Piezoelectric Surgery A Predictable and Painless Approach in Periodontics
Piezoelectric Surgery A Predictable and Painless Approach in Periodontics
Piezoelectric Surgery A Predictable and Painless Approach in Periodontics
ISSN No:-2456-2165
3. 4.
Dr. C. Aruna Dr. S. Geerthigan
Undergraduate Student Undergraduate Student
Department of Periodontics, Department of Periodontics,
Thaimoogambigai Dental college, Thai Moogambigai dental College
Chennai, India Chennai, India
Dr. R. Harini Priya
Undergraduate Student
Department of Periodontics
Thai Moogambigai dental College, Chennai, India
IJISRT20OCT026 www.ijisrt.com 38
Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Nowadays piezo surgery plays a vital role because The different vibrating frequency of device is targeted
handling of delicate tissues can be performed with less risk for different action, the frequency of 25 to 29 khz can be
for the patient and it offers a new possibility to do minimally modulated with low frequency of 10hz to 70 hz and high
invasive osteotomies [4] frequency upto 30khz.Frequency <30 khz is targeted to cut
only mineralized tissue, and frequency more than 50 khz is
Piezosurgery is also called as piezo electric surgery. for cutting neurovascular and other soft tissues \Precision
Piezosurgery device is commonly an ultrasound machine cutcan be achieved with minimal pressure when using
with a correct modulatedfrequency and controlled tip with piezoelectric surgery in contrast to conventional micro-saws
vibration range [5] where high degree of pressure is required [11]
IJISRT20OCT026 www.ijisrt.com 39
Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Speed: holder and irrigating fluids of jet 0-60ml /min through
The tip of device is operated at controlled speed of 60- peristaltic pump for cooling and removal of debris. [2]
200mm/sec [14]. Decreased degree of speed is operated for
effective cutting. Speed and irrigation system are controlled Inserts:
with + or - button on the control panel [3] The design and feature of inserts are developed by
Mectron Medical technology for different surgical needs [11]
Perio Mode:
Fig 4: Smooth Tips
This is the intermediate level between endo and bone
mode. The ultrasonic wave is transmitted through the
transducer in continuous sinusoidal manner characterized by
a frequency equal to the resonance frequency of insert used
Bone Mode:
Fig 5: Sharp Tips
The vibration generated by selecting bone mode are
extremely high ultrasonic power than root mode [11] Based
on type of bone to be reduced, Quality 1 for cutting cortical
bone or high-density spongy bone. Quality 2 for cutting low
density spongy bone [5]
The ultrasonic waves generated by piezoceramic disks Fig 6: Blunt Tips
determines cutting actions [3]. Handpiece is provided with
IJISRT20OCT026 www.ijisrt.com 40
Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Irrigation: Resective Surgery:
The irrigating coolant fluids provided water spray The use of piezosurgery in periodontal surgery is very
removes debris and contributes blood free surgical area and much useful compared to the other devices because it is easy
offers great visibility in Operating field because of to handle and handling of the device is very much
cavitation effect if irrigation [3] convenient. After raising the primary flap in the resective
surgery this device makes it easier to accompany with the
IV. APPLICATION OF PIEZOSURGERY IN secondary flap and removing the inflammatory granulation
PERIODONTICS: tissue, this phase will cause a light bleeding but by using a
correct ultrasound vibration it doesn’t cause bleeding. Even
In periodontics piezo surgery is basically used in in an interproximal bone defects, with the help of the special
scaling procedures. It is also used for surgical procedures in diamond coated but it cleans very deeply. Healing is
periodontics such as osteotomy, osteoplasty, lengthening of improved very much by producing an ultrasound to provide
crown, resective surgery and regenerative surgery [3] a micropits at a base of the defect to produce a healing
mechanism [13]
Piezosurgery also used in bone harvesting procedures.
