Proracun I Modeliranje Spojeva Resetkastih Celicni
Proracun I Modeliranje Spojeva Resetkastih Celicni
Proracun I Modeliranje Spojeva Resetkastih Celicni
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3 authors, including:
Damir Markulak
University of Osijek
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Ai - cross-sectional area of member i (i=0, 1, 2) hi - overall in-plane depth of RHS member i
- površina poprečnog presjeka štapa i (i=0, 1, 2) (i=0, 1, 2)
bi - overall out-of-plane width of RHS member i - ukupna visina pravokutnog kutijastog profila
(i=0, 1, 2) štapa i (i=0, 1, 2) u ravnini rešetkastog nosača
- ukupna širina pravokutnog kutijastog profila ti - wall thickness of RHS member i (i=0, 1, 2)
štapa i (i=0, 1, 2) izvan ravnine rešetkastog - debljina stijenke pravokutnog kutijastog profila
nosača štapa i (i=0, 1, 2)
be,p - effective width for punching shear Ni,Rd - design value of the resistance of the joint,
- djelotvorna širina pri posmičnom proboju expressed with internal axial force in member i
stijenke profila (i=0, 1, 2)
Ce - efficiency parameter, varies depending on the - vrijednost otpornosti spoja izražena preko
type of joints (T, X, K) uzdužne sile u štapu i (i=0, 1, 2)
- koeficijent učinkovitosti, razlikuje se ovisno o β - ratio of diameter or width of brace members to
tipu spoja (T, X, K) that of the chord
e - eccentricity of a joint - omjer promjera ili širina štapova ispune i pojasa
- ekscentricitet u spojevima γ - ratio of the chord width or dameter to twice its
fyi - yield strength of member i (i=0, 1, 2) wall tickness
- granica popuštanja za štap i (i=0, 1, 2) - omjer širine ili promjera pojasa i dvije njegove
debljine stijenke
f (n) - function prestressed chord
- funkcija prednapetosti pojasa η - ratio of the brace member depth to the chord
dameter or width
g - gap between the brace members in a K or N
- omjer visine štapa ispune i širine pojasa
joint, measured along face of chord between the
toes of brace members θi - angle between brace member i and the chord
- razmak između štapova ispune u K ili N (i=0, 1, 2)
spojevima, mjereno između rubova zavara na - kut između štapova ispune i i pojasa (i=0, 1, 2)
štapovima ispune duž lica pojasa
to ductile behaviour and plastic reserves of steel, which in plane or space trusses made of circular, square, or
justifies the application of aforementioned calculation rectangular hollow sections or a combination of open and
model. hollow sections. Characteristic types of truss joints are
However, the articulated joint hypothesis is possible discussed - K, KT, N, T, X, Y, KK, TT, XX, and DY joints.
only if critical parts of truss girder (elements or joints) Calculation rules [2] are based on simplified analytical
have sufficient rotation capacity. Then the secondary models combined with experimental testing, so the
stress originating from bending moment can be neglected regulations are essentially consisted of semi-empirical
in calculations, viz. local joint effects can reduce rotation calculations. In order to describe joint behaviour, it is
capacity of the elements and thus endanger the supposed necessary to note force path, material behaviour, and joint
global behaviour mechanism. Scientific research of stiffness distribution. Mathematically, this is reduced to
plane-loaded truss joint behaviour began in the early basic models of X and K joints and in general terms,
sixties and is based on experimental testing with no brace members force components perpendicular to chord
further theoretical elaboration. Not until lately have the members are discussed, because these force components
existing and new experimental data been associated with cause brace plastification. Resistance of particular joints
theory in greater detail or complexity. [3]. is observable through maximum design resistance of
truss brace members exposed to longitudinal force and/or
bending moment. Thus, it is necessary to check potential
2. Truss girder calculation according to failure locations during calculation process and ascertain
Eurocode regulations possible failure modes of truss girders while considering
local stiffness and joint behaviour. This way, truss chord
In the new European steel construction design optimisation is set as dimensioning goal while controlling
regulations [1] and especially its part [2] this issue is joint stiffness and resistance, since chord members contain
discussed in greater detail, giving basic outlines for up to 3/4 of truss material (with usual truss systems).
design truss girders. Significant innovation is represented Special attention is directed towards compression chord,
by detailed outline of joint calculation in truss girders. It bearing in mind that joint resistance is increased with the
discusses procedures of calculating static joint resistance decrease of chord member local slenderness.
