Gtepra3: Tutorial Letter 101/0/2016
Gtepra3: Tutorial Letter 101/0/2016
Gtepra3: Tutorial Letter 101/0/2016
Year Module
Name of Department
This tutorial letter contains important information
about your module.
Open Rubric
1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 5
2 PURPOSE OF AND OUTCOMES FOR THE MODULE............................................................... 5
2.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 Outcomes ..................................................................................................................................... 6
3 LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS................................................................................... 7
3.1 Department ................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 University ...................................................................................................................................... 7
4 MODULE-RELATED RESOURCES ............................................................................................. 8
4.1 Prescribed books .......................................................................................................................... 8
4.2 Recommended books ................................................................................................................... 8
4.3 Electronic Reserves (e-Reserves)................................................................................................. 8
5 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES FOR THE MODULE ............................................................... 8
6 MODULE-SPECIFIC STUDY PLAN ............................................................................................. 9
6.1 VENUE OPTIONS .......................................................................................................................... 9
6.1.1 OPTION 1: THE PREFERRED OPTION ......................................................................................... 9
6.1.2 OPTION 2: THE NON-PREFERRED OPTION ................................................................................ 9
6.2 Approval of Institution by UNISA....................................................................................................... 10
6.3 Rules for the practicum attendance and participation ....................................................................... 10
6.4 Submission of Practicum Report ....................................................................................................... 11
6.4.1 OPTION 1: THE PREFERRED OPTION ....................................................................................... 11
6.4.2 OPTION 2: THE NON-PREFERRED OPTION .............................................................................. 11
7 MODULE PRACTICAL WORK AND WORK-INTEGRATED LEARNING .................................. 12
8 ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................................................... 12
8.1 Assessment plan ........................................................................................................................ 12
8.2 General assignment numbers ..................................................................................................... 12
8.2.1 Unique assignment numbers ...................................................................................................... 12
8.2.2 Due dates for assignments ......................................................................................................... 13
8.3 Submission of assignments ........................................................................................................ 13
8.4 Website ........................................................................................................................................ 13
8.5 Plagiarism..................................................................................................................................... 13
8.6 A Signed Declaration ................................................................................................................... 14
8.7 Assignments ............................................................................................................................... 15
9 EXPERIMENT 1 ......................................................................................................................... 20
9.1 Coefficient of Permeability – Constant-head method ................................................................... 20
9.2 OBJECTIVE:................................................................................................................................ 20
9.3 METHOD: ..................................................................................................................................... 21
9.4 INSTRUCTION: ............................................................................................................................. 24
9.5 CONCLUSION:.............................................................................................................................. 24
10 EXPERIMENT 2 ......................................................................................................................... 26
10.1 OBJECTIVE: ................................................................................................................................ 26
10.2 APPARATUS: ............................................................................................................................... 26
10.3 METHOD: ...................................................................................................................................... 27
10.4 INSTRUCTION: ............................................................................................................................ 29
10.5 CONCLUSION:............................................................................................................................. 29
11 EXPERIMENT 2 ......................................................................................................................... 31
11.1 THE SHEAR STRENGTH OF A SOIL ............................................................................................ 31
11.2 INTRODUCTION: ........................................................................................................................... 31
12 EXPERIMENT 3 ......................................................................................................................... 32
12.1 The Shear Box Test .................................................................................................................... 32
12.2 OBJECTIVE:................................................................................................................................ 32
12.3 APPARATUS: .............................................................................................................................. 32
12.4 METHOD: .................................................................................................................................... 33
12.5 NOTE: ......................................................................................................................................... 34
12.6 INSTRUCTION: ........................................................................................................................... 36
13 EXPERIMENT 4 ......................................................................................................................... 39
13.1 CONSOLIDATION .......................................................................................................................... 39
13.2 INTRODUCTION: .......................................................................................................................... 39
13.3 The Oedometer Test...................................................................................................................... 39
13.4 OBJECTIVE: ................................................................................................................................ 39
13.5 APPARATUS: ............................................................................................................................... 39
13.6 METHOD: ...................................................................................................................................... 40
13.7 INSTRUCTION: ............................................................................................................................ 43
14 OTHER ASSESSMENT METHODS ........................................................................................... 54
15 EXAMINATION ........................................................................................................................... 54
16 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ........................................................................................ 54
17 SOURCES CONSULTED ........................................................................................................... 54
18 CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................ 54
19 ADDENDUM ............................................................................................................................... 54
Dear Student
Some of this tutorial matter may not be available when you register. Tutorial matter that is not
available when you register will be posted to you as soon as possible, but is also available on
2.1 Purpose
To determine the seepage loss through pervious homogeneous soil volumes under
impermeable structures and through earth dam walls using flow nets.
