Functional Requirements As An Integral Part of The Design and Development Process: Summary and Recommendations
Functional Requirements As An Integral Part of The Design and Development Process: Summary and Recommendations
Functional Requirements As An Integral Part of The Design and Development Process: Summary and Recommendations
International Journal of Bio-Medical
34 (1994) 59-76
Computing Computing
The Health Care Professional Workstation (HCPW) provides a portal to the health care
system as a whole. Through this portal the health care professional must be able to carry out
a wide variety of tasks in an integrated fashion. Traditional health care information systems
have not been designed to support this kind of use, so the functional requirements develop-
ment process must be capable of leading to an architecture and components for a system that
will support such use. A variety of approaches may be employed to develop functional re-
quirements, which may be used singly or in combination. Recommendations for this activity
center on domain delineation, evaluation efforts to establish the most effective approaches,
detailed functional requirement development, evaluation of the developed functional require-
ments, creation of shared resources, and education and training in the use of the tools and
Key words: Functional requirements; Health care professional; Workstation; Health care
information system
1. Introduction
The increasingly complex health care delivery systems of the 1990s impose on
health care professionals a greatly increased need for efficient information process-
* Corresponding author.
ing. The evolving workstations of the 1990s have extraordinary technical potential
for satisfying the needs of such users. However, to be able to effectively use a tech-
nology, that technology must be designed or adapted to meet the users’ needs. To
design a suitable technology for a user, the user must explicitly specify for what func-
tions the technology is to be utilized. The more complex and costly the technology,
the greater is the need for users to specify detailed, exact functional requirements.
The domain of interest is the entire health care delivery system, which includes the
patients, all health care clinical professionals, administrators, and health care policy
makers, as well as other health care workers; contexts include homes, offices, hospi-
tals, and extended care facilities. Nonetheless, we focus here only on the subdomain
characterized by the needs of the health care professional, and those functions in-
itiated by, or directly interacting with, such an individual, and not on second-order
and more distal functions. For example, if a physician admits a patient, the various
tasks of the admissions office other than those that relate directly to the health care
professional are not considered herein.
In this report the use of the term ‘health care professional’ is intended to include
individuals functioning in such capacities as physician, dentist, nurse, pharmacist,
administrator, researcher, policy analyst, or educator.
Some other considerations are important to the process of defining functional
requirements for an information system in a domain as complex as health care:
(i) The entire health care ‘enterprise’ is itself undergoing change, not only as a
normal, continuing process of evolution, but as a result of a current sense of
cost crisis which may result in more dramatic alterations of the enterprise. As
a consequence, the process of developing information system requirements
should not be considered so much as focusing on relations among an existing
set of individuals, organizations, and institutional entities. Rather it should be
considered in terms of a set of tasks, roles, and responsibilities that must be
carried out. The mapping of these to actual entities should be considered
(ii) An implication of the above is that the development of functional requirements
is not a one-time process, carried out at the outset of an implementation effort.
Rather it is an integral part of the information system design and development
process. The mapping of functions to entities is an iterative task, in which both
the functional requirements specifications and the tasks, roles, and respon-
sibilities of entities are continually relined.
Fig, 1. Vertical orientation of many current systems - making integration across systems difficult.
should be carried out via this portal. Furthermore, we consider this portal to be
available to the health care professional wherever he or she is located when perform-
ing an information task, not anchored to a fixed location. The idea of a workstation
as the locus through which integration of information and performance of problem-
specific tasks are done forces one to consider many new kinds of possible inter-
actions. Fig. 1 illustrates the current status, whereby particular kinds of users
interact with vertical systems and in which integration is difficult. Fig. 2 shows the
trajectories through a variety of information tasks that might ideally be performed
by professional users. To the extent that functional requirements can be turned into
specifications for information services to carry out specific kinds of tasks, these ser-
vices can be implemented as ‘components’ and perhaps offered independently. Some
may be of value to more than one kind of user. The resultant reusability of com-
ponents may be a primary advantage of adopting this perspective.
