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Type 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR Pilot-Operated Regulators: Instruction Manual

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Types 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR

Fisher Controls Instruction Manual

Type 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR

Pilot-Operated Regulators

May 1987 Form 5084


Introduction ................................... 2
Scope of Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Product Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Installation and Startup ........................ 3

Standard Single-Pilot Regulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Prestartup Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Pilot Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Startup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Dual-Pilot Boiler Fuel Control Regulator . . . . . . . . . . 6
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Prestartup Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Pilot Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 TYPE 1098-EGR-6352

Startup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 REGULATOR
Working Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Prestartup Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Pilot Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Startup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Wide-Open Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Prestartup Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Pilot Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Startup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 W3417-2

TYPE 1098H-EGR-6354L
Shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 REGULATOR
Single-Pilot, Dual-Pilot Regulator or Wide-Open
Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Working Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Figure 1. Typical Regulator Constructions

Principle of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Type 6352 Through 6354M Pilots . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Type 61LD Pilot and Type 1806 Relief Valve . . . 16
Type 1098 or 1098H Actuator and Pilot Mounting
Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
D100339 X012

Design EGR Main Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Replacing Quick-Change Trim Package . . . . . . . 14
Replacing Trim Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Parts Ordering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
P590 Series Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Type 6351 Pilot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Parts List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Fisher Controls International, Inc. 1977, 1979, 1982, 1987; All Rights Reserved
Types 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR

Introduction such as gas distribution systems, heat-treating furnaces, and

boiler plants. They are also used in plant air service and in liquid
service where a slow stroking time (approximately 30 to 90
seconds) is desired on both opening and closing the main valve.
Scope of Manual The Type 1098-EGR regulator is used with a Type 6351, 6352,
6353 or the 61 series pilot. The Type 1098H-EGR regulator is
This manual describes and provides instructions and parts list for used with a Type 6351, 6352, 6353, 6354H, 6354L, or 6354M
a Type 1098-EGR or 1098H-EGR regulator (figure 1) complete pilot.
with standard P590 Series filter and either a 6350 Series
regulator or a Type 61LD pilot. The Type 1806 relief valve also
is covered when a Type 61LD pilot is used. However, instructions Specifications
and parts lists for monitoring pilots and other equipment used
with this regulator are found in separate manuals. Table 1 lists specifications for various Type 1098-EGR and
1098H-EGR constructions. Specifications for a given regulator
as it originally comes from the factory are stamped on
Product Description nameplates (figure 2) located on the actuator and main valve
body, while the pilot control spring range appears on the pilot
Type 1098-EGR and 1098H-EGR regulators provide economi- spring case and the pilot restriction code is stamped on the pilot
cal, accurate pressure control in a wide variety of applications body.

Table 1. Specifications
BODY SIZES AND END OUTLET (CONTROL) Type 6351 Pilot: J 3 to 20 psig
CONNECTION STYLES PRESSURE RANGES(4) (0.21 to 1.4 bar) with green spring
Body Size,
End Connection
Rating(1) J 5 to 35 psig (0.34 to 2.4 bar)
Inch Style
with cadmium spring or J 35 to
Cast iron NPT screwed Class 250B
1, 2
100 psig (2.4 to 6.9 bar) with red
NPT screwed, butt-
WCB steel
welding, or socketwelding
Class 600 spring
Flat-face flanged Class 125B Type 6352 Pilot: J 2 inch wc to
Cast iron
Raised-face flanged Class 250B 2 psig (5 to 140 mbar) with yellow
2, 3, 4, 6,
Class 150, spring or J 2 to 10 psig (140 to
8x6 Raised-face flanged
WCB steel 300, or 600 690 mbar) with black spring
Buttwelding Class 600 Type 6353 Pilot: J 3 to 40 psig
(0.21 to 2.8 bar) with yellow
spring or J 35 to 125 psig (2.4 to
8.6 bar) with red spring
MAXIMUM MAIN 400 psig (28 bar) or body rating Type 6354L Pilot: 85 to 200 psig
VALVE INLET limit, whichever is lower, except (5.9 to 14 bar) with blue spring
PRESSURE(1) 20 psig (1.4 bar) for boiler fuel
installations as shown in table 2 and no diaphragm limiter
Type 6354M Pilot: 175 to 220
psig (12 to 15 bar) with blue spring
and diaphragm limiter
MAXIMUM PILOT 600 psig (41 bar) Type 6354H Pilot: 200 to 300 psig
SUPPLY (14 to 21 bar) with green spring
PRESSURE(1, 2) and diaphragm limiter
Type 61LD Pilot: J 0.25 to 2
psig (0.017-0.138 bar) with red
PILOT RESTRICTION(3) J 1 to 5 psig (0.069-0.34 bar)
with yellow spring J 2 to 10 psig
RESTRICTION (0.138-0.69 bar) with blue spring
GAIN Letter J 5 to 15 psig (0.34-1.02 bar)
NUMBER Used Color Code
with brown spring J 10 to 20 psig
6351 Standard No None None
(0.69-1.4 bar) with green spring
Standard Yes Green S
Low for liquid service
and/or broader No None L
MAXIMUM AND See table 2
proportional bands MINIMUM
High for narrower DIFFERENTIAL
Yes Red H
proportional bands PRESSURES

Types 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR

Table 1. Specifications (Continued)


PRESSURES(1) BODY SIZE DIAMETER Standard Restricted Capacity
INCH Percentage of
OUTLET (CONTROL) EMERGENCY Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm
Flow Capacity
SIZE 1 1-5/16 33.3 3/4 19 --- ---
Psig Bar Psig Bar
30 3/8 10
30 100 6.9 115 7.9 2 2-3/8 60.3 1-1/8 29
Type 1098 40 75 5.2 82 5.7 70 5/8 16
70 50 3.4 65 4.5
3 3-3/8 85.7 1-1/2 38 40 7/8 22
Type 1098H 30 300 21 400 28
4 4-3/8 111.1
2 51 40 1 25
6&8X6 7-3/16 182.6

MAIN VALVE FLOW J Linear (standard) or J quick-

MAIN VALVE FLOW In through seat ring and out PILOT
DIRECTION through cage CONSTRUCTION) 30 55 75 115 165 350
Type 1098 40 65 85 125 175 360
70 140 160 200 250 435
MATERIAL Standard Elastomers: -20 to Type 1098H 30 80 100 140 190 375
TEMPERATURE 150_F (-29 to 66_C) Kg
CAPABILITIES(1) High-Temperature Elastomers: 0 30 25 34 52 75 159
to 300_F (-18 to 149_C), except Type 1098 40 29 39 57 79 163
0 to 180_F (-18 to 82_C) for 70 64 73 91 113 197
water service Type 1098H 30 36 45 64 86 170

1. The pressure/temperature limits in this manual, and any applicable standard stream of the pilot according to the installation section.
limitation should not be exceeded. 3. Restriction part numbers are given in the parts list.
2. For stability or overpressure protection, a reducing regulator may be installed up- 4. Pilot control spring part numbers are given in the parts list.

Installation and Startup avoid such injury and damage, install the
regulator in a safe location.

WARNING Standard Single-Pilot Regulator

Personal injury, equipment damage, or leak- A Type 1098-EGR or 1098H-EGR regulator bleeds no gas
age due to escaping accumulated gas or to atmosphere, making it suitable for installation in pits and
bursting of pressure-containing parts may other enclosed locations without elaborate venting
result if this regulator is overpressured or is systems. This regulator also can be installed in pits subject
installed where service conditions could ex- to flooding, by installing a special antiflood breather vent or
ceed the limits given in tables 1 and 2 and on by venting the pilot spring case above the expected flood
the appropriate nameplate, or where condi- level so that the pilot diaphragm can be referenced to
tions exceed any ratings of the adjacent pip- atmospheric pressure.
ing or piping connections. To avoid such in-
jury or damage, provide pressure-relieving
or pressure-limiting devices (as required by Note
Title 49, Part 192, of the U.S. Code of Federal On the Design EGR main valve, normal
Regulations, by the National Fuel Gas Code pressure drop assists shutoff. Therefore,
Title 54 of the National Fire Codes of the Na- leakage may result during any reverse
tional Fire Protection Association, or by oth- pressure drop condition.
er applicable codes) to prevent service
conditions from exceeding those limits. 1. Use qualified personnel when installing, operating, and
maintaining regulators. Before installing, inspect the main
valve, pilot, and tubing for any shipment damage or foreign
Additionally, physical damage to the regulator material that may have collected during crating and
could results in personal injury and property shipment. Make certain the body interior is clean and the
damage due to escaping accumulated gas. To pipelines are free of foreign material. Apply pipe compound

Types 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR

Table 2. Maximum and Minimum Differential Pressures for Main Valve Spring Selection
Low-differential boiler
fuel installation Type
1098-EGR requiring
CONSTRUCTION quick-opening cage All Other Constructions
and limited to 20
psig (1.4 bar) max
inlet pressure
400 psig (28 bar)
20 psig (1.4 bar) 60 psi (4.1 bar) 125 psi (8.6 bar) or body rating limit,
whichever is lower
Size 40 Actuator Not available 2.5 psi (0.17 bar) 4 psi (0.28 bar) 5 psi (0.34 bar)
1 Inch Body Size 30 Actuator Not available 3.5 psi (0.24 bar) 5 psi (0.34 bar) 7 psi (0.48 bar)
Size 70 Actuator 1.0 psi (0.069 bar) 1 psi (0.069 bar) 1.5 psi (0.10 bar) 2.5 psi (0.17 bar)
Size 40 Actuator Not available 3 psi (0.21 bar) 5 psi (0.34 bar) 10 psi (0.69 bar)
2 Inch Body Size 30 Actuator Not available 4 psi (0.28 bar) 6 psi (0.42 bar) 11 psi (0.76 bar)
Size 70 Actuator 1.0 psi (0.069 bar) 1.5 psi (0.10 bar) 2 psi (0.14 bar) 3 psi (0.21 bar)
DIFFERENTIAL Size 40 Actuator Not available 4 psi (0.28 bar) 6 psi (0.41 bar) 11 psi (0.76 bar)
PRESSURE 3 Inch Body Size 30 Actuator Not available 5 psi (0.34 bar) 8 psi (0.55 bar) 14 psi (0.97 bar)
REQUIRED FOR Size 70 Actuator 1.0 psi (0.069 bar) 2 psi (0.14 bar) 2.5 psi (0.17 bar) 4 psi (0.28 bar)
Size 40 Actuator Not available 5 psi (0.34 bar) 8 psi (0.55 bar) 13 psi (0.90 bar)
4 Inch Body Size 30 Actuator Not available 10 psi (0.69 bar) 13 psi (0.90 bar) 22 psi (1.5 bar)
Size 70 Actuator 1.3 psi (0.090 bar) 2.5 psi (0.17 bar) 3 psi (0.21 bar) 5 psi (0.34 bar)
Size 40 Actuator Not available 9.5 psi (0.66 bar) 14 psi (0.97 bar) 19 psi (1.3 bar)
6, 8 x 6 Inch Body Size 30 Actuator Not available 13 psi (0.90 bar) 19 psi (1.3 bar) 28 psi (1.9 bar)(1)
Size 70 Actuator 2.2 psi (0.15 bar) 4 psi (0.28 bar) 6 psi (0.42 bar) 8 psi (0.55 bar)
Yellow, except green
for 1 inch body
1. Requires special 6350 Series pilot construction with Type 1806H relief valve.
2. Spring part numbers are given in the parts list.


24A5704-B Sht 2

Figure 2. Regulator Nameplates

only to the male pipe threads with a screwed body, or use buildup on all machined guiding and sealing surfaces inside
suitable line gaskets and good bolting practices with a the body and at the bonnet flange/body joint.
flanged body.

With a weld end body, be sure to remove the trim package,
including the gasket (key 4, figure 11), according to the All Type 1098-EGR and 1098H-EGR regula-
Maintenance section before welding the body into the line. tors should be installed so that flow through
Do not install the trim package until any post-weld heat the main valve matches the flow arrow
treatment is completed. If heat treating, prevent scale attached to the valve body.
Types 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR


Figure 3. Standard Single-Pilot Installation

2. Install a three-valve bypass around the regulator if into the 1/4-inch NPT vent tapping. The Type 61LD pilot is vented
continuous operation is necessary during maintenance or by installing the vent piping in place of the pipe plug (key 22,
inspection. figure 18). Then remove the closing cap assembly (key 5,
figure 18) in order to remove the machine screw from inside the
The standard pilot mounting position is shown in figure 1, the pilot closing cap and tightly install it in the vent hole in the center of
may be field-changed to the opposite-side mounting position by the closing cap. Provide protection on a remote vent by installing
swapping the pilot pipe nipple to the opposite bonnet tapping. a screened vent cap into the remote end of the vent pipe.

