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Test-Taking Skills Booster: Summit Can Be Found in The Summit Activeteach

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Test-Taking Skills Booster

The Test-Taking Skills Booster is optional. It provides practice in applying some key logical thinking and comprehension skills
typically included in reading and listening tasks on standardized proficiency tests. Each unit contains one Reading Completion
activity and one or more Listening Completion activities.
*Note that the practice activities in the Booster are not intended to test student achievement after each unit. Complete Achievement Tests for
Summit can be found in the Summit ActiveTeach.

Read the selection. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each statement.

1 A rejected B adopted C gave D needed

2 A change B consequence C continuation D conflict
3 A Whereas B While C On the one hand D On the other hand
4 A parents B income C gender D age
5 A Despite this B As a result C Nevertheless D Whereas
6 A beneficial B advantageous C harmful D shameful
7 A Nevertheless B Despite the fact C By the same token D First
8 A On the other hand B Moreover C For example D Finally
9 A contradicted B contributed C coincided D donated
10 A convenient B difficult C easy D traditional
11 A Yet B Even though C Even if D Consequently
12 A ordinary B arbitrary C unnecessary D essential
13 A need B habit C choice D logic

6:27 You will hear a conversation. Read the paragraph below. Then listen and complete each statement
with the word or short phrase you hear in the conversation. Listen a second time to check your work.
The woman, Diane, is upset because she can’t (1) find her phone . Her husband is trying to help her,
and he asks her (2) when she saw it (3) last . She remembers that she used it
(4) to text her friend Mark when she was (5) in the car . Her husband asks if she had
been (6) driving when she texted Mark. Diane wants to know why that question is relevant, and
her husband says that even though it’s (7) reckless to text while driving, the main reason he asked
was to help her figure out when she (8) sent the text . That question helps Diane remember that she had
been downstairs (9) in the parking garage when she texted and that she had stuck (10) the phone in the
grocery bag.
Read the selection. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each statement.

1 A between B from C to D about

2 A originate B learn C match D populate
3 A known B such C as well D as far
4 A activate B distinguish C enter D educate
5 A absorb B calculate C inspire D encourage
6 A Therefore B Although C Even if D When
7 A observe B disagree C ignore D compete
8 A Consequently B As a result C For instance D Similarly
9 A described B contributed C attributed D celebrated

6:28 You will hear part of a report. Read the paragraph below. Then listen and complete each statement
with the word or short phrase you hear in the report. Listen a second time to check your work.
In the report, the speaker notes that celebrity philanthropists get lots of attention but also have their
(1) critics . For example, an aid worker complains that bringing celebrities in to do humanitarian work
is more (2) trouble it’s worth. Why? Because celebrity philanthropists can be (3) self-centered and
demanding. They also often do little to (4) learn about the people they came to help. On the other hand,
supporters note that some celebrity philanthropists (5) pay their own way and don’t ask for special
(6) treatment . Another criticism of celebrity philanthropists, however, is that they sometimes spread a
(7) false impression that places like Africa are hopeless and (8) helpless . Finally, some critics say
celebrities (9) ignore local humanitarian efforts and provide increased opportunities for
(10) corruption .


Read the selection. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each statement.

1 A Even though B Not only C If only D Therefore

2 A yet B in spite of this C even if D also
3 A Whenever B Whereas C Before D Unlike
4 A aid B damage C benefits D symptoms
5 A enjoy B are helped C result D suffer
6 A aided B caused C benefitted D cured
7 A caused B corrected C heard D possible
8 A improved B prevented C treated D confirmed
9 A fortunate B accidental C intentional D obvious
10 A can B might C should D do not
11 A effects B sources C problems D consequences
12 A limiting B combining C making D causing
13 A increase B hope for C create D reduce

6:29 You will hear a report. Read the paragraph below. Then listen and complete each statement
with the word or short phrase you hear in the report. Listen a second time to check your work.
Seol Ik Soo, a Korean (1) tour guide who was a passenger on a flight returning (2) home to
South Korea (3) from a trip to China, was daydreaming about his wife as the plane prepared
(4) to land . He and his wife had been married only (5) one month before and this was the first
time they had been (6) apart . Suddenly, he saw a ball of (7) fire in the cabin of the plane
and the plane (8) crashed . Luckily, Seol escaped through a hole in the crashed plane. From outside of the
plane he could hear other passengers calling (9) for help . Instead of running away, Seol went back in to
rescue others. No one knows exactly how many passengers Seol managed to carry out of the plane. There may have
been (10) as many as ten. After it was all over, Seol was asked how he had managed to behave so heroically
and he responded that he’s sure he couldn’t have done it in his (11) right mind .


Read the selection. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each statement.

