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Perdev Module Week 1

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Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will disturb
you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to
successfully enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun!
1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of
2. this module.
3. Write on your notebook the concepts about the lessons. Writing enhances
learning, that is important to develop and keep in mind.
4. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
5. Analyze what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!


Learning Competency: Explain that knowing oneself can make a person accept his/her
strengths and limitations and dealing with others better.
Learning outcomes:
At the end of this module, the students would be able to:
1. Determine personal development and personality development;
2. Explain the meaning of oneself; and
3. Understand determinants and areas of personal development.

1. Health
You can improve your life by having a good healthy body. In order to develop
good physical health, you must have a healthy diet, exercise regularly, get enough sleep
and rest, and consistently take care of your body.

In order to maintain a good mental and social well-being, you must possess a
good opinion of yourself, develop good interpersonal and intrapersonal relationship,
enjoy the present moment, and find work-study-life balance

2. Finances
It is important to manage your finances until you reach financial independence.
The ability to manage your finances until you reach financial independence. The ability
to manage your finances is the key to both developing and maintaining your financial
This means that you must plan, organize, direct, and control your activities that require
you to spend your own money and/or dip into your personal savings.

3. Sociability
Sociability is the tendency or quality of liking to meet and be in the company of
other people. Being honest and genuine toward others is essential in developing your

4. Spirituality
Spirituality means the quality of being concerned with the human spirit as
opposed to material or physical things.

5. Habits
A habit is recurrent, often unconscious, pattern of behavior that is acquired
through frequent repetition. Habits may be good or bad.


Knowing yourself has a lot of benefits to you as an individual. Self-knowledge will aid
you not only in understanding yourself but also in relating with others. It is the start of becoming
a happy person. If you can freely express yourself and your desires then you would be more
likely to get what you want.
How do you gain self-awareness?


1. Understand your life story.

To fully understand yourself, you need to fully grasp your life story. Life stories do not
simply reflect personality. Your life story can be changed and altered depending on how you
want to write it since life stories are constantly evolving and becoming more positive later in
life. During adolescence period, you begin to ask big questions such as: “Who am I?”
“Where am I going?” “Where do I come from?”

2. Make self-reflection a daily habit.

Reflective journaling can be a way to understand yourself better. A journal is where you
put your thoughts, feelings and realizations. It helps you to carefully think over why you are
doing what you are doing.

3. Seek honest feedback.

After carefully thinking and evaluating your actions, feelings and thoughts you make ask
others for an honest feedback. If there is a need to change some of your behavior and actions
then you will probably need you teacher or a coach to implement those changes

There are three major factors that influence personality development:

1. Biological Factors of Personality

Biological factors are anything which affect the function and behavior of a living
organism which include hereditary factors, physical appearance and physique, and rate of

The constitutional make-up – which is also largely determined by heredity – influences a

person’s personality characteristics and influences his personality development in an indirect
way. Heredity refers to those factors that were determined at conception which include physical
attributes, facial attractiveness, sex, temperament, and biological rhythms that are inherited from

2. Cultural Determinants of Personality

From the point of view of personality development, the most significant aspect of the
individual’s world is his social environment. All human beings live in a society, an interacting
group of people. Each society has a distinctive culture, a body stored knowledge, characteristic
way of thinking, feelings, attitudes, goals, ideals, and value system. Personality formation is
influenced by the cultural factors in the society in which you are raised. It also includes early
conditioning, norms among the family, friends and social groups and other influences that you

3. Family Influences on Personality Development

The ultimate aim of personality development is the development of social behavior.
Socialization is the process by which an individual acquires behavioral potentialities and,
eventually, those behavior patterns that are customary and acceptable according to the standards
of his family and social group. You start acquiring those patterns of social behavior from the
immediate environment which is your family and eventually from the wide range of the extended

Personality is affected by both nature and nurture. Nature refers to heredity or genetic
make-up, while nurture refers to environment. Personality is developed through the combined
influences of heredity, environmental factors, and cultural backgrounds. Thus, personality type
can be determined by many factors.
One way to discover your personality type is through scientific methods; for instance, by
having yourself tested and having a psychologist analyze your test results. A personality test is


rather sample. By answering a few questions about your likes and dislikes and where you would
like to go in life, a professional can give you a report detailing the type of personality you have.

Psychology has identified factors that determine different personality traits. They are
known as the Big Five Factors. They are used to study and measure individual differences in
personality. The Big Five Factor Model of Personality was developed in the 1970s by two
research teams led by Paul Costa and Robert R. McCrae of the National Institute of Health and
Warren Norman and Lewis Goldberg of the University of Michigan at An Arbor and the
University of Oregon.
1. Openness- the appreciation for a variety of experiences;
2. Conscientiousness- planning ahead rather than being spontaneous;
3. Extraversion—being sociable, energetic and talkative.
4. Agreeableness—being kind, sympathetic and happy to help; and
5. Neuroticism- inclination to worry, be vulnerable, or temperamental.

