramp and allow him to point
We talked about style earlier, but ing “whoa.” it’s important that you keep improv- a plainly visible bird placed on the
now we’re going to stress it. You If your dog wants to move, you ing because you’ll want to maximize table. While the dog is on the table
need to plant birds upwind of your can either use your whoa stake or the return on all your set-up time. he’s a little insecure and closer to
dog. Use pigeons for this. You can ask an assistant to help you. Tease You’ll notice that your pup will re- your level. It’s amazing how you
ally like this. can improve his points like this. Ex-
pect a perfect point. The dog should

e n
Put your dog up for a while now

n J ki
and set out another five harnessed

be standing proudly with legs se-

pigeons in a different location. curely under him with high head and

In every case, make sure that the tail and obvious interest, animation
pigeon is hidden from the dog’s and intensity. Another technique that
view by grass or other vegetation. works nicely is teasing your dog

Besides working on style, you must with a pigeon in a net–such as one
also make sure that the dog is using would use in landing salmon. Tease
his nose, not his eyes. Once again, the dog saying “bird, bird, bird” and
work the dog upwind. Make him let him pursue the bird visually and
wind, seek out, and point each bird, physically (you’ll need an assistant
making sure the points are firm and for this). Periodically command
stylish and that he proceeds in a “whoa.” Style up the points. Do
crisp, snappy manner as you work. this several times. It won’t be long
Introduce a new element at this before your dog will do everything
Custom Gun Dog Training English Setters juncture in your training– that is the exactly right and do it in high style.
call back (one long deliberate whis- Remember that repetition and
4989 Abbot Road • Reading, MI 49274 tle blast) after allowing the excited
dog to chase the released, flying bird
reinforcement are the name of the
game. You can have a close dog that
a short distance. This is important points, holds, and handles to a tee.
Hunts Conducted On because you’ll establish in the dog’s He’ll also do all these things in high

In Good Cover (Including Blues)
mind that he is to come back in after
each bird find for you to acknowl-
edge his achievement. If you don’t
Style is important. Try this lesson
again until you have it all. Why not
have the best? Right?
establish this habit early on, you
We Don’t Fool Around, may end up with a dog that wants While this lesson is broken up
GUN DOG TRAINING to pursue bird after bird, regardless
of your desire. Such a dog would
in order to explain each of the ele-
ments, you should have developed
EVERY SUNDAY be in the next county by the time
you catch up with him. Throughout
your own sense of the training
process by now because you un-
Your Dog & You Will Be Great (Lunch Provided)
practice your pup must: derstand your specific dog and the
QUALITY ENGLISH • Seek out birds
• Point with style (about 20 feet
rudiments of training. Put it all
together, utilizing your knowledge
From 47 Years Of Selective Breeding
from the bird)
• Remain on point as you tease
and common sense. Each dog,
like each human being, is an indi-
Farm Raised, Exposed to Gun Fire and on Pheasants • Remain on point (steady to vidual. Work with your dog,
wing) as the bird flies or pursue the building on each step, adapting
bird, depending upon your prefer- as necessary, and always
CALL NOW! 517.283.1559 ence
• Come back immediately upon
simulating what you really
want in the field.n
The American Woodcock:
“The Rational and Irrational”
or anyone enchanted to realize those goals, moving seam-
by and seeking more lessly from a chapter on “Anatomy
information about the and Habits” to “Sky Dance” and
American woodcock, on through discussion of habitats,
Greg Hoch provides just history and hunting, migration and
the ticket in Sky Dance the need for habitat management.
of the Woodcock: The Habits and He adds, “This book relies heav-
Habitats of a Strange Little Bird, ily on the abundant historic and
due out this spring. modern literature on this species …
A man of science, Hoch never- seasoned mightily with quotes from
theless confides in the reader, “Few dozens of writers …” in addition to
species can capture the imagination regularly cited “scientific findings.”
as well as the woodcock.” Thus Woodcock “seem to bring out
captivated, Hoch, Prairie Habitat the poet in almost anyone who
Team Supervisor for the Minnesota writes about them,” says Hoch.
Department of Natural Resources, Most of that poetry is presented in
shares the duality of the wood- the chapter on the sky dance, the
cock that makes it such a special spring mating ritual of the male
bird. “Wildlife conservation can be woodcock. And he includes the most
boiled down to two basic wonderful assortment of
elements, the rational and writers’ descriptions of the
irrational,” he writes, and actual dance I’ve ever seen
his book delves into both in one place. Anyone who
aspects of the woodcock. has never observed the sky Sky Dance of the Woodcock: The Habits and Habitats of a Strange
Hoch has three simple dance in person, trust me: Little Bird , Greg Hoch, 196 pages, University of Iowa Press, avail-
goals for the book: “The These descriptions are spot able March 2019; ISBN: 9781609386276
first is to introduce readers on, the next best thing to way: to see how those two meet to tell a
to the world of the wood- actually being there. (Full “It’s not enough to just have science more complete story. Without both,
cock and get them outside disclosure: Hoch includes a or just have art in our lives. The any story about this little bird would
some March or April
evening to watch the By Tom Carney couple of passages
from my books,
woodcock is one of the best ways only be partially told.”n
sky dance. If they plus I was asked to
wish, they can also grab an old side- provide a cover blurb.)
by-side shotgun and follow a good Hoch is concerned with provid-
dog through the October aspen and ing clear exposition, to the point
birch. that he actually cites the sky dance
The second is to help readers passages the same way he cites the
understand the decisions that man- more scientific passages.
agers make when managing habitat To be sure, while Hoch does not
specifically for woodcock and more shy away from the notion of hunting
generally all wildlife species. woodcock, this is not a book about
Last, I hope this book shows ev- woodcock hunting. It’s a book about
eryone that while deforestation has woodcock, period. It’s an especially
an ugly history in some places and good book with which to initially THE FRIENDS OF NRA PROGRAM HAS BEEN OPERATING
at some times, an axe or saw can stock the “Woodcock” shelf of one’s NATIONWIDE SINCE 1992. DURING THE PAST 27 YEARS, OVER
be used carefully, thoughtfully, and upland hunting library, for it intro- $3,875,632 HAS BEEN SPENT IN THE STATE OF MICHIGAN! AS
constructively. There are many spe- duces the reader to just about every THE PROGRAM GROWS – SO DOES WHAT WE GIVE BACK!
cies of wildlife that can benefit from mainstream book about the bird, in
the same practices that also sustain
rural forestry economies.”
both the literary and scientific
styles. 2019 BANQUET DATES
Hoch observes a clear structure Hoch would have it no other DATE EVENT CITY DATE EVENT CITY
3/21/2019 HOWELL 5/11/2019 MUSKEGON
3/30/2019 UNIONVILLE 5/11/2019 SAGINAW
Captain Roger Gibson U.S.C.G. Lic 4/5/2019 PORT HURON
4/6/2019 LUDINGTON
5/17/2019 HILLSDALE
5/18/2019 LAWRENCE
Between Sarasota and Fort Myers 4/12/2019 HOUGHTON 6/7/2019 ALPENA
4/13/2019 SALINE 9/5/2019 COMMERCE TWP
Located in Tarpon Capital of the world 4/16/2019 SHELBY TOWNSHIP 9/11/2019 BAD AXE
~ Boca Grande, FL 4/19/2019 ITHACA 9/19/2019 GRAND BLANC
4/25/2019 IRONWOOD 9/21/2019 LANSING
Large Groups Available 5/3/2019 WESTLAND 10/3/2019 SAULT STE. MARIE
5/3/2019 GRAND RAPIDS 10/5/2019 MONROE
Snook & Redfish Year-round 5/10/2019 CHEBOYGAN
Fly Fishing Available
Please consider attending an event in your area, or joining a local
Tarpon Season April-October FNRA committee to help support this great fundraising program!
Contact me today to book your trip! Visit www.friendsofnra.org/mi For more information.
941-457-0509 To find a committee near you; to help start a committee; or to request a grant application
and put this money to good work contact your Michigan NRA Field Representative.
MDNR COs have busy deer season
• CO Jared Ferguson and Ser- the buck. A check of the subject’s next to a barn. There were several and uncle. CO Lynch and Sgt. Jerry
geant Brian Bacon were working license history revealed that he did children at the residence when the Fitzgibbon interviewed the father
on Thanksgiving Day in northern not purchase a deer license until the shooting occurred. After conducting at his residence. Multiple pictures
Dickinson Co. near the Marquette Co. day after the deer was harvested. several interviews, the hunter con- of illegally taken deer were located
line when they came upon a vehicle Corporal (Cpl.) Dave Painter and fessed to riding on a four-wheeler along with one set of 6-point ant-
parked in the middle of a Co. road. CO Zach Painter followed up on the with a loaded firearm, shooting from lers. The investigation led to another
CO Ferguson contacted the driver and deer and tried to locate the subject the four-wheeler several times, hunt- nearby residence which resulted in the
found an uncased crossbow lying on that was in the paper. While trying to ing within a safety zone and hunting discovery of three untagged deer (two
his lap. Further investigation found locate the subject, the officers located without a license. Law enforcement 8-points and a 7-point.) This led to
he had a suspended driver’s license, a 7-point buck hanging without a tag. action was taken. additional interviews which ultimately
no insurance, and an unregistered ve- Further investigation revealed that it • COs Stephen Butzin and Mark uncovered multiple instances of
hicle. A quick file check from central belonged to the father of the subject Zitnik observed a hunter walking to failure to tag, borrowing/ loaning tags,
dispatch found the driver had a felony in the paper and he had not purchased his vehicle. The COs asked if he had hunting without a license, taking deer
warrant out of Wisconsin and three a deer license. The COs then gotten a deer yet and the with firearm out of season, aid and
misdemeanor warrants in Michigan. located the subject from hunter showed the COs a abet and improperly tagged deer. A
Enforcement action was taken. the paper and after a short 6-point buck on his phone report has been submitted to the Delta
• CO Ferguson was following interview, obtained a confes- that he had taken that morn- Co. Prosecutor’s office for a review of
up on complaints in Iron Co. when sion. Enforcement action was ing. When asked to see his 10 different charges.
he located an ORV trail leading to a taken on both deer. hunting license, the hunter • CO Stephen Butzin received a
tree stand on state land. CO Ferguson • CO Jeremy Sergey and gave CO Zitnik his base complaint that a subject was bragging
contacted the hunter who stated he Michigan State Police (MSP) license. The CO advised he about shooting a deer at night. CO
had hunted there for over 50 years troopers responded to an needed to see his deer hunt- Butzin interviewed several subjects
and the same guy keeps driving by incident in which a hunter on ing license and the hunter regarding the matter. One subject was
his stand at prime time. CO Ferguson private property produced a found to have shot a deer at night
followed the truck tracks in the snow
to the suspect’s stand and found he
had shot at a
buck with a 30-
PART ONE... single deer tag.
Upon further
while using an artificial light with a
.22 caliber rifle. A report has been
had no name and address on his blind,
operated an ORV in a closed area,
06 and the bul-
let penetrated By Jeff Pendergraff investigation it
was discovered
submitted with the Delta Co. Prosecu-
tor’s office.
was cutting trees on state land, and his neighbor’s the hunter had • CO Calvin Smith was patrolling
had no hunting license in possession. truck door. When the officers arrived shot the 6-point that morning and had a very secluded two-track when he
Enforcement action was taken. on scene, they discovered the bullet a friend put his tag on it so he could came across a vehicle and began to
• Sgt. Jason Wicklund noticed a had gone through the back door of a keep hunting. Enforcement action was converse with the driver. CO Smith
photo in an Iron Co. newspaper of a truck and became embedded in the taken. observed an uncased firearm in the
subject posing with a 10-point buck. truck’s back seat. The officers also • CO Chris Lynch received a com- passenger seat. When CO Smith
The article was very detailed and discovered another bullet had gone plaint about an untagged deer hanging checked the firearm, he found it was
even said when the subject harvested through a very large metal fuel tank at a camp. COs Lynch and Stephen loaded with four rounds of ammu-
Butzin went to the camp and located nition. CO Smith asked the driver
the deer hanging. Upon closer inspec- of the vehicle why he was driving
CBM’s Official 11th edition tion the deer had a 2017 deer tag
attached to it. Contact was made with
around with a loaded firearm. The
driver replied, “I didn’t think I would
a hunter at the camp who stated it was run into anybody way back here.”
his buddy’s deer. The COs contacted Law enforcement action was taken.