Students will also be able to deal with sample cases of anisotropic soil, and will know
to apply basic criteria to design graded filters.
To be able to distinguish between total normal stress, effective normal stress and
neutral stress, and determine the effects of gravity, seepage, and a variety of applied
surface loads on the vertical compressive normal stress at any position in a soil profile.
To enable students to perform consolidation test on clay, interpret the results, and
determine the various compressibility coefficients of the clay.
Students will be able to calculate the primary and secondary consolidation settlement
of a foundation, and the time required for the process.
To teach the principles of a shear strength. After completion of the contents students
should know how drainage condition affects the shear behaviour of soil, how the shear
strength of coarse and fine-grained soils differs, and how stress changes influence pore
water pressure.
Students will be able to plan and execute a site investigation and subsurface
investigation program, including sampling of soils and coring rocks.
Students will also know how to perform a variety of in situ tests and derive
approximate soil properties from the results.
Students will be able to calculate lateral earth pressure on near vertical interfaces for
the at rest condition, as well as for the limiting active and passive condition, using the
theories by Rankine and Coulomb.
Students will also know how to evaluate the factors that have to be taken into
account in the analysis of a particular slope, decide on appropriate methods of analysis,
and to assess its stability
2.2 Outcomes
Lecturer(s) Mr H Ndlovu Tel. O73 517 8896 Fax. 078 266 7079
3.1 Department
Private Bag x6
3.2 University
Das, BM
ISBN-10:0-495-29574-4/ ISBN-13:978-0-495-29574-7
Dept. of Transport
ISBN: 0798836539
All course materials are available on myUnisa under the module course
code under Materials. Discussion forums are set up by your lecturer and available for
discussions with your peers . Some additional electronic resources are
available from the Library site (via may electronically “post or upload your
assignments in line with the guidelines explained in the booklet:
UNISA has entered into an agreement with the Vaal University of Technology, whereby UNISA
learners may attend practicums at predetermined dates.
In the event of learners not being able to attend the Practicum at the Vaal University of
Technology the practicum may be performed at any other University of Technology or similar
institution, should facilities exist to carry out the practical work.
Should the learner choose Option 2, the following documents must be submitted to the relevant
institution for their perusal and action:
• Annexure D “Registration Form for Practicum – Assignment 1”
Learners must complete the personal information section, and provide the name of the
institution where they intend to do the practicum, as well as the contact name and telephone
number of the responsible laboratory staff member.
It is the sole responsibility of the learner to verify that the alternative institution have sufficient
facilities to effect the practicum and to comply with the UNISA practicum requirements.
• The Practical Indemnity Form in Annexure C must be completed and returned to the lecturer
as part of Assignment 1.
• The laboratory assistant or manager must verify your physical attendance and participation in
the workshop by signing the front page of your report. Failure to adhere to this requirement will
render your submission null and void.
• The learner must be directly involved in carrying out the practical work. In instances where the
number of learners attending a practical session necessitates in group-participation, each
learner of this group must do a specific section of the particular practicum and the task split
must be given in the learner’s report. Note your group number, if applicable.
• The learner must record all relevant answers on the respective answer sheet for each
On completion of the practicum, the practicum report must be submitted to the lecturer or
laboratory assistant for assessment. The Vaal University of Technology or Cape University of
Technology will forward all assessed practicals to UNISA.
On completion of the practicum, the practicum report must be submitted to the manager or
laboratory assistant for assessment.
In the event of students not being able to attend the practical at the Vaal University of
Technology or Cape University of Technology, the practical may be carried out at any other
University of Technology or similar institution, should facilities exist to carry out the practical
work as outlined in this tutorial letter, and UNISA approves the institution.
