2 A General Outline of The Arabic Language
2 A General Outline of The Arabic Language
2 A General Outline of The Arabic Language
Sattar Izwaini
This chapter provides a general overview of the Arabic language and outlines its development.
An account of the characteristics of Arabic, its phonology, morphology, lexis and syntax, is
provided. The features of the varieties of Arabic and the impact of translation are also discussed.
Arabic had different geographical dialects in the Arabic peninsula that have distinct phonetic and
morphological features. One dialect uses the shiin شespecially for the feminine pronoun (what is
called kashkashah), for example ‘ أهال بشahlan bish (welcome to you FEM.) in contrast to بِكbik.
Another dialect uses ‘am as a definite article instead of al, e.g. امسفرimsafar (travelling) in
contrast to السفرalsafar. The Hijazi dialect of Qureish, for example, did not in general use the
hamza as illustrated in the table below.
Islam played a significant role in creating a unified form of Arabic ( الفصحىfuSHaa). The Qur’an
standardized Arabic, as it uses a combination of different dialects, mainly those of Qureish and
Tameem. With the spread of Islam and non-Arab nations embracing it, the linguistic contact
influenced the right pronunciation and correct use in those regions far away from Arabia. To take
care of the right pronunciation, especially when the Qur’an was recited, scholars started to refer
to the Arabs of the desert as the authorities on the language, and recorded their linguistic usage to
adopt it in their teaching, books and dictionaries.
Table 1: A comparison between words from Hijazi and Tameem dialects (taken from Al-Antaky
1969, 90-91)
With the long periods of stagnation and very limited education, spoken Arabic started to develop
away from الفصحىfuSHaa (what is called Classical Arabic), in particular in different countries
that are geographically distant from each other. The Arabic renaissance ()عصر النهضة, the
development of education systems by national governments and the use of Arabic as an official
language all contributed to the flourishing of Arabic in modern times. The kind of Arabic that
developed since is what is called Modern Standard Arabic. ‘Standard’ is used to refer to the
unified variety of language that is mainly written, not spoken. It is important to highlight the fact
that modern Arabic is inherently fuSHaa, because despite the huge development it witnessed, its
lexical stock and structures are in general those of Classical Arabic (see Varieties of Arabic
Arabic is the official language of 22 countries in the Middle East and North Africa, with a
population of around 300 million. It is widely spoken in Iran, Pakistan and the Philippines
(Bakalla 1984, 8). Arabic is spoken by minorities in countries such as Cyprus, Iran, Turkey, some
African countries, as well as some areas in the former Soviet Union (Bakalla 1984; Versteegh
1995). Arabic is the native language of relatively large immigrant communities in North and
South America, Europe, and Australia.
Below are some aspects of the development of the lexis in Modern Arabic (see also Lexis of
Arabic as well as Impact of Translation on Arabic below).
Semantic extension: to produce new words and word combinations, the meanings of words
were extended to cover new concepts such as سفارةsafaarah (embassy) which used to mean
the delegation for a certain mission only, and سيارةsayyaarah (car) which used to be a group
of walking people. Examples of word combination include هدير الدبابةhadiir al-dabbaabah
(sound of a tank) where هديرis used to be the sound of a camel, and ‘ أزيز المحركaziiz al-
muHarik (sound of a motor engine) where أزيزis used to be the sound of a boiling pot.
Semantic shift: the meaning of words has shifted to have a different denotation, for example
كتابkitaab (book) used to be letter, and سجلsijil (register) used to be book.
Borrowing: words introduced into the language with or without adaptation, e.g. بطارية
baTTariyah (battery) and ترانسستورtransistor (transistor).
Translation: new concepts have had to be translated, and translation thus contributed in
introducing new lexical items into Arabic, e.g. اشتراكيةishtiraakiyah (socialism) and
الحرب الباردةal-Harb al-baaridah (cold war).
2. Varieties of Arabic
Arabic is usually categorised as Classical Arabic (CA) and Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). The
former refers to the Arabic whose earliest text goes back to the Fifth Century, and which
remained as the official and literary language until sometime after the capture of Baghdad by
Hulagu in the Thirteenth Century. CA is the language of the Qur’an, classical literary and non-
literary works. It is characterised by its rich vocabulary and very elaborate grammar.
MSA, on the other hand, is used to refer to the modern written Arabic that functions as a formal
medium of communication in the Arab world. MSA is a preserved CA that evolved under the
influence of a long period of stagnation, translation activity, and modern style. It is mainly a
written variety (see the Table 2 below). There are also different labels used to refer to modern
Arabic such as literary Arabic and contemporary Arabic (see Bakalla 1984, 85; Holes 1995, 4;
Abd Al-Aziiz 1998).
Arabic is also looked at as having at least two varieties: the eloquent variety (faSiiHah or
fuSHaa) where the line between CA and MSA is blurred, and the vernacular or colloquial (العامية
aamiyah or الدارجةdaarijah), which is mainly spoken.
Table 2: A comparison of Standard Arabic and Colloquial Arabic
Standard Colloquial
Formal Informal
Pan-Arab Geographical dialects
- Spoken: official meetings, speeches, sermons, - Spoken: everyday interaction.
rituals, ceremonies, media (news bulletins, TV & - Written as if spoken: dialogues (in
radio broadcasting), advertisements & literary works, films, drama, and
announcements. plays), folk poetry, song lyrics,
- Written: books, literary works, essays, research advertisements, TV & radio shows,
papers, the printed press (newspapers and and informal computer-mediated
magazines), advertisements & announcements, communication (emails, chatting,
and formal computer-mediated communication text messaging, blogs, internet
(emails, text messages, blogs, internet forums, and forums, and online social
online social networking). networking).