4. Run a 3/8-inch outer diameter or larger pilot supply line from
A regulator may vent some gas to the the upstream pipeline to the filter inlet as shown in figure 3,
atmosphere. In hazardous or flammable gas bushing the line down to fit the 1/4-inch NPT filter connection. Do
service, vented gas may accumulate, and cause not make the upstream pipeline connection in a turbulent area,
personal injury, death, or property damage due such as near a nipple, swage, or elbow. If the maximum pilot inlet
to fire or explosion. Vent a regulator in pressure could exceed the pilot rating, install a separate reducing
hazardous gas service to a remote, safe location regulator in the pilot supply line. Install a hand valve in the pilot
away from air intakes or any hazardous supply line, and provide vent valves to properly isolate and
location. The vent line or stack opening must be relieve the pressure from the regulator.
protected against condensation or clogging.

3. To keep the pilot spring case vent from being plugged or the
spring case from collecting moisture, corrosive chemicals, or
other foreign material, point the vent down or otherwise protect 5. Attach a 1/2-inch NPT downstream pressure control line
it. Vent orientation may be changed by removing the spring case downstream of the regulator in a straight run of pipe as shown
and remounting it on the pilot body or on a standard Type 6352 in figure 3. Connect the other end of the control line to the bonnet
through 6354M pilot, by twisting the vent (key 35, figure 13, or connection. Do not make the tap near any elbow, swage, or
key 13, figure 14) in the spring case. To remotely vent a standard nipple that might cause turbulence. Install a hand valve in the
Type 6352 through 6354M pilot, remove the vent and install control line to shut off the control pressure when the bypass is
obstruction-free tubing or piping in use.

Types 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR

6. If a quick acting solenoid is to be installed downstream Pilot Adjustment

of a regulator, the regulator and solenoid should be located
as far apart as practical. This will maximize the gas piping To adjust standard 6350 Series pilots: loosen the locknut
volume between the regulator and solenoid and improve (key 11, figure 13, or key 10, figure 14), and turn the
the regulator response to quick changing flow rates. adjusting screw (key 10, figure 13, or key 9, figure 14). Then
tighten the locknut to maintain the adjustment position. On
a standard Type 6352 through 6354M pilot, a closing cap
7. Consult the appropriate instruction manual for (key 28, figure 14) must be removed before adjustment and
installation of an optional pneumatic or electric remote replaced afterward.
control drive unit. For optional remote pneumatic loading of
a 6350 Series or 61LD pilot, make the loading piping
connections to the 1/4-inch NPT vent connection. WARNING

To avoid possible personal injury from a

Prestartup Considerations pressure-loaded Type 61LD pilot, carefully
Before beginning the startup procedures in this section, vent the spring case before removing the
make sure the following conditions are in effect: closing cap. Otherwise, trapped loading
pressure could forcefully eject the freed
closing cap.
D Block valves isolate the regulator.
To adjust the Type 61LD pilot: remove the closing cap
D Vent valves are closed. (key 5, figure 18) and turn the adjusting screw (key 6, figure
18). Any adjustments made should set the controlled
D Hand valves are closed. pressure within the appropriate spring range shown in the
Specifications table.

1. Slowly open the hand valve in the pilot supply line.

Introduce pilot supply pressure into the reg- 2. Slowly open the upstream block valve, and partially
ulator before introducing any downstream open the downstream block valve for minimum flow.
pressure, or internal damage may occur due
to reverse pressurization of the pilot and 3. Slowly open the hand valve in the control line.
main valve components.
4. Adjust the pilot setting if necessary.
Always use pressure gauges to monitor
downstream pressure during startup. Pro- 5. Completely open the downstream block valve.
cedures used in putting this regulator into
operation must be planned accordingly if 6. Slowly close the bypass valve, if any.
the downstream system is pressurized by
another regulator or by a manual bypass.
Dual-Pilot Boiler Fuel Control Regulator

Note Installation
1. Perform the Standard Single-Pilot Regulator Installa-
For proper operation, pilot supply pressure tion section through step 3, making sure that the regulator
must exceed control pressure by the is installed in a horizontal pipeline with the actuator below
minimum amount specified on the actuator the main valve as shown in figure 4.
nameplate as minimum differential pres-
sure. 2. Run a 1/2-inch outer diameter or larger pilot supply line
from the upstream pipeline to the 1/2-inch NPT supply
The only adjustment necessary on a Type 1098-EGR or connection in the pipe tee as shown in figure 4. Do not make
1098H-EGR regulator is the pressure setting of the pilot the connection in a turbulent area, such as near a nipple,
control spring. Turning the adjusting screw clockwise into swage, or elbow. If the maximum pilot inlet pressure could
the spring case increases the spring compression and exceed the pilot rating, install a separate reducing regulator
pressure setting. Turning the adjusting screw counterclock- in the pilot line. Install a hand valve in the pilot supply line,
wise decreases the spring compression and pressure and provide vent valves so that pressure can be properly
setting. isolated and relieved from the regulator.
Types 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR


Figure 4. Typical Dual-Pilot Boiler Fuel Installation

3. Attach a 1/2-inch NPT downstream pressure control

line ten pipe diameters downstream of the regulator in a CAUTION
straight run of pipe. Connect the other end of the control line
to the 1/4-inch NPT connection in the control line pipe tee
as shown in figure 4. Do not make the tap near any elbow, Introduce pilot supply pressure into the reg-
swage, or nipple which might cause turbulence. Install a ulator before introducing any downstream
hand valve in the control line to shut off the control pressure pressure, or internal damage may occur due
when the bypass is in use. Also use the hand valve to to reverse pressurization of the pilot and
dampen out pulsations which may cause instability or main valve components.
cycling of the regulator.
Always use pressure gauges to monitor
4. Consult the appropriate instruction manual for downstream pressure during startup. Pro-
installation of an optional pneumatic or electric remote cedures used in putting this regulator into
control drive unit. For optional remote pneumatic loading of operation must be planned accordingly if
a 6350 Series or Type 61LD pilot, make the loading piping the downstream system is pressurized by
connections to the 1/4-inch NPT vent connection. another regulator or by a manual bypass.

Prestart Considerations
For proper operation, pilot supply pressure
Before beginning the startup procedures in this section, must exceed control pressure by the
make sure the following conditions are in effect: minimum amount specified on the actuator
nameplate as minimum differential pres-
D Block valves isolate the regulator. sure.

D Vent valves are closed. The only adjustment necessary on a Type 1098-EGR or
1098H-EGR regulator is the pressure setting of the pilot
D Hand valves are closed. control spring. Turning the adjusting screw clockwise into

Types 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR

the spring case increases the spring compression and Working Monitor
pressure setting. Turning the adjusting screw counterclock-
wise decreases the spring compression and pressure
1. For both the working monitor regulator and the working
regulator, perform the Standard Single-Pilot Regulator
Pilot Adjustment Installation section through step 6.
To adjust standard 6350 Series pilots: loosen the locknut
(key 11, figure 13, or key 10, figure 14), and turn the 2. Connect another downstream pressure control line and
adjusting screw (key 10, figure 13, or key 9, figure 14). Then hand valve (figure 5) to the monitoring pilot according to the
tighten the locknut to maintain the adjustment position. On monitoring pilot instruction manual. Attach a 1/2-inch NPT
a standard Type 6352 through 6354M pilot, a closing cap intermediate pressure control line and hand valve from the
(key 28, figure 14) must be removed before adjustment and intermediate pressure pipeline to the working monitor
replaced afterward. regulator. Pipe supply pressure between the monitoring
pilot and the working monitor regulator according to the
monitoring pilot manual.
WARNING For two typical monitoring pilots, table 4 gives the spread
between normal distribution pressure and the minimum
To avoid possible personal injury from a pressure at which the working monitor regulator can be set
pressure-loaded Type 61LD pilot, carefully to take over if the working regulator fails open.
vent the spring case before removing the
closing cap. Otherwise, trapped loading Prestartup Considerations
pressure could forcefully eject the freed
closing cap. Before beginning the startup procedures in this section,
make sure the following conditions are in effect:
To adjust the Type 61LD pilot: remove the closing cap
(key 5, figure 18) and turn the adjusting screw (key 6, figure D Block valves isolate the regulator.
18). Any adjustments made should set the controlled
pressure within the appropriate spring range shown in the D Vent valves are closed.
Specifications table.
D Hand valves are closed.
1. Slowly open the hand valve in the pilot supply line. CAUTION
2. Slowly open the upstream block valve, and partially
open the downstream block valve for minimum flow. Introduce pilot supply pressure into the reg-
ulator before introducing any downstream
3. Slowly open the hand valve in the control line and make pressure, or internal damage may occur due
sure that the standby pilot is set far enough below the to reverse pressurization of the pilot and
working pilot so that the standby pilot remains closed during main valve components.
normal operation. For example, with final desired settings
of 11 inches wc (27 mbar) for the working pilot and 10 inches Always use pressure gauges to monitor
wc (25 mbar) for the standby pilot, begin by reducing the downstream pressure during startup. Pro-
working pilot setting far enough below 10 inches wc (25 cedures used in putting this regulator into
mbar) for the working pilot to shut off. Then set the standby operation must be planned accordingly if
pilot for an outlet pressure of 10 inches wc (25 mbar). the downstream system is pressurized by
Finally, set the working pilot for an outlet pressure of 11 another regulator or by a manual bypass.
inches wc (27 mbar).
Table 3 shows how close the standby pilot can be set to the
working pilot setting. For proper operation, pilot supply pressure
must exceed control pressure by the
4. Completely open the downstream block valve. minimum amount specified on the actuator
nameplate as minimum differential pres-
5. Slowly close the bypass valve, if any. sure.

Types 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR

Table 3. Standby Pilots for Boiler Fuel Control Applications

Construction Spring Range Spring Part Number CAN BE SET
3 to 8 inch wc (8 to 20 mbar)(1) 1B6358 27052(1)
1 inch wc (2.5 mbar)
Type Y600P with 5 to 15 inch wc (12 to 38 mbar)(1) 1B6539 27022(1)
under working pilot set point
3/8 inch (9.5 mm) port diameter 11 to 28 inch wc (27 to 68 mbar)(1) 1B5370 27052(1)
and 150 psig (10 bar) 1 to 2-1/2 psig (0.069 to 0.17 bar)(2) 1B5371 27022(2)
0.2 psig (14 mbar)
maximum allowable pilot inlet 2-1/4 to 4-1/2 psig (0.16 to 0.31 bar)(2) 1B5372 27022(2)
under working pilot set point
4-1/2 to 7 psig (0.31 to 0.48 bar)(2) 1B5373 27052(2)
Type 621-107 with 3/8 inch (9.5 mm)
port diameter and 150 psig (10 bar)
0.3 psig (21 mbar)
maximum allowable pilot inlet for cast iron body 5 to 10 psig (0.34 to 0.69 bar) 1D8923 27022
under working pilot set point
or 750 psig (52 bar) maximum allowable pilot
inlet for malleable iron or steel body
1. With standard diaphragm plate.
2. With heavy diaphragm plate.