MICHIGAN the responsible hunter who was walk-

ing back to camp from his hunting
blind. Upon checking the hunter, he
• Sgt. Mark Leadman and Cpl.
Trey Luce patrolled an area south of
Newberry and located a fresh deer gut


didn’t have a deer license in his pos- pile. Upon further checking, the COs
session. After a short investigation it located the hunting blind where the
was discovered the hunter had current deer had been killed. Numerous viola-
unused 2018 deer licenses. The hunter tions were encountered including litter
received a citation for improperly tag- at the site where the deer was cleaned
ging the deer. and an illegal blind with over two gal-
• CO Chris Lynch received a com- lons of bait. A suspect was identified
plaint of two subjects who have been and was contacted that evening as he
SOFT COVER HARD COVER includes taking multiple illegal deer for several was returning to the blind with more

37 55
shipping years. After a three-month long inves- bait. The suspect still possessed both
$ 00 $ 00 & taxes
tigation, three suspects were devel-
oped along with a long list of viola-
his kill-tags and after a short interview
confessed to having killed a 6-point
tions. The suspects were a father, son buck and not tagging it. The untagged

Maps AND County-by-County Listings

OF Deer and Turkey
Includes Scoring Periods
2015, 2016 and 2017 seasons
P.O. Box 306, Owosso, MI 48867
Call with questions 989-723-6850
deer was located in a friend’s garage to obtain permission from the prop- investigation, it was also the discov- trespassing and taking a deer on
and was seized. Enforcement action erty owner. They entered onto the ered that the hunter had three warrants private property. The CO responded to
was taken, and the litter was cleaned property, dispatched the injured deer, from downstate. The hunter was ar- the area and located the hunter a short
up. and dragged it out to the nearest road. rested on the warrants and the illegal distance from scene at a friend’s resi-
• CO Calvin Smith was conduct- Both subjects admitted they knew the deer. dence, along with a deer. The hunter
ing a commercial deer processor property was private but thought it • COs Eric Bottorff and Tim Roso- had taken an antlerless deer without
inspection in Chippewa Co. when was more important to recover the in- chacki interviewed a subject who had a valid license, admitted to trespass-
he observed a suspicious deer that jured deer than to take the time to get been advertising as an unregistered ing, failed to tag the deer, and had
was shot in Mackinac Co. CO Smith permission. CO Budreau informed the commercial deer processing business two loaded firearms in his vehicle.
turned over the investigation to subjects that charges were going to be on the internet. While making contact, Enforcement action was taken.
Mackinac Co. CO Colton Gelinas. sought through Prosecutor’s office for it was discovered that another subject, These are just a few of the dozens
CO Gelinas followed up with the recreational trespass and that warrants who lived at the residence, was in and dozens of cases the COs made
case and interviewed a husband and for their arrest could be pending. possession of a button buck and had during the two-week firearm deer
wife. After a short conversation the • Sgt. William Webster received a two warrants out for his arrest. The season in 2018. It just amazes me that
husband admitted to shooting the deer complaint of a dead spike horn deer subject was arrested on the warrants poachers continue to kill deer and
and tagging it with his wife’s tag. Law that was found in Antrim Co.. Sgt. and charges are pending through the then buy their license after the fact.
enforcement action was taken. Webster responded to the location Cheboygan Co. Prosecutor’s office. The fines are the same as if you had
• CO Duane Budreau investigated and met with the caller who explained • CO Kyle Cherry and Sgt. Mark shot it at night or when the season is
a complaint of recreational trespass- how he found the deer. Sgt. Webster DePew conducted a traffic stop on closed. Poaching an 8-point buck will
ing involving the taking of a deer. CO started investigating the scene and I-75 in Otsego Co. During the stop, cost you $6,000 in restitution for the
Budreau responded to the scene and recovered a bullet from the deer. A the operator was found to have an deer, up to a $1,000 fine, a mandatory
met with the property owner. After bait pile was located a short dis- illegally taken 8-point buck, a loaded five days and up to 90 days in jail and
following a bloody drag mark from tance away that had blood in it. Sgt. rifle in his passenger seat as well as loss of a hunting license for the year
the shoulder of the road into the sec- Webster followed footprints through a handgun concealed in his backpack convicted plus the next three. In addi-
tion of private property, CO Budreau the snow and right back to where the that he did not have a license for. The tion, you most likely would lose your
identified what appeared to be the caller’s vehicle was parked. After a deer and handgun were seized and right to hunt in almost all our other
area in which that deer had been shot short interview the caller admitted to enforcement action was taken. states as well as several provinces in
and field dressed. The suspects were shooting the spike thinking it was a • CO Rebecca Hubers submit- Canada!
part of a large deer drive party that doe. Enforcement action was taken. ted an extensive report and obtained It just doesn’t make sense to me.
had been observed on the property by • COs Tim Rosochacki and Eric approved charges from the Grand Next month you can read part two of
an adjacent neighbor. CO Budreau Bottorff conducted a follow-up Traverse Co. Prosecutor’s office for this story.
interviewed all parties involved and investigation of a deer that was shot a case that involved a subject who al- The information on these cases
was able to identify the two subjects prior to the hunter purchasing a deer legedly took a 10-point antlered deer was provided by the Michigan De-
that entered onto the private property license in Cheboygan Co. After sev- from a business park area in Septem- partment of Natural Resources and is
while tracking the injured deer. The eral interviews, it was confirmed that ber using a crossbow and artificial a matter of public record. Author is
deer was shot on public land but the hunter shot an antlerless deer on light. Jeff Pendergraff, retired Captain from
ran onto private property. The two the firearm deer opener and purchased • CO Troy Ludwig responded to the Law Enforcement Division of the
individuals tracking the deer failed a kill-tag after the fact. During the a ‘shots fired’ complaint of a hunter DNR.n


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Tracks, trails and confusion in melting snow...

Which way did the rabbit go?

hat was perhaps the However, if the tracks end at the
wildlife track ques- base of tree and just disappear, it’s
tion I enjoyed using either a tree climbing rabbit, or more
the most when I first likely a squirrel.
came to Michigan and Squirrel track patterns are
worked as a naturalist. similar to the bounding pattern of
Over three decades later it is still rabbits, but their front feet land side
my favorite trailside introduction to by side, unlike rabbits whose front
stir excitement in children and their feet land one in front of the other.
parents when rabbit tracks appear in But just like a rabbit, the hind feet
snow. of the squirrel, which are larger than
I had deer hunting friends back the front feet, land in front of the
then, I still do now. And although front feet. The common squirrels of
some of my deer hunting Michigan; the gray squirrel,
friends are incredibility red squirrel, and fox squir-
wise on rubs, scrapes and rel; as well as the eastern
the behavioral patterns of chipmunk all leave similar
deer in cedar swamps, farm track patterns as they hop Top left: When a rabbit bounds
fields and suburban areas, along with the size of their they land with their hind feet
when it come to the tracks tracks being the most obvi- side by side and their front
and trails of “lesser crea- ous difference between the feet behind their back feet. Top
tures” such as opossums, species. right: Raccoon tracks almost
squirrels and even rabbits; Behavior may give a resemble a tiny human hand.
befuddle By Jonathan Schechter clue too
as to what
Right: Opossum’s rear tracks
resemble those of an infant
them. species child. Bottom right: An empty
Consider this ramble a crash course of squirrel left the tracks. If tracks bird nest conver ted to a cozy
to enable you to impress your kids, end under evergreens, and cones home for a white-footed mouse.
or your hunting buddies, with new are chewed, it’s most likely a red
found knowledge on the ways of squirrel; gray squirrels favor the
five very common creatures with oak trees. Squirrels follow well- few specks of blood and a scattering
tracks that sometimes are ignored or established runways, both above and of squirrel scat as well as the wing
misidentified. And you never need below the snow; a rather warm and prints.
to tell your friends a tree-hugger safe expressway for travel. White-footed mice leave
taught you. However the predictability of bounding foot prints in the same pat-
We’ll start with rabbits, yes the squirrels’ travel is often noticed tern as a squirrel, but so very much
rabbits; for somewhere out there I by red-tailed hawks that perch on smaller. They are unmistakable, and
am certain someone will mumble to a tree limb with a clear view of the occasional drag mark of the tail
themselves “I never knew that,” and meadows and fields just as surely is an extra clue nature-detective kids
have confused the tracks and pat- as an archer makes notes of the love. Sometimes the trail ends in a
terns of the stride between rabbits trails of white-tailed deer. And red- clump of shrubs where the mouse
and squirrels. tailed hawks never need a bait pile, scurried up to an empty bird nest it
Rabbits bound between shrubs just patience. This image below had converted to a cozy home out
and brush, and when a rabbit bounds documents the final travel of a red of reach of four legged predators.
they land with their hind feet side by squirrel that made the fatal mistake A bird nest that was capped with
side and their front feet behind their of having his entrance hole into an berries by an industrious mouse
back feet with the front feet land- underground snow tunnel just a few brought an “Oh Wow” comment
ing with one in front of the other. yards from an oak tree, that hawk’s from one of my Michigan Outdoor
Confusing? Not for a four-year-old! favorite perch. A close look shows a Writer friends before he continued
on his rabbit hunt.
Opossums, the marvelous mar-
supial of Michigan that is very much the early days of March and con-
at home in much of the Lower Pen- tinue to wander woods and wetland
insula, has tracks that are curious edges searching for mates, and open
appearing and highly recognizable. creeks to hunt for crayfish. Their
Opossums have opposable thumbs tracks almost resemble a tiny human
on their hind feet which are a great hand and if the snow is powdery
asset for grasping and hanging onto and not too deep the five finger-
to branches when exploring trees like toes on each paw are clearly
for fruit, or escaping a terrestrial visible.
predator. Each foot has five toes and As March fades, the thaw-freeze
the rear tracks resemble those of an cycle accelerates and tracks distort
infant child. Their intriguing star- and often grow in size, and that’s
like front track prints are formed when a house cat track morphs into
that way since their ‘thumbs’ stick a cougar and a human print trans-
out an angle differing from the other forms into Sasquatch.
four toes. Opossums are wandering The tracks of writer Jonathan
This image documents the final travel of a red squirrel that made the fa- more now as winter fades, leaving Schechter meander all over, as he
tal mistake of having his entrance hole into an underground snow tunnel track “stars” in the melting snow. reads stories in the snow. Email:
just a few yards from an oak tree, a hawk’s favorite perch. Author photos Raccoons became very active in Oaknature@aol.com.n
Join us in sharing interesting and sometimes rare
trail cam and/or outdoor photos with our readers.
Send your photos to: wnw@pageone-inc.com

Lauren Trainor’s trail cam captured a winter

sunset as the deer searched for food.

Ken and Dawn Grace with a

Coyote on the prowl near Bellevue. Caught by
close up of this curious doe in
Lauren Trainor’s trail camera
Newaygo County.

Two foxes captured by Paul Vogel’s trail cam.

A pair of fighting does establishing

Another monster buck of Oakland Co. captured the pecking order. Trail cam photo
by Larry Piotrowski. sent in by Myron Balzer.

Richie Perry’s trail cam on state land

near Lowell caught this young doe resting
along the trail.