It is important to note that these features should be looked at as ‘mainly’ not ‘solely’. The
colloquial variety can also be used in formal context and thus it moves towards the standard
variety. In the case of advertisements, the written form of the colloquial variety is used for the
sake of simplicity and to reach wider audience, especially when they are initially broadcast on
TV or radio.
The vocabulary of a spoken variety is inherently linked to CA and MSA. The huge gap between
the standard and spoken varieties has led to a somewhat diglossic situation in the Arab world –
that is to say, the distinction is so great that the varieties of Arabic can be thought of as two
different languages (Ferguson 1959; Zaghoul 1980). The gap between MSA and colloquial
varieties is wider than that found in other languages due to reasons such as historical
developments, lack or availability of education, and level of exposure to CA. The faSiiHah vs.
colloquial paradigm can be best be looked at as a continuum where there are different levels in
between. These can be categorized as proposed by Elsaid Badawi (taken from Versteegh 1995,
3. عامية المثقفينCaamiyat al-muThaqafiin colloquial of the intellectuals: the formal spoken
language of educated people.
4. عامية المتنورينCaamiyat al-mutanawriin colloquial of the literate, the informal spoken
language of educated people.
5. عامية األميينCaamiyat al-‘umiyiin colloquial of the illiterate: the language in which the
illiterate talk.
The variety number 4 is probably better called عامية المتعلمينCaamiyat al-mutaClimiin, to refer to
the kind of language spoken by those who have attained some level of education.
The term dialect is basically geographical in nature and usually associated with a certain country
though many dialects can be found in different regions, cities, towns and even villages in that
particular country. Furthermore, a dialect of a certain country is usually linked to the one of the
capital that people from other countries are familiar with, for example Cairo dialect is the one
referred to as Egyptian dialect, Iraqi dialect is that of Baghdad, and Syrian dialect is that of
Damascus. Hence, one can talk about macro-dialects and micro-dialects where the former is that
of the country-capital, and the latter of other cities or regions of the same country.
Arabic has also been subject to the influence of foreign languages throughout its history. It
borrowed mainly from Greek and Persian. In modern times, it has borrowed from European
languages, English and French in particular. Spoken Arabic of different dialects has also
borrowed from English, French, Italian, Persian, and Turkish.
The two varieties of Arabic (standard and colloquial) led some writers, Arab and non-Arab, in the
early and mid-nineteenth century to call for abandoning the standard language and use the
colloquial. Some of them even called for replacing the Arabic script by the Latin script to copy
the Turkish model. Their argument was that in order to modernize the Arab world, the language
needed to be modernized first.
organs (tongue, teeth, palate, glottis etc.). The consonants should be differentiated from the letters
(alphabet) where the latter is the written representation of sounds, and the former is phonological,
i.e. sounds.
Arabic does not allow consonant clusters of two consonants in the initial position.i Consonant
clusters are a sequence of two or more consonants without a vowel in between. Consonant
clusters of up to two consonants can occur in middle or final positions. Cases of initial clusters,
however, can be found in spoken varieties, for example the pronunciation of the name ( سْعيدsCiid)
in Emirati dialect where the first two consonants are adjacent in an initial position, i.e. there is no
vowel after the first consonant.
Vowels are those sounds that are produced with no obstruction of the air flow. Arabic has three
long vowels, aa, uu, ii (represented by the letters ألف, واو, and الياءrespectively), which are the
long versions of the short vowels that are represented by the harakaat (diacritics), fathah (a),
damah (u), and kasrah (i) respectively. The letters ( وwaw) and ( يyaa’) are also used to represent
two consonants that are semi-vowels, since these sounds are like vowels, which makes these two
letters have a double role. Arabic semi-vowels usually occur initially, as in ولدwalad (boy) and
يسارyasaar (left). These are phonologically different form the long vowels uu واوas in نورnuur
(light) and ii الياءas in قديمqadiim (old).
One aspect of the Arabic writing system is the diacritic forms (harakaat or tashkeel) of its three
short vowels, which are not usually written since word pronunciation can be easily recognized by
native speakers. However, short vowels are represented in the Qur’an and children’s books to
ensure correct pronunciation, and elsewhere to clarify difference in meaning, for example مستع ِمـر
mustaCmir (colonizer) and مستع َمـرmustaCmar (colonized). While not having actual characters to
represent the short vowels can be problematic in getting the right meaning of words, especially in
natural language processing and machine translation, Arabic writing is thus economical in that
words are much shorter than a written form with the vowels represented as actual letters.
Being represented by diacritics, short vowels are looked at as secondary to the other sounds
(consonants and long vowels) since these are written as letters. Sometimes people are misled by
the written form into the thinking that the alif ألف, waw واو, and yaa’ الياءare the only vowels in
Arabic has two diphthongs, which are a combination of two vowels. These are ei as in بيتbeit
(home) and aw as in نومnawm (sleeping).