Strojarstvo 52 (2) 125-135 (2010) I. RADIĆ et. al., Design
and FEM Modelling...����
In [2] several possible ways of truss girder joint often complex due to non-linear stiffness distribution
failure are discussed: along the perimeter of the joined brace. When discussing
• chord face failure (by plastification) or plastic failure rectangular hollow sections, difference in stiffness
of the chord cross-section, between section corners and the centre is even greater
than with circular sections, which is why the calculations
• chord side wall failure or chord web failure
are more complex due to different section orientation
by yielding, crushing, or instability under the
possibilities. Consequently, multiple ways of chord face
compression brace member,
failure are possible.
• chord shear failure,
Basic analytic resistance calculation model for this
• punching shear of hollow section chord wall (crack group of joints is based on a yield line model, Figure
initation leading to rapture of the brace member from 1, which assesses plastification of chord members. It
the chord member), should be noted that these formulae are approximate
• brace failure with reduced effective width under and generally give higher stress values regarding chord
crack in the welds or in the brace member, plastification (good estimates are given for mean values
• local buckling failure of the brace member or of a of parameter β) The model is based on equalisation of
hollow section chord member at the joint location. external energy provoked by an external force on the
deformation δ and internal plastification energy together
It should also be noted that in the present version of the with lengths of plastified lines and angles of rotation θ
regulations local slenderness of the cross section is limited (which can be of different configuration, marked in the
more strictly in order to avoid local buckling. Sometimes, figure as “a” and “b”).
multiple criteria are met (for example, chord’s shear
resistance is included in chord plastification formulae, (1)
etc.), so the basic joint failure modes can be reduced to
chord plastification and shear puncture. In order to avoid where:
weld failure it is recommended that the welds be stronger
than joined elements and that the material is not sensitive ,is calculated by unit length, and the meaning
to lamellar tearing. For regulation application purposes, of other designations is visible in Figure 1.
maximum thickness of hollow section wall is limited to
25 mm, while minimum thickness is 2,5 mm. This model is suitable for T, Y, and X joints, while it
can exceptionally be used for K joints. When discussing
Ultimate joint resistance is set by defining either K joints, membrane stress, shear stress, and hardening
maximum load on the force diagram – deformation, or have great influence on their behaviour, so semi-empirical
equivalent load level for preset deformation limit, which approach must be used for calculating this joint type.
is defined according to contemporary works [3] as 3 % of
chord member diameter, i.e. 3 % of chord member width Other important model discusses possibilities of brace
in rectangular and square sections measured at the joint member punching shear. Special attention should be
of brace member and chord member. For serviceability given to the fact that the stiffness on some parts of brace
limit state of use the aforementioned deformation limit member diameter is not even, so it is possible that some
is 1 %. scope parts do not have sufficient deformation capacity
to include the total perimeter of brace member profile.
Formulae for joint resistance are given in terms of Thus, only effective surface is taken into calculations (in
important geometrical parameters which depend on the Y, T, and X joints, brace walls along chord member are
dimensional relationship of brace and chord members: the stiffest parts), and effective width value must be set
• parameter β, as a proportion of average value of brace experimentally.
member diameter/width relative to the corresponding Along these two characteristic failure models,
measuring of chord member problems with the yielding or buckling of chord member
• parameter η, as a proportion of brace member height walls may occur, as well as chord shear failure.