Joe Misiak’s bird feeder wasn’t intended to feed Paul Vogel’s trail cam captured this beautiful photo of a rough-legged
turkeys and squirrels. hawk near Loomis.
Michigan’s early state parks development
Celebrating the 100th anniversary of our state parks…By Casey Warner -MDNR

ichigan is celebrat- Years at Mackinac: 1895-1995.”
ing the 100th an- Armour continues:
niversary of its De- “Such was the growing reputa-
partment of Natural tion of Mackinac Island that Thomas
Resources-managed W. Ferry, a Mackinac boy who had
state parks system grown up to become a U.S. Sena-
this year. The celebration is centered tor, spearheaded a move to have
around the formation of the Michi- Congress designate the govern-
gan State Park Commission by the ment land on Mackinac Island as a
state Legislature on May 12, 1919. national park. He succeeded, and in
The commission was given respon- 1875, three years after Yellowstone
sibility for overseeing, acquiring had become the United States’ first
and maintaining public lands and national park, Mackinac became the
establishing Michigan’s state parks second. Set aside ‘for the benefit and
system. enjoyment of the people,’ the 911
One of the state’s earliest park acres outside the 104-acre military
purchases was acreage in Grand reservation were to be maintained
Traverse County that would become by the soldiers who garrisoned Fort
the site of Interlochen State Park
in 1917. Although the land was
purchased prior to the 1919 forma- Above: A historic photo shows
tion of the Michigan State Park campers at Interlochen State
Commission, Interlochen was the Park in Grand Traverse County.
first public park to be transferred Left: The Arch Rock at Mackinac
under its auspices in 1920, and is the Island is shown being visited by a
first state park in that system, which group of sightseers circa 1890.
today is managed by the DNR. Below: The Sugarloaf, a 75-foot-
However, 25 years before leg- tall limestone stack, on Mackinac
islation established the state park Island is pictured from a day in
commission, the federal government
gifted the Mackinac Island property
1902. Mackinac State Historic
it owned to the state in 1895. The Parks photos
island was designated as Michigan’s
first state park under the Mackinac
State Park Commission.
“In 1907, the community of
Mackinaw City donated to the
state a village park, the site of Fort
Michilimackinac,” said Steve Bris-
son, deputy director of the Mackinac
State Park Commission. “Two years
later, it was declared ‘Michilimacki-
nac State Park,’ and placed under as a state park.
the Mackinac Island State Park Mackinac.” “Congress passed
Commission’s care.” Almost 20 years later, the U.S. the bill on March 2, with
Mackinac Island State Park and Army decided to close Fort Macki- the added stipulation that
Michilimackinac State Park are both nac. At the time, the National Park the land would revert
official state parks, per their autho- Service didn’t exist, and all national to the United States if it
rizing legislation, but they remain parks were under the umbrella of the ever ceased to be used
separate from the park system man- War Department. for park purposes,” Ar-
aged by the DNR. “While Mackinac was a beauti- mour wrote. “Michigan
Mackinac Island ful and pleasant post enjoyed by
the soldiers stationed there, it had
had no state park system,
but the state Legislature
State Park no remaining military importance, acted quickly, and by
Mackinac Island – historically and its troops were needed in Sault joint resolution on May
a gathering place for Native people Ste. Marie to guard the canal there,” 31, 1895, created the in 1780, as well as several other
and then French fur traders and Armour wrote. “Without the troops, Mackinac Island State Park Com- historic structures and about 1,800
missionaries and later the home of who would care for the national mission to manage Michigan’s first acres of land.
soldiers stationed at Fort Macki- park?” state park.” More than 80 percent of Macki-
nac – had become a popular tourist In February 1895, Senator James The lands of the military res- nac Island is state park property,
destination by the late 19th century. McMillian – urged on by a group ervation, Fort Mackinac and the managed by the Mackinac Island
“By the time of the Civil War, of Mackinac citizens who wanted national park were formally trans- State Park Commission.
lake boats were bringing visitors to the island’s government lands kept ferred to the state Sept. 16, 1895. More than 800,000 visitors
Mackinac to enjoy the ‘healthy air’ in public ownership rather than “The state had acquired a trea- come to the island each year. The
or explore the island’s natural won- sold – introduced an appropriation sure,” Armour wrote. park features a variety of historic
ders,” David A. Armour, who served bill amendment that would turn the Today, Mackinac Island State and natural resources, including his-
as deputy director of the Mackinac military reservation and the build- Park includes the 14 original build- toric landmarks, breathtaking vistas,
Island State Park Commission for ings and lands of the national park ings of Fort Mackinac, which were spectacular rock formations, quiet
many years, wrote in his book “100 over to the state of Michigan for use built by the British military starting forests and inspiring nature trails.
To learn more about Mackinac “The timber is practically all old
Island State Park, visit Macki- growth white and Norway pine in
nacParks.com. which it is said that no cutting has
Interlochen ever been done except to remove
windfalls and trees that have died,”
State Park according to the Biennial Report.
The Michigan Legislature paid “Many specimens of the white pine
$60,000 for the land that became In- two and a half and three feet in
terlochen State Park, located south- diameter, towering 175 feet or more
west of Traverse City, in 1917. in height, can be seen here and the
As recorded in the Biennial Re- Norway, tall and dense, is as fine as
port of the Public Domain Commis-
sion for 1917-1918:
Above: Campers checking in at the
“At the last session of the
Legislature Michigan purchased desk at Interlochen State Park in
one of the few remaining parcels of this historic photo. Left: In this im-
virgin pine timber to be found in this age from the 1960s, a state em-
State, the same being Interlochen ployee brings in a camping sign at
State Park, … between two beauti- Interlochen State Park.
ful lakes in Grand Traverse County.
Duck Lake on the east covers some tions may go and view the glories
3 square miles and Green Lake on of the pine forest in all its pristine
the west is of slightly less extent, the grandeur. Being always open to the
distance separating the two being public it will also provide a delight-
but one-half mile. The property has ful summer recreation ground for
a shoreline of three-quarter mile those wishing to avail themselves of
on the former and one-half mile on its advantages in this respect.”
the latter, all of which is high and The Public Domain Commission
dry and very desirable for camping transferred the land to the Michigan
purposes.” State Park Commission in 1920.
Its location between two well- Today, the state park system that
known fishing and swimming can be found anywhere.” “The object of the State in acquiring the commission started 100 years
lakes, Green Lake and Duck Lake Originally known as Pine Park, this tract was first of all to preserve ago has grown to 103 parks that at-
– Interlochen means “between the Interlochen State Park was created to posterity at least one remnant of tract 28 million visitors each year.
lakes” – is one of the park’s defining to preserve the land’s virgin pine the virgin pine forest with which For more about state parks and
features. Another is its virgin pine stand for the people of Michigan. Michigan was so lavishly endowed recreation opportunities available,
forest. The Biennial report continues: by nature, where future genera- visit Michigan.gov/StateParks.n

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A Michigan Conservation Success Story

in the
A By Brandy Dixon
rianna O’Nan room program. volved in raising in the Classroom.
has been caring Salmon in their salmon by Michigan is unique because it is
for 150 young the Classroom is feeding daily, do- the only inland state to participate in
Chinook salmon run by the DNR. Selected Michi- ing regular water tests, and by help- Salmon in the Classroom.
since Novem- gan teachers receive 150 Chinook ing with tank water changes. The program began in Michi-
ber. She, and the salmon eggs in the fall of the school “I enjoy testing the water gan in 1997 with just a handful of
people she works with, must test the year from a fish hatchery. They then because it’s cool how we can feel schools, but it has now grown to
tank water every few days, treat it raise and care for the young salmon like scientists,” said Arianna O’Nan, include more than 270 classrooms
should problems arise, feed the fish throughout the year, and they finally fifth grader at Holy Ghost Lutheran across the state.
according to precise measurements, release their young smolt into the School in Monroe. This is her Kevin Frailey, Education Ser-
and perform water changes for the wild in the spring in hopes that the school’s first year participating in vices Manager for the Michigan
tank. fish will eventually reproduce and the program, and it has proven to be DNR, helped grow the program into
She is working hand-in-hand help to populate Michigan’s Great successful so far. what it is now. He was hired when
with the Michigan Department of Lakes and rivers. “I’ve learned that it’s hard for the program doubled from 35 to 70
Natural Resources and the Wolf Throughout the course of the animals to grow up. They need the schools in March 2006.
Lake State Fish Hatchery to edu- school year, students learn in a right foods and proper water to live “The program’s main mission
cate the public on the importance hands-on way about Michigan’s in,” O’Nan said. is to allow students to raise a live
of conserving Michigan’s natural fishing industry and the resources it Several other states on the west Michigan resource in the classroom
resources and inspire future genera- provides. They have the opportunity coast, including Alaska, Oregon, and learn about the Great Lakes,
tions to follow in her footsteps. to watch real Chinook salmon eggs and Washington, offer the Salmon fisheries management, invasive
And she is only 10 years old. hatch, grow, and become healthy in the Classroom program for their species, and more,” Frailey said.
All of this hands-on experience young fish. Not only can they watch teachers. Additionally, many states “Students are not just exposed to an
is thanks to Salmon in the Class- them grow, but they are also in- offer a similar program called Trout hour nature lesson but almost an en-
tire year of exposure to Great Lakes
Frailey told the story of one
special needs student who took a
particular interest in his classroom
“Soon that student had become
the ‘salmon expert,’ and all the other
students would go to him with ques-
tions,” he said. “This student blos-
somed and became a salmon ‘rock
star.’ His personality and confidence
grew and grew.”
“The teacher said the program
changed the student’s life.”
Similar success stories have led
to even more growth in the program
over the years.
In 2017, as the program grew,
the DNR hired Tracy Page, Aquatic
The author, Brandy Dixon, attended the Salmon in the Classroom teacher training at Wolf Lake State Education Coordinator, to run the
entire program.
Fish Hatchery this past November, and she has been participating in the program this year for her first “It is a big undertaking,” Page
time with her 5th and 6th grade class. said. “In the past year, I have over-
hauled our Teacher’s Guide and
added new Classroom Activities
(among other things).”
For example, to get eggs to
teachers, she has to help count, set
aside, and transport 270 sets of eggs
(150 each). That’s a total of 40,500
eyed eggs!
The Chinook salmon eggs in
Michigan mostly come from the
Little Manistee Weir egg collection.
Three hatcheries take the eggs after
they are collected: Wolf Lake State
Fish Hatchery (Mattawan), Platte
River State Fish Hatchery (Beulah),
and the Thompson State Fish Hatch-
ery (Thompson in the U.P.).
Once the eggs hit the “eyed” egg
stage (after about a month), they are
ready to be distributed to teachers
around the state. The teachers pick
the eggs up from the nearest fish
New teachers attend a one-day
professional development workshop Arianna O’Nan, 5th grader at Holy Ghost Lutheran School in Monroe, tests her classroom’s salmon
on how to care for the salmon and tank water as part of her classroom job as “Zookeeper.” She and the other students in her class are re-
how to teach their students about sponsible for daily care of their salmon until the spring when they will release them into the wild. Top
the fish. They are given activities photo page 70: A young salmon swims in its classroom tank. Students are able to watch the salmon
and lessons that cover Michigan’s grow from eggs to smolt during the school year through a program called Salmon in the Classroom.
natural resources, aquatic invasive
species, the salmon life cycle, and
the fishing industry, to name a few. School science teacher in Grand
New this year was a weekend Rapids. This is his second year be-
“Salmon Summit” in Higgins Lake. ing part of the program.
The summit, which took place in “We not only did the release but
January, allowed teachers to get also invertebrate sampling of the
hands-on experience with dissec- river, and we had the DNR come
tions, tackle crafting, and gyotaku out. It was interesting to see just
(the art of making fish prints). how many kids really enjoyed the
They also learned from biolo- outdoor educational experience.”
gists about the state of salmon in This year Hendricks plans to
Michigan, the Arctic Grayling Ini- invite the kindergarten through third
tiative, and the impacts of invasive grade students from their “Field
species. The teachers were then able School” (outdoor learning school).
to take the skills and new knowl- He says they will come visit the
edge back to their students, the next salmon in his classroom, learn about
generation of conservationists. them, and will then be invited to
Melissa Jachim, third grade take part in their release day cel-
teacher at Knapp Charter Academy ebrations.
in Grand Rapids, attended the Sum- After teachers release their
mit this year. salmon, they will then have to
“Our salmon tank is in the hall- submit a Stocking Report to let the
way of our school,” she said. “The DNR know how many salmon were
Summit had so many amazing ideas stocked and where.
that next year I am pulling the tank The program has been success-
into my classroom because there is ful so far, and Tracy Page has plans
so much that can impact the kids.” for it to be successful in the future.
Jachim has participated in the “We plan to add about 25 new
program now for six years. schools each year,” she said. “Grow-
“I love watching how much the ing the capacity of the program to
kids enjoy the process,” she said. reach more students across the state
“They get so excited when the eggs is a main goal of mine.”
show up and in the anticipation of “Getting live resources in
them hatching. Every kid gets an front of students, every day, from
opportunity to see the development which they can learn such a wide
of the salmon throughout the year.” variety of content is a rare treat in
The whole program culminates the education world. The wonder
in the spring when teachers plan a that is inspired in our Salmon in the
special day to release their salmon Classroom students is amazing, and
into pre-approved DNR release sites it sticks with them.”
throughout the state. These activities If you are a Michigan teacher in-
may include guest speakers, nature terested in applying to be part of the
hikes, trash clean-up, and fishing. Salmon in the Classroom program,
“I think our first release was a visit the Michigan DNR website to
success story in the fact that just the learn more. The application period
program as a whole was new for us, for the 2019-2020 school year is Participants at the Wolf Lake State Fish Hatchery teacher training
but we made it a day-long educa- open now until April 15, 2019. It is day were able to tour the hatchery’s facilities and were even able to
tional experience for the kids,” said open to classrooms third grade or touch and feel a tray of Chinook salmon eggs.
Brian Hendricks, Northview High higher.n
Lessons on the South Shore
By Calvin McShane

