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Rootstocks and Planting Types On Root Architecture and Vegetative Vigor of Pera' Sweet Orange Trees

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ISSN 1807-1929

Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental

v.24, n.10, p.685-693, 2020
Campina Grande, PB, UAEA/UFCG – http://www.agriambi.com.br

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1807-1929/agriambi.v24n10p685-693

Rootstocks and planting types on root architecture and vegetative vigor

of ‘Pera’ sweet orange trees
Thaís N. Meneses1, Mauricio A. Coelho Filho2, Hermes P. Santos Filho2, Luana L. de A. dos Santos3,
Abelmon da S. Gesteira2 & Walter dos S. Soares Filho2
Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia/Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Ambientais e Biológicas/Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Agrícola. Cruz das Almas, BA,
Brasil. E-mail: th41s.nascimento@gmail.com - ORCID: 0000-0001-7337-0115
Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura. Cruz das Almas, BA, Brasil. E-mail: mauricio-antonio.coelho@embrapa.br (Corresponding author) - ORCID: 0000-0002-4667-
5535; hermes.santos@embrapa.br - ORCID: 0000-0002-5144-3974; abelmon.gesteira@embrapa.br - ORCID: 0000-0002-7590-0455; walter.soares@embrapa.br
- ORCID: 0000-0001-5410-3740
Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia/Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Ambientais e Biológicas. Cruz das Almas, BA, Brasil. E-mail: luanalaais@gmail.com -
ORCID: 0000-0002-0239-7094

ABSTRACT: Root architecture affects plant growth and agricultural productions. Although it is related to
genetic factors, soil physical limitations can affect the root system and volume of explored soil, compromising
plant growth and fruit production. Considering the need to mitigate these restrictions, the objective of the
present study was to evaluate two planting types (planting of protected seedlings and planting of seeds in
definitive place) and two scion-rootstock combinations (‘Pera’ sweet orange, CNPMF D-6 selection, combined
with ‘Santa Cruz Rangpur’ lime and ‘Sunki Tropical’ mandarin rootstocks). The experiment was conducted at
the Lagoa do Coco Farm, Rio Real, BA, Brazil, in a Oxisol under rainfed conditions. Biometric, physiological,
and soil water content evaluations were made during the experiment. Soil mechanical resistance to root
penetration and root system characteristics were also evaluated. Roots were concentrated on the soil surface
layers (0-0.40 m), extending horizontally up to 1.50 m from the plant, regardless of the management practices
used. The total root length in each root diameter classes studied, root length density, and total root mean
diameter were higher for planting of protected seedling, resulting in greater root development. Plants from
‘Pera’ sweet orange scion grafted on ‘Santa Cruz Rangpur’ lime rootstock had earlier production and were
more vigorous. Soil structure affects root growth, and the root distribution up to 0.40 m depth is correlated
with plant vigor, yield, and water status under rainfed conditions.
Key words: citriculture, root, cohesive soil, drought tolerance

Arquitetura radicular e vigor vegetativo da laranjeira ‘Pera’

sobre diferentes porta-enxertos e tipos de plantios
RESUMO: A arquitetura radicular afeta o crescimento da planta e a sua produção agrícola. Embora esteja
relacionada a fatores genéticos, limitações hídricas e físicas do solo podem reduzir o volume do sistema
radicular e do solo explorado, comprometendo, assim, o desenvolvimento vegetal e produtivo. Para mitigar
essas restrições foram adotados dois tipos de plantio (plantio de mudas protegidas e plantio de sementes no
local definitivo) e duas combinações copa/porta-enxerto: laranjeira ‘Pera’, seleção CNPMF-D6, enxertada
em limoeiro ‘Cravo Santa Cruz’ e em tangerineira ‘Sunki Tropical’. O experimento foi conduzido na Fazenda
Lagoa do Coco, Rio Real, BA, em um Oxisol e condição de sequeiro. Foram realizadas medidas biométricas,
fisiológicas e umidade do solo ao longo do experimento. Também foram avaliadas a resistência do solo à
penetração mecânica e várias características do sistema radicular. Independente das práticas de manejo
adotadas, as raízes se concentraram na superfície, nos primeiros 0,40 m do solo, estendendo-se horizontalmente
até 1,5 m da planta. O comprimento total de raiz em todas as classes de diâmetro estudadas, a densidade
do comprimento de raiz e o diâmetro médio de raiz, foram superiores para o plantio de muda, resultando
em maior desenvolvimento radicular das plantas. As plantas de laranjeira ‘Pera’ sobre o limoeiro ‘Cravo
Santa Cruz’ foram mais precocemente produtivas e vigorosas. A estrutura do solo exerce influência sobre o
crescimento radicular, sendo que a distribuição a 0,4 m de profundidade é um melhor indicador do vigor,
produtividade e status hídrico da planta, cultivada em condições de sequeiro.
Palavras-chave: citricultura, raiz, solos coesos, tolerância à seca

