35-year-old woman suffering from diabetes mellitus presented with a fever up to 38°C, dry cough.
Broad-spectrum antibiotics showed no effect but produced a rash. СВС: RBC - 4.2×1012 /L, Hb - 130 g/L,
WBC – 99×109 /L, eosinophil -3%, band neutrophil -4%, segmented neutrophil -67%, lymphocyte-18%,
monocyte -8%, ESR - 32 m.m/hour. Chest X-ray shows a consolidation area 3 cm in diameter in the left
upper zone with hazy borders, not homogenous, connected to the lung root. Auscultation revealed
diminished breath sounds in the same area. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Eosinophilic pneumonia.
В. Tuberculoma.
С. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
D. Lung abscess.
Е. Lung cancer.
65-year-old woman suffering from diabetes mellitus presented with a fever up to 38°C, dry cough. Chest
X-ray shows a triangular opacity in the right upper zone which apex is turned to the hilum. The lower
border of the opacity is clear whereas upper – hazy. Around there are some satellite foci of low density
and hazy borders. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Interlobar pleurisy.
В. Lung abscess.
С. Lung cancer.
D. Community acquired pneumonia.
Е. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
50-year-old patient is brought to the emergency care unit complaining of pain in the left side, dyspnea,
fever up to 38°C, dry cough. The disease started gradually two weeks before. In childhood suffered from
tuberculosis of bronchial lymph nodes. Affected side is behind the breathing. Percussion and auscultation
revealed dullness and absent breathing in this area correspondently. Right heart border is shifted to the
right. P 98/mm, constant fibrillation. AFB haven’t been revealed in sputum. Mantoux skin test 5 TU PPD-
S – papule 16 mm in diameter. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Tubercle pleurisy.
В. Lung cancer.
С. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
D. Pulmonary embolism.
Е. Community acquired pneumonia.
27-year-old patient complains of malaise, weight loss, productive cough with the mucoid sputum, T 37.2-
37.5°С. On examination no abnormalities have been revealed. CBC: WBC - 9,2×109/L, lymphocyte-14%,
ESR - 25 mm/hour. Mantoux skin test 5 TU PPD-S – papule 10 mm in diameter. Chest X-ray: several
nodules of low density and hazy borders in the I-II right segments. What disease must be suspected?
А. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
В. Community acquired pneumonia.
С. Focal tuberculosis
D. Disseminative tuberculosis.
Е. Tuberculosis residuals.
20-year-old patient has been ill for a week. Presented with complaints of fever up to 38.2-39.5°С,
constant dry cough, night sweating, dyspnea. The disease started suddenly from sharp pain in chest right
side aggravating while coughing, deep breathing. At the moment pain is much weaker. On examination:
left side the dull percussion sound is heard up to IV rib, where the breathing is weakened significantly.
Chest X-ray showed right side subtotal homogenous opacity with the upper oblique border. Midiastinum
is shifted o the left. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
22-year-old patient presented with right-side pleurisy. Chest X-ray showed left side opacity up to the IV
rib with the upper oblique border. In the left lung S2 several foci of moderate density with hazy borders
are visible. Mantoux skin test – 14 mm papule with vesicles around. Pleural fluid test: protein level
increased, lymphocytes are the predominant cell type. What is the most likely etiology?
А. Tuberculosis.
В. Lung cancer.
С. Community acquired pneumonia.
D. Collagenosis.
Е. Pleural mesothelioma.
Chest X-ray of 25-year-old asymptomatic male detected several 5-7 mm foci of moderate density with
hazy borders in the left lung S1-2. CBC: WBC – 11.9×109 /L, eosinophil -3%, band neutrophil -4%,
segmented neutrophil -70%, lymphocyte-15%, monocyte -8%, ESR - 22 mm/hour What’s the most likely
26-year-old coal miner with the occupational seniority of 4 years has been complaining of dyspnea and
malaise for several weeks. Chest X-ray revealed total nodulation with the nodule diameter up to 4 mm. In
right S1 an infiltrative area of 3 cm in diameter with hazy borders appears. What could it be more likely
due to?
Chest X-ray of 9 year-old symptom-free child showed an infiltrative shadow in left subclavicle area
connected to the hilum. Hilar lymph nodes are enlarged. The child lives with the grandmother, mother
died of tuberculosis. Data about Mantoux skin test results are absent. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
19-year-old HIV-positive man presented to an infectious department with the suspected abdominal
typhus. Is been sick for 3 weeks. Two days before condition has become worse dramatically. Severe
headache, shortness of breathing, fever of 39.6°C, mental confusion appeared. On examination moderate
meningeal syndrome is revealed, respiratory system shows no abnormality. Chest X-ray shows diffuse
multiple 1-2 mm foci. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
40-year-old woman suffers from diabetes mellitus. Which ways of TB early detecting are the most
suitable for the annual management?
А. Sputum ZN-staining
В. Mantoux skin test.
С. PCR sputum test.
D. Chest X-ray.
Е. Blood PCR test.
27-year-old patient complains of productive cough with the mucoid sputum, chest pain in the right side. T
39°С. Has been treated by broad-spectrum antibiotics for a week without effect. On examination: dull
percussion sound and few bubbling rales in the interscapular area. Chest X-ray shows dissemination of
low density with hazy borders throughout lung tissue, but more evident in the upper zone. CBC: WBC -
13,2×109/L, lymphocyte-12%, ESR - 35 mm/hour. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Disseminated tuberculosis.
В. Disseminated lung cancer.
С. Community acquired pneumonia.
D. Sarcoidosis.
Е. Caseous pneumonia.
38-year-old patient complains of subfebrile temperature, sweating, productive cough with sputum
quantity up to 50 ml. Chest X-ray shows the cavity in the lower zone of right lung containing not much
liquid and surrounded by 0.5-1.5 cm satellite shadows. In the right hilum there are calcified lymph nodes.
Intensive broad-spectrum antibiotics showed no effect. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Lung abscess.
В. Tuberculosis.
С. Bronchoectasis.
D. Lung cancer.
Е. Suppurated cyst.
42-year-old patient known as Schönlein-Henoch purpura case and receiving high-dose corticosteroid
therapy complains of chills, severe weakness, shortness of breathing. On examination: P 102/m, RR
26/m. Lung percussion and auscultation detected no abnormality. Ankles are swelled. Mantoux skin test
is negative. Chest X-ray shows diffuse multiple 1-2 mm foci. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Miliary tuberculosis.
В. Community acquired pneumonia.
С. Focal tuberculosis.
D. Schönlein-Henoch purpura progressing.
Е. Subacute disseminative tuberculosis.
2-year-old child has a family contact with the smear-positive TB patient. Which minimal papule in
Mantoux skin test with 5 PPD-S TU is supposed to be the positive result?
А. 30mm.
В. 25mm.
С. 15mm.
D. 10mm.
Е. 5mm.
For TB patient isoniazid, rifampicin, streptomycin, pyrazinamide, vitamin C, had been administered. In a
month he started to complain of diminished hearing and buzzing in the ears. Side effect of which
administered drug can it be due to?
А. Rifampicin.
В. Isoniazid.
С. Streptomycin.
D. Pyrazinamide.
Е. Vitamin C.
Chest X-ray of 16-year-old asymptomatic adolescent showed an infiltrative shadow in left lung S6
connected to the hilum. Hilar lymph nodes are enlarged. A year ago Mantoux skin test conversion has
been established. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
At 38-year-old symptom-free man solitary 5 cm opacity of moderate density with the crescent lucency
and defined borders in the left lung S2 the has been revealed. Which clinical type of TB is the most
А. Fibrous-cavernous.
В. Infiltrative.
С. Focal.
D. Residual.
Е. Tuberculoma.
Screening chest X-ray of 36-year-old man revealed bilateral dissemination mostly in upper zones with
polymorphous nodules of different density on the pneumosclerotic background. Which clinical type of
TB is the most probable?
А. Subacute disseminated.
В. Chronic disseminated.
С. Miliary.
D. Residuals.
Е. Fibrous-cavernous.
40-year-old patient fell ill after supercooling. Fever up to 39°C, cough with sputum of stinking odor
appeared. In the right upper zone bubbling rales are heard. CBC: WBC – 17.9×109 /L, eosinophil -3%,
band neutrophil -12%, segmented neutrophil -60%, lymphocyte-17%, monocyte -8%, ESR - 52 mm/hour.
Chest X-ray showed 3 cm opacity in the right lung S3 of moderate density with hazy regular borders and
lucency inside. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Destructive pneumonia.
В. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
С. Lung cancer.
D. Tuberculoma.
Е. Lung cyst.
Screening X-ray examination of 33-year-old asymptomatic male detected 4-cm opacity in the right lung
S2 of moderate density with hazy regular borders and lucency inside. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Lung cancer.
В. Community acquired pneumonia.
С. Tuberculosis.
D. Abscess.
Е. Lung cyst.
40-year-old patient suffering from fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis presented with pulmonary hemorrhage.
Which drugs must be administered in the first place?
А. Antitussive.
В. Procoagulants.
С. Hypotensive.
D. Expectorants.
Е. Drugs, decreasing vessel walls permeability.
Patient with no previous tuberculosis history presented with fever up to 38°С, cough with mucous
sputum. Chest X-ray showed 4 cm round opacity of moderate density with hazy regular borders and
lucency inside in the left lung S2. On examination otherwise no abnormality are detected. CBC: WBC –
7.9×109 /L, eosinophil -3%, band neutrophil -2%, segmented neutrophil -70%, lymphocyte-20%,
monocyte -5%, ESR - 30mm/hour. ZN-staining detected AFB in the sputum. According to which
category treatment regimen has to be designed in this case?
А. V.
В. I.
С. II.
Е. IV.
22-year-old smoker complains of malaise, weakness, tiredness, sweating. On physical examination no
abnormality detected. Chest X-ray showed an opacity in the left lung apex of moderate density with hazy
borders and several satellite foci of low density around. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
20-year-old patient complains of severe headache, diplopia, weakness, irritability, fever. On examination:
T 37.5°С, left blepharoptosis, divergent strabismus, anisocoria S>D. Has been ill for 2-3 weeks. CSF test:
fluid is slightly opaque, protein content - 1.4 g/l, pleocytosis 400/mm3 mostly of lymphocyte type, glucose
3.3 mmol/l. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Staphylococcus meningitis.
В. Meningococcus meningitis.
С. Tubercle meningitis.
D. Syphilitic meningitis.
Е. Herpes meningitis.
18-year-old male presented with focal shadows of high density with distinct borders on the right lung
apex. Last Mantoux skin test has been performed two year ago; papule size 17 mm. At the moment
tuberculin test showed 5 mm result. Clinical and lab examination detected no abnormality. What’s the
most likely diagnosis?
32-year-old alcohol abuser fell ill after supercooling. Fever up to 40° C, cough with 200ml/day sputum
expectorating appeared. In the right lung lower zone bubbling rales are heard. CBC: WBC – 18.0×109/L,
eosinophil -3%, band neutrophil -8%, segmented neutrophil -64%, lymphocyte-15%, monocyte -10%,
ESR - 45 mm/hour. Chest X-ray showed 6 cm thick-walls cavity with horizontal fluid level in the right
lung S10. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Destructive pneumonia.
В. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
С. Lung cancer.
D. Tuberculoma.
Е. Lung cyst.
Patient is presented with tuberculosis. Chest X-ray showed 3.5 cm opacity in the right lung S2 with hazy
borders and lucency inside. Define the process phase.
А. Infiltration.
В. Consolidation.
С. Infiltration and decay.
D. Decay.
Е. Dissemination and decay.
Screening X-ray examination of 37-year-old coal miner detected two high density foci in right lung S1-2
on the fibrotic area background. On clinical and laboratory examination no abnormality detected. What’s
the most likely diagnosis?
А.Focal tuberculosis.
В. Pneumosclerosis.
С. Coniotuberculosis
D. Tuberculosis residuals.
Е. Pneumoconiosis.
Screening X-ray examination of 22-year-old male detected several focal shadows of different size with
hazy borders on both apices. The diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis established. What’s the most likely
clinical type of the disease?
А. Focal.
В. Infiltrative.
С. Disseminated.
D. Miliary.
Е. Residual.
50-year-old patient complains of fever up to 38°С, cough with mucous sputum, dyspnea. Hasn’t
undergone X-ray examination for 7 year. Chest X-ray showed thick-walls 3×5 cm cavity on the right lung
apex. The interlobar fissure and right hilum are elevated. Mediastinum is shifted to the right. In the lower
zones of both lungs there a lot of low-density focal shadows. The diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis
established. What’s the most likely clinical type of the disease?
А. Infiltrative.
В. Chronic disseminated.
С. Cirrhotic.
D. Fibrous-cavernous.
Е. Subacute disseminated.
44-year-old homeless patient presented with chills, dry cough, dyspnea. Has been ill for three weeks. The
illness started suddenly. On examination: T 40°С, condition is grave, diffuse cyanosis is present. Painful
ulcer is found on the tongue surface. All over lung fields tympanic percussion sound is noted.
Auscultation revealed scattered dry and moisture rales. CBC: Hb - 100 g/L, WBC – 9.2·109 /L,
eosinophil-0%, band neutrophil-9%, segmented neutrophil-65%, lymphocyte-14%, monocyte -12%, ESR
- 15 mm/hour. Sputum ZN-staining is positive. Mantoux skin test with 5 TU 15mm. Chest X-ray shows
large bilateral foci mostly affecting apical zones and fusing to each other. What’s the most likely clinical
type of tuberculosis?
А. Subacute disseminated.
В. Focal.
С. Miliary.
D. Chronic disseminated.
Е. Infiltrative.
34-year-old homeless patient presented with headache, chills, dry cough, dyspnea. The illness started
suddenly. On examination: T 39-40°С, condition is grave, diffuse cyanosis is present. All over lung fields
tympanic percussion sound is detected. Auscultation revealed no rales. CBC: Hb - 100 g/L, WBC –
11.2·109 /L, eosinophil-0%, band neutrophil-9%, segmented neutrophil-65%, lymphocyte-14%, monocyte
-12%, ESR - 35 mm/hour. Mantoux skin test with 5 TU is negative. Chest X-ray shows diffuse multiple
tiny foci with hazy borders throughout lung tissue. What’s the most likely clinical type of tuberculosis?
А. Focal.
В. Miliary.
D. Meningitis.
Е. Infiltrative.
A family consists of 5 members. Father is a coal miner, mother is a housewife, son is a student, daughter
is a nurse, grandmother – pensioner, suffers from diabetes mellitus. Who of them ISN’T exposed by the
risk of the tuberculosis?
Е. Mother.
29-year-old patient had been complaining of subfebrile temperature, night sweating, productive cough,
dyspnea for 5 months. Auscultation revealed mixed breathing. Mantoux skin test showed papule of 10
mm. CBC: Hb 100 g/L, WBC – 9.2×109/L, eosinophil - 3%, band neutrophil - 4%, segmented neutrophil -
71%, lymphocyte - 14%, monocyte - 8%, ESR - 25 mm/hour. Chest X-ray detected multiple fusing foci
of different shape and size having low density and hazy borders. In apico-posterior segments thin-walls
cavities appear bilaterally. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
48-year-old patient complains of dyspnea, fever up to 38°С, weight loss, weakness, productive cough
with mucoid sputum. The condition worsened gradually within a year. Hasn’t undergone screening X-ray
for 6 year. On examination: right hemithorax lags behind the breathing, percussion revealed dull sound
over right upper lung zone, auscultation showed bronchial breathing and rare moisture rales in this area.
ZN sputum test showed positive result. CBC: Hb - 100 g/L, WBC – 9.0×10 9 /L, eosinophil - 3%, band
neutrophil - 7%, segmented neutrophil - 65%, lymphocyte - 20%, monocyte - 5%, ESR - 28 mm/hour.
Chest X-ray revealed cavity 5×4 cm in diameter with thick walls surrounded by advanced fibrotic area
and polymorphic foci in the diminished right upper lobe. Which tuberculosis clinical type is the most
А. Subacute disseminated.
В. Fibrous-cavernous.
С. Caseous pneumonia.
D. Infiltrative.
Е.Chronic disseminated.
Patient complains of stabbing pain in the right hemithorax, rapidly increasing dyspnea. Has been
suffering from fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis for 6 year. On examination: the condition is grave, dyspnea
at rest, cyanosis, RR 28 /min, P 120/min. Right hemithorax lags behind the breathing, intercostal spaces
are smoothed, tympanic percussion sound and absent breathing over right hemithorax detected. Heart
borders are shifted to the left. Which complication more likely could produce such dramatic worsening?
А. Myocardial infarction.
В. Pulmonary embolism.
С. Atelectasis.
D. Community acquired pneumonia.
Е. Spontaneous pneumathorax.
38-year-old patient is complaining of dyspnea, subfebrile temperature, weight loss, weakness, productive
cough with mucoid sputum for 4 months. Hasn’t undergone screening X-ray for 7 year. On examination:
auscultation showed bronchial breathing, rare moisture and dry rales throughout lung fields. CBC: Hb -
100 g/L, WBC – 9.0×109 /L, eosinophil - 3%, band neutrophil - 7%, segmented neutrophil - 65%,
lymphocyte - 20%, monocyte - 5%, ESR - 32 mm/hour. Chest X-ray: multiple polymorphic foci of
different shape, size and density at the advanced fibrotic background. Which of tuberculosis clinical types
is the most likely?
А. Fibrous-cavernous.
В. Chronic disseminated.
С. Caseous pneumonia.
D. Infiltrative.
Е. Subacute disseminated.
37-year-old patient fell ill suddenly. High fever, cough, weakness appeared. The diagnosis of influenza
was established. In a week the condition ameliorated after non-specific treatment (NSAID, liquid intake),
but within next several weeks the “influenza” repeated three times. X-ray examination detected
infiltrative tuberculosis with lung tissue decay. Choose the most suitable explanation of such a
Screening chest X-ray of 45-year-old symptom-free patient detected several foci of low density in the
right apex. Physical and laboratory examination detected no abnormalities. What’s the most likely
40-year-old patient presented with fever up to 38°С, chest pain, cough with muco-purulent sputum,
sweating, weakness. Fell ill 3 weeks before. On examination: RR 20/min, P 98/min. On auscultation:
moisture rales at a weakened breathing background in the right subclavian area detected. CBC: Hb
100 g/L, WBC – 13.4×109 /L, eosinophil - 3%, band neutrophil - 10%, segmented neutrophil - 58%,
lymphocyte - 24%, monocyte - 5%, ESR - 35 mm/hour. Sputum ZN-staining showed negative results.
Mantoux skin test showed papule of 15 mm. Chest X-ray detected nonhomogenous opacity of the right
lung upper lobe with hazy borders and lucency inside. A group of small low density foci is detected left-
side, in the S1-2. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
47-year-old smoker presented with severe weakness, sweating, fever up to 37.5-38.0°С. Has been ill for 3
months. On examination: dull percussion sound and mixed breathing over both lung apices. CBC: Hb
120 g/L, WBC – 12.2×109/L, eosinophil -1%, band neutrophil -6%, segmented neutrophil - 75%,
lymphocyte-17%, monocyte -1%, ESR - 28 mm/hour. Chest X-ray detected polymorphic foci of 2-8 mm
on enriched lung patterns background mostly in upper lung regions. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
29-year-old alcohol abuser presented to an infectious department with the suspected abdominal typhus.
Has been sick for 3 weeks. Two days before condition has become worse dramatically. Severe headache,
shortness of breathing, fever amounted 39.6° C, mental confusion appeared. On examination moderate
meningeal syndrome is revealed, respiratory system shows no abnormality. Chest X-ray shows diffuse
multiple 1-2 mm foci. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Miliary tuberculosis.
В. Disseminated lung cancer.
С. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
D. Community acquired pneumonia.
Е. Meningococcemia.
Patient is presented with infiltrative tuberculosis, MBT+ (M+C+) resist + (S, H, R, Q, K). No previous
history of tuberculosis. What type of drug resistance is it?
А. Acquired MDR.
В. Primary MDR.
С. Acquired XDR.
D. Primary XDR.
Е. Initial drug resistance.
26-year-old patient suffering from diabetes mellitus presented with malaise, increased temperature in
the evening, appetite loss, and productive cough. Is been ill for 2 months. Received 2 weeks treatment
course of broad spectrum antibiotics. General examination detected no abnormalities. Chest X-ray
revealed nonhomogenic opacity of moderate density with hazy borders on left lung apex. What disease
must be suspected first of all?
Patient suffering from disseminated tuberculosis complains of stabbing pain in the right hemithorax,
rapidly increasing dyspnea. On examination: skin is pale, dyspnea at rest, RR 30/min, P 120/min. Right
hemithorax lags behind the breathing, intercostal spaces are smoothed, tympanic percussion sound and
absent breathing over right hemithorax detected. Heart borders are shifted to the left. Which complication
is more likely?
А. Spontaneous pneumathorax.
В. Pulmonary embolism.
С. Atelectasis.
D. Community acquired pneumonia.
Е. Myocardial infarction.
25-year-old homeless woman presented with complaints of productive cough with mucoid sputum,
subfebrile temperature, weight loss, weakness. Hasn’t been undergoing chest X-ray for 3 year. On
examination: skin is pale, P 80/min, mixed breathing is detected in the right upper zone. Sputum ZN-
staining showed negative results. CBC: Hb - 140 g/L, WBC – 10.0×109 /L, eosinophil - 3%, band
neutrophil - 9%, segmented neutrophil - 73%, lymphocyte - 14%, monocyte - 1%, ESR - 30 mm/hour.
Tuberculosis is suspected. What’s the most advisable first step of the diagnostic algorithm?
А. Electrolyte test.
В. Chest X-ray.
С. Mantoux skin test.
D. Sputum cultural test.
Е. Bronchoscopy.
35-year-old obstetrician had been treated for tuberculosis 7 year ago. At the moment no complains,
physical or laboratory abnormalities are detected. Chest X-ray has been stable for last 5 year: several
small calcified foci on right lung apex. Make a conclusion about professional activity.
20-year-old patient finished the full course of treatment for infiltrative tuberculosis, MBT+. At the
moment no complaints are present, blood test is normal, cultural sputum test showed negative result,
chest X-ray detected cavity healing, infiltration partial resolution. Which recovery criteria are the most
38-year-old agronomist complains of subfebrile fever, productive cough, night sweating, dyspnea, weight
loss. Has been feeling unwell for a month. On examination: dull percussion sound above upper and
middle zones, moisture rales at mixed breathing background in the interscapular space are found. Chest
X-ray showed multiple fusing foci of moderate density in both upper lung zones. What’s the most likely
А. Disseminated tuberculosis.
В. Actynomycosis.
С. Pneumoconiosis.
D. Community acquired pneumonia.
Е. Aspergilllosis.
30-year-old alcohol abuser is been treated for pulmonary tuberculosis new case according to I category.
After 2 weeks of treatment he started to complain of headache, memory decreasing, extremities
paresthesias. Side effects of which drug is it more likely due to?
А. Isoniazid.
В. Streptomycin.
С. Pyrasinamide.
D. Rifampicin.
Е. Ethambutol.
A patient hospitalized with infiltrative tuberculosis, MBT+, lives with his wife and 3-year-old child.
Neither data about child’s BCG vaccination, nor the cicatrix are been found. Thorough examination of the
child detected no active TB signs. Mantoux skin test is negative. What is the most advisable dealing with
the child?
41-year-old patient has been brought to the emergency department in grave condition complaining of
severe pain in the right thoracic zone and dyspnea, appeared suddenly after physical exertion. On
examination: P 122/m, RR 28/m, BP 80/60, lips and mucosa cyanosis, tympanic percussion sound and
auscultative sounds weakened over right thoracic side, loud second sound over pulmonary trunk. Which
examination is the most urgent?
А. Videothoracoscopy.
В. Chest X-ray.
Е. CT scanning.
45-year-old patient is been treated for caseous pneumonia within 10 month. Now sputum is smear-
positive. Chest X-ray shows opacity in diminished right upper lobe, right hilum is elevated. No cavities
revealed. Which clinical type of TB is it now?
А. Fibrous-cavernous.
В. Infiltrative.
С. Cirrhotic.
D. Residual.
Е. Tuberculoma.
Patient has been treated for infiltrative tuberculosis MBT+ for 6 month. At the moment ring-like shadow
stable for 2 month appears in the right upper lobe, the infiltration around resolved, MBT are not detected
by all available means. Choose the most advisable further management.
А. Surgery.
В. Stopping any treatment.
С. Considering the patient having chronic tuberculosis.
D. Continuing treatment until the cavity healing.
Е. Changing the antibacterial treatment regimen.
35-year-old coal miner having 3-year occupational seniority complains of low workability, sweating,
cough with moderate quantity of mucoid sputum. On physical and routine laboratory examination no
abnormalities were detected. Chest X-ray: several 5-7 mm nodules of low density with hazy borders in
the right S1-2. What disease should be suspected?
А. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
В. Community acquired pneumonia.
С. Focal tuberculosis.
D. Coniotuberculosis.
Е. Tuberculosis residuals.
28-year-old patient taking treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis presented with stabbing chest pain,
increasing dyspnea. On examination: evident cyanosis, tympanic percussion sound over left hemithorax
where breathing sounds are not found, mediastinum is shifted to the right. Chest X-ray detected left lung
collapse up to ½ of the volume. Which of measures for critical aid will be the crucial?
А. Ganglioblocker administration.
В. Euphyllin administration.
С. Thoracocentesis and air aspiration.
D. Bronchoscopy.
Е. Artificial ventilation.
28-year-old HIV-positive IV-drugs addict complains of increasing headache, vomiting, photophobia.
Recovered from tuberculosis 7 year ago (before contracting HIV). Chest X-ray performed a month before
detected small residuals in the lung tissue. On examination: T 39.1°С, left blepharoptosis, divergent
strabismus, neck stiffness, upper Brudzinsky symptom, left naso-labial fold is smoothed. What disease
has to be suspected first of all?
А. Meningeal tuberculosis.
В. Herpes meningitis.
С. Brain tuberculoma.
D. Neuro-AIDS.
Е. Drug addiction related encephalopathy.
28-year-old symptom-free male presented with several large nodules of moderate density with hazy
borders in right lung S1-2. Physical examination, blood test and sputum ZN-staining detected no
abnormalities. Mantoux skin test with 5 TU - 15 mm. Pulmonary tuberculosis is suspected. Which clinical
form of the disease is the most likely?
А. Tuberculoma.
В. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
С. Focal tuberculosis.
D. Disseminated tuberculosis.
Е. Tuberculosis residuals.
70-year-old patient presented in grave condition complaining of dyspnea, dry cough, severe weakness. On
examination: patient is exhausted, auscultation detected mixed breathing. Chest X-ray shows diffuse
multiple 1-2 mm foci throughout lung tissue, several calcification in lung root. Hb - 90 g/L, WBC –
13.2·109 /L, eosinophil-0%, band neutrophil-10%, segmented neutrophil -65%, lymphocyte-14%,
monocyte -12%, ESR - 30 mm/hour. Tuberculosis is suspected. Define the clinical form of the disease.
А. Subacute disseminated.
В. Chronic disseminated.
С. Focal tuberculosis.
D.Infiltrative tuberculosis.
Е. Miliary tuberculosis.
28-year-old asymptomatic male presented having 2 cm round homogenous shadow with clear borders of
high density on the right lung apex. Physical and routine laboratory examination showed no
abnormalities. Mantoux skin test - papule 18 mm in diameter. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Lung cancer.
В. Tuberculoma.
С. Angioma.
D. Aspergillus mycetoma.
Е. Community acquired pneumonia.
42-year-old patient presented with subfebrile temperature, malaise, shortness of breathing on moderate
exertion, dry cough within 3 month. Physical examination detected mixed breathing over lung fields.
Plain X-ray showed fusing foci of moderate density throughout upper lung zones and symmetric thin-
walls cavities on both apices. Sputum ZN-staining showed positive result. Which clinical type of
tuberculosis is the most probable?
А. Subacute disseminated.
В. Miliary.
С. Fibrous-cavernous.
D. Chronic disseminated.
Е. Cirrhotic.
10-year-old child had been complaining of subfebrile temperature, appetite worsening, tiredness for 1.5
months. At the moment Mantoux test conversion with the papule size of 12 mm has been detected. On
examination: nodular erythema on both shins, peripheral lymph nodes are enlarged in 6 groups. Which
clinical form of tuberculosis could be suspected?
19-year-old patient known to be exposed by family TB contact (father suffers from fibrous-cavernous
tuberculosis) has been treated for infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis during 2 month, receiving isoniazid,
rifampicin, ethambutol, pyrazinamide. No condition ameliorating is observed, control X-ray demonstrated
the disease progression. Smear test for AFB showed positive result. CBC: Hb 120 g /L, WBC –
12.9×109/L, eosinophil -3%, band neutrophil - 10%, segmented neutrophil -65%, lymphocyte-15%,
monocyte -10%, ESR - 30 mm/hour. Which is the most likely reason of treatment failure?
4-year-old symptom-free child without remarkable risk factors for TB is presented having positive
Mantoux skin test with 5 TU of PPD-S. Choose the papule size which corresponds to such conclusion.
А. 15 mm.
В. 10 mm.
С. 5 mm.
D. 2 mm.
Е. 1 mm.
38-year-old patient was admitted to the emergency department with pulmonary bleeding started at the
time of cough. Expectorated about 300 ml of blood. No past history of pulmonary diseases discovered but
patient has been noticing some fatigue, appetite loss, cough with mucoid sputum, subfebrile fever for 4
months. Chest X-ray detected thick-walls cavity in the diminished left upper lobe surrounded by
polymorphic satellite foci. Which is the most likely reason of bleeding?
А. Lung cancer.
В. Community acquired pneumonia.
С. Tuberculosis.
D. Pulmonary abscess.
Е. Bronchoectases.
10-year-old symptom-free child presented with Mantoux skin papule 14 mm. Received BCG vaccination
on 5th day of life and at the age of 7 (scars diameter 5 mm and 2 mm correspondently). Previous
tuberculin test history: at the age of 8 – papule 8 mm, at the age of 9 – 5 mm. Chest X-ray detected no
abnormalities. What’s your conclusion?
А. Non-infected child.
В. Tuberculin sensitivity conversion.
С. Post-vaccinative reaction.
D. Active tuberculosis.
Е. Latent tuberculosis.
Screening chest X-ray of 27-year-old symptom-free female detected round 2.5 cm homogenic opacity of
high density with distinct regular borders and several foci around in the left lung S1-2. CBC: Hb - 120 g/L,
WBC – 6.9×109 /L, eosinophil -3%, band neutrophil - 5%, segmented neutrophil - 65%, lymphocyte-23%,
monocyte -4%, ESR - 2 mm/hour. Mantoux skin test showed the papule of 15 mm. What’s the most
likely diagnosis?
45-year-old patient suffering from fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis presented with spontaneous
pneumathorax. Choose necessary critical aid.
А. Analgesia.
В. Bed rest.
С. Oxygen therapy.
D. Thoracocentesis.
Е. All of the above.
30-year-old female presented with chest pain, weakness, cough, hemophtysis. Has been ill for a week. On
physical examination no abnormalities detected. CBC: Hb - 110 g/L, WBC – 9.2×109/L, eosinophil -3%,
band neutrophil -4%, segmented neutrophil -71%, lymphocyte-14%, monocyte -8%, ESR - 20 mm/hour.
