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Training Report


In partial fulfillment


Bachelor of Technology


Civil Engineering



Mr. Smeet Faldu Dipesh Saini

Assistant Professor B.Tech Civil 4th Yr.

Dept. of Civil Engg. Roll No. R16BTCE0030

Department of Civil Engineering



I would like to thank for providing me the opportunity to undergo summer training in one of
project improvement.

I am very thankful to Mr.Banwari Lal Saini for giving me permission for my training.

I would like to thank Mr.Sachin Patel , for helping me in my training it was there helping and
friendly behaviour which made this training a memorable experience for me.

I am also thankful to my internal project guide Mr. Smeet Faldu (Professor of engineering)
and Mr. Vikram Suthar (Professor of civil engineering) for his guidance in my project.

1 Introduction To The Project……………..…………………………...…….…………....1

1.1 Description of the project…………………………………………...………….…...3
1.2 Scope of work…………………………………………………………………….....3
2 History Of Road And Highway……………………………………………….….……...4
2.1 History of road……………………………………………………….……...……....4
3 Types Of Road…………………………………………………………….…………..…5
3.1 Road ………………………………………………………………….………….….5
3.1.1 Express way……………………………………………………………………….5
3.1.2 National highway………………………………………………….……………....5
3.1.3 State highway……………………………………………………….…………..…6
3.1.4 Major district road…………………………………………………………………6
3.1.4 Other district road………………………………………………….…..…………..6
4 Earthwork…………………………………………………………………………….…..8
4.1 Soil filing………………………………………………………………...…………..8
4.2 Spreading and levelling……………………………………………...………………8
4.3 Compaction………………………………………………………...………………..9
5 Roadway Construction…………………………………………………...………………10
5.1 Carriage way……………………………………………………….….……………10
5.2 Pavement…………………………………………………………....………………10
5.3 Earthwork……………………………………………………..…….………………10
5.4 Excavation……………………………………………………..…….……….……..10
5.5 Kerb…………………………………………………………..……………….…….11
5.6 Shoulder……………………………………………………..………….…….……..11
5.7 Sidewalks/foothpath……………………………………………….….……….…….12
5.8 Embankment………………………………………………………..….……….……13
5.9 Subgrade……………………………………………………….……….……………13
6 Bituman Road Construction Procedure…………………………………….…………….14
6.1 Prepartion of Base course layer………………………………….…….…………….14
6.2 Application of take coat………………………………………….….……………….14
6.3 Preparation and placing of premix……………………………….….……………….14
6.4 Rolling………………………………………………………………………………..14
6.4.1 Cylindrical roller………………………………………………………………15
6.4.2 Sheepfold roller…………………………………………………………….….15
6.4.3 Pneumatic roller……………………………………………………….…….….16
6.4.4 Smooth wheeled roller………………………………………………..………...16
6.4.5 Vibratory roller…………………………………………………….………..….16
6.4.6 Grid roller…………………………………………………………………..…..17
7 Intorduction Of Pavement Design………………………………………………..………...18
7.1 Overview Pavement………………………………………………………………….18
7.2 Requirement of the pavement………………………………………………………..18
7.3 Types of pavement…………………………………………………………………...18
7.3.1 Flexible pavement……………………………………………………………..20 Track coat……………………………………………………………..20 Prime coat…………………………………………………………….20 Base/WMM coat……………………………………………………...20 Sub base/GSB layer…………………………………………………..20 Embankment construction……………………………………………20
7.3.2 Rigid pavement………………………………………………………………21 Cement concrete pavement slab……………………………...………21 Sub base course……………………………………………...……….22 Drainage layer………………………………………………...……...22 Sub grade…………………………………………………..………...22
8 Methodology Of Flexible Pavement………………………………………….…………23
8.1 Highway embankment construction……………………………………………….23
8.2 Subgrade construction……………………………………………………………..24
8.3 Construction of GSB/Drainage layer…………………………………………...…25
8.4 Construction of WMM base course…………………………………………….…26
8.5 Construction of DBM layer……………………………………………………….27
8.6 Construction of BC layer………………………………………………………….28
9. Methodology Of Regid Pavement………………………………………………..…….30
9.1 Subgrade layer construction……………………………………………………….30
9.2 Subgrade of drainage layer………………………………………….…………….30
9.3 Construction of cement concrete………………………………………………….31
10. Equipment Used For Road Construction…………..…………………………………32
10.1 Compaction Material………………………………………………...…………32
10.2 Bulldozer…………………………………………………………………….....33
10.3 Scraper……………………………………………………........……………….33
10.4 Concrete mixture……………………………………………………………….33
10.5 Mild steel section………………………………………………………………33
10.6 Barricading…………………………………………………………………….34


