RTU500 Series Remote Terminal Unit: Protocol Description Bidirectional Communication Interface With IEC60870-5-104
RTU500 Series Remote Terminal Unit: Protocol Description Bidirectional Communication Interface With IEC60870-5-104
RTU500 Series Remote Terminal Unit: Protocol Description Bidirectional Communication Interface With IEC60870-5-104
Document identity: 1KGT 150 962 V000 1
Revision: Date: Changes:
0 08/2017 Initial version
1 Introduction.................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Preface................................................................................................................1-1
1.2 References.......................................................................................................... 1-1
1.3 Conventions........................................................................................................ 1-1
1.4 Functions of the BCI compared to HCI and SCI................................................. 1-2
4 Application Layer............................................................................................................4-1
4.1 General............................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Communication queue handling..........................................................................4-2
4.3 ASDU Type identification.....................................................................................4-3
4.3.1 ASDU in monitoring direction.............................................................4-3
4.3.2 ASDU in control direction.................................................................. 4-4
4.3.3 ASDU of system information in command direction........................... 4-4
9 File Transfer....................................................................................................................9-1
12 Glossary....................................................................................................................... 12-1
1 Introduction
1.1 Preface
This document describes the functions of the bidirectional communication interface in RTU500 series
according to IEC 60870-5-104.
RTU500 series fulfills the requirements of IEC 60870-5-104 Edition 2. Detailed information can be
found in the interoperability list (see Chapter 11).
1.2 References
[1] Telecontrol equipment and systems – Part 5-104
Transmission protocols –
Network access for IEC 60870-5-101
using standard transport profiles
Second edition 06-2006
[2] RTU500 series Interfaces and Protocols Release 12 (1KGT 150 939)
[3] User Manual RTUtil500 Release 12 (1KGT 150 950)
1.3 Conventions
In this document function codes of data types according to IEC 60870-5-104 are marked with
brackets: <Function code>
Bold fonts with the table heading "Parameter name" are references to configuration parameters
in RTUtil500. The parameter is followed by the parameter location where to find this parameter in
RTUtil500. The first element of the parameter location defines the node in the hardware tree on the
left side (e. g. RTU, CMU, line, IED) and the second element defines selected header control tab in
the parameter window on the right side (e. g. general, interfaces, protocol).
The tables in the next chapters include lists of the functions, options and message types supported
according to the protocol structure given in IEC 60870-5 (EPA three layer model) for
The tables in the next chapters include lists of the functions, options and message types support-
ed according to the protocol structure given in IEC 60870-5 (EPA three layer model) for
• the physical layer
• the link layer
• the application layer
Functions supported in the IEC 60870-5-104 subdevice communication interface (SCI) and not in
the bidirectional communication interface (BCI)
– Structured addresses for ASDU and IOA.
– Read commands (C_RD), reset process command (C_RP) and test command (C_TS)
– File transfer
2 Physical Layer
If enabled:
No commands are accepted from the host, as long as a user
has successfully requested the 'Command Authority' in the 'Integrated HMI'
3 Link Layer
3.1 General
Protection against loss and duplication of message is handled as defined in [1, 5.1].
4 Application Layer
4.1 General
The selectable parameters have to be calculated regarding the real communication technology. All
parameters preset to the default values from the IEC standard.
Maximum length of APDU 253 byte Line GP IEC 60870-5-104 - General Parameter
t3: Timeout for sending test frames in case of a long idle state.
Value range: 1 to 65535 seconds.
Highest Priority:
– Command acknowledgment queue (COT=6…10)
Priority level 1:
– Priority 1 Monitoring data queue (COT=3)
– Integrated totals queue (if configured as priority 1) (COT=3)
Priority level 2:
– Priority 2 Monitoring data queue (COT=3)
– Integrated totals queue (if configured as priority 2) (COT=3)
– Spontaneous measured value queue (COT=3)
– Requested information queue incl. file transfer (COT=37..41 and COT =13)
– SOE queue (if double transmission mode is activated)
Lowest priority:
– Interrogated data, direct from process image (COT=20…36)
– Periodic/ cyclic measured values, direct from process image (COT=1)
– Background cycle, direct from process image (COT=2)
Buffer size of Integrated Totals (ITI) 1000 entries IED/RTU - Line GP104
Buffer size of spontaneous transmitted Ana- 500 entries IED/RTU - Line GP104
log Measured values (AMI)
The column "RTU data type" shows the type of data with must be configured in RTUtil500.
M_ST_TB_1 Step position information with time tag CP56Time2a <32> STI
M_ME_TD_1 Measured value, normalized value with time tag CP56Time2a <34> AMI DMI8/16
M_ME_TE_1 Measured value, scaled value with time tag CP56Time2a <35> AMI
M_ME_TF_1 Measured value, short floating point value with time tag <36> MFI
M_EP_TD_1 Event of protection equipment with time tag CP56Time2a <38> EPI
If enabled:
Data point belongs to an interrogation group.