relative to the chord member diameter/width It has been shown that experimental indicators give
• parameter γ, as a proportion of chord diameter/width sufficient information on possible failure modes relative
relative to double thickness of its wall. to parameter β, but the general impression is that there
This paper thoroughly discusses welded truss are many limitations in application of some formulae
constructions made of hollow rectangular cross sections and at the same time many modes of failure. Because of
as common constructional solutions in practice, although this, in order to simplify calculations, a general approach
some parts of the paper are applicable to other types of is adopted where a narrower formulae validity scope is
truss member cross sections. Welded joints are practical targeted in order to reduce the verification of resistance
and thus commonly applied. However, force transfer is to one reliable proof. Also, the approximate graphs are
128 I. RADIĆ et. al., Design and FEM Modelling... Strojarstvo 52 (2) 125-135 (2010)
given to preliminary assess joint effectiveness in the existence of hinge links in truss joints. However, it is
early designing phase so that the behaviour of truss joints advised that additional influences be considered apart
and members is synchronised and that the calculation is from bending moments, that are possible to neglect only
facilitated. In these diagrams, joint resistance is defined in specific cases:
as a fraction of plastic resistance of brace member: • secondary bending moments,
• bending moments due to transverse load between
(2) truss nodes, and
where: • bending moments due to eccentric member
connection in joints.
Ce - is efficiency coefficient that has different
esignations for different joint types (CT,CX,CK), Secondary bending moments are caused by the
rotational stiffness of the joints. They generally depend
θi - is the angle between the brace member and the on absolute and relative member stiffness, static system
chord member, (i.e. conditions of angle alteration between members), and
fyo, to - is the yield strength and wall thickness of chord the magnitude of basic stress. Consequently, secondary
member’s cross section, stress intensity assessment must be associated with the
fyi, ti - is the yield strength and wall thickness of cross applied calculation model of actual construction. For
section of i-chord member, example, Figure 2 shows truss girder segment calculation
f(n) - is the member prestress function (functions model, supposing that the forces in members are of the
as the maximum compression force in the chord same value and that the stiffness and area of the chord
for rectangular hollow sections). are significantly greater than the brace member stiffness.
In the process, rigid link is presumed in the member
In the preliminary truss dimensioning phase the aim intersection, while hinge links are presumed on the
is to ascertain which relationship (fyo to/ fyi ti) should be members’ opposite ends.
foreseen while achieving 100 % joint efficiency in the
process, i.e. that the joint’s bearing capacity does not By using a relatively simple stress and deformation
limit the bearing capacity of the members. Application analysis for this model, an expression can be derived for
example of this type of graph for gapped K-joints is given assessing secondary stress σs in brace members:
in Figure 5.
plane (h is the section height in the truss plane while l consideration with joint resistance calculations, and
is the system member length). It should be noted that the total moment is distributed among all the elements
a different expression for secondary stress would have connected in the node. Truss resistance of joints that are
been derived if a different model was used (for example, aditionally loaded with bending moments is generally
a model implying rigid links on the intersection and on resolved the same way as joints with axial stress, bearing
the free ends of members). in mind that the chord plastification and punching shear
mechanisms are somewhat modified.
behaviour. These models are used only for research so it is not necessary to consider this mode of failure. In
purposes because of creation complexity of this model, the process of overlap joints and gap joints construction,
which largely depends on truss cross section types, on gap and eccentricity tollerance guidelines given in [2]
the static system complexity (i.e. space truss), and the were followed. Software packages used for modelling
calculation duration (especially non-linear analysis). are Autodesk Robot [5] for beam model construction,
An acceptable modelling approach could be the and ADINA [6] for space model construction (shell-type
combination of beam and plane elements in such a way finite elements with 4 nodes were used).
that the joint area is modelled by plane elements, and other Characteristic truss details are given in Table 1.
areas by beam elements. The connection is made through Figure 5 shows the procedure of approximate
rigid links (i.e. master-slave). This way the model creation definition of critical joint efficiency (joint 4 in Figure 2)
complexity is significantly reduced, calculation results by using preliminary diagrams. Table 1 data show that the
include both global and local joint element behaviour, critical joint in the truss girder is joint 2 in Figure 4, since
and most importantly, modelled joints are exposed to the calculated load (according to linear theory) achieves
actual boundary conditions existing in the construction its 100-percent efficiency, while other joints under same
itself. Aforementioned advantage is especially related load are less used. The relevant failure mode in the
to so-called isolated models that include only specific process was chord member face plastification. Force in
(usually critical) joints, but only when it is impossible to compression brace member 1 for achieving 100-percent
fully include actual influences that appear in that joint at efficiency in joint 2 was N1,Rd=153.7 kN. Figure 5 shows
its actual location in the construction [4]. that by applying approximate procedure, with the aid
of finished diagrams, a more conservative force for this
compression diagonal can be derived (N1,Rd=137.5 kN).
