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Airworthiness Directive: Design Approval Holder's Name: Type/Model Designation(s)

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: 2018-0262

Airworthiness Directive
AD No.: 2018-0262
Issued: 06 December 2018
Note: This Airworthiness Directive (AD) is issued by EASA, acting in accordance with Regulation
(EU) 2018/1139 on behalf of the European Union, its Member States and of the European third
countries that participate in the activities of EASA under Article 129 of that Regulation.

This AD is issued in accordance with Regulation (EU) 748/2012, Part 21.A.3B. In accordance with Regulation (EU) 1321/2014 Annex I, Part M.A.301, the
continuing airworthiness of an aircraft shall be ensured by accomplishing any applicable ADs. Consequently, no person may operate an aircraft to which
an AD applies, except in accordance with the requirements of that AD, unless otherwise specified by the Agency [Regulation (EU) 1321/2014 Annex I,
Part M.A.303] or agreed with the Authority of the State of Registry [Regulation (EU) 2018/1139, Article 71 exemption].

Design Approval Holder’s Name: Type/Model designation(s):

IPECO HOLDING Ltd Type 3A063 flight crew seats

Effective Date: 20 December 2018

ETSO Authorisations: Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) of the United Kingdom (UK) Approval numbers,
E12862, E12863 and E13323.
Foreign AD: Not applicable
Supersedure: This AD supersedes EASA AD 2016-0256 dated 16 December 2016.

ATA 25 – Equipment / Furnishings – Pilot and Co-pilot Seats – Modification /


IPECO Holding Ltd, previously IPECO Europe Ltd

Type 3A063 pilot and co-pilot seats, identified by Part Number (P/N) in Appendix 1 of this AD, all
serial numbers.

These seats are known to be installed on, but not limited to, ATR-GIE Avions de Transport Régional
ATR 42 and ATR 72 aeroplanes.

For the purpose of this AD, the following definitions apply:

The applicable modification SB: IPECO Service Bulletin (SB) 063-25-08, SB 063-25-09 and SB
063-25-10, as applicable.

The inspection SB: IPECO SB 063-25-14.

Pre-mod seat: A seat having a P/N identified as “old P/N” in Appendix 1 of this AD.

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EASA AD No.: 2018-0262

Affected seat: A seat having a P/N identified in Appendix 1 of this AD (both “old P/N” and “new

Affected spring: Track lock spring having P/N 1A527-0016 or P/N 3A063-0559.

Groups: Group 1 are aeroplanes that, on 30 December 2016 [the effective date of EASA AD
2016-0256] had a pre-mod seat installed. Group 2 are aeroplanes that, on 30 December 2016, did
not have a pre-mod seat installed.

Occurrences have been reported of pilot/co-pilot unexpected rearward movement during take-off
and landing. Investigations determined that horizontal guide block wear, presence of burrs on
horizontal centre track and horizontal track lock system weakness (spring tension too low) were
causes which contributed to the seat not being correctly locked.

This condition, if not corrected, could lead to further cases of unwanted flight crew seat movement,
possibly resulting in reduced control of the aeroplane.

To address this potential unsafe condition, IPECO improved the quality control on the final assembly
line and issued the applicable modification SB, providing modification instructions, and EASA issued
AD 2016-0256, requiring modification of pre-mod seats and subsequent re-identification with a new

Since that AD was issued, occurrences of track lock spring failures have been reported on affected
seats (including seats already modified as required by EASA AD 2016-0256). Consequently, IPECO
published the inspection SB, providing applicable instructions to inspect and replace, if necessary,
any affected spring of each affected seat.

For the reasons described above, this AD retains the requirements of EASA AD 2016-0256, which is
superseded, and requires repetitive inspection of seats and, depending on findings, replacement of
affected springs and reporting to IPECO.

Required Action(s) and Compliance Time(s):

Required as indicated, unless accomplished previously:

Restatement of the requirements of EASA AD 2016-0256:

(1) For Group 1 aeroplanes: Within 2 years after 30 December 2016 [the effective date of EASA AD
2016-0256], modify and re-identify each pre-mod seat in accordance with the instructions of
the applicable modification SB (see Note 1 of this AD).