Germination in Arabic is having a double consonant sound, which is represented by the diacritic
( )ــّـas in darrasa ( درّسto teach). When words that start with one of a group of 14 consonants
(called shamsi letters )األحرف الشمسيةare definite (by adding أل التعريفal at the beginning), the l
sound of the definite article changes into that first consonant of that word and assimilates with it
to produce a double sound. For example, the definite form of شمسshams (sun) is ashshams. The
14 consonants are ت ث د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ل ن.
The alphabet is made of 29 letters, including the hamza (glottal stop), which is usually neglected
or confused with the alif only because it is mostly written along with an alif. Arabic writing used
to have no signs for vowels, which were added along with letter dots in the 8th century. Some
letters, especially the alif, are still not written in words such as لكنlaakin (but) and هذاhaathaa
(this). The final taa’ (taa’ marbuutah) when at the end of a word is written as a taa’, but
pronounced as a haa’ ( )هـand thus called ( هاء الوقفroughly the pause haa’), for example حقيبة
Haqiibah (bag). When it is in the first word of a construct (compound of two elements), it is
usually pronounced as taa’ /t/, as in حقيبة الولدHaqiibat al-walad (the boy’s bag).ii
4. Morphology
The morphological scale الميزان الصرفيal-miizaan al-Sarfy is the basic method or procedure that
indicates the morphological forms of the Arabic words. If we have C for consonant, and the root
k t b (denoting the notion of writing), the pattern of the verb kataba ( كتبto write) for example is
CaCaCa. The agent (doer) or present participle is of the pattern CaaCiC كاتبkaatib (writer), and
the past participle is maCCuuC مكتوبmaktuub (letter or written text/written item). The initial ma
is a member of a set of affixes used to denote different semantic or phonological significance, or
for inflectional purposes (Al-Suyuuty 1980, 244ff).iii Also, an initial hamza makes the verb,
among other things, transitive, for example َعـلِـمCalima (to know) and ‘ أعلمaClama (to inform).
Adding the prefix ist can make the verb denote request, e.g. istaktaba ( استكتبrequest to write
down). Other meanings can be appointment, as in استوزرistawzara (to appoint as a minister),
transformation, as in استنسرistanasara (to become like an eagle), and opinion, as in استنكر
istankara (to find unacceptable).
The vocabulary of Arabic is based on consonantal roots and derivational patterns according to
which words are built. The majority is triconsonantal ( )ثالثيةwith a few quadriconsonantal ()رباعية
and even five-consonant roots. There is evidence of biconsonantal words, which is a controversial
issue. Derivational patterns are made of a combination of consonants and specific vowels that
help in giving words a certain meaning. A change or addition of a vowel (or more) or one letter
(or more) can lead to change in meaning, as in kataba ( كتبwrote) and kutiba ( كـُـتبwas written),
kaatib ( كاتبwriter) and kaatibaan ( كاتبانtwo writers) respectively. The source noun, al-maSdar
المصدر,iv designates the abstract notion of the process or action of the corresponding verb. It is
usually referred to in order to have the right pattern of derivatives such as adjectives and nouns
that denote the same idea. The past tense is usually taken as the base form.
Patterns tend to have specific meanings where some patterns have different semantic denotations.
Furthermore, words derived from a certain root are linked to the original meaning of the root, for
example, ق ّرqarr (to settle), ‘ أقرaqarra (to settle on something, i.e. to adopt), استقرارistiqraar
(settling on a status, i.e. stability), qarrara ( قررto settle on an opinion, i.e. to decide), قرارqaraar
(the point where things are settled, i.e. decision/lowest point in a well or sea), مقرmaqarr (where
one is settled, i.e. office/headquarter).
Verb patterns are limited in number to about two dozen, whereas noun patterns are of a very large
number and many are only rarely used (Al-Mubaarak 1964, 133). Verb patterns include
CaCCaCa فعّل: causative (with intensity) as in كسّرkassara (to break into many pieces),
inCaCaCa انفعل: reflexive, e.g. انكسرinksara (to break, intransitive), CaCaCCala تفعّل: reflexive
(with intensity) as in تكسّرtakassara (to break by itself into many pieces), CaaCaCa فاعل:
reciprocal (one subject & one object) as in سابَـقsaabaqa (to race), CaCaaCaCa تفاعل: reciprocal
(two subjects) as in تسابقtasaabaqa (to race with each other), iCCaCCa افع ّل: change quality as in
اصفرiSfarra (to turn yellow), and istaCCaCa استفعل: request, order, change, or opinion (see
Gemination (sound doubling) is also used to give a different meaning. For example, doubling the
second consonant of the verb makes the action repeated and intense, e.g. قطعqaTaCa (to cut) vs.
قطـّعqaTTaCa (to cut into many pieces), or to add or provide with as in ش ّجرshajjar (to plant with
trees). A known rule in Arabic semantics is that the larger a structure is, the more meaning it
denotes – or rather, a larger structure denotes a different meaning.
