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HRM - Group 11 PDF

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Introduction: Importance of HR in Startups

Human Resources (HR) is a term used to describe the management and development of employees in an organization. HR encompasses
recruitment, onboarding, payroll management, training, development, benefits and holiday management, employee law compliance.
Due to increased market competitiveness, startups invest lesser money in HR for cost cutting. Many entrepreneurs get off to a flourishing
start but struggle to manage people as CEOs and VPs are not trained recruiters having a little idea of recruitment process and are focused
mostly on increasing profits, they may not recruit all the right people in a team as they can be biased

Fair Compensation Effective Hiring Process

TIn absence of HR professionals, pay increase decisions It is critical to hire the right people and unstructured job
are fraught and may be biased, boiling down to how the interviews may lead to bias. HR professionals help in
manager thinks about the employee or the post. making the process fair and structured.

Management Training Recognize the need for policies

Startups are full of ‘generalists’ i.e employees who wear As the number of employees grow, the organization may
many hats leading to employees without any formal face new issues, which can be tackled by HR executives
management experience holding important managerial forming new policies.
positions, which affects the quality of managers.

Legal & Regulatory Compliance Career Path Cultivation

HR professionals have a thorough understanding of labour When a company exceeds 30 employees, figuring out how
laws and regulatory laws. It is effective in protecting the to develop the employees is critical to prevent employee
business from lawsuits. turnover.
Literature Review

HR issues in Indian Startups High Performance Work Retention of employees in

Start-ups: their approach to Systems startups
Soni Agrawal (2018)
HR planning Josh Bendickson (2017) Fairouz Hussein (2017)
Positive ecosphere for startups.
Raphaelle Pachut (2016) HR not viewed as value-add Supervisory support
HR issues in startups are
Primary data on 6 startups. component Organizational support
CEOs focus on early value creation. Human capital is essential to Career opportunities
Importance of HR in employee
startups. Development opportunities
HR comes last, situation changes if engagement, equitable treatment
there is enough funding. HPWS enhances human capital Training & Mentoring | Job
potential characteristics
How can effective hr management boost growth of startup:

Develop a Competency Model Define Organizational Dimensions Perform Workforce Analysis

- Hire the right people for the - The prevailing culture has a - A workforce analysis is
right jobs based on skills, crucial impact on the HR considered to be a crucial part of
expertise, and education strategies developed. the human resource strategy.
- Developing clear job - Key factors that impact the - helps to analyze the current
descriptions, initiating job strategy are the nature of situation of the company and
competency models for every business, the chain of determine the position of the
department in the organization, command, and the organization in the future
- Benchmarking roles against organization structure, along - identifying the gaps in critical
similar jobs in the industry with human resources systems, areas
policies, and practices.
Develop Training Programs &
Evaluate Implemented Strategy Maintain Employee Performance Management
Relationships Methods
- Making sure that the employees
- Evaluated based on the accurate
- Established policies in place to are growing and to develop their
and measurable factors
handle employee complaints. skills and providing them with
- Doing the evaluation provides
- Organizations 's code of appropriate feedback for
the HR team with accurate facts
conduct, formulating a policy to improvement.
and figures on various
address concerns, and setting a - Tracking personnel records and
parameters concerning
system for gathering employee establishing an effective
employees and customers.
feedback. performance evaluation process.
- Evaluating the effectiveness and
- an individualized approach to - Ensure that the employees are
performance of the HR strategy
employee engagement to adequately trained
maintain relationships.
Apart from the above-mentioned HR
practices, a Startup should look forward to
establish the following methods:

• Create an company culture.

• Determine core values.
• Developing and retaining top talent.
• Simplify the processes.
Create an Action Plan Internal Analytics
• Match expertise with culture.
• Stay consistent.
- A detailed action plan to - Using data analysis, it is possible
implement the critical points for to use leading and lagging KPIs • Create leaders.
to figure out the startup's • Count the total cost.
getting management approval.
performance. • Create a culture of learning.
- Management should then classify
projects by priority level and help - set the correct KPIs and data • Focus your energy on your people.
HR create a project timeline for tracking mechanisms then • Create a culture of clarity.
implementing each measure. analyze the data to figure out
- Setting up the business for future the trends
growth - they should be thinking - assesses the KPI performance to
long term and the big picture comes up with strategies and
solutions to fix problems.
Innovative HR Practices

Job Title Customization Two-way Mentoring

Progressive HR departments are ditching While on one hand, the new joinees can learn
conventional job titles and are opting for invaluable product knowledge from the
position built on the basis of employee veterans, the seasoned employees can also
learn new technologies from the newbies.
strengths and weaknesses. Innovative
Mandatory PTO
Practices Gamification
PTO stands for Paid Over Time. It consists of either virtual tour of the workplace
Unlimited PTO has resulted in more or simulation game of the potential job’s tasks.
rested workforce and lesser chances This may interest the young talent and they may
of employee burnout. choose to apply to the company.

Employees as Customers
Technology- enabled Collaboration
Employee happiness is as critical as Top companies have been able to gather
customer happiness. Employees
innovative ideas from diverse employees by
satisfaction is important for
employee retention. means of forums in the company, intranet
and other group efforts.

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