Note 1: For affected ATR aeroplanes, ATR issued SB ATR42-25-0191 and SB ATR72-25-1157,
referencing the applicable modification SB, and providing instructions to modify an aeroplane by
installation of modified (new, or re-identified) seats.

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EASA AD No.: 2018-0262

Parts Installation:
(2) Do not install (see Note 2 of this AD) a pre-mod seat on any aeroplane, as required by
paragraph (2.1) or (2.2) of this AD, as applicable.

(2.1) Group 1 aeroplanes: After modification of that aeroplane as required by paragraph (1) of
this AD.

(2.2) Group 2 aeroplanes: From 30 December 2016 [the effective date of EASA AD 2016-0256].

Note 2: For the purpose of this AD, removal of a seat from an aeroplane and subsequent
re-installation of that seat on that same aeroplane is not “installation” as specified in paragraphs (2)
and (7) of this AD.

New requirements of this AD:

(3) Within 750 flight hours (FH) after the effective date of this AD, and, thereafter, at intervals not
to exceed 750 FH, inspect any affected spring of each affected seat in accordance with the
instructions of the inspection SB.

Corrective action:
(4) If, during any inspection as required by paragraph (3) of this AD, any damage or incorrect
installation of an affected spring (as identified in the inspection SB) is found, before next flight
replace both springs in accordance with the instructions of the inspection SB.

(5) For affected seats installed on ATR aeroplanes: If, during any inspection as required by
paragraph (3) of this AD, any damage or incorrect installation of only one affected spring (as
identified in the inspection SB) is found on the pilot or co-pilot seat, it is allowed to defer
accomplishment of the corrective actions as required by paragraph (4) of this AD for that seat
by up to 10 calendar days, provided a copy of the ATR Operations Engineering Bulletin (OEB)
“Untimely Pilot Seat Unlocking” is included in the applicable Aircraft Flight Manual, pilots are
informed, and the aeroplane is operated in accordance with the instructions of that OEB.

Terminating action:
(6) None.

Parts Installation:
(7) From the effective date of this AD, it is allowed to install (see Note 2 of this AD) an affected seat
on an aeroplane provided, before installation, that seat passed an inspection (no defect found),
in accordance with the instructions of the inspection SB and that, following installation, it is
inspected as required by paragraph (3) this AD.

(8) From the effective date of this AD, it is allowed to install an affected spring on a seat installed
on an aeroplane provided that, before next flight after installation, that spring passes an
inspection (no defect found), in accordance with the instructions of the inspection SB and that,
thereafter, it is inspected as required by paragraph (3) this AD.

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EASA AD No.: 2018-0262

(9) Within 30 days after the initial inspection of an affected spring as required by paragraph (3) of
this AD, or within 30 days after the effective date of this AD, whichever occurs later, report
inspection results (including no finding) to IPECO. This can be done in accordance with the
instructions of the inspection SB.

(10) If, during any inspection as required by paragraph (3) of this AD, any damage or incorrect
installation of an affected spring (as identified in the inspection SB) is found, unless already
done as required by paragraph (9) of this AD, within 30 days after that inspection, or within 30
days after the effective date of this AD, whichever occurs later, report inspection findings to
IPECO. This can be done in accordance with the instructions of the inspection SB.

Ref. Publications:
IPECO SB 063-25-08 original issue dated 31 May 2016.

IPECO SB 063-25-09 original issue dated 31 May 2016.

IPECO SB 063-25-10 original issue dated 31 May 2016.

IPECO SB 063-25-14 original issue dated 14 August 2018.

ATR OEB “Untimely Pilot Seat Unlocking” available inside ATR FCOM and submitted with AOM:
42/72/2018/04 issue 1 dated 13 September 2018.

ATR SB ATR42-25-0191 original issue dated 04 July 2016, or revision 01 dated 20 July 2016.

ATR SB ATR72-25-1157 original issue dated 04 July 2016, or revision 01 dated 20 July 2016.

The use of later approved revisions of the above-mentioned documents is acceptable for
compliance with the requirements of this AD.