Editor responsible: Hans Raj Gheyi

Ref. 224831 – Received 04 Jun, 2019 • Accepted 31 Jul, 2020 • Published 25 Aug, 2020
686 Thaís N. Meneses et al.

Introduction with the climatic water balances of 2017 and 2018 estimated
by the Thornthwaite & Mather method (Rolim et al., 1998),
Citriculture has socioeconomic importance to the Coastal based on rainfall data of the Lagoa do Coco Farm, and air
Tablelands region, in the Northeast of Brazil, where Bahia and temperature data of the nearest meteorological station (OMM:
Sergipe are the third and fourth largest citrus producing states, 83249, BDMEP – INMET; Alagoinhas, BA).
respectively. Citrus crops cover approximately 87,782 hectares The rainfall during the experiment were 1,252 mm for 2017,
in this geomorphological region, which is responsible for 6.2% and 997 mm for 2018, which resulted in water deficit periods
of the citrus production in Brazil (IBGE, 2017). from January to April 2017, August 2017 to March 2018, and
The soil compaction and irregular rainfall distribution are July to December 2018, with accumulated values of 419.6 mm
constant challenges for the citriculture in the Coastal Tablelands for 2017, and 572.6 mm for 2018.
region, considering the predominant rainfed production; they The citrus plants were formed using orange scions of the
directly affect the plant yield and fruit quality, and decrease
cultivar ‘Pera’ sweet orange [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck],
useful life of plants, contributing to the vulnerability of citrus
CNPMF D-6 selection, combined with the rootstocks ‘Santa
orchards (Cintra, 2011; Rezende et al., 2015).
Cruz Rangpur’ lime (C. limonia Osbeck) and ‘Sunki Tropical’
The planting seeds of citrus rootstocks directly in their
mandarin [C. sunki (Hayata) hort. ex Tanaka], through grafting
definitive place has been adopted by citrus growers as an
by budding (inverted T at 12 cm). Both rootstocks were selected
alternative management to mitigate restrictions imposed by
due to their tolerance to droughts. The first is the most used in
cohesive layers of the soil. The hypothesis is that the successive
the region and the second is recommended as an alternative
pruning of roots in the transplants (seed germination
for citriculture in the state of Bahia, Brazil (Cunha Sobrinho
container-nursery-definitive place) in conventional planting
et al., 2013; Rodrigues et al., 2015; Vieira et al., 2016).
reduces the dominance of the main root, and alters the plant
The propagative material (seeds, buds, and protected
morphology and physiology, compromising its development
seedlings) was provided by the Citrus Breeding Program of
and acclimatization, in detriment of precocity and yield
Embrapa Cassava and Fruits.
(Rezende, 2013; Rezende et al., 2015).
The predominance of the use of one or few rootstocks makes The experiment was implemented in 2015, using a
the brazilian citrus industry vulnerable to biotic and abiotic randomized block design in a split-plot arrangement, with eight
risks and losing competitiveness by not diversifying the use of repetitions, consisted of two scion-rootstock combinations
rootstocks for the different ecosystems (Sampaio et al., 2016), (‘Pera’ sweet orange × ‘Santa Cruz Rangpur’ lime, and ‘Pera’
such as the Coastal Tablelands region. sweet orange × ‘Sunki Tropical’ mandarin) and two planting
Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect types (planting of protected seedlings – PPS, and planting of
of two rootstocks and two planting types on the growth, seeds in definitive place – PSD). Each block was composed of
physiology, initial production, and root distribution of ‘Pera’ eight plots, and each plot was composed of five planting rows
sweet orange at juvenile stage of development in the Coastal with four plants each. The six central plants were considered
Tablelands region, state of Bahia, Brazil. in the evaluations.
The sowing of the rootstocks was carried out in May 2014
for both planting types. The grafting of the rootstocks in the
Material and Methods field and the planting of seedlings produced in the screened
The experiment was conducted from 2017 to 2018 at the nursery were carried out after 14 months. Twenty-four plants
Lagoa do Coco Farm, in Rio Real, BA, Brazil (11° 34’ 26” S, were selected for evaluations of shoot growth, root architecture,
37° 52’ 39” W, and 170 m of altitude) in a commercial orchard and physiology in February 2017.
with 3 years of formation, in an area of 16.128 m² (128 × 126 Shoot growth was evaluated six times from August 2017 to
m) with 1,280 plants spaced 6.0 × 2.0 m apart, under rainfed October 2018, considering the following measures: plant height
conditions. expressed in meters, canopy diameters in the row (CDR),
The farm is in the Coastal Tablelands region. It presented and cross-row directions (CDC), expressed in meters, and
Oxisols with cohesive soil horizons (Table 1) and plain relief; stem diameters at 0.05 m below and above the grafting point,
‘As’, hot and wet climate, according to the Köppen classification; expressed in mm.
and mean annual temperature of 24.1 ºC. The mean annual These data were used to calculate the vegetative vigor index
rainfall of the region is 1,100 mm, with approximately 80% (VVI; dimensionless), canopy cover area in the row (CCAR;
concentrated between April and September, in accordance %), canopy cover area between rows (CCAB; %), and mean