1 NH-27 1
1.1 Project Map 2
2.1 John London Macadam 4
4.1 Soil Filling 8
4.2 Compaction 9
5.1 Carriageway 10
5.2 Kerb 11
5.3 Shoulder 12
5.4 Sidewalks/ Footpath 12
7.1 Flexible Pavement 19
7.2 Rigid Pavement 21
8.1 Highway Embankment Construction 23
8.2 Subgrade Construction 24
8.3 Sub-Base Layer 25
8.4 WMM Base Course 26
8.5 DBM Prime Coad Layer 27
8.6 Bituminous Concrete Layer 29
9.1 Dry Lean Concrete Pavement Slab 31
10.1 Vibrator Roller 32


1.1 Scope Of Work 3
2.1 Indian Road Current Status 7

‘SHAPOORJI PALLOJI & CO. PVT. LIMITED’ is a Joint Venture between NHAI
Specialized in Highways, Bridges and Airport and Railways construction is one of the
renowned infrastructure companies in India contributing to the Nation’s Economic and
infrastructure growth. Known for its excellence in project management and quality
execution, promoted by professionals with over three decades of experience, backed by
competent and highly motivated team of experts, using state of the art technologies
combined with high degree of mechanization, a strong base of human resources and abilities
to forge partnerships for execution of projects, ‘SHAPOORJI PALLOJI & CO. PVT.
LIMITED’ is poised to play a vital role in Nation’s tryst with Glory.
 Four Leaning Of NH-27 from 3507 KM in the State of Rajasthan Under NHDP Phase
III on Design, Build, Finance, Operate & Transfer (the “DBFOT”) Toll Basis.
Figure 1. NH-27

Project Map

Figure1.1 Project Map

The Project aims to two laning of National highway 27 transits across seven states of India in
east - west direction. It is 3,507 km in length. The Commercial traffic on the existing highway
is of medium load.
 The works primarily involves widening and strengthening of the existing single
lane to two lanes.
 The works also includes widening/ new construction of cross-drainage
structures such as culverts, Minor Bridges, RCC drains.
 The works also comprise construction of structures such as Underpass and ROB
and other project facilities such as Bus Stops.

1.2 Scope of Work

The Project comprise of widening and strengthening of existing single lane to double lane.
Width of carriageway is 7.00 meter. Rigid pavement is 3.26 Km. which is to be constructed in
urban areas and remaining longitudinal profile is flexible pavement of length 34.386 Km.
Along with 9.00 meter wide rigid pavement there is also provision of RCC drain.


S Description Number
1 ROB 1
2 Minor Bridges 2
3 VUP 1
4 Single cell Box culvert 13
5 Multi cell Box culvert 2
6 Slab culvert 81

Table 1.1 Scope of Work




History of Traffic Lights the first indications of constructed roads date from about 4000 BC and
consist of stone paved streets at Ur in modern-day Iraq and timber roads preserved in a swamp
in Glastonbury, England. Late 1800s Road Builders the road builders of the late 1800s
depended solely on stone, gravel and sand for construction. John Metcalfe, a Scot born in 1717,
built about 180 miles of roads in Yorkshire, England (even though he was blind).
John Loudon Macadam was a Scottish engineer who modernized the way we build roads.

