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Oral Test Unit 1-6

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.Fotos de preguntas completas ORAL TEST UNIT 1-6

.Respuestas de preguntas completas ORAL TEST UNIT 1-6

-Unit 1: Oral quiz.

Option A: Deliver a talk.

-Describe your closest friend.

1. Well, his name is Victor, he is my closest friend due to we have in common values and attitudes such
as: each of us bring out the best for other friends we consider, also we always feel comfortable and glad
another person when he or she run into a problem, and of course we will always stand up in front of
some terrible and disappointing situations which would happen to us. All in all, we are really fantastic
friends due to our astonishing way of values we have.

2.Fortunately and to be honest with you, I would describe this part as an authentic and true friendship.
For instance, we are really directed to the point in every topic we talk or discuss, he or me cheer up to
ourselves when we feel really depress or concern about terrible experiences or moments we should
have. Nevertheless we continue being friends because of our ability to endure our friendship by a long
time, you know it's a piece of cake, I mean we always support and try to improve as persons and such as
friends and our differences complement each other, that's the main secret to keep our friendship
harmonious and free of conflict getting rid of every criticize we would receive.

3. To sum up my answer to this question, I will say in few words every time we get together, we always
have so much to talk about and have the best time. For that reason everyone who know him and me
would think we are very talkative and bothering. Despite that one reason for doing this action is each of
us feel really self-confident into every opinion or thinking we talk about. The other reason is that we tell
personal secrets of each one of us. On the other hand what a pity it would be if we don't make any of
these actions. Finally I think our friendship shows that people who are very different can still have
similar interests and I think it would be a great idea if we show our sincere personality to the society.
Because remember the proverb: ''Don't judge a book by it's cover'' and in this case it would be apply to
live our friendship without problems, and trying to be better always. That's what a friend do I think.

Option B: Personal choice.

1. In my opinion I have to say that both of them need to be important and essential at least that's what I
think. However, if I were you, I would decide to analyze mainly the personality and behavior above all,
because you have to be very carefully and trustworthy to everyone who knows you or you know to
them. At the same time, you will discover who is really a beneficial, empathetic, enduring and
harmonious friend you should have. Besides that, sometimes you need to rebuild your friendship due to
it's common to stay in a clashing situation with your friend. Happily, in that moment you will understand
the sincerity of your friend, when she or he is going to forgive you and reconsider his or her mistake and
also you. For me that's the way of “Strike while the iron’s hot.” It means you are taking advantage of a
good opportunity, and in this case specifically to show your absolutely image of your friendship, your
sincerity to him or to her to solve a big concern when it is the case to do it of course.
-Unit 2: Oral quiz.

Option A: Personal choice.

1. Personally, I agree with the second way of thinking due to for me the most important part on a person
is his or her personality, behavior and sincerity. Although it's a fact that you don't need to judge a
person by his or her appearance, it's also true that appearances can be deceiving so the most relevant
thing in a person will always be his way of being more than his way of dressing, that is the most valuable
of everything about a person. That's the reason your clothing style is totally unimportant more than
your personality and value of yourself. So, I will recommend to everyone he or she needs never to give
up and continue being a better person every day, your clothes should result temporal but your value as
a person don't have price and comparison.

Option B: Personal preference.

1. I don't know where to start, but once I remembered when a person gave me a bad impression of me.
It was exactly 3 years ago at a meeting of friends in my own home where I live. We all had to go with a
clothing referring to Christmas day. Suddenly when all of the family members were reunited, I did not
look according to that occasion, so one of my friends specifically made a bad impression of me, but I did
not recognize him because at the party they were all dressed different and did not know who he was, it
sounds very strange but it was. Suddenly he decided to tell the rest of the people that they should
literally expel me and take me out of the meeting. Suddenly he realized that it was me, and he said: '' Oh
Isaias I'm sorry great friend, I didn't know it were you '', and I was actually laughing from the beginning
because I knew it was one of my great friends, but it cost him to recognize me, and here the great saying
or proverb that says: "A word is enough to the wise" did not work. You know, it was surprising and
dubious the way he looked at me, afterwards we didn't have problems. In conclusion, it was an
embarrassing and confused moment I would never want to repeat it again.

-Unit 3: Oral quiz.

Option A: Personal preference.

1. Without a doubt, it seems to me that one of the modern technologies that is essential for society is
the case of 5G networks since it has great advantages over many other devices. One of them is that it is
much faster, allowing you to download or share files in a matter of seconds. If we compare the speed of
4G technology with that of 5G, it can be seen very clearly. Therefore, when this new generation of
wireless communication is implemented, we will be able to enjoy access to the Internet instantly. So
with the introduction of 5G technology, the mobile sector and mobile applications will undergo a great
revolution. So anyone who is curious about technology topics, needs to buy or acquire one of these right
now, but clearly being prudent and a little audacious.
Option B: Question bank.