1. If requested and appropriately substantiated, EASA can approve Alternative Methods of
Compliance for this AD.

2. This AD was posted on 24 October 2018 as PAD 18-143 for consultation until 07 November
2018. No comments were received during the consultation period.

3. Enquiries regarding this AD should be referred to the EASA Safety Information Section,
Certification Directorate. E-mail: ADs@easa.europa.eu.

4. Information about any failures, malfunctions, defects or other occurrences, which may be
similar to the unsafe condition addressed by this AD, and which may occur, or have occurred on
a product, part or appliance not affected by this AD, can be reported to the EU aviation safety
reporting system.

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EASA AD No.: 2018-0262

5. For any question concerning the technical content of the requirements in this AD, please
contact: IPECO Holdings Limited,
Aviation Way, Southend On Sea, Essex SS2 6UN, United Kingdom,
Telephone: +44 1702 209211, Fax: +44 1702 540782,
E-mail: Customersupport@ipeco.com.

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An agency of the European Union
EASA AD No.: 2018-0262

Appendix 1 – Affected Seat P/N

This Appendix list all the affected seat P/N, including pre-mod seats P/N (column “Old P/N”)
and the P/N after the modification required by paragraph (1) of this AD (column “New P/N”).

Table 1 – IPECO SB 063-25-08 and SB 063-25-14

Pilot Seats Co-pilot Seats

Old P/N New P/N Old P/N New P/N
3A063-0033-01-1 3A063-0033-01-1Z 3A063-0034-01-1 3A063-0034-01-1Z
3A063-0033-01-2 3A063-0033-01-2Z 3A063-0034-01-2 3A063-0034-01-2Z
3A063-0033-01-3 3A063-0033-01-3Z 3A063-0034-01-3 3A063-0034-01-3Z
3A063-0033-01-4 3A063-0033-01-4Z 3A063-0034-01-4 3A063-0034-01-4Z
3A063-0033-01-5 3A063-0033-01-6 3A063-0034-01-5 3A063-0034-01-6
3A063-0033-02-1 3A063-0033-02-1Z 3A063-0034-02-1 3A063-0034-02-1Z
3A063-0033-02-2 3A063-0033-02-2Z 3A063-0034-02-2 3A063-0034-02-2Z
3A063-0033-02-3 3A063-0033-02-3Z 3A063-0034-02-3 3A063-0034-02-3Z
3A063-0033-02-4 3A063-0033-02-4Z 3A063-0034-02-4 3A063-0034-02-4Z
3A063-0033-02-5 3A063-0033-02-6 3A063-0034-02-5 3A063-0034-02-6