Table 1. Sand, silt, and clay concentrations, textural class, density (SD), hydraulic conductivity (K0), and soil mechanical
resistance to penetration (SMRP) throughout the profile of an Oxisol. Lagoa do Coco Farm, BA, Brazil

SL - Sandy-loam; SCL - Sandy-clay-loam. Source: Calfa (2010)

R. Bras. Eng. Agríc. Ambiental, v.24, n.10, p.685-693, 2020.

Rootstocks and planting types on root architecture and vegetative vigor of ‘Pera’ sweet orange trees 687

canopy volume (MCV; m3), according to Portella et al. (2016), Soil moisture was monitored by time domain reflectometry
using Eqs. 1 to 4: (TDR), with sensors distributed vertically (0-0.20, 0.20-0.40,
0.40-0.70, 0.70-1.10, and 1.10-1.70 m), at 0.5 m of the plant
 CDR  stem, perpendicularly to the planting row, at every 0.20 m of
CCAR =  100 (1)
 S  the soil surface.
Sixty TDR probes were installed, five per plant in 12 ‘Santa
where CDR is the canopy diameter in row direction (m) and Cruz Rangpur’ lime rootstock. The positioning of the sensors
S is the spacing used in the planting rows (m); in the soil profile was established according to the horizons
characterized by Calfa (2010) (Table 1). The measure device
 CDC  used for the readings was the TDR 100, which is manufactured
CCAB =  100 (2)
 S  by the Campbell Scientific company.
The TDR probes were made in the Laboratory of Irrigation and
where CDC is the canopy diameter in the cross-row direction Drainage of the Embrapa Cassava and Fruits with the following
(m), and S is the spacing used between planting rows (m); specifications: three 0.10-meter stainless steel bars spaced
0.017 m apart, fixed to a polyester resin block with dimensions of
 PH + MCD + ( SDR ⋅100 )  0.05 × 0.045 × 0.015 m, connected to a coaxial cable of 50 ohms,
VVI =  (3) of variable length (1.25, 1.50, and 2.00 m).
The soil resistance to mechanical penetration was measured
using a Stolf penetrometer (STOLF et al., 1983) in August 2018
where PH is the plant height (m); MCD is the mean canopy
and February 2019, in 24 sampling points (three repetitions by
diameter (m), and SDR is the stem diameter of the rootstock
treatment), at one meter from the plant, in the planting row,
up to the depth of 0.60 m. The results were transformed into
MPa (unit of pressure) according to the equation described by
MCV =   ⋅ PH ⋅ CDR ⋅ CDC (4) Stolf (1991) and Stolf et al. (2014), in intervals of 0.10 m depth.
The data of each evaluation time were subjected to analysis
of variance. The significant interactions were tested, and the
where PH is the plant height (m), CDR is the canopy diameter
means were compared by the Tukey's test at p ≤ 0.05.
in row direction (m), and CDC is the canopy diameter in the
cross-row direction (m).
Soil and root samples were collected in October 2018 to Results and Discussion
evaluate root architecture, in seven sampling points distributed
Plant height, stem diameters below and above the grafting
in two perpendicular axes, from the plant stems, namely: three
point, vegetative vigor index, canopy cover area in the row