Students must complete the personal information section, and provide the name of the
institution where they intend to do the practical. The responsible laboratory staff member must
enter their name, contact number, e-mail address, the list of experiments that can be conducted
and sign the document.
Approval of an alternative venue is on condition that the required practical work can be carried
out in full at the laboratory chosen at no cost to UNISA. All costs incurred by the student in
attending the practical at an alternative venue will be for the student’s personal account. UNISA
will not get involved in any monetary matters between a student and a third party.
If you are employed in a similar discipline, you may request to do the practical under the
auspices of a mentor from your company. The mentor must be a registered professional
person, such as a professional engineer, technologist etc. If in doubt, contact your lecturer.
The institution must also mark the completed Practical Report and you must submit the
marked practical by the due date stated in this tutorial letter. It is your sole responsibility to
verify that the chosen institution has adequate facilities to carry out the practical as outlined in
annexure A.
This is a year course. Use you’re my Studies @ Unisa brochure for general time management
and planning skills.
551929 551929
Assignment 2 793228
Note: The cut –off dates given here are the official, last dates on which a given assignment may
be submitted. Students must adhere to these dates only. All other dates referring to cut-off
submission dates for assignments, as may be posted on myUnisa or elsewhere, refers to
administrative dates as managed by the Assignments Department and does NOT influence or
change the above dates
8.4 Website
Please note that the department has a web site where additional information on the department
and the modules are available.
Tutorial Letters are available from the myUnisa website. (See my Studies @ Unisa)
Should you encounter any problems in submitting an assignment on myUnisa, you may contact
the help line at
8.5 Plagiarism
An assignment is designed to be a product of your own study and your own thought. It is not
intended to be a piece of work which merely reproduces details, information or ideas from a
study guide, from books or articles, or from the Internet.
If you do this, you commit plagiarism. Plagiarism is the act of copying word for word with or
without acknowledgment from study sources (e.g. books, articles, the Internet). In other words,
you must submit your own ideas in your own words, sometimes interspersing relevant short
quotations that are properly referenced.
Yes, simply copying a few pages from the prescribed book is plagiarism. Pasting paragraphs
from Wikipedia into your assignment is plagiarism. And it does not stop being plagiarism if you
mention the source.
Skilled scientific writers can use direct block quotations to make a specific point. They know
what they are doing. You still need to develop your own voice, your own style of arguing the
point. Do not plagiarise.
Note that you also commit plagiarism if you copy the assignment of another student. We do
encourage you to work together and form study groups, but you are expected to prepare and
submit your own assignments.
When we receive two or more identical assignments, we are not able to work out who copied
from whom. We will therefore penalize both students.
If you commit plagiarism you will be penalized and given no marks for your assignment.
This will have a serious effect on your chances to succeed in your studies because you
will have no semester mark.
“I declare that this assignment is my own work and that all sources
quoted have been acknowledged by appropriate references”.
We will subtract marks if this declaration is absent from your assignment, just as we will
subtract marks if your assignment does not have a Table of contents, List of references cited,
and so on.
8.7 Assignments
This practical module has two (2) assignments. Both assignments are compulsory.
1. A 5 kg soil sample must be provided by you (sample bags are available from the
2. Neat and legible summaries of the test procedures must be compiled by the student
in his/her own handwriting, in preparation for the practical. These summaries must be submitted
to the laboratory technician on entering the laboratory. The technician will stamp the summaries
and return them to you during the practical period. These summaries form part of the final
practical report. 50% of your practical mark will be deducted if you fail to submit your summaries
on entering the laboratory.
3. While conducting the test, all data must be recorded in pen on the worksheet
provided in your practicum. After completion of the tests, before leaving the laboratory, the
completed worksheet must be stamped by the technician.
4. If you fail to complete the test or tests in the given time, arrangements must be made
with the technician to complete it in your own time.
5. All equipment must be cleaned and packed away neatly and the laboratory must be
cleaned after completion of the test or tests. Failing to do this will cause a reduction of 10% off
your practical mark.
(iii) Calculations
(iv) Graphs
(v) Conclusions
These practical must be submitted to the laboratory technician one week after the assigned
practical test date. If you fail to submit your report on time it will not be evaluated.