Some noun patterns tend to have a specific meaning. For example, the pattern CaCaCaan usually
denotes motion or excitement, as in غليانghalayaan (boiling). Patterns are usually specific for
some semantic sets. The pattern CuCaa’ refers to sounds, for example رغاءrughaa’ (camel’s
growl) and عواءCuwaa’ (barking/howling). The pattern CiCaaCah denotes professions and their
domains such as زراعةziraaCah (farming) and تجارةtijaarah (commerce). Some patterns can have
more than one denotation, for example the pattern taCaaCaCa can mean both reciprocal action
where the subject, who is more than one, shares doing the action, e.g. تسابقtasaabaqa (to race), as
well as pretense, e.g. تمارضtamaaradha (to pretend being sick). The superlative, for instance,
can be denoted by aCCal as in ‘ أحسنaHsan (better) and CuCCaa as in صغرىSughraa (youngest
Adjectives are treated as a subcategory of nouns in traditional Arabic grammar. They can be of
the present participle pattern, as in واقفwaaqif (standing), or past participle/passive pattern, as in
مكتوبmaktoob (written) or غريقghariiq (drowned). Some adjective patterns denote some special
characteristics, for example CaCCaaC denotes intense action and great capability, as in كذاب
kathaab (repeatedly lying). Such denotation can also be expressed by patterns like miCCaal as in
ّ Callaamah (a scholar of great
مهذارmihthaar (talking too much), and CaCCaaCah as in عالمة
authority). This can also be seen in comparing كسالنkaslaan (temporarily lazy) and كسولkasool
(always lazy).
Adjectives can also be formed by attaching the suffix y to nouns. This is referred to as nisba
adjective and is used for nationality or country of origin, e.g. يمنيyamaniy (Yemeni); a surname
related to hometown, e.g. بغداديbaghdaadiy (Baghdadi); a tribe, e.g. تميميtamimiy (of Tamim); or
to indicate some attribute, feature or composition, as in نفسيnafsiy (psychological) and قطني
quTniy (made of cotton). Adjectives agree with the nouns they modify in case, gender, and
number (see Inflection below).
Arabic has a sophisticated inflectional system. Nouns have three cases ()حاالت اعرابية: nominative
الرفع, accusative النصب/المفعولية, and genitive الجر, with exceptions that are made according to some
conditions. Nominative is the case of the subject الفاعل, topic المبتدأ, or comment الخبرas well as the
ّ ‘inna.
topic of the group of كانkaana, and the comment of the group of إن
Accusative is the case of objects, vocatives المنادى, and nouns preceded by the exceptive particle
( )اداة استثناءor emphasis particle ( )توكيدas well as the comment of the group of كانkaana, and the
ّ ‘inna. The accusative is also the case of different kinds of adverbs.
topic of the group of إن
The genitive is the case of nouns preceded by prepositions and quantifiers and non-head nouns in
compounds ()المضاف اليه. Spoken varieties usually drop case and mood markers, i.e. vowels at the
end of words ()الحركة االعرابية. In the standard language, this is the case only at a pause position,
i.e. at the end of saying a word whether alone or at the end of sentences; in other words, markers
at the end of a sentence are not pronounced.v
Verbs have two tenses: past and present, which are also termed perfect and imperfect. The notion
of future can be realised by attaching the prefix سsa to the present tense form or by a
combination of the present tense form and the particle سوفsawfa or using future time adverbs.
Verbs in Arabic have three moods. The indicative mood ( )الرفعof the Arabic verb is the
unmarked mood, i.e. the default form. The subjunctive mood ( )النصبis restricted to the present
tense and is triggered by particles that signify negation, لنlan; purpose, كيkay; purpose and/or
time, حتىHataa; cause, فاء السببيةfaa’; and consequence, ‘ إذنithan. Jussive ( )الجزمis also restricted
to the present tense, and is used in conditional sentences ( )الشرطand with particles of negation
such as لمlam, which is used to negate the past time that is relevant to the present; لماlamaa,
which negates an event in the distant past prior to another event in the past; and prohibition, ال
laa. The imperative form is used to give orders and instructions as well as in conditional
sentences. Reflexive meaning is realised by the pattern inCaCaCa e.g. انكسرinkasara (to break)
which denotes that the action of the verb is not necessarily caused by another agent. The passive
voice for triconsonantal verbs takes the pattern CuCiCa كـُـتِبkutiba (was written).
Definiteness is realized by adding the article al at the beginning of the word. Indefiniteness, on
the other hand, is marked by having no definite article attached; instead nunation ( )تنوينoccurs,
which means adding an n in a final position after the case-ending vowel ( )الحركة االعرابيةof a
single noun, an adjective, regular feminine plural, and irregular plural.
Table 3: Definite and indefinite forms with nunation of a single noun and regular feminine plural
Nunation is also a characteristic of some adverbs, such as adverbs of time as in سافرنا ليالsaafarna
leilan (we travelled at night); adverbs of manner الحالas in جاء راكضاjaa’a raakidhan (he came
running); absolute objects المفعول المطلقas in فرح فرحا عظيماfariHa faraHan CaZiiman (he felt so
happy); and adverbs of frequency as in دائماdaa’iman (always) and نادراnaadiran (rarely).
Nouns and adjectives have two genders: masculine ( )مذكرand feminine ()مؤنث, for example رجل
rajul (man) and ‘ إمرأةimra’ah (woman). The masculine is also used as a generic form for mixed
and neutral gender. Some words can be neutral or common for both masculine and feminine, such
as شخصshakhS (person) and رهينةrahiinah (hostage). The feminine gender is either based on the
masculine form, for example موظفةmuwaZafah (employee FEM.) by adding the feminine marker
( ـةfinal taa’) to موظفmuwaZaf (employee MASC.), or ends with a feminine marker such as aa’
as in زرقاءzarqaa’ (blue FEM.), or a long aa suffix as in صغرىSughraa (youngest/smallest
Arabic has singular form, dual form for two only, and plural form for more than two. The dual
marker is the suffix aani for the nominative حالة الرفع, as in موظفا ِنmuwaZafaani (2 employees
MASC.) and موظفتا ِنmuwaZafataani (2 employees FEM.), and ayni for the accusative
النصب/ المفعوليةand genitive الجر, as in موظفـَـي ِنmuwaZafayni (2 employees MASC.) and موظفتي ِن
muwaZafatayni (2 employees FEM.).