points in the planting row (0.50, 1.00, and 1.50 m) and four
and between rows, and mean canopy volume at 40 months of
points between planting rows (0.50, 1.00, 1.50, and 3.00 m),
in the 0-0.20, 0.20-0.40, 0.40-0.60, 0.60-0.80, 0.80-1.00, and formation of the orchard were always higher for the ‘Santa Cruz
1.00-1.20 m soil layers, except for the last point (3.00 m) in Rangpur’ lime (SCRL) when compared to the ‘Sunki Tropical’
which samples were collected up to the depth of 0.40 m, totaling mandarin (STM) (Figure 1).
912 samples. The samples were collected using steel cylinders Considering the whole root system, the root lengths within
of 1.50 m length and 0.067 m internal diameter, which were the root diameter classes (d1 < 0.5; 0.5 < d2 < 1.0; 1.0 < d3 <
inserted into the soil at each 0.20 m by sledgehammer strikes. 1.5; 1.5 < d4 < 2.0; 2.0 < d5 < 2.5; 2.5 < d6 < 3.0; 3.0 < d7 < 3.5;
The roots were separated from the soil by immersion in water 3.5 < d8 < 4.0; 4.0 < d9 < 4.5; and d10 > 4.5 mm) were higher
and sieved in a 1-mm mesh sieve; they were stored in a 30% for the planting of protected seedlings (PPS) when compared
alcohol-water solution at temperature of 4 to 10 ºC. The roots were to the planting of seeds in definitive place (PSD). Both crops
scanned (Epson Expression 11000XL) with 400 dpi resolution, presented predominance of thin roots (< 2 mm) (Figure 2). The
and the images were analyzed in the WinRhizo program (Regent rootstock had no effect on the root diameter classes.
Instruments Inc., Quebec, Canada) to assess the variables: total The planting type had significant effect (p ≤ 0.05) on total
root length (TRL; cm); mean root diameter (MRD; mm); and root root length (TRL), root length density (RLD), mean root
length within root diameter classes (d1 < 0.5; 0.5 < d2 < 1.0; 1.0 diameter (MRD) and root diameter classes (< 2 and > 2 mm)
< d3 < 1.5; 1.5 < d4 < 2.0; 2.0 < d5 < 2.5; 2.5 < d6 < 3.0; 3.0 < d7 < in the longitudinal profile to the plant row, with higher values
3.5; 3.5 < d8 < 4.0; 4.0 < d9 < 4.5; and d10 > 4.5 mm). for PPS, whereas no isolate effects or interaction between the
The samples were then dried in an oven at 60 ºC until factors studied on these variables were found for the orthogonal
constant weight to assess their root dry weight (RDW; g); profile to the plant row (Figure 3).
specific root length (SRL), obtained by the TRL to RDW ratio The diameter class distribution in the longitudinal profile
(cm g-1); and root length density (RLD; cm cm-3), obtained by showed that the difference between planting types was
dividing the TRL by the soil volume collected (cm³) of each significant for roots with diameters lower than 2 mm, in
sample. the 0-0.20 m and 0.20-0.40 m layers, with higher values for
The RLD, SLR, and RDW data were used to generate isoline PPS (Figure 3C). This same trend was found for roots with
maps, with the mean of each point sampled by treatment, using diameters higher than 2 mm in the soil 0-0.20 m layer (Figure
the Surfer 8 program. 3D). This denotes the importance of a quality seedling planting

