Expansive Soil: Causes and Treatments: I-Manager's Journal On Civil Engineering January 2016
Expansive Soil: Causes and Treatments: I-Manager's Journal On Civil Engineering January 2016
Expansive Soil: Causes and Treatments: I-Manager's Journal On Civil Engineering January 2016
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2 authors, including:
Faezehossadat Khademi
Illinois Institute of Technology
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The expansive soil problems lead to structural and geotechnical engineering challenges all over the world. Expansive
soils are the type of soils which their volume changes considerably depend on their water content. It is worth mentioning
that, the expansive soil problems can occur in both humid environments and arid/semi-arid soils.
Buildings, roads, pipelines, and other structural members have always been subjected to damages resulted from
expansive soils which this damage is even more than twice the damage resulted from floods, hurricanes, earthquakes,
and tornadoes. Understanding the behaviour and characteristics of these types of soils can help scientists control the
imposed damages to the structure. This paper is a comprehensive study on expansive soils, its nature, shrinkage-swell
behaviour, as well as expansive soil causes and treatments.
Keywords: Expansive Soil, Swelling, Shrinkage, Causes of Expansive Soil, Treatments of Expansive Soil.
INTRODUCTION soil, the higher the soil swells and the more water the soil
Expansive or swelling soil is a highly plastic soil that normally can absorb. In addition, the more water they absorb, the
contains montmorillonite and other active clay minerals. more their volume increases. In other words, when the
Expansive soil is a commonly identified problem which has water is attracted by these type of soils, they would get
made scientists concern about the design, protection, and increased in volume and hence they would swell. In
operating of highway and structural systems. Expansive contrast, the shrinkage happens when the soil gets dry.
soils can be found in arid/semi-arid areas, where even Researchers have reported the safe expansion
moderate expansive soils can cause major damages to percentage equal or smaller than 10% for most of the
the structure or in humid environments where just expansive expansive clays (Jones & Jefferson, 2012).
soils with high plasticity index (Ip) can lead the structure to In order to determine the soil shrinkage and swelling
be damaged. The behaviors of an expansive soil can be amount, the water content in the near-surface zone can
affected by many factors, among which the principal ones be measured. Normally, most of the significant action
are the availability of moisture, and the amount and type of happens in the depth not more than 3 meters, although if
the clay-size particles in the soil. It is worth mentioning that the tree roots exist in the area, this amount can be
when the water changes in expansive soil, the volume extended. The characteristics of fine-grained clay-rich soils
would be changed as well. These volume changes can leads them to be capable enough to absorb large
lead to either swelling or shrinkage and that is why amount of water which makes them to be heavy and sticky.
expansive soils are also known as swell/shrink soils (Ardani, On the other hand, these types of soils can become very
1992; Day, 2000; Jones & Jefferson, 2012; Zemenu et al., hard when they dry, which leads them to shrink and have
2009; Ito and Azam, 2010; Liu et al., 2015). Although cracks on their body. This procedure is known as "shrinkage-
expansion can be the result of the chemically induced swell" behavior (Jones & Jefferson, 2012).
changes, most of the times soils which have swelling and Swelling and shrinkage are not wholly reversible procedure
shrinkage behavior contain expansive clay minerals. It can (Holtz & Kovacs, 1981). Shrinkage results in cracks on the
be resulted in the fact that, the more the clay exists in the body of the soil which cannot close-up completely by re-
Figure 2. Clay Mineral Layers (Daulton, 2005) Figure 4. Examples of Total Suction Profile (Fityus et al., 2004)
The resultant uplift varies in different areas under the expansive soils from around the world are pier and beam or
building due to the various building loads on different pile and beam systems, reinforced raft sand modified
portions of a structure’s foundation. According to Figure 12, continuous perimeter spread footings as are summarized
the outer corners of a uniformly-loaded rectangular slab in Figure 13 (Jones & Jefferson, 2012).
foundation will only exert about one-fourth of the usual In addition, a brief description of each is given below.
pressure on a swelling soil located at the central portion of 5.1.1 Pier and Beam/ Pile and Beam Foundations
the slab. Accordingly, the corners tend to be lifted up In this case, for the purpose of supporting the structural
relative to the central portion. Moisture differentials within loads and transferring the loads to the piers and piles, the
soils located at the edges of the slab intensify this incident. foundation should consist of a ground beam. In order to
Such foundation differential movements can result in the isolate the structure and prevent uplift from swelling
distress to the framing of the structure (Rogers et al., 1993). between the pier/pile and ground beam, a void is supplied.