Enter group number for group interrogation.
Value range: 1 to 16 or '-' to disable.
The highest possible address value (255 for 1 octet common address length and 65 535 for 2 octet
common address length) is reserved for broadcast calls in control direction and therefore must not
be used as station address.
ASDU Type iden- Data type Data Parameter name Parameter location
tification property type
M_SP_TB_1 <30> with timestamp SPI Transmission with SPI - line T101/T104/
CP56Time2a timestamp GP104
off 0
on 1
BL Blocked Blocked
SB Substituted Substituted
IV Invalid Invalid
T Test Test
2 - background scan
5 - requested
ASDU Type iden- Data type Data Parameter name Parameter location
tification property type
M_DP_TB_1 <31> with timestamp DPI Transmission with DPI - line T101/T104/GP104
CP56Time2a timestamp
intermediate 11
off 01
on 10
indeterminate 00
BL Blocked Blocked
SB Substituted Substituted
IV Invalid Invalid
T Test Test
2 - background scan
5 - requested
ASDU Type iden- Data type Data Parameter name Parameter location
tification property type
intermediate 0
off 1
on 2
indeterminate 3
BL Blocked Blocked
SB Substituted Substituted
IV Invalid Invalid
T Test Test
2 - background scan
ASDU Type iden- Data type Data Parameter name Parameter location
tification property type
ASDU Type iden- Data type Data Parameter name Parameter location
tification property type
M_ST_TB_1 <32> with timestamp STI Transmission with STI - line T101/T104/
CP56Time2a timestamp GP104
... ...
OV Overflow Overflow
BL Blocked Blocked
SB Substituted Substituted
IV Invalid Invalid
T Test Test
2 - background scan
5 - requested
ASDU Type iden- Data type Data Parameter name Parameter location
tification property type
M_BO_TB_1 <33> with timestamp BSI Transmission with BSI - line T101/T104/
CP56Time2a timestamp GP104
Range min. 0 0
... ...
OV Overflow Overflow
BL Blocked Blocked
SB Substituted Substituted
IV Invalid Invalid
T Test Test
2 - background scan
5 - requested
ASDU Type iden- Data type Data Parameter name Parameter location
tification property type
M_IT_TB_1 <37> with timestamp ITI Transmission with ITI - line T101/T104/
CP56Time2a timestamp GP104
... ...
CY Carry Carry
CA Adjusted Adjusted
IV Invalid Invalid
T Test Test
5 - requested
ASDU Type iden- Data type Data Parameter name Parameter location
tification property type
ASDU Type iden- Data type Data Parameter name Parameter location
tification property type
M_ME_TD_1 <34> with timestamp DMI Transmission with DMI - line T101/T104/
CP56Time2a timestamp GP104
... ...
OV Overflow Overflow
BL Blocked Blocked
SB Substituted Substituted
IV Invalid Invalid
T Test Test
1 - periodic / cyclic
2 - background scan
5 - requested
ASDU Type iden- Data type Data Parameter name Parameter location
tification property type
M_ME_NA_1 <9> normalized without AMI Transmission for- AMI - line T101/T104/
timestamp mat: Normalized GP104
M_ME_NB_1 <11> scaled without time- AMI Transmission for- AMI - line T101/T104/
stamp mat: Scaled GP104
M_ME_TE_1 <35> scaled with time- AMI Transmission for- AMI - line T101/T104/
stamp CP56Time2a mat: Scaled GP104
if enabled:
Spontaneous transmission of this process data point1)
If enabled:
Cyclic transmission of this process data point
out of the process image of the host interface with given cycle time of the background cycle.
Value range: disabled, 1 sec, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 30, 60 sec, 2 min, 5 min, 10 min, 15 min1)
is possible to set both parameters at the same data point. That means that the concerning data
point is directly send to the NCC on every change and additional after the configured time period.
32767 (Scaled)
-32768 (Scaled)
... ...
OV Overflow Overflow
BL Blocked Blocked
SB Substituted Substituted
IV Invalid Invalid
T Test Test
1 - periodic / cyclic
2 - background scan
5 - requested
ASDU Type iden- Data type Data Parameter name Parameter location
tification property type
M_ME_TF_1 <36> with timestamp MFI Transmission with MFI - line T101/T104/
CP56Time2a timestamp GP104
6.9.2 Values
R32–IEEE STD 754
if enabled:
Spontaneous transmission of this process data point1)
If enabled:
Cyclic transmission of this process data point
out of the process image of the host interface with given cycle time of the background cycle.
