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Wet Type Electrostatic Precipitator Technology For Industrial and Power Applications

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Wet type Electrostatic Precipitator Technology

for Industrial and Power Applications

Chikayuki Nagata, Shiro Suzuki, Kazuaki Miyake, and Kazutaka Tomitatsu


1-16, Komatsu-dori 5-chome, Hyogo-ku, Kobe 652-0865 JAPAN

Due to the very high performance of Wet type Electrostatic Precipitator (WESP) in collecting
particulate matters (PM), it is being widely used in various industrial applications, such as iron &
steel plants and boiler plants. In this paper, well-established horizontal flow type WESP technology
and newly developed vertical flow type WESP technology of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
Mechatronics Systems (MHI-MS) are introduced.

1. Introduction Japan and other countries, and its application is

Basic mechanism of collecting particulate being expanding.
matter (PM) of Wet type Electrostatic
Precipitator (WESP) is the same as that of Dry 2. Basic Concept of Horizontal WESP
type Electrostatic Precipitator (DESP), while In accordance with gas flow direction,
the collected PM is removed by washing water WESP is roughly classified in horizontal flow
in WESP, instead of impact force of rapping type and vertical flow type. MHI-MS have
used in DESP. As WESP uses washing water, delivered horizontal WESP, for more than fifty
it can be applied only in low gas temperature years, for many applications, to be reputed in
region, such as in water saturate condition, its high performance and high reliability.
however it has also many advantages such as The basic construction of the horizontal
follows. flow type WESP is similar to that of a
(1) No dust re-entrainment, conventional dry ESP design as shown in
(2) No influence of PM property, such as Figure 1. Flue gas is introduced horizontally
resistivity, since completely wet surface of into the WESP casing through an inlet nozzle,
PM secures high surface conductivity, and in which gas distribution plates are installed.
high and stable PM collecting performance The gas velocity is reduced and uniformly
is also secured, distributed into the main part of the casing,
(3) No accumulated PM layer on electrodes, where collecting electrode plates are set in
since it is always cleaned by washed water, parallel along the gas flow direction. Between
therefore no performance deterioration
occurs due to back corona,
(4) No moving parts, therefore minimum
consumable parts, and
(5) Compact design can be realized, since
higher gas velocity is possible due to no
dust re-entrainment, and lower height of
hopper is possible, compared with DESP.
Due to such advantages, WESP has already
been used in many industrial applications and
MHI-MS has delivered more than 300 units in Figure 1 Typical Outline of Horizontal Flow Type

ICESP XIII, September 2013 1

collecting electrode plates, rigid-frame-type
discharge electrodes, which have a special
geometry with long spikes to maintain high and
stable corona discharge currents, are equipped.
PM contained in the flue gas is negatively
charged when corona discharge occurs between
discharge electrode and collecting electrode,
and the charged particles are collected on the
collecting electrodes by electrostatic force
(Coulomb force).
Depending on the removal efficiency Figure 2 Typical Simplified Process Flow Diagram
requirement, number of fields of the collecting of Horizontal Flow Type WESP
zone can be selected, and when the requirement minimum value in order to avoid acid
for efficiency is very high, it is possible to set corrosion.
electrically independent two or more fields From the viewpoint of acid corrosion, the
within the same WESP casing to compose most critical region is at dry-wet boundary, and
multi-field type WESP. completely wet region is less severe in
Atomized water is continuously sprayed corrosion, because water covers the metal
(under energized condition) into the collecting surface from oxygen included in the air which
zone to wash out the PM on the collecting promotes the oxidation of metal. Continuous
electrode plate. Atomized water droplets are atomizing realizes completely wet condition
collected easily on electrodes by electrostatic always upon the collecting electrode surface
force because of their larger diameter and other metal surface by water film flow, and
compared with particulate matters contained in it allows comparatively cost-effective materials
the flue gas, and they form water film flow on to be used, instead of higher grade alloy
the collecting electrodes. PM collected by materials.
electrostatic force is captured in this water film The re-circulation water contains collected
flow, and washed down. The water flows into a PM, and caustic soda, magnesium hydroxide,
tank bellow the WESP casing, and discharged or their reacted products, so that the outlet gas
to water treatment system of the plant. from the WESP may have carried-over water
If the water supplying condition allows, droplets containing some sodium or
atomized water can be supplied as “one magnesium salts. In order to avoid any
through” line. In this case, fresh water is influence of such carried over reactants on the
atomized from top of WESP. When it is WESP outlet particulate loading, the outlet side
required to save supplying water amount, the of the last field is atomized by fresh water
atomized water can be re-circulated. In this instead of re-circulation water. When the
case, pH of re-circulation water is monitored requirement of WESP outlet PM concentration
and it controls the dosing amount of alkaline is extremely severe, mist eliminator can be
reagent, such as caustic soda or magnesium installed in outlet nozzle. A simplified process
hydroxide, put into the re-circulation tank, in flow diagram of the horizontal WESP with
order to keep the pH of water always at the typical “re-circulating” atomizing line is shown
optimum value. In order to keep SS (suspended in Figure 2.
solid) value of atomizing water under certain
value, some of the re-circulation water is 3. Horizontal Flow type WESP Applied in
extracted from auto strainer. Re-circulating Iron & Steel Industry
water is pumped up to the top of WESP and Horizontal flow type WESP has been so far
alkaline water is atomized into the collecting applied in various processes of iron and steel
zone of WESP. When the gas includes much industry. They are roughly classified into :
acid mist PM, it reduces pH value of water film (1) Application for various room gas: such as
flow, and it takes the minimum pH value at the hot scarfing machine, cold scarfing
bottom, but it must be still kept beyond the machine, rolling mill, continuous casting