1. Openness to experience refers to being appreciative of varied and new experiences. People
who have a high level of openness to experience often enjoy going out of their comfort zone.
2. Conscientiousness is a measure of your tendency to control impulses as well as your
competence, sense of responsibility, orderliness, and drive for achievement. People who are
high on conscientiousness are organized and have a strong sense of duty.
3. Extraversion is possibly the most recognizable personality trait. It indicates how outgoing
and social a person is. The more of an extravert someone is, the more sociable that person is.
4. Agreeableness is the tendency to be cooperative and compassionate toward others. It is the
measure of the extent of a person’s warmth and kindness. People who have a high level of
agreeableness are more likely to be warm, friendly and tactful.
5. Neuroticism refers to the tendency to be prone to psychological stress and to experience
unpleasant emotions easily. It is the degree of emotional stability and impulse control. People
who have high in neuroticism worry frequently and easily slip into anxiety and depression.


A. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).

This tool can help you understand yourself by determining what drives some of your
behaviors. It can also help you understand and get along with others. (Psychologist Carl

Sorts people into categories based on four areas:

1. Sensation and Intuition refers to how people prefer to gather information about the world:
through concrete information (sensing) or emotion (intuition).
2. Thinking and feeling refer to how people make decisions. Thinking types go to logic,
while feeling types follow their hearts.
3. Extraversion and introversion refer to how people prefer to channel their energy when
dealing with people, whether it is inward (introversion) or outward (extraversion).
4. Judging types and Perceiving types describes how people choose to interact with the
world. Judging types like decisive action, while perceiving types prefer open options.

B. Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF).

It is a self-report personality test developed over several decades of empirical research by
Raymond B. Cattell, Maurice Tatsuoka and Herbert Eber. The 16pf provides a measure of
normal personality and can also be used by psychologists and other mental health
professionals, as a clinical instrument to help diagnose psychiatric disorders, as well as help
with prognosis and therapy planning.

C. Interview
The individual under assessment must be given considerable space in “telling his story”.
Interviews have both verbal and nonverbal.

D. Self-report tests present questions or statements that may or may not describe certain
attributes or qualities of the person.

E. Projective techniques aim to uncover hidden conflicts or emotions through ambiguous


1. Associative techniques the subject is asked to react to words, inkblots, or other stimuli
with the first associated thought that comes to mind.
2. Construction techniques the subject is asked to create something.
3. Completion techniques in which the subject is asked to finish a partially developed
stimulus, such as adding the last words to an incomplete sentence
4. Choice or ordering techniques in which the subject is asked to choose from among to
give some orderly sequence to stimuli
5. Expressive techniques in which the subject is asked to use free expression in some
manner, such as in finger painting.


Behavioral observations are used to get information that cannot be obtained by other
means. Objective information includes the person’s observable behavior and usually does not
require the assessor to draw complex inferences about such topics as attitudes toward parents,
unconscious wishes, and deep-seated conflicts.


Bodily responses may reveal person’s feeling and motivations, and clinicians pay
particular attention to these nonverbal messages. Bodily functions may also reflect motivations
and concerns, and some clinicians also pay attention to these.


How do I create my personality?


One must remember that your personality is set by no one but you. it is in the actions you
take and the decisions you make. Either you are a patient person or not; a responsible person or
not. You may not be able to change your personality type, but you can change aspects of your
personality by taking determined, active steps to become a more balanced person.
How can my personality affect others?
Being positive and cheerful can influence everyone around you, and so can negativity.
For example, a friendly smile to someone can brighten up his/her day, just as a gloomy face can
frighten him/her and cause his/her mood to drop. Bear in mind the famous saying, “You cannot
give what you do not have.”

ACTIVITY 1: Self-concept inventory
Objective: To identify your strengths and weaknesses based on your own and other people’s
Instruction: Take a look at your own self-concept and answer the following self-concept
inventory in your journal.

