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Thyristor Ratings and Protection PDF

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1. The voltage safety factor (V​SF​) for an SCR is the 6.

For a SCR the maximum rms on-state current is

ratio of a) peak working voltage & peak reverse 35 A. If the SCR is used in a resistive circuit for a
repetitive voltage b) dv/dt & di/dt c) peak repetitive rectangular wave with conduction angle of 90°.
reverse voltage & maximum value of input voltage Calculate the average & rms currents respectively.
d) peak repetitive reverse voltage & rms value of a) I/4, I/2 b) I/2, I/√2
input voltage
c) I/4, I​2​/2
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d) I/4, I/√2 
Answer: c  View Answer
Explanation: It is peak repetitive reverse voltage/ the maximum value of input 
Answer: a Explanation: First convert the conduction angle into N for 
2. The forward dv/dt rating of an SCR a) increases rectangular wave. N = 360°/Conduction angle = 4 Therefore, Iavg = I/4 
with increase in the junction temperature b) Irms = I/√4 = I/2.
decreases with increase in the junction temperature
c) increases with decrease in the rms value of 7. For an SCR the average & rms values of current
forward anode-cathode voltage d) decreases with are I/4 & I/2 respectively. Calculate the average
decrease in the rms value of forward on-state current rating (I​TAV​). Take maximum RMS
anode-cathode voltage on-state current = 35 A. a) 8.78 A b) 10.10 A c) 17.5
A d) 24.74 A
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Answer: a 
Explanation: If the temperature is high, lesser dv/dt is required to turn on the 
Answer: c Explanation: Form factor = RMS/Average vaules of current 
device as the higher temperature has already excited few of the holes & 
Therefore, FF = 2 
I​TAV​ = 35/2 = 17.5.
3. The finger voltage of an SCR is a) minimum
value of Vak to turn on the device with gate
triggering b) maximum value of Vak to turn on the 8. The amp​2​-sec rating of the SCR specifies a) The
power dissipated by the device when fault occurs b)
device with gate triggering c) minimum value of Vak
to turn on the device without gate triggering d) The energy dissipated by the device when fault
maximum value of Vak to turn on the device without occurs c) The energy that the device can absorb
gate triggering before the fault is cleared d) The energy that the
device can absorb while operating in the forward
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Answer: a  View Answer

Explanation: Finger voltage is the minimum value of Vak (anode to cathode 
voltage) to turn on the device with gate triggering, it is to be avoided for  Answer: c 
accidental turn-on of the device.  Explanation: The amp​2​-sec is the energy that the device can handle before the 
4. Which among the following anode current fault is cleared. Its value decides how fast the fault has to be cleared to avoid 
damage to the device. 
waveforms will have the minimum junction
temperature? a) 100 % DC b) 25 % DC c) 50 % DC 9. The maximum rms current of an SCR is 50 A. For
d) AC a 120° sine wave conduction the form factor (FF) =
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Find the average on-state current rating (I​TAV​). a)
Answer: b  93.9 A b) 174 A c) 26.62 A d) 68.52 A
Explanation: N % DC is nothing but a wave with n % duty cycle. Lower the Duty 
cycle lesser is the current flowing & lesser is the temperature dissipation. 
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5. An SCR has half cycle surge current rating of
3000 A for 50 Hz. Calculate its one-cycle surge Answer: c 
current rating a) 3121.32 A b) 2121.32 A c) 3131.32 Explanation: I​TAV​ = 50/FF. 
A d) 2131.32 A 10. The thermal resistance between junction & the
SCR (θ​jc​) has the unit a) Ω/°C b) W/Ω c) °C/W d)
View Answer ΩW/°C

Answer: b Explanation: By equating the energies involved in one cycle &  View Answer
I​2​.T = Isb​2​.t Answer: c 
Explanation: Thermal resistance always has the unit degree temperature per 
Isb = 3000 A T = 1/50  watt. 
t = T/2.
1. di/dt protection is provided to the thryistor by a) b) I(1 + e​-t/τ​)
connecting an inductor in parallel across the load b)
connecting an inductor in series with the load c) c) I(1 – e​t/τ​)
connecting an inductor in parallel across the gate
terminal d) connecting an inductor in series with the d) I(1 + e​-t/τ​)
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Answer: a Explanation: As soon as the switch is closed, C acts like a S.C & the 
voltage equation gives Vs = (Rs + Rl) I + L di/dt 
Answer: b 
Explanation: By placing the di/dt inductor (L) in series with the load, the  Solve the above D.E.
change in the anode current can be limited to a small value. 
2. The local hot spot formation in the cross-section 6. The effect of over-voltages on SCR are
of the SCR is avoided by a) reducing the junction minimized by using a) RL circuits b) Circuit breakers
temperature b) applying gate current nearer to the c) Varistors d) di/dt inductor
maximum gate current c) using only R loads d)
proper mounting of the SCR on heat sink View Answer