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Table 1 Commercially Operated WESPs Applied in GTCC Plant gas holder and converter gas
Using BFG as Fuel (LDG) after gas holder.
Gas Vol. per Recently, in the viewpoint of global
Delivery No. of
Year WESP Units
Country Remarks environmental protection and
(m N/h)
1 1965 2 61,000 Japan reduction of greenhouse gas emission,
2 1982 1 89,000 Japan importance of energy saving has been
3 1987 1 269,000 Japan
4 1989 1 162,000 Japan well recognized, and in iron and steel
5 1990 1 93,000 Japan
6 1991 1 75,310 Japan
industry, much attention has been
7 1994 1 310,000 Japan paid to BFG, whose calorie is
8 1995 1 310,000 Japan
9 1996 1 373,000 China comparatively low and it has been so
10 1996 1 308,000 Netherlands
11 2000 1 595,000 Japan
far often wasted. Gas Turbine
12 2001 1 173,000 Japan Combined Cycle (GTCC) using BFG
13 2004 1 550,000 Japan
14 2005 1 560,000 China as fuel can produce additional electric
15 2005 2 148,000 China power, and when BFG is used for
16 2006 1 307,000 China
17 2006 1 235,000 South Korea such purpose, WESP is required to
18 2006 1 143,000 China
19 2007 1 278,000 China
purify the fuel gas to protect GTCC
20 2007 2 266,000 China facility.(6) ESPs are usually applied to
21 2007 1 144,000 China
22 2008 4 289,000 Ukraine remove PM in flue gas to reduce PM
emission discharged to the ambient
25 2010 2 283,000 South Korea air, however WESP for GTCC is
26 2010 1 308,000 Japan
27 2011 1 306,000 Japan quite unique because it is applied to
28 2011 1 550,000 Japan the fuel line and contributes to the
29 2012 2 284,300 South Korea
30 2013 1 306,000 Japan Under Construction production of additional power,
31 2013 1 306,000 Japan Under Construction
32 2013 2 266,000 China Under Construction
which is very popular in Japan and
33 2014 1 308,400 Japan Contracted several other countries and also
34 2014 1 156,300 Japan Contracted
Total 44 11,551,610 should prevail more in the world
including developing countries. MHI-
machine, coke guide for coke oven, blast MS’s delivery records of this type of WESP are
furnace casthouse, etc. summarized in Table 1 and simplified flow
(2) Application for fuel gas purification: such diagram is shown in Figure 3.
as blast furnace gas (BFG) before and after Such GTCC plant uses fuel of mainly low
Gas holder Wet ESP