R. Bras. Eng. Agríc. Ambiental, v.24, n.10, p.685-693, 2020.

688 Thaís N. Meneses et al.

Figure 1. Plant height (H), stem diameter below the grafting point (SD), canopy volume (CV), vegetative vigor index (VVI),
canopy cover area in the row (CCAR) and between rows (CCAB) of ‘Santa Cruz Rangpur’ lime (SCRL) (C. limonia Osbeck)
and ‘Sunki Tropical’ mandarin (STM) [C. sunki (Hayata) hort. ex Tanaka] over the evaluation times

Classes higher than 2 mm are detailed in the upper corner

Figure 2. Root length within root diameter classes (d1 < 0.5; 0.5 < d2 < 1.0; 1.0 < d3 < 1.5; 1.5 < d4 < 2.0; 2.0 < d5 < 2.5;
2.5 < d6 < 3.0; 3.0 < d7 < 3.5; 3.5 < d8 < 4.0; 4.0 < d9 < 4.5; and d10 > 4.5 mm) of ‘Pera’ sweet orange trees [C. sinensis (L.)
Osbeck] as a function of planting types (planting of protected seedlings – PPS, and planting of seeds in definitive place - PSD)

R. Bras. Eng. Agríc. Ambiental, v.24, n.10, p.685-693, 2020.

Rootstocks and planting types on root architecture and vegetative vigor of ‘Pera’ sweet orange trees 689

* - Significantly different by Tukey's test (p ≤ 0.05)

Figure 3. Total root length (A), mean root diameter (B), total root length in the diameter class < 2 mm (C) and > 2 mm (D),
in the longitudinal profile to plant rows of ‘Pera’ sweet orange trees [C. sinensis (L.) Osbeck] under seed planting (PSD) and
seedling planting (PPS)

(PPS) for the root system formation of citrus plant by its better The rooting in the longitudinal profile was better than that in
distribution throughout the soil profile, and formation of the orthogonal profile for all root variables analyzed (Figure 4),
roots with diameters that perform different functions and are regardless of the planting type and rootstock used, except root
essential to the plant development. dry weight (RDW), which presented no significant difference.

Figure 4. Root length density (RLD; cm cm-3), related to seed planting (A) and seedling planting (B); specific root length
(SRL; cm g-1) related to the rootstocks ‘Santa Cruz Rangpur’ lime (C. limonia Osbeck) (C) and ‘Sunki Tropical’ mandarin [C.
sunki (Hayata) hort. ex Tanaka] (D) in the longitudinal and orthogonal profiles to the plant row of ‘Pera’ sweet orange [C.
sinensis (L.) Osbeck] trees