Figure 2.1 John Loudon Macadam



3.1 ROAD
Road as a line of communication (travelled way) using a stabilized base other than rails or air
strips open to public traffic, primarily for the use of road motor vehicles running on their own
wheels, which includes bridges, tunnels, supporting structures, junction, crossings,
interchanges, and tool roads, but not paths.

Road are divided into following types:-

3.1.1 Express Way
3.1.2 National Highway (NH)
3.1.3 State Highway (SH)
3.1.4 Major District Road (MDR)
3.1.5 Other District Road (ODR)
3.1.6 Village Road (VR)

3.1.1 Express Way

An expressway is a controlled-access highway it is a highway that controls entrances to it and
exits from it by incorporating the design of the slip roads for entry and exit into the design of
the highway itself. An expressway may be free to use and may not collect toll at all.
Expressways are the highest class of roads in the Indian Road Network. These are six or eight
lane highway with controlled-access. Indian has approximately 942 km expressway.

3.1.2 National Highway (NH)

National Highway are main highway running through the length and breadth of India,
connecting major parts, foreign highway, capitals of large states and large industrial and tourist
centers including roads required for strategic movement for the defense of india.

3.1.3 State Highway (SH)

State Highway are arterial roads of state, connecting up with the national highway of adjacent
state, district headquarters and important cities within the state and serving as the main arteries
for traffic to and from district road. These highways are considered as main arterial of
commerce by roads within a state or a similar geographical unit. In some places they may every
carry heavier traffic than some of the national highways but this will not alter their designation
or function.

3.1.4 Major District Road (MDR)

Major district road are important road within a district serving areas of production and markets
and connecting those with each other or with the main highway of a district. The MDR has
lower speed and geomertric design specifications than NH/SH

3.1.5 Other District Road (ODR)

Other district road are roads serving rural areas of production and providing them with outlet to
market centers, talk head quarters, block development head quarters or other main roads. These
are of lower design specifications than MDR.

3.1.6 Village Road (VR)

Village road are roads connecting village or group of villages with each other to the nearest
road of a higher category.
It was specified that those village road should be in essence farm tracks, but it was desired that
the prevalent practice of leaving such tracks to develop and maintain by themselves should be
replaced by a plan for a designed and regulated system.

Indian road network current status

National Highways 58,112

State Highways 1,37,119
Major Districts Roads 4,70,000
Village And Other Roads 26,50,000
Total Road Length 33,15,231 km
Table 2.1 Indian road current status


The sub grade soil is prepared by bringing it to desire grad.


Fill dirt is usually subsoil (soil from beneath topsoil) and underlying soil parent material which
has little soil organic matter or biological activity. A second common use of fill dirt is to fill in
a low-lying construction site to raise the level of the building foundation in order to reduce the
chances of flooding.

Fig 4.1 Soil filling


The topsoil should be a loamy sand, sandy loam, clay loam, loam, silt loam, sandy clay loam or
other soil suitable for the area. Check the pH levels to make sure it is suitable to your grass of
choice. You can either use lime to increase or sulphur to decrease the pH level. These can be
added into the topsoil before being spread on your lawn.

Compaction is what happens when something is crushed or compressed. In many places,
garbage undergoes compaction after it's collected, so that it takes up less space. The process of
making something more compact, or dense and very tightly packed together, is compaction.

Fig 4.2 Compaction


A carriageway or roadway consists of a width of road on which a vehicle is not restricted by
any physical barriers or separation to move laterally. A carriageway generally consists of a
number of traffic lanes together with any associated shoulder, but may be a sole lane in width. 

Fig 5.1 Carriageway

Pavement is finished with a hard smooth surface. It helped make them durable and able to with
stand traffic and the environment. They have a life span of between 20-30 years.

The subgrade soil is prepared by bringing is to the desired grade and camber and by
compacting adequately. The subgrade may be either in embankment or in excavation,
depending on the topography and the finalized vertical alignment of the road to be constructed.