The plural can be regular or irregular. Regular plural complies with gender in that the masculine
form takes the marker uuna for the nominative, as in موظفونmuwaZafuuna (employers MASC.),
and iina for the accusative and genitive, as in موظفينmuClimiina. The regular feminine plural
ُ موظفmuwaZafaatu (employers
takes the final marker aat. The nominative case is aatu, e.g. ات
FEM), and the accusative and genitive cases are aati, as in ت
ِ موظفاmuwaZafmaati (see
Definiteness and Table 3 above).
Irregular plurals can also have patterns. Such patterns are also analogical in that nouns and
adjectives of a particular form have a common structure according to which it is constructed, for
Different plural forms can denote different meanings, e.g. beit ( بيتhome), buyuut ( بيوتhomes),
and ‘abyaat ( أبياتlines of poetry). The plural form is the pattern of analogy if no root can be
traced for the word. This is particularly useful for loan words whose plural form is the regular
feminine ()جمع مؤنث سالم, for example تلفزيوناتtilfizyonaat (TV sets).
5. Lexis
This section discusses issues in Arabic word formation like derivation, compounding, and
abbreviation, as well as semantic relations such as synonymy, polysemy, antonymy, homonymy,
and collocation.
Analogical derivation ( )االشتقاق القياسيaccording to the morphological scale ( )الميزان الصرفيis a
central notion and practice in Arabic word formation (see Morphology of Arabic above). Words
are derived according to the analogical patterns that function as lexical templates. Arabic lexis is
produced by root-and-pattern and affixation. Derivatives of roots are usually linked by the core
meaning of the root. Words are derived according to patterns of semantic significance.
Forms of present participle ()اسم الفاعل, as in سائقsaa’iq (driver); past participle ()اسم المفعول, as in
مكسورmaksoor (broken); tools and machines ()سم اآللة, e.g. ِمبردmibrad (file/rasp), ساطورsaaTuur
(chopper), مفتاحmiftaaH (key); comparative and superlative ()اسم التفضيل, e.g. أكبرakbar (bigger,
older); diminutive ()التصغير, e.g. كـُـتيبkutayib (booklet), نُهيرnuheir (small river); feminine
(المؤنث, see Gender above); place, as in مجلسmajlis (sitting/meeting place); and passive voice
(المبني للمجهول, see Inflection above) are all derived according to those patterns.
Some patterns indicate repeated and intense action, or high level of some trait. Examples of this
include CaCCaal, as in كذابkaththaab (repeatedly lying); CaCuuC, as in نؤومna’uum (always
sleeping) or طروبTaruub (singing all the time); miCCaal, as in مزواجmizwaaj (marrying many
ّ Callaamah (scholar of great authority).
times); and CaCCaaCah as in عالمة
Words are also produced by onomatopoeia, i.e. reflecting the sound of the action. For
example, حمحمةHamHamah (sound of a horse) or خريرkhariir (sound of water).
Roots of Arabic words can have similar or ‘adjacent’ meaning when one consonant is different,
or when having one more consonant, for example ح ّزHazza (to notch/incise) and ج ّزjazza (to
shear/fleece) or قطqaTTa (to sharpen) and قصqaSSa (to cut). Other examples include طمح
TamaHa (to aspire to) and طمعTamaCa (to covet), and صلبSalib (tough) and صلدSalid (solid/not
hollow). Other pairs can show opposite meanings, such as يسيرyasiir (easy, accessible) and عسير
asiir (hard, inaccessible), and قريبqariib (close, relative) and غريبghariib (stranger, non-
relative) (see also Antonymy below).
Compounds are usually made of two words, and can be additive (noun + noun, مضاف ومضاف إليه
mudhaaf & mudhaaf ‘ilayh) as in كتاب الطالبkitaab al-Taalib (book [of] the student). A
compound can also be adjectival (noun + adjective) as in كتاب مدرسيkitaab madrasiy (textbook).
Additive compounds can have semantic significance to refer to cause-effect relation, process,
place, time, description, part-whole, possession, or characteristics (Mustafa 1951, 75; Wright
1991, 199). Adjectival compounds mainly denote material and characteristics. Both kinds are
head-initial, i.e. the head noun comes first (mudhaaf or noun) and the modifier comes second
(mudhaf ‘ilayh or adjective).
Elements of the additive compound can either be both indefinite ()نكرة, e.g. لوحة رسمlawHat rasm
(drawing board), or the head is indefinite and the modifier is definite ()معرفة. In the latter case, the
definite marker is attached to the non-head only ()مضاف إليه, as in كتاب الطالبkitaabu al-Tallib
(book [of] the-student). Whereas in the adjectival compound, both elements have to have the
same definiteness status, i.e. they must be both either definite ( )معرفةor indefinite ( )نكرةe.g.
محرك يابانيmuHarrik yabaany (a Japanese motor) or المحرك اليابانيal-muHarrik al-yabaany (the
Japanese motor).