1 A heaviest B most C least D nearest

2 A ready B cold C energetic D blue
3 A criticize B argue C adjust D learn
4 A Rather than B Whereas C Despite D Before
5 A Moreover B Otherwise C Whether or not D Unfortunately
6 A despite B especially C when D so
7 A should B never C don’t D might
8 A help B save C trust D lend
9 A formally B casually C importantly D directly
10 A accident B issue C attribute D examination

A 6:30 You will hear a description. Read the paragraph below. Then listen and complete each statement
with the word or short phrase you hear in the description. Listen a second time to check your work.
The woman says she sometimes feels (1) overwhelmed because she’s so (2) disorganized .
She says that when she puts things away, she then can’t (3) find them . She feels embarrassed to
(4) have anyone over because there’s such a mess. So she asked her friend Alicia for help because Alicia’s so
(5) organized . Alicia helped her (6) go through all her stuff to decide what was important and
what she could (7) throw away .

B 6:31 You will hear a description. Read the paragraph below. Then listen and complete each statement
with the word or short phrase you hear in the description. Listen a second time to check your work.
The woman is concerned about what she calls a problem with her (8) temper . It’s not a problem
at (9) work , but she worries when she gets really angry at her (10) kids and starts
(11) yelling at them. She believes that, after a bad day at work, she’s just (12) taking it out
on them. As a result, she took a workshop on (13) anger management , where she learned that it’s important to let
off a little steam. So she took up (14) aerobics three days a week. When she feels angry, exercising helps
her (15) let go of what’s making her mad.


Read the selection. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each statement.

1 A Until B While C Whether D If

2 A continue B complain C assert D admit
3 A in addition to B instead of C in favor of D along with
4 A tell B ask C claim D wonder
5 A Even if B Whenever C Although D According to
6 A anger B humor C happiness D knowledge
7 A argued B disputed C required D intended
8 A negative B hopeless C lucky D positive
9 A Since B All the same C Even if D Until
10 A separate B connected C different D annoyed
11 A however B nevertheless C therefore D besides

6:32 You will hear a story. Read the paragraph below. Then listen and complete each statement
with the word or short phrase you hear in the story. Listen a second time to check your work.
The woman tells a story about her friend Mark, who loves to (1) play practical jokes . Mark decided to play a
joke on his friend John, who was very (2) cheap and was always looking for (3) a bargain .
One day, Mark spoke to (4) the manager of the Bargain Burger restaurant and asked her if she
would (5) prepare two very large burgers. The manager said “Sure,” and Mark paid her for them
(6) in advance . Mark explained that he would bring (7) a friend for lunch and that the manager
should (8) serve the huge burgers and put the regular low price on the check. When Mark and John
finished eating, (9) the check came and John was pleasantly surprised at the low price of the burgers. So the
(10) next day John invited a couple of his friends to Bargain Burger for the huge hamburgers. But when
the burgers came to the table, they were the ordinary tiny little ones, which made John (11) look really stupid
in front of his friends.


Read the selection. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each statement.

1 A in spite of B since C in addition to D due to

2 A aggravation B difficulty C cash D ease
3 A advantage B disadvantage C importance D problem
4 A disadvantage B the future C security D anxiety
5 A like B similarly C unlike D as well
6 A reasons B consequences C points of view D possibilities
7 A indicate B avoid C alert D accuse
8 A purchases B decisions C claims D conflicts
9 A Secondly B By the same token C After D Before
10 A provide B recover C return D steal
11 A recover B relate C return D resist
12 A affect B promote C remove D protect
13 A provide B require C resist D donate

6:33 You will hear part of a report. Read the paragraph below. Then listen and complete each statement
with the word or short phrase you hear in the report. Listen a second time to check your work.
Consider this situation: You are waiting patiently for your bags at (1) the baggage carousel . You see other travelers
pick up their bags, but still yours are nowhere in sight. There are fewer and fewer bags until finally
(2) the carousel stops . You wonder what happened to your bags and think perhaps they weren’t transferred to your
(3) connecting flight when you changed planes. Or maybe the missing luggage was sent to (4) the wrong destination.
You go to the airline’s (5) missing luggage counter to file a claim and hope the bags will (6) arrive on the next flight and be
delivered to (7) your local address within a short time. If, on the other hand, the bags are permanently
(8) lost or completely (9) destroyed , you will want to file a claim for damages. If you can
document what you have lost, you will probably be reimbursed. But be aware that even if you have
(10) sales receipts to prove the value of items in your luggage, you won’t receive (11) the full amount
you originally paid for your property. But you will definitely receive something.


Read the selection. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each statement.