By offering software components that perform specific information services, a
wide range of choice is provided to the system builder, who is able to implement a
system by selecting and integrating the appropriate components. Based on the nature
of the component information services, their inter-relations, and the quality of their
implementations, these services may be offered on the marketplace either singly or
in combination. Such combinations, as shown in Fig. 3, need not necessarily corres-
pond to existing information systems.
Admin **
?? Fam.MD 0.. Surgeon **
?? Radiologist **
?? Nurse
Fig. 3. Component-based architecture - components that are provided are a direct result of functional
requirements process, and their interactions with other components are clearly defined.
R.A. Greenes et al. /hr. J. Biomed. Compur. 34 (1994) 59-76 63
These are not mutually exclusive, and may be used in combination. For example,
focus groups, experience, and consensus development are often used together.
Formal methods exist that address the entire lifecycle of systems, including pro-
cesses of analysis, requirements development, specification, design, implementation,
testing, documenting, and updating. Lifecycle approaches include Software Analysis
and Design Technology (SADT) - Waterfall and CASE methods, Scenario-based
Engineering Process (SEP), and the Spiral method. The SEP process described in
Ref. 2 is an example of a Domain-Specific Software Architecture (DSSA) approach
[3]. Three of these approaches to development of requirements are illustrated herein:
2.1. Literature
Published papers can provide useful suggestions’for FRs, from the points of view
of the authors. .This Workshop included solicited papers with perspectives provided
by government planners, primary care providers, clinical specialists, nurses, and
researchers. Appendix A provides summaries of some perspectives taken from
selected representative papers.
0 describe scenario;
0 mark significant events;
0 identify important healthcare tasks or process steps;
0 analyze each task;
?? characterize each resource;
0 map technologies to resources; and
0 assign responder to each technology resource.
5. Recommendations
6. Conclusions
creation process with such newer methodologies may facilitate the update, refine-
ment, and more cost-effective implementation of health care information systems.
7. Acknowledgments
The discussions and ideas of the members of the Functional Requirements group
were essential in developing this synthesis. Particularly valuable were the contribu-
tions of D. DeBrota, K. Harbison and S. Hufnagel, who provided useful summaries
and additional materials, upon which the Appendices are based. Thanks are also due
to E. Mettala, R. Bryant and J. Kouwenberg for their contributions. The authors
of this paper accept responsibility for changes made to the original materials.
From D.J. DeBrota (adapted from summary of various workshop papers and con-
sensus discussion):
Authentication: Is the individual definitively identified?
Authorization: Is the individual permitted to perform the function?
Faithfulness (from W. A. Nowlan [3]): Models for information content, process, and
inference that are unambiguous.
Information capture from provider at point of interaction: Avoidance of redundancy.
Unobtrusiveness: Non-interference with the ability of the provider to focus upon the
patient and the patient’s needs.
R. A. Greenes et al. / Ini. J. Biomed. Comput. 34 (I 994) 59-76 61
records, etc. that have been scanned into the computer-based patient record. Ab-
ility to display photos. Minimum display resolution and dimensions such that a dou-
ble medical record sheet can be displayed and read on a single screen. Ability to
scale (zoom in and out) on all images. Diagnostic image display when electronic
versions of these images are available.
Presentation formats:
(4 Pointing devices, including both pen and linger pointing. In settings where
information is being added to the patient record, a drawing tablet (or equiv-
alent) should be provided to allow the inclusion of sketches as part of the
record. Mice, while they are the most common device in use today have sig-
nificant limitations for use in many of the common settings for a profes-
sional workstation. Track-balls (an alternative to mice) are not generally
well-received by users.
(b) Keyboard interaction available as an option in almost every setting.
(c) Bar-code scanners or wands essential as they permit rapid, positive identifica-
tion of patients and material needed in the provision of care.
(4 Menus vs. command line: Application and workstation design to permit both
interaction by selection from hierarchical menus, and rapid navigation entry
from keyed ‘command lines’ or customized item listings.
(e) Voice recording as an essential means of capturing information at these
70 R.A. Greenes et al. / Int. J. Biomed. Comput. 34 (1994) 59-76
Other attributes:
Security: Standards to preserve data confidentially and integrity are critical elements
for the successful implementation of the clinical workstation. Provider identitica-
tion will be required to manage .user authorizations and link caregiver identifica-
tion to care events.