Value range: disabled, 1 sec, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 30, 60 sec, 2 min, 5 min, 10 min, 15 min1)
is possible to set both parameters at the same data point. That means that the concerning data
point is directly send to the NCC on every change and additional after the configured time period.
... ...
OV Overflow Overflow
BL Blocked Blocked
SB Substituted Substituted
IV Invalid Invalid
T Test Test
1 - periodic / cyclic
2 - background scan
5 - requested
ASDU Type iden- Data type Data Parameter name Parameter location
tification property type
(Table Interface parameters - IEC 60870-5-104 in chapter Physical Layer (page "2-1"))
off 0
on 1
T Test Ignored
Deactivation 8 - Deactivation
ASDU Type iden- Data type Data Parameter name Parameter location
tification property type
(Table Interface parameters - IEC 60870-5-104 in chapter Physical Layer (page "2-1"))
off 01
on 10
T Test Ignored
Deactivation 8 - Deactivation
(Table Interface parameters - IEC 60870-5-104 in chapter Physical Layer (page "2-1"))
In order to retrigger a running two step regulation command, it is not necessary to resend the
command Select.
Lower 01
Higher 10
T Test Ignored
Deactivation 8 - Deactivation
C_SE_NB_1 <49> scaled, without time ASO Transmission ASO - line T101/T104/
tag format: Scaled GP104
(Table Interface parameters - IEC 60870-5-104 in chapter Physical Layer (page "2-1"))
... ...
QL default 0 - default
T Test Ignored
Deactivation 8 - Deactivation
C_SE_NB_1 <49> scaled, without time DSO Transmission DSO - line T101/T104/
tag format: Scaled GP104
(Table Interface parameters - IEC 60870-5-104 in chapter Physical Layer (page "2-1"))
... ...
QL default 0 - default
T Test Ignored
Deactivation 8 - Deactivation
(Table Interface parameters - IEC 60870-5-104 in chapter Physical Layer (page "2-1"))
... ...
QL default 0 - default
T Test Ignored
Deactivation 8 - Deactivation
(Table Interface parameters - IEC 60870-5-104 in chapter Physical Layer (page "2-1"))
Range min. 0 0
... ...
T Test Ignored
8 Transparent Data
Transparent data communication is not supported.
9 File Transfer
File transfer is not supported.
10 Internal Functions
C_IC_NA_1 <100>
10.1.2 Values
20, 21 … 36
T Test Ignored
The eight time masters have their own priority. If a higher prior master will fail, the time master with
the lower priority will synchronize the RTU. If the higher prior time master is available again, he will
continue synchronizing.
Primary device for time synchronization. This device is always allowed to synchronize the RTU if availble. If not, the next device
is used.
C_CS_NA_1 <103>
10.2.2 Values
Complete time and date information in CP56Time2a format.
T Test Ignored
if enabled: a base address for the whole block of system events is defined at the SDI node
In order to avoid collisions, the addresses of the system events may not be used for other process objects.
The following table shows the system events available for the host interface:
Host interface x: At least one change of information lost, 1 ≤ x ≤ 16 SEV#117 ... #132
Host interface x: At least one pulse counter lost, 1 ≤ x ≤ 16 SEV#133 ... #148
11 Interoperability List
The selected parameters are marked in the white boxes as follows:
System definition
X Controlling station definition (master)
X Controlled station definition (slave)
Multiple point-to-point
Multipoint-party line
1 200bit/s
Unbalanced interchange
Circuit V.24/V.28
Recommended if >1 200 bit/s
2 400bit/s
4 800bit/s
9 600bit/s
Balanced interchange
Circuit X.24/X.27
2 400bit/s
4 800bit/s
9 600bit/s
19 200bit/s
38 400bit/s
56 000bit/s
64 000bit/s
1 200bit/s
Unbalanced interchange
Circuit V.24/V.28
Recommended if >1 200 bit/s
2 400bit/s
4 800bit/s
9 600bit/s
Balanced interchange
Circuit X.24/X.27
2 400bit/s
4 800bit/s
9 600bit/s
19 200bit/s
38 400bit/s
56 000bit/s
64 000bit/s
Frame format FT 1.2, single character 1 and the fixed time out interval are used exclusively in this
companion standard.
Frame length
Maximum length L (number of octets)
One octet
Two octets
When using an unbalanced link layer, the following ASDU types are returned in class 2 messages
(low priority) with the indicated causes of transmission:
The maximum length of APDU for both directions is 253. It is a fixed system parameter.
