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Sir William Herschell: Clariz Agullera

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In 1858, he was In-charge of the Indian Civil Service of the Province of Bengal, India and first
use palm print to record the identity of individuals officially and to check forgeries by the natives whom
he had business dealings with. RAJYADHAR KONAI, a Road Contractor Impressed his finger and palm
prints (known as Chiroscopy) at the back of the contract as sign of agreement.


He was the Scottish Surgeon attached to the Tsukiji Hospital in Tokyo, Japan authored a book
entitled Nature in 1880 focusing with latent prints found at the crime scene. He claimed that the
impressions would provide positive identification of the offender when caught. The use of the printers
ink and the inking of al fingers were attributed to him.


He was the Chief of the identification Bureau in Paris introduced his anthropometric system
based upon eleven (11) measurements of the human anatomy for identification purposes and adopted
by the French Police in 1882.


He was British Anthropologist and Scientist and a cousin of scientist Charles Darwin, who
divided the fingerprint patterns into Loops, Arches and Whorl or the LAW method. His greatest
contribution to Dactyloscopy is the fact which he had proven, is the constancy of the ridges throughout
life until decomposition sets in after death and the friction skin contains individual characteristics which
he termed as Galton’s details. He wrote the book Finger Prints and published it in 1892. Galton’s system
was combined with the methods of Bertillion so that after 1895, criminals were both fingerprinted and

He was a Criminologist and an Argentinean Police official who devised a system of classifying
and filling of fingerprint cards and was used in most Spanish and Latin countries. His fingerprint
collection was considered the largest of its kind in the world. His system was soon modified by Federico
Clariz Agullera.

He was an English Wood Engraver, Author and Naturalist who engraved the patterns of his own
fingers on every woodcut he has finished to serve as his marks and establish its authority.


Father of Fingerprints
He was a son of a Doctor and Inspector General of the Metropolitan Police Force in London,
England who published the book Classification and Uses of Fingerprints. His system was officially
adopted in July 1, 1901 in London and with some modification, is in general use in most English speaking
countries today including the Philippine. But if credit has to be given where credit is due – Henry’s
success was due to the active support of Bengal, India Police Officers
1. Khan Bahadur Azizul &
2. Bahadur Hem Chandra Bose
Father of Poroscopy
In his book La Pouve Judiciare Par Las Emprientes Dignitales, in 1914 at Lyons, France
summarized the principles of identification from impressions referred to as Points of Identity.


What is Dactyloscopy?
It refers to the practical application of fingerprints (the identification, comparison &
classification of finger patterns)

Origin: The word Dactyloscopy was derived from two Greek words: Dactyl which means ‘’finger’’ and
‘’skopien’’ meaning study or ‘’to examine’’.

What is Dactylograpy?
It refers to the scientific study of fingerprints as a means of identification.

What is Fingerprint?
It is an impression designed by the ridges on the inside of the last joint of the finger or thumb on
any smooth surf through the media of an ink, sweat or any reagents capable of producing visibility.


The following are the three principles of fingerprint identification:

1. Principle of Individuality
It states that there are no two persons having the same fingerprints in all characteristics.

2. Principle of Immutability
This is also known as the Principles of Permanency or Constancy which states that once
ridges of the fingers are developed, their general characteristics & arrangement do not change.
The patterns are permanent throughout life.

3. Principle of Infallibility
It states that fingerprint is a reliable & positive means of Identification because of the two
above principles. This is not be altered.

Other Fields of Study Related to Dactyloscopy

Below are the other fields of study related to Dactylocopy.
1. Poroscopy
It came from the Greek words Poros which means pores or holes. It is the scientific study of
small opening on the surface of the skin commonly called as pores.

2. Chairoscopy
It came from the Greek words Cheir which means hand. It is a branch of science which deals
with the study palm of the hand.
3. Podocopy
It came from the Greek words Podo which means foot. It focuses on the study of the soles
of the feet.


What is Friction Skin?

It refers to an epidermal hairless skin found on the ventral or lower surface of the hands and feet
covered with minute ridges and furrows & without pigment or coloring matters. It is called as papillary
or epidermal ridges.


The following are the main components of the friction skin:
A. Ridge Surface
It is the part of the friction skin that actually forms the fingerprint patterns & impression.

A.1. Ridges
These are the tiny elevation or hill like structures found on the epidermis layer of the skin
containing sweat tiny openings or known as pores. It appears as black lines in an inked impression.

A.2. Furrows
These are the canal – like impressions or a depression found between the ridges which appear
as white lines in an inked impression.

B. Sweat Pores
These are the small openings found anywhere across the ridge surface but is usually found
near the center. These are sometimes called Islands which color white in plain impression.

C. Sweat Ducts
These are long – host like structures which serve as the passage ways for the sweat to exit at
its hole, the pore

D. Sweat Glands
These are the glands responsible for the production of the sweat which can be found in the
dermis layer of the skin.


It is the outer most covering layer of the skin

Two main layers of the Epidermis

These are two (2) main layers of the skin, namely; the Stratum Corneum & Stratum Mocosum.
The former refers to the outer layer of the skin while the latter refers to the layer immediately beneath
the former.
Five Subdivisions of the Stratum Corneum
Below arethefive(5)subdivisionsoftheStratumCorneum:
1. Corneus Layer
2. Transparent Layer
3. Granucar Layer
4. Malphigian Layer &
5. Generating Layer

This refers to the inner layer of the skin containing blood vessels, various glands and nerves. It is
where the dermal papillae are found.

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