The excavation commonly used in highway projects include bull dozers, scrapers, power
shovels, draglines, clamshells and hoes. However in small projects excavation is carried out
manually using hand tools. However scrapers are not capable of digging very stiff material.

5.5 KERB
The height of this kerb is about 10 cm above the pavement edge with a slope which allows the
Vehicle to climb easily submerged kerbs. They are used in rural roads. The kerbs are provided
at pavement edges between the pavement edge and shoulders. They provide lateral
confinement and stability to the pavement.

Fig 5.2 Kerb

A road shoulder is a strip of land immediately adjacent to the traffic lane of a road not bordered
by kerb & channel. The shoulder may be sealed in the case of highways and major roads, but it
is typically unsealed and of a lesser depth and perhaps constructed of inferior material than the
adjacent traffic lane.

Fig 5.3 Shoulder

A sidewalk also known as a footpath or footway is a path along the side of a road. It is often
constructed of concrete or cement, though occasionally asphalts, and is designed for

Fig 5.4 Sidewalks/Footpath

When it is required to raise the grade line of a highway above the existing ground level it
becomes necessary to construct embankment. The grade line may be raised due to any of the
following reasons.

Subgrade is the native material underneath a constructed road, pavement or railway (US
railroad) track. It is also called formation level. The term can also refer to imported material
that has been used to build an embankment.



The existing surface is prepared by removing the pot holes or rust if any. The irregularities are
filled in with premix chippings at least a week before laying surface course.


It is desirable to lay AC layer over a bituminous base or binder course. A tack coat of bitumen
is applied at 6.0 to 7.5 kg per 10 sq.m area, this quantity may be increased to 7.5 to 10 kg for
non-bituminous base.


The premix is prepared in a hot mix plant of a required capacity with the desired quality
control. The bitumen may be heated upto 150-177 degree c and aggregate temperature should
not difference by over 14 degree C from the binder temperature. The hot mixed is collected
from mixture by the transporters, carried to the location is spread by a mechanical paver at a
temperature of 121 to 163 degree C. the camber and the thickness of the layer are accurately.

A mix after it is placed on the base course is thoroughly compacted by rolling at a speed not
more than 5km per hour. The initial or break down rolling is done by 8 to 12 tonnes roller and
the intermediate rolling is done with a fixed wheel pneumatic roller of 15 to 30 tonnes having a
tyre pressure of 7kg per sq.cm. The wheels of the roller are kept damp with water.
There are six types of roller generally used in road.

6.4.1 Cylindrical Roller

6.4.2 Sheepsfoot Roller

6.4.3 Pneumatic Tyred Rollers


6.4.4 Smooth Wheeled Roller

6.4.5 Vibratory Rollers
4.7.6 Grid Rollers


This is a light roller of iron, concrete or stone drawn by hand or bullacks. The size changes, yet
it is for the most part around 1 meter in dia. Furthermore, around 1.5 meter long. This ground
weight produced by this sort of roller is around 7 kg/cm2.


• As the name shows, this kind of roller comprises of a drum having numerous round or
rectangular molded projections or “feet” on it. These rollers are additionally called
packing rollers.
• The scope region is around 8 to 12%.
• The thickness of compacting layer is kept around 5 cm more than the length of every
• The heaviness of the drum can be expanded by filling the drum with water or sodden
• Net weight of the roller.
• Add up to no of feet per drum.
• The dirt should be solidified when the impression by the anticipating teeth is not more
than 12 mm profound or when the surface has been moved 16 to 20 times.
• 10 to 20 passes are by and large required to give finish scope.
• The thickness of the combined soil ought to be around 1.48 kg/cm3. The top layer must
be done with a smooth wheel roller.


• This sort of roller comprises of an intensely stacked wagon with a few columns of four
to six firmly separated tires. This is likewise called elastic tyred rollers.

• Tire weight.
• Region of contact.
• Tire weight might be up to around 7 kg/cm2.
• The scope region is around 80%.
• The most extreme thickness can be accomplished by 8 goes of the roller. The ideal
speed of roller is between 6 to 24 km/h.
• They are especially productive when used to complete off the dike compacted by step
foot roller or on free sandy soils.