group of six of us, all admit to.
anglers, sat around March in the U.P. is no slouch,
a campfire and took but surprisingly fish can be found
turns saying what we as soon as the rivers are free of ice.
did for a living: a log- Even though today this band of
ger, a medical supplies salesman, a hardened anglers had found plenty
college professor, a postal worker. of fish to exercise, just one steel-
Most of the men were retired, and head can make a winter’s worth of
the others close to it, I was the only struggling seem totally worth it. And
one still in prime working years. struggled we had. Since deer season
We sat there to share fish stories and the ground had been white, the only
cold drinks on a patch of damp dirt break in color had been in the form
along a mid-sized Upper Peninsula of high speeding snowmobiles fresh
stream. We talked about all things from a trek across the Mackinac
life without the usual social rivalry, Bridge.
each of us basking in the happiness
that comes from pure exhaustion.
We had all been drawn to the same
place, at the same time, for the same Fishermen seem to relish being com-
reason — steelhead. for table with being uncomfor table,
Before the evening cordials, the and (left)the author enjoyed the
day had been frigid. Snow was melt- beauty and the romance of rough
ing fast the week prior but a wind weather steelhead fishing.
switch off Lake Superior brought in
some cold air from the north and our chartreuse bead in a long tail out that
bodies and gear were feeling the full had been aptly dubbed in accor-
effects. I spent most of the day jam- dance with his surname. Rods were
ming my fly reel inside of my jacket bent and reels were singing, as men
to thaw out the drag system, while dressed in the monotones of rain
the others with higher end equip- jackets and fishing vests began to
ment spent less time battling the seep into the backdrop of otherwise
conditions and more time battling untouched landscape.
fish, only stopping occasionally to I was the last one to pull up a
de-ice their guides. Fishermen seem fireside seat that evening, just in
to relish cold weather. Steve Rinella time to overhear a discussion I may
calls it “being comfortable with weather. They were zeroed in on the have heard a time or two before.
being uncomfortable” and fisher- I counted 13 straight days this water in a Zen-like fashion that can “You know the fishing was better
men wear it like a badge. For just as past winter when my thermometer only come from years of practice in the ’80s,” one fisherman said, in
many fish stories told about big fish, failed to crest above 10 degrees. But and a tremendous amount of pa- between drags of his tobacco pipe.
there are as many told about harsh indeed, as it always does, the weath- tience. Another replied, “There were
conditions — this day was a little of er broke. The snowmobiles headed More times than not, I am usu- less people back then.”
both. south, I tapped the maples trees ally able to outlast the old timers on “It depended. Some years were
One of the men around the behind the house, and even heard the the river. Their mid-day siestas are crowded and others years weren’t.
campfire, the retired logger, let me smelt were running on a few rivers something I will leave for old age. I’m telling you, there were more
tag along with him in the morning, along Lake Michigan. Finally, some When they leave, I choose to re-fish fish!”
an invitation to absorb some of his fresh steelhead started showing up all the holes they left behind, hoping “No no no… We just fished
wisdom in regards to his 20-plus and, with them, the anglers around to hook a fish they missed and brag harder back then.”
years fishing the South Shore. He the campfire. The fish had arrived about it later. Today, I had no such They had been many things over
often tells me he can’t remember a and a silver bullet induced peace had luck. With each pool and ripple, I their lives: sons, brothers, friends,
year where everything went right. been restored. felt the tapping of my split shot, but fathers, laborers, tradesmen, sales-
“I’m sure there was a time or two, That day, the cold was as toler- none of the anticipatory bliss that men. Now they are mostly retirees
but most of the time you’re working able as the fish were cooperative. comes from the pause of a steel- and fishing buddies. Through the
for fish. I guess that’s why it’s so When I did manage to thaw my head’s subtle take. I grew frustrated, passage of time these labels have
damn fun.” reel, it was only in the lulls between something I rarely see from my older come and gone, but regardless of
He was right, it sure was damn fighting fish that I would notice how counterparts and I cannot not decide circumstance they’ll always be steel-
fun. If we had been counting the fun, numb my fingers were becoming. whether I can force that maturity head fisherman.
he had about two times more fun Snow swales fell gently one second, upon myself now or if it’s something To make up a steelhead fisher-
than I did, but that’s neither here nor and violently sideways the next. that can only come from the accu- man, you must be a storyteller and
there. He knows the river much bet- Although beautiful, the romance of mulation of birthdays. steward, along with many other
ter than I do, pointing out runs I may rough weather steelhead fishing can My solitude ended when the old things. As I listen to their old fish
have missed and small depressions lose its luster quickly. A few broken timers climbed out of their tents and tales, I become struck with motiva-
where he knows a fish or two seem leaders, a couple bad snags, and a reconvened on the river. I parked tion; motivation to fish harder and
to hang out. For as much as I appre- lost fish or two and the snow can my leaky waders on a high bank and longer and to listen more quietly and
ciate his fishing advice, he equally turn from charming to annoying. watched all the runs I had just fished carefully. The story of South Shore
appreciates my passive demeanor A steelhead fisherman frequently unsuccessfully begin to produce fish. steelhead is one written on the rods
amid his frequent lectures about flirts with the line between macho Tom, the ex-logger, hooked a bright and reels of grizzled old men and I
the problem with millennials — an and deranged or nostalgic and an- hen under one of his favorite cedar look forward every year to learning
affectionate unspoken covenant noyed. The fishermen around me sweeps. John, the salesman, coerced the lessons taught along the banks of
— something he’d never willingly were unbothered by the recent chilly another slightly darker hen to take a steelhead streams.n
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eC leb ra t i n g Our
Eastern Michigan State Fairgrounds in Imlay City
Sporting Collectibles...By Terry McBurney

It’s still out there!

everal times a year, I set up my “Show hard-to-find to very rare lures from Manistee, to Niles in about 1898 where he continued work-
and Tell” tackle displays at different nearby Kaleva and lastly, from Grayling that will ing for the Michigan Central Railroad as a train
Michigan sport shows hoping to find be of interest to my readers. conductor, as well as making and selling his two
fishing lures. In 1900 C.R. and his wife moved
a treasure - an early Michigan lure
I need to photograph, a color I have C.R. Harris to Mackinaw City where he managed the Went-
not seen before, or something unusual Manistee Surface Baits worth Hotel through 1904 when they moved this
that gets my heart pounding. It’s a little like being Mark Nyp, from Lowell, had inherited his time to Manistee where he opened his own tackle
a kid on Christmas morning when I am opening grandfather’s old Kennedy metal tackle box, store and started producing the Harris’ Manistee
up an old steel tackle box and wondering what which contained fairly typical wooden bass and Surface Bait or as most fishing collectors call it,
might be inside. pike lures plus some vintage metal baits. It also “the Manistee Minnow”.
This month’s article features three different held two extremely rare wooden baits made by Harris took a job working for a lumbering
C.R. Harris pre-1910 when he was living in Man- company out of Boyne City in 1914 and had
istee and the proprietor of a tackle store located at moved to Williams, Arizona by the time the 1920
449 River Street. The two lures were slightly dif- U.S. Census was taken where he was working for
ferent examples of the “Harris’ Manistee Surface a Manistee lumbering company. Shortly there-
Bait for both day and night fishing” - exception-
ally valuable and extremely rare lures.
The top 2-hook bait pictured in this article has
a blended green back to a white belly with gold
eyes and hand painted red fins and gills. The lure
has a metal dorsal fin along with deep belly and
tail cups with brass wire hook hangers. The sec-
ond Harris Manistee Surface Bait pictured below
it, however, is something entirely different. It has
a single treble hook, and the dorsal fin and the tail
are not made out of metal but what appears to be
fashioned possibly from Mica, a hard transparent
mineral found in rocks. Both the dorsal fin and
the tail are fractured and are missing small pieces,
but they are clearly translucent.
After a close inspection of the lure, I came
away with one question: “Why would Harris use
such an unusual and fragile substance instead of
metal to make the lure’s fin and tail?” I had no
answer to this question except that he had used it
possibly as a “One of a Kind” prototype.
Charles R. Harris was born in Aurora, New
York in 1848, a small village located on Lake
Cayuga, in upstate New York. The Harris family
moved to Berrien County, Michigan by the 1850
U.S. Census and then to White Pigeon before the
1860 census. Ten years later in 1870, C.R., as he
liked to be called, had moved to Niles where it
appears that he joined the successful vaudevillian
act, “The Original Peak Family of Bell Ring-
ers.” C.R. Harris played a horn and apparently
became a member of their troupe! Ten years later
in 1880, Harris, his wife Emma and their seven
year old daughter Zoe were living at 39 Rush
Street on the near north side of Chicago where he
was employed as a “cigar packer.” A Chicago city
directory listed the Harris family living at 260
Ohio Street in 1895, a half mile walk from their
old lodgings on Rush Street. His occupation at
that time was “train conductor,” apparently work-
ing for the Michigan Central Railroad, which
mostly ran passenger trains between Chicago and
Much changed in 1897 when C.R. Harris
patented his first and his most successful fish-
Top to Bottom: Two rare Harris’ Manistee Surface ing lure, the Harris Cork Floating Frog. Patent
Baits, circa 1910, were recently found in an old tackle #588729 was granted on August 24, 1897 to Top to Bottom: Two Edson’s Fish Foolers in machined
box, Mark Nyp photo. The bottom example appears to Charles R. Harris of Chicago, and papers found aluminum and in gold, cour tesy of Bill Wazelle. Two
have a dorsal fin and tail made out of Mica and may in early Harris Frog lure boxes show 358 Ontario more Fish Foolers in machined aluminum and black
have been a prototype. An underside view showing St., Chicago as the company’s address. He was and white, cour tesy of Gary Miller. Three Fish Fool-
the differences between the two baits. One of the also producing a second bait at that time, the ers in machined aluminum, green, and red and white,
few known examples of the Harris’ Manistee Surface “Harris Featherbone Minnow, a Devon-style bait cour tesy of John Wejrowski. A green and red Fish
Bait’s cardboard box, cour tesy of the Manistee County made out of a turkey quill with a metal head. Fooler with the original 2-pc. cardboard box, cour tesy
Historical Museum and Gary Miller. Things changed again when the family moved of Greg Woodland.
after he moved back to Manistee where he lived
at the home of his daughter. He passed away in
Bear Creek Bait Company
Kaleva, Michigan, a small Finnish community Left: A perfect example of a Bear Creek Sucker Minnow in the older 2-pc, cardboard box and a unique
only twenty-two miles northeast of Manistee is custom color – green and yellow scale, cour tesy of John Huczek. Right: The two cataloged colors of
known as the home of two fishing lure manufac- the Sucker Minnow – natural and “goldfish” with the earlier cardboard box and the common cardboard
turers. The first was the Makinen Tackle Compa- box with the plastic lid, author photo.
ny, the larger of the two that manufactured fishing working in Benzie County and then later in Ann and add to my collection.
lures during the late 1940s. The second company Arbor and Washtenaw County. He and his wife, Matt Edson stated that the “Edson’s Fish
was the Bear Creek Bait Company that primarily Inez, moved to Grayling in 1947 where he con- Fooler is believed to be the greatest fish fooler
produced spearing decoys and only three fish- tinued working as a painter and a decorator. He ever invented,” and he may have been right. I
ing lures from the late 1940s until 1983 when also worked for several years at the Bear Archery plan on fishing one of my polished aluminum
they closed their doors. Bear Creek produced the Company in Grayling during this time period. Fish Foolers this summer - casting it with a slow
second lure that will be discussed in this month’s They lived in a log home on Lake Margarethe, retrieve, drift fishing over weed beds, or deep
article, the Bear Creek Sucker Minnow. just west of Grayling, and later moved to a home trolling after adding some extra weight to the
John Huczek from Rochester, Michigan in Grayling. lure. I look forward to trying it and will report
brought a new-in-the box example of the Bear Edson applied for a patent on the fish- back on how well I do.
Creek Sucker Minnow to the Novi Outdoorama shaped Fish Fooler on June 25, 1951, and patent I would like to thank the following people
several weeks ago for me to see and photograph. #2711048 was granted on June 21, 1955. Ac- for bringing in their lures for me to photograph:
It came in the early hard-to-find two-piece card- cording to his wife, he made the Fish Fooler for Mark Nyp for his Manistee Surface Baits; Greg
board box instead of the newer cardboard box about five years, most likely during the early to Woodland, Bill Wazelle, Gary Miller and John
with the plastic lift-off lid. What made it remark- mid-1950s. The 5 ⅝-inch 2-piece aluminum lure Wejrowski for their Edson Fish Foolers; and
able was the color. It was a beautifully painted was made from die-cut aluminum sheet stock that John Huczek for his Bear Creek Sucker Min-
yellow and green scale, a color I had never seen was stamped out by an Ann Arbor machine shop now. I would also like to recognize fishing lure
before. and then assembled at home by the couple. The historians, Gary Miller for his article entitled
First established in 1946 by brothers Walter front and rear sections were held together with “Unmasking the Manistee Minnow” published
and Elmer Wiitala and their friend, Leo Manilla, two split rings as were the three treble hooks. The in the National Fishing Lure Collectors Club
the Bear Creek Bait Company began produc- eyes were made from a pinched-on split shot that Gazette (NFLCC) and Doug Bucha for his two-
ing wooden fish decoys and one wood lure, the were generally painted with red paint. There were part article entitled “Charles R. Harris, the Man
Tweedler, during their first year. The Tweedler four drilled holes used as line attachments that Who Created Classics” published in the NFLCC
was a noisy surface bait and was somewhat simi- would vary the depth of the lure whether used for Magazine. The late George Richey, longtime
lar to the Arbogast Jitterbug. Walter, at the time casting, trolling, jigging or as a spearing decoy. Woods-N-Water News writer wrote an excellent
of the founding of new tackle company, had been Almost all Fish Foolers found were machined article on the Edson Fish Fooler in the October
working for the Makinen Tackle Company, where to a shiny textured aluminum finish, which 1995 issue of Woods-N-Water News.
he had gained practical experience working with reflected light as the lure was drawn through the Feel free to contact the author at antiquefish-
wood lure bodies and painting them. Walter water. A few were painted, and these are highly ing@comcast.net with your questions. Photo-
bought out his brother’s share of the business in sought after by collectors. I have seen red and graphs are important, so please send them. They
1948 and Leo Manilla’s interest in 1950. green, black and white, red and white, and gold, help me with identification and give me an idea
Bear Creek later made two additional lures and I am looking for more colors to photograph of the condition of the item.n
but made out of plastic with metal diving lips.
The first was their Sucker Minnow, which came