Table 4. Working Monitor Performance

Construction Spring Range Spring Part Number REGULATOR CAN BE SET
5 to 15 inch wc (12 to 38 mbar) 1B6539 27022 3 inch wc (7 mbar)
Type Y600M with 11 to 28 inch wc (27 to 68 mbar) 1B5370 27052 over normal distribution pressure
1/8 inch (3.2 mm) port diameter
1 to 2-1/2 psig (0.069 to 0.17 bar) 1B5371 27022
and 150 psig (10 bar) 0.5 psig (0.034 bar)
2-1/4 to 4-1/2 psig (0.16 to 0.31 bar) 1B5372 27022
maximum allowable pilot inlet over normal distribution pressure
4-1/2 to 7 psig (0.31 to 0.48 bar) 1B5373 27052
5 to 15 psig (0.34 to 1.0 bar) 1D8923 27022
Type 621-109 with 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) 10 to 25 psig (1.0 to 1.7 bar) 1D7515 27022 30 psig (0.21 bar)
port diameter and 150 psig (10 bar) 20 to 35 psig (1.4 to 2.4 bar) 1D6659 27022 over normal distribution pressure
maximum allowable pilot inlet for cast iron body 25 to 60 psig (1.7 to 4.1 bar) 1D7555 27142
or 750 psig (52 bar) maximum allowable pilot 40 to 80 psig (2.8 to 5.5 bar) 1E5436 27142
inlet for malleable iron or steel body 5.0 psig (0.34 bar)
80 to 150 psig (5.5 to 10 bar) 1P9013 27142(1)
over normal distribution pressure
130 to 200 psig (9.0 to 14 bar) 1P9013 27142(2)
1. With large diaphragm plate.
2. With small diaphragm plate.


Figure 5. Typical Working Monitor Installation

Types 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR

The only adjustment necessary on a Type 1098-EGR or 4. Adjust the setting of the monitoring pilot to establish the
1098H-EGR regulator is the pressure setting of the pilot desired emergency downstream pressure, which is to be
control spring. Turning the adjusting screw clockwise into maintained in the event of open failure of the second-stage
the spring case increases the spring compression and working regulator. The emergency downstream pressure
pressure setting. Turning the adjusting screw counterclock- should exceed the desired downstream pressure by at least
wise decreases the spring compression and pressure the amount listed in table 4. The steps followed to set the
setting. monitoring pilot may vary with each piping situation;
however, the basic method remains the same. The
following substeps a and b may be used as examples for
Pilot Adjustment setting the monitoring pilot:
To adjust all standard 6350 Series pilots: loosen the
locknut (key 11, figure 13, or key 10, figure 14), and turn the a. Increase the outlet pressure setting of the
adjusting screw (key 10, figure 13, or key 9, figure 14). Then second-stage working regulator until the monitoring pilot
tighten the locknut to maintain the adjustment position. On takes control of the downstream pressure. Adjust the
a standard Type 6352 through 6354M pilot, a closing cap monitoring pilot setting until the desired emergency
(key 28, figure 14) must be removed before adjustment and downstream pressure is achieved. Then readjust the
replaced afterward. second-stage working regulator to establish the desired
downstream pressure.

WARNING b. Install special piping (not shown in figure 5) so that

the monitoring pilot senses the intermediate pressure. The
intermediate pressure then appears to the monitoring pilot
To avoid possible personal injury from a as if it were increased downstream pressure, and the
pressure-loaded Type 61LD pilot, carefully monitoring pilot controls and reduces the intermediate
vent the spring case before removing the pressure. Adjust the monitoring pilot setting until the
closing cap. Otherwise, trapped loading desired emergency downstream pressure is achieved at
pressure could forcefully eject the freed the intermediate pressure stage. Then slowly close the
closing cap. special piping, and open up the monitoring downstream
control line for normal service.
To adjust the Type 61LD pilot: remove the closing cap
(key 5, figure 18) and turn the adjusting screw (key 6, figure 5. Slowly open the downstream block valve.
18). Any adjustments made should set the controlled
pressure within the appropriate spring range shown in the
Specifications table. 6. Slowly close the bypass valve, if any.

Wide-Open Monitor
On a working monitor installation (figure 5), be sure that the
second-stage working regulator is set to operate at a
pressure lower than the Type 1098-EGR or 1098H-EGR Installation
working monitor regulator. To do this, increase the setting
of the monitoring pilot until the working pilot is in control of 1. For both the wide-open monitoring regulator and the
the intermediate pressure and the second-stage working working regulator, perform the Standard Single-Pilot
regulator is in control of the downstream pressure. If this is Regulator Installation section through step 6.
not done, the monitoring pilot tries to take control of the
downstream pressure. 2. Connect the control line of a wide-open monitoring
regulator (figure 6) to downstream piping near the working
1. Slowly open the upstream block valve and the hand regulator control line connection. During normal operation
valves in both pilot supply lines. This energizes both pilots the wide-open monitoring regulator stands wide open with
so that their setpoints can be adjusted. Partially open the the pressure reduction being taken across the working
downstream block valve for minimum flow. regulator. Only in case of working regulator failure does the
wide-open monitoring regulator take control at its slightly
2. To enable intermediate pressure adjustment with the higher setting.
working monitor regulator, slowly open the hand valve in the
intermediate pressure control line.
Prestartup Considerations
3. To enable downstream pressure adjustment with the
second-stage working regulator, slowly open the hand Before beginning the startup procedures in this section,
valve in the control line to this regulator. make sure the following conditions are in effect:
Types 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR

16A4296-A 16A4297-A

Figure 6. Typical Wide-Open Monitor Installations

D Block valves isolate the regulator. Pilot Adjustment

To adjust all standard 6350 Series pilots: loosen the
D Vent valves are closed. locknut (key 11, figure 13, or key 10, figure 14), and turn the
adjusting screw (key 10, figure 13, or key 9, figure 14). Then
tighten the locknut to maintain the adjustment position. On
D Hand valves are closed. a standard Type 6352 through 6354M pilot, a closing cap
(key 28, figure 14) must be removed before adjustment and
replaced afterward.

Introduce pilot supply pressure into the reg-
ulator before introducing any downstream To avoid possible personal injury from a
pressure, or internal damage may occur due pressure-loaded Type 61LD pilot, carefully
to reverse pressurization of the pilot and vent the spring case before removing the
main valve components. closing cap. Otherwise, trapped loading
pressure could forcefully eject the freed
closing cap.
Always use pressure gauges to monitor
downstream pressure during startup. Pro- To adjust the Type 61LD pilot: remove the closing cap
cedures used in putting this regulator into (key 5, figure 18) and turn the adjusting screw (key 6, figure
operation must be planned accordingly if 18). Any adjustments made should set the controlled
the downstream system is pressurized by pressure within the appropriate spring range shown in the
another regulator or by a manual bypass. Specifications table.

Repeat this procedure in turn for each regulator in the
For proper operation, pilot supply pressure
must exceed control pressure by the
1. Slowly open the hand valve in the pilot supply line.
minimum amount specified on the actuator
nameplate as minimum differential pres-
sure. 2. Slowly open the upstream block valve, and partially
open the downstream block valve for minimum flow.

The only adjustment necessary on a Type 1098-EGR or 3. Slowly open the hand valve in the control line and adjust
1098H-EGR regulator is the pressure setting of the pilot the pilot setting if necessary. Set the monitoring regulator at
control spring. Turning the adjusting screw clockwise into a slightly higher control pressure than the working regulator.
the spring case increases the spring compression and
pressure setting. Turning the adjusting screw counterclock- 4. Completely open the downstream block valve.
wise decreases the spring compression and pressure
setting. 5. Slowly close the bypass valve, if any.

Types 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR

Shutdown In operation, assume that outlet pressure is below the pilot

control setting. Control spring force on the pilot diaphragm
Installation arrangements vary, but in any installation it is thus opens the pilot valve plug (Type 6351 pilot) or relay
important that the valves be opened or closed slowly and orifice (Type 61LD pilot), providing additional loading
that the outlet pressure be vented before venting inlet pressure to the actuator diaphragm. This diaphragm
pressure to prevent damage caused by reverse pressuriza- loading pressure opens the main valve plug, supplying the
tion of the pilot or main valve. The following steps apply to required gas to the downstream system.
the typical installation as indicated.
When downstream demand has been satisfied, outlet
pressure tends to increase, acting on the pilot and actuator
diaphragms. This pressure exceeds the pilot control spring
Single-Pilot, Dual-Pilot Regulator or setting, moving the pilot diaphragm away and letting the
Wide-Open Monitor valve plug spring (Type 6351 or Type 61LD pilots) or
bellows (Type 6352 through 6354M pilot) close the pilot
As well as applying to a single-pilot regulator (figure 3), the valve plug (unbalanced in the Type 6351 or Type 61LD
steps in this procedure also are valid for a dual-pilot pilots but balanced in the Type 6352 through 6354M pilot).
regulator (figure 4) or a wide-open monitoring installation Excess loading pressure on the actuator diaphragm
(figure 6) and just need to be repeated for each regulator in escapes downstream through the bleed hole (Type 6351
such an installation. pilot), bleed orifice (Type 61LD pilot), or restriction (Type
6352 through 6354M pilot).
1. Slowly close the downstream block valve. If the control
line is downstream of the block valve, also close the hand Reduced actuator loading pressure permits the main valve
valve in the control line. to close. The combination of main valve spring force and
valve plug unbalance provides positive shutoff of the valve
2. Slowly close the upstream block valve and the hand plug against the port and upper seals.
valve in the pilot supply line.
To protect the Type 1098 or 1098H actuator diaphragm from
excessive differential pressure, all 6300 series and 61LD
3. Slowly open the vent valve in the downstream pipeline.
pilots have a relief valve that allows loading pressure to
If the control line is downstream of the block valve, also
bleed downstream at approximately 25 psi (1.7 bar)
open the vent valve in the control line. Permit all pressure
differential across the actuator diaphragm.
to bleed out.
A dual-pilot regulator (figure 7) also operates similarly to a
4. Slowly open the vent valve in the upstream pipeline. single-pilot regulator. In addition, the large ports of the
Permit all pressure to bleed out of both the piping and the standby pilot open to quickly supply additional loading
pilot. pressure to the Type 1098 diaphragm. This extra loading
pressure strokes the main valve quickly in order to satisfy
rapid load changes in the boiler system.
Working Monitor
A working monitor system (figure 5) reduces pressure and
throttles while the working monitor regulator is in operation.
1. Slowly close the downstream block valve and the hand If the working regulator fails open, the working monitor
valve in the downstream pressure control line. regulator takes over the entire pressure reduction function.
The working monitor concept allows observation of the
2. Slowly close the upstream block valve and the hand performance of the first-stage regulator at all times.
valves in both pilot supply lines.
As long as the second-stage working regulator maintains
3. Slowly open all vent valves and permit all pressures to normal downstream pressure, the monitoring pilot stays
bleed out of the piping and regulators. wide open. This permits inlet pressure to go straight through
to the working monitor pilot for reduction to actuator loading
Principle of Operation
Downstream pressure is piped back to the monitoring
The pilot-operated Type 1098-EGR and Type 1098H-EGR pilot. As long as the downstream pressure is less than
regulators both use inlet pressure as the operating medium, the monitoring pilot setting, the working pilot controls
which is reduced through pilot operation to load the actuator the actuator to maintain intermediate pressure. If the
diaphragm. Outlet or downstream pressure opposes second-stage working regulator fails open, the
loading pressure in the actuator and also opposes the pilot downstream pressure increases to the setting of the
control spring. The operation of each regulator is the same, monitoring pilot (slightly higher than the original down-
and the Type 1098-EGR regulator operation schematic is stream pressure). The monitoring pilot takes control and the
shown in figure 7. working monitor pilot throttles down the loading pressure to
Types 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR


Figure 7. Principle of Operation Schematics

the working monitor regulator actuator. This actuator will O-rings can be checked for damage during normal
move the valve plug and control the downstream pressure operation by line pressure leakage or unexpected grease
at the emergency level. Thus, downstream equipment is extrusion from the actuator vent (key 27, figure 20). All
protected against a major overpressure condition without O-rings, gaskets, and seals should be lubricated with a
disrupting service or venting gas to the atmosphere. good grade of general-purpose grease and installed gently
rather than forced into position. Be certain that the
nameplates are updated to accurately indicate any field
changes in equipment, materials, service conditions, or
pressure settings.
Regulator parts are subject to normal wear and must be
inspected and replaced as necessary. The frequency of
inspection and replacement of parts depends upon the WARNING
severity of service conditions or the requirements of local,
state, and federal regulations. Due to the care Fisher takes
in meeting all manufacturing requirements (heat treating, To avoid personal injury resulting from sud-
dimensional tolerances, etc.), use only replacement parts den release of pressure, isolate the regula-
manufactured or furnished by Fisher. The stem O-rings on tor from all pressure and cautiously release
the Type 1098 or 1098H actuator can be lubricated trapped pressure from the regulator before
annually, using the grease fitting (key 28, figure 20). Stem attempting disassembly.