Chest X-ray detected opacity of the moderate density with the hazy borders and lucency inside in the right
S1-2 surrounded by several satellite foci. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
23-year-old female known to have valvular disease presented with chills, dyspnea, fever up to 38.9°C. On
examination: dull percussion sound and crackling rales over both upper zones. Chest X-ray detected
multiple fusing foci on both apical and medial lung zones. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
A papule of 5 mm diameter with vesicle in center appeared at 13-year-old boy after Mantoux skin test.
Appreciate the result.
А. Doubtful.
В. Positive.
С. Hyperergic.
D. Negative.
Е. Cannot be appreciated.
40-year-old patient presented with cough excreting mucoid sputum, weakness, shortness of breathing, and
fever up to 37.2-37.6°С in the evening. Has been ill for 1.5 month, fell ill after supercooling. On physical
examination no abnormalities detected. Chest X-ray revealed numerous, somewhere fusing foci mostly
affecting apical zones. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Pneumoconiosis.
В. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
С. Disseminated carcinoma.
D. Tuberculosis.
Е. Community acquired pneumonia.
35-year-old chain-smoker coughing “the whole life” presented with increased quantity of sputum, fever
up to 37.5°С, sweating at night, weight loss. Physical examination of respiratory system is unremarkable.
CBC: Hb – 130 g/L, WBC – 9.2×109 /L, eosinophil-2%, band neutrophil-4%, segmented neutrophil-65%,
lymphocyte-21%, monocyte-8%, ESR - 20 mm/hour. Sputum test – grayish in color, L-14-16 field of
view, ZN- staining is negative. Chest X-ray detected an opacity of the moderate density with the hazy
borders and lucency inside in the right S1-2 surrounded by several satellite foci. What’s the most likely
А. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
В. Community acquired pneumonia.
С. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
D. Lung cancer.
Е. Pulmonary embolism.
Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis patient presented with severe headache and neck stiffness. Meningeal
tuberculosis is suspected, but routine CSF test showed doubtful result. Choose the most advisable
additional mean to detect the reason of meningeal syndrome.
63-year-old male known to have left upper lobe infiltrative tuberculosis 5 year ago presented with
productive cough, subfebrile fever, sweating at night, weight loss. Chest X-ray detected a 3 cm opacity of
moderate density with the crescent lucency and defined borders surrounded by several satellite foci in the
S2 of the left lung. Sputum test: L-1/3 field of view, ZN- staining is negative. No remarkable changes in
CBC. Which of disease transformation is the most likely be present?
А. Tuberculoma.
В. Suppuration.
С. Lung cancer.
D. Benign tumor.
Е. Cyst.
4-month infant did not receive BCG vaccination immediately after birth because of hemolytic jaundice.
At the moment no abnormality detected. No TB contact has been discovered. Choose the most advisable
А. Immediate BCG-vaccination.
В. Vaccination at the age of 12 month after Mantoux skin test.
С. Vaccination at the age of 6 month.
D. Immediate Mantoux skin test, if negative - vaccination performing.
Е. Immediate Mantoux skin test, if positive - vaccination performing.
At 2-year-old child, vaccinated on the 3rd day of life (cicatrix size 5 mm) at the age of 1 Mantoux test
papule size was 10 mm, at the moment – 6 mm. Which type of Mantoux reactivity is it?
А. Post-vaccine reaction.
В. Latent tuberculosis.
С. Early period of infection.
D. Mantoux skin test conversion.
Е. Active tuberculosis.
Make the conclusion about tuberculin test result of symptom-free 6-year-old child. At the moment papule
size in Mantoux skin test is 7 mm, last year the result was negative. On examination no abnormality
detected. Post-vaccine scar on the left humerus is of 3mm in diameter.
А. No antituberculosis immunity.
В. Latent tuberculosis, tuberculin test conversion.
С. Long-existing latent tuberculosis.
D. Active tuberculosis.
Е. Post-vaccine immunity.
20-year-old woman parturiated a healthy baby 3 days ago presented with fever up to 38°C, productive
cough. Further examination detected disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis dis+, MBT+ (M+, C 0). Which
preventive measures for baby are the most advisable?
А. Separation from mother. Breastfeeding prohibiting. Preventive isoniazid course for 3 month, then
В. Separation from mother, BCG-vaccination after Mantoux skin test. Breastfeeding prohibiting.
С. Separation from mother. Breastfeeding prohibiting. Preventive isoniazid course for 3 month, then
BCG-vaccination after Mantoux skin test.
D. BCG-vaccination, breastfeeding isn’t contraindicated. Separation from mother isn’t necessary.
Е. BCG -vaccination and breastfeeding prohibiting. Separation from mother.
28-year-old female presented with chest pain, weakness, cough with mucoid sputum, chills, dyspnea. Has
been ill for a week. On physical examination: multiple crackling and bubbling rales over right hemitorax.
CBC: Hb - 130 g/L WBC – 17.2×10 /L, eosinophil -7%, band neutrophil - 16%, segmented neutrophil
- 47%, lymphocyte-23%, monocyte - 7%, ESR - 35 mm/hour. Sputum test: L -1/2 field of view,
erythrocyte - 30/field of view. Chest X-ray detected opacity of the moderate density with the hazy borders
occupying right lower zone. Costo-diaphragmal sinus is not visible. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
В Lung cancer.
С. Caseous pneumonia.
D. Community acquired pneumonia.
Е. Pulmonary embolism.
9-year-old child presented after Mantoux skin test showed papule 12 mm. Received BCG-vaccination on
the 5th day of life and at the age of 7 (scars diameter 5 mm and 6 mm respectively). Last year result – 5
mm. What’s your conclusion?
А. Tuberculin sensitivity conversion.
В. Post-vaccinative reaction.
С. Increased risk of active tuberculosis.
D. Non-infected child.
Е. Long existing latent tuberculosis.
37-year-old symptom-free male presented after mass X-ray. Chest X-ray discovered round opacity of 3
cm diameter, having high density and distinct borders in left S1. Consecutive CT-scanning detected
crescent lucency on lower medial margin and draining bronchus involvement. Physical examination,
blood, urine tests and bronchial lavage ZN-staining detected no abnormality. What’s the most likely
А. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
В. Decaying tuberculoma.
С. Decaying lung cancer.
D. Benign tumors.
Е. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
32-year-old female, who was exposed by family contact with TB-patient presented with food poisoning.
Complains of nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. But thorough anamnesis regard revealed such
complains as weakness, fatigue, slight dry cough, subfebrile temperature persisting for 2-3 months. What
must be the first course of action in order to detect or rule out tuberculosis in this case?
28-year-old woman was admitted to gynecological department in grave condition complaining of fever,
weakness, cough with bloody sputum. Has been feeling unwell for 4 weeks, just after surgery for
abdominal pregnancy. 2.5 month before finished treatment course for pneumonia, felt better but no
control examination was performed. CBC: Hb – 90 g/L, WBC – 14.2×109/L, eosinophil -1%, band
neutrophil - 10%, segmented neutrophil - 57%, lymphocyte-25%, monocyte -7%, ESR - 28 mm/hour.
Chest X-ray showed an opacity in the left lung apex of moderate density with hazy borders and several
satellite foci of low density around. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Sepsis.
В. Health-care acquired pneumonia.
С. Chorionepithelioma.
D. Tuberculosis.
Е. Pulmonary embolism.
15-year-old boy has been complaining of cough, weakness, fever for 20 days. After treatment by broad-
spectrum antibiotics temperature decreased to subfebrile. ZN-sputum test showed negative result. Blood
report: WBC - 12.4.9×109 /L, eosinophil -7%, lymphocyte-19%, ESR - 30 mm/hour. Chest X-ray showed
homogenous opacity of moderate density localized in the right upper zone and interflowing with widened
and anhistic hilum. Which disease must be suspected first of all?
31-year-old woman suffering from diabetes mellitus presented with dry cough, shortness of breathing,
weakness and fever up to 39ºС. Chest X-ray showed non-homogenous right lung upper zone infiltration
with the large cavity and numerous foci in both lungs. What’s your presumptional diagnosis?
А. Disseminated tuberculosis.
В. Infiltrative tuberculosis
С. Community acquired pneumonia.
D. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
Е. Lung abscess.
38-year-old male presented with productive cough, night sweating, body weight loss about 10 kg, fever
up to 37.5°C, dyspnea. Has been feeling ill for 2 months. It’s known from past medical history that he
sustained right side pleurisy of unrevealed reason 5 year before. Has not undergone X-ray examination
for last 4 year. On examination: loud wheezing rales, bronchial breathing and pleural rub are heard over
right apical zone, weakened breathing over right lower zone. Chest X-ray detected intensive homogenic
opacity of reduced right upper lobe, several solitary foci of low density in right middle lobe and massive
pleural coalescences. Sputum ZN-staining found no AFB. What’s the most likely conclusion?
А. Postpleurisy residuals.
В. Postpneumonic cirrhosis.
С. Community acquired pneumonia.
D. Lung cancer.
Е. Right lung cirrhotic tuberculosis.
21-year-old female presented with cough producing moderate quantity of sputum. Two year ago sustained
pneumonia. Father died of pulmonary tuberculosis 10 year ago. On examination: percussion detected dull
sound over right upper lobe, auscultation – bronchial breathing at this area. Blood test detected no
abnormalities. ZN-staining of sputum showed negative result. On chest X-ray: right upper lobe is reduced
and homogenously opaque, covering pleura is thickened, in elevated hilum numerous calcifications are
present. No significant changes were detected compared with X-ray archive. What’s the most likely
A group of 14-year-old schoolchildren from community with high tuberculosis prevalence is presented.
What is the most advisable mean for TB screening in this group?
The diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculoma was been established in 35-year-old patient. Lung tissue decay
is not visible on chest X-ray. Which is the most informative indirect sign of expected destruction?
А. Intoxication.
В. Hemophtisis.
С. Chest pain.
D. Cough.
Е. Bacteria discharging.
27-year-old patient without previous history of the tuberculosis presented with fibrous-cavernous
tuberculosis. Choose the category to which this case belongs.
А. II.
С. I.
D. IV.
Е. V.
17-year-old patient has been treated for infiltrative tuberculosis MBT+ (M+, C+) for 6 month. At the
moment condition ameliorated, thick-wall ring-like shadow, stable for 2 month appears in the right upper
lobe, the infiltration around resolved, MBT are not detected on ZN-staining but cultural test detects MBT
resistant to isoniazid. Choose the most advisable further management.
А. To perform surgery.
В. To stop any treatment.
С. To suppose the patient having chronic tuberculosis.
D. To continue treatment until healing the cavity.
Е. To change the antibacterial treatment regimen.
40-year-old coal miner with 10-year professional seniority fell ill a month before. The disease started
from fever, sweating, appetite loss, later dyspnea, hoarseness. Chest X-ray detected multiple fusing foci
of low and moderate density. In middle and lower zones – diffuse web-like pneumofibrosis.
Bronchoscopy revealed dust particles inclusions at mucosal surface. What disease should be suspected?
30-year-old smoker complains of cough with mucoid sputum, increased temperature up to 37.6°C,
dyspnea, weakness. Finished treatment course of broad-spectrum antibiotics without visible effect.
Physical examination detected no abnormalities. CBC: Hb – 120 g/L, WBC – 11.2×10 9/L, eosinophil
-4%, band neutrophil - 8%, segmented neutrophil - 62%, lymphocyte-18%, monocyte -7%, ESR - 20
mm/hour. Chest X-ray detected nonhogenous opacity about 3×2.5 cm with hazy borders in right upper
lobe with track to the hilum. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Eosinophilic pneumonia.
В. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
С. Community acquired pneumonia.
D. Lung cancer.
Е. Pulmonary embolism.
40-year-old alcohol and drug abuser discharged from imprisonment 2 months before, sought for medical
care reporting that he is been coughing for last 3 year. At the moment complains of malaise, dyspnea,
subfebrile fever. Chest X-ray detected multiple polymorphic foci of different density, size and shape
mostly in upper and middle zones. On both apices thick-wall cavities are seen. Hilums are elevated.
Sputum ZN-staining detected AFB. Tuberculosis is suspected. Define the clinical form of the disease.
А. Chronic disseminated.
В. Subacute disseminated.
С. Fibrous-cavernous.
D. Infiltrative.
Е. Miliary.
39-year-old symptom-free female presented with solitary 3 cm opacity of moderate density with the
crescent lucency on medio-inferior pole and defined borders in the right lung S2, surrounded by several
satellite foci of low density. Apical pleura is thickened. Blood test reported no abnormalities. Mantoux
skin test – papule of 15 mm. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
В. Lung cancer.
С. Tuberculoma.
D. Eosinophilic pneumonia.
Е. Community acquired pneumonia.
36-year-old female complains of fatigue, decreased workability, fever up to 37.2°C in the evening. From
past medical history: 2 year before sustained pleurisy of unknown reason. Physical examination,
bronchial lavage, ZN-staining detected no abnormality. CBC: Hb – 120 g/L, WBC – 9.2×109 /L,
eosinophil-2%, band neutrophil-8%, segmented neutrophil-65%, lymphocyte-24%, monocyte -1%, ESR -
35 mm/hour. Chest X-ray detected 4 cm opacity having low density, hazy borders and lucency inside in
right lower zone. Around lots of satellite foci are detected. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Benign tumor.
В. Eosinophilic pneumonia.
С. Community acquired pneumonia.
D. Lung cancer.
Е. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
37-year-old symptom-free male presented after mass X-ray. Chest X-ray discovered round opacity of 3
cm diameter having moderate density, irregular shape and indistinct borders in left S1. Consecutive CT-
scanning detected radiant hypervascularisation of bordering area, lymphatic vessel track to the hilum.
Previous chest X-ray made a year ago detected no abnormality. Physical examination, blood, urine tests
and bronchial lavage ZN-staining detected no abnormality. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
В. Tuberculoma.
С. Benign tumors.
D. Lung cancer.
Е. Aspergiloma.
40-year-old homeless drug abuser presented with 3-year history of disseminated tuberculosis. Started
treatment several times but never receive the complete course because of default. Which foci X-ray
picture is the most expected?
32-year-old patient presented with chest pain and cough. His father died of tuberculosis. Hasn’t
undergone medical examination for 5 years. Chest X-ray revealed 3.5 cm round opacity of moderate
density, with the crescent lucency and defined borders in the right lung S1-2; around there are a lot of
satellite foci of low density with hazy borders. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Tuberculoma.
В. Community acquired pneumonia.
С. Lung cancer.
D. Tuberculosis residuals.
Е. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
19-year-old female presented with headache, chills, dry cough, dyspnea. The illness started suddenly.
Sustained 2 abortions 5 and 1 months before. On examination: T 39-40°С, condition is grave, diffuse
cyanosis is present. All over lung fields tympanic percussion sound is detected. Auscultation revealed no
rales. CBC: Hb - 90 g/L, WBC – 10.2·109 /L, eosinophil-2%, band neutrophil-8%, segmented neutrophil-
64%, lymphocyte-14%, monocyte -12%, ESR - 30 mm/hour. Mantoux skin test with 5 TU is negative.
Chest X-ray shows diffuse multiple tiny foci with hazy borders. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
57-year-old patient with unremarkable past medical history presented with dry and productive cough,
malaise, weight loss, dyspnea, subfebrile fever, low extremities edema. On examination: labial cyanosis,
boom-box percussion sound, wet and dry rales throughout lungs. Chest X-ray detected multiple middle
density foci about 8-10 mm throughout lung tissue with caudo-apical type of spreading. Sputum ZN-
staining detected no AFB. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
18-year-old female presented with chest pain, dry cough, aggravating shortness of breathing fever up to
38°С. Suffers from sclerodermia, received corticosteroids. On examination: percussion and auscultation
revealed dullness and absent breathing over left hemithorax respectively. Chest X-ray showed left side
opacity up to the III rib with upper oblique border. CBC: Hb - 90 g/L WBC – 12.0×10 9 /L, eosinophil
-5%, band neutrophil - 6%, segmented neutrophil - 65%, lymphocyte-23%, monocyte - 4%, ESR - 40
mm/hour. Mantoux skin – 18 mm papule with vesicle. Pleural fluid test: transparent, pale yellow, density
- 1030, protein – 35 g/l, cell amount – 9×109/l, lymphocyte - 90 %. Chest X-ray performed immediately
after removing the exudate detected no lung field abnormality. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
28-year-old female presented with chest pain, dry cough, aggravating shortness of breathing, fever up to
38°С. Suffers from systemic lupus erythematosus. On examination: malar rash, percussion and
auscultation revealed dullness and absence of breathing respectively over left hemithorax. Chest X-ray
showed left side opacity up to the III rib with upper oblique border. CBC: Hb - 90 g/L, WBC – 3.0×10 9
/L, eosinophil - 4%, band neutrophil - 6%, segmented neutrophil - 75%, lymphocyte-13%, monocyte -
4%, ESR - 40 mm/hour. Pleural fluid test: transparent, pale yellow, density - 1030, protein – 35 g/l, cell
amount – 9×109/l, neutrophil - 90%. Chest X-ray performed immediately after exudate removing detects
diffuse vessel patterns enrichment. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
32-year-old asymptomatic male without any past TB history presented with several foci of high density
on the left lung apex. Physical and routine laboratory examination showed no abnormalities. Plain X-ray
made 6 year ago showed the same feature. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
6-year-old symptom-free child presented from tuberculosis hotbed. Father has been hospitalized with
infiltrative tuberculosis, MBT+, (M+, C0). On clinical, instrumental and laboratory examination no
abnormalities were detected. What’s the most advisable further dealing with the child?
А. No dealing is required.
В. Treatment course according to I category.
С. Antituberculosis drug preventive course.
D. Treatment course according to III category.
Е. Observation only.
25-year-old symptom-free male presented with 4-10 mm shadows in left S1-2 detected on screening X-ray.
Sputum test detected no mycobacteria. Mantoux skin test showed papule of 7 mm, CBC detected no
abnormalities. Had been cured for tuberculosis in childhood. To which category this case belongs?
А. I.
В. II.
D. IV.
Е. V.
42-year-old patient known as rheumatoid arthritis case and so receiving high-dose corticosteroid therapy
complains of chills, severe weakness, shortness of breathing. On examination: P 102/m, RR 26/m. Lung
percussion and auscultation detected no abnormalities. Mantoux skin test is negative. Hb - 130 g/L, WBC
– 10.0×109 /L, eosinophil -8%, band neutrophil -16%, segmented neutrophil -62%, lymphocyte-8%,
monocyte -6%, ESR - 30 mm/hour. Chest X-ray shows numerous foci on both lung apices. What’s the
most likely diagnosis?
А. Miliary tuberculosis.
В. Community acquired pneumonia.
С. Focal tuberculosis.
D. Lung rheumatoid dissemination.
Е. Disseminated tuberculosis.
28-year-old woman complains of infertility, constant pain in low abdomen. Husband suffers from fibrous-
cavernous tuberculosis. Mantoux skin test showed papule of 22 mm with lymphangitis. Genital
tuberculosis is suspected. What’s the most likely localization?
А. Uterus.
В. Ovaria.
С. Uterine tubes.
D. Uterine cervix.
Е. Vagina.
30-year-old inhabitant of shelter reported that 2 year ago he had been treated for infiltrative tuberculosis
with lung tissue decay and bacterial discharging for 4 weeks but defaulted treatment. At the moment
sputum ZN-staining is positive. Which disease transformation is the most likely?
А. Into tuberculoma.
В. Into fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
С. Into cirrhotic tuberculosis.
D. Recovering.
Е. All of the above.
40-year-old alcohol abuser presented with cachexy, productive cough sometimes with blood streaks,
subfebrile fever. Hasn’t undergone X-ray examination for 10 year. On chest X-ray: in reduced left upper
lobe 4×5 cm bean-like cavity is detected having thick walls, distinct inner and hazy outer borders, with a
lot of fusing foci around. ZN-staining detected 15-20 AFB /field of view in sputum. What’s the most
likely diagnosis?
А. Disseminated tuberculosis.
В. Cirrhortic tuberculosis.
С. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
D. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
Е. Caseuos pneumonia.
18-year-old patient presented with the calcified focus on the left lung apex and several high-density
inclusions in the left hilum. Which clinical tuberculosis form is more likely to be followed by those
А. Caseous pneumonia.
В. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
С. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
D. Primary tuberculosis complex.
Е. Tubercle bronchodenitis.
15-year-old boy presented with chest pain, dry cough, shortness of breathing fever up to 38ºС. 6 month
before Mantoux skin test conversion had been established. Preventive treatment was defaulted. On
examination: bilateral erythema on shins; percussion and auscultation revealed dullness and absent
breathing in the left lower area. Chest X-ray showed left side opacity up to the III rib with the upper
oblique border. CBC: WBC – 12.0×109 /L, ESR - 40 mm/hour. Mantoux skin test 18mm papule. Which
reason of pleurisy is the most probable?
А. Tuberculosis.
В. Lung cancer.
С. Community acquired pneumonia.
D. Collagenosis.
Е. Pleural mesothelioma.
13-year-old boy fell ill a month ago. Dry cough, tiredness, loss of appetite, poor school results
appeared. 8 month before tuberculin test conversion has been detected and preventive drug course
administered. On examination: skin is pale, peripheral lymph nodes of 5 groups are enlarged up to 1.5 cm,
painless, elastic. In Mantoux skin test 17 mm papule appeared. In the blood test: leukocyte rate
10.0×109/L, ESR - 30 mm/hour detected. On the chest X-ray: right hilum is widened up to 3 cm with hazy
borders. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
Woman living in the hostel presented with active pulmonary tuberculosis MBT+. Which are the most
urgent intervention in the hostel?
41-year-old patient was admitted to the emergency department in grave condition complaining of severe
pain in the right thoracic zone and dyspnea that appeared suddenly after physical exertion. Past medical
history: recovered from pulmonary tuberculosis 5 year ago, in treatment course collapsotherapy was used.
On examination: P 122/m, RR 28/m, BP 80/60, lips and mucosa cyanosis, tympanic percussion sound and
auscultative sounds weakened over right thoracic side, loud second sound over pulmonary trunk.
Spontaneous pneumathorax is suspected. Which examination is the most advisable in order to evaluate
the pleura defect?
В. Chest X-ray.
С. Videothoracoscopy.
D. US-scanning.
Е. CT scanning
60-year-old woman was admitted to emergency department with the diagnosis of community acquired
pneumonia in a grave condition with signs of respiratory distress. After 2 weeks of intravenous broad-
spectrum therapy the condition ameliorated but temperature is still subfebrile, X-ray shows numerous foci
of low density on both apices, symmetric bilateral cavities of 3-4 cm in diameter. CBC: Hb - 110 g/L,
WBC – 12·109 /L, eosinophil-5%, band neutrophil-7%, segmented neutrophil-50%, lymphocyte-28%,
monocyte-10%, ESR -25 mm/hour. Sputum smear test detected no AFB. What’s the most likely
25-year-old coal miner presented with weakness, fatigue, rare dry cough. Physical examination and
blood test detected no abnormalities. Chest X-ray detected several foci of different density on the right
apex. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Tuberculosis residuals.
В. Focal tuberculosis.
С. Coniotuberculosis.
D. Disseminated tuberculosis.
Е. Lung cancer.
37-year-old symptom-free male presented after mass X-ray discovering round opacity of high density,
distinct borders of 3 cm diameter in left S2-3. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Arterial aneurism.
В. Tuberculoma.
С. Benign tumors.
D. Lung cancer.
Е. All the above.
38-year-old female presented with fatigue, malaise, subfebrile fever. She’s considering to be sick after
flu. In past medical history: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic pyelonephritis. Her father
suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis 3 year before. Patient received isoniazid preventive course but
didn’t undergo any examination. Physical examination, blood and urine tests, bronchial lavage ZN-
staining detected any abnormalities . Chest X-ray discovered 2 round opacities having high density and
distinct borders of 1.2 and 1 cm diameter in left S1. How could you qualify these changes?
А. Numerous tuberculomas.
В. Tuberculosis residuals.
С. Focal tuberculosis.
D. Benign tumors.
Е. Malignant tumors.
22-year-old symptom-free patient is presented with several low density focal shadows of 3-5 mm
diameter, with hazy borders in left S1-2. Physical examination and blood test detected no abnormalities.
Sputum wasn’t obtained. Mantoux skin test showed papule of 15 mm. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Tuberculosis residuals.
В. Community acquired pneumonia.
С. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
D. Lung cancer.
Е. Focal tuberculosis.
50-year-old patient suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis presented with stabbing chest pain, dyspnea,
tachycardia, which appeared suddenly on cough attack. On examination: right hemithorax lags behind the
breathing, intercostal spaces are smoothed, tympanic percussion sound and absent breathing over right
hemithorax detected. Chest X-ray detected several foci, limited fibrotic area and pleural coalescences on
right apex and an area without vessel patterns in the peripheral part of right hemithorax. Which
complication is more likely?
А. Pulmonary embolism.
В. Atelectasis.
С. Spontaneous pneumathorax.
D. Community acquired pneumonia.
Е. Myocardial infarction.
35-year-old patient has been feeling unwell for a month after flu. A week ago temperature arose again up
to 38.2°С, productive cough appeared. Auscultation detected weakened breathing over left upper lobe.
CBC: Hb - 130 g/L WBC – 4.9×109/L, eosinophil -3%, band neutrophil - 4%, segmented neutrophil
-67%, lymphocyte-18%, monocyte -8%, ESR - 15 mm/hour. Patient has been hospitalize with the
diagnosis of community acquired pneumonia. Chest X-ray revealed homogenic shadow of low density
3×4 cm in left upper lobe, connected to the hilum by “track”. ZN sputum staining detected no AFB.
Pulmonary tuberculosis is suspected. What’s the most advisable further course of action?
Patient is presented with infiltrative tuberculosis, MBT+ (M+C+) resist + (S, H, E, K). No previous
history of tuberculosis. Which type of drug resistance is it?
В. Simple drug resistance.
D. Mono-drug resistance.
Е. Cannot be defined.
60-year-old smoker presented with right side pleurisy. No previous disease are revealed in personal
history but it’s known that he has been complaining of weakness, fatigue, dry cough and weight loss since
last year. CBC: Hb - 90 g/L, WBC – 4.2×109/L, eosinophil -2%, band neutrophil -9%, segmented
neutrophil -71%, lymphocyte-17%, monocyte -1%, ESR - 60 mm/hour. Pleural fluid test: bloody,
neutrophiles are predominant leukocyte type. Chest X-ray performed immediately after exudate removing
detected intensive opacity with knobby borders in right lower lung zone. Which pleurisy cause is the most
А. Lung cancer.
В. Non-specific pneumonia.
С. Tuberculosis.
D. Pancreatitis.
Е. Pleural mesothelioma.
19-year-old patient presented with suddenly appeared hemoptysis. Otherwise no complaints are present.
On examination: percussion detected dull sound over left upper lobe, on auscultation – bronchial
breathing in this area. On chest X-ray: 5 cm opacity of the moderate density with the hazy borders and
1.5×1.2 cm lucency inside in the left upper lobe. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
50-year-old male suffering from fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis (dis+) presented with
pulmonary hemorrhage. Which mechanism of bleeding is the most likely?
А. Pulmonary hypertension.
В. Vessel wall remodeling.
С. Vessel wall permeability increasing.
D. Vessel wall involvement into decay area.
Е. All of the above.
45-year-old smoker complains of productive cough, fever up to 38.6°С, chest pain, hemophtisis. Chest X-
ray showed dense homogenic opacity in the right upper lobe of 3×4 сm with distinct borders. CBC: RBC
- 4.2×1012 /L, WBC – 12.8×109/L, ESR - 35 mm/hour. Sputum is mucous, L. 10-12/field of view.
Mantoux skin test - papule 12mm. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Tuberculosis.
В. Community acquired pneumonia.
С. Lung cancer.
D. Pulmonary embolism.
Е. No listed disease can be excluded.
50-year-old woman from the community with high tuberculosis prevalence is looking for a job of
confectioner. What’s the prerequisite for employment?
23-year-old woman suffering from miliary tuberculosis parturiated a baby with body weight 3000 g.
Which preventive measures for baby are the most advisable?
А. Separation from mother. Breastfeeding prohibiting. Preventive isoniazid course for 3 month, then
В. Separation from mother. Breastfeeding prohibiting. Preventive isoniazid course for 3 month, then
BCG-vaccination after Mantoux skin test.
С. Separation from mother, BCG-vaccination after Mantoux skin test. Breastfeeding prohibiting.
D. BCG-vaccination, breastfeeding isn’t contraindicated. Separation from mother isn’t necessary.
Е. BCG -vaccination and breastfeeding prohibiting. Separation from mother. Preventive isoniazid course
for 3 month.
Patient has been suffering from tuberculosis for 5 year. At the moment complains of fever up to 38ºС,
weight loss, weakness, productive cough, hemophtisis. On examination: condition is grave, percussion
revealed dull sound over right upper lung zone, auscultation showed bronchial breathing in this area.
Sputum ZN-staining showed positive result. Chest X-ray revealed cavity 6 cm in diameter with thick
walls surrounded by advanced fibrotic area and polymorphic foci. Which tuberculosis clinical type is the
most likely?
А. Infiltrative.
В. Residuals.
С. Caseous pneumonia.
D. Fibrous-cavernous.
Е. Cirrhotic.
Screening X-ray of the 20-year-old symptom-free student shows several 1-2 mm foci of moderate density
in the right lung S1-2. On examination otherwise no abnormalities detected. Which clinical type of TB is
the most probable?
А. Focal.
В. Residuals.
С. Tuberculoma.
D. Infiltrative.
Е. Disseminated.
The patient has been treated for infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis for 6 month. X-ray examination is
detecting cavity of 5 cm diameter in the apex throughout this period. Choose the most advisable algorithm
of further management.
Patient suffering from infiltrative tuberculosis presented with 4 cm tender infiltration of hazy borders and
irregular shape in the right upper lobe. Define the type of infiltrate.
А. Round.
В. Lobitis.
С. Cloud-like.
D. Perisccisuritis.
Е. Lobular.
6-months infant, who had received BCG-vaccination on the 3rd day of life presented with femoral ostitis.
On histological investigation caseous necrosis, giant epitheliod cells were detected. How this
phenomenon should be explained?
30-year-old IT-specialist without immunocompromise condition presented with 5 TU PPD-S Mantoux
skin test papule of 7 mm. Which conclusion should be done?
А. Any.
В. Active tuberculosis.
С. Depends on further examination result.
D. Positive reaction.
Е. Negative reaction.
Patient is presented with infiltrative tuberculosis. On chest X-ray: opacity is detected in the right middle
zone, triangular-shaped, with hazy upper and distinct lower border. Name the radiological type of
А. Asmann.
В. Periscissuritis.
С. Cloud-like.
D. Linear.
Е. Atypical.
Healthy 7-year-old girl from tuberculosis hotbed is presented. Didn’t receive BCG-vaccination because of
parents’ refusing. At the moment they agree to carry out any recommendation. Mantoux test is negative.
Choose the most adequate one.
А. Separation from bacterial discharger, 6 month isoniazid preventive course, consecutive BCG-
vaccination if Mantoux test is still negative.
В. Separation from bacterial discharger, 6 month isoniazid preventive course. BCG-vaccination isn’t
С. 6 month isoniazid preventive course, consecutive BCG-vaccination if Mantoux test is still negative.
Separation isn’t needed.
D. Repeat Mantoux test in 3 months, after broad-spectrum antibiotic course. If negative – perform BCG-
vaccination. Separation isn’t needed.
Е. Separation from bacterial discharger, consecutive BCG-vaccination if Mantoux test is still negative,
broad-spectrum antibiotic course.
10-month-old infant hasn’t been vaccinated just after birth because of neurological deficiency. At the
moment no neurological abnormalities detected. Which are the most advisable prerequisite for
А. No prerequisites.