View Answer Answer: c 

Explanation: Varistors are non-linear voltage clamping devices, RC circuits 
across the loads can also be used. 
Answer: b 
Explanation: Applying the higher gate current spreads the ions quickly and  7. Over-current protection in SCRs is achieved
avoids hotspot formation. 
through the use of a) Varistors b) Snubber Circuits
3. The dv/dt protection is provided in order to a) limit
c) F.A.C.L.F & C.B. d) Zener diodes
the power loss b) reduce the junction temperature
c) avoid accidental turn-on of the device d) avoiding
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sudden large voltage across the load
Answer: c 
View Answer Explanation: FACLF stands for Fast Acting Current Limiting Fuse. 
8. False triggering of the SCRs by varying flux &
Answer: c  noise is avoided by using a) F.A.C.L.F & C.B b)
Explanation: Accidentally some voltage spike or noise may occur in the 
Shielded cables & twisted gate leads c) Snubber
vicinity of the device, if the magnitude is large enough it may turn on the SCR. 
circuits d) di/dt inductor in series with the gate
4. dv/dt protection is provided to the SCR by a)
connecting a capacitor in parallel with the load b)
connecting an inductor in series with the load c)
connecting a capacitor & resister in parallel with the View Answer
device d) connecting an inductor & resister in
Answer: b 
parallel with the device Explanation: Shielded cables provide isolation from outside noise. 
9. The thyristor has the following specifications Vs =
View Answer 400 V

Answer: c 
(di/dt)​max​ = 25 A/μsec
Explanation: Snubber circuit R-C in parallel with SCR is connected for dv/dt 
Find the value of L 
5. Figure below shows SCR having dv/dt and di/dt
protection, when the switch(shown in green) is
closed the current through Rl =

a) 8 μH b) 80 μH c) 16 μH d) 160 μH 
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Answer: c Explanation: As soon as the switch is closed, C acts like a S.C & the 
a) I(1 – e​-t/τ​) voltage equation gives, Vs = (Rs + Rl) I + L di/dt Solve the above D.E. 
di/dt = Vs/L e​-t/τ 5. Which of the following thermal resistance
parameters depends on the size of the device
di/dt is maximum at t = 0, substitute the above given values & find L 
10. Thyristors are used in electronic crowbar
and the clamping pressure?
protection circuits because it possesses a) high
surge current capabilities a) θ​sA

b) high amp ​2​-sec rating b) θ​cs

c) less switching losses d) voltage clamping properties 

c) θ​jc​ d) None
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Answer: a 
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Explanation: Crowbar protection circuits have high surge current capabilities. 
  Answer: b 
Explanation: The case-to-sink thermal resistance depends on the 
size of the device, pressure, grease between the interface, etc. 
1. The usual way to accomplish higher gate 6. The sink to ambient thermal resistance of
current for improved di/dt rating is by using a) SCR θ​sA​ a) depends on the flatness of the
varistors b) pilot thyristors c) twisted cables d) device b) depends on the length of the device
op-amps c) depends on the current carrying capabilities
d) is independent on thyristor configuration
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Answer: b 
Explanation: Pilot SCR is an SCR which is fired which activates the 
firing circuit and fires the main SCR.  Answer: d 
Explanation: It does not depend on any of the device 
2. Inter-digitating of gate-cathode regions in
SCR devices improves the 7. P​av​ x (θ​jc​ + θ​cs​ + θ​sA​) = a) Maximum
specified temperature b) Energy lost c)
a) I​2​t rating b) di/dt rating c) dv/dt rating d)
Difference in temperature between junction &
thermal resistance
ambient d) Sum of junction & ambient
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Answer: b 
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Explanation: Inter-digitating is the inter-mixing of the gate-cathode 
area to improve the di/dt ratings. di/dt rating is improved by  Answer: c 
providing more cathode conduction area during the delay and rise  Explanation: P​av​ = (T​j​ – T​a)​ /θ​jA 
time.  θ​jA​ = (θ​jc​ + θ​cs​ + θ​sA​). 
3. The dv/dt rating of SCR can be improved by 8. Heat dissipation from heat sink mainly takes
using a) cathode-short structure b) place by a) radiation b) convection c)
anode-short structure c) gate-short structure d) absorption d) none of the mentioned
centre gate thyristor
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Answer: b 
Explanation: Heat DISSIPATION (rejection of heat to the 
Answer: a 
atmosphere) takes place through convention only. 
Explanation: Cathode shorts are realized by overlapping metal on 
cathode n+ layers with a narrow p-region in between.  9. For low power SCRs (about 1 Ampere
4. The total thermal resistance between current) _____________ type of mounting is
junction and ambient θ​jA​ is 10°C/W. θ​jc​ is used a) lead b) stud c) bolt-down d) press-fit
2°C/W. θ​cs​ is 4°C/W. θ​sA​ = ? a) 4°C/W b)
2°C/W c) 10°C/W d) 16°C/W View Answer

Answer: a 
View Answer Explanation: Lead mounting is a very simple time of mounting 
used for low power devices. 
Answer: a 
10. In the ___________ type of mounting the
Explanation: θ​jA​ = θ​jc​+ θ​cs​+ θ​sA​. 
SCR is pressed between two heat sinks a)
bolt-down mounting b) stud-mounting c)
press-pak mounting d) cross-fit mounting

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Answer: c 
Explanation: In the press-pak type the device is pressed or 
clamped between two heat-sinks & external pressure is applied 
from both the sides. 

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