• This kind of roller comprises of an expansive steel drum in front and may be a couple
wheels or drum on the backside.
• Pair rollers (having one wheel at back and one wheel in front).
• Three wheeled rollers (having two wheel at back and one in front).
• The heaviness of pair roller changes from 2 to 8 tons and that of two wheeled roller
shifts from 8 to 10 tons.
• It ground scope gave by smooth wheeled roller is 100% .The ground weight applied by
pair rollers is around 10 to 17 kg/cm2.
• The most extreme level a street roller can climb is 1 in 5.


• This kind of roller is fitted with maybe a couple smooth surfaced steel wheels 0.9 m to
1.5 m in distance across and 1.2 m to 1.8 m wide.

• Self -moved vibratory rollers are presently accessible weighing from 4 to 6 tons.

• Vibrations are produced by the revolution of an unpredictable shaft inside.

• A vibratory roller is utilized for compacting granular base courses. It is once in a while
utilized for asphaltic solid work.



• These rollers have a round and hollow substantial steel surface comprising of a system
of steel bars shaping a network with squire gaps and might be ballasted with solid

• They are by and large towed units and can work at rates somewhere around 5 and 24

• Commonplace weights change between 5 tons net and 15 tons ballasted.

• Framework rollers give high contact weight however small working activity and are
reasonable for compacting most coarse grained soil.



Pavements are designed specifically for the expected load conditions throughout the design life
of the road. Pavement types vary from flexible pavements through semi-rigid to rigid concrete
pavements. Two types of pavements are generally recognized as serving this purpose, namely
flexible pavements and rigid pavements. This chapter gives an overview of pavement types,
layers, and their functions, and pavement failures. Improper design of pavements leads to early
failure of pavements affecting the riding quality.


An ideal pavement should meet the following requirements:

 Sufficient thickness to distribute the wheel load stresses to a safe value on the sub-
grade soil.
 Structurally strong to withstand all types of stresses imposed upon it.
 Adequate co-efficient of friction to prevent skidding of vehicles.
 Smooth surface to provide comfort to road users even at high speed.
 Produce least noise from moving vehicles.
 Dust proof surface so that traffic safety is not impaired by reducing visibility.
 Impervious surface, so that sub-grade soil is well protected.
 Long design life with low maintenance cost.
There are two types of pavement.
7.3.1 Flexible Pavement
7.3.2 Rigid Pavement

Flexible pavements will transmit wheel load stresses to the lower layers by grain-to-grain
transfer through the points of contact in the granular structure.. The wheel load acting on the
pavement will be distributed to a wider area. Hence, the design of flexible pavement uses the
concept of layered system. Based on this, flexible pavement may be constructed in a number of
layers and the top layer has to be of best quality to sustain maximum compressive stress, in
addition to wear and tear.
A typical flexible pavement consists of four components:
a) Soil Subgrade
b) Base Course
c) Surface Course
The flexible pavement layer transmits the vertical or compressive stresses to the lower layers
by grain to grain transfer through the points of contact in the granular structure.
Fig 7.1 Flexible Pavement

 Different layers of Flexible Pavement : Tack Coat

Tack coat is a very light application of asphalt, usually asphalt emulsion diluted with water. It
provides proper bonding between two layer of binder course (Layer between Bituminous
Concrete and Dense bituminous Macadam) and must be thin, uniformly cover the entire
surface, and set very fast. Prime Coat

Prime coat is an application of low viscous cutback bitumen to an absorbent surface layer
between Wet Mix Macadam and Dense Bituminous Macadam is placed. It provides bonding
between two layers. Base / WMM Course

The base course is the layer of material immediately beneath the surface of binder course
and it provides additional load distribution and contributes to the sub-surface drainage It may
be composed of crushed stone, crushed slag, and other untreated or stabilized materials. Sub base/ GSB Layer

The sub-base course is the layer of material beneath the base course and the primary functions
are to provide structural support, improve drainage, and reduce the intrusion of fines from the
sub-grade in the pavement structure. SUBGRADE
Subgrade is constructed for both flexible and rigid pavements. The thickness of subgrade is
generally 500 mm for important road like National and State highway. The top soil or sub-
grade is a layer of natural soil prepared to receive the stresses from the layers above.

