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De Thi Tuyen Sinh Vao Lop 10 THPT Chuyen Mon Tieng Anh de Chuyen Nam Hoc 2015 2016 Tinh Long An PDF

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VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí


---------------- NĂM HỌC 2015-2016
(Đề thi có 8 trang) Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề)
Thí sinh làm bài trên phiếu trả lời (Answer sheet), không làm bài trên đề thi này.
I. LISTENING: (2 points)
PART 1: There are 5 questions in this part. For each question there are three pictures and a short recording.
Listen to each recording twice. Choose the correct picture (A, B or C) and write it in the numbered box on
your answer sheet. (1 point)

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PART 2: You will hear a conversation between a man, Marco, and his wife, Sarah, about a film
they have just seen at the cinema. Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct,
write the letter (A) for YES, if it is not correct, write the letter (B) for NO in the numbered box on your
answer sheet. (1 point)

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1. Sarah was expecting to enjoy the film.

2. Marco and Sarah agree that the city in the film was London.
3. Marco feels that the length of the film made it rather boring.
4. Sarah was upset about how some of the audience behaved
during the film.
5. Sarah was disappointed with the way the main actor performed.
II. READING: (2 points)
PART 1: Read the following passage, then choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best
according to the text. Write your answer in the numbered box on your answer sheet. (1 point)

Whole families of musicians are not exactly rare. However, it is unusual to come across one that
includes not only writers and performers of music, but also an instrument maker.
When South Wales schoolteachers John and Hetty Watkins needed to get their ten-year-old son, Paul, a
cello to suit his blossoming talents, they baulked at the costs involved. “We had a look at various dealers and it
was obvious it was going to be very expensive,” John says. “So I wondered if I could actually make one. I
discovered that the Welsh School of Instrument Making was not far from where I lived, and I went along for
evening classes once a week for about three years.”
“After probably three or four goes with violins and violas, he had a crack at his first cello,” Paul, now
28, adds. “It turned out really well. He made me another one a bit later, when he’d got the hang of it. And that’s
the one I used right up until a few months ago.” John has since retired as a teacher to work as a full-time
craftsman, and makes up to a dozen violins a year – selling one to the esteemed American player Jaime Laredo
was “the icing on the cake”.
Both Paul and his younger brother, Huw, were encouraged to play music from an early age. The piano
came first: “As soon as I was big enough to climb up and bang the keys, that’s what I did,” Paul remembers.
But it wasn’t long before the cello beckoned. “My folks were really quite keen for me to take up the violin,
because Dad, who played the viola, used to play chamber music with his mates and they needed another violin
to make up a string trio. I learned it for about six weeks but didn’t take to it. But I really took to the character
who played the cello in Dad’s group. I thought he was a very cool guy when I was six or seven. So he said he’d
give me some lessons, and that really started it all off. Later, they suggested that my brother play the violin too,
but he would have none of it.”