В. Normal CD-4 level.
С. Normal chest X-ray.
D. Negative sputum ZN-staining.
Е. Negative Mantoux skin test.
6-year-old child presented with weakness, irritability, subfebrile fever. Mantoux skin test showed papule
of 17 mm, last year – negative. Chest X-ray showed no remarkable changes. Which diseases should be
ruled out first of all?
А. Chronic tonsillitis.
В. Chronic pyelonephritis.
С. Helmintosis.
D. Pre-local tuberculosis.
Е. All the above.
Patient suffering from fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis complains of stabbing pain in the right
hemithorax, rapidly increasing dyspnea. On examination: skin is pale, dyspnea, RR 32/min, P 120/min,
BP 90/60. Right hemithorax lags behind the breathing, intercostal spaces are smoothed, tympanic
percussion sound and breathing absence over right hemithorax detected. Heart borders are shifted to the
left. Which complication is more likely?
А. Pulmonary embolism.
В. Spontaneous pneumathorax.
С. Atelectasis.
D. Community acquired pneumonia.
Е. Myocardial infarction.
28-year-old patient without any data about previous liver disease is undergoing treatment course for
tuberculosis according to II category. After 2 weeks of treatment started to complain of nausea, loss of
appetite; jaundice appeared. Biochemical test detected increasing level of AST, ALT. Which drug
combination’s side effect is it more likely due to?
А. Ethambutol+isoniazid.
В. Isoniazid + ethionamide.
С. Ethambutol + pyrasinamide.
D. Rifampicin + pyrasinamide.
Е. Rifampicin + streptomycin.
23-year-old patient complains of fever, productive cough, sweating. Is been ill for a week. On chest X-
ray: middle zone opacity of hazy borders and low density detected in the left lung. CBC: Hb - 140 g/L,
WBC – 17.0×109 /L, eosinophil - 3%, band neutrophil - 12%, segmented neutrophil - 70%, lymphocyte -
14%, monocyte - 1%, ESR - 50 mm/hour. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
С. Community acquired pneumonia.
D. Tuberculoma.
Е. Caseous pneumonia.
32-year-old symptom-free school teacher presented after preemloyment X-ray examination, which had
detected several high density shadows up to 1 cm in diameter in both lungs and high density inclusions in
both hilums. Past medical history: suffered from primary tuberculosis at childhood. Physical examination,
blood, urine, sputum tests detected no abnormalities. Could professional activity be allowed to this
At 20-year-old symptom-free student focal pulmonary tuberculosis was detected on mass X-ray.
Consecutive sputum smear and cultural test detected no bacterial discharging. Which investigation should
be performed to his group mates and hostel neighbors?
А. X-ray examination.
В. Mantoux skin test.
С. Immunogram.
D. Sputum ZN-staining.
Е. All of the above.
30-year-old woman finished treatment course for pulmonary infiltrative tuberculosis dis-, MBT- (M-, C-),
a year ago, parturiated a healthy baby. Clinical examination of mother detected no exacerbation. Which
preventive measures for baby are the most advisable?
А. Separation from mother. Breastfeeding prohibiting. Preventive isoniazid course for 3 month, then
В. Separation from mother. Breastfeeding prohibiting. Preventive isoniazid course for 3 month, then
BCG-vaccination after Mantoux skin test.
С. Separation from mother, BCG-vaccination after Mantoux skin test. Breastfeeding prohibiting.
D. BCG-vaccination, breastfeeding isn’t contraindicated. Separation from mother isn’t necessary.
Е. BCG -vaccination and breastfeeding prohibiting. Separation from mother.
Patient with chronic disseminated tuberculosis presented with the acute chest pain, shortness of breathing.
Which is the most urgent examination?
В. Blood test.
С. Spirography.
D. Bronchoscopy.
Е. Chest X-ray.
40-year-old patient suffering from fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis presented with shin edema. Urine test
showed proteinuria, cylinderuria, hypostenuria. Serum creatinine level 200 mcmol/l. What’s the most
probable reason for these changes?
А. Amiloidosis.
В. Glomerulonephritis.
С. Kidney tuberculosis.
D. Pyelitis.
Е. Anti-TB drugs side effect.
36-year-old patient suffering from fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis complains of stabbing pain in the right
hemithorax, quickly increasing dyspnea. On examination: skin is pale, dyspnea at rest, P 120/min. Right
hemithorax lags behind the breathing, intercostal spaces are smoothed, tympanic percussion sound and
absent breathing over right hemithorax detected. Chest X-ray detected a huge cavity on right apex and an
area without vessel patterns in the peripheral part of right hemithorax. Which complication is more
А. Pulmonary embolism.
В. Spontaneous pneumathorax.
С. Atelectasis.
D. Community acquired pneumonia.
Е. Myocardial infarction.
45-year-old patient from tuberculosis hotbed complains of fatigue, malaise, rise of temperature up to
37.3°С. On physical examination no abnormalities detected. CBC: Hb 105 g/L, WBC – 13.0×109/L,
eosinophil -3%, band neutrophil -8%, segmented neutrophil - 64%, lymphocyte-20%, monocyte - 5%,
ESR - 20 mm/hour. Which is the most advisable dealing to detect or rule out pulmonary tuberculosis in
this case?
27-year-old patient has been treated for infiltrative tuberculosis of left upper lobe, dis+, MBT+ M+, C+
for 5 month. After treatment all the symptoms disappeared, cultural test for MBT became negative, no
any physical or laboratory abnormalities were detected. X-ray examination revealed cavity healing,
surrounding infiltration partially resolution. Choose the most advisable algorithm of further management.
30-year-old primary school teacher recovered from infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis with lung tissue
decay, MBT+ 3 year ago. After treatment cavity cicatrized, infiltration resolved, cultural sputum test is
being negative for last 3 year. What’s the most advisable further dealing?
20-year-old patient complains of subfebrile temperature, weight loss, weakness, and cough. At childhood
Mantoux skin test conversion was detected. On physical examination: no abnormalities have been
detected. Blood test showed no abnormalities. Chest X-ray detected 4 cm opacity in the right apex, with
hazy borders, lucency inside and lots of satellite foci around. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
В. Residuals of self-cured tuberculosis.
С. Tuberculoma.
D. Community acquired pneumonia.
Е. Caseous pneumonia.
12-year-old child presented with the suspicion for pneumonia. On chest X-ray pneumonia was ruled out
but small calcifications in right hilum detected. No tuberculin test history is available, at the moment
Mantoux test papule is 8 mm in diameter. What’s the most advisable dealing?
А. Antituberculosis treatment.
В. Prolonged observation including annual chest X-ray and Mantoux test.
С. Immediate cause of chemical prophylaxis.
D. Immediate BCG-vaccination.
Е. Prolonged observation including annual blood and sputum test.
45-year-old pulmonary tuberculosis patient presented with total painless hematuria and aching pain in
loin area. Urine test: density 1018, leucocytes 30/ field of view, erythrocyte - total field of view protein
4,0g/l. Kidney tuberculosis is suspected. Choose the most suitable programme of further examination.
18-year-old patient has been complaining of pain in the left hip joint, malaise, sweating for 1.5 year. On
examination: movements in the affected joint is limited, left leg is shortened, muscles atrophy on affected
side is evident. CBC: WBC – 9.9×109 /L, eosinophil -3%, band neutrophil -9%, segmented neutrophil
-70%, lymphocyte-14%, monocyte -4%, ESR - 32 mm/hour. X-ray of left hip joint showed advanced
osteoporosis, femoral head and pelvic bone destruction, joint space constriction. What’s the most likely
А. Arthrosis deformans.
В. Podagric artritis.
С. Tuberculosis of the hip joint.
D. Gonorrheal arthritis.
Е. Osteohondritis deformans juvenilis.
55-year-old female has been complaining of pain in the right hip joint for 3 year. Pain is more severe in
the evening. On examination: movements in the affected joint limitation, left leg shortening, muscles
atrophy. In CBC no abnormality detected. X-ray of left hip joint showed advanced osteoporosis, femoral
head and pelvic bone osteophytes, joint space is constricted. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Arthrosis deformans.
В. Podagric artritis.
С. Tuberculosis of the hip joint.
D. Gonorrheal arthritis.
Е. Osteohondritis deformans.
50-year-old female had been treated for chronic pyelonephritis within 10 year without evident effect. At
the moment she complains of weakness, sweating, weight loss, frequent urination (about 15 times a day).
Blood test detected no abnormalities. In the urinalysis: density 1020, leukocytes - total field of view,
erythrocytes 10-20/ field of view. Excretory urogram detected cavity up to 3 cm in diameter in the right
kidney. Retrograde urography showed the urinary bladder volume of 25 ml. What’s the most likely
А. Pyonephrosis.
В. Kidney cancer.
С. Urinary system tuberculosis.
D. Chronic pyelonephritis.
Е. Kidney cyst.
25-year-old woman at the seventh week of pregnancy complains of weakness, sweating, dull pain in
the loin area. Three year ago left kidney was removed after penetrating abdominal wound, husband is
suffering from MDR-TB. Blood test detected no abnormality. Urinalysis: density – 1010, leucocyte –
0.5/field of view, erythrocyte – up to 25/field of view, PCR detected M.tuberculosis in urine resistant to
isoniazid, rifampicin. Which is the most advisable dealing?
30-year-old patient suffering from diabetes mellitus complains of weakness, tiredness, weight loss (7 kg
within 6 months), subfebrile fever. CBC: Hb 100 g/L, WBC – 9.5×109/L, eosinophil -2%, band neutrophil
- 6%, segmented neutrophil - 70%, lymphocyte-18%, monocyte - 4%, ESR - 30 mm/hour. Urinalysis:
Leucocyte – total field of view, erythrocyte – 10-20/field of view, density 1018. Chest X-ray showed no
abnormalities. Intravenous urography detected cavity of 2 cm in diameter in right kidney. What’s the
most likely diagnosis?
А. Kidney cancer.
В. Diabetic nephropathy.
С. Kidney tuberculosis.
D. Kidney cyst.
Е. Pyoneophrosis.
30-year-old woman resorted to consultation for inability to conceive. From personal history: has been
suffering from chronic salpingo-oophoritis for 3 year, 6 year ago recovered from pulmonary tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis salpingitis is suspected. Choose the most advisable way to confirm or rule this diagnosis
37-year-old symptom-free female presented with 3×3.5 cm opacity of moderate density with the medial
crescent lucency and defined borders surrounded by several satellite foci in the S2 of the left lung.
Mantoux test showed papule of 17 mm diameter. No remarkable changes in blood test were discovered.
Choose the most likely diagnosis.
А. Lung cancer.
В. Aspergiloma.
С. Tuberculoma.
D. Benign tumor.
Е. Lung abscess.
48-year-old male patient suffering from kidney tuberculosis complains of frequent painful urination
(about 10 times a day). Which organ is more likely involved into inflammation?
А. Ureter.
В. Seminal vesicles.
С. Testis.
D. Epididymis.
Е. Urinary bladder.
35-year-old patient with kidney tuberculosis complains if hemospermia. Which organ is more likely
involved into inflammation?
А. Ureter.
В. Urethra.
С. Prostata.
D. Testis.
Е. Urinary bladder.
15-year-old adolescent from tuberculosis hotbed complains of inconstant pain in the periumbilical area
and unstable stool. Has been ill for 3 month. A year ago Mantoux skin test conversion established. Blood
and urine tests are normal. Choose the most advisable additional examination.
А. Rectoromanoscopy.
В. Abdominal plain X-ray.
С. Abdominal CT scanning.
D. Colonography.
Е. Fibrogastroscopy.
10-year-old boy has been complaining of non-localized abdominal pain, periodical diarrhea (about 2
times a week) within two months. He was exposed by the close contact with his grandfather suffering
from smear-positive tuberculosis. On examination: malnutrition detected, skin is pale, peripheral lymph
nodes are enlarged up to 1,5 cm, elastic; abdomen is moderately painful on palpation, especially along the
line connecting right hypogastrium and left hypochondrium. Mantoux test conversion with the papule size
of 12 mm has been detected. CBC: Hb – 115 g/L, WBC – 10.3×109 /L, eosinophil - 2%, band neutrophil -
9%, segmented neutrophil - 70%, lymphocyte-17%, monocyte - 2%, ESR - 25 mm/hour. What’s the most
likely diagnosis?
А. Spleen tuberculosis.
В. Liver tuberculosis.
С. Pancreas tuberculosis.
D. Bowel tuberculosis.
Е. Mesenterial lymph nodes tuberculosis.
10-year-old boy presented with high fever, profuse sweating, weight loss. Mother noticed solid
motionless lymph node, enlarged up to 6 cm in diameter, with knobby contours in the right superclavicle
area. Chest X-ray detected significant bilateral symmetric paratracheal intrathoracic lymph nodes
enlargement with chimney-stalk appearance. Two year ago tuberculin sensitivity conversion was
established but at the moment Mantoux skin test is negative. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Cancer metastasis.
В. Tuberculosis of peripheral lymphatic node.
С. Hodgkin lymphoma.
D. Sarcoidosis.
Е. Acute leukemia.
22-year-old HIV-positive IV-drug abuser presented with right neck lymph node enlargement.
On examination: lymph node is 3 cm in diameter, elastic, moderately painful, movable, skin around is
cyanotic. CBC: Hb - 100 g/L, WBC - 4.4·109 /L, eosinophil -2%, band neutrophil -6%, segmented
neutrophil -78%, lymphocyte-10%, monocyte -4%, ESR - 30 mm/hour, CD4+ 150/ µL. Choose the most
likely diagnosis.
А. Purulent lymphadenitis.
В. Peripheral lymph node tuberculosis.
С. Hodgkin disease.
D. Sarcoidosis.
Е. Leukemia.
20-year-old man complains of subfebrile temperature, weakness, tiredness, peripheral lymph nodes
enlargement. 6-months before participated in group drug using with syringes sharing. On examination:
neck, supra- and subclavicle, cubital, axillary, inguinal lymph nodes are enlarged to 2 cm, elastic,
movable, painless. In CBC no abnormality detected. Test for HIV showed the positive result. Previous
test made a year before was negative. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Acute HIV.
В. HIV-associated peripheral lymph nodes tuberculosis.
С. Hodgkin’s diseases.
D. Sarcoidosis.
Е. Leukemia.
26-year-old woman suffering from diabetes mellitus of the I type with frequent decompensations
presented with 10 week of pregnancy. On examination infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis, MBT+, dis+
detected. Choose the most advisable management protocol.
9-year-old boy has been brought to emergency department in grave condition. It’s learnt from mother,
that the child returned from school earlier than usually, complained of headache, refused eating and soon
fell asleep. On examination: sopor, T 39ºС, neck stiffness, on femur skin interflowing hemorrhagic rash
detected. CSF test: fluid is turbid, protein 10.4 g/l, pleocytosis 1400/mm3 mostly of neutrophilic type,
glucose 0.3 mmol/l. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Meningococcus meningitis.
В. Brain tumor.
С. Herpes meningitis.
D. Tubercle meningitis.
Е. Measles.
25-year-old HIV-positive drug addict presented with strong headache, fever, vomiting, gripping pain in
the occipital area in attempt to put head down. 6 month ago discharged from anti TB hospital after initial
phase of the treatment course for tuberculosis finishing. Ignored treatment continual phase, didn’t visit the
doctor. Which organ involving into tuberculosis is the most likely?
А. Cervical muscles.
В. Brain.
С. Cervical spine.
D. Stomach.
Е. Meninges.
36-year-old male presented with chest pain, weakness, cough with mucoid sputum, appetite loss. On
physical examination: T 37.8°С, otherwise no abnormalities detected. CBC: Hb 115 g/L, WBC –
10.0×109/L, eosinophil - 4%, band neutrophil - 5%, segmented neutrophil - 75%, lymphocyte-15%,
monocyte -1%, ESR - 25 mm/hour. Chest X-ray shows a triangular opacity in the right upper zone which
apex is turned to the hilum. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Pulmonary embolism
В. Pulmonary cirrhosis.
С. Community acquired pneumonia.
D. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
Е. Pulmonary atelectasis.
20-year-old sportsman presented with pleurisy. No previous diseases were revealed in personal history
but it’s known that last year he left active going in for sports and started to abuse alcohol. CBC: Hb - 130
g/L, WBC – 12.2×109/L, eosinophil -2%, band neutrophil -9%, segmented neutrophil -71%, lymphocyte-
17%, monocyte -1%, ESR - 30 mm/hour. Pleural fluid test: transparent, lymphocytes are the predominant
cell type. Chest X-ray performed immediately after exudate removing detected no lung field abnormality.
Which pleurisy cause is the most likely?
А. Non-specific pneumonia.
В. Lung cancer.
С. Tuberculosis.
D. Pancreatitis.
Е. Pleural mesothelioma.
55-year-old smoker complains of weakness, fatigue, dry cough, mostly appearing at night, body weight
loss about 10 kg, chest pain. CBC: Hb – 90 g/L, WBC – 4.2×109/L, eosinophil -4%, band neutrophil -
3%, segmented neutrophil - 67%, lymphocyte-22%, monocyte -4%, ESR - 60 mm/hour. Chest X-ray
detected homogenous dense opacity up to IV rib in right hemitorax with upper oblique border. The
diagnosis of pleural exudate had been established and toracocentesis had been performed. After
evacuation of 2 L of turbid exudate (laboratory test: density - 1010, protein – 15 g/l, cell amount –
3.8×109/L, mostly of neutrophilic type, erythrocyte 30/L) chest X-ray detected 4 cm opacity with knobby
borders, connected to hilum in right S4. After 4 day liquid accumulated again and upper border appeared
at the level of II rib. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
Thoracoscopy detected multiple nodular formations with central decay on parietal and visceral pleura at
25-year-old patient with pleurisy. Chest X-ray, which was performed immediately, detected no
abnormalities. Pleural exudate is hemorrhagic. Lymphocytes are the predominant cell type. What’s the
most likely diagnosis?
А. Parapneumonic pleurisy.
В. Paracancroid pleurisy.
С. TB allergic pleurisy.
D. Tuberculosis of pleura.
Е. TB empyema.
28-year-old patient with disseminated tuberculosis presented with left side chest pain, which is
ameliorating while lying on the affected side, dry cough, temperature rapid arising up to 38ºС (earlier was
about 37.2ºС). Disseminated tuberculosis was detected about 2 months ago but patient denied treatment.
On examination: dull percussion sound and weakened breathing in the left lower zone. Which
complication is the most likely?
А. Spontaneous pneumathorax.
В. Myocardial infarction.
С. Pleurisy.
D. Myositis.
Е. Liver abscess.
5-year-old child complains of everyday abdominal pain, nausea, tiredness, irritability, sleep disturbance,
appetite loss, headache. The temperature is 37.3ºC. Peripheral lymph nodes are enlarged in 5 groups.
Blood test revealed eosinophilia. In stool probe the helminthes ova have been discovered. The child
received BCG-vaccination on the 5th day of life, the scar diameter is 2 mm. Mantoux skin test showed the
papule of 10 mm, whereas last year result was negative. Chest X-ray revealed no abnormalities. The
differential diagnosis between pre-local tuberculosis and helminthes infestation is necessary. Which
criteria combination is the most cogent argument pro pre-local tuberculosis in this case?
А. Mantoux skin test showing papule 10 mm in diameter in the combination with intoxication and normal
chest X-ray.
В. Intoxication, lymph nodes enlargement, Mantoux skin test conversion.
С. Normal chest X-ray, Mantoux skin test conversion, absence of other disease detected.
D. Mantoux skin test conversion inconstant subfebrile temperature, multiple ymph nodes enlargement.
Е. Eosinophilia, intoxication, Mantoux skin test conversion, absence of other disease detected.
12-year-old boy suffers from chronic tonsillitis. Within last 2 year no exacerbation observed. Presented
with bilateral erythema on shins, complains of tiredness, pains in joints, diminution of memory. On
examination: pale skin, tachycardia, micropolyadenitis. Mantoux skin test conversion discovered. On
chest X-ray no abnormality discovered. In blood test – anemia, ESR and leukocyte rate are moderately
elevated. Rheumatism has been suspected. Which disease has to be included into differential diagnosis
first of all?
А. Chronic tonsillitis.
В. Pre-local tuberculosis.
С. Sarcoidosis.
D. Leukemia.
Е. Helmintosis.
7-year-old child from the tuberculosis hotbed presented with subfebrile temperature, appetite loss,
irritability, tiredness, sweating. At the moment papule size in Mantoux skin test is 5 mm, last year the
result was negative. On chest X-ray no abnormality detected. Choose the strongest argument pro pre-local
3-year-old child from the tuberculosis hotbed is presented with Mantoux test conversion and tuberculin
hypersensitivity. On examination: physical growth and development are retarded. T 37.2°С. Nodular
erythema on the shins. Posterior neck, supra- and subclavian, cubital, axillary lymph nodes are enlarged
to 2 cm, elastic, movable, painless. Which examination is next in the further diagnostic algorithm?
А. Radiological.
С. Sputum test.
D. Routine laboratory.
Е. Koch’s test.
A child suffering from chronic tonsillitis presented with complaints of subfebrile temperature, appetite
worsening, sweating, tiredness, irritability, diminution of memory. At the moment Mantoux test
conversion with the papule size of 12 mm has been detected. On examination anemia, peripheral lymph
nodes enlargement are detected. On chest X-ray no abnormality is discovered. The diagnosis of pre-local
tuberculosis has been established. What signs are the most specific for such a conclusion?
А. Tiredness, irritability.
В. Subfebrile temperature, peripheral lymph nodes enlargement.
С. Sweating, tiredness.
D. Appetite worsening, irritability.
Е. Anemia, chronic tonsillitis.
9-year-old child from tuberculosis hotbed complains of fatigue, appetite loss, bilateral nodular shin
erythema, continual subfebrile fever. Suffers from frequent angina. Submandibular and cervical lymph
nodes are enlarged up to 3 cm in diameter. Mantoux skin test is negative. Chest X-ray showed no
abnormalities. What disease might be suspected?
А. Pre-local tuberculosis.
В. Rheumatism.
С. Chronic tonsillitis.
D. Peripheral lymph nodes tuberculosis.
Е. Mantoux skin test conversion.
5-year-old child presented with fever up to 38°C, appetite loss, and skin rash. At the moment Mantoux
test with 5TU of PPD-S showed the papule size of 5 mm. Previous year results varied in limits 2-5 mm.
Which clinical form of the tuberculosis could be suspected?
11-year-old girl from tuberculosis hotbed presented after X-ray examination for rib fracture. Chest X-ray
detected 0.5 cm opacity of high density with distinct borders in right S 1-2 and several high density
inclusion of 0.5-0.6 cm diameter in right ahistic hilum. At the moment child is asymptomatic but a year
ago felt fatigue, night sweating, and appetite loss. CBC: Hb 115 g/L, WBC – 5.2×109/L, eosinophil - 4%,
band neutrophil - 6%, segmented neutrophil - 65%, lymphocyte-21%, monocyte -3%, ESR - 5 mm/hour.
Received BCG vaccination on the 5th day of life and at the age of 7 (scars diameter 5 mm and 6 mm
respectively). Previous tuberculin test history: at the age of 8 – papule 8 mm, at the age of 9 – 12 mm, at
the age of 10 – 10 mm, at the age of 11 – 10 mm. What’s the most advisable further action?
30-year-old inhabitant of shelter reported that 3 months ago he had been treated for focal tuberculosis
MBT- during 4 weeks but defaulted treatment. At the moment sputum ZN-staining is positive. Which
disease transformation is the most likely?
А. Into tuberculoma.
В. Into fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
С. Into cirrhotic tuberculosis.
D. Into infiltrative tuberculosis.
Е. All of the above.
11-year-old child is presented with primary tuberculosis. Received BCG-vaccination at the 3rd day of his
life and revaccination at the age of 7. Post-vaccine cicatrices – 4 mm and 5 mm. The disease was detected
after screening Mantoux skin test. Choose the most expected Mantoux test history.
А. At the age of 8 – papule 11 mm, at the age of 9 – 9 mm, at the age of 10 – 6 mm, at the age of 11 – 4
В. At the age of 8 – papule 9 mm, at the age of 9 – 11 mm, at the age of 10 – 8 mm, at the age of 11 – 5
С. At the age of 8 – papule 10 mm, at the age of 9 – 10 mm, at the age of 10 – 6 mm, at the age of 11 –
3 mm.
D. At the age of 8 – papule 9 mm, at the age of 9 –11 mm, at the age of 10 –10mm, at the age of 11 –
Е. At the age of 8 – papule 9mm, at the age of 9 –7 mm, at the age of 10 –5 mm, at the age of 11 –17mm.
9-year-old child presented with pre-local tuberculosis. Which chest X-ray picture is the most expected?
At 9-year-old child suffering from rheumatism Mantoux skin test showed the 8 mm papule. Previous year
result – 11 mm. At the age of seven the child underwent revaccination, the scar size is 6 mm. TB contact
with father living separately discovered. On examination no abnormality detected. Which data exclude
latent tuberculosis in this case?
А. Postvaccine reaction.
В. Rheumatism.
С. Absence of complaints.
D. TB contact.
Е. Age.
3-year-old child presented with suspicion of pre-local tuberculosis. Complains of subfebrile temperature,
appetite loss, irritability, tiredness. On examination: skin is pale, cervicle, axillar, inguinal, cubital lymph
nodes are enlarged up to pigeon egg size. On chest X-ray no abnormality detected. Which data can prove
this diagnosis first of all?
There were noticed appetite loss, tiredness, irritability, sleeping disorders, poor school results at an
adolescent. Temperature control during 3 weeks detected subfebrile temperature. Further examination
revealed pre-local tuberculosis. Which of morphological changes produce the intoxication in this case?
8-year-old child suffering from rheumatism presented with weakness, sweating, poor school results,
subfebrile fever, artralgia. On examination: nodular shins erythema, micropolyadenitis were found,
otherwise no abnormality detected. Mantoux skin test showed papule of 12 mm. Previous tuberculin test
history: at the age of 1 – papule 5 mm, at the age of 2 – 3 mm, at the age of 3 – 2 mm, at the age of 4, 5, 6
– no papule, at the age of 7 – 10 mm. Post-vaccine cicatrices are absent. The child is exposed by the
family contact with his grandfather. Chest X-ray revealed no abnormalities. Pre-local tuberculosis has
been suspected. What’s the principal reason for such a suspicion?
А. Nodular erythema.
В. Post-vaccine cicatrices absence.
С. Mantoux test history.
D. TB contact.
Е. Intoxication.
5-year-old child from tuberculosis hotbed presented with fever up to 38.5°С, productive cough. Fell ill
suddenly 2 days ago. CBC: Hb 105 g/L WBC – 4.4×109/L, eosinophil - 2%, band neutrophil - 4%,
segmented neutrophil - 33%, lymphocyte-56%, monocyte -5%, ESR - 10 mm/hour. Physical examination
and chest X-ray detected no abnormalities. Mantoux skin test history: at the age of 1 – papule 8 mm, at
the age of 2 – 6, 3 – 5 mm, at the age of 4 – hyperemia, at the moment – negative result. Received BCG-
vaccination at 3rd day of life, cicatrix size 4 mm. Isoniazid preventive course has been administered a
month ago. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Pre-local tuberculosis.
В. Acute respiratory disease.
С. Early period of tuberculi infection.
D. Postvaccine reaction.
Е. Primary tubercle complex.
12-year-old adolescent complains of weakness, increased temperature up to 37.3°С, slight cough, appetite
loss. His father suffers from active tuberculosis. On further examination Mantoux test conversion is
established. CBC: Hb – 120 g/L, WBC – 11.2·109 /L, eosinophil-0%, band neutrophil-9%, segmented
neutrophil-65%, lymphocyte-14%, monocyte-12%, ESR - 25 mm/hour. Physical examination revealed no
remarkable changes. Pre-local tuberculosis diagnosis has been established. What examination data are
lacking for such a conclusion?
А. Bronchoscopy.
В. Sputum cultural test.
С. CT-scanning.
D. Chest X-ray.
Е. Sputum ZN-staining.
7-year-old child presented with Mantoux test conversion (papule size 17 mm, while previous year results
were negative). At the moment: complains of appetite loss, fatigue, subfebrile fever. On examination shin
nodular erythema and micropolyadenitis are detected. Blood test and chest X-ray revealed no
abnormalities. Which of objective signs belong to paraspecific reactions?
А. Nodular erythema.
В. Mantoux test conversion.
С. Mantoux hyperergic reaction.
D. Peripheral lymph nodes enlargement.
Е. All of the above.
12-year-old adolescent complains of weakness, increased temperature up to 37.3°С, slight cough, appetite
loss. Father suffers from active tuberculosis. On further examination Mantoux test conversion is
established. CBC: Hb – 120 g/L, WBC – 11.2·109 /L, eosinophil-0%, band neutrophil-9%, segmented
neutrophil-65%, lymphocyte-14%, monocyte -12%, ESR - 25 mm/hour. Physical examination revealed
no remarkable changes. Chest X-ray detected perihilar enrichment of vessel patterns. Mild intrathoracic
lymph nodes tuberculosis diagnosis has been established on this indirect sign. What examination data are
lacking for such a conclusion?
А. Bronchoscopy.
В. Sputum cultural test.
С. CT-scanning.
D. Chest X-ray.
Е. Sputum ZN-staining.
8-year-old child presented with pre-local tuberculosis. Choose the adequate treatment course duration.
А. 2 months.
В. 3 months.
С. 4 months.
D. 5 months.
Е. 6 months.
40-year-old patient presented with new tuberculosis case (caseous pneumonia, dis.+, MBT+,(M+ C0),
resist 0, Hyst.0. To which category this case belongs?
А. І
Е. V
30-year-old patient suffering from disseminated tuberculosis without lung tissue disintegration presented
with slight hemophtisis. Which is the main principle of this complication?
А. Hypocoagulation.
В. Vessel walls rupturing
С. Pulmonary embolism.
D. Vessel walls permeability increasing.
Е. Fibrinolysis activation.
43-year-old patient finished the complete course of treatment for caseous pneumonia. What’s the most
likely outcome?
60-year-old patient suffering from fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis for 10 year has been brought to the
emergency department with hemophtisis. On examination: RR 22/min, P 90 /min, BP 100/60.
Auscultation revealed a lot of diffuse moisture rales. Liver is enlarged, painful. Chest X-ray showed the
large cavity with thick walls in the diminished right upper lobe surrounded by fibrotic area. All over left
lung and in the lower zone of the right lung lots of high density foci are seen. Mediastinum is shifted to
the right. ZN sputum staining showed positive result. What’s the most likely principle of hemophtisis?
Patient is presented with caseous pneumonia. Which radiological feature s the most expected?
40-year-old alcohol abuser known as fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis case has been brought into
emergency department with the suspicion of pulmonary hemorrhage. The hemorrhage started just after
consuming of 0.5 liter of alcohol. On examination: patient is expectorating sputum without blood streaks.
All over lung fields lots of bubbling rales are heard. Abdomen is painful in the epigastric area. The doctor
excluded pulmonary hemorrhage and suspected gastric bleeding. Which data allowed to do it?
А. Epigastric pain.
В. Alcohol abusing provocated the bleeding.
С. Absence of blood streaks in the sputum.
D. Absence of previous bleeding history.
Е. All of the above.
29-year-old patient presented with caseous pneumonia. Which hemogram is the most expected?
А. Hb - 130 g/L, WBC – 6.2·109 /L, eosinophil -5%, band neutrophil -5%, segmented neutrophil - 61%,
lymphocyte-25%, monocyte -4%, ESR - 10 mm/hour.