(station-specific parameter)
(station-specific parameter)
(station-specific parameter)
(station-specific parameter)
(station-specific parameter)
File transfer
(station-specific parameter)
(station-specific parameter)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 20 37 44 45 46 47
to to
36 41
<1> M_SP_NA_1 X X X X
<2> M_SP_TA_1
<3> M_DP_NA_1 X X X X
<4> M_DP_TA_1
<5> M_ST_NA_1 X X X X
<6> M_ST_TA_1
<7> M_BO_NA_1 X X X X
<8> M_BO_TA_1 X X
<9> M_ME_NA_1 X X X X X
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 20 37 44 45 46 47
to to
36 41
<10> M_ME_TA_1
<11> M_ME_NB_1 X X X X X
<12> M_ME_TB_1
<13> M_ME_NC_1 X X X X X
<14> M_ME_TC_1 X X
<15> M_IT_NA_1 X X
<16> M_IT_TA_1
<17> M_EP_TA_1
<18> M_EP_TB_1
<19> M_EP_TC_1
<20> M_PS_NA_1
<21> M_ME_ND_1
<30> M_SP_TB_1 X X
<31> M_DP_TB_1 X X
<32> M_ST_TB_1 X X
<33> M_BO_TB_1 X X
<34> M_ME_TD_1 X X X
<35> M_ME_TE_1 X X X
<36> M_ME_TF_1 X X X
<37> M_IT_TB_1 X X
<38> M_EP_TD_1 X
<39> M_EP_TE_1
<40> M_EP_TF_1
<45> C_SC_NA_1 X X X X X X X X
<46> C_DC_NA_1 X X X X X X X X
<47> C_RC_NA_1 X X X X X X X X
<48> C_SE_NA_1 X X X X X X X X
<49> C_SE_NB_1 X X X X X X X X
<50> C_SE_NC_1 X X X X X X X X
<51> C_BO_NA_1 X X X X X X
<58> C_SC_TA_1 X X X X X X X X
<59> C_DC_TA_1 X X X X X X X X
<60> C_RC_TA_1 X X X X X X X X
<61> C_SE_TA_1 X X X X X X X X
<62> C_SE_TB_1 X X X X X X X X
<63> C_SE_TC_1 X X X X X X X X
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 20 37 44 45 46 47
to to
36 41
<64> C_BO_TA_1 X X X X X X
<70> M_EI_NA_1 X
<100> C_IC_NA_1 X X X X X X
<101> C_CI_NA_1 X
<102> C_RD_NA_1 X
<103> C_CS_NA_1 X X X X X
<104> C_TS_NA_1
<105> C_RP_NA_1 X
<106> C_CD_NA_1
<107> C_TS_TA_1 X
<110> P_ME_NA_1 X
<111> P_ME_NB_1 X
<112> P_ME_NC_1 X
<113> P_AC_NA_1 X
<120> F_FR_NA_1 X
<121> F_SR_NA_1 X
<122> F_SC_NA_1 X
<123> F_LS_NA_1 X
<124> F_AF_NA_1 X
<125> F_SG_NA_1 X
<126> F_DR_TA_1 1
<127> F_SC_NB_11 X
1 Blank or X only.
X Remote initialization
Read procedure
X Spontaneous transmission
The following type identifications will be transmitted in succession caused by a single status change
of an information object. The particular information object addresses for which double transmission
is enabled are defined in a project-specific list.
X global
X group 1 X group 7 X group 13
X group 2 X group 8 X group 14
X group 3 X group 9 X group 15
X group 4 X group 10 X group 16
X group 5 X group 11
X group 6 X group 12
Information object addresses assigned to each group must be shown in a separate table.
X Clock synchronization
Day of week used
RES1, GEN (time tag substituted/ not substituted) used
X SU-bit (summertime) used
Threshold value
Smoothing factor
Low limit for transmission of measured value
High limit for transmission of measured values value
Test procedure
Transparent file
Transmission of disturbance data of protection equipment
Transmission of sequences of events
Transmission of sequences of recorded analogue values
File transfer in control direction
Transparent file
X Background scan
Long timeouts for t3 may be needed in special cases where satellite links or dialup connections are
used (for instance to establish connection and collect values only once per day or week).
12 Glossary
AMI Analog Measured value Input
HCI Human Maschine Interface (here Integrated HMI function of the RTU500 series)
MS Microsoft
The specifications, data, design or other information contained in this document (the “Brochure”)
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user shall determine at its sole discretion, or as the case may be, customize, program or add value
to the ABB products including software by creating solutions for the end customer and to assess
whether and to what extent the products are suitable and need to be adjusted or customized.
This product is designed to be connected to and to communicate information and data via a network
interface. It is the users sole responsibility to provide and continuously ensure a secure connection
between the product and users or end customers network or any other network (as the case may
be). The user shall establish and maintain any appropriate measures (such as but not limited to
the installation of firewalls, application of authentication measures, encryption of data, installation of
anti-virus programs, etc) to protect the product, the network, its system and the interface against any
kind of security breaches, unauthorized access, interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft of data
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