Thyristor CKT MCQS
Thyristor CKT MCQS
Thyristor CKT MCQS
Answer: c
Explanation: The voltage drop across the anti
parallel connected SCR reverse biases the
main SCR.
3. Below given circuit is a
Answer: b
Explanation: The chopper can only start
(effectively) when the C in the commutating
circuit is charged first.
5. In a voltage commutated chopper
circuit, the capacitor C can be
charged to Vs by
a) Vs – T1 – Load – Vs b) S – C –
T1 – Load – S c) C – T1 – L – D –
C d) C – T1 – TA – C
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Answer: c
Explanation: The commutation current is
nothing but the capacitor current.
7. In the below given circuit, when
a) gating T1 b) gating TA c) closing the main SCR T1 is commutated at
the switch d) both gating TA and t2, the load voltage is
closing the switch
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Answer: d
Explanation: When switch is closed, the C gets
charged through Vs, C, Switch. When TA is
triggered C gets charged through Vs, C, TA and
the load.
6. In the below given circuit, when
the main thyristor T1 is triggered
after charging the capacitor, the
commutation current flows through a) Vs b) 0 c) 2Vs d) Vs + Ldi/dt
the path
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a) T1-T2, T3-T4 b) T1-T3, T2-T4 c) a) Vs b) 0 c) 2Vs d) Vs + Ldi/dt
T1-T4, T2-T4 d) T1, T2
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Answer: c
Answer: a Explanation: The main SCRs T1 and T2 are
Explanation: T1-T2 and T3-T4 act together as conducting, and the path is Vs –T1 – C – T2 –
one pair for conducting the load current Load. Hence, Vo = Vs + (capacitor voltage). As
alternately. the capacitor is already charged to a voltage
Vs. Vo = 2Vs.
4. When T1 and T2 are conducting,
6. What is the expression for design
which components act as the
of commutation capacitance in case
commutating components?
of a load commutated chopper
circuit? a) (I x Ton)/Vs b) Cannot be
determined c) (I x Ton)/2Vs d) (I x
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Answer: c
Explanation: Total change in the voltage is
2xVs in time Ton.
a) T3 and T4 b) All the SCRs c) T3,
I = C x (2Vs/ Ton)
T4 and C d) T3, T4, C and FD C = (IxTon)/2Vs.
7. Which type of commutating
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circuit will have highest switching
Answer: c losses for same rating of all the
Explanation: Commutating components are components? a) current
the one which will help the main SCRs T1 and
commutated chopper b) voltage
T2 in this case turn off safely. FD is not a
commutating component, it only freewheels
commutated chopper c) load
the current during inductive loads. commutated chopper d) forced
5. What is the voltage across the commutated chopper
load when T1 and T2 are gated
after charging the capacitor to Vs? View Answer
Answer: c
Explanation: Load commutated choppers have
4 SCRs which require frequent turning on and
turning off which increases the switching When D is active during Toff,
consider inductor as a short circuit
8. The speed of a separately
thus, Id = (VoxToff)/R = 80 x 0.2/10
excited dc motor is controlled below
= 1.6 A.
base speed by using a type-A SCR
based chopper. The supply voltage 10. A chopper circuit is fed from an
is 220 V dc and the armature input voltage of 20 V delivers a
resistance is 0.5 Ω. Calculate the power of 16 watts. If the chopper
minimum value of firing angle if the efficiency is 80 %, then find the
motor drives a constant torque load value of input current. a) 0.64 A b) 1
requiring an average armature A c) 0.8 A d) 1.25 A
current of 30 A. a) 1/2 b) 3/44 c)
59/46 d) 7/12 View Answer
a) 2 A b) 1.6 A c) 8 A d) 6.4 A
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