In other devices, rotating saws will cause damage to the Ridge Expansion Procedure:
adjacent tissue structures and damage soft tissues such as For increasing the bone width and placing the implants
tongue and cheek and the incisions is more difficult in that in the narrow ridges, the horizontal alveolar ridge expansion
devices, whereas the piezosurgical devices is less sensitive is a useful procedure. For this piezosurgery is a vital key and
in nature and it does not produce damage to the adjacent useful device. Thus, playing a major role in this procedure.
tissue structures and soft tissues. The horizontal and vertical It creates a precise cutting action in it. In piezosurgical
incision is made without damaging the tissues and it creates device it has a screw or fan type expanders for increasing
a comfort zone to the patient. After the incision process in the diameter so it helps to expand the area in horizontal
piezo device it is used to remove the secondary flap. In the osteotomy procedure [13]
result of micro cauterization this device is used for debriding
the epithelial lining of the pocket wall. Piezosurgery is also Bone Grafting:
used in sinus grafting procedures [11] By using the There are different types of ridge augmentation
piezosurgical device, it causes minimal or no trauma from procedures and a sufficient measure for this generation.
adjacent structures while doing autogenous bone graft Bone grafts result in a greater short-term cell viability and it
procedures [12] shows a new bone deposition and remodeling of the bone by
using the piezosurgery device. So, it is termed to be efficient
Sinus Elevation: measure for bone grafting procedure. By comparing the
Perforation of membrane and surgical trauma will piezo surgical device and conventional. Piezo electric device
cause while doing sinus elevation procedures with normal shows a greater convenience because it is easy in precise
burs. So piezosurgical device is very much useful in such cutting, especially in bone grafting techniques. Piezosurgical
cases because it inserts a bur which is blunt tip, it is useful device will undergo the surgeries and remove grafts which is
in atraumatic elevation procedures such as grafting difficult to undergo surgery by many devices. In cases such
procedures. [3] as, lateral wall of the maxillary sinus. So, it is ease to handle
piezosurgical device [4]
Scaling And Root Planing:
Cavitation removal is the process by which some Nerve Lateralisation Procedure:
energy is required for the removal of deposits present in the Piezosurgery device is used in nerve lateralization or
teeth. And there is a MYTH believed that to remove the transposition procedure. This device has a precise cutting
calculus there has to beacontact between vibrating tip and efficiency so it is important in this procedure because, it
calculus is necessary, therefore, it is now accepted that the involves a surgery which is indicated in nerves such as
mechanical energy produced by the vibrating tip in the inferior alveolar nerve. In nerve regions an accurate
device along with the cavity is required for the deposit instrument only needed. so, piezo device is used nowadays.
removal. The piezosurgery ultrasonic scalar set is used in The piezosurgical device is invasive but very much safe
the deposit removal process. Compared to the conventional compared to other devices [1]
scalar set piezosurgical scalar set is believed to produces no
or less damage to the root surface [13] Implant Site Preparation:
Piezosurgical device is efficient in the implant site
Curettage: osteotomies because it only has a precise cutting efficiency
In the process of microcauterization, for debriding and microstreaming property. Because, it preserves a soft
pocket wall lining piezosurgical device is very much useful tissue. This device plays a major role in the esthetic and
and in cases of crown lenghtheing process in which bone is healing properties.While using the piezosurgical device
to be reduced, according to the patient’s convenient healing in implant site preparation will be done within two
structure to preserve a root integrity this device helps in to eight weeks compared to the usage of other devices. This
reducing into acquired size [1] device is very much effective compared with other device
because it stimulates the osteogenesis of implant, producing
osteoblastic activity around the implant sites. During the
IJISRT20OCT026 www.ijisrt.com 41
Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
osseointegration process, this piezosurgical device produce a uncontrollable heat produced by this instrument it will break
potential to modify the biological events [1] or damage the tissue structures [13]
IJISRT20OCT026 www.ijisrt.com 42
Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
piezosurgical device is used widely in the osteoplasty and VII. CONCLUSION:
ostectomy procedures. The morphological characteristics of
the ostectomy and osteoplasty is mainly depending on the Piezosurgical device is a safe, effective and precise to
tips and unit used in that procedure. [4] work on the tissues of bone. It is easy to handle by the
clinicians and due to the less damage to the associated
structure it gives comfort zone to the patient. In surgical
field it gives better visualization. Soft tissues were protected
using this piezosurgical device. The success rate in surgeries
is high using this device, as well as the prevention average
of the post operatory complications, without the increase of
the trans operatory surgery time.
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Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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