Foundation types and design methods can be affected by Floors are then constructed as floating slabs. The piers/piles
interaction at the base of the slab. There are two strict 5.1.3 Modified Continuous Perimeter Footing
modes of movement: Whenever expansive soils exists in a region, shallow footing
·Where a ground profile develops assuming a should be prevented. However, if they are used in an area,
weightless slab, and in order to reduce the effect of swelling/shrinkage; some
·Where a slab of infinite stiffness is placed on the Delling modifications would be required which are:
soil. ·Narrowing footing width,
The actual movement of the slab exhibits some flexibility ·Providing void spaces within support beam/wall to
and hence, is something between these two movements. concentrate loads at isolated points, and
All the three modes of movements are illustrated in Figure ·Increasing perimeter reinforcement taking this into the
16 (Jones & Jefferson, 2012). floor slab stiffening foundations (Jones & Jefferson,
The required geotechnical information include size, shape, 2012).
and properties of the distorted soils surface that developed Whenever the narrow spread footing is used in expansive
beneath the slab. This is dependent on many parameters soils, the use of it should be limited to soils exhibiting 1%
such as soil stiffness, heave, initial water content, climate, swell potential and very low swell pressures (Jones &
water distributions, time post construction, loading and slab Jefferson, 2012).
rigidity. Usually, center of the slab is subjected to severe long
5.2 Pavement and Expansive Soils
term distortion. In this method, the slab through its
Pavements are vulnerable to expansive soil damage
elimination of evapotranspiration promote the largest
because of their relative lightweight nature extended over
increase in water content near to the center of the slab and
a relatively large area. Damage to pavements on
hence, it can solve the distortion problem of the center of
expansive soil comes in four major forms:
the slab. On the other hand, it is found that the maximum
differential heave varies between 33 to 100 % of total ·Severe unevenness along significant lengths- cracks
maximum heave. When the exterior of a structure may or may not be visible (particularly important for
experiences water content growth before the interior areas airport runways),
heave can occur on occasion edges (Jones & Jefferson, ·Longitudinal cracking,
2012). ·Lateral cracking developed from significant localized
deformations, and
·Localized pavement failure associated with
disintegration of the surface (Jones & Jefferson, 2012).
Pavement designs are considered based on either flexible
or rigid pavement systems (Nelson & Miller, 1992). However,
whenever we want to assume the effect of the expansive
soil, a number of issues should be considered:
(b) ·Choose an alternative route and avoid path on
expansive soil,
·Remove and replace expansive soil with a non-
expansive alternative,
·Design for a low strength and allow regular
(c) maintenance,
Figure 16. Profiles After Construction for Various Stiffness of Raft
·Physically modify expansive soils through disturbance
(a) Profile with No Load Applied, (b) Profile with Infinitely Stiff Slab,
(c) Profile with Flexible Slab (Jones & Jefferson, 2012) and re-compaction,
·Stabilization through chemical additives, such a lime loads should be applied to the specimen. The results of
treatment, and odometer swell test illustrates the deformation of the soil
·Control water content changes although very difficult with respect to its change in effective stress.
over the life of a pavement (Jones & Jefferson, 2012). Although this test is used broadly for measuring the swelling
6. Potential Volume Change Prediction clays, the procedures which are utilized for this test are quite
diverse. Fredlund (1969) has mentioned two types of
In order to select the most suitable treatment method, it is
swelling test as the most popular ones;
essential to predict the potential volume change of
expansive soil accurately. It is worth mentioning that there is ·Free Swell test (FS), and
no definite dividing line between the methods of predicting ·The Constant Volume test (CV) (Fredlund, 1969).
the volume change and some identification methods. To In the free swell test, the soil volume is permitted to be
overall, three different techniques are used to predict the changed until equilibrium is achieved. The specimen
soil volume change which are: should be both loaded and unloaded in conventional
·Soil suction test, manner. In order to reduce the volume of the specimen to
·Odometer swell test (consolidometer testing), and its original volume, the specific pressure is required which is
called the swelling pressure of the soil. In the constant
·Potential Vertical Rise (PVR) (Ardani, 1992).
volume test, the total stress on the soil specimen is
Once an expansive soil has been known and distinguished
increased after submerging in order to prevent it from
using the stated methods, the volume change can be
volume changing. In this method, the pressure at which
anticipated. These methods are explained by detail in the
there is neither a tendency for enhancing or reducing the
volume is termed the soil swelling pressure (Fredlund, 1969).
