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Thoughts and Feelings: Wheel of Life Exercise

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Wheel of Life Exercise page 1 of 4

By Duncan Tooley, Mind Trainer, 310-832-0830

Thoughts and Feelings

Your thoughts lead to feelings or emotions. Each feeling is a
measure of how connected, aligned your thoughts are with that all-
wise inner part of you that is connected to Spirit or Source, that part
of you that knows who you really are.

You are always attracting

more of the same type of
energy as what you are
When your emotion is high on the
emotional scale, the alignment is
greater and more things you want are being attracted. When the
emotion is lower on the scale, it is a sign of misalignment and more
undesired things are being attracted.

If you think you can . . . or you think you can’t . . .

you are right!” -- Henry Ford

STEP A: Use the scale at right to rank (approximately) how you feel about
each area of your life. Mark an arc at the appropriate level on each pie-piece
on the next page.
1. Physical Well-Being - My emotion about my body, health,
physical safety, and life expectancy
2. Primary Relationship - My emotion about my primary
relationship, or with not being in one
3. Other Relationships - My emotion about my harmony with parents,
children, siblings, friends, and associates
4. Mission/Personal & - My emotion about my spiritual emotional growth
Spiritual Development and mission to use my unique gifts and talents.
5. Physical Surroundings - My emotion about my environment &
energy of home, office, car
6. Profession - My emotion about my expressing and using,
my talents and energy in a particular service area
7. Finances - My emotion about my abundance and
my giving and receiving money
8. Rest, Relaxation & Fun - My emotion about my spending time & $$
on myself for regeneration, enjoyment,
leisure, fun
Wheel of Life Exercise page 2 of 4
By Duncan Tooley, Mind Trainer, 310-832-0830

My Wheel of LIFE date:___________

1. Physical 2. Primary
Well-Being Relationship

8. Rest &
Relaxation 3. Other
& Fun Relationships

4. Mission/
7. Finances Spiritual

6. Occupation/ 5. Physical
Profession Surroundings

• Lightly shade in the area from the center to each arc.
• Imagine riding in a car with wheels like these……

• YOU are riding through LIFE on these wheels, and

• YOU have the power to improve every aspect of your life!
Wheel of Life Exercise page 3 of 4
By Duncan Tooley, Mind Trainer, 310-832-0830
• Go through each area of your life and note how you would like to feel about it:
( state the emotions, feelins that you want)

1. Physical Well-Being - My body, health, physical safety, and life expectancy

2. Primary Relationship - My primary relationship, or with not being in one
3. Other Relationships - My harmony with parents, children, siblings, friends, and associates
4. Mission/ P/S Development - My processes of spiritual and emotional growth and self-discovery
5. Physical Surroundings - My environment and the energy where I spend time - home, office, car
6. Occupation / Profession - Expressing, utilizing, and giving my energy in a particular area
7. Finances - My feelings about my abundance and giving and receiving money
8. Rest, Relaxation & Fun - Spending time and $$ on myself for regeneration, enjoyment, leisure, fun

STEP D: You are creating your world with your thinking.

How must your current thinking change to create these desired results?

New POSITIVE thoughts I will have daily

Wheel of Life Exercise page 4 of 4
By Duncan Tooley, Mind Trainer, 310-832-0830
STEP E: Develop new habits:
• Make arcs on the same diagram showing goal level after achieving the listed
changes. Darkly shade the area between the original and new arc in each
segment. Write the main desired FEELING, EMOTION in each segment.
• Place your Wheel where you will see the change you want it as a daily
• Formulate some affirmations to say as you fall asleep and as you awaken.
• Keep a simple journal to track how you are doing. Use the calendar blocks
below as a start. (Hint: If you keep track you are more likely to achieve your goal; new habits
take a while to become automatic. . . 90 days / 3 months).

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3


STEP F: Be grateful! Congratulate yourself! Celebrate! You are achieving what you
You know that you have the Power to BE, DO and HAVE whatever you want . .
. and you are using that power!

STEP G: Get the HELP you need!

Duncan Tooley can help you with affirmations and how to
implant them more deeply.
Mary Lynn Miller’s Fired Up for Success Mastermind
group can help with accountability.

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