Embankment is constructed for both flexible and rigid pavement. A highway is generally
designed and constructed such that the formation level is above the general ground level and
also substantially above the highest water table.

7.3.2 Rigid Pavement

Rigid pavements have sufficient flexural strength to transmit the wheel load stresses to a wider
area below. Compared to flexible pavement, rigid pavements are placed either directly on the
prepared sub-grade or on a single layer of granular or stabilized material. Since there is only
one layer of material between the concrete and the sub-grade, this layer can be called as base or
sub-base course. Bending or slab due to wheel load and temperature variation and the resulting
tensile and flexural stress.
Figure 7.2 Rigid

 Components of Rigid Pavement CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT SLAB
It is the uppermost and strongest layer of rigid pavement. It is also known as Pavement Quality
Concrete. Generally, it is made of M40. The Cement concrete pavement slab serves as both as
a strong base course and as a good surface course.
i) The flexural stress developed due to the temperature differential between the top and
bottom of the slab and consequent of the wraping of the pavement slab.
ii) The flexural stresses caused by the movement of heavy wheel loads

It consists of dry lean concrete is laid between the drainage layer and the CC Pavement Slab. It
is found that by providing an effective drainage layer and a lean cement concrete sub base
between the subgrade and the pavement slab, it is possible to prevent the failure of the CC
Pavement due to pumping and blowing. DRAINAGE LAYER

In the case of CC Pavement the GSB layer is mainly expected to serve as a drainage layer so as
to keep the subgrade soil in relatively dry state and to prevent stagnation of water on the
subgrade .This layer is not expected to serve as a structural member of the CC Pavement
system. SUBGRADE
CC Pavements can be designed and constructed even over relatively poor or weak subgrade
soil however keeping in view the requirement of long service life of the CC Pavements. it is
desirable to avoid the use of soils with high compressibility and plasticity characteristics in the
subgrade layer.




The highway embankment is generally constructed using locally available soil by spreading the
loose soil and compacting the same at the OMC of the soil in layers. The compacted thickness
generally varies from 100 mm to 300 mm.
Figure 8.1 Highway Embankment Constructions

The steps for the construction of highway embankment are given below:-

a) The selected soil in loose condition is spread to uniform thickness using appropriate
equipment over the prepared ground the thickness of loose soil is decided so as to
obtain the specified compacted thickness of layer.
b) Additional water as required is sprayed so as to obtain the OMC of the soil determined
from the laboratory compaction test.
c) The soil with the added water is mixed thoroughly using appropriate equipment so that
the water gets distributed in soil layer uniformly.


d) The soil layer is compacted by rolling using the selected equipment so as to obtain the
specified density.

8.2 Subgrade construction

The highway subgrade is generally constructed using suitable soil fulfilling the requirements or
specified properties that are transported from identified borrow pits. It is also possible to utilize
locally available inferior soils which could be improved by appropriate soil stabilization
technique. The maximum compacted thickness is generally limited to 200 mm.
Figure 8.2 Subgrade Construction

The steps for the construction of highway subgrade are given below:-

a) The selected soil in loose condition is spread to the required grade and cross slope in
layer of desired thickness using appropriate equipment such as blade grader, over the
prepared surface.
b) Additional water as required is sprayed so as to obtain the OMC of the soil determined
from the laboratory compaction test.
c) The soil with the added water is mixed thoroughly using appropriate equipment so that
the water gets distributed in soil layer uniformly.