Presentation 10%
Conclusion 20%
10. Always take notes during demonstrations or videos. A short random test will be set
that will count a certain percentage of your practical mark.
Porosity expresses the ratio of void (air and/or water) space of a soil to the total volume
(including solid) of the soil.
Permeability is a measure of the capacity of a soil to permit the passage of water and has the
dimensions of velocity (e.g. m/year or mm/second).
• layering
When determining the coefficient of permeability of a soil, from site, several tests are performed
at varying heads and a mean value of permeability is taken.
It is imperative that air in the sample is reduced to an absolute minimum. Before starting the test
a vacuum can be applied in an attempt to perform the permeability test at a degree of saturation
approaching 100%.
Before taking observations it is necessary to ensure that “steady state” conditions of seepage
exist. This is usually done by running the test overnight.
It is difficult to ensure no sample disturbance. This is particularly so with coarse grained soils
where, because it is almost impossible to take undisturbed samples, the sample is compacted
into the permeameter.
The behaviour of the mass of soil on site can hardly correspond to the behaviour of a small
sample. With a large mass of soil there are permeability variations, possibly in every direction.
The use of water other than site water may affect the test and may even lead to chemical action
during the test. It may well lead to the production of air (or gas) which will influence the
measured permeability values.
BUT it is generally accepted that the coefficient of permeability of a soil varies with void ratio.
Therefore to obtain reliable data the void ratio of the material under test should correspond to
that on site. If the soil on site comprises a variety of void ratio’s, corresponding permeability
values should be determined and reported.
9.1 Coefficient of Permeability – Constant-head method
The Constant-head Permeameter is used to determine a coefficient of permeability for coarse
grained soils.
The water to be used for this test should be de-aired. This can be obtained by boiling the water.
Boiled distilled water is satisfactory for most permeability testing for some time after boiling.
1. ` The required amount of soil is placed under de-aired water and agitated until all the
air has been removed.
3. Now a layer of approximately 50 mm thick graded gravel is placed into the cell. Wire
gauze is placed on top of the gravel, thereafter the soil sample is placed in the cell, the top wire
gauze is placed on the top of the soil. Finally a layer of about 50 mm thick graded gravel is
placed in the cell.
4. Replace the cell head making sure that the perforated plate is firmly locked against
the top layer of gravel.
5. The apparatus is set up as in figure 1 with the system being firmly locked against the
top throughout.
6. Remove any surplus air in the cell by opening tap A and releasing the bleed screw
(figure 1) once the cell is air free close the bleed screw.
9. The flow rate though the sample is now measured and recorded by collecting a
measured quantity of water (Q) over a known time period (t).
10. Measure and record the manometer readings on the two tubes and the temperature
of the water.
If the water temperature is significantly different from 20°C, calculated values must be adjusted
to a temperature of 20°C, by using the viscosity corrections in Table 1 below.
It must always be stated if a temperature correction was used to obtain the final results.
1. Complete the following data sheet; show all calculations on the calculation sheet provided.
Sample Dimensions:
Give a complete conclusion and state the average degree of permeability for the test.
Experiment 1 – Conclusion
Coefficient of Permeability – Falling-head method
The Falling-head Permeameter is used to determine a coefficient of permeability for fine-
grained soil, such as fine sand, silt, or clay and of which the maximum grain diameter does not
exceed 2 mm.
Permeability device, timer, thermometer and de-aired water:
10.3 METHOD:
The water to be used for this test should be de-aired. This can be obtained by boiling the water.
Boiled distilled water is satisfactory for most permeability testing for some time after boiling.
Measure and record the cross-sectional area of each standpipe by discharging a measured
height of water from the standpipe into a measuring cylinder.
3. Now a layer of approximately 50 mm thick graded gravel is placed into the cell. Wire
gauze are placed on top of the gravel, thereafter the trimmed soil sample is pushed down into
the permeameter cell. A wire gauze is placed on top of the soil. Finally, a layer of about 50 mm
thick graded gravel is placed in the cell.
4. Measure and record the sample length (l) and mark the head (H1) and (H2) on the
standpipe. While (H1) is limited by the height of the standpipe, (H2) should be about 20 mm
above the standpipe’s lower end.