5. Numeric example
Furthermore, by using FEM, the following calculations
Truss girder modelling types using FEM shall be have been derived:
explained and exemplified by means of a simple truss
construction. Calculation results shall be critically • non-linear truss calculations in beam models together
analysed and compared in relation to the codified with:
approach [2]. - presumed rigid centric links between members,
Truss sketch together with measures, used cross - presumed rigid overlap joints,
sections, and load distribution is shown in Figure 4. Initial - presumed rigid joints with gap.
force is 200 kN, and the presented calculation results • non-linear calculations on a 3D truss model made by
show the factor which is multiplied by initial force in using shell-type finite elements,
order to assert actual load. Steel quality is S235, and the • non-linear calculations on the combined model
models presume idealised elastoplastic steel behaviour consisting of beam elements and shell elements,
diagram. Welding material exhibits the same properties • non-linear calculations of isolated truss girder
as the basic material and sufficient weld size is presumed, joints.
It is also visible that the results for the combined 3D purposes all 3D combined model joints are modelled by
model and the full 3D shell are almost identical (Figures shell elements, but that does not have to be the case.
6a and 8), which justifies this type of modelling example It is sufficient to model critical details that are easy to
since it is much simpler. It should be noted that for exaple determine preliminarily (as described earlier).
fy0 = fy1 = 235 N/mm2 kn = 1,035 → kn = 1,00
b0 =h0 = 100 m γ = 10,00
t0 = 5,0 mm β = 0,60
b1 = h1 = 70 mm
t1 = 5,0 mm N1,Rd = 152,45 kN
b2 = h2 = 70 mm
t2 = 3,2 mm 100%
θ = 40,60°
fy0 = fy1 = 235 N/mm2 kn = 0,964
b0 =h0 = 100 m γ = 10,00
t0 = 5,0 mm β = 0,60
b1 = h1 = 70 mm
t1 = 5,0 mm N1,Rd = 144,22 kN
b2 = h2 = 70 mm
t2 = 3,2 mm 53,3%
θ = 40,60°
fy0 = fy1 = 235 N/mm2 kn = 1,072 → kn = 1,00
b0 =h0 = 100 m γ = 10,00
t0 = 5,0 mm β = 0,70
b1 = h1 = 70 mm
t1 = 5,0 mm N1,Rd = 177,86 kN
θ = 40,60°
Strojarstvo 52 (2) 125-135 (2010) I. RADIĆ et. al., Design
and FEM Modelling...����
Figure 9 shows details of joint 2 isolated model, A relatively good diagram overlap can be noticed, and
and Figure 10 shows parallel results of 3D shell force- once more the emphasis should be put on the importance
displacement results, the combined model results, and of the proper boundary condition modelling in isolated
the isolated model results. The designation uz,r marks node models.
the greatest relative shift of the chord member wall with
welded brace members relative to the opposite wall.
6. Conclusion
The paper gives a survey of truss girder calculation
model according to new Eurocode regulations [1, [1] European Committee for Standardization (CEN):
2]. Joint design rules in [2] are set in semi-empirical EN 1993-1-1, Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures
formulae and are valid in very limited dimension and – Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings,
geometry conditions of truss girders. Therefore the 2005.
need of more detailed calculations arises frequently in [2] European Committee for Standardization (CEN):
engineering practice, especially on local joint level. Thus, EN 1993-1-8, Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures
this paper gives and comments on modelling modes of – Part 1-8: Design of joints, 2005.
Strojarstvo 52 (2) 125-135 (2010) I. RADIĆ et. al., Design
and FEM Modelling...����
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