8.3 Construction of Granular sub- base course/ Drainage layer

The GSB layer is constructed on the top of the prepared subgrade therefore first the surface of
the subgrade is checked and grass and vegetation if any is removed. The grade and cross slope
of the top surface of the subgrade are corrected as required.
Figure 8.3 Sub Base Layers

The construction steps are given below:-

a) The sub-base material is spread to uniform thickness and specified cross slope using a
motor grader by adjusting the blade of the grader.

b) The moisture content of the material is checked and the additional quantity of water
required to bring up to the optimum moisture content is sprinkled at a uniform rate
using a truck mounted sprinkler.


c) The watered material is mixed properly using machinery such as disc harrows and

8.4 Construction of WMM Base Coarse

Wet Mix Macadam (WMM) base consists of a well graded hard crushed and adequate
proportion of water mixed thoroughly in a mixing plant the wet spread over the prepared
sub-base course with a mechanical paver and rolled dense mass. The thickness of each
compacted layer depends on the type of roller however the minimum and maximum thickness
of each compacted has been specified as 75 and 200 mm respectively.

Figure 8.4 WMM Base-Coarse

The construction steps are given below:-

a) Compaction test is carried out in the laboratory using the selected grade WMM material,
after removing the fraction of aggregates retained on 19 mm sieve and replacing it with
material passing 19 mm sieve and retained on 4.75 mm sieve.
b) The selected WMM mix (with water equal to the optimum moisture content added) is
prepared in a suitable mixing plant like the 'pug mill’.

c) If the total design thickness of WMM base course is say 250 mm, the base is constructed
in two layers, each of compacted thickness 125 mm. After compaction of the first layer,
the second layer is laid by a mechanical paver finisher.
d) After the WMM layer is dried for at least 24 hours in dry weather, the preparation for
laying a bituminous pavement layer may start by applying the prime coat.

8.5 Construction of Dense Bituminous Macadam Layer

Before laying DBM Layer profile correction of WMM layer is corrected and prime Coat is
applied on WMM layer to fill the voids in WMM layer and provide proper adhesion between
the granular base and bituminous layer.

Figure 8.5 DBM Prime Coad Layer

The construction steps are given below:-

a) If the profile correction required exceeds 40 mm, a profile corrective course is laid
separately using a mechanical paver and is compacted.


If the correction required is less than 40 mm, the pavement layer is spread with
provision for the additional quantity of the mix to meet the profile correction
b) The receiving surface is cleaned with a mechanical broom to remove loose materials
and dust and tack coat is applied as specified.
c) Rolling is started as soon as laying is done for short stretches roiling is done in three
stages: (a) initial or break down rolling using a tandem -wheel vibratory roller of dead
weight 8 to 10 tonnes, set with high frequency and low amplitude of vibration (b)
intermediate rolling using a pneumatic roller, with tyre pressure more than 5.6 kg/cm2
d) The compacted density achieved is checked by taking 150 mm diameter core samples;
the density achieved shall preferably be 92 percent of theoretical maximum density of
the mix, so that the initial voids in the mix is about 7 to 8% and due to traffic induced
secondary compaction during the design life, the final voids in the mix is not lower 4%.

e) The average unevenness index or roughness index for the finished surface measured
along the wheel path of each lane of the road using a bump integrator shall not exceed
2000 mm per krn.

8.6 Construction of Bituminous concrete layer

Before applying BC layer Tack coat is applied. The main objective of tack coat is to provide
adequate interface bond between the receiving pavement surface and the new bituminous layer
being overlaid. The binder of the tack coat is not expected to penetrate into the pavement
surface and plug the voids.

Figure 8.6 Bituminous Concrete Layer

The construction steps are given below:-

a) If a profile corrective course is laid to correct the cross profile of the receiving surface,
this layer of appropriate mix has to be compacted thoroughly.

b) The surface is cleaned with a mechanical room to remove loose materials and dust.

c) The prime coat and tack coat are applied as specified if the receiving surface is granular
sub-base or base course if it is a bituminous surface, a tack coat alone is sufficient.

d) The hot mix is transported to the construction site in a clean, insulated covered truck.

e) The BM mix is spread using a mechanical paver.

f) Rolling is started soon after laying the mix and compaction is to be completed before
the mix cools down to the minimum specified temperature of 100°C in the case of VG-l
0 grade and 90°C in VG-20 grade bitumen. Compaction of the BM layer and finishing
are done as described in steps.