5. The cap of the permeameter cell is now firmly screwed down, and the whole unit is
placed in some water in a surrounding container. Water is added to the container until it
6. Leave the sample until the water has soaked through it and appears in the short pipe
in the cap (figure 2). This should be done at least one day before commencement of the
experiment, to ensure total saturation of the sample.
7. Connect the screw down valve to a source of de-aired water, open the valve and
allow the water to fill the standpipe. Close the screw down valve.
8. The time (t) is now noted as the water level falls to each mark on the stand pipe.
9. The test should be repeated at least two times, using two standpipes each time.
The following equation is applicable to this experiment:
t = t2 – tl in seconds
1. Complete the following data sheet, show all calculations on the calculation sheet provided.
Sample Dimensions:
1. Discuss test limitations (specifically for your test set-up) and the accuracy of the results
2. Give a complete conclusion and state the average degree of permeability for the test.
Experiment 1 – Calculation Sheet
Experiment 1 – Conclusion
Determination of shear strength parameters of a soil using:
• Vane test
• Triaxial test
For investigations of the failure conditions of soils, one must know the internal resistance by the
soil to displacement, slip, deformation and volume change.
(b) to evaluate the external forces required to cause shear failure of a soil
The shear strength parameters for a soil can be determined by means of laboratory tests on
specimens taken from representative samples of in-situ soil. Great care is required in the
sampling operation and in storage and handling of samples prior to testing, especially in the
case of undisturbed samples where the object is to preserve the in-situ structure and water
content of the soil A soil can be placed in two groups namely, cohesionless and cohesive. As
their names imply, cohesionless soils are soils with no attraction between individual particles
and cohesive soils are soils where the individual particles exhibit inter-attraction.
The resistance to shear of cohesionless soil is derived from friction between grains and
interlocking of grains. Interlocking occurs to a greater extent when soil grains are compacted
thus dense soils show a higher shear strength than loose soils.
12.1 The Shear Box Test
The Shear-Box Test is used to determine the shear strength of granular soils.
The Coulomb-Mohs condition is used as the condition of failure. Accordingly, the shear strength
may be given by two parameters:
Shear Box apparatus, drying oven; timer:
The essential feature of this apparatus is a rectangular box divided horizontally into two halves.
The two halves together hold a soil sample that is usually square in plan and rectangular in
The upper half is able to move horizontally relative to the lower half; the sample can thus be
sheared on a horizontal plane. A compressive force is applied vertically to the sample, by
means of hanger weights. The shear force is applied horizontally to the sample and is recorded
by means of dial gauge in the proving ring mounted in a horizontal plane.
• bottom plate
• perforated grid
• plain grid
• porous plates
12.4 METHOD:
1. Measure and record the plan and cross-sectional dimensions of the shear box.
2. Trim the sample to be used to suit the plan dimensions of the box. The thickness of
the sample should be selected as small as possible, about 10 –15 mm in the case of sand,
since it much easier to make the shear take place in the desired plane.
3. Screw the two halves of the shear box together. The box is now placed in the
carriage (see figure 5) and adjusted so that the top half of the shear box is in contact with the
proving ring and the bottom half is in contact with the rear of the outer carriage.
4. The bottom plate is placed into the shear box, upon which a porous plate followed by
the perforated grid is placed. The perforated grid should be placed in such a way that its
serrations are at right-angles to the direction of shear and upward.
5. The prepared sample is placed on the perforated grid and it must be ensured that the
sample is in contact with all the surfaces which enclose it.
6. The upper perforated grid is placed on top of the sample again with the serration at
right-angles to the direction of shear and is pushed down carefully and firmly until the serrations
are just buried in the sample.
7. The upper porous plate is placed on the perforated grid and finally the pressure plate
is placed on top of the porous plate. The carriage is now filled with water to prevent the sample
from drying out.
8. Carefully adjust the proving ring by means of a knob and lock nut on the screw at the
tail end of the apparatus bringing the proving ring up towards its centre support. Adjust the jack
so that the loading screw pushes against the carriage and thus also, indirectly, pushes against
the bottom half of the shear box.
9. The weight hanger applying the vertical stress to the sample is now assembled. The
load required for the test can now be placed on the hanger.