in two sizes: a 2 ¾-inch spinning version and a 3
½-inch casting model. The Sucker Minnows were
also available in two colors; natural sucker and
“goldfish.” Their second plastic lure was called Michigan Hunting & Fishing Collectors Club
the Coho King, a 3-treble hook bait designed
to catch salmon on Lake Michigan after Coho
salmon were first introduced in the late 1960s. SPORTING COLLECTIBLES SHOW
The 5 ¼-inch Coho King was available in one
color, a blue sparkle finish, though the author has Saturday, April 6, 2019, 9 AM to 2 PM
seen one example finished in a burgundy sparkle.
The Bear Creek Sucker Minnow that John At the Eagles Hall
Huczek brought in was painted an attractive 301 Detroit St., Jackson, MI
green and yellow scale. I have several examples
of the natural sucker color and the “Goldfish” This is the First annual Michigan Vintage Hunt-
color in my collection. I have also photographed ing, Fishing & Trapping Sporting Collectibles Show.
a few of a lighter yellow scale version, but never It will be held Saturday April 6, 2019 at the Eagles
the green and yellow scale. Was it a special order Hall in Jackson, MI running from 9 AM to 2 PM. The
custom color for an important dealer or a trial run show will feature approximately 100 tables of sport-
to develop a new color for the company to sell? ing collectibles including hunting back tags, fishing
We will probably never know. & hunting licenses, Michigan game & fish digests,
Edson Fish Fooler Michigan license buttons, successful hunter patches,
The third lure in this month’s article was Bear Archery items, vintage fishing tackle – lures,
made in Grayling by Madison “Matt” Edson, reels, rods & accessories, spearing decoys, waterfowl
during the 1950s, his all-aluminum Edson Fish decoys & game calls. General Public $5 admission &
Fooler. Born on September 23, 1906 in Frankfort, children under 16 admitted free with an adult. (For
Matt Edson grew up in an area that was filled more information contact Greg Woodland at woods@
with great fishing and hunting opportunities. For
much of his life, he was a house and barn painter wowway.com or 517-769-6276).
Woods-N-Water News Classified Section
queen iComfort mattress included. backpacking trips to Isle Royal MANAGEMENT. I have a fish for stocking. Large selection of great pheasant hunting, 15 HUNTS 100% success, Northeast
New in plastic, As Seen On TV. National Park. Spend 6 days unique background in forestry lake, pond and watergarden sup- different farms! Excellent cover. MI no license needed. Plus, great
Cost $3,800. Sell for $975. 989- hiking the trails of this wil- and planning and I can create plies. Free catalog! Stoney Creek, Your dogs or ours. Field hunt or fishing for bass and bluegills, cabin
923-1278. M-3-18-TFN derness island. Photograph and implement a strategic manage- Inc., Grant, MI (800) 448-3873, European style. Meals, lodg- with boat and motor. Text or call
.............................................. breathtaking scenery, moose ment plan for your property. Visit www.stoneycreekequip.com FS-4-7 ing, dog training. Half, full or 989-493-2909. H-9-12/18
A TEMPUR-PEDIC and other wildlife. $850 per MSWhitetailHabitatManagement. .............................................. multi-day hunts. Open 7 days ..............................................
M E M O RY FOAM person includes everything. For com or call 231-679-1294. S-12-6 a week, now through April
MATTRESS SET. Clean. Never
information call 231-564-1631. .............................................. 30th. Any size group. Gift cer-
used. As seen on TV. Cost $1700. M-4-1 tificates available. Since 1986.
Sell for $695. 989-832-2401. M-4-
2332. H-11-TFN
.............................................. LOG BUNK BEDS. $495. WANTED: Family oriented
AN AMISH LOG Amish lodge furniture. Call Dan CABIN ON PINE RIVER hunting and fishing club
WESTERN KENTUCKY: If LAKE, Curtis Michigan -
HEADBOARD AND QUEEN 989-832-1866. M-4-14-TFN $97,500.00 Leroy/Luther seeks couple to live on-site
pillowtop mattress set. New. Sell all you want to kill a really good buck Hunting, fishing and sightsee-
area. Private Club with 1 ¾ mile and perform caretaker duties.
for $275. 989-923-1278. you have to hunt areas that have ing. 2 Bedroom modern house-
river frontage on 450 acres. Must have experience cook-
M-4-14-TFN WANTED Hunting and quality trout fish- ing for large groups and out- good bucks. We have thousands of keeping cabins. Boats, motors
acres of private farms on both sides and pontoon rentals. Call 906-
.............................................. ing. Cabin: 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, door/handyman skills. Email
TIMBER: Buying all types of tim- of Kentucky/Tennessee border. 586-3515. R/R-3-3
AMISH LOG BEDS, ANY year round, sleeps 9. See at rjk1123@yahoo.com with re-
SIZE $199. 5 drawer log chest ber, 5 acres or more, top price paid. WWW.LIST2SELL.COM Ker- sumes. HW-4-1 These farms are some of the best
$199. Good quality. Lowest prices Cash in advance. Improve wildlife math Realty 800-998-5478. hunting around, but you do not have 50 ACRES TOTALLY PRI-
in Michigan. 989-839-4846. M-4- habitat. Patco Forest Products, 16842 Werheegen East, Leroy, to take my word for it, come visit me VATE LAKE IN WESTERN
14-TFN 989-539-7588 after 6 p.m. W-11- MI. Info. 231-250-4951. FS-3-3 and my farms and you can decide LAKE COUNTY near Branch on
.............................................. 12/18 FISHING for yourself. Text or call for informa- 2000 acre family preserve. 3 bed-
room cottage with boats, beach,
tion. 270-348-4281. H-3-3
.............................................. large dock, swim raft, swings, fire
CANADA FISHING: pit, etc. Excellent fishing for bass,
To reach an immense outdoor market use the . . . Want to go fishing? Come to pike, trout and panfish. Miles of

Woods-N-Water News Classified Northern Walleye Lodge for

Great Walleye, Small Mouth,
BEAR HUNTS. Newberry/
streams and hiking trails. Caretaker
lives on property 1 mile away.
$1200 per week. 248-559-7744.
Classified ad rates: $30 for the first 20 words Northern, Jumbo Perch, Lake Gwinn B.M.U. 1st and 2nd sea-
Every word over 20 is .25¢ per word -- Box your classified, $5 additional charge Trout for 6 nights $450 U.S. per sons. Seven day hunt/lodging/
This effective advertising is simple to do, place your ad by . . . person with 4 or more. Includes stands/skinning/tag/sealing
• Calling 810-724-0254 Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm remote lake front cabin with bear. Year around lodge. Great CABIN FOR RENT ON
• Email your ad to wnw@pageone-inc.com own dock, 2 people per boat, area for fishing, grouse hunt- BEAR CREEK IN
• Faxing your ad 810-724-8552 15hp electric start Yamaha ing and 4-wheeling. 42 years MANISTEE. Sleeps 5, kitch-
• Complete your Classified online at www.woods-n-waternews.com motors, fish finders and swivel of service, convenience store, en, sat. TV, AC, BBQ. Over
• Mailing your ad to Woods-N-Water News, P.O. Box 278, Imlay City, MI 48444
seats. Upgrade boats available. state and federally licensed. 3,400 feet of private access
Classifieds MUST be paid in advance of publishing; MasterCard, Visa accepted. Make Black bear hunts available. Contact Tom Losiewski, North frontage and miles of wooded
check/money orders payable to Woods-N-Water News. Classified ads can not be 3.5 hours North of Sault Ste. Country Hunting Adventures. trails available. Clean quiet and
billed and once a classified is processed no refunds can be made. Limit of 75 words. Marie. See web site for specials 1-269-330-0480. Like us on safe. 231-590-1136. R/R-3-4
All classifieds posted to our website FREE! and more info . . . Facebook. H-4-4
Use one of these useful classified categories... email: fishingtrips@outlookcom RIVERVIEW HIDEAWAY
A = Archery FP = Food Plots HW = Help Wanted SM = Snowmobiles Toll free 1-877-434-2440 RAY’S U.P. HUNTING – Over IS TAKING RESERVA-
ATV = ATVs FW = Firewood M = Miscellanous T = Taxidermy F-12/17TFN 25 years experience guiding for TIONS. Located below High
B = Boats G = Guns RE = Real Estate TK = Trucks deer and bear. Baited stands in Bridge, your own private dock
D = Dogs H = Hunting RR = Resorts/Rent TR = Trailers Amasa, Baraga, and Bergland
F = Fishing HL = Hunting Leases RVC = RV’s/Campers W = Wanted on the Big Manistee River. Look
Units. Lodging Available. Call Ray us up at Riverview Hideaway,
F = Free
GUNS at 906-265-9420 or cell 906-284- Big Manistee Info/Contact 231-
MAY 2019 CLASSIFIED DEADLINE APRIL 1, 2019 2216. Licensed and Insured. H-1- 690-2855. RR-4-3
ing hunter must downsize. Beretta
Woods-N-Water News Classified Advertising
686 Silver Pigeon I Over-Unders:
(Please print clearly. We are not responsible for unreadable orders.) 20 ga., Good Condition, lightly
Make sure phone number is included in your ad! used, $1,500; 28-ga., Like New,
less than two boxes shot through TARIO. Excellent bear hunt-
NAME it, $1700. Grand Rapids area. Cash ing service. Baited stands,
only, please. Call or text: 248-321- LUTHER, MICHIGAN, 60
ADDRESS preparation meat and hide for
0475. G-3-2 acres on Kings Hwy. - hour and half
you to take home. Average
.............................................. from Grand Rapids, exit 162. Hooks
CITY                                           STATE                      ZIP size bear 200 pounds, we’ve
up to lots of state land. Camp, hunt
taken 500 pound bears before.
and fish! Located right by the
DAYTIME PHONE NO. HUNTING $1200 U.S., $200 deposit, book
now for spring and fall. Over 25
Manistee River. One year lease,
$3,000. Text Kim at 616-340-7368.
VISA/MASTERCARD#                                                       EXP: years of experience, call Willy
TROPHY RANCH HUNT 705-369-2013, PO BOX 149
CLASSIFICATION OF AD                      MONTHS TO RUN HOGS, Rams Longhorns, Big Opasapika, Ontario Canada
Lodge, Butcher Shop. Call for POL-1Z0 H-2-3