В. Hb - 140 g/L, WBC – 12.0·109 /L, eosinophil -3%, band neutrophil -7%,
segmented neutrophil -71%, lymphocyte-16%, monocyte -3%, ESR - 25 mm/hour.
С. Hb - 100 g/L, WBC – 20.0·109 /L, eosinophil - 0%, band neutrophil -12%,
segmented neutrophil -75%, lymphocyte-10%, monocyte -3%, ESR - 60 mm/hour.
D. Hb - 90 g/L, WBC – 15.0·109 /L, eosinophil -0%, band neutrophil -12%,
segmented neutrophil -54%, lymphocyte-30%, monocyte -4%, ESR - 18 mm/hour.
Е. Hb - 130 g/L, WBC – 10.0·109 /L, eosinophil -8%, band neutrophil -16%,
segmented neutrophil -62%, lymphocyte-8%, monocyte -6%, ESR - 50 mm/hour.
43-year-old patient has been treated for fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis within 6 months. X-ray
examination is been detecting bean-like 2 cm cavity in right upper lobe throughout this period. Surgery is
planning. Which additional examination is required for ultimate decision concerned to surgery?
А. Angiography.
В. CT-scanning.
С. Bronchoscopy.
D. US-scanning.
Е. Respiratory function evaluation.
38-year-old patient presented with suspicion of caseous pneumonia. Which disease is to be ruled out first
of all by means of differential diagnosing?
16-year-old patient was admitted to emergency department with profuse pulmonary bleeding. No history
of pulmonary diseases was revealed. Choose minimal needed examination after bleeding arrest.
Patient is presented with pulmonary hemorrhage. Emergency doctor reported that he expectorated about
450 ml of blood. On examination: P 122/m, RR 28/m, BP 80/60. Define the degree of hemorrhage.
А. І.
В. ІІ.
D. ІV.
Е. V.
35-year-old male presented with chest pain, weakness, cough with “rusty” sputum, dyspnea. Has been ill
for a week. On physical examination multiple crackling and bubbling rales over right hemitorax detected.
CBC: Hb - 130 g/L WBC – 19.2×109/L, eosinophil -3%, band neutrophil - 11%, segmented neutrophil
-71%, lymphocyte-14%, monocyte -1%, ESR - 50 mm/hour. Chest X-ray detected opacity of the
moderate density with the hazy borders occupying right lower zone. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
В. Community acquired pneumonia.
С. Caseous pneumonia.
D. Lung cancer.
Е. Pulmonary embolism.
23-year-old homeless man has been brought to the emergency department in grave condition complaining
of shortness of breathing, chills, cough, severe weakness. Illness started a month ago from weakness,
sweating, cough and subfebrile fever. Has been treated for community acquired pneumonia but condition
aggravated. Sputum test revealed AFB. On examination: cachexy, skin is wet and pale, RR 28/min, BP
100/60 mm/Hg, P 88/min, T 39ºC, dull percussion sound and numerous bubbling rales throughout left
lung. CBC: Hb – 92 g/L, WBC – 20.2·109 /L, eosinophil-0%, band neutrophil-12%, segmented
neutrophil-62%, lymphocyte-14%, monocyte -12%, ESR - 55 mm/hour. Chest X-ray detected subtotal
nonhomogenous dense opacity of left lung. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Disseminated tuberculosis.
В. Miliary tuberculosis.
С. Caseous pneumonia.
D. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
Е. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
30-year-old IT-specialist without immunocompromised condition presented with 5 TU PPD-S Mantoux
skin test papule of 17 mm. Which conclusion should be done?
А. Negative reaction.
В. Active tuberculosis.
С. Depends on further examination result.
D. Positive reaction.
Е. Any of those.
43-year-old male with unremarkable past medical history went to a hike far from any dwelling. At night
woke up from started pulmonary bleeding. What must be the first step of critical care taking into
consideration the absence of specific facilities?
Pulmonary hemorrhage started at patient with 5-year fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis history. Expectorated
about 100 ml of blood at the moment. P 102/m, RR 26/m, BP 90/60. Choose the most advisable critical
aid before bringing the patient to emergency department.
45-year-old male with unremarkable past medical history wake up in the morning and found dry dark
blood spot on his pillow. Arrived paramedics ruled pulmonary origin of hemorrhage out. What is the
principle reason?
32-year-old symptom-free school teacher presented after preemployment X-ray examination, which
detected high density round shadow of 3 cm diameter in right upper zone with lucency at the side of
“track” to the hilum, and 0.5 cm inclusion of high density in right hilum. Past medical history: suffered
from primary tuberculosis at childhood. Physical examination, blood, urine, sputum tests have detected
no abnormality. Could professional activity be allowed to this patient?
48-year-old male presented with scanty relapsing hemoptisis which started suddenly a month ago.
Hemoptisis appeared as blood streaks in sputum several times a week. From past medical history:
suffered from primary tuberculosis at childhood. Chest X-ray detected numerous high density 5-7 mm
inclusions in right hilum. Otherwise no complaints, laboratory and objective abnormal finding are
detected. Which mechanism of bleeding is the most likely?
А. Pulmonary hypertension.
В. Vessel wall remodeling.
С. Vessel wall ulceration.
D. Vessel wall permeability increasing.
Е. Vessel wall involvement into decay.
47-year-old patient suffering from chronic pulmonary tuberculosis presented with right-flank pain. Past
medical history: has been having active tuberculosis within 6 year, finished 3 treatment courses. No
disease exacerbation has been detected within last 3 year. On examination: thorax is barrel-like; skin is
pale and wet, T 37.2°С. Dull percussion sound and bronchial breathing over right upper zone is found.
CBC and blood biochemical tests detected no abnormalities. Chest X-ray detected right upper lobe
cirrhosis. Comparison with last year X-ray detected no progression. Abdominal CT-scanning detected 2
cm inclusion of high density in the right renal pelvis. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
45-year-old patient presented with infiltrative tuberculosis dis+, MBT+. Has been suffering from insulin-
dependant diabetes mellitus since 30-year-old age. Which diet is the most advisable?
А. Fat and simple carbohydrates reducing, animal protein and complex carbohydrates quantum satis.
В. Salt and liquid reducing, potassium containing products enrichment, fat reducing, animal protein and
complex carbohydrates quantum satis.
С. Animal fats and simple carbohydrates reducing, animal protein and plant fats enrichment, complex
carbohydrates quantum satis, vitamins A, C, E enrichment.
D. Animal fats reducing, simple carbohydrates eliminating, complex carbohydrates reducing, animal
protein and plant fats enrichment, vitamins A, C, E enrichment.
Е. No special recommendation.
44-year-old patient suffers from infiltrative tuberculosis of the left lung S 6, dis+, MBT+ complicated by
relapsing hemophtysis. In the treatment regimen pneumoperitoneum has been used. What’s the main
А. Drug resistance avoiding.
В. Compliance increasing.
С. Therapy side effect avoiding.
D. Hemophysis treatment.
Е. All of the above.
29-year-old patient is been treated for pulmonary tuberculosis new case dis.-, MBT-, M-, C-resist 0,
Hyst.0, 1 Category, 1 Cohort. Which is an average initial phase duration?
А. 1 month.
В. 2 months.
С. 3 months.
D. 4 months.
Е. 6 months.
38-year-old female presented with fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis dis+, MBT+, resist+. At the moment
the diseases progression has been established. Which diet is the most advisable?
А. Fat and simple carbohydrates reducing, animal protein and complex carbohydrates quantum satis.
В. Salt and liquid reducing, potassium containing products enrichment, fat reducing, animal protein and
complex carbohydrates quantum satis.
С. Animal fats reducing, simple carbohydrates eliminating, complex carbohydrates reducing, animal
protein and plant fats enrichment, vitamins A, C, E enrichment.
D. Animal fats and simple carbohydrates reducing, animal protein and plant fats enrichment, complex
carbohydrates quantum satis, vitamins A, C, E enrichment.
Е. No special recommendation.
23-year-old patient admitted to the hospital with tuberculosis new case dis+, MBT-, M-,C-, resist 0, 3
Category, 2 Cohort. Which treatment phase has to be administered?
А. Initial.
В. Continual.
С. Intermittent.
D. Combine.
Е. Uninterrupted.
Patient suffering from infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis (new case, dis-, MBT-(M-, C-), resist 0, I
category, I cohort finished the initial treatment phase. Which is the continual phase duration for this
А. 1 month.
В. 2 months.
С. 3 months.
D. 4 months.
Е. 6 months.
54-year-old patient presented with infiltrative tuberculosis dis+, MBT+. Routine in-patient examination
detected insulin-independent diabetes mellitus. Which diet is the most advisable?
А. Fat and simple carbohydrates reducing, animal protein and complex carbohydrates quantum satis.
В. Salt and liquid reducing, potassium containing products enrichment, fat reducing, animal protein
and complex carbohydrates quantum satis.
С. Animal fats and simple carbohydrates reducing, animal protein and plant fats enrichment, complex
carbohydrates quantum satis, vitamins A, C, E enrichment.
D. Animal fats reducing, simple carbohydrates eliminating, complex carbohydrates reducing, animal
protein and plant fats quantum satis, vitamins A, C, E enrichment.
Е. No special recommendation.
Patient is presented with tuberculosis new case (focal tuberculosis, dis- MBT-(M-C-). According to
which category treatment regimen has to be designed in this case?
А. I.
В. II.
D. IV.
Е. V.
58-year-old patient presented with tuberculosis new case (focal tuberculosis, dis-, MBT-(M-, C-).
Patient’s weight is 86 kg. Choose the recommended isoniazid dosage.
24-year-old female is been treated for tuberculosis uveitis . Which pathogenetic therapy is the most
advisable in addition to antibacterial treatment at first weeks?
В. Tissue stimulators.
С. Tuberculin.
D. Corticosteroides.
Е. Sedatives.
40-year-old patient presented with new tuberculosis case (disseminated tuberculosis, dis.+, MBT+ (M+
C +) resist 0 Hist.0. To which category this case belongs?
А. І.
В. ІІ.
D. ІV.
Е. V.
21-year-old patient presented with new tuberculosis case (disseminated tuberculosis, dis.+, MBT+, (M+
C+) resist 0 Hist.0. His weight is 60 kilograms. Choose the proper isoniazid dosage for this case.
А. 0.9 g.
В. 3.0 g.
С. 0.6 g.
D. 0.3 g.
Е. 1.0 g.
23-year-old patient presented with tuberculosis pleurisy. Antibacterial treatment started. Which of
pathogenetic remedies are the most important for this case?
А. Vitamins.
В. Corticosteroids.
С. Immunomodulators.
D. Hepatoprotectors.
Е. Tissue stimulators.
46-year-old patient presented with left upper lobe infiltrative tuberculosis dis.+, MBT+(M+ C+), resist -,
Hist.0. No previous TB history. To which category this case belongs?
А. І.
В. ІІ.
D. ІV.
Е. V.
38-year-old patient presented with chronic case (fibrous-cavernous left lung tuberculosis dis.+, MBT+,
M+ C + resist +(H, S, Z), Hist.0. Patients weight is 52 kg. Define the appropriate rifampicin dosage.
А. 0.9 g.
В. 3.0 g.
С. 0.6 g.
D. 0.3 g.
Е. 1.0 g.
70-year-old patient suffering from coronary heart disease is been treated for tubercle pleurisy new case.
Which of I-line drugs should be avoided?
А. Isoniazid.
В. Rifampicin.
С. Etambutol.
D. Pyrazinamide.
Е. Streptomycin.
49-year-old patient presented with infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis new case, MBT+ (M+C+), dis+,
resist+, I (S, H, R), II (Q, K). To which category this case belongs?
А. I.
В. II.
D. IV.
Е. V.
38-year-old patient is treated for caseous pneumonia. Which of pathogenetic remedies is the most
advisable apart from antibacterial treatment?
А. Cytostatics.
В. Diurhetics.
С. Antihistamines.
D. Blood preparations.
Е. Corticosteroids.
23-year-old patient has been treated for subacute disseminated tuberculosis complicated by relapsing
hemorrhages for 3 months. Hemorrhages are repeating in spite of hemostatic therapy. X-ray examination
has been detecting bilateral “stamped” cavities on both apices throughout this period. Surgery is planning.
What additional examination is necessary to decide which side cavity produces the hemorrhage and has to
be removed first?
А. Angiography.
В. Bronchoscopy.
С. CT-scanning.
D. Thorough auscultation at the moment of hemorrhage.
Е. Respiratory function evaluation.
40-year-old patient presented with cough excreting mucoid sputum, weakness, shortness of breathing,
fever up to 38.2-38.6°С in the evening. Has been ill for 5 days, fell ill after supercooling. Auscultation of
his chest reveals rales in the right midlung, bilateral scattered wheezes. Chest X-ray revealed a
homogenous opacity with low density in the right middle zone. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Pneumoconiosis.
В. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
С. Disseminated carcinoma.
D. Tuberculosis.
Е. Community acquired pneumonia.
37-year-old patient presented with disseminated tuberculosis new case, dis+, MBT+ (M+,C +), resist.0,
hist 0, category I. Choose the adequate drugs combination.
48-year-old male complains of decreased workability, weakness, sweating, subfebrile fever, body weight
loss. Has been feeling ill for 3 months. Chest X-ray detected round opacity of 4 cm with distinct borders
in left S4 projection. What’s the most advisable further course of action?
28-year-old HIV-positive drug abuser is being treated for primary MDR-tuberculosis (resistance to H,R,
Et, S, K).CD4+ level at the moment 250 cells/mm3. Which drug must be avoided in the individually
designed regimen?
А. Thioacetazone.
В. Rifabutin.
С. Ciprofloxacin.
D. Pefloxacin.
Е. Cycloserine.
38-year-old patient finished treatment course for infiltrative tuberculosis new case. A month after sought
for consultation because of weight loss, subfebrile fever, productive cough. Further examination
established disseminative tuberculosis. Choose the adequate drugs combination.
33-year-old patient is treated for tuberculosis new case (focal pulmonary tuberculosis) MBT- (M-C-),
dis-, resist 0, Category 3, Cohort 1. Patient’s weight is 84 kg. Choose the adequate dosage of rifampicin.
А. 0.6 g.
В. 6.0 g.
С. 0.3 g.
D. 0.45 g.
Е. 1.0 g.
21-year-old patient is been treated for pulmonary tuberculosis new case (disseminated tuberculosis dis+,
MBT+ (M+,C +), resist.-, hist 0, category I. Choose the necessary dosage of rifampicin.
А. 1.0
В. 1.2 g.
С. 1.5 g.
D. 0.6 g.
Е. 0.3 g.
21-year-old patient is been treated for pulmonary tuberculosis new case (Infiltrative tuberculosis of right
upper lobe dis+, MBT+ (M+,C +), resist.-, hist 0, category I. Choose the necessary dosage of ethambutol.
А. 1.0
В. 1.2 g.
С. 1.5 g.
D. 0.6 g.
Е. 0.3 g.
64-year-old patient is being treated for pulmonary tuberculosis new case (disseminated tuberculosis dis+,
MBT- (M-,C 0), resist.0, hist 0. Choose the necessary dosage of pyrasinamide.
А. 1.0 g.
В. 1.5 g.
С. 2.0 g.
D. 2.5 g.
Е. 3.0 g.
30-year-old female being treated for pulmonary tuberculosis new case according to I category is taking
oral contraception at the same time. After 3 months of treatment 7 weeks pregnancy was established.
Which drug’s side effect is the inefficient contraception more likely due to?
А. Rifampicin.
В. Streptomycin.
С. Pyrasinamide.
D. Isoniazid.
Е. Ethambutol.
29-year-old patient is been treated for pulmonary tuberculosis within 3 weeks receiving isoniazid,
rifampicin, streptomycin, pyrazinamide and ethambutol. Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and appetite
loss appeared. To which medicine these side effects are more likely due to?
А. Isoniazid.
В. Pyrazinamide.
С. Rifampicin.
D. Ethambutol.
Е. Streptomycin.
The patient is been treated for pulmonary tuberculosis receiving isoniazid, rifampicin, streptomycin,
pyrazinamide and ethambutol. The 4th week of treatment visual impairment appeared. To which medicine
this side effect is more likely due to?
А. Isoniazid.
В. Pyrazinamide.
С. Rifampicin.
D. Ethambutol.
Е. Streptomycin.
61-year-old patient started initial treatment phase for infiltrative tuberculosis of left upper lobe, dis+,
MBT+ (M+, C+). Isoniazid, rifampicin, streptomycin, pyrazinamide, ethambutol, had been administered.
In two weeks diminished hearing and buzzing in the ears appeared. Side effect of which administered
drug it can be due to?
А. Rifampicin.
В. Isoniazid.
С. Ethambutol.
D. Pyrazinamide.
Е. Streptomycin.
48-year-old patient has been treated for infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis for 6 month. X-ray
examination is been detecting cavity of 5 cm in diameter in the right S6 throughout this period. Choose
the most advisable algorithm of further management.
54-year-old patient has been treated for chronic (fibrous-cavernous) left upper lobe tuberculosis for 6
month. Throughout the treatment period pulmonary bleeding took place, lung insufficiency was observed.
At the moment X-ray examination detected left upper lobe reducing, thick-walls cavity of 5 cm diameter
surrounded by polymorphic foci and fibrotic area in the left apex, mediastinum is shifted to the left. All
over the rest of lung fields no abnormality is detected. Choose the most advisable algorithm of further
А. Surgery.
В. Intrabronchial drug introduction.
С. Tissue stimulating.
D. Collapsotherapy.
Е. Prolonged continual phase of the treatment.
28-year-old patient has been treated for tuberculosis new case (infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis) MBT-
(M-C-), dis-, resist 0, Category 3, Cohort 3 for 4 month. Control chest X-ray detected round opacity of 4
cm in diameter with distinct borders and crescent lucency inside in right S2. Choose the most advisable
further dealing.
26-year-old patient has been treated for left side caseous pneumonia within 2 months. General condition
significantly ameliorated. Control chest X-ray detected dense nonhomogenous opacity of left lung upper
zone with numerous neighbouring cavities of different size inside; in left lower zone lots of fusing foci
appear. Right lung is intact. What’s the most advisable further dealing?
32-year-old patient has been treated for disseminate tuberculosis according to I category for 2 month.
Smear sputum test is still positive at the moment. On chest X-ray: bilaterally in upper parts polymorphic
fusing foci are found. On both apices thin-walls cavities about 3 cm in diameter are present. Which
further dealing is the most advisable?
47-year-old patient has been treated for left upper lobe infiltrative tuberculosis within 3 months according
to I category. General condition significantly ameliorated. Control chest X-ray detected dense
nonhomogenous opacity of left lung upper zone with numerous neighbouring cavities of different size
inside. Right lung is intact. What’s the most advisable further dealing?
20-year-old AIDS patient presented with CD 4+ level 80/ml. ART has been administered. Before
treatment starting routine clinical examination was performed including chest X-ray, which showed no
remarkable changes. After 2 month of treatment CD 4+ level arose up to 350/ml but on control X-ray
disseminated tuberculosis was established. How could you explain it?
А. Contracting infection.
В. Lung changes were missed on first examination and progressed.
С. It’s false diagnosis.
D. Immune reconstitution syndrome.
Е. Patient denied ART.
6-year-old Indian-born child presented with headache, malaise, appetite loss, dry cough, shortness of
breathing, fever 39-40ºС. Has been feeling unwell for 10 days. On examination: T 39-40ºС, skin is pale
and wet. Peripheral lymph nodes are enlarged up to 7-8 mm, painless, elastic. All over lung fields
tympanic percussion sound is detected. Auscultation revealed bubbling rales in the interscapular area.
CBC: Hb - 130 g/L, WBC – 9.2·109 /L, eosinophil -0%, band neutrophil -9%, segmented neutrophil
-65%, lymphocyte-14%, monocyte -12%, ESR - 25 mm/hour. Mantoux skin test with 5 TU – papule 5
mm. Urinalysis: Leucocyte – 10-12/field of view, a trace of protein. Chest X-ray shows diffuse multiple
1-2 mm foci. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Sepsis.
В. Community acquired pneumonia.
С. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
D. Miliary tuberculosis.
Е. Disseminated lung cancer.
The patient is suffering from subacute disseminative tuberculosis. Which complaints are the most
3-year-old child presented with miliary tuberculosis. Has been ill for 2 weeks. The general condition is
grave. Which Mantoux skin test result is the most expected?
А. Positive.
В. Negative.
С. Hyperergic.
D. Doubtful.
Е. Any listed above.
The patient is presented with subacute disseminated tuberculosis. Which CBC is the most expected?
А. RBC – 3.6 ×1012 /L, Hb - 130 g/L, WBC – 6.2·109 /L, eosinophil -5%, band neutrophil -5%, segmented
neutrophil -61%, lymphocyte-25%, monocyte -4%, ESR - 10 mm/hour
В. RBC – 4.0 ×1012 /L, Hb - 140 g/L, WBC – 12.0·10 9 /L, eosinophil -3%, band neutrophil -7%,
segmented neutrophil -71%, lymphocyte-16%, monocyte -3%, ESR - 25 mm/hour.
С. RBC – 3.9 ×1012 /L, Hb - 110 g/L, WBC – 14.0·109 /L, eosinophil -2%, band neutrophil -10%,
segmented neutrophil -67%, lymphocyte-12%, monocyte -10%, ESR - 43 mm/hour.
D. RBC – 3.9×1012 /L, Hb - 90 g/L, WBC – 15.0·10 9 /L, eosinophil -0%, band neutrophil -12%,
segmented neutrophil -54%, lymphocyte-30%, monocyte -4%, ESR - 18 mm/hour.
Е. RBC – 5.3×1012 /L, Hb - 130 g/L, WBC – 20.0·109 /L, eosinophil -8%, band neutrophil -16%,
segmented neutrophil -52%, lymphocyte-8%, monocyte -6%, ESR - 50 mm/hour.
18-year-old patient presented with miliary tuberculosis. Which syndromes are the most expected?
25-year-patient with no history of immunocompromised condition presented with subacute disseminated
tuberculosis. With Mantoux test result is the most expected?
А. Hyperergic.
В. Doubtful.
С. Negative.
D. Positive.
Е. Necrotic.
A patient is presented with miliary tuberculosis. Appreciate the probability of bacterial expectorating.
А. 100%.
В. 80%.
С. Disappearing.
D. 30-50%.
Е. 15-20%.
Choose the specific comparison for subacute disseminated tuberculosis radiological finding.
А. „Starry sky”.
В. „Chimney stalk”.
С. „Weeping willow”.
D. „Falling snow”.
Е. “Coin appearance”.
Patient is presented at the second day of the disease. Miliary tuberculosis is being suspected but chest X-
ray had not detected any abnormality. In what terms the examination is to be repeated?
А. Next day.
В. In 3-5 days.
С. In 30-40 days.
D. In 7-10 days.
Е. In 14-17 days.
Patient is presented with chronic disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis. Which disease course is the most
А. Progressing slowly.
В. Progressing rapidly.
С. Recurrent.
D. Benign.
Е. Wavy.
53-year-old male with 10 year history of suffering from tuberculosis presented with pulmonary
hemorrhage. Which mechanism of bleeding is the most likely?
А. Pulmonary hypertension.
В. Vessel wall remodeling.
С. Vessel wall permeability increasing.
D. Vessel wall involvement into decay area.
Е. All of the above.
45-year-old homeless patient presented with cough, weight loss, dyspnea. On examination: patient is
exhausted, skin is pale and wet, auscultation detected polymorphic rales over lung tissue, percussion -
tympanic sound in lung lower region. CBC: Hb - 100 g/L, WBC – 10.2×10 9/L, eosinophil -3%, band
neutrophil - 8%, segmented neutrophil -71%, lymphocyte-17%, monocyte -1%, ESR - 30 mm/hour.
Smear test for AFB showed positive result. On chest X-ray: on both reduced upper lobes polymorphic
foci of different density are found, in both S2 thick wall-cavities about 4 cm in diameter are present; lung
roots are elevated and anhistic. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Focal tuberculosis.
В. Miliary tuberculosis.
С. Subacute disseminated tuberculosis
D. Chronic disseminated tuberculosis.
Е. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
28-year-old patient with head trauma in the past medical history is been treated for pulmonary
tuberculosis new case according to I category. After 2 weeks of treatment an epileptic seizure developed.
Which’s drug side effect is it more likely due to?
А. Ethambutol.
В. Streptomycin.
С. Pyrasinamide.
D. Rifampicin.
Е. Isoniazid.
37-year-old patient presented with disseminated tuberculosis relapse, dis+, MBT+ (M+,C +), resist.0, hist
0. Choose the adequate drugs combination for initial phase of treatment.
Specimen of the lung affected by subacute disseminated tuberculosis is analyzing. Which foci character is
the most expected?
60-year-old woman was admitted to emergency department with the diagnosis of community acquired
pneumonia in a grave condition, with signs of respiratory distress. After 2 weeks of intravenous broad-
spectrum antibiotic therapy the condition ameliorated but temperature is still subfebrile, X-ray shows an
area of enriched vessel patterns in the right lung lower zone. CBC: Hb - 110 g/L, WBC – 4.5·109 /L,
eosinophil-1%, band neutrophil-5%, segmented neutrophil-65%, lymphocyte-28%, monocyte-1%, ESR
-15 mm/hour. Sputum smear test detected no AFB. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Lung cancer
В. Bilateral pulmonary abscesses.
С. Eosinophilic pneumonia.
D. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
Е. Severe community acquired pneumonia.
28-year-old patient presented with HIV-associated disseminated tuberculosis. Has been known as HIV-
positive for 6 year but has never taken antiretroviral therapy. CD 4+ level at the moment is 100 cell/ml.
Choose the most advisable treatment sequence.
38-year-old patient presented with chronic disseminated tuberculosis exacerbation. Which hemogram is
the most expected?
А. Hb - 115 g/L, WBC – 11.5·109 /L, eosinophil -2%, band neutrophil -9%, segmented neutrophil -63%,
lymphocyte-14%, monocyte -12%, ESR - 28 mm/hour.
В. Hb - 140 g/L, WBC – 4.0·109 /L, eosinophil -3%, band neutrophil -5%, segmented neutrophil -69%,
lymphocyte-21%, monocyte -2%, ESR - 5 mm/hour.
С. Hb - 100 g/L, WBC – 3.0·109 /L, eosinophil - 0%, band neutrophil -12%, segmented neutrophil -75%,
lymphocyte-10%, monocyte -3%, ESR - 60 mm/hour.
D. Hb - 120 g/L, WBC – 15.0·109 /L, eosinophil -0%, band neutrophil -12%, segmented neutrophil -72%,
lymphocyte-12%, monocyte -4%, ESR - 45 mm/hour.
Е. Hb - 130 g/L, WBC – 25.0·109 /L, eosinophil -8%, band neutrophil -4%, segmented neutrophil -15%,
lymphocyte-70%, monocyte -3%, ESR - 60 mm/hour.
40-year-old patient has been treated for chronic laryngitis within several months without effect. At the
moment painful ulcer upon tongue appeared. Regular X-ray examination established disseminated
tuberculosis. Sputogenous oral cavity and larynx contamination are suspected. Which diagnostic mistake
hindered earlier establishing of the diagnosis?
Patient is presented with chronic disseminated tuberculosis. Which radiological finding is the most
А. Polymorphic foci.
В. Vessel pattern deformity.
С. Basal emphysema.
D. Hilum elevating (weeping willow).
Е. All of the above.
36-year-old patient is brought to the emergency department with the suspicion for the spontaneous
pneumothorax. Which examination is the most urgent?
А. Physical examination.
В. Bronchoscopy.
С. Bronchography
D. CT.
Е. Plain chest X-ray.
23-year-old patient has been brought to the emergency department complaining of sharp chest pain
appeared after exertion. On examination destructive disseminated tuberculosis complicated by
spontaneous pneumathorax detected. What’s the most likely principle of this complication?
Patient had been presented with spontaneous pneumathorax. After air aspiration the intrapleural pressure
stays positive. Which is the most probable reason?
А. Heart insufficiency.
В. Lung insufficiency.
С. Empyema.
D. Fistula formation.
Е. All of the above above.
52-year-old female suffering from severe asthma presented with spontaneous pneumathorax developed
suddenly on exertion. 20 year before recovered from disseminated tuberculosis. Which morphological
changes produced the disease more likely?
30-year-old student who had recovered from tuberculosis 4 year ago presented with spontaneous
pneumathorax. Which of additional examinations is the most appropriate to detect the cause of the
А. Thoracoscopy.
В. Lateral view X-ray.
С. Bronchography.
D. CT-scanning.
Е. US-scanning.
Patient is presented with infiltrative tuberculosis. On chest X-ray triangular in shape opacity with hazy
upper and distinct lower border is detected in the right middle zone. Name the radiological type of
А. Asmann.
В. Periscissuritis.
С. Cloud-like.
D. Linear.
Е. Atypical.
27-year-old male presented with total right side spontaneous pneumathorax. What objective signs are the
most expected?
А. Lagging behind breathing, boomed percussion sound, broncho-vesicular breathing, scattered wheezes
on the affected side. Mediastinum shifted to the affected side.
В. Lagging behind breathing, tympanic percussion sound and absent breathing on the affected side.
Mediastinum shifted to the unaffected side.
С. Dull percussion sound, bronchial breathing, crackling rales on the affected side. Mediastinum shifted
to the affected side.
D. Lagging behind breathing, dull percussion sound, weakened vesicular breathing on the affected side.
Mediastinum shifted to the affected side.
Е. Symmetric thorax, tympanic percussion sound and absent breathing on the affected side. Mediastinum
shifted to the unaffected side.
29-year-old symptom-free patient presented with 1.5 cm homogenous dense opacity with distinct borders,
surrounded by fibrotic area in the right second intercostal space. Right hilum is anhistic, contains high
density inclusions. It’s known that patient recovered from tuberculosis. Which clinical form residual is
the most likely?
А. Tuberculoma.
В. Focal tuberculosis.
С. Intrathoracic lymph nodes tuberculosis.
D. Disseminated tuberculosis.
Е. Primary complex.
35-year-old patient presented with right-side spontaneous pneumathorax. On chest X-ray lung tissue is
compressed for 1/3 of its volume. What’s the most advisable first course of action?
32-year-old male recovered from infiltrative tuberculosis, which had complicated by pleurisy, 4 year ago.
Now he is presented with spontaneous pneumathorax developed suddenly on exertion. Before this
episode felt well, underwent regular medical check-up including chest X-ray examination a month before.
Which morphological changes produced the disease more likely?
А. Pleural adhesions.
В. Pneumofibrosis.
С. Emphysematic bullas.
D. Lung tissue disintegration.
Е. Lung calcifications.
The patient is presented with the valvular pneumothorax.. Which signs are the most expected?
32-year-old patient recovered from left side upper lobe tuberculosis 15 year ago. Presented with
spontaneous pneumathorax. On examination large bulla in the left upper lobe detected. Which treatment
approach is the most advisable?
А. Passive draining.
В. Pleural cavity obliteration.
С. Thoracoscopic ciagulation.
D. Bulla resection.
Е. Active aspiration.
36-year-old patient with no tuberculosis history presented with several 0.5 mm foci of low density on the
left apex on the screening chest X-ray. Otherwise no abnormality detected. How could you appreciate this
case if TB origin of the disease is proved?
А. Fresh.
В. Advanced.
С. Chronic.
D. Neglected.
Е. Latent.
52-year-old patient has been suffering from tuberculosis for 3 year. Interrupted treatment several times.