Translation has also introduced compounds that reflect the foreign word formation processes:
فوق البنفسجيةfawq al-banafsajiyah (ultraviolet), تحت الحمراءtaHt al-Hmaraa’ (infrared), السلكي
laasilky (wireless), and ‘ أفروآسيويafro ‘aasyawiy (Afro-Asian).
Blending ( النحتnaHt) in Arabic is rare and has no rules to follow. Classical examples are بسملة
basmalah and حوقلةHawqalah (from )ال حول وال قوة إال باهلل. Modern examples are mainly
translations of foreign words or blends, for example بتروكيمياويbitrokiimyaawy (petrochemical).
Abbreviation is not productive in Arabic and is therefore rare. Examples of Arabic abbreviation
include the letters ( هـh) and ( مm) for هجريhijry (Hijry) and ميالديmilaady (western calendars)
respectively. Other abbreviations include blended intialisms of units of measurement, such as كجم
kjm or كغمkghm for كيلوجرامkiilogjraam/ كيلوغرامkiiloghraam respectively (Kilogram), and مللmll
for مليلترmiliylatir (milliliter) which are the Arabic versions of foreign units. Intialisms are either
foreign like بي بي سيbi bi si (BBC), or native such as ذ م مth m m for ذات مسؤولية محدودةthata
mas’uuliyahtin maHduudah (of limited liability) and ص بS b for صندوق بريدSanduuq bariid (PO
Arabic has a limited number of acronyms of its own such as names of organizations, political
movements and news agencies, e.g. حماسHamaas (Hamas), and وامwaam (WAM) for
( وكالة أنباء اإلماراتEmirates News Agency, lit. agency news the-emirates). The majority of Arabic
acronyms are originally foreign ones adapted to the Arabic phonological and writing systems.
They usually, but not always, have the Arabic definite article, e.g. اليونسكوal-yonisko for
UNESCO and ناساnaasaa for NASA.
Semantic development
Words can have semantic widening ()توسع الداللة, which refers to the phenomenon when the
meaning moves from specific to general as in مأتمma’tam (funeral), which used to be for women
only, and now is general, and استحمامistiHmaam (bathing) which used to refer to using hot water
only, and came to mean bathing whether using hot or cold water. On the other hand, semantic
narrowing ( )انحصار الداللةis when a meaning of a general scope becomes specific, as in ال ُعمرةal-
umrah (a religious visit outside the hajj season), which used to refer to any visit.
Semantic amelioration رقي الداللةis when the word becomes of a more refined meaning as in عقل
aql (reason, brain) which originally meant the rope by which a camel’s leg is tied. Semantic
deterioration انحطاط الداللة, on the other hand, is when the meaning becomes of a lower register
such as غائطghaa’T (excretion) which originally means a low level land.
Semantic relations
One semantic relation is polysemy ()تعدد الداللة, which refers to one word having two or more
senses, or having several interrelated meanings, e.g. عينCayn (eye, water spring, spy) and دليل
daliil (guide, human/book). Polysemy of antonyms ( )األضدادmeans that words have two opposite
meanings, such as الجونal-jawn (white and black) and سليمsaliim (healthy and bitten).
Synonymy ( )الترادفis when two or more words have the same meaning. However, this is
controversial since the meanings of such words do not fully correspond to each other. For
example a sword or a lion are said to have many, many names in Arabic. As a matter of fact one
word is the name of the thing and all other synonyms are adjectives of some property or attribute
of the thing, for example سيفsaif (sword), مهندmuhnand (sword made in India), and بتارbattar
(sharp sword).
Homonymy ( )تماثل المفرداتis when two words have the same pronunciation and/or spelling. Total
homonymy is when the two words share all properties (grammatical category, form,
pronunciation and spelling) but have unrelated meanings, for example مقاطعةmuqaataCah
(province & boycott) and ‘ إبهامibhaam (thumb & vagueness). Partial homonymy is when the two
words have different, unrelated meanings and share some but not all grammatical properties,
e.g. مشروعmashruuC is an adjective that means legitimate, and is a noun meaning project.
A homonym can be
1. Homograph ()المثيل الكتابي: two words with unrelated meanings which have the same written
form (spelling) but different pronunciation, e.g. ( عالـ َمworld) and ( عالِـمscholar).
2. Homophone المثيل الصوتي: two words with unrelated meanings and different spellings but the
same sound form (pronunciation), for example عصاCaSaa (a stick) and عصىCaSaa (to
Hyponymy ( )الشمول واالنضواءis the relationship between two words in that one of them includes
the other; one word is specific and the other is more general. It is the inclusion of the meaning of
a word within the meaning of another word. The larger category is superordinate and the
included one is a subordinate, for example:
Antonymy ( )التضادis the relation between words of opposite meanings, such as خيّرkhayr (good)
and شرsharr (evil); ضوءdhaw’ (light) and ظالمZalaam (dark); ليلleil (night) and نهارnahaar
(day); ‘ أولawal (first) and ‘ آخرaakhir (last). Some antonyms with one different sound have
similar structure yet different or opposite meanings, e.g. مغامرmughaamir (adventurer) vs. مقامر
muqaamir (gambler), and مدحmadH (compliment) vs. قدحqadH (criticism).