Blast Furnace BFG

Converter LDG
Gas Cooler

Gas Compressor

Coke Oven COG Air Compressor

Steam Turbine Gas Turbine



Waste Heat Boiler

Figure 3 Simplified Flow Diagram of WESP for GTCC Plant Using BFG as Fuel

ICESP XIII, September 2013 3

existing in main part of WESP, together with
the duct and the main part of gas turbine, is
purged by N2 and after that gas is introduced
into WESP in order to protect from gas
explosion, and at shut down, gas is purged by
N2 absolutely and after that N2 must be
replaced by air to protect from lack of oxygen
in WESP inside during maintenance work. For
this purpose, nitrogen injection pipe and air
injection pipe for purging, and bleeder, as
shown in Figure 4, must be equipped. Inlet gas
pressure of WESP in this process is typically
400 – 800 mmH2O, and even more than 2000
mmH2O is momentary possible in case of
emergency shut-down of gas turbine, so that
construction design considering such pressure
resistance, which is considerably high for
WESP, is also required.
MHI-MS’s first delivery of WESP for this
process was in 1982, and since then, we have
already delivered 38 units of this type of WESP
Figure 4 Bleeder Equipped in WESP for GTCC and also 6 units are under construction or
Plant designing, including 24 units are exporting jobs
delivered outside of Japan. Photographs of
calorie BFG and sometimes mixed with higher
WESP delivered in Netherlands (Figure 5),
calorie LDG or COG (coke oven gas). The
China (Figure 6), and Korea (Figure 7) are
fuel gas contains dust particles of typically 5 to
shown for reference. Stable and high
10 mg/m3N mainly composed of Fe2O3, and
performance has been realized in these
they are very fine such as less than 1 micron
references in accordance with MHI-MS’s
meter. In order to protect gas compressor parts
continuous atomizing system under energized
and turbine blades from erosion, the dust
concentration must be reduced less than 1
mg/m3N. The fuel gas is in water saturated
4. Horizontal Flow Type WESP Applied in
condition (approximately 30 to 35 deg. C), so
Boiler of Power Station and Other Sources
that WESP can be applied as the most suitable
(Equipped at Downstream of Wet Type
dust collector.
All BFG, LDG, and COG are toxic and
In the viewpoint of global environmental
explosive, so that WESP applied for this
conservation, requirement for reduction of PM
process must be designed especially to have
emitted from stationary source becomes more
gas tight construction. At starting up, air
and more strong. For example, so-
called MATS (Mercury and
Toxics Standards) rule, which is

Figure 5 WESP for GTCC Plant Figure 6 WESP for GTCC Plant Figure 7 WESP for GTCC Plant in Korea
in Netherlands in China

ICESP XIII, September 2013 4

planned to be finalized in March 2013 in the type dust collector, however it is often difficult
United States, will require to reduce PM to upgrade the existing facility, such like
emission less than 0.009 lb/MMBtu construction of additional field, because of the
(approximately 10 – 12 mg/m3N) for newly limitation of the installation area. Recently heat
constructed thermal power station, and 0.03 exchangers and wet type FGD (flue gas
lb/MMBtu (approximately 30 – 40 mg/m3N) desulfurization) shall usually be installed in
for existing thermal power station, by 2016. accordance to SO2 emission standard, and
Meanwhile in China, twelfth five-year-plan when SO3 concentration is high, sulfuric acid
(2011 – 2015) requires PM emission to be condensation often causes corrosion problem in
reduced to 20 – 30 mg/m3N, depending on the heat exchanger, and in order to prevent it, some
area of the plant installation. solid PM proportional to SO3 amount shall be
PM2.5, which is particulate patter whose remained in the flue gas, and in such case PM
diameter is less than 2.5 micron meters and concentration at outlet of dry type dust
floating in the atmosphere, causes severe collector shall not be reduced too much.
respiratory diseases and harmful for human Another countermeasure is to install WESP
health, and its concentration is recently at downstream of wet type FGD, keeping the
increasing significantly in several countries original design of dry type dust collector, and
such as China and India. Especially such high WESP can reduce all remaining PM at outlet of
concentration of PM2.5 due to PM emission in wet type FGD. In this case, WESP can reduce
China often flies across the ocean and cross the not only the PM generated from the source but
border of Korea and Japan, and causes global also other PM carried-over from FGD, such as
problem, so that the reduction of PM emission sulfuric acid mist condensed in FGD caused by
at the PM generating source is becoming SO3 gas content included in the flue gas and
emergency issue. salts from FGD re-circulation water, so that
At the PM generating source such as PM emitted from stack can technically be
thermal power station, dust collector shall be reduced less than 1 mg/m3N, which is almost
properly equipped in the flue gas treatment invisible. Considering the reduction of very
system, and dry type dust collector such as fine PM2.5 in atmosphere, installing high
DESP is usually installed at downstream of air performance WESP in the last stage of flue gas
pre-heater whose gas temperature is in the treatment system is the most effective way. The
typical range of 120 – 160 degrees C. When the conceptual flow chart of PM balance in boiler
emission standard becomes more strictly, one flue gas treatment system with WESP is shown
of the countermeasure is to upgrade the dry in Figure 8.

Figure 8 Conceptual Flow Chart of PM Balance in Boiler Flue Gas Treatment System with WESP

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Table 2 Commercially Operated WESPs Applied in Boiler of Power Station and plants, however
Other Sources (Equipped at Downstream of Wet Type FGD) some of them are
Gas Vol. per applied also at
Delivery Boiler Fuel or No. of
Year [Source
(Note 2)
] WESP Units
Boiler Country Remarks downstream of wet
(m N/h) type FGD but for
1 1975 Oil 1 202,000 Japan
2 1975 Pet Coke 2 260,000 Japan the flue gas
3 1977 [Sinter Plant] 1 650,000 Japan treatment system
4 1977 Oil 1 276,000 Japan
5 1978 [Oil Ash Incinerator] 1 89,000 Japan
from sources other
6 1978 Oil 1 500,000 Japan than boiler, as noted
7 1981 Oil 1 350,000 Japan in the table.
8 1982 Coal 1 17,000 Japan Pilot Test Facility
9 1983 Oil 1 550,000 Japan In this kind of
10 1985 COM (Coal-Oil Mixture) 1 935,000 Japan WESP, very fine
11 1987 Coal 1 15,000 Japan Pilot Test Facility
12 1991 Coal 2 2,500,000 Japan
PM2.5 is included in
13 1992 Coal 2 2,500,000 Japan PM to be treated,
14 1992 [FCC] 1 166,000 Japan and in such case
15 1993 Coal 2 2,500,000 Japan
16 1993 [Sinter Plant] 1 315,000 Japan considerations to
17 1994 [FCC] 1 126,000 Japan space charge is
20 1996 Oil 1 280,000 Japan Space charge is
21 1996 Oil 1 524,000 Austria proportional to the
22 1998 Residual Oil 1 671,000 Japan
23 1998 Residual Oil 1 267,500 Japan total surface area of
24 2000 [FCC] 1 595,100 Japan particles introduced
25 2002 [Sinter Plant] 1 550,000 Japan
26 2003 Residual Oil 1 782,000 Japan
into WESP per unit
27 2004 [Sinter Plant] 1 550,000 Japan time, and namely it
Total 31 16,394,600 becomes large
Note 1 This table summerizes only horizontal WESP, excluding vertical WESP. when the gas
Note 2 "[Source]" shows that the flue gas source is not boiler, however WESP is equipped in the flue gas system velocity is high and
at downstream of wet type FGD in order to remove fine PM.
- Sinter Plant : Main gas treatment from sinter machine in steel plant
when particle
- Oil Ash Incinerator : Gas treatment from incinerator to reduce volume of oil ash generated from oil-fired boiler diameter is small,
- FCC : Gas treatment from FCC (Fuluid Catalytic Cracking Process) in oil refinery
for the same
MHI-MS is the pioneer of horizontal flow concentration of PM. When space charge is
type WESP installed at water saturate region at high, corona discharge is extremely suppressed
downstream of wet type FGD as “finishing PM (corona quenching) and spark-over voltage is
collector”, and its first commercial installation reduced (excessive spark-over), and as a result,
was 1975. Delivery record of this type of WESP performance is significantly reduced.
WESP is shown in Table 2. Reference For example, the diameter of sulfuric acid
photographs are shown in Figure 9 for WESP caused by SO3 content in flue gas is “sub-
in 700MW coal-fired boiler plant in Japan(1)(2), micron”, namely in the range of 0.1 – 1 micron
and in Figure 10 for WESP in oil-fired boiler meters, and it is obviously classified as PM2.5.
plant in Austria(5). Table 2 shows the Figure 11 shows the example of measuring
references of only horizontal flow type WESP, result of the diameter of sulfuric acid in the
excluding vertical actually operated commercial boiler plant,
flow type WESP. using DMA (Differential Mobility Analyzer),
Many of them are and in this case the mean diameter of sulfuric
applied in boiler acid is 0.075 micron meters in mass basis
and 0.3 micron meters in particle number
count basis. When such very fine
particles are included much in the flue
gas, space charge amount becomes very
high, and this is the condition given by
condition of PM included in the flue gas.
Figure 9 WESP for Coal- Figure 10 WESP for Oil- Therefore, in order to keep performance
Fired Boiler in Japan Fired Boiler in Austria