6.1. Soil Suction Test
6.3 Potential Vertical Rise (PVR)
As the volume change is considerably dependent on the
The Potential Vertical Rise method design procedure was
water content of the soil, soil suction test can be used to
initially created by Chester McDowell in 1956. In this
estimate this change. In order to apply the theories of the
method, the anticipated vertical rise is related to both the
engineering behaviour of unsaturated soils, it is mandatory
plasticity index of the soil and the field loading. It can be
to measure the soil suction. The mechanism of the soil
also identified as the soil potential to swell at a specific
suction measurement can be explained as evaluating the
loading condition, moisture, and density. Comparison of
moisture condition of the unsaturated soils. The filter paper
potential vertical rise with field results illustrates that in most
method is both inexpensive and simple laboratory test
of the cases, the PVR method over predicts the vertical rise
method which can measure both total and matric suction.
that would happen (Zornberg et al. 2009).
If the soil suction test is performed accurate, the initial and
7. Methods for Treatment of Expansive Soil
final soil suction profiles can be obtained from samples
taken at convenient depth intervals. The change in suction The following methods have been presented for the
with seasonal moisture movement is a significant treatment of expansive soil (Ardani, 1992):
information for many scientists to predict the potential ·Sub-excavation and removal of expansive soil and
volume change of the soil (Bulut et al., 2001). replacement with non-expansive soil.
6.2. Odometer Swell Test (Consolidometer Testing) ·Application of heavy applied load to balance the
The one-dimensional consolidometer has been used swelling pressure.
widely for testing the swelling tests. This test is one of the ·Preventing access of water to the soil by encapsulation.
most popular tests in geotechnical engineering for ·Stabilization by means of chemical admixtures.
measuring the consolidation properties of the soil. In order
·Mechanical stabilization.
to evaluate the deformation response in this test, different
·Pre-wetting the soil. Grand Junction, a full size, non-experimental project was
·Avoiding the expansive soil. constructed in northwestern Colorado during the summer
and fall of 1967 (Brakey, 1968).
7.1 Sub-excavation and Removal of Expansive Soil and
Replacement with Non-Expansive Soil The catalytically blown asphalt membrane has been used
in a project located just west of the village of Elk Springs on
Sub-excavation and replacement is the result of removing
US 40 and it was placed on all the bases of the expansive
and replacing the expansive subgrade soils. The replaced
soil cuts. In order to cover two miles of 2-lane roadway, four
material should not make problems with respect to the in
hundred and forty five tons of catalytically blown asphalt
situ material. For instance, granular soils should never be
membrane were used in this project. The rate of
utilized as backfill for sub-excavation and replacement
application has been 1.3 gallons per square yard which is
plans. If the granular material is used in the process, the
approximately 3/16 of an inch (Brakey, 1968).
surface of the underlying in situ materials would absorb the
water. It has been reported in a case on Interstate 70 east, Ardani has also reported the placement of the catalytically
between Watkins and byers in Colorado that the blown asphalt membrane on a cut base on the Agate-
performance of this treatment which is the replacement North project, located 65 miles east of Denver on Interstate
containing 18 to 30 inches of sand has been 70. In order to record the moisture variation under the
unsatisfactory. It is important to mention that the backfill asphalt membrane and under the control sections,
materials should always be waterproof and preferably non- moisture cells were positioned. The results have shown that
swelling. In addition, backfill substances particularly soil moisture directly under the asphalt membrane has
remolded in situ soil, should be replaced and compacted been uniform and staying at optimum, while in the control
with desirable density and moisture management (Ardani, section it has been seven to eight percent more than the
1992). optimum point. It should be mentioned that required care
should be taken to provide a uniform and smooth surface
7.2 Application of Heavy Applied Load to Balance the
prior to the placement of the membrane (Ardani, 1992).
Swelling Pressure
7.4 Stabilization by Means of Chemical Admixtures
In order to prevent the swelling, method of loading the
expansive soil with pressure higher than the swelling In order to change the characteristics of clay mineral and
pressure can be used. Although pavement loads are not decrease its potential for swelling chemical admixtures
big enough to prevent the expansion, buildings and can be utilized. Probable materials for the stabilization
structures carrying high loads can response to this method could include lime, pozzolana, lime-pozzolana mixture,
effectively. However, this method can be used in highway chemical grouting, cement, resins or fly ash or bituminous
construction as well which is limited to the swelling soils with material. The choice of a material or a combination of
low expansive pressures (Ardani, 1992). materials depend on the size and importance of the
building and economic consideration of the client.