1. In my case, my ideal piece of electronic equipment is PS4. First of all has the ability to learn about
your preferences. Learn what you like and what you don't like, allowing you to discover pre-loaded and
ready-to-launch content on your console in your favorite genres and by your favorite creators. Players
can also look at game information shared by their friends, watch friends' gamplay with ease, or get
information about recommended content, including games, TV shows, and movies, above all.

2. Secondly, this gadget will improve my daily life as a device that I can use and play in all my free time
and especially when I have a terrible day or feel very stressed and furious, in addition to being very
beneficial and productive, as it is undoubtedly a positive pump for the brain, since according to a
German study, playing 30 minutes a day increases gray matter in the right hippocampus and cerebellum,
areas responsible for stimulating memory, strategy and planning, so what better advantage than this,
don't you think so.

3. I consider that one of the great advantages of this device over many others in regard to current
technology is the fact that this same device helps dyslexic children improve their reading, and for this we
can cite a study published in Cell, which investigated the effect of playing action games, and found that
it helps dyslexic children ages 7 to 13 to read faster, without loss of precision. In short words, it is a great
invention and benefit in this regard, and if I were you I would buy this gadget as fast as I can.

-Unit 4: Oral quiz.

Option A: Personal choice.

1. I believe more in the second option or case, because although around the world many people argue
that good things happen because of luck, the reality is that it does not always happen that way, since
these kinds of events or lucky situations are somewhat dubious, farfetched and not well-found, while
good things happen because of hard work is a clear sign that "effort and perseverance outweigh talent"
in most cases. Otherwise, you can be a beginner’s luck which doesn't mean you are going to be
successful always. Therefore, and for all of these reasons I prefer to believe in hard work more than luck.

Option B: Deliver a talk.

1. First of all, in Ecuador it is common many people speak of the superstition called "Breaking a mirror"
and it requires that people obviously and as its name indicates break a mirror for the effect of this same

2. The belief or superstition says that if you break a mirror you will have 7 years of curse, where
everything arises from catoptromancy, which is divination through the mirror. The mirror was an
element that was used for magic, so if it broke, the future would be terrifying, so if you do or perform
this type of action, possibly you are out of luck, so be careful with this special situation, because If not
you could regret it for a long time.

3. It is supposed not to happen anything terrible to you, unless you want to getting trouble for many
years. Believe it or not this superstition is authentic and real in most of the cases.
-Unit 5: Oral quiz.

Option A: Personal choice.

1. I agree with the second position or option since overall, it depends on the content or type of program
that each person sees or wants to tune in. Therefore, and not surprisingly TV is OK and available for any
generation, which means that the big problem is not established by the tool or device itself of Tv, but
rather by the type of content as mentioned above.

Option B: Personal preference.

1. I prefer to use the newspaper for pleasure reading in front of all the other types of medium, due to
it's so gripping and utterly beautiful the way to tell the news regardless of its content or genre and with
clear, simple and effective information about everything. Consequently, it is such a moving medium that
I bought it or read it by the internet every day and I never try to miss out on absolutely anything about

-Unit 6: Oral quiz.

Option A: Question bank.

1. I usually listen to motivational music such as: Christian music because it is so exhilarating and catchy
to me. Furthermore, the more I listen to it, the better I feel comfortable and relaxing, forgetting about
any problem or situation that I have in particular, especially on a bad day.

2. It makes me feel so energetic, cool, calming and conforming because the catcher the song's lyrics are,
the better it is going to be for me. In conclusion this is the best kind of music that I can listen to, enjoy
and that has very valuable messages. On the other hand, I also respect those who like other types of
music or genre in common, but this is the best for me, without sounding arrogant or anything like that.

3. Yes, and this is precisely the genre I mentioned: Christian and motivational music, which I listen to in
the mornings due to I always want to relax when I am doing household chores or personal activities and
in other cases I also listen to it before I go to bed as a way of improve my way of sleeping and sleeping in
a state of total peace and tranquility, so the more exciting the soundtrack, the better the music seems
and it also improve my mood in angry situations I will have in some moments.

Option B: Personal choice.

1. For me it is a combination of both, but it is much more important to be a hard-working person more
than have a succesful talent, due to with your talent you will make a mistake in some cases. However
with the hard-work, dedication, motivation, effort and perseverance of yourself you will always be
noticed as an example for the rest of people who know or don't know you, and clearly the most
important thing is that with it you will have a success very assured in the aspect of achieving your own
goals and dreams in general. That's the reason I think you don't need to be afraid to dream, take
yourself seriously, think positively and don't be afraid to fail. This is the best thing I can recommend to
someone and say on this subject.

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