Give yourself a rating using the scale:

0 = very weak;
1 = weak;
2 = somewhat weak or somewhat strong;
3 = strong;
4 = very strong

___1. I have strong sex appeal.

___2. I am proud of my physical figure.
___3. I am physically attractive and beautiful/handsome.
___4. I exude with charm and poise.
___5. I am easy to get along with.
___6. I can adjust to different people and different situations.
___7. I am approachable; other people are at ease and comfortable with me.
___8. I am lovable and easy to love.
___9. I am a fast learner, can understand with one instruction.
___10. I am intelligent.
___11. I have special talents and abilities.
___12. I can easily analyze situations and make right judgments.
___13. I can be trusted in any transaction. ___14. I have a clean conscience and carry no guilty
___15. I have integrity and good reputation.
___16. My friends and classmates can look up to me as a model worth emulating.
___17. I can express my ideas without difficulty.
___18. I talk in a persuasive manner that I can easily get people to accept what I say.
___19. I can express my ideas in writing without difficulty.
___20. I am a good listener.
___21. I am emotionally stable and not easily rattled when faced with trouble.
___22. I am logical and rational in my outlook and decisions.
___23. I feel and act with confidence.
___24. I am a mature person.

Scoring: Copy this table in your journal. Write your score opposite each number and get
the subtotal.

Physical appeal Human Relations Intelligence

1 __________ 5 __________ 9 ___________

2 __________ 6 __________ 10 __________

3 __________ 7 __________ 11 __________
4 __________ 8 __________ 12 __________
Subtotal: Subtotal: Subtotal

Character Communications Maturity

13 __________ 17 __________ 21___________
14 __________ 18 __________ 22___________
15 __________ 19 __________ 23___________
16 __________ 20 __________ 24___________
Subtotal Subtotal: Subtotal:


Look at the results of your self-concept inventory and answer the following questions.
1. In what areas do you consider yourself strong (with score 14-16 or somewhat weak (score
of 10-13) and very weak (below 10).
2. Are there qualities you consider as your weakness but other people consider as your
strength? What are these?
Example: A lady can say “I`m ugly” yet other consider her very charming. Or conversely,
one can have the illusion of saying “I am very intelligent or competent” when most of his ideas
sound unreasonable or illogical to most of the people. There is indeed a big difference between
what you see in yourself (real self-image) and what is projected in the eyes of the others (your
social image).
3. How realistic is your self- image?
4. To what extent does it reflect your real self?


Objective: Determine how you and other people perceive yourself.
Instruction: Draw two masks: one representing what you look like on the outside and the other
depicting what you look like on the inside. The outside mask can include how you think others
perceive you.


Objective: Identify your strength and weakness and use it as your greatest advantage
Instruction: In the spaces indicated by numbers, write down the following
1 and 2 Two things I do very well
3 and 4 My two greatest achievements in life
5 What in myself am I proudest of


6 My happiest moment
7 Positive words that my friends use to describe me
8 A personal goal that I have already achieved
9 Three blessings for which I am most thankful to God
10 Three of my positive qualities
11 Difficulties, challenges and problems that I was able to solve and overcome

Reflection from My Banner

Write about your banner. Answer the following questions.
1. What do you consider as your weaknesses, abilities and talents?
2. What are the remedies you will take to improve or compensate for your weakness?
3. How can you further enrich your assets and strengths?
4. Where and how do you use it to your best advantage?


What have you learned?

I. True or False. Write you answer BEFORE the number.

1. It is important to have the ability to manage your finances.

2. Being rude and boastful toward others is essential in developing your sociability.
3. In order to maintain a good mental and social well-being, you must possess a good
opinion of yourself.
4. Determining your values, strengths, and limitations is the first step in gaining a better
understanding of yourself.
5. To fully understand yourself, you need to fully forget your negative experiences.
6. Spirituality means the quality of being concerned with the human spirit as opposed to
material or physical things.
7. Personality refers to a particular person, individual or a body. It also related to a an
individual or an individual’s character, conduct, motives or private affairs.
8. Personal is a combination or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character.
9. You don’t have to consider other people’s feedback about yourself.
10. Personal Development is the general development of body, attitude, identity,
behavior, lifestyle, and thought processes where one can develop the self or the areas
that need to reworked to become suitable to the world.

II. Answer the following in your own words.

1. Differentiate personal development from personality development.


2. What is the importance of knowing yourself?


3. What do you think are your strengths and weaknesses?

4. Look at yourself, how would you explain that you are a product of heredity and your

5. Recall some experiences in your life, what are those experiences that you can relate to the
Big five Factors of personality? Give at least one scenario in each.


III. Make your own list of personal development activities in each area that you want to improve.
Example: Health- I will limit my intake of junk foods and eat more healthy foods.

1. Health

2. Finance

3. Sociability

4. Spirituality

5. Habits


Wong-Fernandez. Dra.B., Que-Legaspi, E.X., Quiba, C., Rafanan, Mae., Velasquez-Garcia, Z.

2016, Personal Development Reader, Department of Education

Jumamil, Dra. D.A. (2019). Personal Development for Senior High School. Novaliches Quezon
City. Golden Cronica Publishing, Inc.

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