Collocation ( )اقتران األلفاظrefers to the frequent co-occurrence of words with each other as an
idiomatic usage of language. Collocation can be:
1. Open collocation: words combine with a wide range of other words and collocate in an
unrestricted way. For example, حسنHasin (good) and رائعraa’iC (wonderful/excellent) can
collocate with almost any noun.
2. Restricted collocation: the number of co-occurring words and flexibility of combination is
restricted as illustrated in Table 4 below.
Verb Object
(commit) حماقةHamaaqah (foolishness)
3. Obligatory or bound collocation: the range is restricted to one collocate only. There is no
possibility for another lexical item to take the place of the collocate, however close in
meaning, for example, يطأطئ رأسهyuTa’Ti’ ra’sahu (to bow his head), and يكظم الغيظyakZum
al-ghayZ (to repress his anger). The verb in both examples takes only one particular noun as
an object. In the following two examples, the head noun collocates only with one specific
noun as a modifier, though they refer to the same person: حامي الهدفHaamy al-hadaf and
حارس المرمىHaaris al-marmaa (goal keeper). The words making these collocations cannot
combine interchangeably.
Rhyming collocation االتباعis a kind of a bound collocation. It refers to expressions of two words
of similar sounds and structures, and some of similar meanings, that collocate with each other
and are used for emphasis, for example ضائع سائعdhaa’iC saa’iC (lost & disoriented), ساغب الغب
saaghib laaghib (thirsty/hungry and tired), شذر مذرshathar mathar (helter-skelter), and خراب يباب
kharaab yabaab (destroyed & devastated).
6. Syntax
Generally speaking, Arabic has two kinds of sentences, a verbal sentence ( )جملة فعليةand a
nominal sentence ()جملة اسمية. The verbal sentence starts with a verb and can be of the following
VS (verb + subject)
جا َء الرجل
jaa’a al-rajul
(came the-man)
قرأ الطالبُ القصيدة
qara’a al-Taalibu al-qaSiidah
(read-PAST the-student the-poem)
The nominal sentence is a topic and comment ( مبتدأ وخبرmubtada’ & khabar). It starts with the
subject, which is usually a noun, and can be of the following patterns:
SV (subject + verb)
محمد جاء
muHammadun jaa’
(Muhammad came)
SC (subject + complement)
القصة ممتعة
al-qiSah mumtiCah
(the-story entertaining)
SA (subject + adverb)
االحتفا ُل غدا
al-iHtifaal ghadan
(the-celebration tomorrow)
The patterns SC and SA are ‘verbless’ sentences. The ‘assumed’ verb is usually a copula (verb to
be) in the present tense يكونyakuun which is, nevertheless, present in the past and future versions
of the sentences. In the pattern SC, the sentence is made of a noun and adjective, and in the
pattern SA it is made of a noun and a prepositional phrase or an adverb of time or place. When
the topic ( )المبتدأin a sentence of the pattern SC is indefinite ( )نكرةit is obligatorily postponed, e.g.
على الشجرة عصفورCalaa al-shajarti Cusfuur [on the-tree (is a) bird].
In a nominal sentence, the verb inflects, i.e. its form changes, to agree with the subject’s person,
number and gender, which is not necessarily the case in a verbal sentence (see Inflection above).
Translation has enriched Arabic with expressions that found their way into its modern style. New
concepts in politics, science and technology had to have Arabic counterparts, e.g. تصويتtaSwiit
(voting), تجوالtijwaal (roaming) صحـر
َ تـtaSaHHurr (desertification), and تنمية مستدامةtanmiyah
mustadaamah (sustainable development). Some terms are borrowed and adapted to Arabic, for
example ديمقراطيةdiimuqraaTiyah (democracy), and other are borrowed first and then Arabic
terms are created for them, e.g. كمبيوترkumbiyutar and حاسوبHaasuub (computer). Many Arabic
expressions that were once introduced by translation can hardly be felt as originally foreign, e.g.
Translation has changed the face of Arabic, and it has contributed to the rapid, mostly unnatural,
evolution of the Arabic language. That is to say, Arabic has developed not on its own, but rather
as a result of the outside influence of the process of translation where the concepts, vocabulary,
structures, and culture of the original language as well as the translator’s approach have played a
decisive role.
Standard Arabic is a variety that Arabs do not learn at home, but rather at school; it is improved
and polished as long as a speaker is exposed to it. However, people do not use it much in their
everyday interactions, and their exposure to it decreases dramatically after leaving school.
Inefficiency of translators and journalists in particular usually results in not having the right
judgment whether a certain preposition, structure or collocation is Arabic or alien. Literal
translation, especially of compounds and phrases, and specifically English constructions, have
introduced a foreign language in disguise. Corpus-based evidence supports the notion that Arabic
style nowadays, whether good or awkward, is to a large extent a product of translations (Izwaini,
in progress). This can be seen in the following inherently foreign language usages that are now
widespread in Arabic:
1. Literal translation of word combinations, as in يلعب دوراyalCab dawran (to play a role), where
the verb يلعب, being about a non-serious business, is inappropriate for the concept.
2. Agentive passive, when the doer is postponed using the by-structure, e.g. The Protocol has
been signed by over 40 countries. Arabic does not have such construction. The Arabic
structure introduced by translation is just a copy of the English one, e.g.
‘ إن هذه المادة الفريدة تستخدم من قبل الشركات النفطيةinna haathihi al-maaddah al-fariidah tustakhdam
min qibal al-sharikaat al-nafTiyah (this unique material is used by oil companies).