Problem list ( ‘master sheet ‘). An organized list of a patient’s significant clinical con-
ditions, treatments, and other notable events. The problem list should be organiz-
ed with multiple views to meet the specific needs of individual caregivers as well
as the general needs of all. Should be able to: extract abnormal or significant re-
sults from other portions of the patient record and place them on the problem list
automatically; and allow care givers to flag information elsewhere in the record
for inclusion on the problem list.
Logistic capabilities (e.g., desktop publishing, mailing facilities, personal data man-
User assistance (e.g., personal customization of the station, on line help or tutorial).
Confidentiality andprotection: Guaranteeing data integrity and security through user
and transaction identifications and authentications.
Data integration: The ability to share data is a key point to integrate components.
Presentation integration: Reduction of the user’s cognitive load when interacting
with individual components, component sets or the system as a whole, by pro-
viding a consistent interaction model. Presentation integrated may be reflected at
three levels in a workstation: the window system, the window manager, and the
look-and-feel guidelines.
Communication integration: Allows the components to interact with no information
loss and semantic mismatch even within a heterogeneous environment.
Control integration: Occurs when components are able to notify other components
of event arrivals, to activate other components under a general control and to
share common functions.
of many different variables both numeric and textual; (d) Specialized displays,
e.g., of acid-base relationships; (e) Waveforms, e.g., of EKG, pulmonary function,
obstetrical monitors; (f) Images, including radiographs, scans, gross and micro-
scopic anatomic and other photographs, and complex image computation such as
three-dimensional rendering, ray tracing, etc.
Computation: Drug dose calculations in clinical contexts (pediatric, oncologic,
hepatic/renal impairment, etc.), IV flow rate calculations, units conversions, and
many other common and specialized cases.
Structured data entry: Orders, notes, reports, problem lists, etc; plans of care,
observations, charting, notes, etc.; ancillary department reports; and so on.
Integrated combinations of the above: For example, checking for drug interactions
is optimally done directly with the physician, during the planning process prior
to order entry, and involves structured data entry (drugs under consideration), ac-
cess to patient data (drugs patient is currently taking), access to reference infor-
mation (drug interaction database), computation (the logic of the interaction
check), and possibly some specialized data presentation.
2. Physician workstation should provide utilities for: (a) Image retrieval, presentation,
and annotation; (b) Image transmission; (c) File transfer; (d) Database access and
query (patient records, medical literature, knowledge bases, research records,
3. Inter-institutional communication: Treatment outcomes for specific patient popula-
tions, treatment protocols, practice guidelines, research protocols, etc. need to be
distributed among physicians and hospitals prior to official publication of find-
ings both as a part of routine practice and to facilitiate research in clinical
4. Patient communication facilties: Support for access to medical knowledge bases
that provide a means for patients to obtain information relevant to their condi-
tion, potential treatments and known outcomes for such treatments. Patients will
also need facilities that support verbal, document and E-mail communication
with community or hospital based physicians for the purpose of describing symp-
toms and receiving advice prior to seeking medical care or reporting changes in
symptoms, adverse drug effects, etc.
5. Patient record sharing: The record generated at a given facility or selected elements
of the record will need to be shared between hospitals, clinics, and physician prac-
tice groups who may be involved in a patient’s care over time. A history of patient
record distribution including dates of distribution, recipient institution and physi-
cian, etc. will need to be maintained and communicated to all parties sharing por-
tions of a lifetime patient record.
playing; (iii) ‘clip art’ and/or videos of conceptual animation; (iv) model event
trace and validation; (v) demonstration model animation; and (vi) an executable
validation test suite.
Scenarios: Hierarchically defined traces through a particular system (e.g., ambula-
tory care, rural care, trauma care scenarios).
Simulation: A means to predict or validate the performance or behavior of a system
by modeling its functions.
Specification Language: A means to define component structures, protocols and in-
terfaces, and/or behavior.
Tools: Computer software needed to support tasks including those of system design,
development, testing, verification and validation, and generation.
Verification and Vulidution (V & V): The process of confirming conformance to sys-
tem specifications and meeting customer/user needs, respectively.
11. References
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