9.1 Subgrade layer construction

The IRC recommends that for the concrete pavements of highways, the subgrade shall consist
of coarse grained soil a minimum CBR value of 8 percent and be of total 500 mrn compacted
thickness cross slope to be provided while finishing the top of the subgrade shall conformity
with the specified cross slope of the CC pavement. The permissible tolerance in surface levels
of subgrade is (+ 20 mrn and - 25 mm).

9.2 Construction of drainage layer

The drainage layer may be directly laid over the subgrade, however it keeping in view the
desired long life of the CC pavement it is desirable to place a suitable type of geo-filter
between the subgrade and the drainage layer. The drainage layer shall extend up to the full
formation width or up to the side drain. The top surface of the drainage layer or lower sub-base
shall also be in conformity with the specified cross slope of the CC pavement. The permissible
tolerance surface levels of sub-base is (+ 10 mm and - 10 mm).

9.3 Construction of Dry Lean Concrete

Provision of a lean cement concrete sub-base layer below the CC pavement been found to have
several advantages such as providing a firm and uniform support, high resistance to
deformation and prevention of failures due to pumping Dry lean concrete (DLC) is the most
common type of cement treated sub-base course laid over the drainage layer. The
recommended thickness of DLC sub-base course on important highways is 150 mm minimum
thickness of 100 mm may be adopted in the case of important roads with less traffic.

Figure 9.1 Dry Lean Concrete Sub Base Layer

9.4 Construction of Cement Concrete pavement slab

Concreting shall not be carried out in hot weather when the air temperature is above 35 degree
and the humidity is low as accelerated setting and shrinkage of concrete may take place.
However special precautions may be taken in hot weather conditions, such as use of suitable
admixtures, chilling plant for cooling the CC mix, etc. Concreting shall not be carried out in
very cold weather also when the ambient temperature falls below 4°C, unless special measures
are taken.

Different methods may be adopted for the construction of CC pavement depending on several
factors such as the importance and magnitude of the road project.

After telling us about the material and their ratio used in construction work we get information
about the equipment used their uses. Detail about the equipment mostly used in construction
work is given following.


Compacting material requirements vary from contract to contract. A list of the types of
compactors which are most commonly used include:
1) Three wheel roller
2) Smooth drum vibrator roller
3) Vibratory tamping roller
5) Crawler-tread equipment or bulldozer
6) Mechanical tamps or vibrators

Fig 10.1 Vibrator Roller



A bulldozer is a crawler (continuous tracked tractor) equipped with a substantial metal plate
(known as a blade) used to push large quantities of soil, sand, rubble, or other such material
during construction or conversion work and typically equipped at the rear with a claw-like
device (known as a ripper) to loosen.


Scraper, in engineering, machine for moving earth over short distances (up to about two miles)
over relatively smooth areas. Either self-propelled or towed, it consists of a wagon with a gate
having a bladed bottom. The blade scrapes up earth as the wagon pushes forward and forces the
excavated material into the wagon.


Power shovels are used principally for excavation and removal of overburden in open-cut

mining operations, though it may include loading of minerals, such as coal. ... It is used in
various types of jobs such as digging in gravel banks, clay pits, digging cuts in road
works, road-side berms, etc.


Concrete is a mix of sand (fine aggregate), cement, gravel or crushed stone (coarse aggregate)
and water. On the other hand, mortar uses sand as the sole aggregate. As you walk around on
the road, you can see concrete everywhere.


In most constructions, mild steel is used. It has immense strength, which makes it an ideal

choice for constructing buildings. Apart from that structural steel is tensile, ductile, flexible,
and cost-effective.


Traffic barricades (also known as safety or road barricades) are used to control the flow of

traffic in a specified area. They are used at construction sites, accident scenes, as roadblocks, at
schools and in a variety of other crowd control situations.

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