3. Cataphora is when a pronoun comes first and refers forward to an item that comes later in the
sentence, a structure that Arabic does not allow. In the example below, the pronoun refers to
the player whose name comes after 11 words, which mirrors the English structure. In Arabic
the item comes first and then the pronoun refers back to it.
... إال أن حلم إيتو، مع المنتخب الكاميروني0222 على الرغم من فوزه بذهبية دورة أوليمبياد سيدني
ala al-raghm min fawzihi bi-thahabiyat dawrat ‘uulumbiyaad sidny 2000 maCa al-muntakhab
al-kamirony, ‘ilaa ‘anna hilma ‘ituu… (despite his winning of the gold medal in Sydney
Olympiad in 2000 with the Cameron team, but Eto’s dream…)
4. Movement of the non-head word ( )المضاف إليهin compounds with two heads to the end of the
phrase, as in تنسيق وتنظيم المعلوماتtansiiq wa tanZiim al-maCluumaat (coordinating and
organizing information), which reflects the English structure. The sequence that is natural in
Arabic necessitates that the third word ( )المضاف إليهcomes second and the second one comes
third with a pronoun referring back to the non-head word as follows تنسيق المعلومات وتنظيمها
tansiiq al-maCluumaat wa tanZiimhaa (coordinating information and organizing-it).
5. Movement of the noun in prepositional phrases with two prepositions to the end to of the
phrase, e.g. تهريب السلع من وإلى الدول المجاورةtahriib al-silaC min wa ‘ilaa al-duwal al-
mujaawirah (smuggling commodities from and to neighbouring countries). This is again a
formulation that is typical English, but not Arabic. The noun needs to be right after the first
preposition with a pronoun attached to the second preposition referring back to it,
تهريب السلع من الدول المجاورة وإليهاtahriib al-silaC min al-duwal al-mujawirah wa ‘ilayhaa
(smuggling of commodities from neighbouring countries and to-them).
6. Existential there is used to refer to the existence of a subject. Its translation into Arabic has
tended to use its meaning of a place intead, i.e. هناكhunaaka. A structure like
هناك عصفور على الشجرةhunaaka Cusfuur Calaa al-shajarah [there (is a) bird on the-tree] is
widely used in Arabic in modern times, which is recycle of a translation of sentence like there
is a bird on the tree instead of the standard structure على الشجرة عصفورCalaa al-shajarti Cusfuur
[on the-tree (is a) bird] (see Syntax above).
7. Usage of the similarity particle كka to express the notion of ‘in the capacity of’, e.g.
قريع يستقيل من مهامه كرئيس للوزراءqurayC yastaqiil min mahaamihi ka-ra’iis lil-wuzaraa’ (Quray’C
resigns from office as a prime minister) which is a cloning of the English as. The Arabic
structure is without the particle قريع يستقيل من مهامه رئيسا للوزراءqurayC yastaqiil min mahaamih
ra’iisan lil-wuzaraa’.
8. Usage of the adverb of place Hawla ( حولas a direct rendition of about) instead of prepositions
فيfii (in), عنCan (of) or علىCalaa (on) that are the standard ones to be used, e.g. سؤال حول
suu’aal Hawla (question about) instead of سؤال عنsuu’aal Can, and خالف حولkhilaaf Hawla
(disagreement about) instead of خالف علىkhilaaf Calaa.
Speakers of Arabic recycle such expressions and structures without being aware that they violate
the system of Arabic, and now they are widely used as genuine Arabic. Translation has also
introduced expressions of alien cultural profile such as كرة الثلجkurat al-Thalj (snowball) and
يرفع القبعةyarfaC al-qubbaCah (take off one’s hat) which are common in modern Arabic style.
literature and humanities in general. A language thrives if research is conducted and
published using its vocabulary, and its word formation mechanisms are exploited. This takes
us to the issue of terminology, which is a long lasting problem. This is because of the very
large number of terms created in other languages with no Arabic counterparts, as well as the
multiplicity of Arabic terms for one concept, the slow and problem-laden coordination of
translation and creation of terms.
With the global domination of English, and other European languages, Arabic nowadays
witnesses a triglossia, with its speakers using two varieties of Arabic (standard & colloquial) and
one foreign language. In spoken interaction and informal computer-mediated communication, the
colloquial variety and a foreign language are usually used. For convenience, speed, and/or
because of the unfamiliarly with Arabic characters, Arabic is also written using the Latin script in
emails, text messages, chatting, and internet forums.
Finally, there have been research and applications of computational linguistics in the Arabic
language in areas such as natural language processing (NLP) and machine translation (MT).
There are problems and challenges facing Arabic in these areas, but there is a good progress
achieved so far.
Minajyan, K. 1972. “al-naHt qadiiman wa HadiiThan” (blending in old and modern times).
Al-Lissan Al-Arabi 9:1, 162-179.
Mustafa, I. 1951. iHyaa’ al-naHw (reviving grammar). Cairo: Translation and Publishing
Stetkevych, J. 2006. The Modern Arabic Literary Language: lexical and stylistic developments.
Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.
Versteegh, K. 1995. The Arabic Language. New York: Columbia University Press.
Wright, W. 1898/1991. A Grammar of the Arabic Language. vol. 2. 3rd edition. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Zaghoul, M. 1980. “Diglossia in Arabic: investigating solutions.” Anthropological Linguistics
22:5, 201-217.