3031A-SIP-5H: SANYO Electric Co.,Ltd. Semiconductor Bussiness Headquarters
3031A-SIP-5H: SANYO Electric Co.,Ltd. Semiconductor Bussiness Headquarters
3031A-SIP-5H: SANYO Electric Co.,Ltd. Semiconductor Bussiness Headquarters
Monolithic Linear IC
5 W Power Amplifier with Very Few External Parts
for Car Radio and Car Stereo
Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25°C
Pd max – Ta
With silicone grease applied.
Heat sink mounting torque 39 N·cm
No heat sink
IC Usage Notes
Maximum ratings
If the IC is used in the vicinity of the maximum ratings, even a slight variation in conditions may cause the maximum ratings to
be exceeded, thereby leading to a breakdown.
= 1000 µF
+ –
– +
OUT Co = 1000 µF
Ci = 2.2 µF GND
Frequency, f – Hz Frequency, f – Hz
Total harmonic distortion, THD – %
Output power, PO – W
BPF = 20 Hz to 20 kHz
2 V/div
0.2 s/div
Ambient temperature, Ta – °C
0.2 s/div
Sanyo’s recommended printed circuit board: Apply VCC = 13.2 V using a 30 × 30 × 1.5 mm3 thick aluminum board. The IC will
be protected from the DC/AC shorting of switches 1 to 4 above. However, be careful not to damage the IC by turning VCC ‘‘ON’’
when DC short (SW 1 or SW 2) is on.
. Power Supply Positive Surge
JASO tester
Application of giant pulse
The overvoltage protector (VCCX 6 21.5 V) inside the IC is used to cut all bias routes and reverse bias between B-E of output
stage elements, in order to increase the power line’s capability of handling positive surge. This means, of course, that a VCES
(VCBO) type output stage element is used instead of the VCEO (VCER) type.
. Load Resistance and Misoperation
It should be noted that when RL < 2 Ω and VCC is high, and the switch is turned ‘‘ON’’ when setting is for a signal (THD =
10 %), the ground detector (current × voltage Schmitt circuit) operates momentarily.
. Precautions on TaB
If power voltage is applied to the IC substrate (the heat sink on a set), the IC structure is such that the PN junctions may be
burned, causing deterioration or destruction. Consult Sanyo’s Quality Assurance Department with regard to the energy handling
capability (voltage peak value, pulse width). Also, the IC TaB (substrate) is connected to pin 3, large signal GND.
. Test of +V CC to Output Pin
The power pin is in a floating state when a power capacitor is connected, so if +VCC touches output lines a and b, the upper
power transistor inside the IC will be damaged.
The LA4425A has a protective bypass route inside the IC.
. Starting Time (t )s
This is set at 0.35 sec/typ, but it can be made shorter by making input capacitor Ci smaller, or longer by making it larger.
. Pop noise
The pop noise prevention circuit operates to reduce pop until Rg reaches 50 kΩ. However, if Rg is left open, the charging route
of input capacitor Ci is lost, so the pop noise reduction circuit stops operating and click noises become louder.
The voltage gain is fixed at 45 dB inside the IC. It is impossible to change it externally.
Phase compensation capacitors (350 pF/total) are connected between individual stages inside the IC, and the open loop gain is
low. In addition, the upper and lower drives are made equivalent so that final stage current gain is adjusted, providing a measure
against unwanted high-frequency parasitic oscillation peculiar to power IC’s.
. BTL Connection
Connection is impossible with IC alone.
. Reverse Mounting of IC
The pin assignment is such that there is no danger of damage.
. T.S.D (Thermal Shutdown) Operating Temperature
T.S.D is capable of starting operation at Tc 120 to 130°C. When this is converted to junction temperature (Tj) according to the
formula below.
Tj 6 165°C,
Tj = QjcvPd + Tc
As T.S.D operation progresses, the output pin bias voltage drops, and it becomes harder to drive the upper waveform. Therefore,
the current (ICC) and power (PO) show a tendency to decrease.
No products described or contained herein are intended for use in surgical implants, life-support systems, aerospace equipment,
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Anyone purchasing any products described or contained herein for an above-mentioned use shall:
1 Accept full responsibility and indemnify and defend SANYO ELECTRIC CO., LTD., its affiliates, subsidiaries and distributors
and all their officers and employees, jointly and severally, against any and all claims and litigation and all damages, cost and
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2 Not impose any responsibility for any fault or negligence which may be cited in any such claim or litigation on SANYO
ELECTRIC CO., LTD., its affiliates, subsidiaries and distributors or any of their officers and employees jointly or severally.
Information (including circuit diagrams and circuit parameters) herein is for example only; it is not guaranteed for volume
production. SANYO believes information herein is accurate and reliable, but no guarantees are made or implied regarding its use
or any infringements of intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties.
This catalog provides information as of June, 1996 . Specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.