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) open dates and free tours. 989- HUNTING LAND FOR
658-8634. www.trophyranch. RENT: 100 plus wooded
(7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) com. H-2-3 NORTHERN ONTARIO acres. Manistee Co. 231-590-
BEAR HUNTS 1136. HL-3-4

(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) GUARANTEED TAGS!
GONZO BEAR CAMP - Bear Booking now for September 2019 &
Specialist - We had 80% success. 2020 starting May 10th and May
(19) (20) $30.00 $30.25 $30.50 $30.75 DEER HUNTING LEASE
Baraga, Gwen and Amasa Units - 25th. No fall hunts this year. 2019! 800 acres near West
$31.00 $31.25 $31.50 $31.75 $32.00 $32.25
Modular hunts start at $995. 7 days Includes comfortable cabin, boat Branch. We lease out 80 acre par-
lodging included. Write for more and motor, baited stands. Very cels from Sept 1st to Jan 1st.
$32.50 $32.75 $33.00 $33.25 $33.50 $33.75
information on how to apply for bear experienced guides. High success $2,000.00 For more information
permits on May 1st - 2730 S. Dort rate. 3 hours from the Soo. please send email to: reeltightfish-
$34.00 $34.25 $34.50 $34.75 $35.00 $35.25 Hwy., Flint, MI 48507 or call Dale at References on request. $1,650 U.S. ing1961@gmail.com HL-3-2
(810) 814-8936 days 9-4 or eve- single hunter, including taxes and ..............................................
$35.50 $35.75 $36.00 $36.25 $36.50 $36.75 nings John at (989) 257-2725 for non-resident bear license/tag.
more information www.gonzo-
Enclosed is $                                               for bearcamp.com. Like us on
Cheaper rate for more than one
hunter. $650 deposit required. Call
More Classifieds
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words to run                     months. BOX MY CLASSIFIED - $5 Extra
705-869-3272. www.texasandsons. Next Page
com H-8-12/18
Woods-N-Water News
Classified Section
$980,000.00, Wooded rolling parcel ACREAGE parcel on Allen’s
attractive to investors, developers, Lake with access to Meadow and
OFA grand master background
hunting groups or for a private Wolf Lake. Nearly 9 acres wooded.
estate. The “801” has been owned One of a kind and only $149,000.
Reno's Black Ice MH. $1,200
by the current family for many gen- Call Lorraine at Faust Real Estate,
Rheaume's Kennel
erations and has provided great LLC 517-605-6950.
memories of hunting, camping, hik- RE-4-1
989-864-8606. D-4-1
ing and outdoor enjoyment. Call or ..............................................
text Steve Cavender @ Keller 80 ACRES IOSCO COUNTY
Williams Realty (231) 631-0319. - Natural beaver pond, great deer,

RE-4-1 duck and goose hunting. 16x20
ITS BEST! Over 35 years
.............................................. Rustic cabin wired for generator
experience with pointing and
FOR SALE: 3 Bdrm Cottage/ and propane heat. Asking $120,000.
flushing breeds. All inclusive 4

Home Xlrg Pole Barn Lachine, Mich 989-529-7488. RE-4-1
week class customized to meet
All sports Beaver Lake, Hunting, ..............................................
your dog's needs. Excellent for
Fishing, Snowmobiling, 4 wheeling, CAMPGROUNDS FOR
young dogs starting out, for
many upgrades, Private Easement SALE One in the U.P. with Great
experienced dogs tuning up, or
to lake. Asking $72,900 Contact Lake frontage $485K. One in North
for dogs with issues. $700.
Tony or Tami. MLS listing 315272 Central Michigan $700K. Briggs
Rheaume's Kennel
has pics of home. 586-337-0327. Realty www.briggsrealtyonline.com
RE-4-1 616-942-1071. RE-4-1
(989) 864-8606. D-4-1
.............................................. ..............................................
20 ACRES and a cabin for the SPECTACULAR LAKE

hunter or outdoor enthusiast. SUPERIOR VIEW, beach right
Quality deer managed for the past 5 out your front door without the CHOCOLATE ENGLISH
years! Abundant wildlife: deer, tur- taxes! Combined corner lots offer LAB PUPPIES. AKC OFA
key, bear, coyote, bobcat, grouse. more than a 1/2 acre for building out of excellent hunters. 111 N Sylt Road
North and east side of property your dream home in the village lim- Rheaume's Kennel
borders 1000s of acres of state its of Ontonagon, MI. $68,000. Call www.fb.me/rfamilydogs.com Lake Leelanau, MI

land! 15 single/double ladder stands 906-475-6766. RE-3-2 (989) 864-8606. D-4-1 VACANT LAND – 33 ACRES: Untouched
are hung around property and state .............................................. hardwoods, flowering brush, ferns and
land, and come with purchase. All THE BEST BEAR HUNTING wildflowers. Natural habitat to local
the scouting and hard work is done! IN MICHIGAN. 9.9 acres with GERMAN SHORTHAIR
POINTER PUPS: Males wildlife, including whitetail deer,
Checkout the webpage for more new footings under cabin, re-rod in
info/photos. 20acresandacabin.com footings, mostly furnished. New and females available. Excel- bobcat, turkey, rabbit, and grouse.

300 Acre
RE-4-1 septic tank, septic field and new lent hunting dogs and superb Excellent hiking and hunting! Beautiful
.............................................. well. For more information call 810- family pets. Close working dogs landscape of hill and valley, lowland
LUDINGTON WATER- 724-8027. RE-3-2 with strong point and retrieve and highland, woods and clearing.
FRONT BUILDABLE LOT .............................................. instincts. Reasonably priced for

ON HAMLIN LAKE GREAT 160 WOODED ACRES WITH the sporting family. Money back GREAT
FISHING, duck hunting, and all- 900’ FURNISHED CABIN IN guarantee. Eulenhof Kennels, POTENTIAL:
Gladwin, MI.
sports 5000 acre lake, across from IOSCO COUNTY NEAR a wonderful
Manistee National Forest, EAST TAWAS. Cabin has fur- http://www.eulenhof.com
122’ on water, $52,000, nace and wood stove with well 989-426-4884 D-4-2
skretzschmar@previewproperties.com water, cell phone and internet ser- Located between Charlevoix hobby farm,
and Traverse City. or ‘up north’

RE-4-1 vice available. Prime hunting, 2
ponds with Kunzy Creek running hunters
BUYING OR SELLING! through the back of the property. 10 foot x 3 mile fence. paradise!

Work! Mostly wooded, mostly maple.

Farms, Vacant Land or Recreational Lots of deer and other wildlife
Parcels throughout Michigan. Call including partridge, coyote, bobcat,
Doug Beasley at Faust Real Estate, coon and more. Also listed on Zillow
Trout pond, includes
LLC 517-260-2939. with many photos. Asking $289,000. shooting ranges.
(810) 724-0254 Carolyn
RE-4-1 989-225-0362. RE-2-3
.............................................. .............................................. Telgard

email: wnw@pageone-inc.com • www.woods-n-waternews.com

231-330-9210 Cell: 231-642-7117

Your Woods-N-Water News is


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statewiderealestate.net Gilchrist Creek of which there is over 1000 feet of frontage. The Gilchrist Creek and the Greasy
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and elk. There is also a new addition to the pole barn which now totals 50 x 24, 24 x 32
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Located at 11893 S. Stoney Creek Road, Carleton, Michigan on:
Thursday Evening, April 18, 2019 – 6:00 P.M.
This excellent property will be offered in 4 parcels, combinations
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of land with a small amount of tillable ground, recreational land,
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Crystal Falls, MI 49920 14938 State Street, P.O. Box 98, 49746 email: statewideone@newbc.rr.com
PH: 906-874-3500 email: statewidehillman@yahoo.com 906-863-9905
PH: 906-396-3002 989-742-4523 • 800-228-7856
email: steve@statewide.estate Fax: 989-742-3931 Fax: 906-863-7935

CURTIS/NEWBERRY HOUGHTON 102 West 8th St., P.O. Box 395, 48647
Main Street, P.O. Box 305, 49820 500 Shelden Ave., 49931 email: info@statewidemio.com
email: swcurtis@sbcglobal.net email: dick@statewideofhoughton.com 989-826-3292
906-482-6955 • 800-676-6323 Fax: 989-826-2108
906-586-9606 • Fax: 906-586-9607 Fax: 906-482-7699

2209 Ludington Street, 49829 1285 S. Michigan Ave., Howell, MI 48843 P.O. Box 478, 49765
email: escanaba@statewiderealestate.net email: statewid@earthlink.net email: bigdan@frontier.com
906-786-1308 • 800-900-0777 517-546-9060 • 800-531-4449 989-733-6522
Fax: 906-786-1388 Fax: 517-546-9148 Fax: 989-733-2427


1401 Delta Ave., 10 N. State Highway M-149 W3776 US2 & 41, 49874
Gladstone, MI 49837 Cooks, MI 49817 906-497-4190
906-825-9000 906-644-2304 Fax: 906-497-5328
email: judy@statewiderealestate.net email: dekeysermary@yahoo.com holly@statewiderealestate.net



52+ Acres, Benzie County,

Alcona/Alpeana County, Arenac County, Au Gres, 773.42 Acres, Near Interlochen and Traverse City,
408+/- Acres, Incredible Retreat, Arenac Co, 167+/- Acres, 3,500+/- ft Whitetail Paradise, Road/Trail System, Great Road Frontage, Beautiful Calhoun County, 67+/- Acres Calhoun County, 80 Acres, Big Buck
3 Lodges, Large Pole Barn, Beaver Lake Huron, 6 Bedroom Lodge, Guest Large Pond, 10 Gun Shacks, Build Spots, Great Hunting, 300 ft. All Sports Prairie Lake, County, Lots of Deer Sign,
Creek Frontage, Tons of Wildlife Cabin, Great Duck & Deer Hunting. Awesome Deer Hunting Property. Nation Forest Adjoins Property! Tillable Acreage Oak Ridges, Rolling Hills.
$1,400,000 $550,000 $1,850/Acre $99,000 $275,000 $275,000

Missauke County
320+/- Acres
Jackson County, 432 Acres,
Gladwin, 142 Acres, Isabella County, 80+/- Acres, Duck Excellent Duck, Deer & Turkey Hunting. Jackson County, 105+/- Acres, WRP
Fully furnished Deer Ranch. and Deer Hunter’s Paradise, Over Area of Other Large Property Owners. Program, Mature Hardwoods, Great
The Rack Ranch a mile of Pony River Frontage. “Man Cave” w/Game Cleaning Station. Deer, Turkey & Waterfowl Hunting
$835,000 $160,000 $875,000 $199,000