7.3 Preventing Access of Water to the Soil by
However, the need to strike a proper balance between
Encapsulation (Catalytically Blown Asphalt Membranes)
quality and cost should not be overlooked (Lucian 2008).
Ardani has reported Catalytically Blown Asphalt
One of the most effective and economical added
Membranes as a successful method for minimizing the
materials in stabilizing the expansive soil is lime. The depth
subgrade moisture variations and the associated volume
of treatment is limited to about 8 to 12 inches by
change of expansive soil in Colorado. Using the asphalt
conventional techniques (Ardani, 1992; Calik and Sadoglu,
membrane have been admired during the late 1960’s and
early 1970’s (Ardani, 1992).
There are different methods for stabilizing the expansive soil
As a direct result of some of the early investigations on
using lime. Ardani has reported two methods of lime shaft
asphalt membrane on the experimental project north of
and lime-tilled stabilization as the most practical ones used
by Colorado DOT. As lime cannot dissolve easily in water, moisture should penetrate to be effective. It has been
distributing lime through natural soils with water in drill holes suggested that the dry season is the best time for ponding
have not been successful. On the other hand, lime till when the natural cracks are open because of the
stabilization will seal and decrease the swelling potential desiccation (Ardani, 1992).
successfully, if it is combined with the soil to a desirable Sometimes the water penetration could be assisted in the
depth. There have been a numbers of projects which used problem cuts by drilling a numerous number of small holes
this method and stabilized the soil by mixing the lime with into the swelling materials, which would allow irrigation
soil (1 percent to 5 percent hydrated lime) to depth varying water free access to them. Although, pre-wetting the soil is
from 1 ft. to 3 ft. (Ardani, 1992). one of the most economical treatment methods, it is not
Scientists believe that more investigation should perform completely a reliable method because of complexity of
on understanding of lime-soil interaction due to lacking of distributing the uniform moisture penetration in a
enough information. There is still not enough knowledge in reasonable time (Ardani, 1992).
estimating the depth of treatment for various expansive 7.7 Avoiding the Expansive Soil
soils and appropriate quantity of lime and more research
Avoiding the expansive soil is a practical solution instead of
should be done in this area. There are many significant
having the more favorable subgrade conditions. It is worth
variables which affect this issue which are lime type, soil
mentioning that this can be used only in specific situations
type, lime percentage, and curing conditions including
as it is strongly related to the local social, environmental, or
temperature, time, and moisture. Preferably, the
economic considerations (Snethen, 1979).
investigation should be based on tests that afford
fundamental engineering properties rather than empirical
test results (Ardani, 1992). Expansive soils are one of the most major ground related
hazards found worldwide, contributing billions of pounds
7.5 Mechanical Stabilization
annually. Expansive soils are found all over the world and
Mechanical stabilization which is also called compaction,
are most probable in arid/semi-arid regions, where their
is the compression of soil using the application of
high suctions and potential for large water content
mechanical energy. Although there would not be much
changes on exposure/deficient which water can cause
change in water content in this procedure, the
extensive changes in soil volume. This paper has reviewed
densification happens when air is expelled from soil voids. It
the expansive soil and its causes and treatments
is important to mention that if significant moisture
comprehensively. Based on other researcher’s work, the
fluctuations are imposed to these soils, this method may
following conclusions has been taken out from their
not be valuable. The efficacy of compaction may also
reduce with an increase of the fine content, fraction smaller
Removing the expansive soil and replacing with non-
than about 75 μm, of the soil. The reason is that during
expansive soil can be a reliable cure, however sometimes it
compaction cohesion and inter particle bonding interferes
is time-consuming and not economical. This method can
with particle rearrangement (Little & Nair, 2009).
be valuable in the projects with small amount of expansive
7.6 Pre-Wetting the Soil
soil, but it might cause both problem and a lot of expenses
Expansive soils can be wetted before the construction for huge projects.
which leads them to expand prior to anything happens. This
In addition, Granular soils should not be used alone for sub-
method has been used a lot in many parts of the USA for
excavation and replacement of the soil as they lead to
different types of structures. Ponding has been suggested
collection of water at the surface of the underlying in situ
as one of the most effective techniques for accelerating
swelling. There is still not enough approaches about how
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long the material should be ponded and what depth the
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Dr. Jeff Budiman is the Associate Professor in the Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering at Illinois Institute of Technology.
He received his Ph.D. from University of Colorado. He received his M.S. in Civil Engineering from Illinois Institute of Technology and B.S. in Civil
Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology.