Tri-City Times: Almont's History On Glass
Tri-City Times: Almont's History On Glass
Tri-City Times: Almont's History On Glass
New director
at helm of
Four County
Conditions of Whitney-
Janet Bauer to retire,
Kelley family updated,
...see page 3
Kathy Dickens chosen
to take her place
High Flight By Tom Wearing
Many readers stopped in to let us know about
the tundra swans that stopped for a rest while TRI-CITY AREA — The Four
migrating north over the weekend. The large County Community Foundation
flock stopped in fields on Weyer Rd. near M-53 (FCCF) Board has unanimously select-
and they spent the night on water in the carrot ed Kathy Dickens to serve as the orga-
fields of Lindy's Pre-Pak Carrots. nization’s new execu-
tive director.
Dickens, who has
been employed 26
years as a principal/
counselor/student ser-
vices director with
It’s Science! Elkton-Pigeon-Bay Port
Laker Schools, accept-
Imlay students earn ed the position on
awards at Science Fair, March 6, following an Dickens
extensive search and
...see page 6 interview process.
She succeeds Janet Bauer, who
will resign April 1, following 20 years
as the Four County Community
Foundation’s executive director.
Photos by Bobbie Lewis
Reading rules Museum Open House features vintage glass plate photographs
Director page 12
Special visitor stops By Catherine Minolli Hudson’s department store box Dr. Richard L. Maddox and first
to read at ICCS & more, that contained portraits of her became available in 1873.
...see page 4 grandparents and other vintage They became known as the
ALMONT — Area resi- family photos. Also inside the first “economically successful
dents have a rare opportunity to box was a smaller box that con- durable photographic medium.”
literally take a peek back in tained 58 glass plate negatives, Dry plate negatives were
time at the Almont Community says Almont Community more easily transported then
Historical Museum this week- Historical Society President their predecessor—collodion
end. James ‘Jim’ Wade. wet plate negatives, which were
An Open House at the Wade says the negatives invented by Frederick Scoff
museum will run this Friday, appeared to be from about 1884 Archer.
March 29 from 5-6 p.m. and to 1894 and most featured Unlike the wet plate variety,
this Saturday, March 30, from Flynn’s home. the dry plates were easy to
noon-6 p.m. “Nearly 90 years ago, the transport and required less
Photo provided
A brand new display has Terrys bought the house from exposure to light than the wet
been installed featuring the his- David Cochrane, who built the plates.
toric—and some never seen home in 1884,” Wade says. The dry plate glass was
before– photos donated last July The glass plate negatives thinner, and coated more evenly Borland 5th grade teacher
Lucky or smart?
by Beth Terry Flynn, whose Flynn discovered were likely with an emulsion than the wet David Spence was recently
roots run deep in the area. silver gelatin dry plate nega- honored as the Flint Regional
Flynn discovered an old tives, which were invented by History page 12 Science Fair’s 2019 Teacher of
Dryden senior citizen’s the Year.
journey fun, inspiring,
...see page 7
Imlay’s Spence is
TIMES ‘Teacher of Year’
Second consecutive
ONLINE year Imlay City teacher honored at Science Fair
By Maria Brown
A fine family gathers outside of their Almont home ‘back in the day.’ Spence page 12
Page 2-TRI-CITY TIMES-MARCH 27, 2019
Photo provided
platform, the Lottery offers
• Parsch Auto and Tire • Doug Halabicky State Farm • Speedway • Auto Zone • Penzoil Oil
Change • Smokers Palace • American Tree • Somewhere in Time • Labaron’s Sports • Pix
REPAIR Bring Your Friends Out to . . .
Theatre • Jay’s Septic • B&B Auto • Eastern Michigan State Fair • Lakestone • Tubby’s • Kelly’s
Pet Salon • Imlay City Vet • Jim Sillers • Chris Churchill Insurance • Dr. Centofani • Holly
Over 26 Years
Meadows • Lapeer Rental • Imlay City Athletic Boosters • Castle Creek Golf Club Golf • Bowling • Sportsbar
Gem & Diamond Banquet & Entertainment Center
Donations Welcomed & Appreciated Downtown Imlay City
4855 Capac Rd.
Capac, MI 48014 810-395-4653
Food and beverages will be available for sale! 810-724-RUBY COMEDY SHOW • SAT. MARCH 30, 2019
Tues.-Fri. 10:30- 5:30
Sat. 10:30 - 3:00 Warren B. Hall – Headliner
Featu Featuring Steve Smargon
Rowley's Aring
uction Tri-City Times Show $18 • Dinner $14
& Published weekly by Delores Z. Heim. Office: Dinner 6:30 p.m. • Show starts at 8:30 p.m.
Ray Krako 594 N. Almont Ave. • P.O. Box 278, Imlay City, Call today to reserve your tickets! 21 and over to enter
wski MI 48444. USPS No. 014440. Additional entry
Proceeds benefit the 2019 Busker Fest! Periodicals paid at Imlay City.
FISH FRY Book Your Fundraisers
FRIDAYS! & Parties with Us Now!
Postmaster please send address changes to
P.O. Box 278, Imlay City, MI 48444.
Hurry!Truck Month ENDS APRIL 1st
See dealer for details
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888-450-8771 810-721-3212 810-721-3214
Website photo
Keyshawn Kelley, who was
transported from Hurley
severe burns on 21 percent
of her body.
Medical Center
Children’s Hospital for
to On March 8 Pike
reported that Keyshawn’s Krystal Whitney and Keith Kelley Sr., shown in
specialized diagnostics and condition had improved this undated photo, are both recovering from
treatment. and he was taken off of life injuries suffered in a Feb. 26 house fire.
Adults: $10
Children 12 & under: $5
Fridays Mar. 8 & 22, Apr. 5 & 12
Children 5 & under: Free 4:00–6:30 pm or until sold out
Visit Us
Almont Village Council Violations of this ordinance that it doesn’t specifically Village
unanimously passed the will result in a misdemean- say that only recreational Reappointments
Minor In Possession of or with fines up to $50 per establishments are banned. Village Council reap-
Tobacco and Vapor offense and community Council member Steven C. pointed Mr. Tom
Products Ordinance at their
regular meeting last week
on Tuesday, March 19.
Almont Village and the
township now have adopt-
Selling or giving vapor
or tobacco products to a
minor will result in a mis-
demeanor and a fine up to
Schneider pointed out that
marijuana establishments,
as defined from the
Michigan Regulation and
Taxation of Marijuana Act,
Tadajewski to the Planning
Commission for a three
year term ending March 31,
Ms. Tara Antonelli also
During Lent
ed similar ordinances in an
attempt to make enforce-
$50 as well.
makes no distinction from
medical marijuana facilities
was reappointed to the
Downtown Development
And Enjoy One Of Our
ment easier on local law
During the first reading
and recreational facilities.
If the Village Council
Authority Board
Directors for a 4 year term
Many Seafood Options
Any person under the of the ‘Village of Almont decides to move forward set to expire March 31,
• Walleye • Cod
age of 18 is now prohibited Opt-Out of Marijuana with the opt-out, no mari- 2023.
Silver Grill
Commerce Auction to raise time to familiarize oneself Auction Services of Attica. For questions or more
funds for the 2nd Annual with available auction Donations of auction information about the 2019
Michigan Busker Fest slat- items. items are still being col- Busker Fest Auction, call
Family Restaurant
ed for June 15-16. The auction tradition- lected at the Chamber of the Chamber office at 810-
This year’s Busker Fest ally draws hundreds of Commerce office inside the 724-1361, or contact
Auction returns Saturday, local residents and festival Imlay City Police Station. Chamber Executive
Director Shannon Hamel
directly at 810-542-3256.
535 N. Cedar St. • Imlay City (810) 724-2300
Open Everyday 7am - 9pm
Some of the many items that will be up for grabs at next Saturday’s
Busker Fest Auction hosted by the Imlay City Area Chamber of Loaded with Baked and Fried
Commerce. Cod, Tender Clam Strips,
Breaded Shrimp, Pasta Al-
fied Bob Ross instructor The Hispanic Service
IMLAY CITY — If Charles Nelson. Center is located at 113 N.
you’d like to hone your The cost is $40 and all Almont Avenue in down-
artistic skills, you can do
just that at the Hispanic
Service Center.
supplies and lunch are
included. Space is limited
to 20 participants. Reserve
town Imlay City. Call the
center at 810-724-3665 for
information about the ser-
On Saturday, April 6 at
10 a.m., visitors will have
your spot by calling Charles
Nelson at 810-348-2263 or
vices and activities offered
1949 S. Cedar & I-69 810-724-3664
Page 4-TRI-CITY TIMES-MARCH 27, 2019
during the month of March. the school’s “Drop beneath blanket tents for activities at the Imlay City
The celebrity readers Everything and Read” added fun.” Christian School may con-
included Senator Kevin (DEAR) program. Throughout the month tact the school at office@
Daley, Imlay City School After reading Laura of March, all school visi- or by stop-
Board President Sharon Numeroff’s If You Give a tors are being asked to sign ping in during “friends and
Muir, Imlay City Police Pig a Pancake, the students in with the name of their family visits any
Elementary students Molly VanWormer and Chief Scott Pike, Imlay prepared and ate pancakes, favorite book. Wednesday morning from
Brooke Lomasney enjoy reading by flashlight City teacher Jan Kapustka while others munched on “Selections are being 9-10 a.m. during the month
in a blanket tent. and Daniel Lufiyele of the popcorn and listened to compiled into a list for of April.
Wild About
Reading in Capac
Capac Elementary School hosted a
‘Wild About Reading’ event on
Wednesday, March 20 for students and
their families. The literacy event cen-
tered on “The One and Only Ivan,” the
children’s book selected for the district’s
One School, One Book program that
Residents asked to remain alert for meth lab waste this spring
St. Clair County Sheriff issues warning for pop bottle collectors found at meth dump sites
may be gas generators.
Sheriff’s Office or your
local police agency. We
By Maria Brown In a press release gerous to ingest. It is dan- ingredients for meth and These are containers with have deputies specially issued Monday, Sheriff gerous when it is being then those bottles are holes in the top with hoses trained to dispose of these
Tim Donnellon stated that made, with the risk of thrown in ditches or yards coming out, which may be dangerous chemicals,” he
ST. CLAIR COUNTY bottles containing meth- explosion and fire. It is after the drug is extracted dangerous as well. said.
— Residents picking up amphetamine residue also dangerous when the from them. Donnellon warns that “We have had no
roadside trash this spring could pose a serious dan- waste product is discard- “If a person picks up a two liter pop bottles with a reports of meth lab waste
are being warned to pro- ger. ed,” Donnellon said. bottle containing meth milky substance at the bot- so far this year, but want
ceed with caution, espe- “Methamphetamine is Donnellon said that waste, the chemicals inside tom should not be touched. everyone to stay alert, so
cially when it comes to an incredibly dangerous two liter pop bottles are can re-activate, causing an “Immediately leave we don’t have any inju-
discarded plastic bottles. drug. It is certainly dan- commonly used to mix the explosion and fire. Also the area and contact the ries.”
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Photo provided
division. Imlay City had a place the following day, Everhart, Rylee Tyack,
great showing on the Saturday the 16th. Entrants Brady Detwiler, and
awards stage too when six explained their projects to Carsan Milovich.
of their students were judges and answered ques- Finalists were Natalie
named finalists and three tions related to their work. Thompson (6th Place), Science Fair finalists Vinnie Guerin, Tyler Kanai, Ella Nelden, James
came away with special Cottone said that judges Tyler Kanai (6th Place), Lauwers and Montanna Eads pose for a photo with Borland teacher Dave
awards. determined how effective Vinnie Guerin (6th Place), Spence. Not pictured is Natalie Thompson.
Borland Principal students were at applying a Montanna Eads (4th
Megan Cottone reports scientific or engineering Place), Ella Nelden (4th Hazardous Material “Science fairs are a fun Regional Science Fair at
that the fifth graders start- method to solve a problem Place), and James Lauwers Professionals Award and way to develop skills in Kettering University,”
ed their science fair proj- or answer a question. (4th Place). Sofia Sills was given two science while learning Cottone said.
ects in early 2019 with the Awards were handed out Additionally, James special awards: Ascension more about topics that stu- She praised teachers
help of their classroom the third day of the fair, Lauwers was given the (Genesys - Cellular & dents find curious or inter- Dave Spence and Jill
teachers. Sunday, March 17. NASA Earth Science Molecular Biology) Award, esting. Borland Elementary Campbell for coordinating
“Students spent several Earning Honorable Award; Zachary and McLaren Health Care would like to congratulate the logistics of getting both
weeks working both at Mention awards were Kale Duckworth earned the Corporation (Cellular & all of our students that par- projects and students to the
home and at school to Woolner, Grace Sample, Michigan Association of Molecular Biology) Award. ticipated in the 2019 Flint fair.
Capac grad is
‘Woman of Year’
Dee Lortt Dean honored on
Senate Floor in California
By Maria Brown youth throughout San
Diego’s East County.
Photo provided
“Dee Dean is worthy
CAPAC — Dee Lortt of this prestigious recog-
Dean, a Capac Schools nition because her service
Imlay City High School choir Spartan Harmony and teacher Alan Demski (top right) recently com- alumnus, was recently and her story have touched
peted in district competition and qualified to advance to the state contest in May. named California Senate so many lives in East
Professor at Syracuse
University, where he teaches
songwriting, film scoring,
Legend SerieS and music business. Mr. Senator Brian Jones escorts Capac native Dee
Paul the Beatle Halligan was recently the
only American invited to
Dean during the March 6 ceremony.
Photo provided
DRYDEN — St. Sharon says. “It gives the
Patrick’s Day was bit more old ego a boost. It was
- for -
eventful than usual for freezing, but exhilarating,
Sharon Maloney. and I especially appreciated
Call Me For
The active, fit 80-year- that my daughter got the Lady Mayoress of Cork, Ireland, Georgina
old was almost literally Mustang and decorated it. Fitzgerald, poses for photo with Dryden’s
Sharon Maloney, who was crowned ‘Ms. Super
A Quote!
‘Queen for a Day’ as she Sharon got to meet the
took part in the St. Patrick’s Mayor of Cork, Ireland— Senior Ireland’ at a recent pageant.
Day Parade in Detroit’s his- Georgina Fitzgerald—
toric Corktown. whom she described as “a says, surround yourself and participating in pag-
Sharon was crowned lovely lady who said she’d with interesting people— eants, Maloney recently
‘Ms. Super Senior Ireland never been so cold in her get out there and socialize. earned her EdD degree in
2018-19,’ a title she earned life.” “The lunches at the education. Her dissertation
senior centers are to pro- covered coping skills of
at a new pageant based in “Actually, her title is
Las Vegas. ‘Super’ means Lady Mayoress of Cork,” mote seniors to socialize, senior citizens.
the contestants are age 75 Sharon says. “That delight- not so much to feed the “One lady I inter-
or older. Sharon went on to ful Irish brogue! My hus- needy,” she says. “It is that viewed put it “get off your
represent Ireland in the Ms. band Harold and I have important. Even if you butt and help someone
don’t feel like it, put your else,” Sharon grins.
Super Senior Universe been to Ireland twice.
Pageant, and earned the Nobody treats you better troubles on the back burner “There’s always something
spot of fourth runner up. than the Irish. Friendly, and get out. The senior to do. When my friend’s
With fond memories of helpful and fun!” centers are one of the best husband went blind from a ALMONT CAPAC METAMORA
her 100-percent Irish grand- Sharon and the clan places to do just that.” stroke he volunteered by
Along with teaching calling shut-ins.” 798-3946 395-4366 678-3655
mother Marie Sharkey—a were also greeted warmly
blue-eyed beauty with a by Mike Kelley, president
memorable sense of of the Irish League.
humor—Sharon says she “Imagine, he answered
was just 8-years-old when his phone every time
her grandma passed away. I called, I didn’t think peo-
“She’d tell us funny ple did that anymore,”
stories until we would fall Sharon notes. “He was
asleep,” Sharon says. “I instrumental in assuring my
miss her to this day.” place in the parade, and like
So it was with great a fine Irish gentleman, he
pride and fond memories greeted each parade unit at
that Sharon donned the the beginning of the Get Approved NOW!
national costume that she parade.”
wore in the opening num- Of course corned beef
ber of the Super Senior and Irish coffee were also
Universe Pageant. part of the fun as the family
While it wasn’t exactly
designed for single digit
temperatures—such as
met inside the Gaelic
League for food and 888-518-1442 •
1515 Lapeer Rd. (M-24) • 888-608-1507
those experienced during Sharon says staying
Bob Riehl Chris Byrnes
General Manager New Car Manager JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 2019 RAM 1500
the Sunday, March 10 active, going out of her ZERO DOWN $25400/MO BIGHORN CREW 4X4 FRIENDS & FAMILY:
parade—Maloney made do comfort zone and “putting EMPLOYEE SALE PRICE $
with ear muffs and gloves. yourself out there” is key to $ 26,474 $ 28,147 1,999 DOWN $13900/MO
“It was frigid weather, staying happy and healthy. ZERO DOWN $21900/MO FCA EMPLOYEE PRICING:
but a very warm crowd,” She teaches Zumba and $
1,999 DOWN $13100/MO ZERO DOWN $16400/MO
she grins. line dancing at the Romeo Tim Wilcox Lionel Guerra
Commercial Truck Commercial Vehicle
1,999 DOWN $7900/MO
Indeed, as Maloney Senior Center, and takes Manager Sales
made her way down the line dancing classes at the
streets in a flashy Mustang Imlay City Senior Center.
convertible, secured and She’s also directing this
decorated by her daughter year’s Ms. Senior Michigan
Michelle Maloney, people Pageant held in July at the
greeted Sharon, Michelle Older Persons Commission Tom Patten
and Michelle’s Irish-kilt in Rochester. Used Sales
Manager MSRP $37,040 • STK#L19W073 MSRP $43,890 • STK#L19D662
clad husband Greg—with Most of all, Sharon
Sales Sales
$ $
1,999 DOWN $9100/MO
Photo provided
Sharon Maloney, 80, rides in St. Patrick’s Day 2019 CHRYSLER OR LEASE ONE FOR
Shannon Lane Rachel Walls
Parade in Corktown, Detroit as daughter Sales Sales
Michelle takes wheel of convertible Mustang. $
1,999 DOWN $21800/MO
Cost sharing
pact continues
Sales Sales
28,188 29,571
By Maria Brown those figures have flipped
$ $
Sales Sales and the township will now
shoulder 55 percent of util- MSRP $38,730 • STK#L18I022
ALMONT TWP. — ities.
Now that renovations at
the shared township and
In other meeting mat-
Reed Gordon Nick Grayson
village municipal building •Mike Jones was hired
Sales Sales
are nearly complete, the as a new firefighter.
two entities have updated
their cost-sharing agree-
•the board approved
purchasing four new com-
puters for the fire depart-
MSRP $46,125 • STK#L18H069
$ 33,508 $ 35,008
The township board ment at a cost not to exceed
approved the new agree- $5,800. The department Keith Semaan Tony Bailey
ment at their March 11 was also authorized to Sales Sales
meeting. spend up to $3,100 for new
The two entities will fire gear.
continue to equally share •members adopted an PRICE
exterior costs like snow updated Michigan MSRP $37,320 • STK#L18T083
removal and lawn mowing. Township Association
Opinion Page
Be prepared for severe Chamber’s Busker Fest Auction set for April 6
The Imlay City tronics, tickets to great again have entertainers There is no cost to
weather this spring Chamber of Commerce
Busker Fest Auction is
events, and awesome gift
baskets from lots of local
who are magicians, acro-
bats, jugglers, balloon
attend the auction but we
hope you bid, often, on all
coming up on Saturday, businesses. twisters, fire swallowers, of the great packages and
pring generally brings great fluctua- April 6, at Castle Creek The proceeds from the and lots more. The busk- items! There will be food
tions in weather conditions here in Golf Course. The doors auction support Imlay ers will be coming from and drinks for purchase.
the Great Lakes State. open at 5 p.m. City’s Busker Fest. all over to entertain you— Bring your big vehicle to
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has pro- Please join us for this Although busker festivals including from Colorado, haul home all of your trea-
claimed March 24-30 as Severe Weather great event. It will be a are well known on the east Texas, New York, sures. (Two years ago my
really fun evening with and west coasts of the Michigan and Canada. Of husband and I were the
Awareness Week and the Michigan State our auctioneers, Brian U.S., and in Canada, our course we will also have successful bidders on a
Police, Emergency Management and Rowley and Ron Busker Fest is the only the food trucks, the pet kayak—we were glad we
Homeland Security Division (MSP/ Krakowski. They are one in Michigan. You have parade, craft vendors, pie, brought the truck!).
EMHSD) is encouraging residents to both very funny with zing- the opportunity to enjoy a pickles, children’s activi- See you there!
ers flying while they auc- truly unique event, right ties, the beer tent, music, a —Barbara Yockey
prepare before severe weather strikes this tion off great stuff such as here in Imlay City. Mark talent competition, President
spring and summer. a golf package for four your calendar (or record it “Tomorrow’s Buskers,” Imlay City Area
MSP Capt. Emmitt McGowan from Venture Global on your phone) for June and don’t forget the parade Chamber of Commerce
reminds residents that spring and sum- worth $2,750, cool elec- 14 and 15. We will once on Saturday night. Imlay City
mer can bring fast-changing weather
conditions that increase the potential for
severe weather. By taking steps to pre-
Could this be the end of the beginning?
For over two years the repeatedly but always with- Acknowledged liar James others. Forget what was
pare before severe weather strikes, public has been subjected out supporting evidence. Clapper, former head of the stated as “the old truth”
homeowners can lessen the impacts a to the constant drumbeat of The obvious intent was to National Security Agency, and now accept as accurate
disaster could have on themselves, their how Trump conspired with repeat it enough times that has claimed Trump was a the “new truths” without
family and their property. Russians to steal the 2016 perception becomes the Russian agent. No evi- ever evaluating the source
election. Democrats, in truth. Even the New York dence was ever provided of both.
Steps residents can take to be better general, have gleefully Times wrote in 2018 but the statements were Is this the end of this
prepared before severe weather strikes awaited the gold seal “Simply put, Trump is a from individuals who held nightmare? I think not. It is
include understanding severe weather Mueller Report in anticipa- traitor and may well be extremely high govern- not even the beginning of
warnings and terms, preparing an emer- tion of Trump, his associ- treasonous.” ment positions and upon the end. It is the end of the
gency preparedness kit, making an emer- ates and family members Chris Matthews whom the public should be beginning and now
doing the “perp walk” bemoaned the conclusions able to trust. Will there be Democrats, liberals and all
gency plan, and creating an emergency while handcuffed and on of the Mueller Report any apologies from either Trump haters will move on
contact list. their way to jail. The com- claiming he couldn’t under- of these two slugs? Highly to something else in their
To help with preparedness and effec- ments from the national stand how Mueller couldn’t unlikely. quest to undo the 2016
tive warning systems, a voluntary state- media (CNN & MSNBC see what was so evident to Will there be any con- election. Unwilling to
primarily and NBC, CBS Matthews. Mueller had the sequences to any of the accept the results from the
wide tornado drill is scheduled to occur and ABC as well) plus benefit of testimony of 500 persons for their outright ballot box these groups
at 1 p.m. today (Wednesday, March 27). commentators such as witnesses, 2,800 subpoenas lies to the American people will continue to pursue the
Businesses, organizations, families and Rachel Maddow, Chris served and over $25 mil- for over two years? The President, even if he is re-
individuals are encouraged to engage in Matthews and Joe lion spent on an investiga- answer is almost certainly elected in 2020. And who
the statewide preparedness activity but Scarborough as well as the tion. Matthews had only no. Instead it is time to will reap the results of this
outright lies of congress- his inherent biases and they “move on” and not linger vendetta? The American
are not required to do so. Nearly all state men Adam Schiff, Jerald are, of course, far more in the past without even public whose needs and
of Michigan facilities will participate. Nadler and Eric Swalwell accurate than any investi- acknowledging the past interests are ignored in the
For more information about being asserting there was clear gation. mistakes (lies). The public Democrats’ raw quest for
safe before, during and after a tornado, evidence, not yet released Former head of the CIA is required to forget all the power.
follow the MSP/EMHSD and visit to public view, that guaran- John Brennan has publi- things said by these per- —John L. Lengemann
tees Trump is a Russian cally called Trump a traitor. sons, as well as so many Imlay City Be a part of agent who conspired with
the severe weather awareness conversa-
tion by using the hashtags #MIREADY
Russia to steal the 2016
election turned out to be
untrue. These kinds of
Support 4-H through event at TSC
and #MITORNADOREADY. Tractor Supply at stores nationwide or by attendees learn everything
comments were offered
Company, in partnership making a purchase online from animal care and
paign that provides mil- has generated more than aged to contact a Tractor
’ve been participating in Nhat not to walk either on water lions of dollars in scholar- $12 million in essential Supply store to participate
some mini guided medi- Hanh or in thin air, but to walk ships for 4-H youth. funding. This past fall’s during the in-store fund-
tations and sharing what I says all on earth. Every day we are Donations from the pro- initiative raised nearly $2 raiser. Those who partici-
know with some open that engaged in a miracle gram provide opportunities million, impacting more pate with their local store
minded people in town. works the which we don’t even rec- for youth to attend enrich- than 14,000 students. are eligible to win a $100
The Chinese New Year same way ognize: a blue sky, white ing camps, conferences Fundraising efforts Tractor Supply gift card
celebration in February, with the clouds, green leaves, the and other developmental from Tractor Supply’s through the Paper Clover
and the Mardi Gras cele- positive black, curious eyes of a programs across the coun- Paper Clover event provide Participation Sweepstakes.
bration in March gave me memo- Observations in ink... child—our own two eyes. try. scholarships for numerous For more information on
an opportunity to get out ries—the All is a miracle.”
the quartz crystal singing good Catherine Minolli ****
From March 27-April
7, Tractor Supply custom-
state level 4-H programs
nationwide, and every
Paper Clover or how to
enter the sweepstakes, visit
bowl and share its amaz- seeds so “We are here to awak- ers and team members can donation benefits youth
ing, soothing, healing, to speak. en from our illusion of participate in the Paper within the state it was col- —Francie Fisher
centering and restoring Those are the ones that are separateness.” Clover fundraiser by pur- lected. Scholarships are Corcoran
benefits with anyone worth pulling out and **** chasing a paper clover for a used for camps and leader- Tractor Supply Company
who’s interested enough watering. “My actions are my donation during checkout ship conferences, where Imlay City
to try it. I hope everyone who only true belongings.”
4-H auctions at Center Building, April 5-6
It was very rewarding stops by at this spot now
to get such positive feed- and then grows a huge “When we are mindful,
back. Some people came shady tree of knowledge deeply in touch with the The 26th annual Examples of the 350 people Movies/TV: Mark
for more than one session. rooted in love and sprout- present moment, our Celebrity Autographed whose autographs included Harmon, B. Bardot, A. Alda,
This brings me great ing with wisdom. With understanding of what is Items Auction will be held Friday night are: D. Reynolds, Sophia Loren,
joy, and yet another chance watering can in hand I go going on deepens, and we Friday night, April 5, from Special items: Four Martha Stewart, Glenn
to share the benefits of forth and give it a try. begin to be filled with 5:30-9 p.m. at The Lapeer Game-used signed Red Close, T. Chong, L. Bacall.
mindfulness and living in So in order to do the acceptance, joy, peace and Center Building. This event Wing sticks; Priscilla Others: Giseke
the present moment here, watering I’ll borrow from love.” will have over 350 auto- Presley book; Magic Bundchen, Duchess of
too. a trusted source, a deep **** graphed items such as balls, Johnson, Bobby Hull, Jim York, Elie Wiesel, RE Cole
These gems are what I well of spiritual connection “Through my love for CDs, books, comic art, Palmer, and Tim Allen jer- (Doolittle Raiders), Charlie
consider more tools in the and light: Thich Nhat you, I want to express my sticks, cards, posters and seys; Hershel Williams Duke, Jane Goodall.
box for everyday living. Hanh himself. Here’s some love for the whole cosmos, photographs. For a detailed photo and Iwo Jima sand. Sports: Izzo, K. Kuzma,
These tools are all formed nourishment for the only the whole of humanity, auction flyer, call 810-667- Music: Yo Yo Ma, Kelly J. Harbaugh, Shaq, George
with words and strength- seeds that count: and all beings. By living 0341 weekdays or email Clarkson, J. Baez, Pat Foreman, Lorenzo White,
ened by certainties that “Sometimes your joy is with you, I want to learn msue.lapeer@county.msu. Boone, Mary Wilson, L. Dantonio, Nicklaus,
I’ve discovered to be true. the source of your smile, to love everyone and all edu. Check the website Rimes, Dolly Parton. Reggie Jackson, Michelson,
These tools can be but sometimes your smile species. If I succeed in; enter Politicians: Pres. D. Bing, M. Andretti,
reached for to water the can be the source of your loving you, I will be able zip code 48446 and go to George H.W. Bush and Cazzie Russell, G. Howe, T.
seeds of happiness, which joy.” to love everyone and all April calendar. Jimmy Carter, Colin Powell, Tebow, Berra, A. Trammell,
root just as quickly as the **** species on Earth... This is The Spring Auction for Theresa May, Tony Blair, Jack Morris, Nolan Ryan,
seeds of doubt. These tools “When another person the real message of love.” 4-H is Saturday, April 6 Angela Merkel. Abdul-Jabbar, T. Lindsay,
remind me that every time makes you suffer, it is **** with several thousand items Writers/Media: Archer, Mark Martin.
I pull out a negative expe- because he suffers deeply “A human being is like of merchandise, business Garry Trudeau, George —Dyle Henning
rience and examine its within himself, and his suf- a television set with mil- services and collectibles. Will, Jim Davis, Barbara 4-H volunteer
effect on me, I’m watering fering is spilling over. He lions of channels.... We Admission is free for both. Walters, D.Macomber Lapeer
that seed. That seed is does not need punishment; cannot let just one channel
Photo by Iris Lee Underwood
recent cluster of prob- of vaccines Not only are these continues! Keep talking
ably mumps cases in following the numerous infections spread easily about vaccines, how they
St. Clair County has reig- clinical trials needed to get from person to person, but work, when they don’t and
nited the discussion on FDA approval and to mar- also there are limited treat- why well-meaning people
vaccines. Whenever we ket them. This means our ment options, particularly are reluctant to get them.
can get people talking, vaccine supply is the saf- for viral infections. This is The more people stay
that is a good thing. From est in the world and moni- why your doctor advises informed and have discus-
Just waiting for activity at the bluebird house a public health perspec- tored more clearly than vaccines to help prevent sions, the more prepared
as a sure sign of spring. tive, vaccines have been any other medical treat- the infection in the first we will be for the next dis-
repeatedly proven to work ment we use. In fact, it’s place. Vaccines use your ease outbreak.
Bluebird watch
and control the spread of hard to find a medication,
the diseases. St. Clair treatment or therapy that is
County is among the low- tested as extensively as
est vaccinated counties in vaccines.
the state (we rank 79th out Since many viral and
A gray morning breaks. I
walk our land. Three
and a half acres. Enough
As I round the coop’s
corner, peeling paint on the
back door and under the
of 84 counties for com-
pleting the recommended
bacterial infections start
the same way (fever,
vaccine schedule for chil- fatigue, body aches) it
space for two septuagenari- eaves catch my eye. Can’t dren 19-35 months of age) may be difficult to tell
ans to dwell in relative postpone that project and those numbers are them apart from common
peace. another season. getting worse every year. infections. Some VPDs
The scent of wet earth A Dawn Redwood tree Because of our large have rashes that can be the
revives me—winter’s dam- close by calls my name. unvaccinated population, hallmark of something
age strewn high and low, She models new lichen our citizens are particular- more serious, but others
near and gems on her branches and ly vulnerable to vaccine do not. Most of them are
far. I start stems. They’re perfectly preventable diseases still uncommon (for now),
toward symmetrical-green botani-
Town Talk
Editor’s note: Due to space con- Thursday evenings from 5:30-7 the next session! Numerous For those that have experienced Clinic Hours: (held in 2nd floor
straints announcements will be
posted one week in advance of the Free Meals, Food p.m. Call 810-441-0322 for more
locations and dates available.
For more info and to sign up call
the death of a loved one, a sup-
port group is available facilitated
clinic area) Walk-In, Mondays 1-3
p.m.; By Appointment Only,
event. Notices must be received in the Family Literacy Center at by a trained United Hospice Wednesdays 8:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
writing by noon Monday prior to First Congregational Church, Orchards’ Cupboard Food 810-664-2737. Service (UHS) bereavement vol- and 4-6 p.m., Thursdays 1-3:45
the publication date. United Church of Christ, of Pantry is open the 3rd Saturday unteer. Marlette Regional p.m. Hepatitis vaccine is now
Imlay City operates a Food of every month 9 a.m.-noon.
Pantry every Thursday from 2 Food distributed at 74903 Support Groups Hospital, 2770 Main Street in available. For additional info, to
For Senior Citizens p.m. to 4 p.m. The pantry is
open to people needing food
McKay Rd., Bruce Twp., 586-
336-4673. www.orchardsonline.
Marlette, hosts this support
group the 1st Tuesday of each
check if we accept your insurance,
or to schedule an appointment
Woman’s life Chapter 855 will month in the Administration please call 810-667-0448.
Gentle Yoga Tuesdays from 9-10 assistance who live in the Imlay org. meet at the Lois Wagner Conference Room. For time and
a.m. at First Congregational City School District. Located at Memorial Library in Richmond more info, call 800-635-7490 or Free hearing and vision screens
Church in Almont. Practice led
by Dina Miramonti, RYT.
275 Bancroft in Imlay City. For
more information, contact the Museums at 6:30 p.m. on April 2, 2019.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
visit www.marletteregionalhos-
for children of preschool age are
available at the Lapeer County
church office at (810) 724-6207 Health Department. To schedule
Imlay City Senior Center “Texas or on Facebook at @ The Almont Community Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) TOPS 620 Lapeer weight- loss an appointment please call 810-
Hold ‘Em” 12:30 p.m. For info FirstCongregational UCC. Historical Society Museum is meetings are held every Saturday group meets Tuesday nights at 667-0448 or 810-245-5549.
810-724-6030. ImlayCity. open Saturdays from 1-4 p.m. at 10 a.m. at West Berlin United the Hunter’s Creek Mobile
Please stop by and learn about Methodist Church, Allenton. Home Park Club House, 725 Capac Pharmacy is teaming with
Council on Aging Membership St. Paul’s Lutheran Church your community. Society meet- DeMille Rd. in Lapeer. Weigh-in Support Million Hearts by offer-
is open to individuals 18 and ‘Food for Families’ kitchen is ings are held at the museum on Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) from 6-6:30 p.m., meeting from ing in-pharmacy blood pressure
older. The Capac Senior Center open to the public for free, hot the second Monday of the month meetings are held every Monday 6:30-7:30 p.m. For more info call screenings, 136 North Main St. in
is open 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. meals every Monday and at 7 p.m. For more info call 810- night at 8 p.m. at St. Paul’s 810-667-0999. Capac, Tuesdays, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
weekdays. We offer a variety of Wednesday from 4-5:30 p.m. 796-3355. Lutheran Church in Imlay City. Everyone is invited to come and
activities such as fitness and have their blood pressure read for
craft classes, a book review
group, cards and bus trips. For
This Heart Loves Food Pantry is
open the 1st Saturday of each
The Capac Historical Society is
open to visitors daily from 1-3
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and
Al-Anon meetings are held every
Fundraisers free.
for orientation before training at
Volunteer for the Habitat for
Humanity of Lapeer County at
the office. Interested parties can
call 810-664-7111 and speak to
Carolyn, Cheryl or Pete at 810-
St. Paul’s Blessed Hope
Lutheran Church Baptist Church
(ELCA) Club News
1635 Berville Road, Allenton, MI
200 North Cedar (M-53) 4411 Newark Road
859 N. Van Dyke Road Pastor Gayle Hortop
Imlay City, MI Attica, MI 48412 Imlay City, Michigan 48444 Phone: (586) 784-5854 Veterans of Foreign Wars
810-724-1200 810-724-2702 Sunday School - 10:00 am (VFW) of Imlay City, Post 2492,
Sunday 2:30 pm
Sunday Morning - 11:00 am 598 N. Almont Ave. (Fairgrounds
Worship 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Tuesday 7:00 pm Sunday Evening - 6:30 pm Rd.) Overseas Veterans Meetings Wednesday Evening - 6:30 pm
Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Friday Youth 7:00 pm 2nd Thursday, every other
Pastor Tim Martin Soul winning is not our
Pastor Alan Casillas month, 7 p.m.; Post Meetings 1st
Sunday 10 a.m. Service 18 preference, but it’s our priority.
18 18
Thursday every month, 7 p.m.;
Attica U.M.C. Capac Imlay City Almont
18 Auxiliary Meetings 1st Saturday
of every month, 10 a.m.
27 Elk Lake Road, Attica, MI U.M.C. C.R.C. First Baptist Church
(810) 724-0690 14952 Imlay City Rd., Capac 395 N. Cedar (M-53) Almont/Dryden Masons meets 7
Sunday Worship: 10 a.m Church 810-395-2112 Wayne Boyd, Pastor p.m. every 2nd Thursday of the
Attica Food Bank: Sunday School - 9:15 am - All Ages Worship 10:00 a.m. 881 Van Dyke - 810-798-8888 month at Masonic Center in
Serving those in 48412, Sunday Service: 10:30 am Sunday School 11:15 a.m. Sunday Bible Classes: 9:45 am Almont.
2-4 pm, 2nd & 4th Monday Junior Church and Nursery Available Youth Ministry Worship Services
of the month. Bible Studies Every MOPS Program 10:30 am & 6:00 pm The Imlay City American Legion
Community Dinner: Bible Study Wednesday 7:00 pm
Monday and Tuesday Evenings Community Men’s & Women’s Post 135 meets the 2nd and last
2nd & 4th Tuesday, 4-6 pm Bible Studies
Wednesdays of the month at
Tuesday Morning Live Webcasting Sunday all worship services
Pastor Ron Rouse 9:30 am 11:00 am 810-724-4315 over 7:00 p.m. The post is located at Come as you are - everyone is welcome!
Come Grow With Us! Proclaiming the Sovereign Grace of God
18 18 18 18
212 E. Third Street. Contact
Dryden Imlay City Sacred Heart - Imlay City
St. Nicholas - Capac Goodland GATEWAY ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH them at 810-724-1450 or ameri-
(ELCA) 109 E. Kempf Court • Capac, MI
Pastor: Rev. Noel Cornelio
Saturday Mass (810) 395-7557 The Evening Star Quilt Guild
Corner of 4th St. & Almont Ave. 4:00 pm - St. Nicholas • 6:00 pm - Sacred Heart
5394 Main Street - Dryden
Church 2796 S. Van Dyke Road - Imlay City meets the last Wednesday of
(Across from the Library) Sunday Masses
9:00 am - Sacred Heart • 11:00 am - St. Nicholas
Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm each month at the Davison
810-796-3341 Like Us On
6:00 pm (Spanish) - Scared Heart
Morning Worship - 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Senior Center, 10135 Lapeer Rd.
10:30 a.m. Worship 2008 N. Van Dyke Evening Service - 5:00 p.m.
Pastor Patricia Hoppenworth Tuesday at St. Nicholas at 8:30 am
Wednesday at Sacred Heart at 10 am in Davison. Meetings start at
Nursery Available
Imlay City, MI 48444 Wednesday Family Night - 6:30 p.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m.
Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Jr. Church for K-5th grade First Thursdays at St. Nicholas at 7 pm
First Fridays at Sacred Heart at 7 pm Supervised child care during all services
6:30 p.m. and doors open at 6
Worship Service - 11:00 a.m.
Youth Group 6th-12th grade
5pm-6:30pm Sundays
First Saturdays at Sacred Heart at 8 am
Confessions 810.724.1747 Sunday School p.m. For more info call Lisa,
Phone: 810-724-8110 9:00 a.m. September thru May 810-358-7294.
Worship Service: 10:00 am18
Saturdays 3 pm St. Nicholas • 5:30 pm Sacred Heart
EVERYONE WELCOME! Rev. Dr. Marcel Allen Lamb
First Saturdays at 7:30 am at Sacred Heart Pastor Jeffrey S. Krist
18 810-724-0687 18 Sundays at 5:30 pm before the Spanish Mass 18 18 Staffed Nursery During Worship 18
Dispatch log... 724-2615 Doors open at 5:30pm; 6:00pm Silent Auction (All celebrities)
6:30 to 7:45pm LIVE Auction (Non-Sports Celebrities)
Nature’s pruning again. Email Iris at Open: Tues-Thurs 10am-7pm; Fri & Sat 10am-8pm; Sun 9am-3pm
(Order 15 minutes prior to close for Take-Out)
Dear Reader, I’d forgotten
Page 12-TRI-CITY TIMES-MARCH 27, 2019
“I first became interest- day to allow students to get study and to give public
ed in science when my 7th extra assistance on their recognition to talented stu-
grade teacher made science projects as they work dents by sponsoring and
Lapeer County FFA’s Audrey Schapman (left) accepts the chapter’s hands-on and exciting,” through the scientific pro- promoting expositions of
Bronze Award from the Michigan Foundation for Agriculture’s Spence said. cess.” science projects developed
#SpeakAgMichigan program “Field trips involved and built by students and
going into the woods "For many years awarding prizes and schol-
behind our school where arships to students who
tall, creating a marble run, Megan Cottone credits to build a love of science Bay, Genesee, Lapeer,
building a vehicle that Spence and Campbell for here at Borland and is Midland, Saginaw,
was able to move, mixing collaborating to grow well-deserving of such an Shiawassee, St. Clair and
solutions, and so many Imlay City’s involvement honor,” Cottone added. Tuscola Counties, as well
more! Attendees try their hand at mixing solutions in the fair. Spence said he’s found as students from Michigan
Borland staff and fami- during Borland Elementary School’s recent “For many years, Mr. that doing things like creat- counties not served by a
lies had a great time putting Science Night event. Spence and Mrs. Campbell ing models and engaging recognized regional fair.
their investigative skills to have been building the pro- in deep conversation with Visit www.flintscience-
the test as they worked boards were on display method. gram and increasing partic- students helps them get to learn more about
through each task as for families to admire and It was truly a wonderful ipation from students here excited about science and the opportunities FRSF can
they attempted to escape. appreciate our students’ event and a great time was at Borland. This year, we it fuels his passion for the provide students and teach-
Also, fifth grade science work through the scientific had by all. had a record 27 students field too. ers.
State Return with
preparation of
• Federal & Multi-State Federal Return
Income Tax Preparation Exp. 3/31/2019
& E-Filing
• Free 1 Hour Business
• New Business Set-Up
• Payroll Services &
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April 15 will be
here before you know
it. Don’t wait another day
to file your 2018 taxes. We’ll
get your tax return prepared,
from your W-2’s, non-itemized
deduction and electronically
filed at a fraction of the cost
of others. Next day, friendly,
professional service. Call today
for an appointment, or simply
stop in at your convenience.
We look forward to helping you!
370 N Cedar Street • Imlay City, MI
Open 8am to 5pm Monday thru Friday
Beginning February 1st Open 8am to 9pm
Page 14-TRI-CITY TIMES-MARCH 27, 2019
Capac district adds three days to year Imlay City Chamber hosts ribbon
By Maria Brown
the district applied for and
was granted a waiver for an
additional three days.
“This reduces our
make-up day total down to
two days needing to be
sions about forgiving addi-
tional snow days. If that
comes to fruition,
cutting at their new offices
CAPAC — Like other Supt. Jeff Terpenning made up. These two days Terpenning said the calen-
area school districts, Capac said the district builds days will be added at the end of dar could change once IMLAY CITY — On Thursday, March 28 at
has had to amend their into the schedule to poten- the school year thus mov- again. noon, the public is invited to an open house at the
school year calendar to tially accommodate extra ing the last day of school to “We wanted to keep new offices of the Imlay City Area Chamber of
make up for extra snow snow days, like the Monday Friday, June 14th, 2019.” you informed and give you Commerce inside the Imlay City Police Department.
days. after Easter. Originally, it Also of note, June 12 as much time as possible so The Chamber recently moved from its former
On Friday, the district was intended to be a day off will now be a full instead of you could adjust your offices at the Imlay City Hall, per a new arrange-
announced that they’ve for students and staff but a half day of classes. The schedules based on this ment with the City of Imlay City.
added three days to the that’s now changed. last two days of school, new information. Should
After the ribbon cutting, attendees are welcome
2018-19 year—one in April “In cooperation with June 13 and 14, will be half the legislature act and grant
and two in June. our unions, Capac days. additional days we will to enjoy light food and beverages.
As of March 22, Capac Community Schools will In his announcement, communicate again with For more information, call the Chamber office
had logged 12 weather- be in session on Monday, Terpenning makes refer- you and make the appropri- at 810-724-1361; or contact Chamber Director
related closures. Six are April 22, 2019,” Terpenning ence to the Michigan ate adjustments in a timely Shannon Hamel directly at 810-542-3256.
automatically forgiven and said. Legislature having discus- manner,” he said.
Legal Announcements
ALMONT Carol Hoffner
Almont Township Clerk
handled by the Township Deputies.
Old Business - Moved and sec-
administrative review of Site Plan
Springfield Industries I19-83-021-
any taxes or insurance which may be
paid by the mortgagee before the sale.
A complete copy of the minutes
TOWNSHIP 13-1 onded to adopt the new Attica 019-20. Adjourned at 8:23 p.m. The property to be sold is locat- is available in the Clerk’s office dur-
NOTICE OF Township Park Ordinance as revised. Complete copies of the minutes are ed in the Township of Burlington, ing regular business hours or at www.
Notice is hereby given that there
ALMONT Vote taken, all ayes, motion carried.
New Business - Moved and sec-
available in the Clerk’s office during
regular business hours or at www.
County of Lapeer, Michigan and is
described as:
will be a public hearing before the TOWNSHIP onded to appoint 2 members to the Part of the W half of the SE 1/4
Almont Township Zoning Board of
Appeals on April 17, 2019 at the
Planning Commission, Kent Gierman
and Robert Stockwell and 2 members
13-1 of Section 32, T10N, R11E,
Burlington Twp., Lapeer Co.,
Almont Township Hall, 819 N. Main Notice is hereby given that there to the Zoning Board of Appeals, Kent CITY OF Michigan, described as beginning at a ALMONT
Street, Almont, MI 48003, and begin- will be a public hearing before the Gierman and Patty Clendenan. Vote point on the S Section line that is N MINOR IN POSSESSION
ning at 7:00 p.m. Almont Township Planning taken, all ayes, motion carried. IMLAY CITY 89°49’35” E 270.00 ft from the S 1/4 OF TOBACCO AND
The purpose of the hearing is to Commission on April 10, 2019 at the Fire - Chief Warford reported on REGULAR COMMISSION corner of said Section 32, thence N VAPOR PRODUCTS
consider an application submitted by Almont Township Hall, 819 N. Main the tragic fire in Imlay City. The Fire MEETING 0°28’4” E 350.00 ft, thence S ORDINANCE NO. 205
Michael Hoover of 4644 Sandhill Street, Almont, MI 48003, beginning Department would like to sign up for MARCH 20, 2019 89°49’35” W 41.41 ft, thence along An Ordinance establishing
Road, parcel 44-001-019-002-30, that at 7:00 p.m. an app based program for responding SYNOPSIS the centerline of the Wilson, Hodge restrictions on the possession of
is currently zoned Ag-Res The purpose of the hearing is to to fires. The cost is $600.00 to start Mayor Joi Kempf called the and Slattery Drain, N 21°10’22” E tobacco by minors and the furnishing
(Agricultural - Residential) for vari- consider an application submitted by and $300.00 per year. The Township meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. 397.77 ft, thence N 89°49’35” E of tobacco to minors in conformance
ance from Zoning Ordinance No. 39, Randy Emmons of Phantom Board gave the Chief permission to Commissioners present were Romine, 140.77 ft, thence S 0°28’4” W 370.50 with state law, and to prohibit the pos-
as amended, Article 2, Section 2.3C Fireworks for a special land use that get the program. Sadler, Ramirez, Davis and ft, thence S 89° 9’35” W 170.00 ft, session of vapor products by minors
location of accessory building. If would allow him to erect a 40 foot x Park - Park Manager Madeline Villanueva. Also present: City thence S 0°28’4” W 350.00 ft, thence and the furnishing of vapor products
approved the applicant would be 40 foot temporary structure (tent) in reported that the park is closed but the Manager Tom Youatt, Deputy Clerk/ along the S Section line, S 89°49’35” to minors, and repealing all ordinanc-
allowed to erect an accessory building which to display and sell fireworks track is still being used. Utility Billing Clerk Anne McAvoy, W 70.00 ft to the point of beginning. es and/or resolutions in conflict there-
in front of his house. and to park a 8 foot x 40 foot fire Planning Commission - The Doug Schultz from Rowe Engineering, with.
Copies of the application and proof storage unit to store the fire- potential development on Lake George Ananich from H2A Architects, tax i.d. 004-032-026-30 THE VILLAGE OF ALMONT
any related documents are available works when not on display. The loca- Pleasant Rd and Imlay City Rds. is Former DDA Director Dana Walker, If the property described in this ORDAINS:
for inspection at the Township Office tion of said temporary structure is not going forward. Public Hearing is four members of the community, and notice is sold at a foreclosure sale, SECTION 1. TITLE
during regular business hours of 8 proposed to be located at 5945 Van set for TKM Wholesale on March 28 two members of the media. The then under MCL 600.3278, the SECTION 2. PURPOSE AND
a.m. to 1 p.m., and will be available at Dyke (44-001-034-013-05) which is at the meeting. The Planning Commissioners approved the agenda Mortgagor(s) will be held responsible FINDINGS.
the time and place of the meeting. All zoned C-1 (Local Commercial). Commission will have a first look at with the addition of Old Business 7.B. to the buyer of the property at the SECTION 3. ENABLING
interested citizens will be given an Copies of the application and any Owen Tree Service’s site plan at the Amendment to Zoning Ordinance 6.1 foreclosure sale, or to the Mortgage AUTHORITY.
opportunity to comment on this appli- related documents are available for March 28th meeting. The Blight at - Article 23.7 Design Standards; holder, for damage done to the prop- SECTION 4. DEFINITIONS.
cation. Written comments may be inspection at the Township Office the property on Miller Rd. has Approved the Consent Agenda with erty during the redemption period. SECTION 5. PROHIBITED
submitted up to the meeting time at during regular business hours of 8 improved but still needs some work. payment of bills in the amount of The redemption period will CONDUCT.
the Township Hall. a.m. to l p.m., and will be available at Attorney - Attorney Gildner will $268,262.57 as presented. The expire six (6) months after the date of SECTION 6. SALE OF
CAROL HOFFNER, the time and place of the meeting. All proceed with filing the law suit in the Commission also approved the the foreclosure sale, unless the prop- INDIVIDUAL
Almont Township Clerk interested citizens will be given an blight case on Miller Rd. Amendment to Ordinance 6.1, Article erty is determined abandoned under CIGARETTES.
13-1 opportunity to comment on this appli- He will get a final order March 23.7 - Design Standards as presented; MCL 600.3241a, in which case the SECTION 7. FURNISHING
cation. Written comments may be 15 regarding the temporary injunction the Amendment to Resolution 2019-5 redemption period will expire 30 days TO MINORS.
submitted up to the meeting time at on Scott Harrington’s property. He to Credit Card Policy & Procedures as after the date of the foreclosure sale, SECTION 8. REPEALING OF
ALMONT the Township Hall.
will write Mr. Harrington a letter giv-
ing him thirty days to remove the
presented; Accepted the low bid for or when the time to provide notice
under MCL 600.3241a(c) expires,
TOWNSHIP Almont Township Clerk blight or the Township will remove it
Fire Hall construction from Superior
Contracting Group in the amount of whichever is later.
PLANNING 13-1 at his expense. $2,742,400.00 contingent on the sale Dated: March 20, 2019 SECTION 10. EFFECTIVE
COMMISSION PUBLIC Public Time - Mrs. Tullio asked of bonds; Adopted Resolution 2019-4 SMITH, MARTIN, DATE.
HEARING ATTICA for a copy of the revised park ordi-
nance and asked if Ms. Clendenan
- DNR Recreation Passport Grant POWERS & KNIER, P.C.
By: Henry L. Knier, Jr. (P46393)
The undersigned President and
The Almont Township Planning
Commission shall hold a public hear- TOWNSHIP was replacing a former member of the
Application (pgs. 28-32) as presented;
Accepted Resignation letter from City Attorney for Independent Bank,
Clerk of the Village of Almont hereby
certify that this ordinance was adopt-
ing at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, April ATTICA TOWNSHIP ZBA. Commissioner Mike Romine with Mortgagee ed at a Regular Meeting of the Almont
10, 2019 at the Township Hall at 819 BOARD Chief Warford invited the regrets. Adjournment at 7:45 p.m. 900 Washington Ave., P.O. Box 219 Village Council held on the 19th day
North Main Street. MINUTES OF Township Board to dinner at the hall Submitted by Anne McAvoy, Deputy Bay City, MI 48707 - (989) 892-4574 of March 2019 and was published in
for the Fire Department Association 13-4
The public hearing is to consider MARCH 14, 2019 Clerk/Utility Billing Clerk. Complete the Tri-City Times on the 27th of
text amendments to Section 2.14 and meeting on March 27th. Chuck copies of the minutes are available in March 2019.
The meeting was called to order
Section 14.1. The modification is that at 7:00 p.m. by Supervisor Ochadleus. Herpolsheimer asked Attorney
Gildner for the legal definition of
the Clerk’s office during normal busi- VILLAGE OF Kimberly Keesler
in a corner lot situation there shall be
two front and two rear yards. The two
Present were: Clerk Herpolsheimer
and Trustees Lacey and Madeline. hemp.
ness hours or at
Steve Schneider
front yards shall be located along the Absent: Treasurer Mason. The min- Review and pay the bills - 13-1 ALMONT VILLAGE President
roadway. The definition of lot, front, utes of February 14, 2019 Regular Moved and seconded to pay the bills: COUNCIL A complete copy of the above
General Fund - $56,018.29, Public REGULAR MEETING
rear, and depth was modified to reflect
the change to 2.14 on yard determina-
Board meeting were approved as pre-
sented. Safety - $7,698.47, and Fire Fund - MORTGAGE MARCH 5, 2019
ordinance is available in the Clerk’s
office during regular business hours.
tion. The treasurer report showed a $23,406.67. Total for bills is SALE SYNOPSIS 13-1
This meeting is open to the pub- $87,123.43. Roll call vote taken, all THIS FIRM IS A DEBT
new balance of: General Fund President Schneider called the
ayes, motion carried.
lic. Anyone wishing to comment on
the text amendment, but is unable to
$349,228.80 and CDARS savings
$203,589.48; ICS $300,311.08; Meeting adjourned at 7:28 p.m.
Regular Meeting to order at 7:31 p.m.
Councilmembers present were Dyke,
attend the meeting, may send their Public Safety $100,384.87, CDARS A complete copy of the minutes INFORMATION OBTAINED Biolchini, Love, Steffler, Schneider, ALMONT
comments to- Almont Township is available at the Attica Township WILL BE USED FOR THAT NOTICE OF
$50,897.36; ICS $25,033.58; Fire and Steven C. Schneider.
Planning Commission, 819 North Millage $105,061.33; CDARS PURPOSE. Councilmember absent was Peltier. REQUIREMENTS
Nancy Herpolsheimer Notice is hereby given that
Main Street, MI 48003. A copy of the $50,897.36; ICS $20,041.57: Fire
Attica Township Clerk
Staff members present were Manager ALMONT VILLAGE
request is available at the Almont Default has occurred in a Mortgage
Escrow $6,575.61; ICS $41.52.
Connors, Clerk/ Treasurer Keesler, ORDINANCE #197
Township Hall between 8 a.m. and 1 Police Report - There were 111 given by Mildred A. Bailey, a single Chief of Police Martin and DPW Notice is hereby given that pur-
p.m. from Monday thru Friday. calls in February, with 52 of the calls woman, mortgagor, to Independent Superintendent Treat. suant to Almont Village Ordinance
CITY OF Bank, mortgagee. The Mortgage is The Council approved the #197, a property owner shall not per-
IMLAY CITY dated October 1, 2008, and was Consent Agenda with corrections; mit or maintain on any premises a
recorded on October 6, 2008, in Liber approved the Regular Agenda; passed
PLANNING growth of noxious weeds; a growth of
2352, on page 827 of the Lapeer with Love dissenting, to adopt grass or other rank vegetation to a
COMMISSION County records, subject to a
Resolution #19-03-01 Resolution greater height than six (6) inches; or
REGULAR MEETING Modification Agreement recorded at Authorizing the Submission of Rural any accumulation of dead weeds,
MARCH 18, 2019 Liber 2357, Page 828, and further Business Development Grant grass, or brush. It shall be the duty of
CITY RESIDENTS SYNOPSIS subject to a Modification Agreement Application in the Amount of $99,500 the owner of any premises within the
Chairman Germayne called the recorded at Liber 2685, Page 157. for Central Business Streetscape Village to cut and remove or destroy
regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The balance owing on the Mortgage Project as presented with the amended by lawful means all such noxious
BRANCH & BRUSH CHIPPING Commissioners present: Germayne, J.
Kempf, I. Kempf, Bargen, Tanis, and
as of the date of this Notice is
$17,201.50, including interest at 24%
changes as discussed; passed unani-
mously, to adopt Resolution #19-03-
weeds and grass as often as may be
necessary to comply with the provi-
On the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month starting in April through Sadler. Absent: Commissioner per year. The Mortgage contains a 02 Over/Under Policy as presented; sions of this ordinance.
the end of November the City will be picking up brush. Branches cannot Lengemann. Also present was City power of sale clause and no proceed- passed unanimously, to approve the Weeds not cut by May 1, 2019 or
exceed 4” in diameter and brush with roots must be free of dirt and stones. Manager Tom Youatt, Treasurer/Clerk ings have been instituted to recover purchase of a 2019 Dodge Charger as often as required by this ordinance
The City is not responsible for large amounts of brush from tree trim- Lynn Eutsler, Lori Ettema Spicer any part of the debt owing. and the outfitting of that vehicle by may be cut or destroyed by the Village
ming, tree removal, or clearing of property. Property owners should Group, Orin Campbell of Campbell & The Mortgage will be foreclosed Arrowhead Upfitters; passed unani- and the owner of the property charged
contact a tree service for excessive brush removal. Please contact City Assoc., Terry Czaplicki of Springfield by selling the property described mously, to approve the Manager’s with the costs which shall constitute a
Hall at (810) 724-2135 for additional information. Industries, three members of the com- below at a public auction to the high- Employment Agreement; Manager lien against the property.
munity, and one member of the media. est bidder. The sale will be held on Connors presented Council with A copy of the complete ordi-
YARD WASTE & BRUSH PICK UP The Commission approved the agen- May 1, 2019, at 9:30 a.m. local time at
the main entrance to the Lapeer
background research into recreational nance may be inspected at the Almont
da as presented and approved the marihuana and it was consensus of Village Offices located at 817 N.
The garbage haulers will be picking up yard waste and small brush on minutes from January 29, 2019. The County Court Facility, 255 Clay Council to have a draft ordinance at Main Street, Almont, MI, 48003 dur-
Tuesdays starting at the beginning of April through the end of November. Commission approved the Special Street, Lapeer, Michigan, that being the next regular meeting agenda. ing regular business hours or on the
Please place yard waste in marked yard waste containers or biodegrad- Land Use Request for 131 N Almont the place of holding Circuit Court for The meeting adjourned at 9:18 Village’s website (www.almontvil-
able bags and bundle branches 1” or less in diameter. Bundles and yard Ave, I19-90-800-000-00 as a Day Lapeer County, Michigan. The prop- p.m.
waste containers cannot exceed 40 lbs. Yard waste should not be raked Care; Approved the Amendment to erty will be sold to pay the amount Kimberly J. Keesler Kimberly J. Keesler
to the curb. Please contact City Hall at (810) 724-2135 for additional Article 23 - Landscape Standards and then due on the Mortgage, including Clerk/Treasurer Village of Almont Clerk/Treasurer
information. Tree Replacement; Approved the interest, legal costs, attorney fees and Steve Schneider
13-1 13-1
Photo provided
“We are excited to dis- pect, later identified as
play artifacts from our his- Youngblood. When the started in 2009 by a group Outman, would formally
tory,” said Sheriff Tim undersheriff took that gun, of military spouses and has recognize Feb. 1 as Blue
Donnellon. Youngblood pulled another grown to more than 150,000 Star Mother’s Day in the
About 75 people recently attended an open members. The organiza- state of Michigan. Outman
“There will be pictures and shot the undersheriff house celebrating the creation of a history
and items on display from and sheriff. Youngblood tion’s mission is to strength- recently sponsored Senate
exhibit at the St. Clair County Sheriff’s Office. en military families by Resolution 9, which com-
as far back as the turn of was also shot and later died
the 20th century. We will from his injuries. Friday from 8:30 a.m. until everyone to come to our providing resources and memorated Feb. 1, 2019 as
also be displaying items Youngblood and then 4:30 p.m. office and have a look at support. Their programs Blue Star Mother’s Day.
from the shootout with Public Enemy number one About 75 people turned the artifacts and pictures and services reach more The bill would recognize
Herbert Youngblood.” John Dillinger had earlier out for the open house, we have in our exhibit.” than 1.5 million military Blue Star Mother’s Day on
That shootout, which escaped from an Indiana including several former Anyone who might family members every an annual basis without a
took place on March 16, jail. Dillinger was shot to members of the Sheriff’s have additional photos or year. resolution from the
1934, ended with the death death as he left a movie Office. artifacts that they wish to “The men and women Legislature.
of Youngblood and theater in Chicago that July. “We are very excited to donate or loan to the exhib- of our armed forces honor- “Blue Star Mothers
Undersheriff Charles The exhibit is available have our history on dis- it are encouraged to contact ably serve our country and was founded in Flint during
Cavanaugh. Sheriff to the public free of charge play,” said Sheriff Tim Deputy Steve Campau by defend our freedoms and World War II,” said
William Van Antwerp was during normal business Donnellon. e-mail at scampau@stclari- way of life,” said Daley, Outman, R-Six Lakes.
wounded in the exchange hours, Monday through “I would encourage R-Lum. “They provide a tre-
“The bills serve as a mendous amount of sup-
way for us to express our port to mothers who have
replaced in Almont
Pauline (Scott) Kalisz, her children, Cynthia dear mother during this
was born June 14, 1935 in (Greg) Gray of Dryden, time.
Melvindale and was the Lynne (Brian) Furgerson Barbara was preceded
oldest daughter of eight of Dryden and Richard WA, Taylor (fiancé, in death by her husband,
By Benjamin Stalker Shawn R. Wilson—who children. She grew up in (Leslie) Blair of Issaquah, Doug) Blair and Austin parents, and three broth- died in 1982 in separate, Attica and married John WA; grandchildren, Blair of Issaquah, WA. ers, Stanley, Thomas, and
unrelated incidents. (Jack) Richard Blair on Brandon (Melanie) Great-grandchildren, Ronald Kalisz.
ALMONT — The DDA Director Kim October 16, 1954, who Bowman of Imlay City, Ethan, Keenan, Logan, Per Barbara’s own
nearly 40-year-old blue Schall said plans to take proceeded her in death on Brooklynn (Stephen) Roberts; Trenna, Celia wishes, cremation has
spruce that has become the down the tree and to November 12, 2011. Lestage of Imlay City, Bowman; Toriana, Brett been entrusted to Muir
holiday tree for Almont’s replant a new tree in mem- Barbara attended two Aaron (Melissa) Lestage; Aiden, Owen, Brothers Funeral Home,
Holly Day Light Parade ory of the teens is some- years at Bishop Kelly Furgerson of Attica, Adam Madelyn, Swayer Almont.
may be coming down later thing that she has discussed Catholic School in (Brianna) Furgerson of Furgerson; Sienna, Nora, Private services will
this year. with the families of those Lapeer. She graduated Dryden, Andy (fiancé, Holmes; Adeline Bores; be held late October 2019
Part of a Downtown who lost their lives, who from Dryden Community Ashley) Furgerson of and Mason Grover. for her and husband John
Development Authority have offered positive feed- School June 1954. She Almont, Brittney (Ryan) Siblings, Patty (Ron) (Jack) at Dryden Mt.
grant that was submitted back. was employed at Almont - Holmes of North Bend, Campbell of Mussey, Pleasant Cemetery.
with support of the Almont While plans are in the
Village Council for a works to remove the tree
streetscape project and replant a smaller pine ~ Donald “Dick” Howe, 77 ~
involves taking out the tree, plans for the removal
large evergreen tree in of the blue spruce are cur- Donald “Dick” Howe, family farm both milking and Emily Pewinski of
front of the Speedway Gas rently contingent on 77, of Almont, passed cows and growing crops, Almont; and one sister,
Station downtown and approval of the grant. away at his home on working hand in hand with Jacqueline Bishop of
replacing it with a smaller Anyone with questions Thursday March 21, 2019. his son Mike. He was a Bloomingdale, MI.
15-foot pine tree. about the streetscape proj- He was born March 4, member of the Michigan He was preceded in
The existing blue ect or the new tree is 1942 in Almont, the son of Milk Producers death by his parents;
spruce was planted in encouraged to contact the John and Isabell (Brown) Association. and his wife, Gloria, in
memory of three young DDA office at 810-798- Howe. He was class presi- He is survived by his 2018.
men—Glenn D. Edgett, 8125 or email kschall@ dent of the graduating two children, Traci (Jerry) Funeral services were
Randy L. Lesner, and class of 1960 at Almont Pewinski of Almont and held Monday, March 25 at
High School and married Mike (Angie) Howe of Muir Brothers Funeral
his wife of over 55 years, Almont; grandchildren, Home in Almont. Rev.
Classif ieds
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message. FE-13-5
................................................ Call Us Today! Published in print and online!
810-724-0266 Payroll and Employee Benefits Clerk
*Some conditions apply. E.H.O. The Lapeer County Intermediate School District
is accepting applications for a Payroll and
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Want to Lease One Week - 20 words - $12 Three Weeks - 20 words - $22 The job posting and online application is available at
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Business Directory
Automotive Building Clocks Equipment Glass Heating &
M bil
season with a fourth- first at the top singles City with 13ths. 1600 run, 5:31.4; 38th; and
place showing last position, going 3-0. Ryan Johnson, shot Isaac Schmitz, 60-meter
Saturday at the Portland The fourth doubles put, 39 feet 8 1/2 inches; hurdles, 10.2 seconds;
Tournament. team of Sam Keller and obtained a 14th for Imlay 39th; also competed for
When the final scores Makenna Harbel account- City. Imlay City that day.
were tallied, North ed for Almont’s other Almont’s Maria Bussone returns a shot during
Muskegon’s 19-point total point that day, paving her first singles match last season. Bussone
set the pace. Portland (16 the way to a third-place went 3-0 for Almont last Saturday at the
points), Whitehall (nine) finish. Portland Tournament.
Rodriguez suits up
for Albion squad
By Kevin Kissane F o r t victorious.
Tri-City Times Sports Editor M y e r s , Albion College scored
Florida is their lone run during inning
IMLAY CITY — The where the number one.
Athlete of the Week NCTL’s top girls’ hoopsters chosen By Kevin Kissane week: Defensive Specialist- Addison Williams,
Tri-City Times Sports Editor First team- Camryn Camryn MacGuire, Deckerville.
MacGuire, Kingston; Kingston. Honorable mention-
DRYDEN — The fol- Lily Lyons, Kingston; Second team- Gerilyn Ally Sobek, Dryden;
lowing players were Jilyan Dunsmore, Carpenter, Kingston; Julia Smith, Mayville;
chosen to the All-North Kingston; Morgan Carley Smith, Kingston; Patricia Pineau, North
Central Thumb League Armstead, Deckerville; Hannah James, Kingston; Huron; Madison Knag,
Stars Division girls’ C la i r e Wat s o n , Ella Watson, Deckerville; Genesee, Serena Winter,
basketball lineup which Deckerville; and Hannah Hayle March, Genesee; Genesee; and Jordan
was announced this past Peyerk, Dryden. Ella Kage, Dryden; and Peters, Dryden.
Writing For Many Major
Insurance Companies
• Life Insurance • Automobile • Homeowners • Builder’s Risk • Workers’ Comp
Photo by Kevin Kissane
Capac at Imlay City, 4 p.m. Monday, April 1
Softball Dryden at Imlay City,
Tuesday, April 2 4 p.m.
College Golf
Photo provided
By Kevin Kissane Kearney The following day Michigan (641), Ashland
Tri-City Times Sports Editor Hills Golf Kautz posted an 82, giving University (644), Saginaw
L i n k s her a 169 total over 36 Valley State University
ALMONT — The hosted the holes. Her performance (648), Davenport Gavin DePauw, an Almont High School gradu-
Northwood University tourna- paved the way to a five- University (649) and ate, is listed on the roster of the Wayne State
women’s golf team, ment. way tie for 64th. Southern Indiana (651) University men’s golf team.
which includes Almont Kautz, University of Findlay rounded out the top-ten.
graduate Tyler Kautz, reg- a freshman, (608) paced the 23-team Northwood returns to
DePauw listed on
istered a third March 16-17 started Kautz field assembled. Tiffin action at the Perry Park
at the SVSU Spring things off University (625), Spring Fling event. The
Invitational. with an 18-hole round of 87 Northwood (629), Wayne tournament takes place
Lexington, Kentucky’s on Saturday, March 16. State (633), Northern this Saturday and Sunday.
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Page 20-TRI-CITY TIMES-MARCH 27, 2019
Rochester Institute of gave Imlay City top-20 fin- Olivia Moore, 60 hur- 200-meter dash, 30.82
Technology, North Park, ishes as well. dles, 13.71 seconds; 32nd; seconds; 45th; also com-
Ohio Wesleyan and MSOE. Forsyth, 60-meter hur- Behrick, 400-meter dash, peted for Imlay City that
Devils Lake is where Capac’s Jake Witt (center) is listed on the ros- dles, 12.76 seconds, 29th, 1:14.96; 33rd; Layla day.
the action takes place. ter of the Adrian College rowing team.
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Rural Lifestyles
March is the ideal month
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TRI-CITY AREA — which most grass stands do
March is the month across in spring, the young clover
much of Michigan to seedlings need some
improve pastures by frost- chance to receive sunlight
seeding legumes like clo- to catch up. If frost-seeding
vers or some grasses into on a hayfield, take first cut
them. Frost-seedings are as early as possible to
most successful when the reduce shading on the new
seed is broadcast approxi- clover seedlings.
mately 45 days before grass •Continuous grazing is
growth begins in your area. not good for new clover
Frost-seeding is the seedlings. After grazing,
practice of broadcasting the seedlings need a chance
seeds of improved varieties to grow, so rotating the ani-
of red clover, white clover, Frost-seeding mals to another pasture is
birdsfoot trefoil or some legumes, like clover, is advised.
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Page 22-TRI-CITY TIMES-MARCH 27, 2019
Awareness Month!
halls and graced its second-
story courtroom with his/
her presence.
On Thursday, March
21, the streak was broken
We are offering free oral cancer screenings
at your scheduled cleaning appointment Noffert
when newly-installed
Supreme Court Chief
Justice Bridget
Mary McCormack paid a
visit to the historic building
at the invitation of the
through the month of April. Dental
Photo by Tom Wearing
Lapeer County Bar 2034 S. ALMONT AVE
Following a light lunch Call and IMLAY CITY
in the courthouse’s lower
level, Justice McCormack , reserve your
53,was escorted up the
staircase to the second Attorney Bernard Jocuns, president of the
Lapeer County Bar Association, with Michigan
time today!
level, where countless legal
cases have been heard dat-
ing back to the mid-1840s.
Supreme Court Chief Justice Bridget Mary
McCormack, who appeared as a special guest
(810) 683-5516
With four members of of the Bar at the historic courthouse in Lapeer.
the Lapeer County
Judiciary—Judges Nick
During her half-hour all defendants.
talk, McCormack alluded At the conclusion of the
to her first visit to the his- program, the Hon. Chief
toric Lapeer Courthouse in District Judge Laura Cheger
2007, when she met a local Barnard thanked the Chief
student whose participation Justice for her visit; fol- (3 to choose from) STK #9609
BR EW 2017 Corvette 2LT Loaded 32%
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Photo by Tom Wearing
STK #9659
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them for justice. Rick Snyder; David
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people who enter our court-
rooms is critical,” she said. Cavanaugh, who joined the SHOWROOM HOURS:
“For most of them, this pro- Court on Jan. 1, 2019.
E AT T HE Monday 8:30 AM - 8:00 PM
cess can be the most critical During her talk to Tuesday 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Lapeer Bar Assn. members,
they will face in their Wednesday 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM
lives. McCormack broached
Y D E A Thursday 8:30 AM - 8:00 PM
“Politics have no role
to play in our courts,” she
some of her responsibilities
as the Chief Justice. CIT Friday
8:30 AM - 6:00 PM
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
noted. “It is our job to pro- Those responsibilities (810) 724-0561
vide clarity and fairness in include overseeing the
the law.” operations of all state trial 1900 S. Cedar Street . . . 1 block North of I-69 Imlay City
McCormack said courts, with assistance from GM Employee Discount Price plus tax, title, plate, $0 security deposit, first month payment, acquisition and doc fees all due at signing and includes all rebates
including lease loyalty assigned to dealer. Equinox, Trax and Silverado LD /DBL cab require $2500.00 trade equity. Leasee must qualify and lease through GM
efforts are ongoing to bring the State Court Financial. Vehicles are for illustration purposes only. Due to advertising deadlines, pricing is subject to availability and is subject to change. Must take delivery
from dealer inventory while supplies last. Current offers end 3/28/2019. See dealer for additional details. Not responsible for content errors.