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“My parents were both supportive and relaxed,” Huw says. “I don’t think I would have responded very
well to being pushed. And, rather than feeling threatened by Paul’s success, I found that I had something to
aspire to.” Now 22, he is beginning to make his own mark as a pianist and composer.
Meanwhile, John Watkins’ cello has done his elder son proud. With it, Paul won the string final of the
BBC Young Musician of the Year competition. Then, at the remarkably youthful age of 20, he was appointed
principal cellist of the BBC Symphony Orchestra, a position he held, still playing his father’s instrument, until
last year. Now, however, he has acquired a Francesco Rugeri cello, on loan from the Royal Academy of Music.
“Dad’s not said anything about me moving on, though recently he had the chance to run a bow across the
strings of each in turn and had to admit that my new one is quite nice! I think the only thing Dad doesn’t have –
and may acquire after about 50 – 100 years – is the power to project right to the back of large concert halls. It
will get richer with age, like my Rugeri, which is already 304 years old.”
Soon he will be seen on television playing the Rugeri as the soloist in Elgar’s Cello Concerto, which
forms the heart of the second programme in the new series, Masterworks. “The well-known performance
history doesn’t affect the way I play the work,” he says. “I’m always going to do it my way.” But Paul won’t be
able to watch himself on television – the same night he is playing at the Cheltenham Festival. Nor will Huw,
whose String Quartet is receiving its London premiere at the Wigmore Hall the same evening. John and Hetty
will have to be diplomatic – and energetic – if they are to keep track of all their sons’ musical activities over the
coming weeks.
1. Why did John Watkins decide to make a cello?
A. He wanted to encourage his son Paul to take up the instrument.
B. He was keen to do a course at the nearby school.
C. He felt that dealers were giving him false information.
D. He wanted to avoid having to pay for one.
2. What is meant by “crack” in paragraph 3?
A. attempt
B. plan
C. shock
D. period
3. What do we learn in the third paragraph about the instruments John has made?
A. He considers the one used by Jaime Laredo to be the best.
B. He is particularly pleased about what happened to one of them.
C. His violins have turned out to be better than his cellos.
D. It took him longer to learn how to make cellos than violins.
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4. Paul first became interested in playing the cello because
A. he admired someone his father played music with.
B. he wanted to play in his father’s group.
C. he was not very good at playing the piano.
D. he did not want to do what his parents wanted.
5. What do we learn about Huw’s musical development?
A. His parents’ attitude has played little part in it.
B. It was slow because he lacked determination.
C. His brother’s achievements gave him an aim.
D. He wanted it to be different from his brother’s.
PART 2: You are going to read an article about an underwater museum. Five sentences have been removed
from the text. Choose from the sentences A-F the one which fits each gap (1-4). There is one extra sentence
which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0). Write your answer in the numbered
box on your answer sheet. (1 point)
If you want to dive in clear blue waters, find rich marine life and swim over the remains thrown away
by ancient sailors, the tiny island of Ustica is the place to go. This island, 60km from the Italian coast, is the site
of Europe’s only underwater museum. (0) D .
The clear waters attract some of the world’s best underwater divers. The International Academy of
Underwater Sciences, which was set up to encourage underwater exploration, is based in Ustica. (1)____.
Dr Honor Frost, a Bristish underwater archaeologist and Golden Triden winner, believes that Ustica
shows that some underwater remains are best life in the surroundings where they have been preserved for
centuries. (2) ____.
According to Frost, the establishment of the underwater museum has made an interesting area of sea
floor, together with the objects which fell to it in antiquity, safe for future study. (3) ____
For example, it is puzzling that only iron anchors of quite a late date seem to have been lost there,
despite local evidence of sea trade during a period nearly four thousand years ago, when stone anchors would
have been in use. Among the anchors and other remains there are an extraordinary number of Roman millstones,
which were widely traded throughout the ancient world. (4) _____.
A Many questions remain to be answered about the museum site.
B However, this section of the museum, although already accessible to diving visitors, still contains
material of interest to researchers.

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C Made of volcanic rock, they were carried by corn ships heading from Rome to the ports of the north
African coast.
D Only here can divers explore labelled exhibits such as anchors, pots and millstones, which fell to the
sea floor centuries ago.
E This gives divers the experience of underwater archaeology without disturbing important sites.
F This month it presented its Golden Trident awards, the underwater equivalent of the Nobel prizes,
which have been awarded annually since 1960.
III. USE OF ENGLISH: (4 points)
PART 1: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. Write your answer A, B, C, or D in
the numbered box on your answer sheet. (0.5 point)
1. No one has cleaned the street this week, ……………….?
A. have they B. haven’t they C. has he D. hasn’t he
2. Space travel seemed __________ but it has come true now.
A. unthinkableB. unable C. disbelievable D. disagreeable
3. ……………. giraffe is the tallest of all …………………animals.
A. A/ ø B. ø/ the C. The/ ø D. A/ the
4. …………… he not lost all his money gambling, he would be very rich now.
A. If B. Because C. Had D. Unless
5. Total weight of the ants in the world is much greater than _____________.
A. that of all human beings B. all human beings
C. all human beings is that D. is of all human beings
6. The teacher advised the children __________ and see the dentist regularly.
A. went B. going C. go D. to go
7. We’d better phone __________ the restaurant to reserve a table.
A. at B. ø C. to D. for
8. The judge _______ the pedestrian for the accident.
A. blamed B. charged C. accused D. sued
9. Many people believe that the novel will be a best seller when it___________.
A. is published B. will be published
C. were published D. will publish
10. “He was right!” - “Oh, I know! I really wish I _______ his advice!”
A. took B. had taken C. have taken D. would take

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PART 2: Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each gap. Write your
answer in the numbered box on your answer sheet. (1 point)