Types 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR




Figure 8. Trim Package Removal

Design EGR Main Valve

Replacing Quick-Change Trim Package

Perform this procedure if the entire trim package (figure 8)
is replaced. Key numbers for both the complete main valve
and its trim package are referenced in figure 11. Some
replacement trim package assembly numbers are listed in
a table in the parts list. W3116

Figure 9. Exploded View of Full-Capacity

Note Trim Package Assembly

All disassembly, trim change, and reas-

sembly steps in this section may be
performed with the regulator in the main line
and without disconnecting pilot supply or
control lines. 4. Coat the cage seating surfaces of the valve body web
and the body flange seating surfaces of the valve body neck
with a good grade of general-purpose grease. Install the
1. Remove the cap screws (key 3) with a cast iron body, trim package, and secure it evenly with the cap screws or
or remove the stud bolt nuts (key 29, not shown) with a steel stud bolt nuts. No particular trim package orientation in the
body. Pry the body flange (key 2) loose from the valve body body is required.
(key 1), and lift out the trim package.

2. Perform any required inspection, cleaning, or mainte-

nance on the exposed surfaces of the valve body or trim Replacing Trim Parts
package. Replace the gasket (key 4) or cage O-ring (key
17) as necessary. Perform this procedure if inspecting, cleaning, or replacing
individual parts in a trim package. Key numbers are
3. On a pre-built replacement trim package, check referenced in figure 11. An exploded view of a standard
indicator zeroing by unscrewing the indicator protector (key full-capacity trim package only is shown in figure 9.
19) and seeing if the flange of the indicator nut (key 22) lines
up evenly with the bottom marking on the indicator scale
(key 18). If not, remove the indicator scale and separate the
indicator nut and hex nut (key 8). Hold the indicator scale Note
against the indicator fitting (key 5) with the scale base
resting against the shoulder of the fitting, and turn the Access to the spring (key 9), flange O-ring
indicator nut until its flange is aligned with the bottom scale (key 21), travel indicator parts, or optional
marking. Then lock both nuts against each other, and install travel stop (key 32) in step 1 can be gained
the indicator scale and protector. without removing the body flange (key 2).
Types 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR

1. Remove the indicator fitting (key 5) and attached parts.

Proceed to step 5 if only maintenance on the fitting or
attached parts is performed.

2. Remove the cap screws (key 3) with a cast iron body,

or remove the stud bolt nuts (key 29, not shown) with a steel
body, and pry the body flange loose from the valve body
(key 1).

3. Use the valve body as a holding fixture if desired. Flip

the body flange over, and anchor it on the valve body as
shown in figure 10, removing the pipe plug (key 31) first if

4. To gain access to the port seal (key 12), upper seal (key
15), or valve plug parts, unscrew the seat ring (key 13) from
the cage (key 11) and the cage from the body flange. For

Figure 10. Seat Ring/Cage Removal or Installation

leverage, a wrench handle or similar tool may be inserted Using Body as Holding Fixture
into the seat ring slots (figure 10) and a strap wrench may
be wrapped around a standard or a Whisper TrimR cage,
or a soft bar may be inserted through the windows of a
standard cage. To remove the piston ring (key 14) and/or
plug O-ring (key 20), remove the valve plug (key 16) from 1-inch body, which does not use it, the pipe plug (key 31)
the body flange, insert a screwdriver into the precut foldover must be installed in the side tapping of the flange for proper
area of the piston ring, and unfold the piston ring. Proceed operation.
to step 6 if no further maintenance is necessary.
9. Make sure that the flange and stem O-rings and the
5. To replace the body flange or gain access to the spring, bushings are installed in the indicator fitting. Orient the
indicator stem (key 10), stem O-ring (key 7), spring seat spring seat as shown in figure 11, and attach it with the
(key 28), E-ring (key 23), or optional travel stop, remove the E-ring to the slotted end of the indicator stem. Install a travel
indicator protector (key 19) and indicator scale (key 18). stop (if it is used) on the spring seat, and then install the
Since some compression is left in the spring, carefully spring.
remove the flanged nut (key 22) and hex nut (key 8). A
screwdriver may be inserted through the press-fit bushing
(key 6) to remove the stem O-ring without removing the 10. Being careful not to cut the stem O-ring with the stem
bushing. If necessary, unscrew the travel stop (if used), and threads, install the indicator fitting down over the indicator
unclip the E-ring from the indicator stem. stem until resting on the spring. Install the hex nut and then
the flanged indicator nut on the indicator stem, pushing on
6. Replace and lubricate parts such as the gasket (key 4) the fitting if necessary to provide sufficient stem thread
and cage O-ring (key 17) as necessary, making sure that if exposure. To maintain clearance for indicator part
the port and upper seals were removed they are installed in installation, draw up the spring seat by turning the hex nut
their retaining slots with the grooved sides facing out. Also down on the stem until the threads bottom.
lubricate any other surfaces as necessary for ease of
installation. No further main valve maintenance is 11. Install the indicator fitting with attached parts into the
necessary if just the indicator fitting and attached parts were body flange. Back the hex nut off until the spring completely
removed. closes the valve plug against the port and upper seals, as
indicated by stem threads showing between this nut and the
7. Install the plug O-ring (key 20) and piston ring (key 14) fitting. Hold the indicator scale against the fitting with the
onto the valve plug. Insert the valve plug into the body scale base resting against the shoulder of the fitting, and
flange, install the cage plus upper seal and O-ring into the turn the indicator nut until its flange is aligned with the
body flange, and then install the seat ring plus port seal into bottom scale marking. Then lock both nuts against each
the cage. Use the valve body as a holding fixture during this other, and install the indicator scale and protector.
step as shown in figure 10, and insert a wrench handle or
similar tool into the seat ring slots for leverage when
tightening the seat ring and cage.
P590 Series Filter
8. Remove the upside-down body flange if it was
anchored on the body. Coat the cage seating surfaces of the Perform this procedure to clean or replace filter parts in a
valve body web and the body flange seating surfaces of the standard Type P593-1 or P594-1 filter assembly. Remove
valve body neck with a good grade of general-purpose the following as shown in figure 12: filter body (key 1),
grease. Install the body flange on the body, and secure it machine screw (key 4), gasket (key 7), two flat washers
evenly with the cap screws or stud bolt nuts. Except on the (key 5), and filter element (key 2).

Types 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR

Upon reassembly, one of the flat washers must go between Note

the filter element and filter head (key 3) and the other must
go between the filter element and gasket. Use a good grade The body (key 1) may remain on the pipe
of pipe thread sealant on the filter head pipe threads as nipple (key 23, figure 15 or key 39, figure 16)
shown by L.S. in figure 12. unless the entire pilot is replaced.

1. To gain access to the diaphragm assembly (key 5),

diaphragm limiter (key 23) if used, control spring (key 6),
Type 6351 Pilot restriction (key 22), stem guide (key 8), or spring seat (key
7), remove the closing cap (key 11), loosen the locknut (key
Perform this procedure if changing the control spring for one 10), and turn the adjusting screw (key 9) counterclockwise
of a different range, or if inspecting, cleaning, or replacing until compression is removed from the spring. Remove the
any other pilot parts. Pilot key numbers are referenced in machine screws (key 14), and separate the body from the
figure 13 and mounting key numbers in figure 15, 16, or 17. spring case (key 2).

2. Inspect the removed parts, and replace as necessary.

Note Make sure the restriction and the registration hole in the
body are free from debris. After assembly, make sure of the
The body assembly (key 1) may remain on
proper control spring setting according to the Startup
the pipe nipple (key 23, figure 15, or key 39,
section, and re-mark the spring case if necessary.
figure 16) unless the entire pilot is replaced.
The optional spring case (key 2) for a Type
3. To replace the valve plug (key 4) or bellows O-ring (key
661 electric remote control drive unit may
17), remove the body plug (key 3) and body plug gasket
remain installed during maintenance.
(key 12). Be careful to keep the bellows assembly (key 16)
from falling out and possibly getting lost while removing the
1. To gain access to the diaphragm assembly (key 7), valve plug. Inspect the removed parts, and replace as
control spring (key 9), or spring seat (key 8), loosen the necessary. Make sure the valve plug seating surfaces are
locknut (key 11, not used with Type 661 mounting), and turn free from debris.
the adjustment screw (key 10) out until compression is
removed from the spring. Remove the machine screws (key
12), and separate the body assembly from the spring case. Type 61LD Pilot and Type 1806 Relief
2. Inspect the removed parts, and replace as necessary.
Make sure the registration and bleed holes in the pilot body Perform this procedure if changing the control spring for one
are free from debris. After assembly, make sure of the of a different range, or if inspecting, cleaning, or replacing
proper control spring setting according to the Startup relief valve or any other pilot parts. Pilot part key numbers
section, and re-mark the spring case if necessary. are referenced in figure 18 and mounting part and relief
valve key numbers in figure 19.
3. To replace the valve plug (key 4), remove the body plug
1. Remove the pilot from the pipe nipple (key 14) unless
(key 3) and body plug gasket (key 23). Be careful to keep
just the control spring is to be changed.
the valve plug spring (key 6) and valve plug spring seat (key
5) from falling out and possibly getting lost while removing
2. To gain access to the control spring or other internal
the valve plug. Inspect the removed parts, and replace as
parts, remove the closing cap assembly (key 5) and relieve
necessary. Make sure the valve plug seating surfaces are
control spring (key 7) compression by turning the adjusting
free from debris.
screw (key 6) counterclockwise. Change the control spring
and install the adjusting screw and closing cap assembly if
no other maintenance will be performed. Make sure of the
proper control spring setting according to the Installation
Type 6352 Through 6354M Pilots and Startup section, and restamp the nameplate if
Perform this procedure if changing the control spring for one
of a different range, or if inspecting, cleaning, or replacing 3. For any other internal maintenance, relieve control
any other pilot parts. Pilot part key numbers are referenced spring compression according to step 2. Then remove the
in figure 14. Mounting key numbers are referenced in figure cap screw (key 20) and separate the pilot into three
15 for single-pilot constructions and in figure 16 or 17 for sections; spring case (key 1), body (key 2), and diaphragm
dual-pilot constructions. case (key 3).

Types 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR

4. To inspect the two diaphragm (keys 14 and 15) Type 1098 and 1098H Actuator and Pilot
thoroughly, remove the diaphragm nut (key 11), hex nut (key
Mounting Parts
19), and the upper and lower diaphragm plates (key 16 and
17). The projecting prong in the body may be used as the Perform this procedure if changing the actuator or
restraining member to keep the yoke from turning while inspecting, cleaning, or replacing actuator and/or pilot
removing the nuts. Also inspect the O-ring (key 12), and mounting parts. Actuator part key numbers are referenced
replace any parts as necessary. in figure 20, and mounting part key numbers in figure 15, 16,
or 17 unless otherwise indicated.
5. Take the yoke (key 4) and attached parts out of the body
to examine the disk holder assembly (key 9). Remove the 1. The actuator and pilot(s) may be removed and replaced
relay orifice (key 8) to check for clogging and replace if as a unit by disconnecting the control line and pilot supply
necessary. line.

