Perdev Week 2
Perdev Week 2
Perdev Week 2
Learning Module No. 2
You have learned that your unique self is a result of the interplay of the different components of
your personality, namely, your body, thoughts, feelings, experiences, and spirituality. The wonders and
challenges of what you are going through now, as an adolescent, add meaning to who you are and to the
person you will be in the future. Thus, in this module, you will be given the opportunity to learn and
understand the elements of self, including physiological, cognitive, psychological or emotional, social, and
moral or spiritual, as well as their implications to you.
2. What did you do for your physical and social activities for the past days?
4. How are these physical, social, spiritual and psychological activities affect or influence you as a person?
What Is Wholeness?
Wholeness, essentially, is an integral sense of integration. The different aspects of the individual-mental,
emotional, physical, social, and spiritual-are in harmony or balanced. This harmony or feeling of balance is important for
self-esteem and self-actualization. Wholeness is a transcendental life goal. It is a lifelong pursuit. Emeth and Greenhut
(1991) wrote that we are all pilgrims on a journey toward wholeness and fullness of life. It is an ideal human goal given its
good implications to the total functioning of the individual, as well as meaning to life.
Physical Development
Physical development points to the body and its functioning. The period of adolescence brings major changes in
the physical make-up of an individual. Growth spurts are at its peak brought about by hormonal changes, and sexual
characteristics become prominent. This is the time when you become conscious of your body and strive to be in good
shape. This attention to your body is important as it is your key instrument, an ally, in working out your plans in life.
Hence, it is important that you take good care of it and keep it well. Wellness should be a primary concern as you grow,
and as you head toward becoming the best that you can be.
What are the things you need to look into in developing the physical aspect of yourself? How do you keep yourself
1. Watch what you eat. Nutritious food gives you energy and good health. The kind of food you eat does not only affect
your health. It also affects your mood, mental well-being, and energy. For example, chocolates and coffee are energy
boosters. Sweets can make you hyper. Coffee can keep you awake. But too much intake of sweets or coffee can induce
migraines. The onset of a migraine can hamper your functioning as it can stop you from doing what you need to do as
pain gets in the way.
2. Keep yourself fit and strong. Exercise! In this digital age when almost everything is button pushed/pressed or swiped,
things come at an instant. While it makes life easier, it has also made man physically inactive. A sedentary life can make
you less energetic and flexible, when you regularly exercise, you burn more calories and you maintain a healthy weight. If
overweight, you are prone to health problems like hypertension, diabetes, or cardiovascular diseases. Being underweight,
on the other hand, makes you at risk for developing problems like osteoporosis.
3. Avoid abuse of your body.
Get good sleep at night. At your age when activities are plentiful, getting enough sleep tends to be less of a priority. This
should not be the case. Our body has its own natural rhythm. As our body works hard, it also needs time to rest. Sleep
gives the body the much needed opportunity to recover energy spent on your activities. Lack of sleep may result in
fatigue, irritability, or inefficiency in performance
Cognitive Development
Cognitive refers to patterns of thinking which include reasoning, ability to learn, remembering, and solving
problems. As a learner hoping to have a good career someday, the development of your cognitive skills Is important. Your
ability to learn will greatly determine the height of literacy you can attain and work you can achieve. Three important
cognitive skills you need to develop are: remembering, critical thinking, and problem-solving.
Remembering is a function of the brain that depends on short-term or long-term memory. If you cannot remember,
learning becomes impossible. Throop and Castellucci (2011) listed ways to improve your memory:
1. Repetition. Going over a material repeatedly improves your memory. As the old saying goes, "Practice makes perfect:
If you keep repeating something, it increases your chances of remembering it.
2. Organization. Organizing things or ideas in your head helps. You may classify things according to their common
features. You can also work on making meaningful associations with new information at hand. It may be another idea, a
song, color, or people. Think of a way to connect them with something special or important that will help you to easily
retrieve the information from your memory. Of course, making a list or notes is a time-tested strategy to help you
3. Mnemonics is a device that aids your memory. Acronyms and rhymed words are kinds of mnemonics that work.
Critical Thinking
Critical thinking comes from the word kritikos (meaning, discerning judgment) and criterion (meaning, standards).
Hence, critical thinking implies the discerning judgment based on standards. It requires ability to reason out (logical
thinking), infer, analyze, interpret, and explain. Additionally, you will need to discern between facts and opinions. A fact is
something that is true and can be proven. An opinion is based on your values and assumptions that may not necessarily
be true for others. Moreover, objectivity is important. To think critically, you have to avoid personal biases that cloud your
Problem-solving depends so much on your critical thinking ability.
Socio-Emotional Development
Motus anima is said to be the Latin description for emotions. It means "the spirit that moves us" (Hasson, 2012).
Indeed, emotions, or feelings as a common word used for it, are kinds of force from within that affect us. Feelings and
emotional life, in general, form an important part of us. They color our world as we respond to different life experiences.
What then is emotion? It is hard to pin down an outright definition for it. But there is an agreement in terms of the
components that make up an emotion.
Physiological Component
Emotions involve bodily arousal. Something goes on in the brain, in the autonomic nervous system, as well as in
the endocrine system. Here is an example of what happens to our body when reacting to a stressful event:
eyes : dilated
mouth : dry
skin : goose bumps
palms : sweaty
heart : increased rate
Cognitive Component
This refers to the subjective conscious experience of the person. How you interpret a situation affects your
emotions. Thus, your emotional reaction may vary from others depending on how they see and understand an event.
Behavioral Component
This is the outward expression of emotions as seen in your facial expressions, body language, and manner of
Growing up, our emotional responses develop from simple anger, fear, and joy to more distinct emotions. Coon (2001)
cited Robert Plutchik's primary emotions (aside from those three) which include surprise, sadness, disgust, anticipation,
and acceptance.
Spiritual Development
We always look up to someone bigger or higher than us. We search for somebody divine for love, comfort, and
inspiration. Most people have found it through religious affiliations, while some engage in other spiritual practices. Your
belief in God, in the Higher Being, or however you see it in your way that is bigger than you, takes a huge part of yourself
and your life. The spiritual dimension is an integral part of our self. The guidance that comes from a spiritual direction
takes a special role in life. For that reason, you will also need to commit yourself in developing and nurturing that spiritual
part in you.
A holistic perspective that sees man as a whole, unitary being agrees with the notion of equilibrium, harmony, or
balance that man strives to achieve. Probably the concept closest to ordinary language is being "complete and stable"
What will complete you? When will you feel stable?
At this point in your life, your studies hold great promise in realizing your dreams through the career choice you
make. To do so, it is imperative to strive to develop the key aspects of yourself: physical, cognitive, socio-emotional and
spiritual. In the process, your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors should work together and reflect the changes that will
mark your growth. This should result in an ability to manage emotions and reflect good actions.
Enrichment Activity
Answer the following questions briefly and concise. Write it below the space provided. You can also use another empty
sheets if needed. But, make it sure that you’ll attach it together with this module.
1. In your own opinion, how do prayers and meditations influence a man’s personal development?
4. Given the aspects of holistic development, what areas in your life do you need to develop to achieve balance?
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