R. Bras. Eng. Agríc. Ambiental, v.24, n.10, p.685-693, 2020.

690 Thaís N. Meneses et al.

RLD, TRL, and diameter classes (< 2 and > 2 mm) were seedlings (PPS), indicating higher water extraction in the PSS
significantly different in deeper layers in the longitudinal and treatment, usually in periods with higher soil water availability
orthogonal profiles, with higher incidence in the 0-0.20 m layer, (Figure 6A). Soil mechanical resistance to penetration (SMRP)
and in lower horizontal distances from the plant (Figures 4A was significantly affected (p ≤ 0.05) by rootstock type (Figures
and B). The highest MRD were found in the 0.20-0.40 m layer 6E and F), with higher SMRP throughout the soil profile for
(Figure 3B) due to the contribution of thicker roots (Figure the ‘Santa Cruz Rangpur’ lime (Figure 6E); it was probably due
3D). Citrus roots were not found at distances longer that three to the higher soil drying for this rootstock, due to its higher
meters between planting rows (Figure 4). water extraction.
PPS had higher RLD than PSD up to 0.40 m depth, in the The roots were concentrated at a horizontal distance up
longitudinal profile (Figures 4A and B). The orthogonal profile to 1.50 m from the plant trunk, in the soil first 0.40 m depth
presented higher root concentration near the plant (0.50 m), (64% of the root system), with 50% in the first 0.20 m depth,
in the 0-0.20 m layer. TRL showed similar response to RLD, soil layer associated with higher water extractions over the
since these variables are correlated. evaluated period (Figures 6A and B).
The rootstocks had significant effect (p ≤ 0.05) on specific The citrus roots system concentrated in the soil surface
root length (SRL), with higher results for the ‘Santa Cruz layers were also found in other studies, even in conditions
Rangpur’ lime (SCRL), regardless of the position evaluated with soil without physical barriers (Alves Júnior et al., 2012;
(Figures 4C and D). The interaction between the factors was Zaccheo et al., 2012). According to Santana et al. (2006), root
not significant for SRL in the orthogonal and longitudinal concentration in surface soil horizons is associated to their
profiles. higher biological activity and water and nutrients availability.
The management practices adopted did not significantly Gao et al. (2016) reported that root growth is inhibited
change the root dry weight (RDW) in the planting row and in soils with SMRP above of 2.5 MPa, and the increases in
between planting rows (Figure 5). The values were, in general, SMRP in deeper layers are usually enough to make deep
higher in surface layers because of the high root concentration roots to stretch into existing pores network; this may have
(Figures 3 and 4). had happened in the present study due to the SMRP above
Higher concentrations of roots (RLD, TRL, diameter 2.5 MPa in soil depths higher than 0.20 m (Table 1, Figures
classes, and SRL) were found for the longitudinal profile, when 6C, D, E and F).
compared to the orthogonal profile. This was probably due to According to Clark et al. (2003), the capacity of roots to
the contribution of the root system of both rootstocks, because penetrate soils with mechanical barriers is related to differences
of the denser planting spacing, which has been a tendency in root diameters. The results of the present study show the effect
for citriculture (Azevedo et al., 2015; Ramos et al., 2015). In of subsurface cohesive horizons, between 0.18-0.68 m (Table 1),
addition, the area was more shaded, without machinery traffic with thicker roots (> 2 mm), structural roots, and predominance
and soil turning, with higher moisture (Souza et al., 2007) due of thinner roots (< 2 mm) above them (Figures 3C and D),
to the low soil water evaporation potential, and had lower which contribute to maintain the plant turgidity (Santos et al.,
weed competition and higher soil fertilizer concentrations, 2005; Rewald et al., 2011) and, consequently, to physiological
contributing to a higher root concentration under the canopy responses of tolerance to droughts and plant vigor.
projection. The PSD practice for citrus supposes to result in a higher
Lower values of soil water content were observed in root deepening because the original architecture of the root
superficial layer (0-0.40 m) (Figures 6A and B), which also had system remains intact (Rezende, 2013; Rezende et al., 2015).
higher root concentration (Figures 3 and 4). This is a response However, there was no difference in root deepening system
to physical barriers generated by cohesive horizons (Table 1), between planting types as also found in field conditions by
which increase soil mechanical resistance to critical levels for Oliveira et al. (2018) in a greenhouse study, in which the PPS
root expansion (Figure 6), resulting in poor oxygenation and of SCRL was correlated to higher root and shoot vigor, despite
in low water availability to plants (Cintra, 2011; Tracy et al., possible benefits of not cutting the pivoting root in the direct
2011, Jin et al., 2017). sowing.
Higher values of soil water content were associated to plants The characteristics of each rootstock affected the
sowing in definitive place (PSD) than those from protected vegetative vigor and SRL. Plants grafted on SCRL were more