1 A danger B anxiety C relaxation D need

2 A talents B harmful C fears D certain
3 A appreciate B come down C cope D notice
4 A Fortunately B In other words C Similarly D Even so
5 A symptoms B fears C benefits D emotions
6 A relief B pleasure C danger D symptoms
7 A Even so B For example C However D Moreover
8 A undergo B avoid C cause D receive
9 A However B Because C In contrast D Consequently
10 A For example B While C Unfortunately D Fortunately
11 A exposed B allowed C reduced D increased
12 A relaxes B helps C angers D frightens
13 A success B failure C treatment D ready

A 6:34 You will hear a conversation. Read the paragraph below. Then listen and complete each statement
with the word or short phrase you hear in the conversation. Listen a second time to check your work.
The man is reading about a way (1) to make big money in a short time. But the woman is doubtful and says it
sounds (2) too good to be true . He disagrees and explains the scheme: You get a list of (3) names and addresses and
then send (4) ten dollars to the last person on the list. Then you add (5) your name to the list.
When someone else gets that list, the money (6) starts rolling in. The woman says that this is such
an (7) obvious get-rich-quick scam.

B 6:35 You will hear a conversation. Read the paragraph below. Then listen and complete each statement
with a word or short phrase you hear in the conversation. Listen a second time to check your work.
The woman says there’s a company that has (8) a method for people to learn to speak a new
language during the time when they’re (9) sleeping / asleep . She thinks it’s absolutely (10) impossible .
The man, on the other hand, says he wouldn’t (11) be so sure that it’s impossible. He says he heard that
some (12) students in a sleep-learning lab had (13) learned the basics of Russian in only
one week.


Read the selection. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each statement.

1 A believed B increased C provided D genetic

2 A such as B from C for instance D to
3 A tool B measurement C improvement D completion
4 A measure B encounter C face D deal
5 A unable B equipped C incomplete D designed
6 A contribute B criticize C acknowledge D change
7 A Similarly B As a result C Because of this D For instance
8 A recognized B removed C presented D altered
9 A otherwise B that is C even so D besides

6:36 You will hear part of a lecture. Read the paragraph below. Then listen and complete each statement
with the word or short phrase you hear in the lecture. Listen a second time to check your work.
The lecturer says that a key argument in favor of (1) the environment being the source of extreme intelligence
is that most geniuses don’t have extremely (2) gifted ancestors. However, an argument in favor of the
(3) opposite view is that talented families do (4) exist . They believe it shows that talent is
(5) passed on through genes. One living example that supports this (6) theory is the story of
the (7) mathematical genius
Srinivasa Ramanujan, who was raised in a (8) poor village in India and had almost
(9) no training in mathematics. In other words, he was (10) born with talent.


Read the selection. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each statement.

1 A simply B respectfully C rapidly D likely

2 A As B Provided that C Unless D Whether or not
3 A lost B gathered C damaged D planted
4 A ecology B conservation C habitat D education
5 A opportunities B challenges C tools D families
6 A realization B education C occupation D notification
7 A asked B showed C indicated D developed
8 A ordered B changed C corrected D advised
9 A importantly B truthfully C quickly D interestingly

6:37 You will hear part of a report. Read the paragraph below. Then listen and complete each statement
with the word or short phrase you hear in the report. Listen a second time to check your work.
Some experts believe the world’s total population will increase through 2070. However, it will stabilize and
will have (1) stabilized by that time. They also predict an (2) increased life expectancy and
(3) falling birthrates. This will contribute to a (4) continuing shift toward aging populations worldwide,
particularly in (5) high-income developed countries. According to newsweek.com, one in every six people will be
(6) seniors over sixty-five by 2050. In fact, there will be (7) twice as many seniors as children. However,
in Africa, the population of children under eighteen years old will (8) increase by two-thirds . These challenges will require
more funding for children’s (9) education and (10) health care resources for seniors. In addition, more
(11) food will have to be produced for a growing population.


Read the selection. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each statement.

1 A either B instead C contrast D neither

2 A struggle B demonstrate C apply D interview
3 A changes B unemployment C challenges D benefits
4 A obtained B lost C searched D desired
5 A unwanted B unregulated C inadequate D decreased
6 A locations B resources C opportunities D demands
7 A environmental B illegal C recognized D agreement
8 A which B so that it C since it D and
9 A For instance B Even so C As a result D Unfortunately

A 6:38 You will hear a report. Read the paragraph below. Then listen and complete each statement
with the word or short phrase you hear in the report. Listen a second time to check your work.
The woman says that consumers in (1) developing countries have been catching up with consumers in
(2) developed countries in purchasing nonessential luxury goods. However, there is concern that the increase in
(3) consumption of luxury goods will have a (4) negative impact on the environment. The director of
research for Worldwatch warns that supplies of natural resources may (5) be threatened .

B 6:39 You will hear a report. Read the paragraph below. Then listen and complete each statement
with the word or short phrase you hear in the report. Listen a second time to check your work.
The man reports that a recent survey conducted in more than (6) 44 countries shows
that people continue to be concerned about (7) social and economic issues. Specifically, they worry about
their country’s (8) standard of living , deteriorating (9) working conditions , and the growing gap between the
(10) rich and the poor . However, most respondents didn’t blame these concerns on (11) globalization .


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