10. Now the width of the clearance between the upper half and lower half of the shear
boxes has to be set. This is done by removing the two screws holding the two halves of the
shear box together. These two screws should now be inserted in the other pair of holes at the
opposite corners and screwed down to contact the lower half of the shear box. Screw for about
half a turn; this will raise the upper box slightly. The two screws should now be loosened so that
they are withdrawn into the upper box.
12.5 NOTE:
The displacement rate of the top shear box and thus the rate of application of the horizontal
shear are determined by the speed at which the motor is turned, manually.
12. Record the values on the proving-ring dial gauge at every 1 mm of shear.
13. The test is continued until shear failure of the sample takes place.
The point of shear failure is signified by a decrease in the shear reading on the pivot-ring dial
gauge or as in the case of less dense soils by the same reading being recorded for an extended
period of time. The following equations are applicable to this experiment:
F = shear force (proving-ring dial gauge reading × ring calibration factor) (kN)
Sample Dimensions:
Sample 1
2. Complete the following data sheet, show all calculations on the calculation sheet provided.
3. Draw a graph, for each sample, to show how shear stress varies with shear distance. The
three graphs
4. Draw a graph of maximum shear stress (kPa) against normal load (kPa) and determine, from
this the
should have used the corrected area in calculating the shear stress of whether the results are
accurate enough.
Experiment 3 – Calculation Sheet
Experiment 3 – Conclusion
When a saturated soil is subjected to a pressure e.g. due to the weight of overlying soil or to the
load from a foundation, its volume will be decreased. Since both the soil particles and the water
in the voids may be considered incompressible, the change in volume can only occur if water is
forced out of the voids thus reducing their size and enabling the solid particles to become
wedged together. This process is known as consolidation.
The amount of consolidation depends on a property of the soil known as compressibility. The
rate at which consolidation takes place depends on the ease with which water can escape from
the soil and is therefore related to permeability of the soil. These two effects are combined and
are known as the coefficient of consolidation of a soil.
The Consolidation test is used to determine the primary compression characteristics of a soil.
Oedometer: (which allows one-dimensional consolidation), timer, drying oven.
13.6 METHOD:
This test must be done by using an undisturbed soil sample. The undisturbed sample is
obtained by using a sample or cutting ring which must be pushed into the soil, vertically.
Note: The sample should be kept saturated for the duration of the test.
1. Prepare the equipment. Obtain two porous stones, and place them in a beaker of
warm water to deaerate and saturate them.
2. Using the spacer disk extrudes 2mm of soil from both sides of the sample ring.
Now both faces of the sample should be approximately 2 mm below the cutting ring rim so that
the porous stones can be fitted. Record the height of the sample.
3. Place a piece of filter paper on both soil sample faces to protect the porous stones
from excessive contamination.
4. Carefully place the cutting ring, containing the soil sample, in the saturation ring on
the consolidometer base with a saturated porous stone on each face. Be sure the top porous
stones will enter the ring so that the test can proceed satisfactorily. Add the brass load block.
Then place the consolidometer into the loading device.
Pressure or load P1 is applied to the sample, and after 24 hours the sample thickness is
measured and recorded.
The pressure is then doubled to (P2) and after 24 hours the sample thickness is measured and
This method is repeated again with load P3, where load P3 = 2 × P2.
This process should be repeated until the pressure, being applied to the sample, is greater than
the pressure to which the soil on site is subjected to.
7. Measure and record the final height (hf) of the sample with pressure (Pf = 0).
8. Remove the sample form the oedometer and determine the moisture content (m f). The
sample void ratio (ef) can now be calculated, using the following equation: ef = mf Gs (Gs = 2,7)
1. Complete the data sheet; show all calculations on the calculation sheet provided.
Sample Dimensions:
Load (kN) P1 = P2 = P3 =
Pressure (kPa)
Pressure (kPa)
Log pressure
h (mm)
2. Draw a graph, of the sample’s void ratio (e) against the logarithm of the pressure. (Graph
paper provided).