2. Access to all internal parts except the stem O-rings (key

6. To replace the disk holder assembly, first unscrew the 6) may be gained without removing the bonnet (key 3) or
bleed orifice (key 10). Remove it and the associated parts. upper diaphragm case (key 2) from the main valve or the
Then unscrew the disk holder assembly from the bleed pilot(s) from the bonnet pipe nipple (key 23, figure 15, or
valve (key 26) to gain access to the relay spring (key 13). keys 37 and 39, figure 16). Disconnect the loading tubing
Clean or replace any parts as necessary before (key 24, figure 15, 16, or 17) from the actuator elbow fitting
reassembling. (key 25, figure 15, or key 41, figure 16), and with a Type
61LD pilot also disconnect the relief tubing (key 18, figure
7. Upon reassembly, pay particular attention to the 19) from the fitting tee.
following assembly suggestions.
3. Remove the cap screws (key 10), nuts (key 11), lower
diaphragm case (key 1), diaphragm (key 7), and diaphragm
a. Before replacing the diaphragm case or spring plate (key 8). To separate the stem (key 12) from the
case, be sure the yoke assembly is positioned so that it will diaphragm plate (key 8), remove the stem cap screw (key
not bind or rub on the prong in the relay body. 9).

b. Avoid wrinkling the diaphragms when replacing the 4. To remove the Type 1098 case O-ring (key 5),
diaphragm case and spring case. unscrew the four case cap screws (key 4), remove the
upper diaphragm case (key 2), and remove the case O-ring.
c. Replace the diaphragm case, carefully working the
upper diaphragm (key 14) into the recess in the diaphragm
case. If the diaphragm case rocks with respect to the pilot To remove the Type 1098 and Type 1098H stem O-rings
body, the diaphragm is probably wrinkled. (key 6), remove the pilot(s) and pipe nipple(s) if necessary.
Unscrew either the Type 1098 bonnet (key 3) or the Type
1098H upper diaphragm case (key 2), and remove the
d. Replace the spring case, using care to smooth the O-rings.
lower diaphragm (key 15) evenly into the recess in the pilot
body. 5. Lubricate both stem O-rings (key 6) with grease, and
install them in either the Type 1098 bonnet (key 3) or in the
e. Install the eight cap screws, tightening them down Type 1098H upper diaphragm case (key 2).
evenly in a crisscross pattern to avoid crushing the
diaphragm. Recommended final torque on these cap For the Type 1098H actuator, thread the upper diaphragm
screws in 10 to 12 foot pounds (14 to 16 NSm). casing into the main valve body.

For the Type 1098 actuator, lubricate the case O-ring (key
8. After assembly, make sure of the proper control spring 5), and install it in the bonnet (key 3). Line up the holes in
setting according to the Installation and Startup section, the upper diaphragm casing and the bonnet; insert and
and restamp the nameplate (key 27) if necessary. tighten the four case cap screws to secure the parts
together. Thread the bonnet into the main valve body.
9. To gain access to the Type 1806 relief valve (key 17),
disconnect the relief tubing at the connector fitting (key 21) 6. Secure the diaphragm plate to the stem with the stem
and unscrew the relief valve. Make sure the spring closes cap screw (key 9). Lay the entire diaphragm, diaphragm
the ball, or replace the relief valve if necessary. Install the plate, and stem assembly into the lower diaphragm case so
relief valve back in the pipe tee (key 16) and reconnect the the diaphragm convolution laps up over the diaphragm
relief tubing (key 18) and connector fitting. plate according to figure 20. Then install the stem slowly up

Types 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR

into the bonnet to prevent stem or O-ring damage, and Parts Ordering
secure the lower diaphragm case to the upper diaphragm
case with the cap screws and nuts. Tighten the cap screws Each Type 1098-EGR or 1098H-EGR regulator is assigned
and nuts evenly in a crisscross pattern to avoid crushing the a serial number or F.S. number which can be found on the
diaphragm. nameplates (figure 2). Refer to this number when
contacting your Fisher sales office or sales representative
7. Grease the stem O-rings through the grease fitting (key for assistance, or when ordering replacement parts.
28) until excess grease starts coming out the vent (key 27).
When ordering a replacement part, be sure to include the
complete 11-character part number from the following parts
8. Install the pipe nipple(s) and pilot(s) if they were list. Some commonly used trim packages can be ordered
removed during maintenance. Connect the actuator according to the 11-character assembly number given in the
loading tubing if it was disconnected. parts kits listed in the parts list.

Parts List Key Description Part Number

Note 1 Valve Body

Cast Iron
Except where indicated, sizes shown are valve body NPT screwed
sizes. 1 inch 34A6351 X012
2 inch 34A6763 X012
Design EGR Main Valve (figure 11) Class 125B FF
Key Description Part Number 1 inch 34A6353 X012
2 inch 34A5694 X012
Parts kit (included are: gasket, key 4; stem O-ring, key 7; port seal, 3 inch 34A5695 X012
key 12; piston ring, key 14; upper seal, key 15; cage O-ring, key 4 inch 34A5703 X012
17; plug O-ring, key 20; and indicator fitting O-ring, key 21) 6 & 8 x 6 inch 34A6999 X012
2-inch R63EG X00022 Class 250B RF
3-inch R63EG X00032 1 inch 34A6354 X012
4-inch R63EG X00042 2 inch 34A5672 X012
6-inch R63EG X00062 3 inch 34A5657 X012
4 inch 34A5642 X012
Parts kit, Quick Change Trim Assembly (included are: body flange, 6 & 8 x 6 inch 34A7000 X012
key 2; linear cage, key 11; spring, key 9; valve plug, key 16; seat WCB steel, heat-treated
ring, key 13; travel indicator, key 10; and standard elastomers) NPT screwed
60 Psi (4.1 bar) spring color green 1 inch 34A6352 X012
Cast Iron Body Flange 2 inch 34A6764 X012
1-inch 25A3170 X012 2 inch (NACE)(1) 34A6764 X022
2-inch 25A3170 X102 Class 150 RF
3-inch 25A3170 X152 1 inch 34A6355 X012
4-inch 25A3170 X222 1 inch (NACE) 34A6355 X042
6-inch 25A3170 X272 2 inch 34A6765 X012
Steel Body Flange 2 inch (NACE) 34A6765 X022
1-inch 25A3170 X422 3 inch 34A6773 X012
2-inch 25A3170 X452 3 inch (NACE) 34A6773 X032
3-inch 25A3170 X372 4 inch 34A6776 X012
4-inch 25A3170 X482 4 inch (NACE) 34A6776 X032
6-inch 25A3170 X512 6 inch 34A6998 X012
125 Psi (8.6 bar) spring color blue 6 inch (NACE) 34A6998 X032
Cast Iron Body Flange 8 x 6 inch 38A4214 X012
1-inch 25A3170 X032 8 x 6 inch (NACE) 38A4214 X022
2-inch 25A3170 X082 Class 300 RF
3-inch 25A3170 X142 1 inch 34A6754 X012
4-inch 25A3170 X192 2 inch 34A6766 X012
6-inch 25A3170 X282 2 inch (NACE) 34A6766 X032
Steel Body Flange 3 inch 34A6774 X012
1-inch 25A3170 X432 3 inch (NACE) 34A6774 X022
2-inch 25A3170 X382 4 inch 34A6777 X012
3-inch 25A3170 X462 4 inch (NACE) 34A6777 X032
4-inch 25A3170 X492 6 inch 34A6993 X012
6-inch 25A3170 X342 6 inch (NACE) 34A6993 X022
400 Psi (28 bar) spring color red 8 x 6 inch 38A5825 X012
Cast Iron Body Flange 8 x 6 inch (NACE) 38A5825 X032
1-inch 25A3170 X052 Class 600 RF
2-inch 25A3170 X112 1 inch 34A6755 X012
3-inch 25A3170 X172 2 inch 34A6767 X012
4-inch 25A3170 X242 2 inch (NACE) 34A6767 X032
6-inch 25A3170 X312 3 inch 34A6775 X012
Steel Body Flange 3 inch (NACE) 34A6775 X022
1-inch 25A3170 X442 4 inch 34A6778 X012
2-inch 25A3170 X332 4 inch (NACE) 34A6778 X022
3-inch 25A3170 X472
4-inch 25A3170 X502
6-inch 25A3170 X522

1. National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) standard MR-01-75.

Types 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR




Figure 11. Design EGR Main Valve

Key Description Part Number Key Description Part Number

1 Valve Body (Continued) 2 Body Flange
Class 600 RF Cast iron, ENC(2)
6 inch 34A6997 X012 1 inch 24A6761 X012
6 inch (NACE) 34A6997 X022 2 inch 25A3168 X012
8 x 6 inch 39A7068 X012 3 inch 24A9034 X012
8 x 6 inch (NACE) 39A7068 X022 4 inch 25A2309 X012
Socket weld 6 & 8 x 6 inch 34A8172 X012
1 inch 36A3941 X012 WCB steel, ENC, heat-treated
2 inch 36A3945 X012 1 inch 24A6779 X012
Schedule 40 butt weld 1 inch (NACE) 24A6779 X032
1 inch 36A3942 X012 2 inch 25A2254 X012
2 inch 36A3944 X012 2 inch (NACE) 25A2254 X022
3 inch 36A3947 X012 3 inch 25A2300 X012
4 inch 36A3949 X012 3 inch (NACE) 25A2300 X022
6 & 8 x 6 inch 36A3952 X012 4 inch 24A9032 X012
Schedule 80 butt weld 4 inch (NACE) 24A9032 X022
1 inch 36A3943 X012 6 & 8 x 6 inch 34A7152 X012
2 inch 36A3946 X012 6 & 8 x 6 inch (NACE) 34A7152 X022
3 inch 36A3948 X012
4 inch 36A3950 X012
6 & 8 x 6 inch 36A3951 X012

*Recommended spare part.

2. Part included in trim package assembly can be ordered according to the parts
kit trim package. 19
Types 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR

Key Description Part Number Key Description Part Number

3 Cap Screw, zn pl steel (use w/cast iron body) 10(2) Indicator Stem (Continued)
1 inch (4 req’d) 1R2811 24052 316 stainless steel (NACE)
2 inch (8 req’d) 1A4533 24052 1 inch (NACE) 14A6756 X022
3 inch (8 req’d) 1A4541 24052 2 inch (NACE) 14A6994 X022
4 inch (8 req’d) 1A4857 24052 3 inch (NACE) 14A6995 X022
6 & 8 x 6 inch (12 req’d) 1U5131 24052 4 inch (NACE) 14A8179 X022
3 Stud Bolt, steel (use w/steel body) (not shown) 6 & 8 x 6 inch (NACE) 14A6986 X022
1 inch (4 req’d) 1R2848 31012 11 Cage
2 inch (8 req’d) 1K2429 31012 Linear
3 inch (8 req’d) 1A3781 31012 Cast iron, ENC(2)
4 inch (8 req’d) 1R3690 31012 1 inch 24A6783 X012
6 & 8 x 6 inch (12 req’d) 1A3656 31012 2 inch 24A5669 X012
4*(2) Gasket, composition 3 inch 24A5654 X012
1 inch 14A6785 X012 4 inch 24A5639 X012
2 inch 14A5685 X012 6 & 8 x 6 inch 24A6990 X012
3 inch 14A5665 X012 WCB steel, ENC, heat-treated
4 inch 14A5650 X012 1 inch 24A6783 X022
6 & 8 x 6 inch 14A6984 X012 1 inch (NACE) 24A6783 X032
5(2) Indicator Fitting, pl steel 2 inch 24A5669 X022
1 inch 14A6758 X012 2 inch (NACE) 24A5669 X032
1 inch (NACE) 14A6758 X022 3 inch 24A5654 X022
2, 3, & 4 inch 14A9689 X012 3 inch (NACE) 24A5654 X042
2, 3, & 4 inch (NACE) 14A9689 X042 4 inch 24A5639 X022
6 & 8 x 6 inch 24A8183 X012 4 inch (NACE) 24A5639 X032
6 & 8 x 6 inch (NACE) 24A8183 X022 6 inch 24A6990 X022
6(2) Bushing 6 & 8 x 6 inch (NACE) 24A6990 X032
416 stainless steel 14A5677 X012 Whisper Trim
410 stainless steel (NACE) 14A5677 X022 416 stainless steel
7* Stem O-Ring 1 inch 24A2043 X012
Nitrile(2) 1D6875 06992 2 inch 24A5707 X012
Fluoroelastomer 1N4304 06382 3 inch 24A5708 X012
4 inch 24A5709 X012
8(2) Hex Nut, pl steel 1A6622 28992 6 & 8 x 6 inch 24A8174 X012
9(2) Spring, steel 316 stainless steel (NACE)
20 psi (1.4 bar) maximum drop yellow 2 inch (NACE) 24A5707 X022
2 inch 14A6768 X012 3 inch (NACE) 24A5708 X032
3 inch 14A6771 X012 4 inch (NACE) 24A5709 X022
4 inch 14A6770 X012 6 & 8 x 6 inch (NACE) 24A8174 X022
6 & 8 x 6 inch 15A2253 X012 Quick Opening, cast iron, ENC
60 psi (4.1 bar) maximum drop green 1 inch 37A7211 X012
1 inch 14A9687 X012 2 inch 37A7212 X012
2 inch 14A6626 X012 3 inch 37A7213 X012
2 inch (NACE) 16A5501 X012 4 inch 37A7214 X012
3 inch 14A6629 X012 6 & 8 x 6 inch 37A7215 X012
3 inch (NACE) 16A5503 X012
4 inch 14A6632 X012 12* Port Seal
4 inch (NACE) 16A5506 X012 Nitrile(2) standard
6 & 8 x 6 inch 14A9686 X012 1 inch 14A6788 X012
6 & 8 x 6 inch (NACE) 16A5510 X012 2 inch 24A5673 X012
125 psi (8.6 bar) maximum drop blue 3 inch 24A5658 X012
1 inch 14A9680 X012 4 inch 24A5643 X012
1 inch (NACE) 10B1882 X012 6 & 8 x 6 inch 14A8175 X012
2 inch 14A6627 X012 Fluoroelastomer
2 inch (NACE) 16A5995 X012 1 inch 14A8186 X012
3 inch 14A6630 X012 2 inch 25A7412 X012
3 inch (NACE) 16A5996 X012 3 inch 25A7375 X012
4 inch 14A6633 X012 4 inch 25A7469 X012
4 inch (NACE) 16A5997 X012 6 & 8 x 6 inch 14A6996 X012
6 & 8 x 6 inch 14A9685 X012
6 & 8 x 6 inch (NACE) 16A5999 X012 13*(2) Seat Ring
400 psi (28 bar) maximum drop red 416 stainless steel
1 inch 14A9679 X012 1 inch, 1-5/16 inch (33 mm) port 24A6781 X012
2 inch 14A6628 X012 2 inch, 2-3/8 inch (60 mm) port 24A5670 X012
2 inch (NACE) 16A5499 X012 3 inch, 3-3/8 inch (86 mm) port 24A5655 X012
3 inch 14A6631 X012 4 inch, 4-3/8 inch (111 mm) port 24A5640 X012
3 inch (NACE) 16A5500 X012 6 inch, 7-3/16 inch (183 mm) port 24A6989 X012
4 inch 14A6634 X012 8 x 6 inch 7-3/16 inch (183 mm) port 38A4216 X012
4 inch (NACE) 16A5998 X012 316 stainless steel (NACE)
6 & 8 x 6 inch 15A2615 X012 1 inch, 1-5/16 inch (33 mm) port (NACE) 24A6781 X022
6 & 8 x 6 inch (NACE) 16A6000 X012 2 inch, 2-3/8 inch (60 mm) port (NACE) 24A5670 X022
10(2) Indicator Stem 3 inch, 3-3/8 inch (86 mm) port (NACE) 24A5655 X022
Stainless steel 4 inch, 4-3/8 inch (111 mm) port (NACE) 24A5640 X022
1 inch 14A6756 X012 6 inch, 7-3/16 inch (183 mm) port (NACE) 24A6989 X022
2 inch 14A6994 X012 8 x 6 inch 7-3/16 inch (183 mm) port (NACE) 38A4216 X022
3 inch 14A6995 X012
4 inch 14A8179 X012 14*(2) Piston Ring
6 & 8 x 6 inch 14A6986 X012 1 inch, TFE (clear) 14A6786 X012
2 inch, TFE (clear) 14A5675 X012
3 inch, TFE (clear) 14A5660 X012
4 inch, TFE (clear) 14A5645 X012
6 & 8 x 6 inch, glass-filled TFE (yellow) 14A6985 X022