ICESP XIII, September 2013 6

Figure 12 Concept of New Vertical Flow Type WESP
Figure 11 Measuring Result of Diameter of Sulfuric preferable. However, in the case of vertical
Acid Mist (SO3 Mist) flow type WESP, counter flow of washing
of WESP with minimum efficiency reduction water and gas makes difficult to keep the stable
even if considering these given conditions, gas water film flow, and maximum velocity is
velocity should be reduced in order to reduce often limited, so that it also limits the
space charge, however it also means increasing maximum gas volume to be treated, and as a
the cost by increased size of WESP, so that to result it is very difficult to design vertical flow
select the most appropriate gas velocity and type WESP with very large capacity. Moreover,
WESP volume to realize the most effective cost unstable water film flow easily causes spark-
is very important. over and performance reduction, and the
MHI-MS’s WESP is equipped with difficulty of continuous washing makes
continuous atomizing system, and in WESP it difficulty in protection from corrosion.
realizes to cover the electrode surface with MHI-MS has newly developed very unique
water film flow, which relaxes the corrosion electrode construction and configuration which
condition even if acid PM like SO3 is included enable highly stable vertical flow type WESP
much in the flue gas, stainless steel of 316L with high efficiency(4), which has been already
class can be used as material of electrode, and operated commercially. Table 3 shows the
higher grade alloy metal is not necessary to be delivery list of this kind of WESP.
used. Inside surface of casing can be covered This new vertical flow type WESP adopts
with resin lining to protect from corrosion, and alternate high voltage system in collecting zone,
it allows usual carbon steel to be used as the to keep high performance. Projections, whose
base material of the casing. These design tip will be the corona starting point, are set
consideration realizes the cost effective WESP. alternately both on negative electrode plate and
on positive electrode plate, so that PM can be
5. Newly Developed Vertical Flow Type collected both on negative electrode plate and
WESP positive electrode plate with high volume
Horizontal flow type WESP introduced in efficiency. The concept of this new vertical
clause 4 is very effective for the flow type WESP is shown in Figure 12. Spray
countermeasure to reduce PM2.5, while system of washing water with intermittent
sometimes vertical flow type WESP is more washing, which enables to keep wet condition

Table 3 Commercially Operated Newly Developed Vertical Flow Type WESP

Gas Vol. per
Delivery Boiler Fuel or No. of
Plant (Note)
Boiler Country Remarks
Time [Source ] WESP Units 3
(m N/h)
1 Dec. 2002 Vacuum Residual Oil 1 320,000 Japan 1 stage
2 Mar. 2003 [FCC] 1 120,000 Japan 1 stage
3 Nov. 2003 Pet Coke 1 160,000 Japan 2 stages
4 Nov. 2003 Pet Coke 1 170,000 Japan 2 stages
Total 4 770,000
Note 2 "[Source]" shows that the flue gas source is not boiler, however WESP is equipped in the flue gas system
at downstream of wet type FGD in order to remove fine PM.
- FCC : Gas treatment from FCC (Fuluid Catalytic Cracking Process) in oil refinery