At the moment chest X-ray detected 4 cm thick-walls cavity surrounded by satellite foci and fibrotic area
on the left lung apex. ZN-sputum staining showed positive result. Choose the type of this case.
А. New case.
В. Relapse.
С. Chronic case.
D. Case of doubtful activity.
Е. Neglected case.
26-year-old patient finished the full course of treatment for new case (left upper lobe infiltrative
tuberculosis) dis+ MBT+ (M+, C+). The cavity was healed, cultural test showed negative result. After 6
month next chest X-ray detected non-homogenous opacity in the right lung apex. ZN-staining detected
AFB in sputum. Define this case.
А. New case.
В. Relapse.
С. Chronic case.
D. Treatment failure.
Е. Neglected case.
15-year-old patient presented with 0.8 cm opacity in left S1 detected on screening X-ray examination.
Smear test for AFB showed negative result. It’s known that the adolescent is infected by MBT since the
age of 5, when Mantoux test conversion was detected. How this case is to be qualified?
А. New case (primary tubercle complex) MBT- (M-C-), dis-, resist 0, Category 3.
В. Chronic case (focal pulmonary tuberculosis) MBT- (M-C0), dis-, resist 0, Category 4.
С. Relapse (infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis) MBT- (M-C-), dis-, resist 0, Category 2.
D. New case (focal pulmonary tuberculosis) MBT- (M-C0), dis-, resist 0, Category 3.
Е. New case (infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis) MBT- (M-C0), dis-, resist 0, Category 3.
48-year-old male presented with 3-year history of pulmonary tuberculosis. Despite starting treatment
several times had never receive the complete treatment course. X-ray examination detected cavity of 5 cm
in diameter in the left upper zone surrounded by fibrotic area and satellite foci. Hilum is elevated,
mediastinum shifted to the left. Smear and cultural tests detected MBT resistant to streptomycin and
isoniazid. Choose the correct diagnosis formulation.
А. Pulmonary tuberculosis new case (Infiltrative tuberculosis of right lower lobe dis+, MBT+ (M+,C 0),
resist.0, hist 0, category I).
В. Pulmonary tuberculosis chronic case (Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis of left upper lobe dis+, MBT+
(M+,C +), resist.+ (I:H,S), hist 0, category IV).
С. Pulmonary tuberculosis chronic case (Infiltrative tuberculosis of left upper lobe dis+, MBT+
(M+,C +), resist.0, hist 0, category II).
D. Pulmonary tuberculosis new case (Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis of left upper lobe dis+, MBT+
(M+,C +), resist.+ (I:H,S), resist.0, hist 0, category III).
Е. Pulmonary tuberculosis new case (Infiltrative tuberculosis of left upper lobe dis+, MBT+ (M+,C -),
resist.-, hist -, category II).
23-year-old female presented with infiltration about 4 cm in diameter having moderate density, hazy
borders and 1.5 cm cavity inside, which was detected in right lung S6 on screening X-ray. Sputum ZN-
staining showed positive result, cultural test is processing. No tuberculosis history or TB-contact was
discovered. Choose the correct diagnosis formulation.
А. Pulmonary tuberculosis new case (Infiltrative tuberculosis of right lower lobe dis+, MBT+ (M+,C 0),
resist.0, hist 0, category I).
В. Pulmonary tuberculosis new case (Infiltrative tuberculosis of right upper lobe dis+, MBT+ (M+,C 0),
resist.0, hist 0, category I).
С. Pulmonary tuberculosis new case (Infiltrative tuberculosis of right lower lobe dis+, MBT+ (M+,C 0),
resist.0, hist 0, category II).
D. Pulmonary tuberculosis new case (Infiltrative tuberculosis of right upper lobe dis-, MBT+ (M+,C 0),
resist.0, hist 0, category III).
Е. Pulmonary tuberculosis new case (Infiltrative tuberculosis of right lower lobe dis+, MBT+ (M+,C -),
resist.-, hist -, category II).
30-year-old patient presented with 0.8 cm opacity in left S1 detected on screening X-ray examination.
Smear test for AFB showed negative result. From past medical history: has been treated for hip joint
tuberculosis 5 year ago. How this case is to be qualified?
А. New case (infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis) MBT- (M-C-), dis-, resist 0, Category 3.
В. Chronic case (disseminated tuberculosis) MBT- (M-C0), dis-, resist 0, Category 4.
С. New case (focal pulmonary tuberculosis) MBT- (M-C-), dis-, resist 0, Category 3.
D. Relapse (focal pulmonary tuberculosis) MBT- (M-C0), dis-, resist 0, Category 2.
Е. New case (focal pulmonary tuberculosis) MBT- (M-C-), dis-, resist 0, Category 3.
10-year-old homeless boy presented with infiltration in right lung S 6 about 4 cm in diameter, having
moderate density, hazy borders and 1.5 cm cavity inside, numerous calcifications in both hilums. Sputum
ZN-staining showed positive result, cultural test is processing. No tuberculosis history and TB-contact
discovered. Choose the correct diagnosis formulation.
А. Pulmonary tuberculosis new case (Primary complex of right lower lobe dis+, MBT+ (M+,C 0),
resist.0, hist 0, category I).
В. Pulmonary tuberculosis relapse (Infiltrative tuberculosis of right upper lobe dis+, MBT+ (M+,C 0),
resist.0, hist 0, category II).
С. Pulmonary tuberculosis residuals (Self-cures intrathoracic lymphatic nodes tuberculosis).
D. Pulmonary tuberculosis new case (Infiltrative tuberculosis of right upper lobe dis-, MBT+ (M+,C 0),
resist.0, hist 0, category III).
Е. Pulmonary tuberculosis new case (Infiltrative tuberculosis of right lower lobe dis+, MBT+ (M+,C 0),
resist.-, hist -, category I).
Patient who has been treated for pulmonary tuberculosis for 2.5 month shows positive cultural test for
MBT. Mycobacteria are resistant to isoniazid and rifampicin. Which type of drug resistance is it??
А. Primary MDR.
В. Acquired MDR.
С. Primary XDR.
D. Acquired XDR.
Е. Initial drug resistance.
Specimen of the lung affected by secondary tuberculosis is analyzing. Which feature is NOT expected?
А. Fibrotic areas.
В. Lymphatic vessels and nodes involvement.
С. Disintegration.
D. Lower lobe localization.
Е. Satellite foci.
Specimen of the lung affected by primary tuberculosis is analyzing. Which feature is NOT expected?
А. Disintegration.
В. Lymphatic vessels and nodes involvement.
С. T-memory cell presence.
D. Lower lobe localization.
Е. Satellite foci.
5-year-old child is a known case of primary tuberculosis. Which clinical form of the disease is the least
А. Miliary.
В. Tuberculosis meningitis.
С. Pleurisy.
D. Infiltrative.
Е. Abdominal.
6-year-old child presented with Mantoux test conversion. Choose the event which is NOT OBLIGATE
for the case.
А. Primary bacteriemia and bacterilimphia.
В. Mycobacteria sedimentation in lymph nodes.
С. Primary granuloma formation.
D. Pre-local or local tuberculosis development.
Е. Mycobacteria sedimentation in parenchymal organs.
32-year-old symptom-free school teacher recovered from infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis 3 year ago is
presented after detecting of two high density shadows up to 2 cm with distinct borders on the right apex
by preemployment X-ray examination. Physical examination, blood, urine, sputum tests detected no
abnormality. Could professional activity be allowed to this patient?
Specimen of the lung affected by disseminated tuberculosis from AIDS patient with CD 4+ level 100
cell/ml is analyzing. Which feature is the most expected?
Mantoux skin test is being performed in TB hotbed. Some patients are suspected to have decreased
tuberculin sensitivity regardless latent tuberculosis because of different obstacles. Who would be included
into this group?
25-year-old male from tuberculosis hotbed presented with chest pain, chills, T 38°C, cough with muco-
purulent sputum, dyspnea. Has been ill for three days. On physical examination: RR 28/min, P 100/min,
multiple crackling and bubbling rales over upper part of right hemitorax. CBC: Hb - 130 g/L WBC –
19.2×109/L, eosinophil -3%, band neutrophil - 11%, segmented neutrophil -71%, lymphocyte-14%,
monocyte -1%, ESR - 50 mm/hour. Chest X-ray detected opacity of the moderate density with the hazy
borders occupying right upper zone. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Lung cancer.
В. Community acquired pneumonia.
С. Primary tubercle complex.
D. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Е. All of the above.
At 27-year-old HIV-positive patient suffering from diarrhea chest X-ray detected bilateral numerous
fusing foci. Sputum cultural test revealed the culture producing pale yellow pigment on light exposure.
CD 4+ level is 150 cell/ml. Which type of mycobacteria was found?
B. M. tuberculosis.
C. M. bovis.
D. M. africanum.
Е. L-Mtb.
Patient attended his GP complaining of cough within 3 weeks, malaise, tiredness, subferbrile temperature.
On examination infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis localizing in right upper lobe, dis+, MBT+ has been
detected. Which auscultative sounds are the most expected?
А. Crackling rales
В. Crepitation.
С. Pleural friction.
D. Bronchial breathing.
Е. Local bubbling rales.
32-year-old patient has been hospitalized with some respiratory system disease suspicion. On examination
subacute disseminated destructive pulmonary tuberculosis MBT+ detected. Which complaints are the
most expected?
45-year-old patient presented with fever and cough. Chest X-ray showed the 7 cm opacity with lucency
inside of in the right upper lung zone and low density foci in the left S6 projection. ZN-staining detected
MBT. Choose the most expected anamnesis variant.
35-year-old patient presented with pulmonary tuberculosis. It’s known that 3 year before he returned from
the illegal immigration into Western Europe. At the moment is living alone, hasn’t stable employment,
suffers from hyperthyroidism, sinusitis. Choose the most potent risk factor which might produce the
36-year-old smoker presented with chest pain, weakness, cough with mucoid sputum, appetite loss, T
37.8°С. Suffers from allergic rhinitis. Chest X-ray shows a cloudy opacity in the right upper zone with
moderate density and indistinct borders. What disease has to be differentiated from this condition?
А. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
В. Lung cancer.
С. Community acquired pneumonia.
D. Eosinophilic pneumonia.
Е. All the above.
20-year-old HIV-positive male been exposed by family contact with TB-patient is presented with fever,
dry cough and dyspnea. Fell ill a day before. On examination: P 100/m, RR 28/m, BP 90/60. T 39°C.
Lung percussion detected no abnormalities, on auscultation rare dry rales on mixed breathing background
are found. CBC: Hb - 120 g/L, WBC – 9.2·109 /L, eosinophil-4%, band neutrophil-7%, segmented
neutrophil-55%, lymphocyte-14%, monocyte-10%, ESR - 25 mm/hour. Mantoux skin test is negative.
ZN-staining showed negative result. Chest X-ray showed no abnormalities. What’s the most advisable
way to rule out or confirm tuberculosis in this case?
10-year-old child presented with hyperegic Mantoux test reaction. What’s the most advisable first course
of action?
Thoracoscopy detected no remarkable changes of pleura at 45-year-old patient with pleurisy. Chest X-ray,
which was performed immediately detected 5 cm radiant nodular formation. Pleural exudate is
hemorrhagic. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Parapneumonic pleurisy.
В. Tuberculosis of pleura.
С. Paracancroid pleurisy.
D. TB allergic pleurisy.
Е. TB empyema.
Patient is presented with chronic tuberculosis. On auscultation amphoric breathing is detected over left
upper zone. Upon what lung changes is this phenomenon testifying?
А. Pleural effusion.
В. Cirrhosis development.
С. Dissemination.
D. Huge cavity existence.
Е. Caseous necrosis.
18-year-old patient presented with peripheral lymph nodes tuberculosis, complicated by fistula formation.
Which CBC is the most expected?
А. Hb - 90 g/L, WBC – 6.2·109 /L, eosinophil -5%, band neutrophil -5%, segmented neutrophil -61%,
lymphocyte-25%, monocyte -4%, ESR - 10 mm/hour.
В. Hb - 140 g/L, WBC – 12.0·109 /L, eosinophil -3%, band neutrophil -7%, segmented neutrophil -71%,
lymphocyte-16%, monocyte -3%, ESR - 25 mm/hour.
С. Hb - 100 g/L, WBC – 20.0·109 /L, eosinophil - 0%, band neutrophil -12%, segmented neutrophil -75%,
lymphocyte-10%, monocyte -3%, ESR - 60 mm/hour.
D. Hb - 120 g/L, WBC – 15.0·109 /L, eosinophil -0%, band neutrophil -12%, segmented neutrophil -72%,
lymphocyte-12%, monocyte -4%, ESR - 35 mm/hour.
Е. Hb - 130 g/L, WBC – 25.0·109 /L, eosinophil -8%, band neutrophil -4%, segmented neutrophil -15%,
lymphocyte-70%, monocyte -3%, ESR - 60 mm/hour.
Screening chest X-ray of 36-year-old man revealed tuberculoma of the right upper lobe. Which X-ray
description is the most appropriate for this case?
29-year-old doctor finished treatment course for focal tuberculosis. Control X-ray examination no
positive changes detected. Because of social indication segmental lung resection has been performed.
Histological examination discovered tuberculoma. Which morphological type of the tuberculoma is the
most likely?
А. Pseudotuberculoma.
В. Homogenous.
С. Disintegrative.
D. Conglomerate.
Е. Stratified.
Patient suffering from S2 tuberculoma presented with hemoptysis. Sputum ZN-staining showed positive
result. The tuberculoma disintegration suspected. Which decay localization is the most expected?
А. Central.
В. Lower-medial.
С. Apical.
D. Caudal.
Е. Upper-lateral.
23-year-old symptom-free teacher presented with the round opacity on the right lung apex. Choose the
most advisable additional examination.
14-year-old adolescent without remarkable risk factors for tuberculosis presented with Mantoux skin test
result with 5 PPD-S TU of 10 mm. Which conclusion should be done?
А. Positive reaction.
В. Active tuberculosis.
С. Depends on further examination result.
D. Negative reaction.
Е. Any of listed.
38-year-old agronomist complains of subfebrile fever, productive cough, night sweating, dyspnea, weight
loss. Has been feeling unwell for a month. On examination: dull percussion sound above upper and
middle zones, in the interscapular space moisture rales on mixed breathing background. Chest X-ray
showed multiple fusing foci of moderate density in both upper lung zones. What’s the most likely
А. Disseminated tuberculosis.
В. Actynomycosis.
С. Pneumoconiosis.
D. Community acquired pneumonia.
Е. Aspergilllosis.
S2 tuberculoma has been confirmed by needle biopsy at 45-year-old symptom-free doctor without
tuberculosis past history. Sputum smear test detected no AFB. The formation size is approximately 4 cm.
What’s the most advisable further dealing?
52-year-old symptom-free patient presented with tuberculoma new case dis-, МBТ-, М-, C0, resist 0. The
opacity is located in right S3. After 2 month of treatment some doubts in diagnosis occurred because of
weight loss, fatigue, anemia appeared. Which reason of round opacity origin must be ruled out first of all?
А. Malignancy.
В. Benign tumor.
С. Aspergiloma.
D. Cyst.
Е. Aneurism.
HIV-positive patient is presented with cervical lymphadenitis. The doctor administered blood BACTEC
test. In which case such analysis could be indicated?
48-year-old male complains of decreased workability, weakness, sweating, subfebrile fever, weight loss.
Has been feeling ill for 3 months. Chest X-ray detected round opacity of 4 cm with distinct borders in left
S4 projection. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Encapsulated pleurisy.
В. Lung cancer.
С. Tuberculoma.
D. All of the above.
Е. Nothing of the above.
63-year-old patient has been treated for tuberculoma for 2 month. After that patient’s condition
aggravated, cough and hemophtysis appeared, round-like opacity enlarged. The suspicion of misdiagnosis
appeared. Which disease other than tuberculosis is the most probable in this case?
А. Lung cancer.
В. Sarcoidosis.
С. Community acquired pneumonia.
D. Aspergilosis.
Е. Benign lung tumor.
Chest X-ray of the 48-year-old patient complaining of weakness, dry cough and subfebrile temperature
showed oval opacity 3 cm in diameter of moderate density with hazy borders and lucency on the superior
pole in right lung upper part. 2 weeks before fell ill after supercooling with fever, cough, sweating. Now
feels much better. On physical examination no abnormality detected. CBC: Hb - 120 g/L, WBC –
12.3×109 /L, eosinophil -4%, band neutrophil -6%, segmented neutrophil -68%, lymphocyte-20%,
monocyte -2%, ESR - 15 mm/hour. Sputum mucous, L. 10-12/field of view ; ZN-staining showed
negative result. Bronchoscopy: diffuse endobronchitis. Which is the most advisable way for differential
diagnosis between tuberculoma and pneumonia?
70-year-old patient presented with fever up to 39°С, chest pain, cough with muco-purulent sputum. Fell
ill 3 days before. On examination: RR 20/min, P 98/min. On auscultation: moisture rales on the weakened
breathing background in the right subclavian area detected. CBC: Hb 130 g/L, WBC – 13.4×109 /L,
eosinophil - 3%, band neutrophil - 8%, segmented neutrophil - 60%, lymphocyte- 24%, monocyte - 5%,
ESR - 40 mm/hour. Sputum ZN-staining showed negative results. Chest X-ray detected 3 cm round
opacity with hazy borders of moderate density at the border between right S2 and S3. At the differential
diagnosing the pneumonia supposed more probable than TB. Which criteria allowed to make such a
А. Complaints and anamnesis.
В. Objective data.
С. Blood and sputum tests.
D. Radiological examination.
Е. All of the above.
27-year-old female presented with round 3 cm opacity in the left lung S2 of high density with distinct
regular borders and satellite foci around. Mantoux skin test – papule 20 mm. Otherwise no abnormalities
detected. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Tuberculoma.
В. Eosinophilic pneumonia.
С. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
D. Lung abscess.
Е. Lung cancer.
40-year-old symptom-free man presented with solitary 2× 1.5 cm opacity of moderate density with
defined borders in the II segment of the right lung. Which clinical type of TB is the most probable?
А. Fibrous-cavernous.
В. Tuberculoma.
С. Focal.
D. Residual.
Е. Infiltrative.
35-year-old patient took the conventional treatment for tuberculoma within 4 months. No radiological
changes are observed. What is the reason?
Screening chest X-ray of 47-year-old smoker detected round 4 cm homogenic opacity of high density,
with distinct regular borders in the left lung S1-2. CBC: Hb - 120 g/L WBC – 6.9×109/L, eosinophil -3%,
band neutrophil - 5%, segmented neutrophil -65%, lymphocyte-23%, monocyte -7%, ESR - 2 mm/hour.
What’s the most advisable further action?
40-year-old symptom-free patient who hasn’t been examined on X-ray for 4 year is presented with
tuberculoma established after plain X-ray only. Which X-ray evidence is sufficient to establish such a
The surgical conference is selecting patients for surgery among those having tuberculomas. To whom of
patients the surgery ISN’T suggested?
50-year-old coal miner having 30-year professional seniority presented with antracosilicosis III stage.
Mantoux skin test showed papule of 15 mm. Appreciate probability of active tuberculosis at the case.
А. 70-80%.
В. 60-70%.
С. 50-60%.
D. 30-40%.
Е. 10-20%.
Screening chest X-ray of 18-year -old man revealed Gon’s focus of the right S9 and calcified hilar lymph
nodes of the same lung. Previous chest X-ray at the age of 15 detected no abnormality. Patient had been
exposed by the close contact with the smear positive TB-patient, underwent preventive isoniazid course,
but hadn’t been examined neither before nor after treatment. Which phase of primary tuberculosis
complex is it?
А. Infiltration.
В. Calcification.
С. Bipolarity.
D. Consolidation.
Е. Desintegration.
3-year-old child presented with primary tuberculosis complex. On examination: dull percussion sound,
several bubbling rales over right upper zone. Choose the most expected radiological feature.
А. Focal homogenous opacity with hazy borders in right subclavicular zone. Right hilum is slightly
deformed, adjacent lung patterns enriched.
В. Nonhomogenous opacity with hazy borders and lucency inside interflowing with the hilum in right
subclavicular zone. Linear shadow of the interlobular pleura is visible.
С. Homogenous 2 cm opacity of moderate density with hazy borders in the right S 2 connected to the
hilum by peribronchial and perivascular shadows.
D. Nonhomogenous opacity with hazy borders and lucency inside in the diminished upper lobe. Hilum is
strained upward.
Е. Homogenous 0.9 cm round opacity with hazy borders in the right S2. Right hilum is deformed contains
high density inclusions.
10-year-old child presented with primary tuberculosis complex. Which X-ray feature is the most
А. Dense homogenous opacity in the right lower lung zone with hazy upper border. Diaphragm cupola
and sinus are not visible. Left lung patterns enriched.
В. Nonhomogenous opacity of moderate density, hazy borders and lucency inside in the right upper lung
zone. Perifocal infiltration interflows with widened hilum.
С. Homogenous 1.5 opacity in the right S2 connected to the widened anhistous hilum by hazy linear
D. Dense homogenous opacity in the right upper diminished lung lobe. Right diaphragm cupola at IV rib
level. Right hilum is elevated and deformed.
Е. 0.9 cm subpleural opacity of high density, with distinct borders in the right upper zone. Right hilum is
anhistous with high density inclusions.
7-year-old child presented with primary tubercle complex. Chest X-ray detected opacity of moderate
density 4 cm in diameter in the left S6 connected to the widened hilum. Which phase of the disease is
А. Initial.
В. Infiltration.
С. Calcification.
D. Resolution.
Е. Residual.
32-year-old symptom-free IT-specialist who had recovered from infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis 3
year ago presented after preemployment X-ray examination, which detected two high density shadows up
to 2 cm with distinct borders on the right apex. Physical examination, blood, urine, sputum tests detected
no abnormality. Could the professional activity be allowed to this patient?
Patient discharges mycobacteria resistant to isoniazid, rifampicin, and ethambutol. How could you qualify
this resistance profile?
В. Monoresistance.
С. Simple resistance.
D. Usual resistance.
11-year-old girl from tuberculosis hotbed presented with hyperergic Mantoux skin test. Chest X-ray
detected homogenic 1.5 cm opacity of low density with hazy borders in right S1-2; perihilar vessel pattern
is deformed and enriched, hilum is widened and anhistic. At the moment child is asymptomatic but a
month ago felt fatigue, night sweating, appetite loss had been observed. CBC: Hb 115 g/L, WBC –
9.2×109/L, eosinophil - 4%, band neutrophil - 6%, segmented neutrophil - 65%, lymphocyte-21%,
monocyte -3%, ESR - 19 mm/hour. What’s the most advisable further action?
А. Broad-spectrum antibiotical test-treatment.
В. Preventional course of rifampicin and isoniazid.
С. CT-scanning, sputum smear and cultural test.
D. Observation only.
Е. Antituberculosis treatment course according to category III.
4-year-old child presented with primary tuberculosis. Received BCG-vaccination at the age of 1 because
of contraindications at the new-born period. Cicatrix size is 2 mm. Choose the most appropriate
tuberculin test history.
А. At the age of 1 – hyperemia only, at the age of 2 – papule 4 mm, at the age of 3 – hyperemia only, at
the age of 4 – no reaction.
В. At the age of 1 – no reaction, at the age of 2 – papule 17 mm, at the age of 3 – papule 10 mm, at the
age of 4 – papule 2 mm.
С. At the age of 1 – no reaction, at the age of 2 – papule 7 mm, at the age of 3 – papule 3 mm, at the age
of 4 – papule 14 mm.
D. At the age of 1 – papule 5 mm, at the age of 2 – papule 2 mm, at the age of 3 – papule 5 mm, at the age
of 4 – papule 3 mm.
Е. At the age of 1 – no reaction, at the age of 2 – papule 9 mm, at the age of 3 – papule 7 mm, at the age
of 4 – papule 4 mm.
40-year-old symptom-free obstetrician without tuberculosis history presented after preemloyment X-ray
examination, which detected several high density inclusions in the right hilum. Physical examination,
blood, urine, sputum tests detected no abnormality. Could professional activity be allowed to this patient?
11-year-old girl from tuberculosis hotbed presented with hyperergic Mantoux skin test. Chest X-ray
detected left side increased vascularisation in perihilar zone, mediastinal pleura accentuation. Hilum isn’t
overtly widened but anhistic. At the moment child is asymptomatic but a month ago felt fatigue, night
sweating, and appetite loss. CBC: Hb 115 g/L WBC – 9.2×109/L, eosinophil - 4%, band neutrophil - 6%,
segmented neutrophil - 65%, lymphocyte-21%, monocyte -3%, ESR - 19 mm/hour. What’s the most
advisable further action?
Screening examination revealed complicated primary tuberculosis complex in 13-year-old boy from
tuberculosis nidus. Mantoux skin test with 5 TU showed 17 mm papule. On the chest X-ray: in the right
upper lobe 3,5 cm opacity of the moderate density with the hazy borders and lucency inside 1,5×1,2 cm.
The opacity is connected to the widened right hilum. In the S6 of the both lungs there are groups of
moderate density foci with hazy borders. Which is the main reason for supposing this case to be a
complicated one?
А. Living in the tuberculosis hotbed.
В. Hyperergic tuberculin sensitivity.
С. Disintegration and dissemination presence.
D. Primary affect more than 1 cm in diameter.
Е. All of the above.
10-year-old child fell ill 2 weeks before after supercooling. Fever, cough, weight loss, sweating appeared.
On examination: skin is pale, painless enlarged lymph nodes detected in 6 peripheral groups. Breathing is
weakened and percussion sound is dull in the interscapular area. Mantoux skin test showed papule of 6
mm with vesicle, previous year result was negative. CBC: WBC – 12.3×109 /L, eosinophil -4%, band
neutrophil -6%, segmented neutrophil -68%, lymphocyte-18%, monocyte -4%, ESR - 30 mm/hour. Chest
X-ray showed nonhomogenous 2.5×3.5 opacity with hazy borders in the left S4,5 interflowing with
widened and anhistous hilum. CT-scanning detected enlarged hilum lymph nodes. What’s the most likely
7-year-old child presented with the upper lobe primary tuberculosis complex. The proper treatment has
been administered. Chest X-ray at that moment: opacity of moderate density in the right upper lobe
connected to the hilum. A month later parents defaulted treatment. Next month cough attacks with
expiratory dyspnea, high fever appeared. CBC: WBC – 18.9×109 /L, eosinophil -3%, band neutrophil
-10%, segmented neutrophil -58%, lymphocyte-21%, monocyte -8%, ESR - 52 mm/hour. Sputum ZN-
staining detected MBT. On chest X-ray: dense total opacity of the diminished right upper lobe, hilum is
widened up to 3.5 cm, elevated. Which complication developed?
7-year-old child presented with upper lobe primary tuberculosis complex. The proper treatment has been
administered. Chest X-ray at that moment: opacity of moderate density in the right upper lobe connected
to the hilum. A month later parents defaulted treatment. Next month cough attacks with expiratory
dyspnea, high fever appeared. CBC: Hb 100 g/L, WBC – 18.9×109 /L, eosinophil - 3%, band neutrophil -
10%, segmented neutrophil - 58%, lymphocyte - 21%, monocyte - 8%, ESR - 52 mm/hour. Sputum ZN-
staining detected AFB. On chest X-ray: dense total opacity of the diminished right upper lobe, hilum is
widened up to 3.5 cm, elevated. Choose the most proper additional examination in order to detect possible
А. CT-scanning.
В. Laryngoscopy.
С. Bronchoscopy.
D. Thoracoscopy.
Е. Mantoux skin test.
4-year-old child is presented with primary tuberculosis. BCG-vaccinated at the 3 day of life, post-
vaccine cicatrix – 4 mm. The disease was detected after screening Mantoux skin test. Choose the most
expected Mantoux test history.
А. At the age of 1 – papule 6 mm, at the age of 2 – 7 mm, at the age of 3 – 4 mm,
at the age of 4 – 11 mm.
В. At the age of 1 – no papule, at the age of 2 – 2 mm, at the age of 3 – no papule,
at the age of 4 – 6 mm.
С. At the age of 1 – papule 10 mm, at the age of 2 – 8 mm, at the age of 3 – 5 mm,
at the age of 4 – 17 mm.
D. At the age of 1 – 3 no data, at the age of 4 – 15 mm.
Е. All of the above.
40-year-old alcohol abuser presented with pleurisy also complaining of severe abdominal pain, vomiting.
The illness started acutely after alcohol excess accompanied by fatty meal consuming. CBC: Hb - 130 g/L
WBC – 17.2×109/L, eosinophil -2%, band neutrophil -12%, segmented neutrophil -61%, lymphocyte-
25%, monocyte -1%, ESR - 70 mm/hour. Pleural fluid test: transparent, neitrophils are predominant cell
type. Chest X-ray performed immediately after exudate removing detected no lung field abnormality.
Which pleurisy cause is the most likely?
А. Non-specific pneumonia.
В. Lung cancer.
С. Tuberculosis.
D. Pancreatitis.
Е. Pleural mesothelioma.
20-year-old student presented with opacity of moderate density in the right lung S6 connected to widened
hilum. Abnormality has been revealed on ordinal X-ray examination. From past medical history: felt
fatigue, listlessness, appetite and weight loss after his mother death of lung cancer 6 months ago. Once
found blood streaks in sputum. Twice was treated for right side community acquired pneumonia 2 and 6
years ago. Mantoux skin test showed papule of 23 mm in diameter. Last year the result was negative.
CBC: Hb – 120 g/L, WBC – 10.2·109 /L, eosinophil-4%, band neutrophil-9%, segmented neutrophil-60%,
lymphocyte-18%, monocyte -8%, ESR – 34 mm/hour. What’s the most correct conclusion?
15-year-old adolescent presented with the diagnosis of primary tubercle complex established on the base
of mass Mantoux test, which showed tuberculin test conversion and X-ray examination, which detected
homogenous 1.8 cm opacity with hazy borders, connected to the widened hilum by “track”. What
complaints are the most expected?
А. Chills, fever, severe weakness, dyspnea in exertion, weight loss up to 7 kg within two weeks.
В. Tiredness, inconstant subfebrile fever, slight cough.
С. Chest pain, inconstant subfebrile fever, productive cough, hemoptisis.
D. No complaints.
Е. Paroxysmal dry bitonal cough, night sweating, dyspnea on exertion, hoarseness.
57-year-old patient discharged from 15-year imprisonment a year before, presented with dry and
productive cough, body weight loss, malaise, dyspnea, subfebrile fever, low extremities edema. On
examination: labial cyanosis, boom-box percussion sound, wet and dry rales throughout lungs. Chest X-
ray detected multiple polymorphic foci of different density, size and shape throughout lung tissue with
apico-caudal type of spreading. Hilums are elevated. Sputum ZN-staining detected no AFB. What’s the
most likely diagnosis?
А. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
В. Subacute disseminated tuberculosis.
С. Chronic disseminated tuberculosis.
D. Disseminated lung cancer.
Е. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
25-year-old patient presented with the Ghon’s focus. No tuberculosis history discovered. Self-curing of
which clinical type of tuberculosis could it be due to?
А. Infiltrative.
В. Tubercle bronchodenitis.
С. Focal.
D. Primary complex.
Е. Disseminated.
6-year-old child underwent BCG vaccination on 5th day of life (scar diameter 5mm). Mantoux skin test
showed papule of 10mm. Previous tuberculin test history: at the age of 1 – papule 8 mm, at the age of 2 –
5, at the age of 3– 3 mm, at the age of 4 – 3 mm, at the age of 5 –2 mm. What’s your conclusion?
А. Non-infected child.