Large Brick - 3 Bed & 3 Bath Home, 48’x80’
Pole Barn With Living Quarters, Tillable,
Timber, Swamp, And Loaded With
Jackson County 38.14 Acres, Deer Sign! This Property Truly Has It
Jackson County, 76 Acres, Log Home/Cabin, Tillable, Lapeer, 102 Acres, This property offers Lake County, 7 Acres, Little Manistee
50+ Acres of Tillable, Great Crop Timber Value, and 30 year old All And Is A Must See! room for multiple building sites and is River Frontage, Cozy Cabin,
Yields, Beautiful Build Spots. Walnut Timber Stands! just 3 Miles from the city of Lapeer. Great Hunting and Fishing
$272,000 $255,000 $1,100,000 $340,000 $125,000

6+ Acres, Mis-
saukee County,
Secluded 34’x16’
Pole Barn - Deer
Camp! This is a
an incredible
track record of
harvesting 38 Acres, Newaygo County, 80 Acres, Newaygo County,
40+/- Acres Mecosta, Fenced Midland County, 80 Acres MATURE Newaygo County 4+/- Acres White Cloud Cabin/Home, Five Food Plots, Mature Timber Value,
in pastureland and pond. Perfect for 12 Miles to Mount Pleasant, Whitetails! Muskegon Riverfront, New cabin, Mile Creek Frontage, Deer, Loaded With Deer And Turkey,
equestrians and cattle owners! Excellent Hunting Price Right!! Beautiful landscaping, Secluded woods. Bear, Turkey, and Seclusion! Economically Price!
$97,900 $176,000 $55,000 $220,000 $169,000 $160,000


Oceana County, 67 Acres, Great Deer Osceola County, Evart, 278 Acres, Presque Isle County, 1,500 Acres, Roscommon County, 480+/- Acres,
Newaygo County, 125 Acres, Three and Turkey Hunting, Tillable, Osceola County, 120 Acres, Trail Major Deer Sign, Multiple Food Plots, High Fence Deer Ranch, 50,000+ sq. ft. High Fence Deer Ranch, First Class
spring fed lakes, Excellent Deer, Thick Forest Floor, Food Plots, Pond, System, Near Reed City, Tons of Rolling Terrain,. Thick Bedding Cover, lodge, rolling hills, caretakers Lodge and House, 120’x60’ Pole Barn,
Turkey and Waterfowl hunting Hunting Shack and Pole Barn. Deer and Turkey Sign, Food plot areas Near State Land, Great Deer History. house, and pole barn. Quality Deer Herd.
$325,000 $159,000 $255,000 $517,000 $6,400,000 $2,900,000


BLAKE VER WOERT: 616-308-3122
JAKE DYKSTRA: 616-916-8354
CURT BRYAN: 616-745-2759
28 ACRES ADJ. STATE LAND! Remodeled with GRAYLING LOG HOME ON 17 ACRES! (269) 623-4058 269-207-3280
BH&G style décor. Over 2100 sf featuring 4 bed- Nearly 3000 sf of living space, 3 bedrooms, Drew Chapple Associate Broker
rooms and 3 full bathrooms. Stone fireplace, all 3 baths, finished walk out basement w/fam- 118 E Orchard St. Delton MI 49046
seasons sun room, stone & stained-glass accents! ily room & 2nd kitchen, wrap around deck,
Includes a 30x40 pole barn with a sauna and an 3-1/2 car garage w/heated workshop, 1 car 76 ACRES - A Nature Lover’s
28x32 man cave-studio w/an 8’ covered patio. storage garage, RV station w all hook-ups. and Sportsman’s Paradise with
Great hunting! $218,900 #316334 (Cheboygan) Excellent hunting! $329,500 #313950 the abundance of deer, turkey,
and other wildlife; along with a
private 7 Acre Pond, Frontage
on Cedar Creek, and 35 tillable
Acres w/the remaining in
hardwoods. Property includes
a 1200 sqft. Ranch home:
2-Bdrm, 1-Ba, Barn, & Storage Shed. Walking distance to Pierce Cedar Creek
518’ LAKE NETTIE. Affordable up north get-away on a quiet 149 SECLUDED ACRES! Trail roads, 11 estab- Institute, a 742 Acre Nature and Education Center. Convenient to GR, Battle Creek &
all sports lake. 3 bedrooms, 2 bath home with a full-length lished blinds, small clearings for food plots, trail Kalamazoo. Priced at $399,900 (19005037) Call Drew Chapple 269-207-3280
deck overlooking the lake, a breezeway, tiered landscaping and roads and a creek. Nicely wooded with a mix
boat dock. Great fishing, swimming and year-round sporting of evergreens & hardwood, mostly high ground. WALL LAKE - 67’ of Pristine Wall Lake
activities. Snow trails & state land close by. Motivated seller Abundant game. Close to Hammond Bay Har-
wants an offer! $129,000 #308591 (Millersburg area) bor. $148,250 #313641 (Millersburg area) Frontage, Sunset view & a Sandy Beach!
Charming Traditional 2-Story Lake Home w/2-
Car Garage. Main Level offers: Master Bdrm,
Full Bath w/Walk-In Closet, Laundry Room,
Office, Living Rm w/Fireplace, Custom Kitchen
w/Center Island, Dining area, 3-Season Porch,
& a 1/2-Bath. Whole House Generator,
Custom Aluminum Dock, & a well-
landscaped yard. Convenient drive to
325’ OCQUEOC RIVER FRONTAGE! 3 13 ACRES W/PRIVATE LAKE & 380’ ON GR, Battle Creek, & Kalamazoo. Priced
tly rolling land that’s ideal for a walk-out parcel in a secluded setting. There’s a at $424,900 (1900New) Call Drew
basement. Great place to camp or build your small cabin roughed in, a hunting blind Chapple 269-207-3280
up north cottage. Trout fishing or kayak- overlooking the lake with its own deck, a
ing. Land contract terms possible. Reduced! well and electric hook ups for your camp- WALL LAKE - 1.7 Acres and Wall Lake
$25,700 #295457 (Millersburg area) er. Land contract available. $99,900 Frontage. Charming Bungalow w/covered
Front Porch. Customized Kitchen, Dining
RE/MAX NORTH area, Living room w/Fireplace, 3 Bedrooms, 2
Carol Steiger, Associate Broker Full Baths, Basement w/finished Rec. Room,
(231) 627-9991 Office 2-Car Garage, and Fenced-in backyard w/
(989) 351-0110 Cell Pole Barn. Conveniently located between
email: carol.steiger@remax.net Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, and Battle Creek.
846 S. Main, Cheboygan, MI Priced at $339,900 (18048281) Call Drew
www.liveupnorth.com Chapple 269-207-3280

2 Bdrm cottage. Sturgeon River frontage, 3 Bdrm, 1 bth camp. Fish and Hunt! 40 Acres.
snowmobile trail access, Hwy 13. Nahma. Good access. Power, well, & septic. Perronville.
$63,900 1105794 $74,900 1106801

FROM $12,900 TO $325,000. 1 Bdrm Camp. 540 Sq Ft. Blk bath 2 Bdrm 1 Bth Camp 155 Acres, 2 Bdrm, 1 bth, log home. On
house. Out house. Great hunting. Stella Bar, Sheds, Blinds, Food Plots, Cedar River.Large garage.
Escanaba Lk and Sturgeon River. Stella Lk. Orchard. Rapid River. Cedar River.
2209 Ludington Street $39,900 1110374 $260,000 1111078 $199,000 1112404
(906) 786-1308

W3776 US 2 & 41
(906) 497-4190

1401 Delta Ave.
2 Bdrm, 1 bth camp. Septic 1 Bdrm Camp. 4 Acres. Elec- 1 Bdrm, 1 bth Cabin. Large
(906) 825-9000
and drilled well. 36 acres. tric. Yr round access. Great bdrm with 3.5 acres. Extra
Great hunting. Skandia. location. Cornell. large garage. Rapid River.
$80,000 1112412 $33,000 1112567 $90,000 1107870
1953 S. M-33 3160 North M-65 2575 S. I-75 Business Loop,
West Branch, MI 48661 Hale, MI 48739 West Branch, MI 48661
10 miles north of I-75 exit 202 “Gateway to Huron National Forest” 1 mile north of I-75 Exit 212

Local: 989-345-2662 Local: 989-728-2540 Local: 989-345-0315

Toll Free: 800-535-6520 www.CAHANES.com Toll Free: 800-495-2540 www.CAHANES.com Toll Free: 866-345-0315


Well-maintained 2-bdrm home with a beautiful view of Nice 2-bdrm home w/garage & 120’ on 180 3-bdrm home on OVER AN ACRE, fronts Spacious brick and vinyl 2-bdrm home with 1674 square Gorgeous 3-bdrm w/custom cabinets, mobile
all sports RIFLE LAKE and just across the road from 20 all sports lake! Wood floors, 2 full bath, floor paved road near many lakes & thousands of feet of living space, formal dining, some appliances, family kitchen island, Amish built furnishings, FP, 2
foot access spot! Spacious living area, hickory cabinets, to ceiling windows, beautiful views, some fur- acres of hunting lands! Being sold in “as is” room w/its own entrance, huge 72x39 heated 5-car garage covered porches, oversized garage and all NES-
knotty pine interior, carport, deck, covered porch & more!! nishings, AC & much more!! condition. plus 24x32 pole bldg, both wired for electric & much more! TLED ON 20 ACRES w/groomed trails & 4 blinds!!
$79,500 1847245 $314,700 1856419 $31,900 1856854 $134,900 1848848 $249,900 1855393

Beautiful 4-bdrm, 3 bath home on 10 ACRES! Spacious 3-bdrm, attached garage, open This 3-bdrm home sits on a deep lot with some shade 2-bdrm, 2 ba home just down the road from Over 2300 square feet of living space, 3-bdrm, 2 full bath
Over 500’ on the gorgeous Rifle River for excellent floor plan, AC, master suite, full bsmt, natural trees and has been freshly painted. On almost an acre boat access & near sandy beach! Wood and 4-car garage. Home has beautiful views from multiple
fishing and kayaking! Home has so many fantastic gas heat, blacktop drive, porch, generator & of land and located in great recreational area and not floors, nice kitchen w/lots of cupboards, deck, decks & is located in great subd w/access to 2 all sports
amenities and there are 2 garages! A must see!! more!! far from lakes. Exterior of home does need some TLC!! 2 story garage & more!! lakes, golf course, tennis courts, trails, camping & more!!
$339,500 1852070 $89,000 1856504 $45,900 1848661 $114,900 1849895 $143,900 1846541

Beautiful home, fantastic views, 2 garages, Cute 3-bedroom, log home in great rec- Updated 2-bdrm home near many all sports Well-maintained 2-bdrm home w/garage 3-bdrm home on full basement with garage!! Some
AC, wood floors, stunning kitchen w/custom reational area not far from lakes and State lakes!! Laminate floors, stainless steel ap- on 10 ACRES. Fenced yard, pond, trails, recent updates include updates to kitchen and
cabinets, stainless steel appli, open floor lands. Wood stove, garage, screened porch pli, attic that could be dbrm #3, garage & screened bldg to enjoy the wildlife and also bath. Outside there is a large covered deck w/
plan and your very own pond!! and mostly furnished!! pole bldg!! near many lakes!! beautiful views and trails for walking or the hunter!!
$139,000 1856423 $49,900 1850311 $84,000 1856575 $70,000 1856192 $154,900 1840412


2 wooded lots with private access to 330 Wooded lot in nice subdivision and potential 3 wooded lots w/private lake access and Open lot in fantastic subdivision w/golf course, Plenty of room to build your dream home or
acre all sports lake. Nice subdivision w/camp- site for your new home or getaway. In great also near acres of State land and Rifle Riv- restaurant/bar, fitness center, activity building, weekend getaway near all sports Skidway
ground, beautiful common areas, park, pavil- recreational area also near acres of State land er! Possible site for you to build your new indoor, heated saltwater pool, trails, tennis Lake as well as other lakes and not too far
ion, security, clubhouse & sandy beaches!! for the hunter or outdoor enthusiast!! home or weekend escape!! courts & more!! from the beautiful Rifle River!!
$5,500 1830030 $7,500 1853434 $7,900 1853856 $7,900 1841576 $10,000 1853050


Over a half acre of waterfront property front- Nice partly wooded lot with vegetation to wa- Nice waterfront lot and a fantastic spot for Beautiful wooded property with frontage on Nice property with frontage on Ogemaw
ing on popular, all sports Lake Ogemaw with ter’s edge and 80” of frontage on private “no building your dream home or vacation get- Turtle Lake, an 8 acre small fishing lake. Creek and in super subdivision with many
gentle slope to water. Located in fantastic motor” Fawn Lake. Also near other lakes and away with 94 feet of frontage on 42 acre all Also not too far from many other all sports nice amenities like natural gas and municipal
subd & potential bldg site!! the beautiful Rifle River!! sports lake. Elec at road!! lakes and near State lands!! well & sewer and great spot for bldg!!
$69,900 1790612 $15,900 1850114 $54,900 1846598 $14,900 1835692 $81,000 1855918

Nice lot with frontage on the beautiful Rifle Almost 3 ACRES, with 250+ feet of water Great hunting acreage with property fronting Mostly cleared lot with some shade trees and Nice property and potential site for building
River and fantastic views or potential site for frontage on Ogemaw Creek. Located in great on Nester Creek and a perfect spot for your gorgeous views of the Rifle River. Great spot your new home or vacation or weekend get-
building your new home or vacation or week- area and in subdivision with many fantastic home or hunt cabin. Electric at road with a for excellent fishing, kayaking and canoeing away in great subdivision and with frontage
end retreat. Adjacent lot also for sale!! amenities!! driveway and shed already at the property!! and potential site for building!! on FLOWAGE LAKE!!
$22,900 1843577 $76,000 1855915 $35,000 1851406 $22,900 1843574 $101,000 1763735


ng of Buyingof
orBuying or Selling?