*Recommended spare part

2. Part included in trim package assembly which can be ordered according to the parts
20 kit trim package.
Types 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR

Key Description Part Number Key Description Part Number

15* Upper Seal
Nitrile(2) (standard) 22(2) Flange Nut, pl steel 14A5693 X012
1 inch 14A6789 X012 23(2) E-Ring
2 inch 24A5674 X012 stainless steel 14A8181 X012
3 inch 24A5659 X012 1577 steel, heat treated (NACE) 14A8181 X022
4 inch 24A5644 X012 24 Drive Screw, stainless steel (4 req’d) 1A3682 28982
6 & 8 x 6 inch 14A8176 X012 25 Flow Arrow, stainless steel 1V1059 38982
Fluoroelastomer 26 Body Rating Plate, stainless steel (not shown) 13A2353 X012
1 inch 14A8187 X012 28 Spring Seat
2 inch 25A7413 X012 Full capacity trim(2)
3 inch 25A7376 X012 zinc plated steel
4 inch 25A7468 X012 1 inch 14A6982 X012
6 & 8 x 6 inch 14A8185 X012 2, 3, & 4 inch 15A2206 X012
6 & 8 x 6 inch 14A8177 X012
16*(2) Valve Plug, heat-treated Heat-treated wrought steel (NACE)
416 stainless steel 1 inch (NACE) 14A6982 X022
1 inch 14A6780 X012 2 inch, 3 inch, 4 inch (NACE) 15A2206 X022
2 inch 24A6772 X012 6 & 8 x 6 inch (NACE) 14A8177 X022
3 inch 24A9421 X012 Restricted capacity trim, heat-treated,
4 inch 24A8182 X012 416 stainless steel
6 & 8 x 6 inch 24A6992 X012 2, 3, & 4 inch 14A9678 X012
316 stainless steel (NACE) 6 inch 14A9688 X012
1 inch (NACE) 14A6780 X022 2, 3, & 4 inch (NACE) 14A9678 X012
2 inch (NACE) 24A6772 X032 6 & 8 x 6 inch (NACE) 14A9688 X012
3 inch (NACE) 24A9421 X022
4 inch (NACE) 24A8182 X022 29 Hex Nut Steel (use w/steel body)
6 & 8 x 6 inch (NACE) 24A6992 X022 (not shown)
17* Cage O-Ring 1 inch (4 req’d) 1C3306 24072
Nitrile(2) (standard) 2 inch (8 req’d) 1A3772 24072
1 inch 10A7777 X012 3 inch (8 req’d) 1A3760 24072
2 inch 10A7779 X012 4 inch (8 req’d) 1A3520 24072
3 inch 14A5688 X012 6 & 8 x 6 inch (12 req’d) 1A4409 24072
4 inch 10A3481 X012 31(2) Pipe Plug
6 & 8 x 6 inch 18A2556 X022 zinc plated steel 1A7675 24662
Fluoroelastomer steel (NACE)
1 inch 10A7778 X012 2, 3, or 4 inch (NACE) 1A7675 24012
2 inch 10A7779 X022 6 or 8 x 6 inch (NACE) 1B5731 X0012
3 inch 10A3441 X012 32 Travel Stop, galvanized zn pl steel (not used w/full capacity trim)
4 inch 10A3483 X012 2 inch
6 & 8 x 6 inch 18A2556 X032 30% capacity 14A9677 X012
18 Indicator Scale, plastic 70% capacity 14A9676 X012
1 inch(2) 14A6759 X012 3 inch,
2 inch(2) 14A5678 X012 40% capacity 14A9671 X012
3 inch(2) 14A5662 X012 4 inch,
4 inch 40% capacity 14A9670 X012
w/2 inch (51 mm) travel(2) 14A5647 X012 6 inch,
w/1-1/2 inch (38 mm) travel 14A5662 X012 40% capacity 14A9682 X012
6 & 8 x 6 inch(2) 14A5647 X012 33 NACE Tag (not shown) (NACE)
19 Indicator Protector 18-8 stainless steel (NACE) 19A6034 X012
Zn pl steel
1 & 2 inch(2) 14A8180 X012 34 Tag Wire (not shown) (NACE)
3, 6 & 8 x 6 inch(2) 14A6769 X012 304 stainless steel (NACE) 1U7581 X0022
4 inch(2) w/2 inch (51 mm) travel 14A6769 X012
Pl steel
4 inch w/1-1/2 inch (38 mm) travel 14A5664 X012
20* Plug O-Ring
Nitrile(2) (standard)
1 inch 14A6981 X012
2 inch 14A5686 X012
3 inch 1V3269 06562
4 inch 14A5688 X012
6 & 8 x 6 inch 1K8793 06992
1 inch 14A8188 X012
2 inch 14A5686 X022
3 inch 1V3269 X0042
4 inch 10A3441 X012
6 & 8 x 6 inch 1V5476 06382
21* Indicator Fitting O-Ring
1 inch 10A8931 X012
2, 3, & 4 inch 10A3800 X012
6 & 8 x 6 inch 1F2629 06992 AJ5004-B
Fluoroelastomer A2135-1

1 inch 10A0811 X012

2, 3, & 4 inch 1R7276 06382 Figure 12. Standard P590 Series Filter Assembly
6 & 8 x 6 inch 1P4877 06382

*Recommended spare part

2. Part included in trim package assembly which can be ordered according to the parts
kit trim package.
Types 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR

32A6985-A 34A6635-B

Figure 13. Type 6351 Pilot Assembly

Key Description Part Number Key Description Part Number

3 Body Plug
Standard P590 Series Aluminum 1B7975 09032
Filter (figure 12) Brass
316 Stainless steel
1B7975 14012
1B7975 35072
1 Filter Body Stainless steel (NACE) 1B7975 09032
Type P594-1, brass 1E3124 14012 4* Valve Plug
Type P593-1, Nitrile w/brass stem 1D5604 000A2
aluminum 1E3124 09012 Nitrile w/stainless steel stem 1D5604 000B2
aluminum (NACE) 1E3124 09012 Fluoroelastomer w/brass stem 1N3798 71662
2* Filter Element, Fluoroelastomer w/stainless steel stem 1N3798 000C2
cellulose 1E3126 06992 4 Inner Valve, 304 stainless steel/nitrile (NACE) 1D5604 000B2
cellulose (NACE) 1E3126 06992 5 Valve Plug Spring Seat
3 Filter Head Aluminum (use w/brass stem) 1E5322 11032
Type P594-1, brass 1E3125 14012 316 stainless steel (use w/stainless steel stem) 1L2511 35072
Type P593-1, 316 stainless steel (NACE) 1L2511 35072
aluminum 1E3125 09012 6 Valve Plug Spring,
aluminum (NACE) 1E3125 09012 stainless steel 1B7979 37022
4 Machine Screw heat-treated alloy 600 (UNS N07750) 19A2860 X012
Type P594-1, brass 1J5002 18992 7* Diaphragm Assembly (includes zn pl steel diaphragm plate)
Type P593-1, Nitrile w/aluminum pusher post 1B7980 000B2
aluminum 1J5002 09012 Fluoroelastomer w/aluminum pusher post 1B7980 000C2
aluminum (NACE) 1J5002 09012 Nitrile w/stainless steel post 1B7980 X00A2
5 Washer (2 req’d) Nitrile diaphragm w/stainless steel pusher post &
Type P594-1, brass 1J5000 18992 diaphragm plate (NACE) 1B7980 X0112
Type P593-1,
aluminum 1J5000 10062 8 Upper Spring Seat, zn pl steel 1B7985 25062
aluminum (NACE) 1J5000 10062 9 Control Spring, Cd pl steel
7* Gasket, composition 1F8268 04022 3 to 20 psig (0.21 to 1.4 bar) range, green 1B9860 27212
11 NACE Tag (Type P593-1 only) (NACE) 5 to 35 psig (0.34 to 2.4 bar) range,cadmium 1B7883 27022
18-8 stainless steel (not shown) 19A6034 X012 35 to 100 psig (2.4 to 6.9 bar) range, red 1K7485 27202
12 Tag Wire (Type P593-1 only) (NACE) 10 Adjusting Screw, pl steel (not used
303 stainless steel (NACE) 1U7581 X0022 w/Type 661 mtg) 10A2099 X012
11 Locknut, zn pl steel (not used w/Type 661 mtg) 1A9463 24122
12 Machine Screw, pl steel (6 req’d) 1B7839 28982
Type 6351 Pilot 22 Body Inlet Pipe Nipple,
galvanized zn pl steel (use w/P590 Series filter) 1C4882 26232
(figure 13) steel (NACE) 1C4882 X0032
Parts kit (included are: valve plug, key 4; 22 Spring Case Vent Pipe Nipple,
valve spring, key 6; diaphragm assembly, key 7; galvanized zn pl steel (use w/Type 661 mtg) 1C6789 26232
body plug gasket, key 23 and for the P590 Series Filter, 23* Body Plug Gasket, composition 1C4957 04022
filter element, key 2; and gasket, key 7) R6351 X00012 24 P590 Series Filter (parts listed under separate heading)
1 Body Assembly Type P594-1, brass & cellulose (standard) AJ5004 000A2
Aluminum w/brass bushing 1B7971 X0092 Type P593-1, aluminum & cellulose AJ5004 T0012
Aluminum w/315 stainles steel bushing (NACE) 1B7971 X0232 25 Sealant Loctite N. 516 (one pint can, not supplied) 1M1137 X0012
Brass w/brass bushing 1B7971 X0112 35 Type Y602-13 Vent Assembly, zinc
316 stainless steel w/303 stainless steel bushing 1B7971 X0122 w/stainless steel screen (use w/Type 661 mtg) 17A6572 X042
2 Spring Case, aluminum 42 Relief Valve Assembly Aluminum/stainless steel
w/untapped vent (standard) 2B7974 08012 25 psi (1.7 bar differential) 16A5929 X022
w/1/4 inch NPT tapped vent 42 Aluminum/302 stainless steel (NACE)
(for use w/Type 661 mtg) 13A0166 X012 25 psi (1.7 bar differential) 16A5929 X042