В. Postvaccinative reaction.
С. Tuberculin sensitivity conversion.
D. Active tuberculosis.
Е. Latent tuberculosis.
Make a conclusion about tuberculin test result of symptom-free 11-year-old child. Mantoux skin showed
hyperemia, previous year results decreased from 8, to 4 mm. On examination no abnormality detected.
Revaccinated at the age of 7 (scar size 3 mm).
А. No antituberculosis immunity.
В. Post-vaccine immunity.
С. Long-existing latent tuberculosis.
D. Active tuberculosis.
Е. Latent tuberculosis, tuberculin test conversion.
Make a conclusion about tuberculin test result of symptom-free 4-year-old child from the tuberculosis
hotbed. At the moment Mantoux skin test is negative. Previous tuberculin test history: at the age of 1 –
papule 8 mm, at the age of 2 – 5, at the age of 3 – 3 mm. On examination no abnormality detected. Post-
vaccine scar on the left humerus is of 7 mm in diameter.
А. Post-vaccine immunity.
В. Latent tuberculosis, tuberculin test conversion.
С. Long-existing latent tuberculosis.
D. Active tuberculosis.
Е. Non-infected child.
Make a conclusion about tuberculin test result of symptom-free 10-year-old child. At the moment
Mantoux skin test showed papule of 6 mm. Previous tuberculin test history: at the age of 1 – papule 5
mm, at the age of 2 – 3 mm, at the age of 3 – 2 mm, at the age of 4 and 5 – no papule, at the age of 6 – 7
mm, at the age of 7 – 5 mm, at the age of 8 – 10 mm, at the age of 9 – 9 mm. Post-vaccine cicatrix – 4
mm, didn’t receive revaccination. On examination no abnormality detected.
Additional examination was prescribed for the 12-year-old child after screening Mantoux skin test
showed papule of 12 mm. Previous tuberculin test history: at the age of 8 – papule 5 mm, at the age of 9 –
3 mm, at the age of 10 – 7 mm, at the age of 11 – 5 mm. Choose the reason to consider the child having
risk of tuberculosis.
7-year-old child received BCG vaccination on 5th day of life (scar diameter 5mm)presented after Mantoux
skin test showed papule 10 mm. Previous tuberculin test history: no data before age of 4, at the age of 5 –
papule 8 mm, at the age of 6 – 7. Chest X-ray, routine clinical and laboratory investigation detected no
abnormalities. What’s your conclusion?
А. Non-infected child.
В. Post-vaccinative reaction.
С. Tuberculin sensitivity conversion.
D. Latent tuberculosis.
Е. Active tuberculosis.
5-year-old child presented after Mantoux skin test showed papule 11 mm. Received BCG-vaccination on
5th day of life (scar diameter 5 mm). Tuberculin test history: at the age of 1 – papule 10 mm, at the age of
2 – 8, at the age of 3 – 7 mm, at the age of 4 – 5 mm. What’s your conclusion?
А. Tuberculin sensitivity conversion.
В. Post-vaccinative reaction.
С. Non-infected child.
D. Increased risk of active tuberculosis.
Е. Long existing latent tuberculosis.
14-year-old adolescent is presented after Mantoux skin test showed papule 13 mm. Received BCG-
vaccination on the 5th day of life and at the age of 7 (scars diameter 5 mm and 6 mm respectively).
Tuberculin test history after revaccination: at the age of 8 – hyperemia only, at the age of 9 – 3, at the age
of 10 – 7 mm, at the age of 11 – 8 mm, at the age of 12 – 6 mm, at the age of 13 - 6 mm. What’s your
А. Non-infected child.
В. Post-vaccinative reaction.
С. Tuberculin sensitivity conversion.
D. Increased risk of active tuberculosis.
Е. Long existing latent tuberculosis.
3-year-old child presented after Mantoux skin test showed papule 17 mm. Received BCG-vaccination on
the 5th day of life (scar diameter 5 mm). Tuberculin test history: at the age of 1 – papule 5 mm, at the age
of 2 – hyperemia only. What’s your conclusion?
А. Post-vaccinative reaction.
В. Tuberculin sensitivity conversion.
С. Non-infected child.
D. Increased risk of active tuberculosis.
Е. Long existing latent tuberculosis.
Three 6-year-old children presented after Mantoux skin test. All received BCG vaccination on the 3rd day
of live. Who of them is at risk of tuberculosis? No additional risk factors have been revealed.
А. At the moment papule is 13 mm, previous year history: at the age of 1 year –5 mm, at the age of 2 – 9
mm, at the age of 3 – 8 mm, at the age of 4 – 10 mm, at the age of 5 – 7 mm.
В. At the moment papule is 8 mm, previous year history: at the age of 1 year – 11 mm, at the age of 2 – 7
mm, at the age of 3 – 6 mm, at the age of 4 – 2 mm, at the age of 5 – hyperemia only.
С. At the moment papule is 18 mm, previous year history: at the age of 1 year – 10 mm, at the age of 2 –
2 mm, at the age of 3 – 10 mm, at the age of 4 – 11 mm, at the age of 5 – 11 mm.
D. Nobody.
Е. All are.
In some community of high TB incidence screening Mantoux skin test was recommended for children.
Which is the purpose of this intervention?
А. TB incidence study.
В Children at risk revealing.
С. Tuberculosis activity evaluation.
D. Differential diagnosis of TB and non-TB diseases.
Е. Anti-TB immunity improving.
In the high risk community screening Mantoux skin test has been performed. What’s its main purpose?
14-year-old adolescent suffering from diabetes mellitus has to undergo BCG-revaccination. Last year
supposed to be non-infected. Which examination is the obligate prerequisite for revaccination?
4-year-old child presented from the tuberculosis hotbed. At the moment Mantoux skin test is positive.
Previous tuberculin tests were positive also. On examination no abnormality detected. Post-vaccine scar
on the left humerus is of 7 mm in diameter. Choose possible conclusion.
А. Post-vaccine immunity.
В. Active pre-local tuberculosis.
С. Long-existing latent tuberculosis.
D. Active local tuberculosis.
Е. All of the above.
Additional examination among children after screening Mantoux skin is planning. Who of them HAVE
NOT to undergo such an examination?
The doctor is selecting children been infected with TB among those with positive Mantoux test. Which
category would not suppose been infected?
4-year-old symptom-free child presented after performing mass Mantoux test with PPD-S 5 TU, which
showed 10 mm papule. Previous year test result – 2 mm. Received BCG-vaccination on 3 rd day of life.
Choose possible conclusion.
A group of children with positive Mantoux skin test is presented for differentiation between post-vaccine
reaction and latent tuberculosis. What criteria of post-vaccine reaction are acceptable?
А. Papule up to 12 mm in diameter,
В. Yearly decreasing reaction up to negative test in 4-5 year after vaccination.
С. Infiltration disappears after week, doesn’t leave pigmentation.
D. Maximal size is observed after 1.5-2 year after vaccination.
Е. All of the above.
Mantoux skin test is being performed in TB hotbed. Some patients a suspected to have decreased
tuberculin sensitivity regardless latent tuberculosis because of different obstacles. Who would be included
into this group?
А. Smokers.
В. Pregnant women.
С. Patients receiving triiodothyronine.
D. Patients receiving oral contraceptives.
Е. All of the above.
Mass tuberculin test is planning in the kindergarten. The list of children for whom it isn’t indicated is
been creating. What infants SHOULDN’T be included into this list?
4-year-old child needs the conclusion about Mantoux test result. At the moment papule size is 5 mm. On
examination no abnormalities detected. No contact with TB patients discovered. No TB risk factors
exposure. Preceding year tuberculin test results are the similar. Which data are lacking to make a correct
X-ray examination of asymptomatic 25-year-old nurse with no tuberculosis history detected several solid
foci up to 2 mm on the left lung apex. Tuberculosis of doubtful activeness suspected. Which further
dealing is the most advisable?
X-ray examination of asymptomatic 25-year-old nurse with no tuberculosis history detected several solid
foci up to 2 mm on the left lung apex. Tuberculosis of doubtful activeness suspected. Which further
dealing is the most advisable?
Patient is presented with fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis MBT+ (M+C+) resist + (S, H, R, Q, K). Had
been treated several times unsuccessfully. Which type of drug resistance is it?
А. Primary MDR.
В. Acquired MDR.
С. Primary XDR.
D. Acquired XDR.
Е. Simple drug resistance.
45-year-old patient fell ill suddenly after supercooling. High fever, sneezing, severe cough appeared. The
diagnosis of influenza had been established. Desintoxicative therapy was administered. After a week he
felt much better and returned to his work, but several episodes of the “influenza” repeated a short time
later. After the last episode the chest X-ray revealed infiltrative tuberculosis and smear test showed
positive result. How the condition ameliorating could be explained?
38-year-old male recovered from tuberculosis 5 year ago presented with upper lobe polysegmental
pneumofibrosis. What diet is the most advisable?
А. Fat and simple carbohydrates reducing, animal protein and complex carbohydrates quantum satis.
В. No special recommendation.
С. Animal fats reducing, simple carbohydrates eliminating, complex carbohydrates reducing, animal
protein and plant fats quantum satis, vitamins A, C, E enrichment.
D. Animal fats and simple carbohydrates reducing, animal protein and plant fats enrichment, complex
carbohydrates quantum satis, vitamins A, C, E enrichment.
Е. Salt and liquid reducing, potassium containing products enrichment, fat reducing, animal protein and
complex carbohydrates quantum satis.
30-year-old IT-specialist without immunocompromised condition presented with 5 TU PPD-S Mantoux
skin test papule of 4 mm. Which conclusion should be done?
А. Positive reaction.
В. Active tuberculosis.
С. Depends on further examination result.
D. Negative reaction.
Е. Any of listed.
5-year-old girl missed the mass tuberculin campaign in her kindergarten because of sustained pneumonia.
Last year Mantoux test result was hyperergic. 6 month before she was vaccinated for poliomyelitis. A
week before quarantine for chicken pox was imposed in the kindergarten. The girl suffers from acute
respiratory disease frequently but at the moment she’s well. The pediatrician refused to perform
Mantoux skin test. What’s the reason?
А. Sustained pneumonia.
В. Frequent acute respiratory disease.
С. Quarantine for chicken pox.
D. Poliomyelitis vaccination.
Е. Previous hyperergic Mantoux test.
24-year-old AIDS patient presented with 5 TU PPD-S Mantoux test papule of 5 mm. Which conclusion
should be done?
А. Positive reaction.
В. Active tuberculosis.
С. Depends on further examination result
D. Negative reaction.
Е. Any.
Quantiferon Gold test and mass tuberculin test were compared by specialist’s boarder in order to be
included into NTP as a preferred mean of case detecting in children. Quantiferon Gold test was been
selected. Which of the following assertion ISN’T a reason of such choice?
At 38-year-old symptom-free man chest X-ray showed several dense 2-5 mm foci in left S 1-2. 2 year ago
received the complete treatment course for left lung focal tuberculosis. Now sputum ZN-test is negative.
Choose the correct diagnosis.
A 32-year-old Indian-born female has been hospitalized for tuberculosis. Her family consists of husband
and 3 children from 3 to 10-year-old. Which preventive measures for the family are the most advisable?
36-year-old patient having 4-year-old daughter has been hospitalized with pulmonary infiltrative
tuberculosis, dis+, MBT+. Which is the most advisable dealing with his daughter?
6-month-old child vaccinated by BCG on 3rd day of the life presented with femoral ostitis. Which type of
BCG complication should be suspected?
А. Local.
В. Generalized BCG-infection.
С. Post-BCG syndrome.
D. Allergic.
Е. Disseminated BCG-infection.
65-year-old patient presented with infiltrative tuberculosis dis-, MBT-. Routine clinical examination
detected glycemia fasting level of 8.0 mm/l. Which diet is the most advisable?
А. Animal fats reducing, simple carbohydrates eliminating, complex carbohydrates reducing, animal
protein and plant fats quantum satis, vitamins A, C, E enrichment.
В. Salt and liquid reducing, potassium containing products enrichment, fat reducing, animal protein and
complex carbohydrates quantum satis.
С. Animal fats and simple carbohydrates reducing, animal protein and plant fats enrichment, complex
carbohydrates quantum satis, vitamins A, C, E enrichment.
D. Fat and simple carbohydrates reducing, animal protein and complex carbohydrates quantum satis.
Е. No special recommendation.
23-year-old patient is undergoing treatment according to III category of tuberculosis cases. Its known that
5 year ago he had been exposed by sever head trauma. No previous neurological disorders reported.
Suddenly the epileptic seizure developed. Which of drugs could produce such a side effect?
А. Rifampicin.
В. Etambutol.
С. Streptomycin.
D. Isoniazid.
Е. Pyrasinamide.
Patient is been hospitalized with infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis new case. Smear ZN-staining showed
negative result. Specimen is being processed by BACTEC system. In which term the result should be
А. 1-2 hours.
В. 1-2 days.
С. 1-2 weeks.
D. 1-2 months.
Е. It’s not indicated in this case.
Patient is presented with subacute disseminated tuberculosis. Sputum ZN-staining showed positive result.
Cultural test results are not obtained yet. Choose the correct fragment of diagnosis writing down.
24-year-old female is presented with the suspicion for uterine tube tuberculosis. Which mean of diagnosis
confirmation is the most reliable?
А. Histological investigation.
В. Test treatment.
С. Cervical smear ZN and cultural test.
D. Tuberculin test.
Е. Cervical smear PCR test.
Patient is presented with the suspicion for pulmonary tuberculosis. Which method of bacteria discharging
detection does diagnostic “gold standard” include?
Screening chest X-ray of 32-year-old symptom-free man revealed 3 cm opacity of low density in the left
lung S 1-2; around there are a lot of satellite foci of low density with hazy borders. CT-scanning detected
the central destruction inside the opacity. ZN sputum staining revealed AFB. Which phase of tuberculosis
is it?
45-year-old patient presented with infiltrative kidney tuberculosis. Do you suppose his family members to
be exposed by TB contact?
А. Depends on age.
В. Depends on immune status.
С. Depends living condition.
D. Yes.
Е. No.
28-year-old patient presented with infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis MBT+, dis+, associated with
chronic hepatitis C. At the moment liver biochemical tests are slightly elevated. Which drug must be
excluded from the treatment regimen?
А. Streptomycin.
В. Isoniazid.
С. Rifampicin.
D. Pyrazinamide.
Е. Ethambutolum.
Patient is presented with fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis of the left lung, MBT+ (M+C+) resist + (S, H, R)
complicated by pulmonary hemorrhage. Previously several times was treated for tuberculosis with short-
term effect. To which category this case belongs?
А. I.
В. II.
D. IV.
Е. V.
Patient finished the complete treatment course for new case (subacute disseminated tuberculosis) MBT-
(M-,C-), dis-. There are no complaints and physical or laboratory abnormalities detecting. Chest X-ray
reveals reducing the consolidated foci amount, diffuse pneumofibrosis. How could you define the
treatment outcome?
А. Finished treatment.
В. Effective treatment.
С. Recovery.
D. Can’t be appreciated.
Е. Doubtful activeness.
27-year-old patient was treated for infiltrative tuberculosis of left upper lobe, dis+, MBT+ (M+,C+),
resist+(I: Е,S,R; II: Аm, Ofl, Km) for 5 month. After results analysis treatment failure was established.
On what criteria could such a conclusion be based?
60-year-old patient suffering from chronic pulmonary tuberculosis presented with shortness of breathing
at rest, extremities edema. Past medical history: has been having active tuberculosis within 6 year,
finished 3 treatment courses with temporary effect. On examination: thorax is barrel-like, skin is pale and
wet, T 37.2°С. RR 30/min, P90/min, BP100/60. Dull percussion sound and bronchial breathing over right
upper zone, bubbling rales over both lower zones are found. Lower extremities hard edema is evident up
to knee joints, liver is 3 cm lower the costal margin. Chest X-ray detected thick-wall 4 cm cavity
occupying reduced right upper lobe, interlobal fissure is accented. Comparison with last year X-ray
detected no progression. CBC: Hb - 100 g/L, WBC – 9.2·109 /L, eosinophil-2%, band neutrophil-6%,
segmented neutrophil-51%, lymphocyte-32%, monocyte -9%, ESR - 40 mm/hour. Urynalisis: density
1015, L – 2-10/field of view, protein – 0.09g/L. Intravenous urography detected no remarkable changes.
Which condition is the most likely?
А. Kidney tuberculosis.
В. Decompensated heart failure.
С. Pulmonary embolism.
D. Chronic glomerulonephritis.
Е. Amyloidosis.
26-year-old symptom-free male presented with hilar calcification found on mass X-ray. Otherwise no
clinical, instrumental or laboratory abnormalities have been detected. What’s the most advisable further
А. No dealing is required.
В. Treatment course according to I category.
С. Observation only.
D. Treatment course according to II category.
Е. Isoniazid preventive course.
15-year-old adolescent from dairy farm keeping the cattle with tuberculosis, presented with cervical
lymphadenitis. In the needle biopsy specimen cheesy decay material has been found, smear and cultural
tests detected no MBT. Nonetheless, lymphatic nodes tuberculosis is being suspected taking
epidemiological and clinical data into consideration. Which test could confirm or rule such a conclusion
out best of all?
А. Histological investigation.
В. Chest X-ray.
С. Mantoux test.
D. Neck CT-scanning.
Е. Test treatment.
Restaurant has bought a consignment of milk from farm susceptible for tuberculosis. What’s the most
advisable dealing?
71-year-old patient suffering from chronic tuberculosis for last 15 year presented with the profuse
pulmonary bleeding. Which is the main principle of the complication?
58-year-old patient presented with cirrhotic tuberculosis complaining of shortness of breathing, shin
edema. What’s the most expected tuberculosis complication in this case?
А. Lung edema.
В. Spontaneuos pneumathorax.
С. Amiloidosis.
D. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Е. Chronic heart insufficiency.
45-year-old patient presented with cirrhotic tuberculosis involving left upper lobe. 6 year before has been
treated for infiltrative tuberculosis. After treatment left upper lobe cirrhosis established. Worsening took
place a month ago: fever and cough appeared. ZN-staining showed positive result. According to which
category treatment regimen has to be designed in this case?
А. I.
В. II.
D. IV.
Е. V.
30-year-old doctor finished full course of treatment for cirrhotic tuberculosis. On chest X-ray: in reduced
right upper lobe the dense homogenous opacity appears. Which is prerequisite for returning to the
professional activity?
48-year-old patient finished the treatment course for new case of cirrhotic tuberculosis. At the moment
there are no complaints. Cultural test showed negative result, blood test is normal. Chest X-ray detected
total right upper lobe cirrhosis. Which type of surgery is the most advisable?
А. Artificial pneumathorax.
В. Right lung resection.
С. Thoracoplasty.
D. Artificial pneumaperitonium.
Е. Pleurectomy.
28-year-old symptom-free doctor is presented with pulmonary focal tuberculosis discovered on screening
chest X-ray. Smear sputum test showed negative results. Could professional activity be permitted to him?
А. No.
В. Yes, immediately after complete treatment course.
С. Yes.
D. Depends on cultural test results after complete treatment course.
Е. Yes, 2 year after complete treatment course.
45-year-old patient recovered from tuberculosis 5 year ago. As a residual left upper lobe cirrhosis
developed. Underwent regular annual observation. Sought for a doctor’s consultation because of
productive cough and sweating that appeared month ago and body weight loss of 5 kg. Sputum ZN-
staining detected AFB. Chest X-ray detected no progression. The diagnosis of cirrhotic tuberculosis has
been established. Which intensity of bacterial discharging is expected?
А. Constant spare.
В. Constant massive.
С. Recurring massive.
D. Recurring spare.
Е. No bacteria expectoration.
Patient is presented with chronic tuberculosis. On auscultation bronchial breathing is detected over left
upper zone. For which lung changes may this phenomenon testify?
А. Pleural effusion.
В. Dissemination.
С. Cirrhosis development.
D. Huge cavity existence.
Е. Caseous necrosis.
48-year-old symptom-free patient presented with several foci of high density in left S2. No tuberculosis
history has been discovered. How could you qualify this case?
А. New case.
В. Relapse.
С. Case of unknown activity.
D. Primary case.
Е. Chronic case.
Patient finished the complete treatment course for new case (subacute disseminated tuberculosis) MBT+
(M+,C+), dis+. No complaints, physical and laboratory abnormalities detected. Chest X-ray revealed
diffuse pneumofibrosis, cavity scarring. Both smear and cultural test are negative. How could you define
the treatment outcome?
А. Completed treatment.
В. Effective treatment.
С. Recovery.
D. Can’t be appreciated.
Е. Doubtful activeness.
43-year-old Indian-born patient presented with pneumonia. Mantoux skin test has been performed. The
papule size is 10 mm. Does it mean the tuberculosis origin of the disease?
А. Yes.
В. No.
С. Depends of pneumonia localization.
D. Depends on tuberculosis history.
Е. Depends on pneumonia clinical course.
40-year-old patient presented with cough excreting mucoid and purulent sputum, shortness of breathing,
malaise. Has been ill for a month. 7 year ago suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis, received some
treatment, but after finishing underwent no examination. .On clinical examination cirrhotic tuberculosis
has been suspected. What is pathomorphological basis for this clinical type?
А. Normal lung tissue substituting by the connective tissue with functional degradation and
accompanying disintegration.
В. Advanced connective tissue development.
С. Chronic decay.
D. Normal lung tissue substituting by the connective tissue with functional degradation.
Е. Chronic pulmonary dystrophy.
48-year-old patient presented with thick-wall cavity on the right lung apex. Has been suffering from
tuberculosis since the age of 25. Received two treatment courses 5 and 8 year ago. How could you
qualify this case?
А. New case.
В. Relapse.
С. Case of unknown activity.
D. Primary case.
Е. Chronic case.
42-year-old asymptomatic patient presented with right upper lobe opacity and reducing. Hasn’t
undergone X-ray for long time. Suspicion for cirrhotic tuberculosis and atelectasis appeared. Which
additional examination is the most advisable in order to distinguish these conditions?
25-year-old football player presented with sever dyspnea on exertion. Has been feeling unwell for 3
months. On examination: auscultation detected scattered crackling rales. Blood test detected no
abnormalities. On chest X-ray: diffuse interstitial enrichment. Lung fields are looked as through old glass.
What’s the most likely diagnosis?
В. Disseminated carcinoma.
С. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
Е. Community acquired pneumonia.
30-year-old patient was directed for differential diagnosis between cirrhotic tuberculosis and encysted
pleurisy. Which diagnostic mean is the most acceptable?
А. Complains, case history and physical data analysis.
В. Chest X-ray.
С. CT-scanning.
D. Thoracocentesis.
Е. Bronchoscopy.
45-year-old patient fell is suddenly after super cooling. T 38.7°С. Complains of cough excreting sputum
with the stinking odor. Auscultation revealed heterogeneous bubbling rales all over the right lung. CBC:
WBC – 16.0·109 /L, eosinophil -5%, band neutrophil -12%, segmented neutrophil -54%, lymphocyte-
25%, monocyte -4%, ESR - 5 mm/hour. Chest X-ray showed 3 cm opacity of low density in the right
lung S3; with the lucency inside. Which diagnosis is the most likely?
23-year-old coal miner presented with chest pain, fever up to 38ºС. Fell ill a month before. Later
shortness of breathing, hoarseness and cough with mucous sputum appeared. Chest X-ray showed
multiple foci of moderate density in both upper lung zones fusing each other. In subclavicular area
symmetric thin-walls cavities of 2 cm in diameter appear. What’s your presumptional diagnosis?
А. Pneumoconiosis.
В. Disseminated tuberculosis.
С. Sarcoidosis.
D. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
Е. Community acquired pneumonia.
22-year-old patient presented with cough, “rusty” sputum expectoration, episodes of clouded
consciousness, fever up to 40.1°С, muscle pain. Fell ill suddenly. On examination: RR 36/m, dull
percussion sound and crackling rales in the right subclavicle area. CBC: WBC – 17.8×109 /L, eosinophil
-3%, band neutrophil - 16%, segmented neutrophil -52%, lymphocyte-10%, monocyte -7%, ESR - 39
mm/hour. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Acute bronchitis.
В. Pulmonary tuberculosis.
С. Bronchoectasis.
D. Influenza.
Е. Community acquired pneumonia.
27-year-old HIV-positive patient complains of severe headache with photophobia, diplopia, weakness,
irritability, fever up to 38.1°С. Got ill insidiously. At the moment presented on the 10th day of the disease.
On examination: confused consciousness, neck stiffness, face asymmetry. CSF test: fluid is slightly
opaque, protein 2.4 g/l, fibrin film appeared in 24 hours, pleocytosis 300/mm3 mostly of lymphocyte type,
glucose 1.3 mmol/l. Glycemia 5.4 mmol/l. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Staphylococcus meningitis.
В. Tubercle meningitis.
С. Herpes meningitis.
D. Syphilitic meningitis.
Е. Meningococcus meningitis.
19-year-old patient presented with high fever up to 39°C, dyspnea, dry cough. He just has finished the
treatment course for leukemia. On examination: acrocyanosis, liver and spleen are moderately enlarged.
Lung percussion detected boom-box sound, auscultation revealed no abnormalities. CBC: WBC –
12.2×109/L, eosinophil -1%, band neutrophil - 10%, segmented neutrophil - 67%, lymphocyte-12%,
monocyte -10%, ESR - 45 mm/hour. No sputum expectorated. Mantoux skin test is negative. Chest X-ray
shows diffuse multiple 1-2 mm foci. In the right hilum the calcified focus is detected. What’s the most
likely diagnosis?
27-year-old HIV-negative patient complains of submandibular and superclavicular lymph nodes
enlargement, profuse night sweating, fever up to 38°C. Chest X-ray showed bilateral symmetrical upper
mediastinum widening. On histological examination of superclavicular lymph node specimen Sternberg
cells were found. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Hodgkin’s disease.
В. Nonspecific lymphadenopathy.
С. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
D. Tubercle bronchodenitis.
Е. Peripheral lymph nodes tuberculosis.
55-year-old wine-grower presented with cough, night sweating, weight loss of 10 kg, fever up to 37.5°C,
dyspnea. Has been feeling unwell for 3 months. On examination: auscultation detected polymorphic rales
over lower zones, percussion - dull sound over that area. CBC: Hb - 100 g/L, WBC – 5.2×10 9/L,
eosinophil -3%, band neutrophil - 8%, segmented neutrophil -71%, lymphocyte-17%, monocyte -1%,
ESR - 70 mm/hour. On chest X-ray: throughout lung tissue but especially closer to diaphragm fusing foci
of different size, with low density are found. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
23-year-old female fell ill 2 days ago after supercooling. Complains of cough with “rusty” sputum, fever
up to 39.0°C, muscle and joint pain, severe weakness, shortness of breathing. On examination: face
hyperemia, RR 34/min, P 80/min, BP 110/60, dull percussion sound and moisture rales in interscapular
space. CBC: Hb - 120 g/L WBC – 19.2×109/L, eosinophil -3%, band neutrophil - 13%, segmented
neutrophil -65%, lymphocyte-19%, monocyte -0%, ESR - 50 mm/hour. Chest X-ray detected
homogenous left lower lobe opacity of moderate density with hazy borders. What’s the most likely
А. Pneumoconiosis.
В. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
С. Community acquired pneumonia.
D. Disseminated tuberculosis.
Е. Pulmonary embolism.
40-year-old patient suffering from chronic pulmonary tuberculosis presented with abdominal pain, edema
on extremities and face. Past medical history: has been having active tuberculosis within 6 year, finished
3 treatment courses with temporary effect. On examination: thorax is barrel-like, skin is pale and wet, T
37.2°С. Dull percussion sound and bronchial breathing over right upper zone are found. Lower
extremities pasty edema is evident up to knee joints; liver is 3 cm lower the costal margin. Chest X-ray
detected thick-wall 4 cm cavity occupying reduced right upper lobe; interlobal fissure is accented.
Comparison with last year X-ray detected no progression. CBC: Hb - 100 g/L, WBC – 9.2·109 /L,
eosinophil-2%, band neutrophil-6%, segmented neutrophil-51%, lymphocyte-32%, monocyte -9%, ESR -
40 mm/hour. Urynalisis: density 1055, L – 40-50/field of view, protein – 0.45g/L. Biochemical tests
detected decreased albumin (25 g/L) and elevated serum creatinine level (159μmol/l). Intravenous
urography detected blocked right kidney. Which condition is the most likely?
А. Kidney tuberculosis.
В. Decompensated heart failure.
С. Pulmonary embolism.
D. Chronic glomerulonephritis.
Е. Amyloidosis.
37-year-old coal miner with 5-year professional seniority complains of cough with moderate quantity of
sputum, increasing dyspnea. Has been feeling unwell for 2 month. CBC: Hb – 120 g/L, WBC –
11.2·109 /L, eosinophil-0%, band neutrophil-9%, segmented neutrophil-65%, lymphocyte-14%, monocyte
-12%, ESR - 25 mm/hour. Chest X-ray showed multiple fusing foci of moderate density in both upper
lung zones. In subclavian area symmetric thin-walls cavities 2 cm in diameter appear. What’s the most
likely diagnosis?
16-year-old patient has been complaining of pain in the left hip joint, malaise, sweating for 1.5 year. On
examination: inner rotation in the affected joint limitation, left leg shortening, muscles atrophy. Blood
and urine tests showed no remarkable changes. Mantoux skin test 5mm, Mantoux test conversion 5 year
ago. X-ray of left hip joint showed advanced osteoporosis, femoral bone head and pelvic bone
destruction, joint space dilatation. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Arthrosis deformans.
В. Osteohondritis deformans juvenilis of hip.
С. Podagric artritis.
D. Gonorrheal arthritis.
Е Tuberculosis of the hip joint.
37-year-old symptom-free driver presented with several foci of low density and hazy borders in the left
lung that were detected on ordinal X-ray examination. Past medical history: 40-pack-year history of
cigarette smoking, allergy on honey, an episode of flu 3 weeks before. Objective examination, routine
blood, urine and sputum ZN-tests showed no remarkable changes. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Eosinophilic pneumonia.
В. Community acquired pneumonia.
С. Self-cured tuberculosis.
D. Focal tuberculosis.
Е. Disseminated tuberculosis.
26-year-old smoker presented with chest pain, scanty hemoptisis, weakness, cough with mucoid sputum,
appetite loss, T 37.8°С. Suffers from allergic rhinitis. Has been feeling unwell for a month. Chest X-ray
shows cloudy nonhomogenic opacity with moderate density and indistinct borders in the right upper zone.
What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Benign tumor.
В. Lung cancer.
С. Community acquired pneumonia.
D. Eosinophilic pneumonia.
Е. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
19-year-old female, who had recovered from infiltrative tuberculosis a year ago is presented with severe
pain in loin area, fever up to 38.5°С, frequent painful urination that appeared 5 days ago after
supercooling (mountain hiking). On examination: skin is pale and wet, RR22/min, P100/min, BP 130/70.
Both kidneys are easily palpable and tender. CBC: Hb 120 g/L, WBC – 19.5×109/L, eosinophil -2%, band
neutrophil - 13%, segmented neutrophil - 70%, lymphocyte-14%, monocyte - 0%, ESR - 50 mm/hour.
Urinalysis: Leucocyte – total field of view, erythrocyte – 10-20/field of view, density 1018. What’s the
most likely diagnosis?
А. Pyelonephritis.
В. Urhetritis.
С. Kidney tuberculosis.
D. Renal colic.
Е. Cystitis.
Patient is presented with the new case (fibrous cavernous tuberculosis of the left lung, MBT+). To which
category this case belongs?