Brandon Cropsey Sou

thern Michigan David Cergnul Mid-Michigan


| (office) 269.357.7036
BROKER, LAND •SPECIALIST or (cell) 269.816.3010
(office) 269.357.7036 or (cell) 269.816.3010

Cass County Berrien County

Barry County 67.6 +/- acres 94 +/- acres
99.6 +/- acres List Price $258,400 - An Calhoun County List Price $279,000 - 94 +/- Ontonagon County
List Price $549,000 - exceptional mixed use 67.6+/- 100 acres acres of primarily wooded 80 +/- acres
Beautiful cabin parcel of ground in Cass County, List Price $299,000 - EXCELLENT hunting property List Price $119,000 -
overlooking a spring Michigan with EXCELLENT Recreational Paradise in Berrien County, Michigan Wooded acreage in the
fed fish pond on Hunting, potential building with rolling woods, just South of I94, and directly Western Upper Peninsula
rolling wooded sites, and tillable ground a creek, swamp, and across the road from Point O’ with beautiful turn key
acreage generating farm rent yearly potential building sites Woods Golf Course D-style log cabin


20 Acres, 1 BD, 1 BA, Perfectly located cabin 3 BD, 1 BA mobile on 2 BD, 1 BA mobile home 1 BD, 1 BA clean & com-
block home with great on 15 wooded acres! The 10 acres.. It has been is bright, airy, has wash- fortable cabin nestled in
potential! Attached 2 cabin is one open room used as a deer camp, er, dryer, pellet stove the woods across the
car garage for plenty with a bathroom. It needs yet has all the comforts tied to the ducts and an street from Reed Lake
of storage. Property is some finish work but the of home. The mobile addition for extra stor- public access. Borders
stunning, wooded with location is great for an up has great access on a age. The large garage Federal land and there
Cedar Creek running north getaway. Close to nice private road. Has a has a work room area are riding trails visible
through part of it! trails and federal land! 10x14 shed for storage. and more storage. from the front yard!
MLS 18014254 $79,900 MLS 19001673 $52,000 MLS 18031425 $34,900 MLS 19000585 $46,900 MLS 19005485 $57,000

5 acres m/l just north of Nicely wooded 2+ Acres 10 acres in the Deer
US-10. Enjoy year round close to public lands and Lake Estates Asso- Nearly 4 Acres of nice-
access and the benefits the trails. An excellent ciation. 1/4 mile east of ly wooded vacant land Wooded 5 Acre parcel
of camping in an un- base for camping, hunting, thousands of acres of close to public lands and in Un-Zoned Cherry Val-
zoned township. Low fishing and riding the trails! Federal Land. $150 a the trails. All this AND ley Township. Electric At
down land contract terms Available on a land con- year assoc. fee pays for Available on a land con- Road, Semi-Secluded,
are available. No taxes tract, what could be better? snowplowing and gar- tract! NO Taxes UNTIL Public Lands across the
until 2020! No taxes until 2020! bage. 2020. road.
MLS 19004231 $15,900 MLS 19004424 $11,900 MLS 18048342 $26,900 MLS 19004426 $17,900 MLS 19001464 $18,900
420 Acres With Private YOOPER SPECIAL!
Lake in Central Michigan


80 Wooded Hunting Acres Renovated
4 Bdrm, 2 Full Bath, 2200 Sq Ft. Farm House.

Near W

3,960 ft
Marlette S

in Sanilac 121
420 acres with 100 + acre private lake All maintenance equipment included, County Acres
with dam for sale in central Michigan mowers, tractor, dozer, crane, etc. $
(great investment opportunity). Great Would make a great church camp,
40 acres of Hunting Bliss. Ranch home OR
fishing and hunting—Michigan trout hunting resort or lake development. with a full walk out basement, 3 bedrooms, Will $
stream, mature bucks harvested every Frontage on three county roads. Grave, 2 full baths, gourmet kitchen. All season consider 2,600 per acre
year. Over two miles of water frontage, sand deposits on property, also oil Sun room with separate entrance. Attached 1,320 ft
standing timber with enough pine to rights. Ann Clark’s Trust. $4,000,000 or all offers.
3 car garage plus a 32’ X 48’ Pole Barn (can
make 30 log homes. Seven miles of best offer. Special terms for non-profit.
fit 2 semi trucks) 14 ft doors. Deer, rabbit
trails, rolling hills, paved roads, has
natural gas line on property. Lodge Call Robert Clark at & turkey are bountiful. There also is a small
pond and swamp area on the property.
(brick house) with fireplace. Three 810-629-9376 Hunters Paradise is at 2152 Five Lakes Rd,
stoarge buildings and workshop.
Includes all boats with pontoon boat. Email: johnclark1954@hotmail.com Metamora, MI 48455 $459,900

Heritage Exclusive Marketing Agents for Northeast

House Michigan Properties
RealtyPC Located in the Heart of the Huron National Forest, on the
“Personalized Service is the Difference”
Shores of Lake Huron and the banks of the AuSable River
Greenbush Resort 4625 River St
With 300 feet on Lake Huron 1248 sf, 2 bed 1 bath with
this resort is a major attached garage and soon
destination for many with 11 completed new roof. Enjoy
cottages for rentals and the all the wildlife that visit the
main home for you to enjoy area daily while still having
the area as well. This is a the convenience of being in
must seize opportunity as town. $89,900
resorts this nice are rarely
for sale.

5314 E Black River Rd 4156 River Rd

1200+ sf, 3 bed, 1 bath 1200 sf, 3 bed, 1.5 bath with
Modular home with small attached garage. This must
flowing creek in back yard. see Move In Ready home
This home is in need of was updated in 2015 with
some TLC and sellers are easy access to town and
extremely motivated to sell. Oscoda Schools ideal
Make this your ideal retreat
up north. NOW $36,900
4215 N US 23, Oscoda setting with fenced in yard.
Priced to Sell $89,400
Great opportunity in this turn key business.
Well known Antiques and Furniture store
744 N US 23 complete with full inventory offering a unique 840 S Stockton Rd
1200 sf, 3 bed, 1 bath with 1440 sf, 3 bed, 2 bath with
full basement ant attached blend of antiques, new furniture, gently used 61 acres ideal for hunting or
garage, easy access to Lake furniture, jewelry, glass ware and collectables. recreating close to trails and
Huron and Harrisville. Enjoy Excellent customer base and ideal location just state land. As a bonus
the feeling of being away includes a standalone guest
from it all while still having
outside of town providing a fantastic shopping house ideal for visitors.
easy access to town. experience for local customers and seasonal $198,500
Reduced $110,000 visitors. Includes ten residential rental units
with a strong occupancy history. Also includes
several commercial rental units. Seller 109 E Church St
10316 Seventh St
1170 sf, 3 bed, 1.5 bath with financing is available to qualified purchasers. 1150 sf, 3 bed, 2 bath with
attached garage and to
detached garage located in The property can be purchased as one entire many updates to mention
the Villages of Oscoda with complex or it can be split with a limited amount here. This is a must see
access to AuSable River for
easy recreation. HOA dues of commercial and residential units. Located home that will not last long.
Fenced in yard ideal for
cover lawn and snow so no just south of the AuSable River with extensive family or pets.
need to worry about those! highway frontage. This is truly a rare REDUCED $104,900
Priced to sell $69,900
opportunity. Call for more details…..

Call 800-650-5566 - Glennie or 800-982-0102 - Harrisville - www.HeritageHouseRealty.com

250 DEER
ACRES Always Working Hard for You!

Amazing Applegate Hunting Preserve! 1/2 Million+ 810.449.1286 Drummond Island - Cabin
Dollars Worth Deer/Elk Inventory Included in Sale. - OR -
Ranch Home & Lodge - Several Outbuildings Office: & Cottage on Lake Huron
*DV 810.653.4500
$1,250,000 *DV $949,000


10,000 SQ FT Fantastic Development Opportunity. Amazing Ranch Home & Guest House,
Commercial Building Landscape Business Engineered Drawings Available Private Lake
*DV $299,500 $129,500 *DV $419,000 *DV $1,650,000

SO $3,950,000
5-8 ACRES Beautiful Brand New 30x48 Pole Barn/
2019 Custom Built Home Great Building 2000 sq ft Ranch Home Built 2010
7.74 Acres Sites from Home Great Hunting
*DV $399,000 $69,900 - $89,900 *DV $299,000 *DV $99,850 Amazing Price



Beautiful Setting
34 ACRES 60-80 DEER Chalet Home
Beautifully renovated historic Victorian Bed Barn with
Woodland Deer Ranch in Davison, 6-car garage,
and Breakfast with horse facilities. pond, 5 blinds, 3 lg feeders, Lg polebarn, 4BD, 3BA 6 Horse Stalls.
*DV $1,490,000 *DV REDUCED $835,000 *DV
72 ACRES $595,000



Over 4,800 sq ft of Living Space Commercial Properties 2-Story Home 55 acres + 38 Bonus Hunting acres,
Amazing Setting on Private Lake $85,000 to 5 LG Pole Barns Gorgeous Home plus Hunting cabin
*DV $425,000 *DV $595,000 *DV $450,000 *DV $459,000


Gorgeous 3270 Sq Ft Ranch with Deer Hunters Dream Property 40x30 Pole Barn, Pond. 1,800 SQFT Cabin, Completely Solar
loft, built 2011, 2 Pole Barns. 700 acres of state land 284 ft on Belle River powered, 90% Wooded
*DV $399,000 $119,000 *DV $139,900 *DV $349,000

1154 ACRES
Luce County
Schoolcraft Columbus
County GRATIOT COUNTY Township
Seney Great Hunting
Over a 1/2 mile on Pine River Property
Township 24x20 Cabin
Deer Hunters & Nature Lovers Dream Property
$595,000 *DV $795,000
*DV $219,000 *DV

OR CALL 810-449-1286
 
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Created in Honor of
Macomb Co. Michigan
and built on a Collector’s Grade Henry .22, this special edition is richly
engraved in artwork inspired by Macomb Co. Michigan history - a fitting
tribute to the people and places that make this County great.

There are 25 of each of

the three rifles available!
The rifles from each model are numbered 1 through 25.
This is a limited edition and the 25 of each is all that will be made.
Also Available in Golden Boy and Big Boy Models

Engravings Include:
• Logo w Old Courthouse 1880 – • Grand Trunk Station 1859
Bicentennial Dates • William Upton House 1867
• Map of County w/Towns and Cities • Halfway Schoolhouse 1872
• General Alexander Macomb • Whitetail Deer
1782-1841 • Walleye
• Washington Octagon House 1860 • Individual Rifle Number

Reservations are accepted in the order which they are received.

31516 Harper Avenue
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Phone (586) 296-2360
Fax (586) 264-8307

Mon. - Fri: 10am-7pm;
Sat: 10am-4pm; Closed Sunday www.michigunandtackle.com

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