*Recommended spare part
Types 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR

B1403 35A8889-A

Figure 14. Type 6352 Through 6354M Pilot Assemblies

Key Description Part Number

6 Control Spring
Key Description Part Number Zn pl steel
Type 6352
2 inch wc to 2 psig (5 to 140 mbar), yellow 14A9672 X012
Type 6352 Through Type 6352
2 to 10 psig (0.14 to 0.69 bar), black 14A9673 X012
6354M Pilot (figure 14) 2 inch wc to 2 psig (5 to 140 mbar),
Parts kit (included are: valve plug, key 4; yellow (NACE) 14A9672 X012
diaphragm assembly, key 5; body plug gasket, key 12; 2 inch wc to 2 psig (5 to 140 mbar),
bellows O-ring, key 17; closing cap gasket, key 20; black (NACE) 14A9673 X012
and for the P590 Series Filter, filter element, key 2; Type 6353
and gasket, key 7) 3 to 40 psig (0.21 to 2.8 bar), yellow 1E3925 27022
Type 6352 R6352 X00012 35 to 125 psig (2.4 to 6.9 bar), red 1K7485 27202
Type 6353 R6353 X00012 Type 6354L
Type 6354 R6354 X00012 85 to 200 psig (5.9 to 14 bar), blue 1L3461 27142
1 Body Type 6354M
Aluminum 35A6228 X012 175 to 220 psig (12 to 15 bar), blue 1L3461 27142
Brass 35A6224 X012 17-4PH stainless steel
Steel 35A6226 X012 Type 6354H
316 stainless steel 39A5971 X012 200 to 300 psig (14 to 21 bar), green 15A9258 X012
Aluminum (NACE) 35A6228 X012 7 Spring Seat
316 stainless steel (NACE) 39A5971 X012 Zn pl steel (for Types 6352 & 6353) 1B7985 25062
2 Spring Case Pl steel (for Type 6354L, 6354M, or 6354H) 1K1558 28982
Aluminum 8 Stem Guide
Use w/closing cap 25A6220 X012 416 stainless steel, heat-treated 15A6222 X012
Use w/o closing cap 15A1581 X012 410 stainless steel (NACE) 15A6222 X022
Use w/Type 661 mtg 26A6790 X012
Brass 25A6790 X012 9 Adjusting Screw
Steel 25A6223 X012 Zn pl steel (for Types 6352 & 6353) 1H3050 28982
316 Stainless steel 28A9277 X012 Pl steel (for aluminum spring case w/closing cap &
Aluminum (NACE) 25A6220 X012 Type 6354L, 6354M, or 6354H) 1B7986 28982
316 stainless steel (NACE) 28A9277 X012 10 Locknut, zn pl steel 1A9463 24122
3 Body Plug 11 Closing Cap
Aluminum 15A6221 X012 Aluminum 1H2369 X0012
Brass 15A6221 X022 Brass 1H2369 14012
Steel 15A6221 X032 Steel 1H2369 X0022
316 stainless steel 15A6221 X042 316 stainless steel 1H2369 X0032
Aluminum (NACE) 15A6221 X012 12* Body Plug Gasket
316 stainless steel (NACE) 15A6221 X042 Composition 1C4957 04022
4* Valve Plug & Stem Assembly, Composition (NACE) 1C4957 04022
nitrile disk w/stainless steel stem 15A6207 X012
316 stainless steel stem (NACE) 15A6207 X052 13 Type Y602-12 Vent Assembly, plastic
5* Diaphragm Assembly w/stainless steel screen 27A5516 X012
Type 6352 w/natural rubber diaphragm 15A6216 X012 14 Machine Screw (6 req’d)
Fluoroelastomer diaphragm (NACE) 15A6216 X132 Steel 1H4217 28992
Type 6353 w/nitrile diaphragm 15A6216 X022 Pl steel
Type 6354L, 6354M, or 6354H w/neoprene For aluminum spring case w/o closing cap 1H2676 28982
diaphragm 15A6216 X032 For Type 661 mtg 1E9752 28982

*Recommended spare part

Types 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR

Key Description Part Number Key Description Part Number

15 Relief Valve Assembly

Aluminum/stainless steel 12* O-ring, nitrile 1B8855 06992
25 psi (1.7 bar) differential 16A5929 X052 13 Relay Spring, 302 stainless steel 1E6436 37022
Aluminum/302 stainless 14* Upper Diaphragm, Nitrile 1B8852 02052
steel for 25 psi (1.7 bar) differential (NACE) 16A5929 X042 15* Lower Diaphragm, Nitrile 1B8860 02052
16 Bellows Assembly, stainless steel/ nickel 15A6202 X012 16 Upper Diaphragm Plate, Steel 1B9893 25072
17* Bellows O-Ring, nitrile 1D6825 06992 17 Lower Diaphragm Plate, Steel 1B9894 25072
19 P590 Series filter (parts listed under separate heading) 18 Spring Seat, steel, cd pl 1B8862 25072
Type P594-1, brass & cellulose (standard) AJ5004 000A2 19 Hex Nut, steel, cd pl 1A3403 24122
Type 593-1, aluminum & cellulose AJ5004 T0012 20 Cap Screw, steel, (8 req’d) 1B9896 24052
20* Closing Cap Gasket, composition 15A6218 X012 22 Pipe Plug, steel (not used with Type 661 mtg) 1A6495 28992
21 Pipe Nipple 23 Vent Screen, alloy 400 (used only with
Galvanized zn pl steel 1C4882 26232 Type 661 mtg) 0L0783 43062
Noncorrosive, NACE steel (NACE) 1C4882 X0032 24 Pipe Nipple, steel zinc pl 1C4882 26232
Corrosive, 316 stainless steel (NACE) 1C4882 X0042 25 P590 Series filter (parts listed under separate heading)
22 Restriction, pl steel (not used for low-gain construction) Type P594-1, brass & cellulose (standard) AJ5004 000A2
Standard gain (indicated by S stamped on pilot body), Type 593-1, aluminum & cellulose AJ5004 T0012
No. 51 drill size or 0.067 inch (1.7 mm) 26 Bleed Valve, 416 stainless steel 1H9516 35132
diameter, green 17A2030 X012 27 Nameplate, aluminum 14A1711 X012
High gain for narrower proportional bands (indicated by 28* Gasket, neoprene 1P7533 06992
H stamped on pilot body), No. 57 drill size or 30 Pipe Plug, cast iron (2 req’d) 1A3619 19012
0.043 inch (1.09 mm) diameter, red 17A2029 X012 35 Spring Seat, steel (used only with Type 661 mtg) 1J4284 24092
22 Restriction, NACE construction 316 stainless steel (not used for 50 Drive Screw, steel, pl (2 req’d) 1E9530 28982
low-gain construction) Standard gain (indicated by S stamped on
pilot body), No. 51 drill size or 0.067 inch (1.7 mm) diameter,
green color code 17A2030 X022
High gain for narrower proportional bands (indicated by
H stamped on pilot body), No. 57 drill size or 0.043 inch
(1.09 mm) diameter, red color code 17A2029 X022
23 Diaphragm Limiter, aluminum (for Types 6354H or
6354M) 15A9259 X012
26 NACE Tag (Type 6352 only), NACE
18-8 stainless steel not shown) 19A6034 X012
27 Tag Wire (Type 6352 only), NACE
303 stainless steel (not shown) 1U7581 X0022

Type 61LD Pilot

(figure 18)
Parts kit (included are: relay orifice, key 8; disk holder assembly,
key 9; bleed orifice, key 10; O-ring, key 12 relay spring, key 13;
upper relay diaphragm, key 14; lower relay diaphragm, key 15;
bleed valve, key 26; and
closing cap gasket, key 28) R61LD X00012
1 Spring Case, cast iron 1B9839 19012
2 Body, cast iron 2J5819 19012 14A5706-A
3 Diaphragm Case, Cast iron 2C5186 19012 A2124-1

4 Yoke
Figure 15. Single-Pilot Mounting Parts
Zinc 1D6625 44012
Cast iron 1B9840 19012
5 Closing Cap Assembly (includes keys
5a, 5b, 5c and 5d) AD5586 000A2
5A Screen, stainless steel (not used with Standard Single-Pilot
Type 661 mtg) 1B6335 38392
5B Snap Ring, stainless steel (not used Mounting Parts
with Type 661 mtg)
Machine Screw, steel (not used with
1B6336 38992 (figures 15 & 19)
Type 661 mtg) 1D5589 28992
5D Closing Cap, zinc (not used with Note
Type 661 mtg) 2D3715 44012
6 Adjusting Screw, zinc (not used with Key numbers 14 through 22 are only for mounting a Type
Type 661 mtg) 1B5379 44012
61LD pilot.
7 Control Spring, steel pl
1/4-2 psig (0.017-0.138 bar) range, red spring 1B8863 27022
1-5 psig (0.069-0.34 bar) range, yellow spring 1J8578 27022 14 Pipe Nipple, galvanized zn pl steel 1F7315 26012
2-10 psig (0.138-0.69 bar) range, blue spring 1B8864 27022 15 Pipe Nipple, galvanized zn pl steel 1F7302 26012
5-15 psig (0.34-1.02 bar) range, brown spring 1J8579 27142 16 Pipe Tee, Malleable iron 1A4736 21992
10-20 psig (0.69-1.4 bar) range, green spring 1B8865 27022 17 Type 1806 Relief Valve, SST ball and spring
8 Relay Orifice, stainless steel 1C5201 35032 Brass body and spring seat AF5001 X00A2
9 Disk Holder Assembly Aluminum body and spring seat AF5001 X0012
Brass/nitrile (standard) 1B8868 000A2 Stainless steel body and spring seat AF5001 X0022
Stainless steel/nitrile (corrosive) 1B8868 000B2 18 Relief Tubing
10 Bleed Orifice, stainless steel 1B8873 35032 Copper 14A9457 X012
11 Diaphragm Nut Aluminum 14A9457 X032
Brass 1B9895 14012 Steel 14A9457 X022
Stainless Steel 1B9895 35072 Stainless steel 14A9457 X042