А. I
Е. V
37-year-old alcohol abuser presented with 5 year history of tuberculosis. Previously defaulted treatment
several times. At the moment lung cavity exists. ZN-staining showed positive result. According to which
category treatment regimen has to be designed in this case?
А. I.
В. II.
D. IV.
Е. V.
41-year-old patient presented with fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis. 8 year before has been treated for
infiltrative tuberculosis. After that defaulted medical check-up. Worsening took place 6 months ago:
fever, dyspnea, appetite loss and cough appeared. Didn’t recourse to the doctor. After bringing to the
emergency department with severe hemoptysis the diagnosis mentioned above has been established.
According to which category treatment regimen has to be designed in this case?
А. I.
В. II.
D. IV.
Е. V.
39-year-old patient presented with new case of fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis with limited lung lesion,
MBT+ (M+C+) resist 0. On chest X-ray the 5 cm thick-walls cavity in the right lung S1-2 surrounded by
fibrotic area and 0.5-1.5 cm satellite shadows detected. What’s the predictable recovery after
conventional treatment probability?
А. 65-75%.
В. 50%.
С. 15-30%.
D. 1-5%.
Е. Over 80%.
Patient is presented with 3-year history of fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis. Received several treatment
courses according to I, II and IV category. At the moment finished palliative treatment course and feels
better. Which is the most optimistic forecast for conventional treatment results?
42-year-old patient is been suffering from fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis for 2 year. Completed several
courses of antibacterial treatment. At the moment no complaints are present. Smear ZN and cultural test
showed positive results. Resistance to isoniazid, rifampicin, etambutol and ethionamide is detected. Chest
X-ray detected 3 cm thick-wall cavity in the reduced left upper lobe. On the rest lung field no focal or
infiltrative shadows detected. Which further treatment method is the most advisable?
А. Artificial pneumathorax.
В. Thoracoplactics.
С. Left upper lobe resection.
D. Artificial pneumaperithoneum.
Е. Cavernotomia.
Specimen of lung tissue affected by fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis is being analyzed. Which feature
ISN’T expected?
А. Lymphoid infiltration.
В. Caseous material.
С. Three-layer cavity wall.
D. Polymorphic foci.
Е. Fibrotic area.
60-year-old patient suffering from insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus presented with disseminated
tuberculosis new case, dis+, МBТ+, М+, C+, resist.+ (S), finished full treatment course. Cavities are still
present in both lungs, and sputum ZN-staining is positive. Which is the most probable reason of treatment
А. Drug resistance.
В. Age.
С. Diabetes mellitus.
D. Low drug tolerance.
Е. Individual peculiarities.
50-year-old patient suffering from chronic pulmonary tuberculosis presented with abdominal pain,
extremities and face edema. Past medical history: has been having active tuberculosis within 6 year,
finished 3 treatment courses with temporary effect. On examination: thorax is barrel-like, skin is pale and
wet, T 37.2°С. Dull percussion sound and bronchial breathing over right upper zone is found. Lower
extremities pasty edema is evident up to knee joints, liver is 3 cm lower the costal margin. Chest X-ray
detected thick-wall 4 cm cavity occupying reduced right upper lobe, interlobal fissure is accented.
Comparison with last year X-ray detected no progression. CBC: Hb - 100 g/L, WBC – 9.2·109 /L,
eosinophil-2%, band neutrophil-6%, segmented neutrophil-51%, lymphocyte-32%, monocyte -9%, ESR -
40 mm/hour. Urynalisis: density 1005, L – 2-10/field of view, protein – 33,9g/L, cylinders – hyalinіc and
granular –10/field of view. Biochemical tests detected decreased albumin (25 g/L) and elevated serum
creatinine level (159mmol/l). Intravenous urography detected no remarkable changes. Which condition is
the most likely?
38-year-old patient complains of malaise, weight loss, productive cough with mucoid sputum, incidental
blood streaks appearance, T 37.5-38.0°С. On examination: dull percussion sound and breathing weakening in
the left intercostal space. Over subscapular zone moisture rales are heard. On the chest X-ray: in the left upper
lobe 3.5 cm opacity of the moderate density with the hazy borders and 1.5×1.2 cm lucency inside
surrounded by satellite foci is detected. Tuberculosis is suspected. Which data are lacking for full
diagnosis formulation?
А. RBC – 3.6 ×1012 /L, Hb - 130 g/L, WBC – 6.2·109 /L, eosinophil -5%, band neutrophil -5%, segmented
neutrophil -61%, lymphocyte-25%, monocyte -4%, ESR - 10 mm/hour
В. RBC – 4.0 ×1012 /L, Hb - 140 g/L, WBC – 12.0·109 /L, eosinophil -3%, band neutrophil -7%,
segmented neutrophil -71%, lymphocyte-16%, monocyte -3%, ESR - 25 mm/hour.
С. RBC – 2.8 ×1012 /L, Hb - 100 g/L, WBC – 9.0·109 /L, eosinophil -10%, band neutrophil -10%,
segmented neutrophil -58%, lymphocyte-12%, monocyte -10%, ESR - 35 mm/hour.
D. RBC – 3.9×1012 /L, Hb - 90 g/L, WBC – 15.0·10 9 /L, eosinophil -0%, band neutrophil -12%,
segmented neutrophil -54%, lymphocyte-30%, monocyte -4%, ESR - 18 mm/hour.
Е. RBC – 5.3×1012 /L, Hb - 130 g/L, WBC – 20.0·109 /L, eosinophil -8%, band neutrophil -16%,
segmented neutrophil -52%, lymphocyte-8%, monocyte -6%, ESR - 50 mm/hour.
36-year-old patient has been suffering from tuberculosis within 6 year. 4 year before the fibrous-
cavernous tuberculosis has been established. What’s the most expected radiological feature?
29-year-old patient presented with infiltrative tuberculosis. Has been ill for a year. No chest X-ray for
previous 10 year. After 16-month ineffective treatment transformation into fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis
took place. Which character of the bacteria expectoration is the most typical for such case?
А. Recurring spare.
В. Constant massive.
С. Recurring massive.
D. Constant spare.
Е. No bacteria expectoration.
60-year-old smoker complains of dry cough, weight loss, hemoptysis, pain in the right humerus joint. On
chest X-ray the 4 cm cavity with irregular knobby borders has been found in the right apex. Lung cancer
and pulmonary tuberculosis are suspected. Which examination must be firstly performed to distinguish
the diseases?
А. CT-scanning.
В. Blood test.
С. Sputum ZN-staining.
D. Sputum Gram staining.
Е. PCR test for MBT.
HIV-positive patient from tuberculosis hotbed presented with cervical lymphadenitis. The doctor
administered blood BACTEC test. In which case such analysis could be indicated?
Choose the specific comparison for chronic disseminated tuberculosis radiological finding.
А. „Starry sky”.
В. „Chimney stalk”.
С. “Coin appearance”.
D. „Falling snow”.
Е. „Weeping willow”.
40-year-old patient presented with cirrhotic tuberculosis involving left upper lobe. 6 year before has been
treated for fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis. After treatment left upper lobe cirrhosis established. 2 year
after tuberculosis of the hip joint had been established. Finished complete treatment course. Worsening
took place a month ago: fever and cough appeared. ZN-staining showed positive result. According to
which category treatment regimen is to be designed in this case?
А. I.
В. II.
D. IV.
Е. V.
31-year-old patient complains of weakness, fatigue, decreased workability, shortness of breathing on
exertion, dry cough. Is being ill for a year. Condition insidiously aggravated. Hasn’t undergone screening
X-ray for 6 year. On examination: weight deficiency about 15 kg, P 90/m, RR 24/m, bronchial breathing
over left upper lobe and dull percussion sound upon that area. On chest X-ray: thick-walls cavity of 3 cm
in the diminished left upper lobe, surrounded by polymorphic satellite foci, upper midiastinum is shifted
to the left. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis is suspected. Which diseases should be excluded by differential
А. Cyst.
В. Lung cancer.
С. Lung abscess.
D. Limited spontaneous pneumathorax.
Е. All of the above.
52-year-old male discharged from imprisonment underwent screening X-ray examination and sputum
test. Chest X-ray detected thick-wall giant cavity of irregular shape in the destroyed left upper lobe,
numerous scattered, somewhere fusing foci of low density in both lungs. Sputum ZN-staining showed
positive result. Which conclusion should be done?
А. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
В. Disseminated tuberculosis.
С. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
D. Tuberculosis residuals.
Е. Needs for further clinical investigation.
Specimen of lung tissue affected by fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis is been analyzing. One of the
slides is described the following way: its wide area, generated by granulations, containing lymphocytes,
giant epithelioid and Lanhance cells, lymphatic and blood vessels. Which part of specimen is it?
52-year-old patient presented with the coniotuberculosis. Which I-line drug is advisable to be excluded
from the treatment regimen?
А Isoniazid.
В. Rifampicin.
С. Pyrazinamide.
D. Streptomycin.
Е. Ethambutolum.
60-year-old patient suffering from antracosilicosis presented with dyspnea, chest pain, dizziness,
subfebrile fever for 3 month, abdominal pain. Which sign is the most susceptible for tuberculosis?
А. Dyspnea.
В. Chest pain.
С. Abdominal pain.
D. Dizziness.
Е. Fever.
55-year-old coal miner is a known case of antracosilicosis. Regular examination detected pulmonary
tuberculosis. Which data more likely suggest such conclusion?
А. Dyspnea aggravation.
В. New nodules on chest X-ray appearance.
С. Dry cough.
D. Headache.
Е. Fever, weight loss.
53-year-old patient presented with coniotuberculosis. At the moment dyspnea is the only complaint. On
examination: T 36.9°С, diffuse rales all over lung fields. Otherwise no abnormality detected. Which
hemogram is the most expected?
А. Hb - 130 g/L, WBC – 6.2·109 /L, eosinophil -5%, band neutrophil -5%, segmented neutrophil -61%,
lymphocyte-25%, monocyte -4%, ESR - 10 mm/hour.
В. Hb - 100 g/L, WBC – 20.0·109 /L, eosinophil - 0%, band neutrophil -12%, segmented neutrophil
-75%, lymphocyte-10%, monocyte -3%, ESR - 60 mm/hour.
С. Hb - 140 g/L, WBC – 12.0·109 /L, eosinophil -3%, band neutrophil -7%, segmented neutrophil -71%,
lymphocyte-16%, monocyte -3%, ESR - 25 mm/hour.
D. Hb - 90 g/L, WBC – 15.0·109 /L, eosinophil -0%, band neutrophil -12%, segmented neutrophil -54%,
lymphocyte-30%, monocyte -4%, ESR - 18 mm/hour.
Е. Hb - 130 g/L, WBC – 10.0·109 /L, eosinophil -8%, band neutrophil -16%, segmented neutrophil -62%,
lymphocyte-8%, monocyte -6%, ESR - 50 mm/hour.
49-year-old patient having 19-year miner’s seniority presented with destructive infiltrative pulmonary
tuberculosis. Which degree of bacteria discharging is the most expected?
А. High continual.
В. High intermittent.
С. Moderate continual.
D. Moderate intermittent.
Е. No discharging.
50-year-old coal miner with 30-year professional seniority presented with complains of dyspnea, chest
pain, dry cough, weight loss and subfebrile fever. The suspicion for tuberculosis appeared before any
specific examination started. What is the reason?
36-year-old male presented with productive cough, fever up 38.0°C, right side chest pain, severe
weakness, shortness of breathing. Fell ill a week ago. Past medical history: recovered from right upper
lobe infiltrative tuberculosis 8 year ago. After recovering upper lobe fibrosis developed. On examination:
skin is wet, moisture rales in interscapular space. Chest X-ray detected homogenous opacity in right upper
and middle zone. Comparison with previous films discovered no progression. Sputum ZN-staining
showed negative result in triplicate. What’s the most advisable first course of action in order to
differentiate tuberculosis relapse and pneumonia?
Patient suffering from subacute disseminated tuberculosis is presented with painful ulceration on tongue
surface. Histological examination confirms tuberculosis origin of the lesion. Which way of contamination
is the most probable in this case?
А. Lymphogenous.
В. Hematogenous.
С. Broncogenous.
D. Sputogenous.
Е. Lymphohematogenous.
32-year-old symptom-free IT-specialist recovered from infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis 3 year ago
presented after preemloyment X-ray examination, which detected two high density shadows up to 2 cm
with distinct borders on the right apex. Physical examination, blood, urine, sputum tests detected no
abnormality. Could professional activity be allowed to this patient?
А. No.
В. Yes, after retreatment course.
С. Yes, if Mantoux skin test is negative.
D. Yes, without any prerequisites.
Е. Yes, but annual clinical examination including chest X-ray should be required.
65-year-old pensioner with 40-year miner seniority has been suffering from pneumoconiosis for 15 year.
At the moment is presented with pulmonary infiltrative tuberculosis. Which finding is the most expected?
А. Hilar calcification.
В. Pleural thickening.
С. Scanty bacterial expectoration.
D. Pneumofibrosis.
Е. All of the above.
58-year-old coal miner has been suffering from coniotuberculosis for 2 year. Which clinical type of the
disease is impossible in these circumstances?
А. Focal.
В Infiltrative.
С. Miliary.
D. Tuberculoma.
Е. Fibrous-cavernous.
60-year-old patient presented with dyspnea, chest pain, dizziness, appetite loss, subfebrile fever, dry
cough. Has been unwell for 1 month. On examination: skin is pale, dull percussion sound and weakened
breathing over both lungs lower lobes. On chest X-ray: symmetric bilateral dissemination, affecting
mostly lower lobes. Foci of different size, moderate density, hazy borders, somewhere fusing. CBC: Hb -
90 g/L, WBC – 3.9×109 /L, eosinophil -3%, band neutrophil -4%, segmented neutrophil -67%,
lymphocyte-18%, monocyte -8%, ESR - 62 mm/hour. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Disseminated tuberculosis.
В. Community acquired pneumonia.
С. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
D. Diffuse lung tissue fibrosis.
Е. Disseminated lung cancer.
50-year-old patient suffering from antracosilicosis presented with fever, cough, chest pain. Two year ago
has been treated for focal tuberculosis. On examination: dull percussion sound and breathing weakening
in the left intercostal space. Over subscapular zone moisture rales are heard. CBC: Hb - 125 g/L, WBC –
14.0×109 /L, eosinophil -3%, band neutrophil - 17%, segmented neutrophil -65%, lymphocyte-20%,
monocyte -5%, ESR - 38 mm/hour. In sputum - L. 20-30/field of view, ZN-staining is negative. Chest X-
ray showed 6×8cm opacity of moderate density, hazy borders, nonhomogenous, with 3×2,5 lucency
inside. The differential diagnosis between pneumonia and tuberculosis relapse is necessary. Choose the
most advisable approach.
А. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
В. Disseminated tuberculosis.
С. Community acquired pneumonia.
D. Exudative pleurisy.
Е. Fibrinous pleurisy.
42-year-old patient presented with stabbing chest pain appeared on exertion. On examination: normal
percussion and auscultation sounds were found, pain aggravates on pressing upon intercostal spaces.
CBC: WBC – 6.9×109 /L, eosinophil -3%, band neutrophil - 5%, segmented neutrophil -65%,
lymphocyte-23%, monocyte -7%, ESR - 2 mm/hour. Chest X-ray detected no abnormality. What’s the
most likely diagnosis?
38-year-old patient fell ill suddenly. Chest pain in left side, cough, fever up to 38°C appeared. Pain is
increasing on cough, lying position on right side and deep breathing. On examination dull percussion
sound and crackling rales on weakened breathing background over left hemithorax are found. CBC: Hb -
120 g/L, WBC – 18.2·109 /L, eosinophil-0%, band neutrophil-15%, segmented neutrophil-55%,
lymphocyte-20%, monocyte-10%, ESR - 65 mm/hour. Chest X- ray detected homogenous opacity of
moderate density in left lower zone: costodiaphragmal sinus is not visible. What’s the most likely
68-year-old male with deep vein thrombosis in anamnesis presented with moderate right side chest pain,
dyspnea and hemoptysis. Symptoms appeared suddenly 3 hours ago. On examination: diffuse cyanosis,
dyspnea at rest, RR 32/min, P 100/min, BP 100/60, crackling rales in right middle and lower zone. Blood
test showed no remarkable changes. On chest X-ray in AP and lateral view in reduced right middle lobe
intensive triangular opacity appears, costo-diaphragmal angle is unclear. What’s the most likely
А. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
В. Community acquired pneumonia.
С. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
D. Lung cancer.
Е. Pulmonary embolism.
84-year-old patient of nursing home exposed by TB contact is presented with headache, fever up to 38°С,
dry cough, dyspnea. Is being ill for 2 weeks, condition has aggravated insidiously. On examination:
condition is grave, diffuse cyanosis is present. All over lung fields tympanic percussion sound is detected.
Auscultation revealed no rales. CBC: Hb - 100 g/L, WBC – 11.2·109 /L, eosinophil-0%, band neutrophil-
9%, segmented neutrophil-65%, lymphocyte-14%, monocyte -12%, ESR - 35 mm/hour. Mantoux skin
test is negative. Chest X-ray shows diffuse multiple separate foci with hazy borders throughout lung
tissue, inclusions of high density in both hilar zones. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Focal tuberculosis.
В. Miliary tuberculosis.
С. Lung cancer.
D. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Е. Community acquired pneumonia.
26-year-old female presented with chest pain, dry cough, shortness of breathing, and fever up to 38° С.
On examination: percussion and auscultation revealed respectively dullness and absence of breathing over
left hemithorax area. Chest X-ray showed left side opacity up to the III rib with the upper oblique border.
Mantoux skin test – 18 mm papule. Which reason of pleurisy is the most probable?
А. Collagenosis.
В. Lung cancer.
С. Community acquired pneumonia.
D. Tuberculosis.
Е. Pleural mesothelioma.
40-year-old male with unremarkable past medical history presented with right side pleurisy. CBC: Hb -
130 g/L, WBC – 18.2×109/L, eosinophil -2%, band neutrophil - 15%, segmented neutrophil -65%,
lymphocyte-17%, monocyte -1%, ESR - 60 mm/hour. Pleural fluid test: turbid, neutrophiles are
predominant leukocyte type (80%). Chest X-ray, which was performed immediately after exudate
removing detected low density homogenous opacity with hazy borders in right lower lung zone. Which
pleurisy cause is the most likely?
А. Lung cancer.
В. Tuberculosis.
С. Non-specific pneumonia.
D. Pancreatitis.
Е. Pleural mesothelioma.
45-year-old worker of asbestos factory with 25 years of seniority presented with moderate constant chest
pain especially at night, aggravating shortness of breathing, dry cough, weakness, decrease of appetite,
weight loss. Has been feeling unwell for 6 month. On examination: T 36.6°C, right thoracic side is behind
of breathing, dull percussion sound lower right scapula angle, breathing isn’t heard in this area. CBC: Hb
- 90 g/L, WBC – 7.5×109 /L, eosinophil – 2%, band neutrophil - 5%, segmented neutrophil - 70%,
lymphocyte-15%, monocyte -8%, ESR - 64 mm/hour. Chest X-ray showed left side opacity up to the III
rib with the upper oblique border. Pleural fluid is opaque, bloody, density - 1030, protein – 36 g/l, cell
amount – 2×109/l, neutrophil -60 %, atypical cells are found. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Pleural mesothelioma.
В. Lung cancer.
С. Community acquired pneumonia.
D. Collagenosis.
Е. Tuberculosis pleurisy.
66-year-old patient recovered from myocardial infarction 2 year ago presented with legs edema, ascitis,
dyspnea. On examination: acrocianosis, RR 30/min, dull percussion sound below both scapulas. Chest X-
ray showed bilateral opacities up to the III rib with the upper oblique borders. Pleural fluid is opaque,
yellow, density - 1010, protein – 15 g/l, cell amount – 0.8×109/l. CBC: Hb - 100 g/L, WBC – 5,2×109 /L,
eosinophil -1%, band neutrophil -2%, segmented neutrophil -70%, lymphocyte-22%, monocyte -3%, ESR
- 12 mm/hour. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Paracancroid pleurisy.
В. Cardiogenic hydrothorax.
С. Parapneumonic pleurisy.
D. Tubercle pleurisy.
Е. Pulmonary embolism.
Patient discharges mycobacteria resistant to isoniazid, rifampicin, ciprofloxacin and amikacin. How could
you qualify this resistance profile?
А. Simple resistance.
В. Monoresistance.
D. Usual resistance.
35-year-old female complains of constant severe headache, high fever, frequent (up to 3 times a day)
vomiting, bringing no relief. Has been ill for 3 weeks. The disease started insidiously from slight
headache, subfebrile temperature. On examination: neck stiffness, upper Brudzinsky symptom, divergent
strabismus, ptosis detected. Chest X-ray detected thick-walls cavity in the left upper lobe. Sputum ZN-
staining showed the positive result. CSF test: fluid is transparent, protein 2.0 g/l, pleocytosis 400/mm3
mostly of lymphocyte type, glucose 0.6 mmol/l. Glycemia 3.8 mmol/l. Choose the most correct diagnosis
А.Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
В. Disseminated tuberculosis.
С. Tubercle meningitis.
D. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
Е. Generalized tuberculosis.
3-year-old child admitted to emergency department complains of severe headache, sore throat. Has been
ill for 6 hours. On examination: fever up to 40°C, clouded consciousness, neck stiffness, Kernig’s and
Brudzinsky’s signs, on femoral surfaces hemorrhagic interfluent rash. Chest X-ray detected no
abnormalities. CSF test: fluid is turbid, protein 15.0 g/l, pleocytosis 1500/mm3 mostly of neutrophilic
type, glucose 1.6 mmol/l. Glycemia 4.8 mmol/l. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Meningococcal meningitis.
В. Tubercle meningitis.
С. Secondary purulent (staphylococal) meningitis.
D. Herpetic meningitis.
Е. Meningism.
19-year-old patient has been treated for sinusitis for 5 days. Complains of headache, vomiting, fever up to
40°C. At childhood suffered from primary tuberculosis. On examination neck stiffness, Kernig’s,
Brudzinsky symptoms detected. CBC: Hb - 130 g/L, WBC – 19.5·10 9/L, eosinophil-1%, band neutrophil-
17%, segmented neutrophil-54%, lymphocyte-20%, monocyte-8%, ESR - 45 mm/hour. Glycemia 5.5
mmol/L. CSF test: fluid is turbid, protein 7.4 g/l, pleocytosis 3000/mm3 mostly of neutrophilic type,
glucose 1.3 mmol/L. Chest X-ray detected several calcifications in the right hilum. What’s the most likely
А. Herpes meningitis.
В. Meningococcus meningitis.
С. Secondary purulent meningitis.
D. Syphilitic meningitis.
Е. Tubercle meningitis.
26-year-old female was admitted to emergency department in a grave condition. Has been ill for a week.
Complains of fever up to 39°С, appetite and weight loss, weakness, headache. On examination: Herpes
labialis, mental confusion, moderate neck stiffness, Kernig and Brudzinsky signs has been detected. Chest
X-ray detected no abnormalities. CBC: Hb – 130 g/L, WBC – 11.0×109 /L, eosinophil - 1%, band
neutrophil - 15%, segmented neutrophil - 56%, lymphocyte- 20%, monocyte - 8%, ESR - 30 mm/hour.
Sputum ZN-staining detected no AFB. CSF test: fluid is transparent, protein 0.25 g/l, pleocytosis up to
200/mm3, glucose 3.6 mmol/L. Glykemia 5.5 mmol/L. Which principle of meningeal syndrome is the
most likely?
А. Tuberculosis.
В. Menigococcal.
С. Typhoid.
D. Herpes.
Е. Intoxication due to pneumonia.
28-year-old male presented with suspicion for community acquires pneumonia in a grave condition. Is
being ill for a week. Complains of dyspnea, fever up to 39°С, appetite and weight loss, weakness,
productive cough with mucoid sputum, headache (for last 3 days). On examination: moderate neck
stiffness is detected. Chest auscultation revealed weakened breathing and some bubbling rales over left
lower zone. Chest X-ray detected 5 cm-sized round homogenous opacity of moderate density, with hazy
borders in left lower zone. CBC: Hb – 130 g/L, WBC – 20.0×109 /L, eosinophil - 1%, band neutrophil -
15%, segmented neutrophil - 56%, lymphocyte- 20%, monocyte - 8%, ESR - 50 mm/hour. Sputum ZN-
staining detected no AFB. CSF test: fluid is transparent, protein 0.25 g/l, pleocytosis up to 10/mm3,
glucose 3.6 mmol/l. Which principle of meningeal syndrome is the most likely?
А. Tuberculosis.
В. Menigococcal.
С. Viral.
D. Typhoid.
Е. Intoxication due to pneumonia.
Patient with tuberculosis meningitis presented with the facial asymmetry, loss of nasolabial fold, mouth
right angle drooping, sail symptom. What pair of cranial nerves is more likely involved?
А. IX.
D. VI.
Patient with tuberculosis meningitis presented with the tongue deviation. Which cranial nerve pair is
more likely involved?
С. IX.
D. VI.
Patient with tuberculosis meningitis presented with the convergent strabismus.Which cranial nerve pair is
more likely involved?
А. IX.
D. VI.
32-year-old patient presented with miliary tuberculosis. On 10th day of illness neck stiffness, Kernig’s,
Brudsinsky symptoms appeared. A bit later left eye fissure enlargement, tongue deviation to the right,
aphonia, disphagia were noticed. Which cranial nerve pair is more likely involved?
А. IX.
D. All of the above.
Е. No listed.
Patient with tuberculosis meningitis presented with the dysarthria, dysphagia. Which cranial nerve pair is
more likely involved?
А. IX.
D. VI.
Specimen of lymph node affected by HIV-associated tuberculosis is analyzing. Which finding is the most
28-year-old patient presented with HIV-associated miliary tuberculosis. Have never taken antiretroviral
therapy. Is been known as HIV-positive for 6 year. CD 4+level at the moment is 200 cell/μL. Choose the
most advisable treatment sequence.
40-year-old patient is undergoing treatment for AIDS of III clinical stage. At the moment the CD 4+ level
is 100 cell/mm3. Chest X-ray detected no abnormalities. Mantoux skin test is negative. Which measure to
prevent tuberculosis is necessary?
А. BCG revaccination.
В. Isoniazid preventive course after antiretroviral therapy finishing.
С. Treatment according to DOTS I category.
D. Treatment according to DOTS II category.
Е. Immediate isoniazid preventive course.
19-year-old IV-drug abuser presented with high fever, shortness of breathing, severe headache, vomiting,
neck stiffness. On examination generalized lymphadenopathy has been detected. Chest X-ray shows
diffuse multiple 1-2 mm foci. Sputum ZN-staining is negative. Mantoux skin test is negative. What’s the
most advisable next course of action?
21-year-old woman at 16th weeks of pregnancy presented with focal tuberculosis new case. Sputum ZN-
staining detected no AFB. Which is the most advisable dealing?
At 35-year-old woman suffering from chronic pulmonary tuberculosis dis+, MBT+ 12 weeks pregnancy
is detected. Sensitivity to antituberculosis drugs is saved. At the moment finished the intensive phase of
treatment course according to IV category. Smear and cultural test detected no mycobacteria, but 2 cm
bean-like cavity in right upper lobe is still present. Otherwise no systemic abnormalities e.g. kidney or
heart failure aren’t detected. Which is the most advisable dealing?
24-year-old female presented in grave condition with miliary tuberculosis. On examination: RR 32/min, P
110/min, BP 80/50, fever of 39.6°C, mental confusion, menigeal syndrome. Chest X-ray shows diffuse
multiple 1-2 mm foci. Gynecological examination detected 6 week pregnancy. What’s the most advisable
further dealing?
17-year-old female complains of constant severe headache, high fever, frequent (up to 3 times a day)
vomiting, bringing no relief. Has been ill for 3 weeks. The disease started insidiously from slight
headache, subfebrile temperature. Two months before sustained criminal abortion, then went to the sea-
beach. Symptoms appeared just after returning. On examination: neck stiffness, upper Brudsinsky
symptom, divergent strabismus, left mouth angle is drooped. CSF test: CSF test: fluid is slightly opaque,
protein 3.0 g/l, fibrin film appeared in 24 hours, pleocytosis 600/mm3 mostly of lymphocyte type, glucose
1.6 mmol/l. Glykemia 4.8 mmol/l. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
А. Staphylococcus meningitis.
В. Tubercle meningitis.
С. Herpes meningitis.
D. Meningococcus meningitis.
Е. Brain chorionepithelioma.
25-year-old woman at fifteen weeks of pregnancy suffers from infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis dis+,
MBT+. Which is the most advisable dealing?
А. Individually designed treatment course for tuberculosis, pregnancy termination after initial phase
В Treatment course for tuberculosis according toI category with half drug dosage, pregnancy saving.
С. Treatment course for tuberculosis according to I category, pregnancy saving.
D. Treatment course for tuberculosis according to I category, pregnancy termination.
Е. Treatment course for tuberculosis according to II category, pregnancy saving.
26-year-old woman suffering from pulmonary infiltrative tuberculosis dis+, MBT+ bore healthy baby.
Which preventive measures for baby are the most advisable?
А. Separation from mother, breastfeeding prohibiting. Preventive isoniazid course for 3 month, then
BCG-vaccination after Mantoux skin test.
В. BCG-vaccination. Breastfeeding prohibiting. Separation from mother isn’t necessary
С. Separation from mother, BCG-vaccination and breastfeeding are prohibited.
D. Separation from mother, BCG-vaccination after Mantoux kin test. Breastfeeding is prohibited.
Е. BCG -vaccination and breastfeeding prohibiting. Separation from mother. Preventive isoniazid
course for 3 month.
26-year-old woman suffering from pulmonary infiltrative tuberculosis dis-, MBT- (M-, C-) parturiated a
healthy baby. Which preventive measures for baby are the most advisable?
29-year-old patient is presented with focal pulmonary tuberculosis. Choose the most appropriate chest X-
ray description.
In the city A. the focal tuberculosis hasn’t been discovered for several year whereas general incidence rate
is high. Which is the most probable reason?
30-year-old man from tuberculosis hotbed with unremarkable past medical history was invited for
additional examination because of 0.5 cm focus in left S1 found on chest X-ray performed because of
family TB contact exposure. Focal tuberculosis is suspected. Which clinical course is the most expected?
А. Insidious aggravating.
В. Asymptomatic.
С. Acute.
D. Subacute.
Е. Wavy.
32-year-old female presented with subfebrile fever, weakness, night sweating, inconstant dry cough.
From past medical history: has been suffering from protracted flu every spring and autumn within last 5
year. Didn’t seek for medical care. Hasn’t undergone screening X-ray for 7 year. Further X-ray
examination detected several polymorphic foci on both lungs apices. Self-cured tuberculosis is suspected.
Which preliminary clinical form was more likely?
А. Focal.
В. Infiltrative.
С. Infiltrative with the decay.
D. Disseminated.
Е. All the above.
42-year-old symptom free male presented with several foci of high density on left apex that were found
on screening chest X-ray. From past medical history: had been exposed by TB family contact 3 year ago.
Two 0.5 mm foci were detected at the same place. Denied further examination. Which of methods is the
most important for disease activity assessment?
32-year-old female presented with subfebrile fever, weakness, night sweating, inconstant dry cough.
From past medical history: had suffered from protracted flu for two month a year ago. Didn’t seek for
medical care. Hasn’t undergone screening X-ray for 7 year. Further X-ray examination detected three 2-4
mm foci of high density on left lung apex. Which was the most likely preliminary clinical form of
А. Infiltrative.
