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U900 Deployment Installation & Commissioning MOP

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U900 Deployment Installation &

Commissioning MOP

1. U900 Hardware & Description

2. U900 Outdoor_ Indoor CPRI Physical Connection: This step of

CPRI connection is very importance, ensure the connection must
be same with below activity & connection diagram.
3. U900 Installation Onsite Activity:

+ If 3G currently is RRU01 then swap RRUS01 to RRUS12

+ Add 6 CPRI:

 3 CPRI connect Port2 on 2G RRUS01 to DUW port D, E,

 Another 3 CPRI connect Port2 on RRUS12 to BB5216
Port A, B, C

+ 2G CPRI port Swap: Swap CPRI Port 1 to port 2 on 2G


+ CPRI Physical check: Make sure after adding 6 new CPRI

complete, all CPRI must have light is UP. To check CPRI, just
disconnect 01 existing CPRI on DUW/DUG then inserting one by
one of 6 new CPRI. If the light is UP that’s mean CPRI, Port1/2
condition of RRUS01/RRUS12 is good.

+ Add new BB5216

+ LAN Cable connect:

 TCU TNA connect to DUW TNA

 TCU TNB connect to BB5216 TNA

+ Commission 5216, DUG (new IDB 2/2/2), DUW (6 Sector)

4. U900 Onsite Connectivity Diagram

5. U900 Commissioning
5.1 2G Commissioning: All the commissioning steps are the
same with normal sites
+ OMT Software: Using new SW version OMT R65C to
load IDB

+ RBS Software: Using new RBS SW version R87C

+ IDB file: Using new IDB(2/2/2) with defined Mixed
Mode for the same all U900 sites with RRUS01 and RRUS12



+ Checking RRU Maintenance Mode: If see Full

Maintenance Mode then change it to No Maintenance Mode

+ After IDB read, the Radio part must be same like this

+ Alarm checking: Make sure there is no alarm coming in

Monitor display

>>> All above Software, IDB will provide to the ASP

onsite engineer

5.2 3G Commissioning:
+ Software:
- RBS Element Manager
- Hyper terminal
- Total commander

+ Script:

- OAM Script: Browse the OAM.xml file located in

laptop, check the Automatic box then Click to next
button until complete.

- SE Script:
o Before loading SE.xml file, do fill the Antenna
serial number into the SE script at line
UniqueHwId=”…..” for sector A, B, C

- Iub Script: Browse the Iub.mo file in laptop then click
Start Button to complete the loading.

5.4 BB5216 Commissioning

5.4.1 Preparation
The following scripts have to prepare and store in the Laptop (PC)

1. RbsSummary.xml
2. SiteBasic.xml
3. SiteEquipment.xml
4. BB5216 SW Package

5.4.2 Tools & Software

1. PC for Integration: Used for storage all configuration files, and
transfer to node through SFTP server.
2. Straight LAN cable.
3. Sftp Server: SFTP server installed on PC, used for transfer and
storage all the configuration files from PC to BB5216 through the
LMT port. You can download the SFTP server free at

5.4.3 PC IP Adress Setup

All the Baseband5216 has the same IP address Then PC
IP will be set, and the gateway IP set

5.4.4 SFTP Server Setup


5.4.5 Download files

This session will cover loading all Software, Scripts and License on the Baseband
5216 locally.

5.4.6 Integrate
After the system shows the Download Completed then click on

It will take several minutes to complete integration. Wait until the operational
optical indicator is ON.

Please confirm that the OSS-RC personal that the site is UP and running
with no alarms. From this point the rest of the integration is performed by OSS
personal. Once the process is complete this is the end of onsite activities.

5.4.7 Baseband 5216_Troubleshooting

 In case of occurrence of errors in onsite scripts, check the error log
in the “Autointegration log” field. If message is related with missing
files, please check if the SFTP is enable, the path for the scripts
and the name of scripts inside RBSsummaryfile. If no problem
found please contact next level of support.

 Go to the Emergency Access Tool

, and export the error log in the same SFTP server that has been
configured before

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