*Recommended spare part

Types 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR



Figure 16. Dual-Pilot Mounting Parts for Boiler Fuel Installations

Types 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR


Figure 17. Dual-Mounting Parts for Working Monitor Regulator

Key Description Part Number Key Description Part Number

19 Tee Fitting 24 Loading Tube (Continued)
Brass 14A9056 X012 Copper
Steel 14A9056 X032 Size 30 or 40 actuator 14A9458 X012
Stainless steel 14A9056 X042 Size 70 actuator 050021 1701W
20 Loading Tubing Aluminum
Copper 24A9459 X012 Size 30 or 40 actuator 14A9458 X032
Aluminum 24A9459 X032 Size 70 actuator 050021 1107W
Steel 24A9459 X022 NACE construction
Stainless steel 24A9459 X042 Size 30 or 40 actuator
21 Connector Fitting Aluminum 14A9458 X032
Brass 1H8682 18992 304 stainless steel 14A9458 X042
Aluminum 1J9886 11992 Size 70 actuator (specify main valve type number and body size)
Steel 1J1395 28992 Aluminum 050021 1107W
Stainless steel 1L9272 38992 304 stainless steel 050198 3807W
22 Elbow Fitting 25 Elbow Fitting (2 req’d)
Brass 1L2497 18992 Pl steel (standard) 15A6002 X472
Aluminum 1K5654 11992 Stainless steel 15A6002 X612
Steel 1J1396 28992 Brass 15A6002 X162
Stainless steel 1N6856 38992 Aluminum 15A6002 X402
23 Pipe Nipple, galvanized zn pl steel Aluminum (NACE) 15A6002 X402
Size 30 or 40 actuator 1C2100 26232 316 stainless steel (NACE) 15A6002 XC72
Size 70 actuator 19A7858 X012 26 Pipe Bushing
Pipe Nipple, NACE construction Malleable iron 1B2928 21992
Size 30 or 40 actuator Steel (NACE) 1B2928 X0032
Aluminum 1C2100 X0022
316 stainless steel 1C2100 X0012
Size 70 actuator Boiler Fuel Installation
316 stainless steel
19A7858 X022
19A7858 X032
Dual-Pilot Mounting
24 Loading Tubing Parts (figure 16)
Steel (standard)
16 Pipe Tee, galvanized malleable iron (4 req’d) 1A4736 21992
Size 30 or 40 actuator 14A9458 X022
21 Tubing Connector, pl steel (3 req’d) 15A6002 X462
Size 70 actuator 050021 2401W
24 Tubing, steel 050021 2401W
Stainless steel
30 Mounting Bracket, steel (for Type 621-107) 1H3504 X0012
Size 30 or 40 actuator 14A9458 X042
31 Cap Screw, zn pl steel (2 req’d)
Size 70 actuator 050198 3807W
(for Type 621-107) 1A5828 24052
32 Cap Screw, zn pl steel (2 req’d)
(for Type 621-107) 1K7646 24052
Types 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR

Key Description Part Number Key Description Part Number

4 Cap Screw (for Type 1098 only)
37 Pipe Nipple, galvanized zn pl steel 1F7315 26012 Zinc plated steel 1D5287 24952
38 Pipe Nipple, galvanized zn pl steel B7M zinc plated steel (NACE) 1D5298 X0012
(5 req’d for Type Y600P; 4 req’d for 5* Casing O-Ring
Type 621-107) 1K2015 26022 Nitrile (not req’d for Type 1098H) 1F9141 06992
39 Pipe Nipple, galvanized zn pl steel 1C5599 26232 Fluoroelastomer 1F9141 X0012
41 Tubing Elbow pl steel (3 req’d for Type 6* Stem O-Ring (2 req’d)
Y600P; 5 req’d for Type 621-107) 15A6002 X472 Nitrile 1C7822 06992
43 Pipe Bushing, pl steel (4 req’d) 1C3790 26232 Fluoroelastomer 1K7561 06382
44 Pipe Bushing, steel 1A3424 28992 7* Diaphragm, nitrile
45 Pipe Bushing, galvanized zn pl steel 1K2895 28992 Size 30 2E7919 02202
47 Female Union, malleable iron 1B5405 21992 Size 40 2E6700 02202
48 Pipe Plug, steel 1A3692 24492 Size 70 2N1269 02202
49 Led-Plate(3) No. 250 Sealant, 5 lb (2.3 kg) can 8 Diaphragm Plate
(not furnished w/regulator) 1M5240 06992 Cast iron
Size 30 15A7339 X012
Size 40 14A5682 X012
Working Monitor Dual- Size 70 15A2606 X012
Heat-treated WCB steel (NACE)
Pilot Mounting Parts Type 1098
(figure 17) Size 30 19A7317 X012
22 Tubing Elbow, pl steel 15A6002 X472 Size 40 19A7318 X012
24 Tubing, steel 050021 2401W Size 70 19A7319 X012
30 Mounting Bracket, steel 1H3504 X0012 Type 1098H (size 30 only) 19A7317 X012
31 Cap Screw, zn pl steel (2 req’d) 1A5828 24052 9 Stem Cap Screw
32 Cap Screw, zn pl steel (2 req’d) 1K7646 24052 Plated steel
34 Flared Nut, zn pl steel 1D6921 24272 Size 30 or 40 1L5454 28982
35 Tubing Connector, brass 1D6922 14012 Size 70 11B1768 X012
36 Pipe Bushing, steel (2 req’d) 1A3424 28992 Grade 8 black steel (NACE)
Type 1098 (NACE)
Size 30 or 40 (NACE) 1L5454 X0012
Type 1098 and 1098H Size 70 (NACE) 11B1768 X022
Type 1098H (size 30 only) (NACE) 1L5454 X0012
Actuators (figure 20) 10 Cap Screw, zn pl steel
Parts kit (included are: casing O-ring, key 5; stem O-ring, Type 1098
key 6; and diaphragm, key 7) Size 30 (12 req’d) 1E7603 24052
Size 30 R1098 X00302 Size 40 (16 req’d) 1E7603 24052
Size 40 (standard) R1098 X00402 Size 70 (28 req’d) 1A5828 24052
Size 70 R1098 X00702 Type 1098H
1 Lower Diaphragm Case Size 30 (12 req’d) 1A9155 24052
Type 1098 11 Hex Nut, zn pl steel
Size 30, zn pl steel 2E8007 28992 Type 1098
Size 40, steel 24A7155 X012 Size 30 (12 req’d) 1A3465 24122
Size 70, zn pl steel 2N1266 28992 Size 40 (16 req’d) 1A3465 24122
Type 1098H Size 70 (28 req’d) 1A3465 24122
Size 30, WCB steel 36A8537 X012 Type 1098H
NACE Construction Size 30 (12 req’d) 1A3403 24122
Type 1098 12 Stem
Size 30, heat-treated zinc plated steel (NACE) 2E8007 X0022 17-4PH stainless steel
Size 40, NACE steel 24A7155 X032 1 inch 14A6757 X012
Size 70, NACE steel 2N1266 X0022 2 inch 14A5683 X012
Type 1098H (size 30 only), heat-treated 3 inch 14A5663 X012
WCB steel (NACE) 36A8537 X022 4 inch 14A5648 X012
2 Upper Diaphragm Case 6 inch 14A6987 X012
Type 1098 8 x 6 inch 18A4217 X012
Size 30 316 stainless steel (NACE)
Steel 25A7340 X012 1 inch main valve body (NACE) 14A6757 X022
Wrought steel (NACE) 25A7340 X022 2 inch main valve body (NACE) 14A5683 X022
Size 40 3 inch main valve body (NACE) 14A5663 X022
zinc plated steel 24A5680 X012 4 inch main valve body (NACE) 14A5648 X022
Wrought steel (NACE) 24A5680 X022 6 inch main valve body (NACE) 14A6987 X022
Size 70 8 x 6 inch main valve body (NACE) 18A4217 X022
zinc plated steel 25A2607 X012 13 Nameplate, stainless steel (not shown)
Wrought steel (NACE) 25A2607 X022 Size 30 25A8373 X012
Type 1098H Size 40 24A5704 X012
Size 30 Size 70 25A8374 X012
WCB steel 36A8535 X012 26 NACE Tag, 18-8 stainless steel (not shown) 19A6034 X012
Heat-treated WCB steel (NACE) 36A8535 X022 27 Type Y602-12 Vent Assembly 27A5516 X012
3 Bonnet (for Type 1098 only) 27 Tag Wire, 303 stainless steel
Steel 24A5681 X012 (not shown) (NACE) 1U7581 X0022
Wrought steel (NACE) 24A5681 X022 28 Grease Fitting, steel 1L8478 28992

*Recommended spare part

3. Trademark of Armite Laboratories. 27
Types 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR




Figure 18. Type 61LD Pilot Assembly


Figure 19. Type 61LD Pilot and Type1806 Relief Valve




Figure 20. Type 1098 and 1098H Actuator Assemblies

While this information is presented in good faith and believed to be accurate, or any other matter with respect to the products, nor as a recommendation to
Fisher Controls does not guarantee satisfactory results from reliance upon such use any product or process in conflict with any patent. Fisher Controls reserves
information. Nothing contained herein is to be construed as a warranty or guar- the right, without notice, to alter or improve the designs or specifications of the
antee, express or implied, regarding the performance, merchantability, fitness products described herein.

For information, contact Fisher Controls:

Fisher Controls Marshalltown, Iowa 50158 USA Sao Paulo 05424 Brazil
Cernay 68700 France Singapore 0512
Printed in U.S.A.
Types 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR

May 1997

Errata Sheet

Type 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR Pilot-Operated Regulators,

Form 5084, May 1987

This errata sheet covers updated information on the Type 1098-EGR Pilot Operated Regulators. Each bullet
on this errata sheet refers to the Type 1098 and 1098H Actuator and Pilot Mounting Parts section on page 17
and figure 20 on page 28 of the Type 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR Pilot-Operated Regulators instruction manual
Form 5084.

The Type 1098 bonnet has been redesigned to incorporate a wiper ring, bearings and larger casing O-ring. This
redesign effects all body sizes and actuator sizes (size 30, 40, 70 and 30H) for the Type 1098.

When doing maintenance on the Type 1098 original bonnet design and the bonnet redesign, the repair kits
R1098X00302, R1098X00402 and R1098X00702 will include all the necessary parts to repair both designs.
When repairing the original design, key numbers 56 (bearings) and 57 (wiper ring) will not be needed (refer to
figure 20).

D Replace the steps in the section “Type 1098 and 1098H Actuator and Pilot Mounting Parts” on page 17 with
the following steps.

2. Access to all internal parts except the stem O-rings, bearings and wiper (keys 6, 56, 57) may be gained without
removing the bonnet (key 3) or upper diaphragm case (key 2) from the main valve or the pilot(s) from the bonnet
pipe nipple (key 23, figure 15, or keys 37 and 39, figure 16). Disconnect the loading tubing (key 24, figure 15, 16,
or 17) from the actuator elbow fitting (key 25, figure 15, or key 41, figure 16), and with a Type 61LD pilot also dis-
connect the relief tubing (key 18, figure 19) from the fitting tee.

Second paragraph of step 4.

To remove the Type 1098 and Type 1098H stem O-rings (key 6), remove the pilot(s) and pipe nipple(s) if nec-
essary. Unscrew either the Type 1098 bonnet (key 3) or the Type 1098H upper diaphragm case (key 2), and re-
move the wiper ring, bearings and O-rings.

5. Lubricate both stem O-rings (key 6), and wiper ring (key 57) and install them with the stem bearings (key 56) in
either the Type 1098 bonnet (key 3) or in the Type 1098H upper diaphragm case (key 2).

D Add the diagram on the following page to figure 20 on page 28 of the instruction manual.

EFisher Controls International, Inc. 1997; All Rights Reserved

Fisher, Fisher-Rosemount, and Managing The Process Better are marks owned by Fisher Controls International, Inc. or Fisher-Rosemount Systems, Inc.

T h e c o n te n ts o f th is p u b lic a tio n a re p re s e n te d fo r in fo rm a tio n a l p u rp o s e s o n ly , a n d w h ile e v e ry e ffo rt h a s b e e n m a d e to e n s u re th e ir a c c u ra c y , th e y a re n o t to b e c o n s tru e d a s w a rra n tie s o r g u a ra n te e s , e x p re s s

o r im p lie d , re g a rd in g th e p ro d u c ts o r s e rv ic e s d e s c rib e d h e re in o r th e ir u s e o r a p p lic a b ility . W e re s e rv e th e rig h t to m o d ify o r im p ro v e th e d e s ig n s o r s p e c ific a tio n s o f s u c h p ro d u c ts a t a n y tim e w ith o u t n o tic e .

For information, contact Fisher Controls:

Marshalltown, Iowa 50158 USA
28320 Gallardon France
Sao Paulo 05424 Brazil
Singapore 0512

Printed in U.S.A.
Types 1098-EGR & 1098H-EGR



Key Description Part Number Key Description Part Number

3 Bonnet, Steel 24A5681X012 3 Bonnet, Steel 33B0301X012

5 Casing O-ring, Nitrile 1F914106992 5 Casing O-ring, Nitrile 1F358106992
6 Stem O-ring (2 req’d) 6 Stem O-ring (2 req’d)
Nitrile 1C782206992 Nitrile 1C782206992
Fluoroelastomer 1K756106382 Fluoroelastomer 1K756106382
56 Bearing, Nylon (2 req’d) 17A7112X012
57 Wiper Ring 15A6002XN12

Figure 20. Type 1098 and 1098H Actuator Assemblies

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