В. Focal.
С. Infiltrative with the decay.
D. Disseminated.
Е. All of the above.
Screening X-ray examination of 26-year-old asymptomatic patient without tuberculosis history detected
several solid foci on the fibrotic area background in the left lung S2. On examination no abnormality
detected. Choose the most advisable further management protocol.
А. Chest CT scanning.
В. Broncoscopy.
С. Open lung biopsy.
D. Follow-up observation.
Е. Test treatment course.
19-year-old patient presented with focal tuberculosis new case. At the moment complains of dry cough,
weakness, subfebrile temperature. ZN-staining and cultural tests detected no MBT. According to which
category treatment regimen has to be designed in this case?
А. I.
В. II.
D. IV.
Е. V.
28-year-old woman in 6 month after delivery presented with fever, cough, night sweating. On
examination left lung focal tuberculosis, dis-, MBT- detected. 8 year ago recovered from pulmonary
tuberculosis. According to which category treatment regimen has to be designed in this case?
А. I.
В. II.
D. IV.
Е. V.
25-year-old patient with focal tuberculosis defaulted treatment. Otherwise no diseases detected. Which is
the most predictable result?
А. Self-curing.
В. Transformation into infiltrative tuberculosis.
С. Transformation into tuberculoma.
D. Transformation into cirrhotic tuberculosis.
Е. Transformation into miliary tuberculosis.
25-year-old patient finished the full treatment course for focal pulmonary tuberculosis. Which residuals
are the most expected?
А. Cirhosis.
В. Fibrosis.
С. Consolidated foci.
D. Complete resolution.
Е. Calcification.
30-year-old symptom-free patient is presented with 2 cm round opacity in the left S2 detected on the
screening chest X-ray. No anamnestic data indicated the risk of TB. What’s the most advisable algorithm
to exclude or confirm tuberculosis in this case?
28-year-old male from tuberculosis hotbed presented with swelling in anterior cervical area. Peripheral
lymphatic nodes tuberculosis is suspected. What’s the most advisable first course of examination?
А. Sputum ZN-staining.
В. Oral cavity smear ZN-staining.
С. Lymphatic node biopsy.
D. Mantoux skin test.
Е. All of the above.
23-year-old male suffering from infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis (new case, dis+) presented with
pulmonary hemorrhage. Which mechanism of bleeding is the most likely?
А. Pulmonary hypertension.
В. Vessel wall remodeling.
С. Vessel wall permeability increasing.
D. Vessel wall involvement into decay area.
Е. All of the above.
38-year-old female without previous TB medical history presented with pleurisy. Thoracoscopy with
biopsy approved tuberculosis of pleura. At the moment: condition is grave, T 39°C, RR 28/min,
P100/min. Chest X-ray performed before thoracoscopy detected fluid in left hemithorax at the level of II
rib. Choose the category to which this case belongs.
А. I.
В. II.
D. IV.
Е. V.
38-year-old HIV-positive patient presented with pleurisy and peripheral lymphatic nodes tuberculosis. No
previous TB history discovered. Choose the category to which this case belongs.
А. II.
С. I.
D. IV.
Е. V.
40-year-old patient presented with left upper lobe infiltrative tuberculosis dis.+, MBT+(M+ C 0) resist 0
Hyst.0. Sustained tuberculosis at childhood. To which category this case belongs?
А. І
Е. V
53-year-old patient finished the treatment course for infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis localized in the
right S6 MBT-, dis-. No complication, treatment side effects, taking drugs irregularity detected. Which
residuals are the most expected?
А. Tuberculoma.
В. Transformation into fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
С. Pneumoirrhosis.
D. Multiple bullas.
Е. Fibrotic area.
36-year-old patient complains of weakness, subfebrile fever, sweating, weight loss for 5 kg. Has been
unwell for 3 months. Recently condition worsened, episodes of slight hemophtysis appeared. On
examination left lung infiltrative tuberculosis, dis+, MBT+ detected. How could you characterize the
disease onset?
А. Asymptomatic.
В. Acute.
С. Typhoid.
D. Meningeal.
Е. Insidious.
28-year-old patient presented with fever, chest pain, cough, night sweating. Fell ill suddenly. Chest X-ray
detected homogenous opacity in the right upper zone. Which disease do you suspect?
40-year-old patient fell ill after supercooling. Fever up to 39°C, cough with mucoid sputum appeared. In
the right upper zone bubbling rales are heard. CBC: WBC – 12.9×109 /L, eosinophil -3%, band neutrophil
- 7%, segmented neutrophil - 65%, lymphocyte - 17%, monocyte - 8%, ESR - 32 mm/hour. ZN-staining
showed positive result. Chest X-ray detected 3 cm opacity in the right lung S2 of moderate density and
irregular shape with hazy borders and lucency inside. The diagnosis of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis
was established. Choose the infiltrate type.
А. Lobitis.
В. Cloud-like.
С. Round.
D. Lobular.
Е. Periscissuritis.
50-year-old patient from tuberculosis hotbed, who is known to suffer from diabetes mellitus complains of
cough with muco-purulent sputum, weakness, appetite loss, fever up to 38.6°C. Has been ill for a week.
On examination: P 122/m, RR 28/m, BP 80/60. Dull percussion sound and crackling rales in right lower
zone. CBC: Hb - 110 g/L, WBC – 11.2·109 /L, eosinophil-3%, band neutrophil-9%, segmented
neutrophil-64%, lymphocyte-19%, monocyte-5%, ESR -25 mm/hour. Sputum ZN-staining is negative.
Chest X- ray detected homogenous opacity of moderate density in right middle zone connected to hilum.
Bronchoscopy revealed purulent right lower lobe endobronchitis. Differential diagnosis between
pneumonia and infiltrative tuberculosis is conducted. What’s the most advisable first course of action?
25-year-old HIV-positive IV-drug abuser presented with bilateral apical lung dissemination. Which mean
ISN’T necessary in the diagnostic algorithm first course?
А. Sputum ZN-staining.
В. Sputum cultural test.
С. Immunogram.
Е. Lung biopsy.
65-year-old chain smoker complains of dry cough, dyspnea, body weight loss, hemoptysis. Has been
unwell for 6 months. On examination: skin is pale and flabby, RR 26/min, P 86/min. Auscultation
detected weakened breathing in right lower zone. On chest X-ray dense opacity in right midlung fusing to
hilum is detected. CBC: Hb – 100 g/L WBC – 9.0×109 /L, eosinophil - 1%, band neutrophil - 10%,
segmented neutrophil - 64%, lymphocyte- 15%, monocyte - 10%, ESR - 50 mm/hour. Sputum ZN-
staining detected no AFB. Lung cancer and pulmonary tuberculosis are suspected. What is the first step of
differential diagnosis?
А. Bronchoscopy.
В. Mantoux test.
С. Sputum test for atypical cells.
D. Open lung biopsy.
65-year-old smoker presented with fever up to 38°С, body weight loss, weakness, productive cough,
hemophtisis. No remarkable history of pulmonary diseases discovered. Previous chest X-ray a year before
was normal. Sputum ZN-staining and consecutive cultural test showed negative result. Chest X-ray
revealed cavity 6 cm in diameter with thick walls on the left apex. The diagnosis of fibrous-cavernous
tuberculosis has been established and treatment course according to I category was administered. After 2
month of treatment there was no amelioration, control X-ray detected the same size and feature of cavity,
left hilum widening. Which reason of treatment failure should be ruled out first of all?
60-year-old patient presented with malaise, subfebrile temperature, weight loss. At the moment any
“thoracic” complaints are absent. Chest X-ray detected nonhomogenic opacity in right S6 connected to the
hilum by “track”. Month before was hospitalized with flu (severe course, which appeared by high fever,
respiratory distress); discharged after condition amelioration but X-ray examination wasn’t perform.
Which disease should be suspected first of all?
Screening X-ray examination of the 18-year-old asymptomatic male with no previous diseases history
detected widening of the right hilum. Choose the possible reason.
А. Tuberculosis.
В. Sarcoidosis.
С. Hodgkin disease.
D. Lymphoma.
Е. All of the above.
Chest X-ray of the patient with tuberculosis showed a lot of foci up to 1 cm in diameter all over lung
tissue but especially in upper zones. Foci are fusing each other. In the left apical area there is a thin-wall
cavity 4 cm in diameter. Which radiological syndrome is described?
А. Dissemination.
В. Subtotal opacity.
С. Focal opacity.
D. Lung pattern enrichment.
Е. Ring-like opacity.
Chest X-ray of 31-year-old patient detected 2.5 cm round homogenous opacity with distinct borders of
moderate density in the left lung S3, surrounded by cirrhotic area. Which radiological syndrome is it?
А. Limited opacity.
В. Focal shadow.
С. Round-like opacity.
D. Total opacity.
Е. Subtotal opacity.
15-year-old girl presented with the suspicion for tubercle bronchadenitis. Which radiological finding
could confirm this suspicion?
А. Structural hilum.
В. Non-homogenous hilum.
С. Cross-sectional size 1.8 cm.
D. Ahistic hilum.
Е. No inclusions.
36-year-old patient presented with subfebrile fever, malaise and cough with mucoid sputum. Has been
feeling unwell for a month. On examination: dull percussion sound and weakened breathing over left
upper lobe. Smear test for AFB showed positive result. CBC: Hb - 130 g/L, WBC – 11.9×109 /L,
eosinophil - 3%, band neutrophil - 8%, segmented neutrophil - 63%, lymphocyte - 18%, monocyte - 8%,
ESR - 32 mm/hour. The diagnosis of TB has been established. Which is the ordinal mean to detect the
certain clinical form of the disease?
Patient suffering from infiltrative tuberculosis, MBT+, lives with his wife and 5-year-old child. No data
about child’s BCG vaccination and cicatrix were found. Thorough examination of the child detected no
active TB signs. Mantoux skin test history: at the age of 1 – papule 8 mm, at the age of 2 – 5 mm, at the
age of 3 – papule 12 mm, at the age of 4 – 13 mm, at the age of 5 – 13 mm. Thorough examination
detected no tuberculosis. Which is the most advisable dealing with the child?
60-year-old patient is presented with lung dissemination syndrome with 1 cm separate foci of high density
affecting mostly lower lobes. Which diagnosis SHOULD BE RULED OUT from the list of differential
А. Lung cancer.
В. Malignancy metastasis.
С. Community acquired pneumonia.
D. Collagenosis.
Е. Disseminated tuberculosis.
Chest X-ray protocol is presented. Spinous processes of the first three thoracic vertebrae are visible, the
medial ends of both clavicles are equidistant from the spinous process of the vertebra between them, five
rib interspaces are seen anteriorly, above the diaphragm, borders of differently dense tissue are distinct,
vessel patterns are seen throughout lung tissue except area 1.5 cm from chest wall and 3 cm from the
apices. Define which technical standard ISN’T met.
А. Degree of inspiration.
В. Exposure.
С. Position.
D. Centralization.
Е. All are met.
Chest X-ray protocol is presented. Spinous processes of the first six thoracic vertebrae are visible, the
medial ends of both clavicles are equidistant from the spinous process of the vertebra between them, six
rib interspaces are seen anteriorly, above the diaphragm, borders of differently dense tissue are distinct,
vessel patterns are seen throughout lung tissue except area 1.5 cm from chest wall and 3 cm from the
apices. Define which technical standard ISN’T met.
А. Degree of inspiration.
В. Centralization.
С. Position.
D. Exposure.
Е. All are met.
Chest X-ray protocol is presented. Spinous processes of the first three thoracic vertebrae are visible, the
medial ends of both clavicles are equidistant from the spinous process of the vertebra between them, six
rib interspaces are seen anteriorly, above the diaphragm, borders of differently dense tissue are distinct,
vessel patterns are seen throughout lung tissue except area 1.5 cm from chest wall and 3 cm from the
apices. Define which technical standard ISN’T met.
А. Degree of inspiration.
В. Centralization.
С. Position.
D. Exposure.
Е. All are met.
25-year-old asymptomatic male presented with round opacity in the left lung S2 detected on the
screening chest X-ray. Which additional examination is the most advisable in order to reveal the reason of
the syndrome?
А. Bronchoscopy.
С. CT-scanning.
D. Lateral view X-ray.
Е. Roentgenoscopy.
Chest X-ray showed massive dense homogenous opacity in the left upper lung lobe. Skelton is deformed:
left hemithorax diminished, intercostal spaces narrowed. Left hilum and diaphragm cupola are elevated.
Mediastinum is shifted to the left. Which disease can these changes be due to?
А. Lung atelectasis.
В. Cirrhotic tuberculosis.
С. Pulmonary cirrhosis.
D. Upper lobe aplasia.
Е. All of the above.
Chest X-ray of 53-year-old patient detected massive dense nonhomogenous opacity occupying total left
upper lobe. Diaphragm cupolas position: right-side – on the level of V rib, left side –1cm above.
Mediastinum is shifted to the left. Which radiological conclusion is the most correct?
А. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
В. Cirrhosis of any etiology.
С. Inflammation of any etiology.
D. Emphysema.
Е. Pulmonary embolism.
23-year-old refugee has not any complains. Which examination is the most advisable in order to rule
tuberculosis out?
23-year-old patient presented with stabbing chest pain, increasing dyspnea. On examination: evident
cyanosis, tympanic percussion sound over left hemithorax where breathing sounds are not found,
mediastinum is shifted to the right. Spontaneous pneumathorax is suspected. Which of radiological
examinations is the most advisable at the moment?
12-year-old child exposed by contact with uncle suffering from tuberculosis presented with papule of
15 mm in diameter with vesicle in Mantoux skin test. On examination: weight deficiency, delayed
physical development and growth, skin is pale, cervical, superclavicular, subclavian, axillar lymph nodes
are enlarged. Otherwise no abnormalities detected. Blood test also detected no abnormalities. On chest X-
ray slight widening and anhistic appearance of right hilum are found. Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph
nodes is suspected. What’s the most advisable further examination?
Chest X-ray protocol of 28-year-old patient is presented. Spinous processes of the first three thoracic
vertebrae are visible, the medial ends of both clavicles are equidistant from the spinous process of the
vertebra between them, six rib interspaces are seen anteriorly, above the diaphragm, borders of differently
dense tissue are distinct, vessel patterns are seen throughout lung tissue including cortical zone. Hilum
cross-sectional size – 2.5 cm. In perihilar area foci like shadows along vessel walls are seen. Define
whether any abnormality is detected.
After chest X-ray analysis of adult patient radiologist suggested the diagnosis of tuberculosis. Which
finding meets such suggestion more likely?
Specimen of lung tissue affected by cirrhotic tuberculosis is being analyzed. No exacerbation has been
taken place within last 5 year. Which feature ISN’T expected?
А. Cavitation.
В. Cirrhotic mass.
С. Caseous material.
D. Polymorphic foci.
Е. Fibrotic area.
Patient known been suffering from tuberculosis is presented with left upper lobe infiltration. Sputum ZN-
staining showed positive result. Lung tissue disintegration is suspected. What is the most advisable way to
check this suspicion?
А. CT-scanning.
В. Bronchocopy.
С. Videothoracoscopy.
D. Lateral view X-ray.
Е. Bronchography.
14-year-old adolescent presented with weakness, fatigue, weight loss, fever. Chest X-ray detected
bilateral lymph hilar nodes enlargement. Which disease is the most probable?
А. Tubercle bronchdenitis.
В. Nonspecific adenopathy.
С. Hodgkin’s disease.
D. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Е. All of the above.
16-year-old adolescent presented with weakness, sweating, weight loss, fever. Chest X-ray revealed
hilum widening, more evident in the anterior mediastinum. Which reason of this phenomena is less
10-year-old girl known having latent tuberculosis since the age of five presented with high fever, profuse
sweating, weight loss. Chest X-ray detected significant bilateral symmetric intrathoracic lymph nodes
enlargement. At the moment Mantoux skin test is negative. Which reason of lymphadenopathy is the least
of all probable?
А. Tuberculosis.
В. Leukemia.
С. Hodgkin disease.
D. Non- Hodgkin lymphoma.
Е. All of the above.
11-year-old boy fell ill suddenly with temperature up to 40°C, profuse sweating, weakness, appetite loss.
On examination: in the right superclavicle area the enlarged up to 4 cm in diameter unmovable lymph
node with knobby contours is found, otherwise no abnormality detected. Chest X-ray revealed upper
mediastinum symmetric widening (“chimney stalk” symptom). Mantoux skin test is negative, previously
has been positive for last 4 year. In CBC: leukocyte rate 16.0×109/L, ESR - 50 mm/hour detected. What’s
the most likely diagnosis?
Several children are presented with different clinical forms of primary tuberculosis. What is the best tool
to distinguish each one?
5-year-old child presented with cough, sweating, and moderate fever. Is been sick for three weeks, but
temperature were normal until the last day. Mantoux skin test showed 13 mm papule, previous results
were negative. Had been exposed by family contact with tuberculosis patient. On examination: skin is
pale, micropolyadenitis, otherwise no abnormalities detected. Chest X-ray detected significant right hilum
widening, border of lung root is hazy. CBC: Hb - 110 g/L, WBC – 12·109 /L, eosinophil-5%, band
neutrophil-7%, segmented neutrophil-50%, lymphocyte-28%, monocyte-10%, ESR -25 mm/hour. Choose
the most likely clinical form of tuberculosis.
7-year-old child presented with fever up to 38.0°C, dry cough. Fell ill suddenly, 5 days ago. Past medical
history: has been exposed by TB contact 6 months before; just after exposure Mantoux skin test showed
papule of 6 mm in diameter, chest X-ray was normal. Didn’t receive preventive treatment course. On
examination: dull percussion sound and weakened breathing in the interscapular area, Mantoux skin test
15 mm. CBC: Hb - 100 g/L, WBC – 9.2·109 /L, eosinophil-0%, band neutrophil-9%, segmented
neutrophil-75%, lymphocyte-4%, monocyte -12%, ESR - 25 mm/hour. Chest X-ray: right hilum cross-
sectional size about 5 cm, lateral contour is convex and distinct. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
3-year-old child presented with cough, whining, irritability, moderate fever. Mantoux skin test showed 18
mm papule, previous results were negative. Had been exposed by family contact with tuberculosis patient.
On examination: skin is pale, micropolyadenitis (five groups of lymphatic nodes are enlarged), dull
percussion sound and weakened breathing over right upper zone. Chest X-ray detected significant right
hilum widening, right upper lobe is opaque and reduced. Right diaphragm cupola located at the level of
IV rib. CBC: Hb - 110 g/L, WBC – 12·109 /L, eosinophil-5%, band neutrophil-7%, segmented neutrophil-
54%, lymphocyte-24%, monocyte-10%, ESR -25 mm/hour. Tumorous type of lymph node tuberculosis
established. Choose the most likely disease complication.
А. Caseous pneumonia.
В. Right upper lobe atelectasis.
С. Apical pleurisy.
D. Community acquired pneumonia.
Е. Pulmonary embolism.
The 4-day healthy newborn presented for decision concerning to BCG vaccination. Previous child in this
family died of generalized post-BCG-disease. Which of the decisions is correct?
А. Vaccination is indicated.
В. Vaccination should be delayed until age of 7 year if Mantoux test is negative at that moment.
С. Vaccination should be delayed until age of 3 month if Mantoux test is negative at that moment.
D. Decision concern vaccination should be taken after isoniazid preventive course.
Е. Vaccination is contraindicated.
5-year-old child had been presented after mass Mantoux test, which showed 7 mm papule with vesicle.
Previous year results: at the age of 1 – 7 mm, at the age of 2 – 5 mm, at the age of 3 – hyperemia only, at
the age of 4 – negative. On objective examination micropolyadenia, subfebrile fever are detected. Chest
X-ray detected no abnormalities. The diagnosis of pre-local tuberculosis had been established and
treatment course according to III category has been started. Patient received complete treatment course.
After a year control X-ray detected several inclusions of high density in both hilar zones. The diagnosis
retrospectively was changed into mild bronchodenitis. How could such phenomenon be explained?
А. Lymphatic nodes less than 0.5 mm are not visible before consolidation.
В. Enlarged lymphatic nodes were missed on first X-ray.
С. Because of improper treatment pre-local tuberculosis progressed into mild bronchodenitis.
D. Lymphatic nodes consolidation and calcification is the normal evolution of pre-local tuberculosis.
Е. It’s individual reaction.
The newborn’s mass is 3000 g. No contraindications for BCG-vaccination detected. Which vaccine
dosage do you recommend?
А. 0.005 mg.
В. 0.025mg.
С. 0.05mg.
D. 0.25 mg.
Е. 0.5 mg.
The premature newborn’s mass was 1700 g. Which BCG vaccine dosage do you recommend after 2300 g
mass attainment?
А. 0.05 mg.
В. 0.005 mg.
С. 0.25 mg.
D. 0.025 mg.
Е. 0.5 mg.
The nurse is performing BCG-vaccination. Choose the type and correct place of injection.
А. Intracutenous at the border between upper and middle third of right humerus.
В. Intracutenous at the border between upper and middle third of left humerus.
С. Subcutenous at the border between upper and middle third of left humerus.
D. Subcutenous at the border between upper and middle third of right humerus.
Е. Intracutenous into upper third of left humerus.
The premature newborn is presented in order to define the term of BCG-vaccination. The previous child
in this family suffered from BCG-ostitis. What’s your conclusion about the term of vaccination?
26-year-old woman recovered from pulmonary infiltrative tuberculosis 2 year before, parturiated a
healthy baby. Which is the most advisable decision concerning BCG vaccination?
14-year-old girl known to be BCG-vaccinated is presented with cheloid cicatrix at the left humerus. How
could this finding be qualified?
А. It isn’t related to BCG, cicatrix appearance is due to other intervention or accidental wound.
В. Generalized BCG complication.
С. Post-BCG syndrome.
D. Local BCG complication.
Е. Disseminated BCG complication.
Healthy woman exposed by close TB contact (husband suffers from pulmonary tuberculosis) parturiated a
healthy newborn with body mass 3100 g. What’s your decision concerning to BCG-vaccination?
А.Vaccination after 3 month preventive antituberculosis course if Mantoux skin test is negative.
В. Vaccination on 3-5 day of life if Mantoux skin test is negative.
С. Vaccination after 3 month preventive antituberculosis course regardless Mantoux skin test.
D. Vaccination on 3-5 day of life without prerequisites, strict bacterial discharger separation from infant.
Е. Vaccination on 3-5 day of life without prerequisites, subsequent Mantoux skin test.
The 4-day healthy newborn presented for decision concerning to BCG vaccination. Grandmother died of
chronic MDR-tuberculosis 2 month ago. Which of the decisions is correct?
А. Vaccination is strictly indicated. Infant can be discharged home only after final hotbed disinfection and
all family members check up.
В. Vaccination is contraindicated.
С. Vaccination is strictly indicated. Consecutive treatment course for tuberculosis taking the grandmother
resistance profile into consideration must be administered.
D. Decision concern vaccination should be taken after isoniazid preventive course.
Е. Decision concern vaccination should be taken after Mantoux test.
Healthy 3-day neonate has been vaccinated by BCG-vaccine. Which of normal reactions is expected?
31-year-old female presented with disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis MBT+ (M-, C+). Patient lives
with her family including adults only, living standard is satisfactory. Patient is been treated in hospital.
Appreciate the level of the tuberculosis hotbed epidemiological hazard.
А. High.
В. Unknown.
С. Moderate.
D. Doubtful.
Е. Low.
Choose the most advisable preventive measures for 13-year-old child exposed by contact with father
suffering from MBT+ tuberculosis taking into account that on examination active tuberculosis is
excluded, Mantoux skin test papule is 17 mm in diameter. The child hasn’t received the revaccination at
the age of 7 because of positive tuberculin test.
Choose the most advisable preventive measures for 5-year-old child exposed by contact with mother
suffering from MBT+ tuberculosis taking into account that on examination active tuberculosis is
excluded, Mantoux skin test is negative for last 4 year and the child received vaccination on 3rd day of life
(scar size 3 mm).
The preventive antituberculosis measures among children having hyperergic Mantoux skin test reaction
are planning. Which children haven’t to receive antituberculosis drug preventive course?
Three 3 year-old children presented after Mantoux skin test. All received BCG vaccination on 3rd day of
live. Who of them is at risk of tuberculosis? No additional risk factors have been revealed.
Three 6-year-old children presented after Mantoux skin test. All received BCG vaccination on 3rd day of
life. Who of them is at risk of tuberculosis? No additional risk factors have been revealed.
А. At the moment papule is 8 mm, previous year results: at the age of 1 – 5mm, 2 – 9 mm, 3 – 7 mm, 4 –
5 mm, 5 – hyperemia only.
В. At the moment papule is 5 mm with vesicle, previous year results: at the age of 1 – 11 mm, 2 – 10 mm,
3 – 6 mm, 4 – 5 mm, 5 – 12mm.
С. At the moment papule is 13 mm, previous year results: at the age of 1 – 5 mm, 2 – 7 mm, 3 – 15 mm, 4
– 12 mm, 5 – 7 mm.
D. All are.
Е. Nobody.
30-year-old healthy woman with body weight 55 kg from tuberculosis hotbed is presented. Choose the
adequate dosage and taking regimen for isoniazid preventive course.
Cultural test detected MDR tuberculosis in patient suffering from fibrous-cavernous for 5 year, who
received several treatment courses without significant effect. All family members were examined, no
tuberculosis cases were detected. Choose the most advisable preventive course for these people.
7-year-old child without discovered risk factors for tuberculosis presented after Mantoux test conversion.
Clinical investigation ruled active tuberculosis out. What’s the most advisable dealing?
6-year-old child with body weight 30 kg from tuberculosis hotbed is presented. Father has been
hospitalized with disseminated tuberculosis, MBT+.(M+, C0). Choose the adequate dosage and taking
regimen for isoniazid preventive course.
The 4-day premature newborn presented for decision concerning to BCG vaccination. Body mass 2000 g.
Which of the decisions is correct?
А. Vaccination is indicated.
В. Vaccination is contraindicated.
С. Vaccination should be delayed until body mass 2500 g attainment if Mantoux test is negative at that
D. Decision concern vaccination should be taken after isoniazid preventive course.
Е. Vaccination should be delayed until body mass 3000 g attainment, regardless Mantoux test result.
33-year-old male presented with subacute disseminated tuberculosis MBT+ (M-, C+). Patient lives with
his family, including two children of 3 and 12 years old. In 10 months after treatment start, two negative
culture results received, and completed clinical recovering established. How long the epidemiological
hazard in the hotbed exists?
The family including father suffering from MBT- (by ZN-test) tuberculosis and two children of 5 and 10
year old lives in a separated house. Appreciate the level of the tuberculosis hotbed epidemiological
А. Doubtful.
В. Low.
С. Moderate.
D. High.
Е. Unknown.
The danger of tuberculosis hotbed is appreciating. Which ranking criterion is of top priority?
А. Nationality.
В. Children, adolescents, pregnant women presence.
С. Living standards.
D. Income.
Е. Bacteria discharging.
The patient is presented with pulmonary tuberculosis. The tuberculosis hotbed hazard is appreciating.
Which criterion SHOULDN’T be taken into account?
А. Bacterial expectoration.
В. Clinical form of tuberculosis.
С. Living standards.
D. Presence of children and pregnant women.
Е. Behavioral peculiarities.
31-year-old female presented with infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis MBT+ (M-, C+). Patient lives with
her family including adults only, living standard is satisfactory. Patient is been treated in hospital.
Appreciate the level of the tuberculosis hotbed epidemiological hazard.
А. Doubtful.
В. Moderate.
С. Unknown.
D. High.
Е. Low.
31-year-old male presented with infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis MBT+ (M-, C+), resist+(Н,R,S).
Patient lives with her family including adults only, living standard is satisfactory. Appreciate the level of
the tuberculosis hotbed epidemiological hazard.
А. High.
В. Moderate.
С. Unknown.
D. Doubtful.
Е. Low.
31-year-old female presented with infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis MBT+ (M+, C+). Patient lives with
her family including adults only, living standard is satisfactory. Patient is being treated in hospital.
Appreciate the level of the tuberculosis hotbed epidemiological hazard.
А. High.
В. Moderate.
С. Unknown.
D. Doubtful.
Е. Low.
31-year-old male finished the initial phase of treatment course for infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis
MBT+, dis+(M-, C+), resist-. Control cultural test result isn’t obtained yet but cavity formation scarred.
Patient lives with her family including adults only, living standard is satisfactory. Appreciate the level of
the tuberculosis hotbed epidemiological hazard.
А. High.
В. Moderate.
С. Low.
D. Doubtful.
Е. Unknown.
31-year-old male presented with infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis. Sputum ZN-staining is negative, but
cultural test result isn’t obtained yet. Patient lives with his family including a child at the age of 5 and
pregnant wife, living standard is satisfactory. Appreciate the level of the tuberculosis hotbed
epidemiological hazard.
А. High.
В. Moderate.
С. Unknown.
D. Doubtful.
Е. Low.
New antituberculosis institution is been equipping. Which type of environmental control should be
recommended for laboratory facilities?
А. Air filtration.
В. Directed air flow.
С. Natural ventilation.
D. Negative pressure.
Е. UV irradiation.
The farm with cattle sick with tuberculosis caused by Mycobacteria bovis detected. Appreciate the level
of the tuberculosis hotbed epidemiological hazard.
А. Doubtful.
В. Low.
С. Unknown.
D. High.
Е. Moderate.
80-year-old patient presented with testis tuberculosis. He lives with his 50-year-old daughter. Appreciate
the hotbed potential danger.
А. Low.
В. Moderate.
С. High.
D. Unknown.
Е. Doubtful.
Spouses suffering from tuberculosis lives in the separate house. Both excrete mycobacteria occasionally,
show high treatment compliance. Appreciate the level of the tuberculosis hotbed epidemiological hazard.
А. Doubtful.
В. Low.
С. Moderate.
D. High.
Е. Unknown.
35-year-old patient presented with infiltrative lung tuberculosis, MBT-. He lives with his pregnant wife.
Appreciate the hotbed potential danger.
А. Low.
В. Moderate.
С. High.
D. Unknown.
Е. Doubtful.
The nurse is conducting sanitary education in the tuberculosis hotbed. Which recommendation
concern to sputum processing should be done?
The danger of tuberculosis hotbed is appreciating. Which criterion is the most aggravating?
А. Nationality.
В. Profession.
С. Gender of the patient discharging mycobacteria.
D. Education.
Е. Children, adolescents, pregnant women presence.
TB-patient is supposed to be massive MBT discharger according to sputum cultural test. Which amount
of colonies does such conclusion presume?
А. 100-200 .
В. 200-500.
С. More than 500.
D. All of the above.
Е. Any of the above.
Patient who had suffered from chronic tuberculosis died at home. Which measure to decrease disease
transmission inside this hotbed should be taken?
А. Repairs.
В. Disinfectants dispersion.
С. Usual cleansing.
D. Cleansing using chlorine solution.
Е. UV processing.
TB-patient is supposed to be insignificant MBT discharger according to sputum ZN-staining. Which
amount test result does such conclusion presume?
А. Solitary AFB on slide.
В. Cannot be appreciated on staining only, cultural test is needed.
С. Solitary AFB on field of view.
D. Up to 10 AFB on slide.
Е. Negative.
New antituberculosis institution is been equipping. Which cleaning assertion concerned to upholstered
furniture should be recommended?
А. It should be washed daily.
В. It should be processed by UV radiation.
С. It should be avoided.
D. It should be processed by disinfectants.
Е. It should be removed when bacteria discharger is not wearing mask.