Figure 5. Root dry weight (RDW; g) distribution over the longitudinal and orthogonal profiles to the plant row of ‘Pera’ sweet
orange [C. sinensis (L.) Osbeck] trees

R. Bras. Eng. Agríc. Ambiental, v.24, n.10, p.685-693, 2020.

Rootstocks and planting types on root architecture and vegetative vigor of ‘Pera’ sweet orange trees 691

Figure 6. Soil water content throughout the profile as a function of planting types (seedling – PPS, and seeds - PSD) in August
2018 (A) and February 2019 (B); and soil resistance to mechanical penetration as a function of planting types (PPS and PSD),
and rootstocks {‘Santa Cruz Rangpur’ lime - SCRL (C. limonia Osbeck), and ‘Sunki Tropical’ mandarin - STM [C. sunki (Hayata)
hort. ex Tanaka]}, in August 2018 (C and E) and February 2019 (D and F), respectively

vigorous (Figure 4C), which may indicate higher water droughts is focused on the plant survival. These strategies can
extraction capacity from the soil for this rootstock due explain the higher vegetative vigor of SCRL in the evaluations
to the higher SRL when compared to STT. It is connected (Figure 1) and its precocity in fruits production compared to
to greater amounts of thin roots, higher root hydraulic STT, whose mean yield in 2018 reached 5.04 Mg ha-1 for SCRL
conductivity, and higher thin root proliferation rates of and 0.79 Mg ha-1 for STT.
citrus rootstocks (Eissentat, 1991; Eissentat & Achor, 1999; This present study revealed that soil structure affect root
Rewald et al., 2011). growth and, consequently, the crop performance; that the
According to Coelho et al. (2008), water extractions by planting of quality seedlings is the most recommended for the
fruit trees occur in points with higher roots concentration and management of orchards in the Coastal Tablelands of Brazil;
soil moisture; and higher root system expansion is expected and that ‘Santa Cruz Rangpur’ lime rootstock are a more
for plants with higher vigor, in large distances from the plants adaptive choice for citriculture in this region.
and in deep soil layers. This allowed SCRL to explore a higher
soil volume per unit of metabolic investment in their tissues, Conclusions
being more efficient in water and nutrient absorption per unit
of carbon (Nippert & Holdo, 2015; Gonçalves et al., 2016; 1. The planting of seedlings produced in screened nursery
Sampaio et al., 2016; Santos et al., 2017). increase total root length, root length density, mean root
Vieira et al. (2016) found that the ‘Santa Cruz Rangpur’ diameter, and diameter classes, and result in higher water
lime tree has a strategy to prevent dehydration and keep its extraction from the soil than the planting of seeds.
growth under water deficiency conditions, whereas the ‘Sunki 2. The roots were concentrated in short horizontal distances
Maravilha’ mandarin tangerine strategy for tolerance to from the plant and in surface soil layers, up to 0.40 m depth,

R. Bras. Eng. Agríc. Ambiental, v.24, n.10, p.685-693, 2020.

692 Thaís N. Meneses et al.

regardless of the management practices adopted, as well as Gonçalves, L. P.; Alves, T. F. O.; Martins, C. P. S.; Sousa, A. O.;
the soil moisture. Santos, I. C.; Pirovani, C. P.; Almeida, A. F.; Coelho Filho, M. A.;
Gesteira, A. S.; Soares Filho, W. S.; Girardi, E. A.; Costa, M. G. C.
Rootstock-induced physiological and biochemical mechanisms
of drought tolerance in sweet orange. Acta Physiologiae
The authors thank the Lagoa do Coco Farm; the Brazilian Plantarum, v.38, p.1-12, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11738-
Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa Mandioca e 016-2198-3
Fruticultura – CNPMF); the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa IBGE - Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia Estatística. Levantamento
do Estado da Bahia (FAPESB) for granting a doctoral sistemático da produção agrícola: Produção agrícola municipal,
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