ICESP XIII, September 2013 7

appropriately in spite of the vertical gas flow WESP to remove fine particles efficiently from
direction, has also been developed. Reference flue gas from boiler, etc., as an example of
photograph is shown in Figure 13. countermeasure of global problem of PM2.5.
In the reference shown in Figure 13, And newly developed vertical flow type WESP
although flue gas and its possibility to apply in CCS plant is also
from boiler fueled introduced.
with VR (Vacuum
Residual Oil) References
contains high 1. Fujishima, H. and Tsuchiya, Y., Application of Wet
concentration of SO3 Type Electrostatic Precipitators for Utilities’ Coal-
Fired Boiler, Joint Conference of Tenth Particulate
and boiler dust, Control Symposium and Fifth International
combined with Salt Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation,
Solution Spray Washington D.C., USA, April 1993.
system(7)(8), very high
PM reduction 2. Fujishima, H. and Tsuchiya, Y., Application of Wet
Figure 13 Vertical Flow Type Electrostatic Precipitator for Boiler Plants,
Type WESP in Japan
efficiency has been Sixth International Conference on Electrostatic
achieved. Precipitation, Budapest, Hungary, June 1996.
This new vertical flow type WESP is
investigated to be applied to the system of 3. Bärnthaler, K., Guggenberger, W., and Kindlhofer,
carbon reduction in flue gas. Commercially W., Design and Start-Up of a Limestone FGD for an
operated CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) Oil Fired Boiler in Werndorf / Austria, The Mega
Symposium, Washington D.C., USA, August 1997.
plant is highly anticipated to be realized to
capture CO2, which causes global warmth 4. Fujishima, H. and Nagata, C., Experiences of Wet
problem and included much in the flue gas Type electrostatic Precipitator Successfully Applied
from thermal power station. Regarding the CO2 for SO3 Removal in Boilers Using High Sulfur
capture, chemical absorption method using Content Fuel, Ninth International Conference on
Electrostatic Precipitation, Kruger Gate, South
amine-based absorbent is predominant at this Africa, May 2004.
moment. Amine-based absorbent suffers
deterioration and loss due to SO2 and SO3 in 5. Nagata, C., Fujitani, H., and Blythe, Gary M., Wet
flue gas, and dust in flue gas is accumulated Type Electrostatic Precipitator Successfully Applied
and condensed in re-circulation line of the for SO3 Mist Removal in Boilers Using High Sulfur
absorbent. In order to reduce SO2, Deep FGD Content Fuel, Combined Power Plant Air Pollutant
Mega Symposium, Washington D.C., USA, August
is installed at upstream of CO2 absorber, and 2004.
vertical flow type WESP to reduce SO3 and
dust which can be physically combined with 6. Nagata, C., Miyake, K., and Suzuki, S., Industrial
Deep FGD is highly anticipated. and Advanced Applications of Wet type Electrostatic
MHI-MS has already completed the test in Precipitator Technology, 11th Chinese National
Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation, Zhenzou,
laboratory, in order to apply the new vertical China, October 2005
flow type WESP in CCS plant, and its
performance property has confirmed, and it is 7. Nagata, C., Miyake, K., Nagasawa, H., and Noguchi,
ready to be applied in the actual gas condition. T., Experience of Systems to Reduce SO3 from Flue
Gas of Combusting High Sulfur Content Residual
Materials in Oil Refinery, Twelfth International
6. Summary Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation,
WESP as PM collector with high performance Nuernberg, Germany, May 2011.
is expected to be applied in various fields, and
MHI-MS’s technologies are explained in this 8. Nagata, C., Miyake, K., Nagasawa, H., and Noguchi,
paper, such as horizontal flow type WESP to T., Experience of Systems to Reduce SO3 from Flue
Gas of Combusting High Sulfur Content Residual
purify BFG gas to be used as fuel of GTCC, as Materials in Oil Refinery, International Journal of
an example of increasing effectiveness of Plasma Environmental Science and Technology,
energy use, and also horizontal flow type Vol. 5, No. 2, 2011.

ICESP XIII, September 2013 8

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