3. What conclusion can be drawn from the shape of the curve plotted?
Experiment 4 – Conclusion
Co-operative education is an educational approach that integrates practical sessions into the
educational programme in order to ensure applied competence of graduates. Practical
sessions, whatever form they take, are an equally important component to the formal learning
components of the programme. No tuition provider can provide co-operative education on its
own. A collaborative effort between UNISA (as tuition provider); employers or community
settings (practical session providers) and learners (the learner) is necessary in order to
UNISA will provide guidelines in order to provide for a high level of learning at the institution
where the learner undergoes practical sessions. The practical sessions form part of the overall
educational programme and offer an opportunity for learners to verify, in a practical way, what
they have learned and serve as “fertile ground for sowing the seed” for learning that will follow.
The objective of this code is to publicly state what conduct is expected from UNISA learners
during periods of practical sessions.
Learners, like any member of a community, have both rights and obligations, for example:
• A right to equal education, that does not discriminate among learners on the basis of race,
sex, colour, disability, religion or national origin. However, because practical sessions take
place at another institution, UNISA cannot be held accountable.
• A right to privacy of personal matters and possessions.
• A right to fair disciplinary procedures, which includes the right to know what they are accused
of and the right to respond with their side of the situation.
An obligation is a responsibility, which among others, ensures that the rights of others are
protected. The following obligations are not an exhaustive list, but serve as code of conduct of
what is expected from UNISA learners with regard to periods of practical sessions.
1. Registration
It is incumbent upon every learner who registers with UNISA to familiarise her/himself about the
practical session's components of the programme registered for and to comply with the
procedures and requirements of UNISA in this regard.
Each learner is responsible for compliance with the requirements pertaining to the practical
sessions of her/his educational programme and to follow the relevant procedures with regard to
assessment of practical sessions.
Learners are required to observe and uphold the policies, procedures and rules of the institution
that provide practical session opportunities. This includes, but is not limited to, being present for
laboratory sessions as per agreement with the institution, no absence without leave, punctuality,
and respecting the person and property of the institution and “fellow” learners.
4. Expected to participate actively and positively UNISA expects enthusiasm from its
learners. Learners should actively engage in the practical session situation, learn from practical
work undertaken and ask questions to optimise their learning. Information necessary in order to
complete practical reports should be actively pursued. Materials necessary to complete reports
should be actively sought and legitimately obtained.
Learners may not intentionally submit for evaluation material (plagiarism) that contains another
person's work. Another person’s work may not be copied and submitted as one’s own.
False information or information furnished with the intent to deceive will not be tolerated. Neither
would forgery, alteration or misuse be tolerated. Learners will not make themselves guilty to any
form of abuse or unauthorised use of computer equipment or systems.
7. Confidentiality
Learners will respect the information of their practical session providers and will not disclose nor
permit or entitle any unauthorised person to have access to the guideline documents of the
institution in their possession or care. If need be, special arrangements may be made between
UNISA and a practical session provider to formally protect confidential or sensitive information.
Learners are required to progress with their practical session requirements, and ensure that
reports will be submitted on time. Should a learner experience difficulty, he/she should contact
the relevant UNISA staff for assistance or guidelines.
Learners serve as ambassadors of UNISA and will refrain from any abusive physical contact or
any disorderly conduct. No form of harassment, sexual or other, will be tolerated. Learners will
not misrepresent or contradict UNISA; however, learners are expected at all times to act in such
a way that it demonstrates respect for the rights and privileges of others
Each signatory hereof (be it the student, the parent/guardian and/or spouse) jointly and
collectively exempts, expressly release, acquit and forever discharge UNISA and all of their
members, functionaries, officials, employees, agents, successors and voluntary workers from all
liabilities, from any and all claims for injuries (including death), loss or damages irrespective of
whether such liability, injury, loss or damage arises as result of negligence on the part of any of
the mentioned parties.
Each signatory hereof expressly agree to hold harmless, fully indemnify and exempts UNISA
and all persons herein from all claims lodged by whomsoever or whatever nature and however
resulting while the student is undergoing practical sessions.
(Signed in her/his own capacity and/or as guardian of the applicant, as may be required by law)
WITNESS: ____________________
TO: Mr T Belay
CELL: …..…………………………………………..
E-MAIL: ………......................................................
I confirm that I have discussed all aspects of the practical session with the responsible person
from ………………………….(name of institution) and that UNISA will in no way be liable for any
costs with respect to this practical session.
_______________________ ____________
Use your my Studies @ Unisa brochure for general examination guidelines and examination
preparation guidelines.