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EASA AD No.: 2018-0262

Table 2 – IPECO SB 063-25-09 and SB 063-25-14

Pilot Seats Co-pilot Seats

Old P/N New P/N Old P/N New P/N
3A063-0035-01-1 3A063-0035-01-1Z 3A063-0036-01-1 3A063-0036-01-1Z
3A063-0035-01-2 3A063-0035-01-2Z 3A063-0036-01-2 3A063-0036-01-2Z
3A063-0035-01-3 3A063-0035-01-3Z 3A063-0036-01-3 3A063-0036-01-3Z
3A063-0035-01-4 3A063-0035-01-4Z 3A063-0036-01-4 3A063-0036-01-4Z
3A063-0035-01-5 3A063-0035-01-6 3A063-0036-01-5 3A063-0036-01-6
3A063-0035-02-1 3A063-0035-02-1Z 3A063-0036-02-1 3A063-0036-02-1Z
3A063-0035-02-2 3A063-0035-02-2Z 3A063-0036-02-2 3A063-0036-02-2Z
3A063-0035-02-3 3A063-0035-02-3Z 3A063-0036-02-3 3A063-0036-02-3Z
3A063-0035-02-4 3A063-0035-02-4Z 3A063-0036-02-4 3A063-0036-02-4Z
3A063-0035-02-5 3A063-0035-02-6 3A063-0036-02-5 3A063-0036-02-6
3A063-0035-03-1 3A063-0035-03-1Z 3A063-0036-03-1 3A063-0036-03-1Z
3A063-0035-03-2 3A063-0035-03-2Z 3A063-0036-03-2 3A063-0036-03-2Z
3A063-0035-03-3 3A063-0035-03-3Z 3A063-0036-03-3 3A063-0036-03-3Z
3A063-0035-03-4 3A063-0035-03-4Z 3A063-0036-03-4 3A063-0036-03-4Z
3A063-0035-03-5 3A063-0035-03-6 3A063-0036-03-5 3A063-0036-03-6
3A063-0035-04-1 3A063-0035-04-1Z 3A063-0036-04-1 3A063-0036-04-1Z
3A063-0035-04-2 3A063-0035-04-2Z 3A063-0036-04-2 3A063-0036-04-2Z
3A063-0035-04-3 3A063-0035-04-3Z 3A063-0036-04-3 3A063-0036-04-3Z
3A063-0035-04-4 3A063-0035-04-4Z 3A063-0036-04-4 3A063-0036-04-4Z
3A063-0035-04-5 3A063-0035-04-6 3A063-0036-04-5 3A063-0036-04-6
3A063-0035-05-1 3A063-0035-05-1Z 3A063-0036-05-1 3A063-0036-05-1Z
3A063-0035-05-2 3A063-0035-05-2Z 3A063-0036-05-2 3A063-0036-05-2Z
3A063-0035-05-3 3A063-0035-05-3Z 3A063-0036-05-3 3A063-0036-05-3Z
3A063-0035-05-4 3A063-0035-05-4Z 3A063-0036-05-4 3A063-0036-05-4Z
3A063-0035-05-5 3A063-0035-05-6 3A063-0036-05-5 3A063-0036-05-6
3A063-0037-01-1 3A063-0037-01-1Z 3A063-0038-01-1 3A063-0038-01-1Z
3A063-0037-01-2 3A063-0037-01-2Z 3A063-0038-01-2 3A063-0038-01-2Z
3A063-0037-01-3 3A063-0037-01-3Z 3A063-0038-01-3 3A063-0038-01-3Z
3A063-0037-01-4 3A063-0037-01-4Z 3A063-0038-01-4 3A063-0038-01-4Z
3A063-0037-01-5 3A063-0037-01-6 3A063-0038-01-5 3A063-0038-01-6

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An agency of the European Union
EASA AD No.: 2018-0262

Table 3 – IPECO SB 063-25-10 and SB 063-25-14

Pilot Seats Co-pilot Seats

Old P/N New P/N Old P/N New P/N
3A063-0079-01-1 3A063-0079-01-1Z 3A063-0080-01-1 3A063-0080-01-1Z
3A063-0079-01-2 3A063-0079-01-2Z 3A063-0080-01-2 3A063-0080-01-2Z
3A063-0079-01-3 3A063-0079-01-3Z 3A063-0080-01-3 3A063-0080-01-3Z
3A063-0079-01-4 3A063-0079-01-5 3A063-0080-01-4 3A063-0080-01-5
3A063-0079-02-1 3A063-0079-02-1Z 3A063-0080-02-1 3A063-0080-02-1Z
3A063-0079-02-2 3A063-0079-02-2Z 3A063-0080-02-2 3A063-0080-02-2Z
3A063-0079-02-3 3A063-0079-02-3Z 3A063-0080-02-3 3A063-0080-02-3Z
3A063-0079-02-4 3A063-0079-02-5 3A063-0080-02-4 3A063-0080-02-5
3A063-0079-03-1 3A063-0079-03-1Z 3A063-0080-03-1 3A063-0080-03-1Z
3A063-0079-03-2 3A063-0079-03-2Z 3A063-0080-03-2 3A063-0080-03-2Z
3A063-0079-03-3 3A063-0079-03-3Z 3A063-0080-03-3 3A063-0080-03-3Z
3A063-0079-03-4 3A063-0079-03-5 3A063-0080-03-4 3A063-0080-03-5

Table 4 – IPECO SB 063-25-14

Pilot Seats Co-pilot Seats

Old P/N New P/N Old P/N New P/N
Not Applicable
3A063-0079-21-6 N/A 3A063-0080-21-06
N/A 3A063-0099-01-1 N/A 3A063-0100-01-1

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