Captain James Cook is (0)…….. today for being one of Britain’s most famous explorers of the 18th
century. Cook was (1)……… most other explorers of the same period as he did not come from a wealthy
family and had to work hard to (2)…….. his position in life. He was lucky to be (3)……. by his father’s
employer, who saw that he was a bright boy and paid for him to attend the village school. At sixteen, he started
(4)……… in a shop in a fishing village, and this was a turning (5)…….. in his life. He developed an interest in
the sea and eventually joined the Royal Navy in order to see more of the world.
Cook was (6)……. by sailing, astronomy and the production of maps, and quickly became an expert in
these subjects. He was also one of the first people to (7)………. that scurvy, an illness often suffered by sailors,
could be prevented by careful (8)……… to diet. It was during his voyage to the Pacific Ocean that Cook made
his historic landing in Australia and the (9) ……….. discovery that New Zealand was two separate islands. He
became a national hero and still (10)……. one today.
1. A. different B. contrary C. distinct D. unlike
2. A. manage B. succeed C. achieve D. fulfil
3. A. remarked B. viewed C. glanced D. noticed
4. A. trade B. work C. career D. job
5. A. moment B. instant C. point D. mark
6. A. keen B. eager C. fascinated D. enthusiastic
7. A. regard B. estimate C. catch D. realise
8. A. attention B. Organisation C. observation D. selection
9. A. serious B. superior C. major D. leading
10. A. remains B. stands C. maintains D. keeps
PART 3: Fill each blank with ONE suitable word. Write your answer in the numbered box on your answer
sheet. (1 point)
Coffee is made from the beans that grow in the fruits of the coffee plant. There are usually two beans in
each fruit and harvesting is done (1)…… hand.

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The word “coffee” derives from the Arabic “qahwah”, a word (2) …… was orginally used for wine, but
which came to mean coffee. Coffee beans (3) …… to be chewed before it was discovered that they (4) …… be
boiled with water (5) …… make a drink.
Coffee drinking began in Arab countries in the 14th century and did not (6) …… common in Europe
(7) …… the 17th century. At (8) ……, coffee was sold by chemists, but it (9) …… little impact until the first
coffee shop opened and instructions about (10) …… to roast and grind the coffee were published.
PART 4: For questions 1-10, give the correct form of the words in brackets. Write your answer in the
numbered box on your answer sheet. There is an example at the beginning (0). (1 point)
Humans have long been fascinated by (0. OUT) …outer… space, and have wondered if there are
intelligent life-forms (1. ELSE) ………, which we might be able to contact. (2. NATURE) ……, we’ve all seen
space creatures on our TV and cinema screens, but “aliens” like these owe more to the (3.
CONVENIENT) ……… of using human (4. ACT) …………… to play the parts than to any real form of (5.
SCIENCE) ……… investigation.
However, many serious space (6. RESEARCH) ……… are now beginning to turn their attention to the
question of what alien life might (7. ACTUAL) ……… look like. One early result is Arnold the Alien, (8.
DESIGN) …………… by biologist, Dougal Dixon. This strange being, (9. LIKE) ……… humans, has its eyes,
ears and limbs in groups of three instead of pairs but, despite its odd (10. APPEAR) ………, its behaviour is
not very different from our town.
PART 5: For questions 1-5, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words,
including the word given. Write your answer in the numbered box on your answer sheet. (0.5 point)
1. Jackie hasn’t been swimming for five years. (SWIMMING)
The last______________________________________________ was five years ago.
2. Please don’t go there now. (RATHER)
I _______________________________________________________ go there now.
3. They left early because they didn’t want to get caught in the traffic. (AVOID)
They left early in order_______________________________________in the traffic.
4. It would be difficult for me to finish the work by the weekend. (DIFFICULTY)
I______________________________________________ the work by the weekend.
5. I thought I might run out of cash, so I took my cheque-book with me. (CASE)
I took my cheque-book with me_________________________________out of cash.

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For questions 6-10, finish each of the sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence
printed before it. Write your answer in the numbered box on your answer sheet.
6. I really think you ought to acquire a few manners.
It’s high time____________________________________________________________
7. The decorators have finished the whole of the first floor.
We have_______________________________________________________________
8. If you want my advice, I would forget about buying a new house.
If I ___________________________________________________________________
9. People who haven’t been abroad shouldn’t criticise foreign customs.
Nobody who ___________________________________________________________
10. She did not thank us for our help when she left.
She left ________________________________________________________________
IV. WRITING: (2 points)
Describe one of your teachers who you admire most.
In your paper, you should write:
- who he/she is.
- how long you have known him/her.
- what he/she looks like.
- what qualities he/she has.
- why you admire him/her most.
You should write at least 120 words.
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